private void PaintTab(int index, RenderContext renderContext)
            bool Selected = (SelectedIndex == index);

            Rectangle tabRect = GetTabRect(index);

            if ((Appearance & TabAppearance.Normal) == TabAppearance.Normal)
                tabRect.Inflate(0, Selected ? 2 : 1);
                tabRect.X += 1;

            PaletteState State = default(PaletteState);

            if (Selected)
                State = PaletteState.Pressed;
                State = tabRect.Contains(PointToClient(MousePosition)) ? PaletteState.Tracking : PaletteState.Normal;

            VisualOrientation visualOrientation = (VisualOrientation)Alignment;

            if (m_PaletteTabButtonBackground.GetBackDraw(State) == InheritBool.True)
                using (GraphicsPath BackPath = m_Renderer.RenderStandardBorder.GetBackPath(renderContext, tabRect, m_PaletteTabButtonBorder, visualOrientation, State))
                    m_MementoTabButtonBackground = m_Renderer.RenderStandardBack.DrawBack(renderContext, tabRect, BackPath, m_PaletteTabButtonBackground, visualOrientation, State, m_MementoTabButtonBackground);

            if (m_PaletteTabButtonBorder.GetBorderDraw(State) == InheritBool.True)
                m_Renderer.RenderStandardBorder.DrawBorder(renderContext, tabRect, m_PaletteTabButtonBorder, visualOrientation, State);
            else if (Selected)
                using (Pen PBorder = new Pen(m_PaletteTabPageBorder.GetBorderColor1(PaletteState.Normal)))
                    Rectangle RBorder = tabRect;
                    RBorder.Width -= 1;

                    renderContext.Graphics.DrawRectangle(PBorder, RBorder);

            // (TODO: adjust rendering for other Appearance settings)

            if (ImageList != null)
                Image tabImage = null;

                if (TabPages[index].ImageIndex != -1)
                    int imageIndex = TabPages[index].ImageIndex;
                    tabImage = ImageList.Images[imageIndex];
                else if (TabPages[index].ImageKey != null)
                    string imageKey = TabPages[index].ImageKey;
                    tabImage = ImageList.Images[imageKey];

                if (tabImage != null)
                    int x = tabRect.X + (tabImage.Width / 2);
                    int y = tabRect.Y + (tabRect.Height - tabImage.Height) / 2;

                    renderContext.Graphics.DrawImage(tabImage, x, y);

                    tabRect.X     += tabImage.Width;
                    tabRect.Width -= tabImage.Width;

            if (m_TabFont == null || (!object.ReferenceEquals(m_TabFont, g_TabFontBold) & !object.ReferenceEquals(m_TabFont, g_TabFontRegular)))
                if (renderContext.Graphics.MeasureString(TabPages[index].Text, g_TabFontBold, tabRect.X, g_StringFormat).Width <= tabRect.Width)
                    m_TabFont = g_TabFontBold;
                    m_TabFont = g_TabFontRegular;

            renderContext.Graphics.DrawString(TabPages[index].Text, m_TabFont, m_TabBrush, tabRect, g_StringFormat);
Пример #2
        protected override void OnPaint(PaintEventArgs e)
            if (_palette != null)
                // Get the renderer associated with this palette
                IRenderer renderer = _palette.GetRenderer();

                // Create the rendering context that is passed into all renderer calls
                using (RenderContext renderContext = new RenderContext(this, e.Graphics, e.ClipRectangle, renderer))
                    // We want to draw the background of the entire control over the entire client //
                    // area. In this example we are using a background style of HeaderPrimary      //
                    using (GraphicsPath path = CreateRectGraphicsPath(ClientRectangle))
                        // Set the style we want picked up from the base palette
                        _paletteBack.Style = PaletteBackStyle.HeaderPrimary;

                        // Ask renderer to draw the background
                        _mementoBack1 = renderer.RenderStandardBack.DrawBack(renderContext, ClientRectangle, path, _paletteBack, Orientation,
                                                                             Enabled ? PaletteState.Normal : PaletteState.Disabled, _mementoBack1);

                    // We want the inner part of the control to act like a button, so
                    // we need to find the correct palette state based on if the mouse
                    // is over the control if the mouse button is pressed down or not.
                    PaletteState buttonState = GetButtonState();

                    // Create a rectangle inset, this is where we will draw a button
                    Rectangle innerRect = ClientRectangle;
                    innerRect.Inflate(-20, -20);

                    // Set the style of button we want to draw
                    _paletteBack.Style    = PaletteBackStyle.ButtonStandalone;
                    _paletteBorder.Style  = PaletteBorderStyle.ButtonStandalone;
                    _paletteContent.Style = PaletteContentStyle.ButtonStandalone;

                    // Do we need to draw the background?
                    if (_paletteBack.GetBackDraw(buttonState) == InheritBool.True)
                        // In case the border has a rounded effect we need to get the background path   //
                        // to draw from the border part of the renderer. It will return a path that is  //
                        // appropriate for use drawing within the border settings.                      //
                        using (GraphicsPath path = renderer.RenderStandardBorder.GetBackPath(renderContext,
                            // Ask renderer to draw the background
                            _mementoBack2 = renderer.RenderStandardBack.DrawBack(renderContext, innerRect, path, _paletteBack,
                                                                                 Orientation, buttonState, _mementoBack2);

                    // Do we need to draw the border?
                    if (_paletteBorder.GetBorderDraw(buttonState) == InheritBool.True)
                        // Now we draw the border of the inner area, also in ButtonStandalone style
                        renderer.RenderStandardBorder.DrawBorder(renderContext, innerRect, _paletteBorder, Orientation, buttonState);

                    // Do we need to draw the content?
                    if (_paletteContent.GetContentDraw(buttonState) == InheritBool.True)
                        // Last of all we draw the content over the top of the border and background
                        renderer.RenderStandardContent.DrawContent(renderContext, innerRect,
                                                                   _paletteContent, _mementoContent,
                                                                   Orientation, buttonState, false, true);

Пример #3
        //ComponentFactory Palette Painting
        protected override void OnPaint(System.Windows.Forms.PaintEventArgs e)
            //Define Bounds
            Rectangle  ButtonBounds       = new Rectangle(0, 0, 16, 16);
            RectangleF ButtonCircleBounds = new RectangleF((float)0, (float)0, (float)15.1, (float)15.1);

            //Smoothing Mode
            e.Graphics.SmoothingMode     = SmoothingMode.AntiAlias;
            e.Graphics.TextRenderingHint = System.Drawing.Text.TextRenderingHint.ClearTypeGridFit;

            //Paint Base

            if (_palette != null)
                //Get the renderer associated with this palette
                IRenderer Renderer = _palette.GetRenderer();

                //Create the rendering context that is passed into all renderer calls
                using (RenderContext RenderContext = new RenderContext(this, e.Graphics, ButtonBounds, Renderer))
                    // Set the style we want picked up from the base palette
                    m_paletteBack.Style = PaletteBackStyle.HeaderPrimary;

                    //Fill The Space
                    using (GraphicsPath Path = GetButtonPath(ButtonBounds))
                        // Ask renderer to draw the background
                        m_mementoBack1 = Renderer.RenderStandardBack.DrawBack(RenderContext, ButtonBounds, Path, m_paletteBack, m_orientation, (this.Enabled ? PaletteState.Normal : PaletteState.Disabled), m_mementoBack1);

                    // We want the inner part of the control to act like a button, so
                    // we need to find the correct palette state based on if the mouse
                    // is over the control if the mouse button is pressed down or not.
                    PaletteState ButtonState = GetButtonState();

                    // Set the style of button we want to draw
                    m_paletteBack.Style    = m_visuallook;
                    m_paletteBorder.Style  = (PaletteBorderStyle)m_visuallook;
                    m_paletteContent.Style = (PaletteContentStyle)m_visuallook;

                    // Do we need to draw the background?
                    if (m_paletteBack.GetBackDraw(ButtonState) == InheritBool.True)
                        using (GraphicsPath Path = GetRoundedSquarePath(ButtonCircleBounds))
                            // Ask renderer to draw the background
                            m_mementoBack2 = Renderer.RenderStandardBack.DrawBack(RenderContext, ButtonBounds, Path, m_paletteBack, m_orientation, ButtonState, m_mementoBack2);

                    // Do we need to draw the border?
                    if (m_paletteBorder.GetBorderDraw(ButtonState) == InheritBool.True)
                        // Now we draw the border of the inner area, also in ButtonStandalone style
                        e.Graphics.DrawEllipse(new Pen(m_paletteBorder.GetBorderColor2(ButtonState)), ButtonCircleBounds);

                    e.Graphics.SmoothingMode = SmoothingMode.None;

                    //Draw Magnifying Sign
                    switch (m_buttonstyle)
                    case ButtonStyles.MinusButton:
                        Rectangle MinusOuterBounds = new Rectangle(3, (this.Height / 2) - 2, 10, 4);
                        Rectangle MinusInnerBounds = new Rectangle(4, (this.Height / 2) - 1, 8, 2);

                        e.Graphics.FillRectangle(new SolidBrush(m_outerColor), MinusOuterBounds);
                        e.Graphics.FillRectangle(new SolidBrush(m_innerColor), MinusInnerBounds);


                    case ButtonStyles.PlusButton:
                        DrawPlusOuter(e.Graphics, m_outerColor);
                        DrawPlusInner(e.Graphics, m_innerColor);