void Start() { Person person = new Person(); person.Name = "Bob"; var apple = new Apple(); person.Eat(apple); var cookie = new Cookie(); person.Eat(cookie); var donut = new Donut(); person.Eat(donut); var pancake = new Pancake(); person.Eat(pancake); var sandwich = new Sandwich(); person.Eat(sandwich); var steak = new Steak(); person.Eat(steak); }
void SetText() { UkName.Text = Settings.MobileSettings.main_name; if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(Settings.Person.companyPhone)) { LabelPhone.Text = "+" + Settings.Person.companyPhone.Replace("+", ""); } else { IconViewLogin.IsVisible = false; LabelPhone.IsVisible = false; } Color hexColor = (Color)Application.Current.Resources["MainColor"]; IconViewLogin.SetAppThemeColor(IconView.ForegroundProperty, hexColor, Color.White); Pancake.SetAppThemeColor(PancakeView.BorderColorProperty, hexColor, Color.Transparent); PancakeViewIcon.SetAppThemeColor(PancakeView.BorderColorProperty, hexColor, Color.Transparent); { if (AppInfo.PackageName == "rom.best.saburovo" || AppInfo.PackageName == "sys_rom.ru.tsg_saburovo") { PancakeViewIcon.Padding = new Thickness(0); } } //LabelTech.SetAppThemeColor(Label.TextColorProperty, hexColor, Color.White); //IconViewTech.SetAppThemeColor(IconView.ForegroundProperty, hexColor, Color.White); }
// called from the batter when it collides with the fryingPan. public void BatterCollision(Vector3 collisionPosition, float batterQt) { Quaternion quaternion = new Quaternion(); quaternion.eulerAngles = new Vector3(0, 90, 0); // create a new pancake if we are not already reciving batter :) if (!currentPancake) { currentPancake = Instantiate(pancake_prefab, collisionPosition, quaternion); currentPancake.transform.parent = transform; currentPancake.SetStartPosition(collisionPosition); currentPancake.SetCurrentPan(this); } else if (currentPancake && currentPancake.GetCurrentState() != PancakeState.Mixture) // consume any current pancakes in the pan that are not raw. { Pancake oldPancake = currentPancake; currentPancake = Instantiate(pancake_prefab, collisionPosition, quaternion); currentPancake.transform.parent = transform; currentPancake.SetStartPosition(collisionPosition); oldPancake.transform.parent = currentPancake.transform; currentPancake.SetCurrentPan(this); } currentPancake.AddBatter(batterQt, 0.25f); // 0.25f is the spwan intervals of batter from jug. }
// Check if order was good public bool CheckOrder(Pancake orderSubmission) { // Make a copy of topping list from submission and requested pancakes List <PancakeToppings> submissionList = orderSubmission.toppings; List <PancakeToppings> requestedList = requestedPancake.toppings; // Assume the order is messed up bool Success = false; // Check submission against requested and set Success to false if match failed // One missed topping a fail for (int i = 0; i < requestedList.Count; i++) { if (!submissionList.Contains(requestedList[i])) { Success = false; } else { Success = true; } } return(Success); }
// Update is called once per frame void Update() { InputValues inputs = InputHandler.GetInputs(); float x_pos = /*pan.position.x + */ ((inputs.pans_x[panId] / 180f) * range); float z_pos = /*pan.position.z + */ ((inputs.pans_y[panId] / 180f) * range); transform.localPosition = new Vector3(z_pos, x_pos, 0); // only find the pancakes cloest vert points if the we have titled enought to afect the batter //if ( Vector3.Distance( Vector3.zero, transform.localPosition ) < minRange ) return; if (debug) { print("In Range od manip"); } //TODO: check if the pancake is in a batter/mixture state Pancake pancake = fryingPan.GetCurrentPancakes(); if (pancake != null) { PancakeMeshControler pancakeMesh = pancake.GetComponent <PancakeMeshControler>(); if (pancakeMesh != null) { ManipulatePancakeVert(pancake.transform, pancakeMesh); } } }
void SetText() { UkName.Text = Settings.MobileSettings.main_name; if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(Settings.Person.companyPhone)) { LabelPhone.Text = "+" + Settings.Person.companyPhone.Replace("+", ""); } else { IconViewLogin.IsVisible = false; LabelPhone.IsVisible = false; } LabelTitle.Text = _pollInfo.Name; FrameBtnNext.BackgroundColor = (Color)Application.Current.Resources["MainColor"]; FrameBtnFinish.BackgroundColor = (Color)Application.Current.Resources["MainColor"]; Color hexColor = (Color)Application.Current.Resources["MainColor"]; IconViewLogin.SetAppThemeColor(IconView.ForegroundProperty, hexColor, Color.White); //IconViewTech.SetAppThemeColor(IconView.ForegroundProperty, hexColor, Color.Black); Pancake.SetAppThemeColor(PancakeView.BorderColorProperty, hexColor, Color.Transparent); PancakeViewIcon.SetAppThemeColor(PancakeView.BorderColorProperty, hexColor, Color.Transparent); if (Device.RuntimePlatform == Device.iOS) { if (AppInfo.PackageName == "rom.best.saburovo" || AppInfo.PackageName == "sys_rom.ru.tsg_saburovo") { PancakeViewIcon.Padding = new Thickness(0); } } //LabelTech.SetAppThemeColor(Label.TextColorProperty, hexColor, Color.Black); Color unselect = hexColor.AddLuminosity(0.3); FrameBack.SetAppThemeColor(Frame.BackgroundColorProperty, unselect, Color.FromHex("#4A4A4A")); StackLayoutIndicator.SetAppThemeColor(StackLayout.BackgroundColorProperty, unselect, Color.White); }
async void SetText() { UkName.Text = Settings.MobileSettings.main_name; if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(Settings.Person.companyPhone)) { LabelPhone.Text = "+" + Settings.Person.companyPhone.Replace("+", ""); } else { IconViewLogin.IsVisible = false; LabelPhone.IsVisible = false; } LabelTitle.Text = _announcementInfo.Header; LabelDate.Text = _announcementInfo.Created; LabelText.Text = _announcementInfo.Text; FrameBtnQuest.BackgroundColor = (Color)Application.Current.Resources["MainColor"]; int announcementInfoAdditionalServiceId = _announcementInfo.AdditionalServiceId; if (announcementInfoAdditionalServiceId != -1) { _additional = Settings.GetAdditionalService(announcementInfoAdditionalServiceId); byte[] imageByte = await _server.GetPhotoAdditional(announcementInfoAdditionalServiceId.ToString()); if (imageByte != null) { Stream stream = new MemoryStream(imageByte); ImageAdd.Source = ImageSource.FromStream(() => { return(stream); }); ImageAdd.IsVisible = true; var openAdditional = new TapGestureRecognizer(); openAdditional.Tapped += async(s, e) => { await Navigation.PushAsync(new AdditionalOnePage(_additional)); }; ImageAdd.GestureRecognizers.Add(openAdditional); } } if (_announcementInfo.QuestionGroupID != -1) { _polls = Settings.GetPollInfo(_announcementInfo.QuestionGroupID); FrameBtnQuest.IsVisible = true; } Color hexColor = (Color)Application.Current.Resources["MainColor"]; IconViewLogin.SetAppThemeColor(IconView.ForegroundProperty, hexColor, Color.White); Pancake.SetAppThemeColor(PancakeView.BorderColorProperty, hexColor, Color.Transparent); PancakeViewIcon.SetAppThemeColor(PancakeView.BorderColorProperty, hexColor, Color.Transparent); if (Device.RuntimePlatform == Device.iOS) { if (AppInfo.PackageName == "rom.best.saburovo" || AppInfo.PackageName == "sys_rom.ru.tsg_saburovo") { PancakeViewIcon.Padding = new Thickness(0); } } //LabelTech.SetAppThemeColor(Label.TextColorProperty, hexColor, Color.Black); //IconViewTech.SetAppThemeColor(IconView.ForegroundProperty, hexColor, Color.Black); }
static void Main(string[] args) { /* * Warning! do not program hungry. Strange results may occur. */ hr(); con("Prepare for Lunch!"); hr(); /* * We are creating a new instance of some food. We could use DI here * instead since Food accepts an IDispenser interface. */ var foodDispenser = new FoodDispenser(); var food = new Food(foodDispenser, "candy bar"); hr(); con(food.Vend()); hr(); /* * We are creating a new instance of a drink. We could use DI here * instead since Food accepts an IDispenser interface. */ var drinkDispenser = new DrinkDispenser(); var drink = new Drink(drinkDispenser, "Tang"); hr(); con(drink.Vend()); hr(); /* * With a pancake we already know it should be dispensed by a * FoodDispenser and will have a product name of "pancake". * This allows us to simplify the Pancake concrete implementation * without modifying the FoodDispenser logic thus creating a bridge * to the appropriate logic. */ var pancake = new Pancake(); hr(); con(pancake.Vend()); hr(); /* * We can do the same for chocolate milk but we equip it with * a DrinkDispenser implementation instead. Note the use of a * Lambda operator on the overridden Vend method in ChocolateMilk * to further simplify our class. */ var chocolateMilk = new ChocolateMilk(); hr(); con(chocolateMilk.Vend()); hr(); }
async void SetText() { UkName.Text = Settings.MobileSettings.main_name; if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(Settings.Person.companyPhone)) { LabelPhone.Text = "+" + Settings.Person.companyPhone.Replace("+", ""); } else { IconViewLogin.IsVisible = false; LabelPhone.IsVisible = false; } LabelTitle.Text = newsInfo.Header; LabelDate.Text = newsInfo.Created; newsInfoFull = await _server.GetNewsFull(newsInfo.ID.ToString()); //LabelText.Text = newsInfoFull.Text; //LabelText.FormattedText = (FormattedString)(new HtmlTextConverter()).Convert(newsInfoFull.Text, null); //var new_text = System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Replace(newsInfoFull.Text, @"width=\""[0-9]*\""", "width=\"100%\""); //newsInfoFull.Text = System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Replace(new_text, @"height=\""[0-9]*\""", ""); MainText.Source = new HtmlWebViewSource { Html = newsInfoFull.Text }; MainText.FlowDirection = FlowDirection.MatchParent; MainText.Navigated += (s, e) => { if (!navigated) { (s as WebView).Source = new UrlWebViewSource() { Url = e.Url }; navigated = true; } }; Color hexColor = (Color)Application.Current.Resources["MainColor"]; IconViewLogin.SetAppThemeColor(IconView.ForegroundProperty, hexColor, Color.White); Pancake.SetAppThemeColor(PancakeView.BorderColorProperty, hexColor, Color.Transparent); PancakeViewIcon.SetAppThemeColor(PancakeView.BorderColorProperty, hexColor, Color.Transparent); { if (AppInfo.PackageName == "rom.best.saburovo" || AppInfo.PackageName == "sys_rom.ru.tsg_saburovo") { PancakeViewIcon.Padding = new Thickness(0); } } //LabelTech.SetAppThemeColor(Label.TextColorProperty, hexColor, Color.Black); //IconViewTech.SetAppThemeColor(IconView.ForegroundProperty, hexColor, Color.Black); if (Xamarin.Essentials.Connectivity.NetworkAccess != Xamarin.Essentials.NetworkAccess.Internet) { Device.BeginInvokeOnMainThread(async() => await DisplayAlert(AppResources.ErrorTitle, AppResources.ErrorNoInternet, "OK")); return; } Files.IsVisible = newsInfoFull.HasImage; }
private static int SideDesc(Pancake pancake, Pancake pancake1) { double s = pancake1.Side - pancake.Side; if (s == 0) { s = pancake1.Top - pancake.Top; } return((s > 0) ? 1 : ((s < 0) ? -1 : 0)); }
public ViewResult BonusRound() { User nommer = new User("Nom", "Nommingtons"); Pancake panqueque = new Pancake("Panqueue", true); BonusRoundWrapper ToDisplay = new BonusRoundWrapper(); ToDisplay.User = nommer; ToDisplay.Pancake = panqueque; return(View(ToDisplay)); }
// Constructor with a simple pancake request public Order(Pancake request, int _orderNumber) { // Keep a copy of Pancake Order requestedPancake = request; // Keep track of _orderNumber orderNumber = _orderNumber; // Setup timer for Order SetupTimer(); }
void Start() { Person person = new Person(); person.Name = "Bob"; var cookie = new Cookie(); person.Eat(cookie); var pancake = new Pancake(); person.Eat(pancake); }
public void RegisterPancake(Pancake pancakeToReg) { // can not reg a raw pancake. this is delta with in batterCollision. if (pancakeToReg.GetCurrentState() == PancakeState.Mixture) { return; } currentPancake = pancakeToReg; currentPancake.transform.parent = transform; currentPancake.SetCurrentPan(this); }
void OnMouseDown() { aimingMode = true; Spatula = this.gameObject.transform.Find("Spatula").gameObject; //Spatula = this.transform.Find("Spatula").gameObject; pancake = Instantiate(prefabPancake) as GameObject; pancake.transform.position = launchPos; //projectile.GetComponent<Rigidbody> ().isKinematic = true; pancakeRigidbody = pancake.GetComponentInChildren <Rigidbody> (); pancakeRigidbody.isKinematic = true; pancakeScript = pancake.GetComponent <Pancake> (); }
public void UnregisterPancake(Pancake pancakeToUnreg) { //can not remove a pan if its raw or not there :) if (!currentPancake || currentPancake && currentPancake.GetCurrentState() == PancakeState.Mixture) { return; } //Set the temperature back to 0, sinc it is no longer in the pan currentPancake.SetTemperature(0); currentPancake.transform.parent = null; currentPancake.SetCurrentPan(null); currentPancake = null; }
// Constructor with pancake request under a specified time frame public Order(Pancake request, int _orderNumber, float orderTimerCount) { // Keep a copy of Pancake Order requestedPancake = request; // Specified order time pancakePreparationTime = orderTimerCount; // Keep track of _orderNumber orderNumber = _orderNumber; // Setup timer for Order SetupTimer(); }
public static PancakeStack GenerateStack(int amount, int _height, int width) { PancakeStack stack = new PancakeStack(); Random rnd = new Random(); int height = (_height / amount); for (int i = 0; i < amount; i++) { int w = rnd.Next(0, width); Pancake pancake = new Pancake(w, height); stack.Pancakes.Add(pancake); } return(stack); }
static void Main(string[] args) { using (var io = new FileIO("../A-large")) { while (io.Active()) { int[] args1 = io.ReadInts(); int N = args1[0]; int K = args1[1]; var pancakes = new Pancake[N]; for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i) { pancakes[i] = new Pancake(io.ReadDoubles()); } io.Write(Solve(N, K, pancakes.OrderByDescending(pancake => pancake.R * pancake.H).ToArray())); } } }
void AddOrder() { //get a single order, random amount of toppings, and keep track of toppings already added int numToppings = rnd.Next(1, 6); Pancake newPancakeOrder = new Pancake(); List <int> previousToppings = new List <int>(numToppings); for (int i = 0; i < numToppings; i++) { int topping = rnd.Next(0, 5); while (true) { if (!previousToppings.Contains(topping)) { break; } else { topping = rnd.Next(0, 5); } } newPancakeOrder.AddTopping((PancakeToppings)topping); previousToppings.Add(topping); } // Increase Order Number orderCounter++; // Add Order // Create order instance // Change order time as necessary Order newOrder = new Order(newPancakeOrder, orderCounter, orderTime); pancakeOrders.Add(newOrder); BindToOrderGameobject(newOrder); newOrder.StartOrder(); }
public Pancake(Pancake p) { length = p.length; }
public MappleSyrup(Pancake pancake) : base(pancake) { Description = "Mapple syrup"; }
public void Eat(Pancake pancake) => Act($"Ate {pancake}");
// Use this for initialization void Start() { thisPancake = new Pancake(); }
public CherryCream(Pancake pancake) { _panCake = pancake; }
public WhippedCream(Pancake pancake) : base(pancake) { Description = "Whipped cream"; }
public StrawberryCream(Pancake pancake) { _panCake = pancake; }
public MixedBerries(Pancake pancake) : base(pancake) { Description = "Mixed berries"; }
public Nutella(Pancake pancake) : base(pancake) { Description = "Nutella"; }
public TechSendPage(bool isVisibleApp = true) { InitializeComponent(); NavigationPage.SetHasNavigationBar(this, false); switch (Device.RuntimePlatform) { case Device.iOS: int statusBarHeight = DependencyService.Get <IStatusBar>().GetHeight(); Pancake.Padding = new Thickness(0, statusBarHeight, 0, 0); //BackgroundColor = Color.White; break; default: break; } UkName.Text = Settings.MobileSettings.main_name; StackLayoutApp.IsVisible = isVisibleApp; if (Settings.Person.IsDispatcher || !Settings.AppIsVisible) { StackLayoutApp.IsVisible = false; } EntryPhone.Text = Settings.Person.Phone; LabelInfo.Text = AppResources.TechAdditionalText1 + Settings.MobileSettings.main_name + AppResources.TechAdditionalText2; BtnApp.Text = AppResources.TechAdditionalText3 + Settings.MobileSettings.main_name; var backClick = new TapGestureRecognizer(); backClick.Tapped += async(s, e) => { ClosePage(); }; BackStackLayout.GestureRecognizers.Add(backClick); var appOpen = new TapGestureRecognizer(); appOpen.Tapped += async(s, e) => { if (isVisibleApp) { if (Settings.Person.Accounts.Count > 0) { if (Settings.TypeApp.Count > 0) { await Navigation.PushAsync(new NewAppPage()); } else { await DisplayAlert(AppResources.ErrorTitle, AppResources.ErrorAppsNoTypes, "OK"); } } else { await DisplayAlert(AppResources.ErrorTitle, AppResources.ErrorAppsNoIdent, "OK"); } } }; FrameBtnApp.GestureRecognizers.Add(appOpen); var send = new TapGestureRecognizer(); send.Tapped += async(s, e) => { string phone = EntryPhone.Text .Replace("+", "") .Replace(" ", "") .Replace("(", "") .Replace(")", "") .Replace("-", ""); ; string email = EntryEmail.Text; string text = EntryText.Text; if (phone.Length < 11) { await DisplayAlert(AppResources.ErrorTitle, AppResources.ErrorTechNumberFormat, "OK"); return; } if (email.Equals("")) { await DisplayAlert(AppResources.ErrorTitle, AppResources.ErrorEnterEmail, "OK"); return; } if (text.Equals("")) { await DisplayAlert(AppResources.ErrorTitle, AppResources.ErrorTechDesc, "OK"); return; } await SendTechTask(); }; FrameBtnLogin.GestureRecognizers.Add(send); Color hexColor = (Color)Application.Current.Resources["MainColor"]; IconViewLogin.SetAppThemeColor(IconView.ForegroundProperty, hexColor, Color.White); Pancake.SetAppThemeColor(PancakeView.BorderColorProperty, hexColor, Color.Transparent); PancakeViewIcon.SetAppThemeColor(PancakeView.BorderColorProperty, hexColor, Color.Transparent); { if (AppInfo.PackageName == "rom.best.saburovo" || AppInfo.PackageName == "sys_rom.ru.tsg_saburovo") { PancakeViewIcon.Padding = new Thickness(0); } } Frame.SetAppThemeColor(MaterialFrame.BorderColorProperty, hexColor, Color.White); BindingContext = this; }