protected override LayoutWrapper RenderLine(long line)
            Pango.Layout layout = new Pango.Layout(Editor.PangoContext);
            layout.FontDescription = Editor.Options.Font;
            StringBuilder sb          = new StringBuilder();
            long          startOffset = line * Editor.BytesInRow;
            long          endOffset   = System.Math.Min(startOffset + Editor.BytesInRow, Data.Length);

            byte[] lineBytes = Data.GetBytes(startOffset, (int)(endOffset - startOffset));
            for (int i = 0; i < lineBytes.Length; i++)
                byte b  = lineBytes[i];
                char ch = (char)b;
                if (b < 128 && (Char.IsLetterOrDigit(ch) || Char.IsPunctuation(ch)))

            char[] lineChars = layout.Text.ToCharArray();
            Margin.LayoutWrapper result = new LayoutWrapper(layout);
            uint curIndex = 0, byteIndex = 0;

            if (Data.IsSomethingSelected)
                ISegment selection = Data.MainSelection.Segment;
                HandleSelection(selection.Offset, selection.EndOffset, startOffset, endOffset, null, delegate(long start, long end)
                    Pango.AttrForeground selectedForeground = new Pango.AttrForeground(Style.Selection.Red,
                    selectedForeground.StartIndex = TranslateToUTF8Index(lineChars, (uint)(start - startOffset), ref curIndex, ref byteIndex);
                    selectedForeground.EndIndex   = TranslateToUTF8Index(lineChars, (uint)(end - startOffset), ref curIndex, ref byteIndex);


                    Pango.AttrBackground attrBackground = new Pango.AttrBackground(Style.SelectionBg.Red,
                    attrBackground.StartIndex = selectedForeground.StartIndex;
                    attrBackground.EndIndex   = selectedForeground.EndIndex;
Пример #2
        public void SetForegroundBrush(IBrush brush, int startIndex, int count)
            var scb = brush as SolidColorBrush;

            if (scb != null)
                var color = new Pango.Color();
                color.Parse(string.Format("#{0}", scb.Color.ToString().Substring(3)));

                var brushAttr = new Pango.AttrForeground(color);
                brushAttr.StartIndex = (uint)TextIndexToPangoIndex(startIndex);
                brushAttr.EndIndex   = (uint)TextIndexToPangoIndex(startIndex + count);

        protected override LayoutWrapper RenderLine(long line)
            Pango.Layout layout = new Pango.Layout(Editor.PangoContext);
            layout.FontDescription = Editor.Options.Font;
            layout.Tabs            = tabArray;
            StringBuilder sb          = new StringBuilder();
            long          startOffset = line * Editor.BytesInRow;
            long          endOffset   = System.Math.Min(startOffset + Editor.BytesInRow, Data.Length);

            byte[] lineBytes = Data.GetBytes(startOffset, (int)(endOffset - startOffset));
            for (int i = 0; i < lineBytes.Length; i++)
                sb.Append(string.Format("{0:X2}", lineBytes[i]));
                if (i % Editor.Options.GroupBytes == 0)

            char[] lineChars = sb.ToString().ToCharArray();
            Margin.LayoutWrapper result = new LayoutWrapper(layout);
            uint curIndex = 0, byteIndex = 0;

            if (Data.IsSomethingSelected)
                ISegment selection = Data.MainSelection.Segment;
                HandleSelection(selection.Offset, selection.EndOffset, startOffset, endOffset, null, delegate(long start, long end)
                    Pango.AttrForeground selectedForeground = new Pango.AttrForeground(Style.Selection.Red,
                    selectedForeground.StartIndex = TranslateToUTF8Index(lineChars, TranslateColumn(start - startOffset), ref curIndex, ref byteIndex);
                    selectedForeground.EndIndex   = TranslateToUTF8Index(lineChars, TranslateColumn(end - startOffset) - 1, ref curIndex, ref byteIndex);

                    Pango.AttrBackground attrBackground = new Pango.AttrBackground(Style.SelectionBg.Red,
                    attrBackground.StartIndex = selectedForeground.StartIndex;
                    attrBackground.EndIndex   = selectedForeground.EndIndex;
Пример #4
        public FormattedTextImpl(
            Pango.Context context,
            string text,
            Typeface typeface,
            TextAlignment textAlignment,
            TextWrapping wrapping,
            Size constraint,
            IReadOnlyList <FormattedTextStyleSpan> spans)
            Contract.Requires <ArgumentNullException>(context != null);
            Contract.Requires <ArgumentNullException>(text != null);

            Layout = new Pango.Layout(context);

            Layout.FontDescription = new Pango.FontDescription
                Family = typeface?.FontFamilyName ?? "monospace",
                Size   = Pango.Units.FromDouble(CorrectScale(typeface?.FontSize ?? 12)),
                Style  = (Pango.Style)(typeface?.Style ?? FontStyle.Normal),
                Weight = (typeface?.Weight ?? FontWeight.Normal).ToCairo(),

            Layout.Alignment  = textAlignment.ToCairo();
            Layout.Attributes = new Pango.AttrList();
            Layout.Width      = double.IsPositiveInfinity(constraint.Width) ? -1 : Pango.Units.FromDouble(constraint.Width);

            if (spans != null)
                foreach (var span in spans)
                    if (span.ForegroundBrush is SolidColorBrush scb)
                        var color = new Pango.Color();
                        color.Parse(string.Format("#{0}", scb.Color.ToString().Substring(3)));

                        var brushAttr = new Pango.AttrForeground(color);
                        brushAttr.StartIndex = (uint)TextIndexToPangoIndex(span.StartIndex);
                        brushAttr.EndIndex   = (uint)TextIndexToPangoIndex(span.StartIndex + span.Length);


            Size = Measure();
Пример #5
        // TODO: GTK+ 3.2 adds a placeholder-text property, but for now
        // we have to handle it ourselves
        protected override bool OnDrawn(Cairo.Context cr)
            if (Text.Length > 0 || HasFocus || EmptyMessage == null)


            Gdk.RGBA color;
            if (!StyleContext.LookupColor("placeholder_text_color", out color))
                color = StyleContext.GetColor(StateFlags.Insensitive);
            Pango.Attribute attr = new Pango.AttrForeground(Convert.ToUInt16(color.Red * 65535),
                                                            Convert.ToUInt16(color.Green * 65535), Convert.ToUInt16(color.Blue * 65535));

Пример #6
		public double ColumnToX (DocumentLine line, int column)
			// calculate virtual indentation
			if (column > 0 && line.Length == 0 && textEditor.GetTextEditorData ().HasIndentationTracker) {
				using (var l = PangoUtil.CreateLayout (textEditor, textEditor.GetTextEditorData ().IndentationTracker.GetIndentationString (line.Offset))) {
					l.Alignment = Pango.Alignment.Left;
					l.FontDescription = textEditor.Options.Font;
					l.Tabs = tabArray;

					Pango.Rectangle ink_rect, logical_rect;
					l.GetExtents (out ink_rect, out logical_rect);
					return (logical_rect.Width + Pango.Scale.PangoScale - 1) / Pango.Scale.PangoScale;
			if (line == null || line.Length == 0 || column < 0)
				return 0;
			int logicalRulerColumn = line.GetLogicalColumn (textEditor.GetTextEditorData (), textEditor.Options.RulerColumn);
			int lineOffset = line.Offset;
			StringBuilder textBuilder = new StringBuilder ();
			ISyntaxMode mode = Document.SyntaxMode != null && textEditor.Options.EnableSyntaxHighlighting ? Document.SyntaxMode : new SyntaxMode (Document);
			var startChunk = GetCachedChunks (mode, Document, textEditor.ColorStyle, line, lineOffset, line.Length);
			foreach (Chunk chunk in startChunk) {
				try {
					textBuilder.Append (Document.GetTextAt (chunk));
				} catch (Exception e) {
					Console.WriteLine (e);
					return 0;
			string lineText = textBuilder.ToString ();
			char[] lineChars = lineText.ToCharArray ();
			bool containsPreedit = textEditor.ContainsPreedit (lineOffset, line.Length);
			uint preeditLength = 0;

			if (containsPreedit) {
				lineText = lineText.Insert (textEditor.preeditOffset - lineOffset, textEditor.preeditString);
				preeditLength = (uint)textEditor.preeditString.Length;
			if (column < lineText.Length)
				lineText = lineText.Substring (0, column);

			var layout = PangoUtil.CreateLayout (textEditor, lineText);
			layout.Alignment = Pango.Alignment.Left;
			layout.FontDescription = textEditor.Options.Font;
			layout.Tabs = tabArray;

			int startOffset = lineOffset, endOffset = lineOffset + line.Length;
			uint curIndex = 0, byteIndex = 0;
			uint curChunkIndex = 0, byteChunkIndex = 0;
			List<Pango.Attribute> attributes = new List<Pango.Attribute> ();
			uint oldEndIndex = 0;

			Cairo.Color curFgColor = textEditor.ColorStyle.PlainText.Foreground;
			Cairo.Color curBgColor = textEditor.ColorStyle.PlainText.Background;
			var curWeight = Xwt.Drawing.FontWeight.Normal;
			var curStyle = Xwt.Drawing.FontStyle.Normal;

			foreach (Chunk chunk in startChunk) {
				ChunkStyle chunkStyle = chunk != null ? textEditor.ColorStyle.GetChunkStyle (chunk) : null;

				foreach (TextLineMarker marker in line.Markers)
					chunkStyle = marker.GetStyle (chunkStyle);

				if (chunkStyle != null) {
					startOffset = chunk.Offset;
					endOffset = chunk.EndOffset;

					uint startIndex = (uint)(oldEndIndex);
					uint endIndex = (uint)(startIndex + chunk.Length);
					oldEndIndex = endIndex;

					if (containsPreedit) {
						if (textEditor.preeditOffset < startOffset)
							startIndex += preeditLength;
						if (textEditor.preeditOffset < endOffset)
							endIndex += preeditLength;

					HandleSelection (lineOffset, logicalRulerColumn, - 1, -1, chunk.Offset, chunk.EndOffset, delegate(int start, int end) {
						var color = textEditor.ColorStyle.GetForeground (chunkStyle);
						var si = TranslateToUTF8Index (lineChars, (uint)(startIndex + start - chunk.Offset), ref curIndex, ref byteIndex);
						var ei = TranslateToUTF8Index (lineChars, (uint)(startIndex + end - chunk.Offset), ref curIndex, ref byteIndex);
						if (!color.Equals (curFgColor)) {
							curFgColor = color;
							var foreGround = new Pango.AttrForeground (
								(ushort)(color.R * ushort.MaxValue),
								(ushort)(color.G * ushort.MaxValue),
								(ushort)(color.B * ushort.MaxValue));
							foreGround.StartIndex = si;
							foreGround.EndIndex = ei;
							attributes.Add (foreGround);
						if (!chunkStyle.TransparentBackground) {
							color = chunkStyle.Background;
							if (!color.Equals (curBgColor)) {
								var background = new Pango.AttrBackground (
									(ushort)(color.R * ushort.MaxValue),
									(ushort)(color.G * ushort.MaxValue),
									(ushort)(color.B * ushort.MaxValue));
								background.StartIndex = si;
								background.EndIndex = ei;
								attributes.Add (background);
					}, delegate(int start, int end) {
						Pango.AttrForeground selectedForeground;
						if (!SelectionColor.TransparentForeground) {
							var color = SelectionColor.Foreground;
							if (color.Equals (curFgColor))
							curFgColor = color;
							selectedForeground = new Pango.AttrForeground (
								(ushort)(color.R * ushort.MaxValue),
								(ushort)(color.G * ushort.MaxValue),
								(ushort)(color.B * ushort.MaxValue));
						} else {
							var color = ColorStyle.GetForeground (chunkStyle);
							if (color.Equals (curFgColor))
							curFgColor = color;
							selectedForeground = new Pango.AttrForeground (
								(ushort)(color.R * ushort.MaxValue),
								(ushort)(color.G * ushort.MaxValue),
								(ushort)(color.B * ushort.MaxValue));
						selectedForeground.StartIndex = TranslateToUTF8Index (lineChars, (uint)(startIndex + start - chunk.Offset), ref curIndex, ref byteIndex);
						selectedForeground.EndIndex = TranslateToUTF8Index (lineChars, (uint)(startIndex + end - chunk.Offset), ref curIndex, ref byteIndex);
						attributes.Add (selectedForeground);

					var translatedStartIndex = TranslateToUTF8Index (lineChars, (uint)startIndex, ref curChunkIndex, ref byteChunkIndex);
					var translatedEndIndex = TranslateToUTF8Index (lineChars, (uint)endIndex, ref curChunkIndex, ref byteChunkIndex);

					if (chunkStyle.FontWeight != curWeight) {
						curWeight = chunkStyle.FontWeight;
						var attrWeight = new Pango.AttrWeight ((Pango.Weight)chunkStyle.FontWeight);
						attrWeight.StartIndex = translatedStartIndex;
						attrWeight.EndIndex = translatedEndIndex;
						attributes.Add (attrWeight);

					if (chunkStyle.FontStyle != curStyle) {
						curStyle = chunkStyle.FontStyle;
						Pango.AttrStyle attrStyle = new Pango.AttrStyle ((Pango.Style)chunkStyle.FontStyle);
						attrStyle.StartIndex = translatedStartIndex;
						attrStyle.EndIndex = translatedEndIndex;
						attributes.Add (attrStyle);

					if (chunkStyle.Underline) {
						var attrUnderline = new Pango.AttrUnderline (Pango.Underline.Single);
						attrUnderline.StartIndex = translatedStartIndex;
						attrUnderline.EndIndex = translatedEndIndex;
						attributes.Add (attrUnderline);
			Pango.AttrList attributeList = new Pango.AttrList ();
			attributes.ForEach (attr => attributeList.Insert (attr));
			layout.Attributes = attributeList;
			Pango.Rectangle inkrect, logicalrect;
			layout.GetExtents (out inkrect, out logicalrect);
			attributes.ForEach (attr => attr.Dispose ());
			attributeList.Dispose ();
			layout.Dispose ();
			return (logicalrect.Width + Pango.Scale.PangoScale - 1) / Pango.Scale.PangoScale;
Пример #7
		public double ColumnToX (LineSegment line, int column)
			if (line == null || line.Length == 0 || column < 0)
				return 0;
			int logicalRulerColumn = line.GetLogicalColumn (textEditor.GetTextEditorData (), textEditor.Options.RulerColumn);
			int lineOffset = line.Offset;
			StringBuilder textBuilder = new StringBuilder ();
			ISyntaxMode mode = Document.SyntaxMode != null && textEditor.Options.EnableSyntaxHighlighting ? Document.SyntaxMode : new SyntaxMode (Document);
			var startChunk = GetCachedChunks (mode, Document, textEditor.ColorStyle, line, lineOffset, line.Length);
			foreach (Chunk chunk in startChunk) {
				try {
					textBuilder.Append (Document.GetTextAt (chunk));
				} catch (Exception e) {
					Console.WriteLine (e);
					return 0;
			string lineText = textBuilder.ToString ();
			char[] lineChars = lineText.ToCharArray ();
			bool containsPreedit = textEditor.ContainsPreedit (lineOffset, line.Length);
			uint preeditLength = 0;

			if (containsPreedit) {
				lineText = lineText.Insert (textEditor.preeditOffset - lineOffset, textEditor.preeditString);
				preeditLength = (uint)textEditor.preeditString.Length;
			if (column < lineText.Length)
				lineText = lineText.Substring (0, column);

			var layout = PangoUtil.CreateLayout (textEditor, lineText);
			layout.Alignment = Pango.Alignment.Left;
			layout.FontDescription = textEditor.Options.Font;
			layout.Tabs = tabArray;

			int startOffset = lineOffset, endOffset = lineOffset + line.Length;
			uint curIndex = 0, byteIndex = 0;
			uint curChunkIndex = 0, byteChunkIndex = 0;
			List<Pango.Attribute> attributes = new List<Pango.Attribute> ();
			uint oldEndIndex = 0;
			foreach (Chunk chunk in startChunk) {
				ChunkStyle chunkStyle = chunk != null ? textEditor.ColorStyle.GetChunkStyle (chunk) : null;

				foreach (TextMarker marker in line.Markers)
					chunkStyle = marker.GetStyle (chunkStyle);

				if (chunkStyle != null) {
					startOffset = chunk.Offset;
					endOffset = chunk.EndOffset;

					uint startIndex = (uint)(oldEndIndex);
					uint endIndex = (uint)(startIndex + chunk.Length);
					oldEndIndex = endIndex;

					if (containsPreedit) {
						if (textEditor.preeditOffset < startOffset)
							startIndex += preeditLength;
						if (textEditor.preeditOffset < endOffset)
							endIndex += preeditLength;

					HandleSelection (lineOffset, logicalRulerColumn, - 1, -1, chunk.Offset, chunk.EndOffset, delegate(int start, int end) {
						Pango.AttrForeground foreGround = new Pango.AttrForeground (chunkStyle.Color.Red, chunkStyle.Color.Green, chunkStyle.Color.Blue);
						foreGround.StartIndex = TranslateToUTF8Index (lineChars, (uint)(startIndex + start - chunk.Offset), ref curIndex, ref byteIndex);
						foreGround.EndIndex = TranslateToUTF8Index (lineChars, (uint)(startIndex + end - chunk.Offset), ref curIndex, ref byteIndex);
						attributes.Add (foreGround);
						if (!chunkStyle.TransparentBackround) {
							var background = new Pango.AttrBackground (chunkStyle.BackgroundColor.Red, chunkStyle.BackgroundColor.Green, chunkStyle.BackgroundColor.Blue);
							background.StartIndex = foreGround.StartIndex;
							background.EndIndex = foreGround.EndIndex;
							attributes.Add (background);
					}, delegate(int start, int end) {
						Pango.AttrForeground selectedForeground = new Pango.AttrForeground (SelectionColor.Color.Red, SelectionColor.Color.Green, SelectionColor.Color.Blue);
						selectedForeground.StartIndex = TranslateToUTF8Index (lineChars, (uint)(startIndex + start - chunk.Offset), ref curIndex, ref byteIndex);
						selectedForeground.EndIndex = TranslateToUTF8Index (lineChars, (uint)(startIndex + end - chunk.Offset), ref curIndex, ref byteIndex);
						attributes.Add (selectedForeground);

					var translatedStartIndex = TranslateToUTF8Index (lineChars, (uint)startIndex, ref curChunkIndex, ref byteChunkIndex);
					var translatedEndIndex = TranslateToUTF8Index (lineChars, (uint)endIndex, ref curChunkIndex, ref byteChunkIndex);

					if (chunkStyle.Bold) {
						Pango.AttrWeight attrWeight = new Pango.AttrWeight (Pango.Weight.Bold);
						attrWeight.StartIndex = translatedStartIndex;
						attrWeight.EndIndex = translatedEndIndex;
						attributes.Add (attrWeight);

					if (chunkStyle.Italic) {
						Pango.AttrStyle attrStyle = new Pango.AttrStyle (Pango.Style.Italic);
						attrStyle.StartIndex = translatedStartIndex;
						attrStyle.EndIndex = translatedEndIndex;
						attributes.Add (attrStyle);

					if (chunkStyle.Underline) {
						Pango.AttrUnderline attrUnderline = new Pango.AttrUnderline (Pango.Underline.Single);
						attrUnderline.StartIndex = translatedStartIndex;
						attrUnderline.EndIndex = translatedEndIndex;
						attributes.Add (attrUnderline);
			Pango.AttrList attributeList = new Pango.AttrList ();
			attributes.ForEach (attr => attributeList.Insert (attr));
			layout.Attributes = attributeList;
			Pango.Rectangle ink_rect, logical_rect;
			layout.GetExtents (out ink_rect, out logical_rect);
			attributes.ForEach (attr => attr.Dispose ());
			attributeList.Dispose ();
			layout.Dispose ();
			return (logical_rect.Width + Pango.Scale.PangoScale - 1) / Pango.Scale.PangoScale;
Пример #8
        public void SetForegroundBrush(IBrush brush, int startIndex, int count)
            var scb = brush as SolidColorBrush;
            if (scb != null)

                var color = new Pango.Color();
                color.Parse(string.Format("#{0}", scb.Color.ToString().Substring(3)));

                var brushAttr = new Pango.AttrForeground(color);
                brushAttr.StartIndex = (uint)TextIndexToPangoIndex(startIndex);
                brushAttr.EndIndex = (uint)TextIndexToPangoIndex(startIndex + count);

		protected override LayoutWrapper RenderLine (long line)
			Pango.Layout layout = new Pango.Layout (Editor.PangoContext);
			layout.FontDescription = Editor.Options.Font;
			layout.Tabs = tabArray;
			StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder ();
			long startOffset = line * Editor.BytesInRow;
			long endOffset   = System.Math.Min (startOffset + Editor.BytesInRow, Data.Length);
			byte[] lineBytes = Data.GetBytes (startOffset, (int)(endOffset - startOffset));
			for (int i = 0; i < lineBytes.Length; i++) {
				sb.Append (string.Format ("{0:X2}", lineBytes[i]));
				if (i % Editor.Options.GroupBytes == 0)
					sb.Append ("\t");
			layout.SetText (sb.ToString ());
			char[] lineChars = sb.ToString ().ToCharArray ();
			Margin.LayoutWrapper result = new LayoutWrapper (layout);
			uint curIndex = 0, byteIndex = 0;
			if (Data.IsSomethingSelected) {
				ISegment selection = Data.MainSelection.Segment;
				HandleSelection (selection.Offset, selection.EndOffset, startOffset, endOffset, null, delegate(long start, long end) {
					Pango.AttrForeground selectedForeground = new Pango.AttrForeground (Style.Selection.Red, 
					selectedForeground.StartIndex = TranslateToUTF8Index (lineChars, TranslateColumn (start - startOffset), ref curIndex, ref byteIndex);
					selectedForeground.EndIndex = TranslateToUTF8Index (lineChars, TranslateColumn (end - startOffset) - 1, ref curIndex, ref byteIndex);
					result.Add (selectedForeground);
					Pango.AttrBackground attrBackground = new Pango.AttrBackground (Style.SelectionBg.Red, 
					attrBackground.StartIndex = selectedForeground.StartIndex;
					attrBackground.EndIndex = selectedForeground.EndIndex;
					result.Add (attrBackground);

			result.SetAttributes ();
			return result;
Пример #10
        protected virtual void FindEntry_ExposeEvent(object o, Gtk.ExposeEventArgs args)
            if (m_findEntry.Text != s_DefaultSearchText)

            var length = m_findEntry.Text.Length;
            var attr = new Pango.AttrForeground (0xFFFF / 2, 0xFFFF / 2, 0xFFFF / 2);
            attr.StartIndex = (uint)0;
            attr.EndIndex = (uint)length;
            var attrs = m_findEntry.Layout.Attributes;
            attrs.Insert (attr);
            m_findEntry.Layout.Attributes = attrs;
		protected override LayoutWrapper RenderLine (long line)
			Pango.Layout layout = new Pango.Layout (Editor.PangoContext);
			layout.FontDescription = Editor.Options.Font;
			StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder ();
			long startOffset = line * Editor.BytesInRow;
			long endOffset   = System.Math.Min (startOffset + Editor.BytesInRow, Data.Length);
			byte[] lineBytes = Data.GetBytes (startOffset, (int)(endOffset - startOffset));
			for (int i = 0; i < lineBytes.Length; i++) {
				byte b = lineBytes[i];
				char ch = (char)b;
				if (b < 128 && (Char.IsLetterOrDigit (ch) || Char.IsPunctuation (ch))) {
					sb.Append (ch);
				} else {
					sb.Append (".");
			layout.SetText (sb.ToString ());
			char[] lineChars = layout.Text.ToCharArray ();
			Margin.LayoutWrapper result = new LayoutWrapper (layout);
			uint curIndex = 0, byteIndex = 0;
			if (Data.IsSomethingSelected) {
				ISegment selection = Data.MainSelection.Segment;
				HandleSelection (selection.Offset, selection.EndOffset, startOffset, endOffset, null, delegate(long start, long end) {
					Pango.AttrForeground selectedForeground = new Pango.AttrForeground (Style.Selection.Red, 
					selectedForeground.StartIndex = TranslateToUTF8Index (lineChars, (uint)(start - startOffset), ref curIndex, ref byteIndex);
					selectedForeground.EndIndex = TranslateToUTF8Index (lineChars, (uint)(end - startOffset), ref curIndex, ref byteIndex);
					result.Add (selectedForeground);
					Pango.AttrBackground attrBackground = new Pango.AttrBackground (Style.SelectionBg.Red, 
					attrBackground.StartIndex = selectedForeground.StartIndex;
					attrBackground.EndIndex = selectedForeground.EndIndex;
					result.Add (attrBackground);

			result.SetAttributes ();
			return result;
Пример #12
        // TODO: GTK+ 3.2 adds a placeholder-text property, but for now
        // we have to handle it ourselves
        protected override bool OnDrawn(Cairo.Context cr)
            bool ret = base.OnDrawn (cr);

            if(Text.Length > 0 || HasFocus || EmptyMessage == null) {
                return ret;

            Layout.SetMarkup (EmptyMessage);

            Gdk.RGBA color;
            if (!StyleContext.LookupColor ("placeholder_text_color", out color)) {
                color = StyleContext.GetColor (StateFlags.Insensitive);
            Pango.Attribute attr = new Pango.AttrForeground (Convert.ToUInt16 (color.Red * 65535),
                Convert.ToUInt16 (color.Green * 65535), Convert.ToUInt16 (color.Blue * 65535));
            Layout.Attributes.Insert (attr);

            return ret;