Пример #1
        public static MvcHtmlString PagedListPagerWithSize(this System.Web.Mvc.HtmlHelper helper,
                                                           IPagedList pagedList,
                                                           Func <int, string> generatePageUrl,
                                                           Func <int, string> generateSizeUrl,
                                                           PagedListRenderOptions pageNumberOptions   = null,
                                                           PagedListSizeRenderOptions pageSizeOptions = null)
            if (pageNumberOptions == null)
                pageNumberOptions = new PagedListRenderOptions();
            if (pageSizeOptions == null)
                pageSizeOptions = new PagedListSizeRenderOptions();

            var pagedListPart = helper.PagedListPager(pagedList, generatePageUrl, pageNumberOptions);

            var pagedSizeListPart = GeneratePageSizeList(pagedList, generateSizeUrl, pageSizeOptions);

            var outerWrapper = new TagBuilder("div");

            outerWrapper.InnerHtml = pagedListPart.ToString() + pagedSizeListPart;

            return(new MvcHtmlString(outerWrapper.ToString()));
Пример #2
 public HtmlPagerBuilder(IHtmlHelper htmlHelper, IPagedList pagedList)
     this._htmlHelper      = htmlHelper;
     this._pagedList       = pagedList;
     this._generatePageUrl = x => x.ToString();
     this._options         = new PagedListRenderOptions();
Пример #3
        public static PagedListRenderOptions GetDefaultPagerOptions(bool isAjax)
            PagedListRenderOptions result = null;
            var options = new PagedListRenderOptions()
                DisplayLinkToFirstPage       = PagedListDisplayMode.Always,
                DisplayLinkToLastPage        = PagedListDisplayMode.Always,
                DisplayLinkToPreviousPage    = PagedListDisplayMode.Always,
                DisplayLinkToNextPage        = PagedListDisplayMode.Always,
                DisplayLinkToIndividualPages = true,
                ContainerDivClasses          = null,
                //UlElementClasses = new[] { "pager" },
                ClassToApplyToFirstListItemInPager = null,
                ClassToApplyToLastListItemInPager  = null,
                LinkToPreviousPageFormat           = "上一頁",
                LinkToNextPageFormat  = "下一頁",
                LinkToFirstPageFormat = "首頁",
                LinkToLastPageFormat  = "尾頁"

            if (isAjax)
                result = PagedListRenderOptions.EnableUnobtrusiveAjaxReplacing(options, AjaxUtils.GetAjaxOptions());
                result = options;

Пример #4
        public ActionResult listNews(string tag, int?page)
            var    groupnew    = db.tblGroupNews.First(p => p.Tag == tag);
            int    idcate      = groupnew.id;
            var    listnews    = db.tblNews.Where(p => p.idCate == idcate && p.Active == true).OrderByDescending(p => p.Ord).ToList();
            string chuoinewnew = "";
            var    NewsNew     = db.tblNews.Where(p => p.Active == true && p.idCate != idcate).OrderByDescending(p => p.DateCreate).Take(5).ToList();

            for (int i = 0; i < NewsNew.Count; i++)
                chuoinewnew += "<li><a href=\"/tin-tuc/" + NewsNew[i].Tag + "\" title=\"" + NewsNew[i].Name + "\" rel=\"nofollow\"> " + NewsNew[i].Name + " <span>" + NewsNew[i].DateCreate + "</span></a></li>";
            ViewBag.chuoinewnews = chuoinewnew;
            string chuoichinhsach = "";
            var    Chinhsach      = db.tblNews.Where(p => p.Active == true && p.idCate == 3).OrderByDescending(p => p.DateCreate).Take(5).ToList();

            for (int i = 0; i < Chinhsach.Count; i++)
                chuoichinhsach += "<li><a href=\"/tin-tuc/" + Chinhsach[i].Tag + "\" title=\"" + Chinhsach[i].Name + "\" rel=\"nofollow\"> " + Chinhsach[i].Name + " <span>" + Chinhsach[i].DateCreate + "</span></a></li>";
            ViewBag.chuoichinhsach = chuoichinhsach;
            const int pageSize   = 10;
            var       pageNumber = (page ?? 1);
            // Thiết lập phân trang
            var ship = new PagedListRenderOptions
                DisplayLinkToFirstPage                      = PagedListDisplayMode.Always,
                DisplayLinkToLastPage                       = PagedListDisplayMode.Always,
                DisplayLinkToPreviousPage                   = PagedListDisplayMode.Always,
                DisplayLinkToNextPage                       = PagedListDisplayMode.Always,
                DisplayLinkToIndividualPages                = true,
                DisplayPageCountAndCurrentLocation          = false,
                MaximumPageNumbersToDisplay                 = 5,
                DisplayEllipsesWhenNotShowingAllPageNumbers = true,
                EllipsesFormat                     = "&#8230;",
                LinkToFirstPageFormat              = "Trang đầu",
                LinkToPreviousPageFormat           = "«",
                LinkToIndividualPageFormat         = "{0}",
                LinkToNextPageFormat               = "»",
                LinkToLastPageFormat               = "Trang cuối",
                PageCountAndCurrentLocationFormat  = "Page {0} of {1}.",
                ItemSliceAndTotalFormat            = "Showing items {0} through {1} of {2}.",
                FunctionToDisplayEachPageNumber    = null,
                ClassToApplyToFirstListItemInPager = null,
                ClassToApplyToLastListItemInPager  = null,
                ContainerDivClasses                = new[] { "pagination-container" },
                UlElementClasses                   = new[] { "pagination" },
                LiElementClasses                   = Enumerable.Empty <string>()

            ViewBag.ship = ship;

            ViewBag.Name        = groupnew.Name;
            ViewBag.nUrl        = "<a href=\"/\" title=\"Trang chủ\" rel=\"nofollow\"><span class=\"iCon\"></span> Trang chủ</a><i></i>" + UrlNews(groupnew.id);
            ViewBag.Title       = "<title>" + groupnew.Title + "</title>";
            ViewBag.Description = "<meta name=\"description\" content=\"" + groupnew.Description + "\"/>";
            ViewBag.Keyword     = "<meta name=\"keywords\" content=\"" + groupnew.Keyword + "\" /> ";
            return(View(listnews.ToPagedList(pageNumber, pageSize)));
Пример #5
        public ActionResult UserIndex(int?page)
            var all = db.Users.OrderByDescending(u => u.ID).ToList();

            int pageSize   = 3;
            int pageNumber = (page ?? 1);

            // begin [get last page]
            if (page != null)
                ViewBag.mPage = (int)page;
                ViewBag.mPage = 1;

            int lastPage = all.Count / pageSize;

            if (all.Count % pageSize > 0)
            ViewBag.LastPage = lastPage;

            ViewBag.PageSize = pageSize;
            //end [get last page]

            // Thiết lập phân trang
            PagedListRenderOptions pro = new PagedListRenderOptions();

            pro.DisplayLinkToFirstPage                      = PagedListDisplayMode.Always;
            pro.DisplayLinkToLastPage                       = PagedListDisplayMode.Always;
            pro.DisplayLinkToPreviousPage                   = PagedListDisplayMode.Always;
            pro.DisplayLinkToNextPage                       = PagedListDisplayMode.Always;
            pro.DisplayLinkToIndividualPages                = true;
            pro.DisplayPageCountAndCurrentLocation          = false;
            pro.MaximumPageNumbersToDisplay                 = 5;
            pro.DisplayEllipsesWhenNotShowingAllPageNumbers = true;
            pro.EllipsesFormat                     = "&#8230;";
            pro.LinkToFirstPageFormat              = "Trang đầu";
            pro.LinkToPreviousPageFormat           = "«";
            pro.LinkToIndividualPageFormat         = "{0}";
            pro.LinkToNextPageFormat               = "»";
            pro.LinkToLastPageFormat               = "Trang cuối";
            pro.PageCountAndCurrentLocationFormat  = "Page {0} of {1}.";
            pro.ItemSliceAndTotalFormat            = "Showing items {0} through {1} of {2}.";
            pro.FunctionToDisplayEachPageNumber    = null;
            pro.ClassToApplyToFirstListItemInPager = null;
            pro.ClassToApplyToLastListItemInPager  = null;
            pro.ContainerDivClasses                = new[] { "pagination-container" };
            pro.UlElementClasses                   = new[] { "pagination" };
            pro.LiElementClasses                   = Enumerable.Empty <string>();

            ViewBag.Pro = pro;

            return(View(all.ToPagedList(pageNumber, pageSize)));
Пример #6
 private static void SetPageNumbersPlusFirstAndLastOption(PagedListRenderOptions option)
     option.DisplayLinkToFirstPage       = PagedListDisplayMode.Always;
     option.DisplayLinkToLastPage        = PagedListDisplayMode.Always;
     option.DisplayLinkToPreviousPage    = PagedListDisplayMode.Never;
     option.DisplayLinkToNextPage        = PagedListDisplayMode.Never;
     option.DisplayLinkToIndividualPages = true;
Пример #7
 private static void SetFullOption(PagedListRenderOptions option)
     option.DisplayLinkToFirstPage       = PagedListDisplayMode.Always;
     option.DisplayLinkToLastPage        = PagedListDisplayMode.Always;
     option.DisplayLinkToPreviousPage    = PagedListDisplayMode.Always;
     option.DisplayLinkToNextPage        = PagedListDisplayMode.Always;
     option.DisplayLinkToIndividualPages = true;
Пример #8
 private static void SetMinimalOption(PagedListRenderOptions option)
     option.DisplayLinkToFirstPage       = PagedListDisplayMode.Never;
     option.DisplayLinkToLastPage        = PagedListDisplayMode.Never;
     option.DisplayLinkToPreviousPage    = PagedListDisplayMode.Always;
     option.DisplayLinkToNextPage        = PagedListDisplayMode.Always;
     option.DisplayLinkToIndividualPages = false;
        public ActionResult ListMenufacturers(int?page, string tag)
            var ListManFacturers = db.tblAgencies.Where(p => p.Active == true).OrderByDescending(p => p.Ord).ToList();

            ViewBag.Name        = "Hệ thống phân phối";
            ViewBag.Title       = "<title>Hệ thống phân phối Viglacera</title>";
            ViewBag.Description = "<meta name=\"description\" content=\"Hệ thống phân phối chính hãng sản phẩm thiết bị vệ sinh Viglacera trên toàn quốc. Địa chỉ : 391 - Nguyễn Xiển - Thanh Xuân - HN\"/>";
            ViewBag.Keyword     = "<meta name=\"keywords\" content=\"Hệ thống phân phối thiết bị vệ sinh Viglacera\" /> ";
            if (tag != "" && tag != null)
                int      idMenu;
                string   Chuoi  = tag;
                string[] Mang   = Chuoi.Split('-');
                int      one    = int.Parse(Mang.Length.ToString());
                string   chuoi1 = Mang[one - 1].ToString();
                string[] Mang1  = chuoi1.Split('.');
                idMenu = int.Parse(Mang1[0].ToString());
                tblGroupAgency groupnew = db.tblGroupAgencies.Find(idMenu);
                ViewBag.Name        = groupnew.Name;
                ViewBag.Title       = "<title>" + groupnew.Name + "</title>";
                ViewBag.Description = "<meta name=\"description\" content=\"" + groupnew.Description + "\"/>";
                ViewBag.Keyword     = "<meta name=\"keywords\" content=\"" + groupnew.Name + "\" /> ";
                ListManFacturers    = db.tblAgencies.Where(p => p.Active == true && p.idMenu == idMenu).OrderByDescending(p => p.Ord).ToList();

            const int pageSize   = 10;
            var       pageNumber = (page ?? 1);
            // Thiết lập phân trang
            var ship = new PagedListRenderOptions
                DisplayLinkToFirstPage                      = PagedListDisplayMode.Always,
                DisplayLinkToLastPage                       = PagedListDisplayMode.Always,
                DisplayLinkToPreviousPage                   = PagedListDisplayMode.Always,
                DisplayLinkToNextPage                       = PagedListDisplayMode.Always,
                DisplayLinkToIndividualPages                = true,
                DisplayPageCountAndCurrentLocation          = false,
                MaximumPageNumbersToDisplay                 = 5,
                DisplayEllipsesWhenNotShowingAllPageNumbers = true,
                EllipsesFormat                     = "&#8230;",
                LinkToFirstPageFormat              = "Trang đầu",
                LinkToPreviousPageFormat           = "«",
                LinkToIndividualPageFormat         = "{0}",
                LinkToNextPageFormat               = "»",
                LinkToLastPageFormat               = "Trang cuối",
                PageCountAndCurrentLocationFormat  = "Page {0} of {1}.",
                ItemSliceAndTotalFormat            = "Showing items {0} through {1} of {2}.",
                FunctionToDisplayEachPageNumber    = null,
                ClassToApplyToFirstListItemInPager = null,
                ClassToApplyToLastListItemInPager  = null,
                ContainerDivClasses                = new[] { "pagination-container" },
                UlElementClasses                   = new[] { "pagination" },
                LiElementClasses                   = Enumerable.Empty <string>()

            ViewBag.ship = ship;

            return(View(ListManFacturers.ToPagedList(pageNumber, pageSize)));
Пример #10
        public ActionResult listNews(string tag, int?page)
            TblGroupNews groupnews = db.TblGroupNews.First(p => p.Tag == tag);

            ViewBag.Title       = "<title>" + groupnews.Title + "</title>";
            ViewBag.Description = "<meta name=\"description\" content=\"" + groupnews.Description + "\"/>";
            ViewBag.Keyword     = "<meta name=\"keywords\" content=\"" + groupnews.Keyword + "\" /> ";

            int idcate = int.Parse(groupnews.Id.ToString());

            ViewBag.Name = groupnews.Name;
            var       Listnews   = db.TblNews.Where(p => p.IdCate == idcate && p.Active == true).OrderByDescending(p => p.DateCreate).ToList();
            const int pageSize   = 20;
            var       pageNumber = (page ?? 1);
            // Thiết lập phân trang
            var ship = new PagedListRenderOptions
                DisplayLinkToFirstPage                      = PagedListDisplayMode.Always,
                DisplayLinkToLastPage                       = PagedListDisplayMode.Always,
                DisplayLinkToPreviousPage                   = PagedListDisplayMode.Always,
                DisplayLinkToNextPage                       = PagedListDisplayMode.Always,
                DisplayLinkToIndividualPages                = true,
                DisplayPageCountAndCurrentLocation          = false,
                MaximumPageNumbersToDisplay                 = 5,
                DisplayEllipsesWhenNotShowingAllPageNumbers = true,
                EllipsesFormat                     = "&#8230;",
                LinkToFirstPageFormat              = "Trang đầu",
                LinkToPreviousPageFormat           = "«",
                LinkToIndividualPageFormat         = "{0}",
                LinkToNextPageFormat               = "»",
                LinkToLastPageFormat               = "Trang cuối",
                PageCountAndCurrentLocationFormat  = "Page {0} of {1}.",
                ItemSliceAndTotalFormat            = "Showing items {0} through {1} of {2}.",
                FunctionToDisplayEachPageNumber    = null,
                ClassToApplyToFirstListItemInPager = null,
                ClassToApplyToLastListItemInPager  = null,
                ContainerDivClasses                = new[] { "pagination-container" },
                UlElementClasses                   = new[] { "pagination" },
                LiElementClasses                   = Enumerable.Empty <string>()

            ViewBag.ship = ship;
            ViewBag.name = groupnews.Name;

            ViewBag.nUrl    = "<ol itemscope itemtype=\"http://schema.org/BreadcrumbList\">   <li itemprop=\"itemListElement\" itemscope  itemtype=\"http://schema.org/ListItem\"> <a itemprop=\"item\" href=\"http://Bontana.vn\">  <span itemprop=\"name\">Trang chủ</span></a> <meta itemprop=\"position\" content=\"1\" />  </li>   ›" + Urlnews(idcate) + "</ol>";
            ViewBag.favicon = " <link href=\"" + db.TblConfig.First().Favicon + "\" rel=\"icon\" type=\"image/x-icon\" />";

            var tblconfig = db.TblConfig.FirstOrDefault();

            ViewBag.color = tblconfig.Color;

            Listnews = db.TblNews.Where(p => p.IdCate == idcate && p.Active == true).OrderByDescending(p => p.DateCreate).ToList();

            return(View(Listnews.ToPagedList(pageNumber, pageSize)));
Пример #11
    private ITagBuilder PageCountAndLocationText(IPagedList list, PagedListRenderOptions options)
        var text = _tagBuilderFactory

        SetInnerText(text, string.Format(options.PageCountAndCurrentLocationFormat, list.PageNumber, list.PageCount));

        return(WrapInListItem(text, options, "PagedList-pageCountAndLocation", "disabled"));
Пример #12
    private ITagBuilder ItemSliceAndTotalText(IPagedList list, PagedListRenderOptions options)
        var text = _tagBuilderFactory

        SetInnerText(text, string.Format(options.ItemSliceAndTotalFormat, list.FirstItemOnPage, list.LastItemOnPage, list.TotalItemCount));

        return(WrapInListItem(text, options, "PagedList-pageCountAndLocation", "disabled"));
Пример #13
        public ActionResult SizeIndex(int?page, string currentSizeName)
            if (Request.HttpMethod == "GET")
                if (Session["SizeName"] != null)
                    currentSizeName     = Session["SizeName"].ToString();
                    Session["SizeName"] = null;
                page = 1;

            ViewBag.CurrentSizeName = currentSizeName;

            var all = db.sp_Size_GetByAll().OrderBy(p => p.Ord).ToList();

            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(currentSizeName))
                all = all.Where(p => p.Name.ToUpper().Contains(currentSizeName.ToUpper())).OrderBy(p => p.Ord).ToList();

            int pageSize   = 25;
            int pageNumber = (page ?? 1);

            // Thiết lập phân trang
            PagedListRenderOptions ship = new PagedListRenderOptions();

            ship.DisplayLinkToFirstPage                      = PagedListDisplayMode.Always;
            ship.DisplayLinkToLastPage                       = PagedListDisplayMode.Always;
            ship.DisplayLinkToPreviousPage                   = PagedListDisplayMode.Always;
            ship.DisplayLinkToNextPage                       = PagedListDisplayMode.Always;
            ship.DisplayLinkToIndividualPages                = true;
            ship.DisplayPageCountAndCurrentLocation          = false;
            ship.MaximumPageNumbersToDisplay                 = 5;
            ship.DisplayEllipsesWhenNotShowingAllPageNumbers = true;
            ship.EllipsesFormat                     = "&#8230;";
            ship.LinkToFirstPageFormat              = "Trang đầu";
            ship.LinkToPreviousPageFormat           = "«";
            ship.LinkToIndividualPageFormat         = "{0}";
            ship.LinkToNextPageFormat               = "»";
            ship.LinkToLastPageFormat               = "Trang cuối";
            ship.PageCountAndCurrentLocationFormat  = "Page {0} of {1}.";
            ship.ItemSliceAndTotalFormat            = "Showing items {0} through {1} of {2}.";
            ship.FunctionToDisplayEachPageNumber    = null;
            ship.ClassToApplyToFirstListItemInPager = null;
            ship.ClassToApplyToLastListItemInPager  = null;
            ship.ContainerDivClasses                = new[] { "pagination-container" };
            ship.UlElementClasses                   = new[] { "pagination" };
            ship.LiElementClasses                   = Enumerable.Empty <string>();

            ViewBag.ship = ship;

            return(View(all.ToPagedList(pageNumber, pageSize)));
Пример #14
        public PartialViewResult partialImages(int?page, string text, string idCate, string pageSizes)
            var ListImages = db.tblImages.OrderByDescending(p => p.Ord).ToList();

            int pageSize   = 20;
            var pageNumber = (page ?? 1);
            // Thiết lập phân trang
            var ship = new PagedListRenderOptions
                DisplayLinkToFirstPage                      = PagedListDisplayMode.Always,
                DisplayLinkToLastPage                       = PagedListDisplayMode.Always,
                DisplayLinkToPreviousPage                   = PagedListDisplayMode.Always,
                DisplayLinkToNextPage                       = PagedListDisplayMode.Always,
                DisplayLinkToIndividualPages                = true,
                DisplayPageCountAndCurrentLocation          = false,
                MaximumPageNumbersToDisplay                 = 5,
                DisplayEllipsesWhenNotShowingAllPageNumbers = true,
                EllipsesFormat                     = "&#8230;",
                LinkToFirstPageFormat              = "Trang đầu",
                LinkToPreviousPageFormat           = "«",
                LinkToIndividualPageFormat         = "{0}",
                LinkToNextPageFormat               = "»",
                LinkToLastPageFormat               = "Trang cuối",
                PageCountAndCurrentLocationFormat  = "Page {0} of {1}.",
                ItemSliceAndTotalFormat            = "Showing items {0} through {1} of {2}.",
                FunctionToDisplayEachPageNumber    = null,
                ClassToApplyToFirstListItemInPager = null,
                ClassToApplyToLastListItemInPager  = null,
                ContainerDivClasses                = new[] { "pagination-container" },
                UlElementClasses                   = new[] { "pagination" },
                LiElementClasses                   = Enumerable.Empty <string>()

            ViewBag.ship = ship;
            if (pageSizes != null)
                ViewBag.pageSizes = pageSizes;
                pageSize          = int.Parse(pageSizes.ToString());
                ViewBag.chuoicout = "<span style='color: #A52A2A;'>" + pageSize + "</span> / <span style='color: #333;'>" + ListImages.Count.ToString() + "</span>";
                return(PartialView(ListImages.ToPagedList(pageNumber, pageSize)));
            if (idCate != "" && idCate != null)
                int idmenu = int.Parse(idCate);

                ListImages     = db.tblImages.Where(p => p.idCate == idmenu).OrderByDescending(m => m.Ord).ToList();
                ViewBag.Idcha  = idCate;
                ViewBag.idCate = idCate;
                return(PartialView(ListImages.ToPagedList(pageNumber, pageSize)));
                ViewBag.Idcha = 0;

            return(PartialView(ListImages.ToPagedList(pageNumber, pageSize)));
Пример #15
        /// <summary>
        /// Set bootstrap4 style for raw <see cref="PagedListRenderOptions"/>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="options"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static PagedListRenderOptions ApplyBootstrap4Style(this PagedListRenderOptions options)
            options.LiElementClasses = new[] { "page-item" };
            options.PageClasses      = new[] { "page-link" };

            // Due to no way change Ellipses element class, try setting EllipsesElementClass but fail, so disable Ellipses
            options.DisplayEllipsesWhenNotShowingAllPageNumbers = false;

Пример #16
    ///	Displays a configurable paging control for instances of PagedList.
    ///<param name = "html">This method is meant to hook off HtmlHelper as an extension method.</param>
    ///<param name = "list">The PagedList to use as the data source.</param>
    ///<param name = "generatePageUrl">A function that takes the page number  of the desired page and returns a URL-string that will load that page.</param>
    ///<param name = "options">Formatting options.</param>
    ///<returns>Outputs the paging control HTML.</returns>
    public static HtmlString PagedListPager(this IHtmlHelper html,
                                            IPagedList list,
                                            Func <int, string> generatePageUrl,
                                            PagedListRenderOptions options)
        var htmlHelper = new HtmlHelper(new TagBuilderFactory());
        var htmlString = htmlHelper.PagedListPager(list, generatePageUrl, options);

        return(new HtmlString(htmlString));
Пример #17
        public ActionResult List(int?page)
            if (Request.HttpMethod == "GET")
                page = 1;

            #region [Phân trang]
            int pageSize   = 15;
            int pageNumber = (page ?? 1);

            // Thiết lập phân trang
            PagedListRenderOptions ship = new PagedListRenderOptions();

            ship.DisplayLinkToFirstPage                      = PagedListDisplayMode.Always;
            ship.DisplayLinkToLastPage                       = PagedListDisplayMode.Always;
            ship.DisplayLinkToPreviousPage                   = PagedListDisplayMode.Always;
            ship.DisplayLinkToNextPage                       = PagedListDisplayMode.Always;
            ship.DisplayLinkToIndividualPages                = true;
            ship.DisplayPageCountAndCurrentLocation          = false;
            ship.MaximumPageNumbersToDisplay                 = 5;
            ship.DisplayEllipsesWhenNotShowingAllPageNumbers = true;
            ship.EllipsesFormat                     = "&#8230;";
            ship.LinkToFirstPageFormat              = "Trang đầu";
            ship.LinkToPreviousPageFormat           = "«";
            ship.LinkToIndividualPageFormat         = "{0}";
            ship.LinkToNextPageFormat               = "»";
            ship.LinkToLastPageFormat               = "Trang cuối";
            ship.PageCountAndCurrentLocationFormat  = "Page {0} of {1}.";
            ship.ItemSliceAndTotalFormat            = "Showing items {0} through {1} of {2}.";
            ship.FunctionToDisplayEachPageNumber    = null;
            ship.ClassToApplyToFirstListItemInPager = null;
            ship.ClassToApplyToLastListItemInPager  = null;
            ship.ContainerDivClasses                = new[] { "pagination-container" };
            ship.UlElementClasses                   = new[] { "pagination" };
            ship.LiElementClasses                   = Enumerable.Empty <string>();

            ViewBag.ship = ship;
            string chuoi = "";
            #region [Title, Keyword, Deskription]
            var listconfig = (from p in data.Configs select p).ToList();
            if (listconfig.Count > 0)
                ViewBag.tit = listconfig[0].Title; ViewBag.des = listconfig[0].Description; ViewBag.key = listconfig[0].Keyword;
            listconfig = null;
            var list = (from n in data.News where n.Active == true orderby n.IdGroup, n.Id descending select n).ToList();
            return(View(list.ToPagedList(pageNumber, pageSize)));
Пример #18
        public ActionResult AgencyList(string tag, int?page)
            int    idMenu;
            string Chuoi = tag;

            string[] Mang   = Chuoi.Split('-');
            int      one    = int.Parse(Mang.Length.ToString());
            string   chuoi1 = Mang[one - 1].ToString();

            string[] Mang1 = chuoi1.Split('.');
            idMenu = int.Parse(Mang1[0].ToString());
            tblGroupAgency groupagency = db.tblGroupAgencies.Find(idMenu);
            int            idCate      = groupagency.id;
            var            LisstAgency = db.tblAgencies.Where(p => p.Active == true).OrderByDescending(p => p.Ord).ToList();

            ViewBag.Name        = groupagency.Name;
            ViewBag.Title       = "<title>" + groupagency.Name + "</title>";
            ViewBag.Description = "<meta name=\"description\" content=\"" + groupagency.Description + "\"/>";
            ViewBag.Keyword     = "<meta name=\"keywords\" content=\"" + groupagency.Name + "\" /> ";

            ViewBag.nUrl = "<a href=\"/\" title=\"Trang chu\" rel=\"nofollow\"><span class=\"iCon\"></span>Trang chủ</a> /" + groupagency.Name;
            const int pageSize   = 12;
            var       pageNumber = (page ?? 1);
            // Thiết lập phân trang
            var ship = new PagedListRenderOptions
                DisplayLinkToFirstPage                      = PagedListDisplayMode.Always,
                DisplayLinkToLastPage                       = PagedListDisplayMode.Always,
                DisplayLinkToPreviousPage                   = PagedListDisplayMode.Always,
                DisplayLinkToNextPage                       = PagedListDisplayMode.Always,
                DisplayLinkToIndividualPages                = true,
                DisplayPageCountAndCurrentLocation          = false,
                MaximumPageNumbersToDisplay                 = 5,
                DisplayEllipsesWhenNotShowingAllPageNumbers = true,
                EllipsesFormat                     = "&#8230;",
                LinkToFirstPageFormat              = "Trang đầu",
                LinkToPreviousPageFormat           = "«",
                LinkToIndividualPageFormat         = "{0}",
                LinkToNextPageFormat               = "»",
                LinkToLastPageFormat               = "Trang cuối",
                PageCountAndCurrentLocationFormat  = "Page {0} of {1}.",
                ItemSliceAndTotalFormat            = "Showing items {0} through {1} of {2}.",
                FunctionToDisplayEachPageNumber    = null,
                ClassToApplyToFirstListItemInPager = null,
                ClassToApplyToLastListItemInPager  = null,
                ContainerDivClasses                = new[] { "pagination-container" },
                UlElementClasses                   = new[] { "pagination" },
                LiElementClasses                   = Enumerable.Empty <string>()

            ViewBag.ship = ship;

            return(View(LisstAgency.ToPagedList(pageNumber, pageSize)));
 private static void SetBootstrap4Option(PagedListRenderOptions option)
     option.ContainerHtmlTag         = DefaultContainerHtmlTag;
     option.UlElementClasses         = DefaultUlElementClasses;
     option.LiElementClasses         = DefaultLiElementClasses;
     option.AhrefElementClasses      = DefaultAhrefElementClasses;
     option.LinkToPreviousPageFormat = DefaultLinkToPreviousPageFormat;
     option.LinkToNextPageFormat     = DefaultLinkToNextPageFormat;
     option.LinkToFirstPageFormat    = DefaultLinkToFirstPageFormat;
     option.LinkToLastPageFormat     = DefaultLinkToLastPageFormat;
Пример #20
        public PartialViewResult partialGuarantee(int?page, string id, string idCate)
            int ids = int.Parse(id);

            var ListQuarantee = db.tblGuarantees.Where(p => p.idDistrict == ids).ToList();

            if (idCate != null && idCate != "")
                ViewBag.idCate = idCate;
                int idCates = int.Parse(idCate);
                ListQuarantee = ListQuarantee.Where(p => p.idManu == idCates).ToList();

            const int pageSize   = 20;
            var       pageNumber = (page ?? 1);
            // Thiết lập phân trang
            var ship = new PagedListRenderOptions
                DisplayLinkToFirstPage                      = PagedListDisplayMode.Always,
                DisplayLinkToLastPage                       = PagedListDisplayMode.Always,
                DisplayLinkToPreviousPage                   = PagedListDisplayMode.Always,
                DisplayLinkToNextPage                       = PagedListDisplayMode.Always,
                DisplayLinkToIndividualPages                = true,
                DisplayPageCountAndCurrentLocation          = false,
                MaximumPageNumbersToDisplay                 = 5,
                DisplayEllipsesWhenNotShowingAllPageNumbers = true,
                EllipsesFormat                     = "&#8230;",
                LinkToFirstPageFormat              = "Trang đầu",
                LinkToPreviousPageFormat           = "«",
                LinkToIndividualPageFormat         = "{0}",
                LinkToNextPageFormat               = "»",
                LinkToLastPageFormat               = "Trang cuối",
                PageCountAndCurrentLocationFormat  = "Page {0} of {1}.",
                ItemSliceAndTotalFormat            = "Showing items {0} through {1} of {2}.",
                FunctionToDisplayEachPageNumber    = null,
                ClassToApplyToFirstListItemInPager = null,
                ClassToApplyToLastListItemInPager  = null,
                ContainerDivClasses                = new[] { "pagination-container" },
                UlElementClasses                   = new[] { "pagination" },
                LiElementClasses                   = Enumerable.Empty <string>()

            ViewBag.ship = ship;
            if (id != "")
                ViewBag.idCate = id;
                ViewBag.idMenu = id;
            return(PartialView(ListQuarantee.ToPagedList(pageNumber, pageSize)));
Пример #21
        private static PagedListRenderOptions GetCommonSetting()
            var option = new PagedListRenderOptions()
                LiElementClasses = new[] { "page-item" },
                PageClasses      = new[] { "page-link" },

                // Due to no way change Ellipses element class, try setting EllipsesElementClass but fail, so disable Ellipses
                DisplayEllipsesWhenNotShowingAllPageNumbers = false

Пример #22
        public ActionResult ListNews(string tag, int?page, string id)
            int       idCate     = int.Parse(db.tblGroupNews.First(p => p.Tag == tag).id.ToString());
            var       listnews   = db.tblNews.Where(p => p.idCate == idCate && p.Active == true).OrderByDescending(p => p.Ord).ToList();
            const int pageSize   = 20;
            var       pageNumber = (page ?? 1);
            // Thiết lập phân trang
            var ship = new PagedListRenderOptions
                DisplayLinkToFirstPage                      = PagedListDisplayMode.Always,
                DisplayLinkToLastPage                       = PagedListDisplayMode.Always,
                DisplayLinkToPreviousPage                   = PagedListDisplayMode.Always,
                DisplayLinkToNextPage                       = PagedListDisplayMode.Always,
                DisplayLinkToIndividualPages                = true,
                DisplayPageCountAndCurrentLocation          = false,
                MaximumPageNumbersToDisplay                 = 5,
                DisplayEllipsesWhenNotShowingAllPageNumbers = true,
                EllipsesFormat                     = "&#8230;",
                LinkToFirstPageFormat              = "Trang đầu",
                LinkToPreviousPageFormat           = "«",
                LinkToIndividualPageFormat         = "{0}",
                LinkToNextPageFormat               = "»",
                LinkToLastPageFormat               = "Trang cuối",
                PageCountAndCurrentLocationFormat  = "Page {0} of {1}.",
                ItemSliceAndTotalFormat            = "Showing items {0} through {1} of {2}.",
                FunctionToDisplayEachPageNumber    = null,
                ClassToApplyToFirstListItemInPager = null,
                ClassToApplyToLastListItemInPager  = null,
                ContainerDivClasses                = new[] { "pagination-container" },
                UlElementClasses                   = new[] { "pagination" },
                LiElementClasses                   = Enumerable.Empty <string>()

            ViewBag.ship = ship;

            var groupnew = db.tblGroupNews.First(p => p.Tag == tag);

            //int dodai = groupnew.Level.Length / 5;
            //string nUrl = "";
            //for (int i = 0; i < dodai; i++)
            //    var NameGroups = db.tblGroupNews.First(p => p.Level.Substring(0, (i + 1) * 5) == groupnew.Level.Substring(0, (i + 1) * 5) && p.Level.Length == (i + 1) * 5);
            //    nUrl = nUrl + " <a href=\"/2/" + NameGroups.Tag + "\" title=\"" + NameGroups.Name + "\"> " + " " + NameGroups.Name + "</a> /";
            ViewBag.nUrl        = "<a href=\"/\" title=\"Trang chủ\" rel=\"nofollow\"><span class=\"iCon\"></span> Trang chủ</a> /" + UrlNews(idCate);
            ViewBag.Title       = "<title>" + groupnew.Title + "</title>";
            ViewBag.Description = "<meta name=\"description\" content=\"" + groupnew.Description + "\"/>";
            ViewBag.Keyword     = "<meta name=\"keywords\" content=\"" + groupnew.Keyword + "\" /> ";
            ViewBag.Name        = groupnew.Name;
            return(View(listnews.ToPagedList(pageNumber, pageSize)));
Пример #23
 public static PagedListRenderOptions CustomAjax(string updateTargetId)
                new PagedListRenderOptions()
         DisplayItemSliceAndTotal = true,
         ItemSliceAndTotalFormat = "Mostrando itens {0} a {1} de {2}."
                new AjaxOptions()
         HttpMethod = "GET",
         UpdateTargetId = updateTargetId
Пример #24
        public static MvcHtmlString PaginationFor(this HtmlHelper html, IPagedList list,
                                                  Func <int, string> generatePageUrl, string updateTargetId = "mainContent")
            var listItems = new List <SelectListItem>
                new SelectListItem {
                    Text = "30", Value = "30"
                new SelectListItem {
                    Text = "50", Value = "50"
                new SelectListItem {
                    Text = "100", Value = "100"
                new SelectListItem {
                    Text = "200", Value = "200"

            var isDisplay = new PagedListRenderOptions {
                Display = PagedListDisplayMode.IfNeeded
            var ajaxOption = new AjaxOptions {
                HttpMethod = "GET", UpdateTargetId = updateTargetId
            var pageOption = PagedListRenderOptions.EnableUnobtrusiveAjaxReplacing(isDisplay, ajaxOption);
            var pgn        = html.PagedListPager(list, generatePageUrl, pageOption);

            var url = "loadPagination('" + generatePageUrl.Invoke(1) + "','" + updateTargetId + "'," +
                      "this" + ")";
            var drop = html.DropDownList("PageSize", new SelectList(listItems, "Value", "Text"),
                                         new { @class = "form-control pagination-dropdown ", onchange = "url()" });

            var result = list.HasNextPage
                ? string.Format("<div class='row'>" +
                                "<div class='col-md-4'>" +
                                "<div class='form-group' style='width: 200px;'>" +
                                "<label for='PageSize'>Page Size : </label>{0}" +
                                "</div>" +
                                "</div>" +
                                "<div class='col-md-8'>{1}</div>" +
                                "</div>", drop, pgn)
                : string.Format("<div class='row'><div class='col-md-12'>{0}</div></div>", pgn);

            result = result.Replace("url()", url);

Пример #25
        public static PagedListRenderOptions GetPagedListRenderOptions()
            PagedListRenderOptions options = new PagedListRenderOptions()
                LinkToPreviousPageFormat  = "上一页",
                LinkToNextPageFormat      = "下一页",
                LinkToFirstPageFormat     = "首页",
                LinkToLastPageFormat      = "尾页",
                DisplayLinkToNextPage     = PagedListDisplayMode.Always,
                DisplayLinkToPreviousPage = PagedListDisplayMode.Always,
                DisplayLinkToFirstPage    = PagedListDisplayMode.Always,
                DisplayLinkToLastPage     = PagedListDisplayMode.Always

        /// <summary>
        /// Enables ASP.NET MVC's unobtrusive AJAX feature. An XHR request will retrieve HTML from the clicked page and replace the innerHtml of the provided element ID.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="options">The preferred Html.PagedList(...) style options.</param>
        /// <param name="ajaxOptions">The ajax options that will put into the link</param>
        /// <returns>The PagedListRenderOptions value passed in, with unobtrusive AJAX attributes added to the page links.</returns>
        public static PagedListRenderOptions EnableUnobtrusiveAjaxReplacing(PagedListRenderOptions options, AjaxOptions ajaxOptions)
            options.FunctionToTransformEachPageLink = (liTagBuilder, aTagBuilder) =>
                var liClass = liTagBuilder.Attributes.ContainsKey("class") ? liTagBuilder.Attributes["class"] ?? "" : "";
                if (ajaxOptions != null && !liClass.Contains("disabled") && !liClass.Contains("active"))
                    foreach (var ajaxOption in ajaxOptions.ToUnobtrusiveHtmlAttributes())
                        aTagBuilder.Attributes.Add(ajaxOption.Key, ajaxOption.Value.ToString());

                liTagBuilder.InnerHtml = aTagBuilder.ToString();
Пример #27
        public ActionResult newsTag(string tag, int?page)
            const int pageSize   = 10;
            var       pageNumber = (page ?? 1);
            var       ship       = new PagedListRenderOptions
                DisplayLinkToFirstPage                      = PagedListDisplayMode.Always,
                DisplayLinkToLastPage                       = PagedListDisplayMode.Always,
                DisplayLinkToPreviousPage                   = PagedListDisplayMode.Always,
                DisplayLinkToNextPage                       = PagedListDisplayMode.Always,
                DisplayLinkToIndividualPages                = true,
                DisplayPageCountAndCurrentLocation          = false,
                MaximumPageNumbersToDisplay                 = 5,
                DisplayEllipsesWhenNotShowingAllPageNumbers = true,
                EllipsesFormat                     = "&#8230;",
                LinkToFirstPageFormat              = "Trang đầu",
                LinkToPreviousPageFormat           = "«",
                LinkToIndividualPageFormat         = "{0}",
                LinkToNextPageFormat               = "»",
                LinkToLastPageFormat               = "Trang cuối",
                PageCountAndCurrentLocationFormat  = "Page {0} of {1}.",
                ItemSliceAndTotalFormat            = "Showing items {0} through {1} of {2}.",
                FunctionToDisplayEachPageNumber    = null,
                ClassToApplyToFirstListItemInPager = null,
                ClassToApplyToLastListItemInPager  = null,
                ContainerDivClasses                = new[] { "pagination-container" },
                UlElementClasses                   = new[] { "pagination" },
                LiElementClasses                   = Enumerable.Empty <string>()

            ViewBag.ship = ship;
            string name = db.tblNewsTags.Where(p => p.Tag == tag).Take(1).ToList()[0].Name;

            ViewBag.Name = name;
            var listidNews = db.tblNewsTags.Where(p => p.Tag == tag).Select(p => p.idn).ToList();
            var listnews   = db.tblNews.Where(p => p.Active == true && listidNews.Contains(p.id)).OrderByDescending(p => p.DateCreate).ToList();

            ViewBag.nUrl        = " <ol itemscope itemtype=\"http://schema.org/BreadcrumbList\" >  <li itemprop=\"itemListElement\" itemscope itemtype=\"http://schema.org/ListItem\"><a itemprop=\"item\" href=\"/\"> <span itemprop=\"name\">Trang chủ</span></a> <meta itemprop=\"position\" content=\"1\" />  </li> › </ol><h2>" + name + "</h2>";
            ViewBag.Title       = "<title>" + name + "</title>";
            ViewBag.Description = "<meta name=\"description\" content=\"" + name + "\"/>";
            ViewBag.Keyword     = "<meta name=\"keywords\" content=\"" + name + "\" /> ";
            return(View(listnews.ToPagedList(pageNumber, pageSize)));
Пример #28
        public ActionResult listAgency(int?page)
            var listAgency = db.tblAgencies.Where(p => p.Active == true).OrderByDescending(p => p.Ord).ToList();

            const int pageSize   = 10;
            var       pageNumber = (page ?? 1);
            // Thiết lập phân trang
            var ship = new PagedListRenderOptions
                DisplayLinkToFirstPage                      = PagedListDisplayMode.Always,
                DisplayLinkToLastPage                       = PagedListDisplayMode.Always,
                DisplayLinkToPreviousPage                   = PagedListDisplayMode.Always,
                DisplayLinkToNextPage                       = PagedListDisplayMode.Always,
                DisplayLinkToIndividualPages                = true,
                DisplayPageCountAndCurrentLocation          = false,
                MaximumPageNumbersToDisplay                 = 5,
                DisplayEllipsesWhenNotShowingAllPageNumbers = true,
                EllipsesFormat                     = "&#8230;",
                LinkToFirstPageFormat              = "Trang đầu",
                LinkToPreviousPageFormat           = "«",
                LinkToIndividualPageFormat         = "{0}",
                LinkToNextPageFormat               = "»",
                LinkToLastPageFormat               = "Trang cuối",
                PageCountAndCurrentLocationFormat  = "Page {0} of {1}.",
                ItemSliceAndTotalFormat            = "Showing items {0} through {1} of {2}.",
                FunctionToDisplayEachPageNumber    = null,
                ClassToApplyToFirstListItemInPager = null,
                ClassToApplyToLastListItemInPager  = null,
                ContainerDivClasses                = new[] { "pagination-container" },
                UlElementClasses                   = new[] { "pagination" },
                LiElementClasses                   = Enumerable.Empty <string>()

            ViewBag.ship = ship;

            ViewBag.Name        = "Danh sách đại lý lõi lọc nước";
            ViewBag.nUrl        = "<a href=\"/\" title=\"Trang chủ\" rel=\"nofollow\"><span class=\"iCon\"></span> Trang chủ</a><i></i> / Đại lý lõi lọc nước";
            ViewBag.Title       = "<title>Danh sách đại lý lõi lọc nước</title>";
            ViewBag.Description = "<meta name=\"description\" content=\"Danh sách đại lý lõi lọc nước chính hãng thuộc Loiloc.com. Hệ thống Lõi lọc nước có mặt tại 63 tỉnh thành trên toàn quốc \"/>";
            ViewBag.Keyword     = "<meta name=\"keywords\" content=\"Đại lý lõi lọc nước\" /> ";
            return(View(listAgency.ToPagedList(pageNumber, pageSize)));
        public ActionResult ListCatalogues(int?page)
            var       ListCatalogues = db.tblFiles.Where(p => p.Cate == 0 && p.Active == true).OrderByDescending(p => p.Ord).ToList();
            const int pageSize       = 20;
            var       pageNumber     = (page ?? 1);
            // Thiết lập phân trang
            var ship = new PagedListRenderOptions
                DisplayLinkToFirstPage                      = PagedListDisplayMode.Always,
                DisplayLinkToLastPage                       = PagedListDisplayMode.Always,
                DisplayLinkToPreviousPage                   = PagedListDisplayMode.Always,
                DisplayLinkToNextPage                       = PagedListDisplayMode.Always,
                DisplayLinkToIndividualPages                = true,
                DisplayPageCountAndCurrentLocation          = false,
                MaximumPageNumbersToDisplay                 = 5,
                DisplayEllipsesWhenNotShowingAllPageNumbers = true,
                EllipsesFormat                     = "&#8230;",
                LinkToFirstPageFormat              = "Trang đầu",
                LinkToPreviousPageFormat           = "«",
                LinkToIndividualPageFormat         = "{0}",
                LinkToNextPageFormat               = "»",
                LinkToLastPageFormat               = "Trang cuối",
                PageCountAndCurrentLocationFormat  = "Page {0} of {1}.",
                ItemSliceAndTotalFormat            = "Showing items {0} through {1} of {2}.",
                FunctionToDisplayEachPageNumber    = null,
                ClassToApplyToFirstListItemInPager = null,
                ClassToApplyToLastListItemInPager  = null,
                ContainerDivClasses                = new[] { "pagination-container" },
                UlElementClasses                   = new[] { "pagination" },
                LiElementClasses                   = Enumerable.Empty <string>()

            ViewBag.ship = ship;

            ViewBag.Title       = "<title>Tổng hợp catalogues sản phẩm Thiết bị vệ sinh TOTO</title>";
            ViewBag.Description = "<meta name=\"description\" content=\"Bộ danh sách những catalogues sản phẩm Thiết bị vệ sinh TOTO chính hãng đầy đủ dành cho khách hàng\"/>";
            ViewBag.Keyword     = "<meta name=\"keywords\" content=\"Catalogues toto, Báo giá catalogues\" /> ";

            return(View(ListCatalogues.ToPagedList(pageNumber, pageSize)));
Пример #30
        public ActionResult TabsAgency(string tag, int?page)
            var       ListAgency = db.tblAgencies.Where(p => p.Tabs.Contains(tag) && p.Active == true).OrderByDescending(p => p.DateCreate).ToList();
            const int pageSize   = 20;
            var       pageNumber = (page ?? 1);
            // Thiết lập phân trang
            var ship = new PagedListRenderOptions
                DisplayLinkToFirstPage                      = PagedListDisplayMode.Always,
                DisplayLinkToLastPage                       = PagedListDisplayMode.Always,
                DisplayLinkToPreviousPage                   = PagedListDisplayMode.Always,
                DisplayLinkToNextPage                       = PagedListDisplayMode.Always,
                DisplayLinkToIndividualPages                = true,
                DisplayPageCountAndCurrentLocation          = false,
                MaximumPageNumbersToDisplay                 = 5,
                DisplayEllipsesWhenNotShowingAllPageNumbers = true,
                EllipsesFormat                     = "&#8230;",
                LinkToFirstPageFormat              = "Trang đầu",
                LinkToPreviousPageFormat           = "«",
                LinkToIndividualPageFormat         = "{0}",
                LinkToNextPageFormat               = "»",
                LinkToLastPageFormat               = "Trang cuối",
                PageCountAndCurrentLocationFormat  = "Page {0} of {1}.",
                ItemSliceAndTotalFormat            = "Showing items {0} through {1} of {2}.",
                FunctionToDisplayEachPageNumber    = null,
                ClassToApplyToFirstListItemInPager = null,
                ClassToApplyToLastListItemInPager  = null,
                ContainerDivClasses                = new[] { "pagination-container" },
                UlElementClasses                   = new[] { "pagination" },
                LiElementClasses                   = Enumerable.Empty <string>()

            ViewBag.ship = ship;
            ViewBag.name = tag;

            ViewBag.Title       = "<title>" + tag + "</title>";
            ViewBag.Description = "<meta name=\"description\" content=\"" + tag + "\"/>";
            ViewBag.Keyword     = "<meta name=\"keywords\" content=\"" + tag + "\" /> ";
            ViewBag.favicon     = " <link href=\"" + db.tblConfigs.First().Favicon + "\" rel=\"icon\" type=\"image/x-icon\" />";
            return(View(ListAgency.ToPagedList(pageNumber, pageSize)));
Пример #31
        private static TagBuilder Last(IPagedList list, Func<int, string> generatePageUrl, PagedListRenderOptions options)
            var targetPageNumber = list.PageCount;
            var last = new TagBuilder("a")
                InnerHtml = string.Format(options.LinkToLastPageFormat, targetPageNumber)

            if (list.IsLastPage)
                return WrapInListItem(last, options, "PagedList-skipToLast", "disabled");

            last.Attributes["href"] = generatePageUrl(targetPageNumber);
            return WrapInListItem(last, options, "PagedList-skipToLast");
Пример #32
        private static TagBuilder PageCountAndLocationText(IPagedList list, PagedListRenderOptions options)
            var text = new TagBuilder("a");
            text.SetInnerText(string.Format(options.PageCountAndCurrentLocationFormat, list.PageNumber, list.PageCount));

            return WrapInListItem(text, options, "PagedList-pageCountAndLocation", "disabled");
Пример #33
        private static TagBuilder Page(int i, IPagedList list, Func<int, string> generatePageUrl, PagedListRenderOptions options)
            var format = options.FunctionToDisplayEachPageNumber
                ?? (pageNumber => string.Format(options.LinkToIndividualPageFormat, pageNumber));
            var targetPageNumber = i;
            var page = new TagBuilder("a");

            if (i == list.PageNumber)
                return WrapInListItem(page, options, "active");

            page.Attributes["href"] = generatePageUrl(targetPageNumber);
            return WrapInListItem(page, options);
Пример #34
        private static TagBuilder WrapInListItem(TagBuilder inner, PagedListRenderOptions options, params string[] classes)
            //var li = new TagBuilder("li");
            //foreach (var @class in classes)
            //    li.AddCssClass(@class);
            //if (options.FunctionToTransformEachPageLink != null)
            //    return options.FunctionToTransformEachPageLink(li, inner);
            //li.InnerHtml = inner.ToString();

            foreach (var @class in classes)

            return inner;
Пример #35
 public ListViewModel()
     PageSize = 25;
     RenderOptions = new PagedListRenderOptions();
     ModelState = new ModelStateDictionary();
Пример #36
        ///	Displays a configurable paging control for instances of PagedList.
        ///<param name = "html">This method is meant to hook off HtmlHelper as an extension method.</param>
        ///<param name = "list">The PagedList to use as the data source.</param>
        ///<param name = "generatePageUrl">A function that takes the page number  of the desired page and returns a URL-string that will load that page.</param>
        ///<param name = "options">Formatting options.</param>
        ///<returns>Outputs the paging control HTML.</returns>
        public static MvcHtmlString PagedListPager(this System.Web.Mvc.HtmlHelper html,
                                                   IPagedList list,
                                                   Func<int, string> generatePageUrl,
                                                   PagedListRenderOptions options)
            var listItemLinks = new List<TagBuilder>();

            if (options.DisplayLinkToFirstPage)
                listItemLinks.Add(First(list, generatePageUrl, options));

            if (options.DisplayLinkToPreviousPage)
                listItemLinks.Add(Previous(list, generatePageUrl, options));

            if (options.DisplayPageCountAndCurrentLocation)
                listItemLinks.Add(PageCountAndLocationText(list, options));

            if (options.DisplayItemSliceAndTotal)
                listItemLinks.Add(ItemSliceAndTotalText(list, options));

            if (options.DisplayLinkToIndividualPages)
                //calculate start and end of range of page numbers
                var start = 1;
                var end = list.PageCount;
                if (options.MaximumPageNumbersToDisplay.HasValue && list.PageCount > options.MaximumPageNumbersToDisplay)
                    var maxPageNumbersToDisplay = options.MaximumPageNumbersToDisplay.Value;
                    start = list.PageNumber - maxPageNumbersToDisplay / 2;
                    if (start < 1)
                        start = 1;
                    end = maxPageNumbersToDisplay;
                    if ((start + end - 1) > list.PageCount)
                        start = list.PageCount - maxPageNumbersToDisplay + 1;

                //if there are previous page numbers not displayed, show an ellipsis
                if (options.DisplayEllipsesWhenNotShowingAllPageNumbers && start > 1)

                foreach (var i in Enumerable.Range(start, end))
                    //show delimiter between page numbers
                    if (i > start && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(options.DelimiterBetweenPageNumbers))

                    //show page number link
                    listItemLinks.Add(Page(i, list, generatePageUrl, options));

                //if there are subsequent page numbers not displayed, show an ellipsis
                if (options.DisplayEllipsesWhenNotShowingAllPageNumbers && (start + end - 1) < list.PageCount)

            if (options.DisplayLinkToNextPage)
                listItemLinks.Add(Next(list, generatePageUrl, options));

            if (options.DisplayLinkToLastPage)
                listItemLinks.Add(Last(list, generatePageUrl, options));

            //append class to first item in list?
            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(options.ClassToApplyToFirstListItemInPager))

            //append class to last item in list?
            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(options.ClassToApplyToLastListItemInPager))

            //append classes to all list item links
            foreach (var li in listItemLinks)
                foreach (var c in options.LiElementClasses ?? Enumerable.Empty<string>())

            //collapse all of the list items into one big string
            var listItemLinksString = listItemLinks.Aggregate(
                new StringBuilder(),
                (sb, listItem) => sb.Append(listItem.ToString()),
                sb => sb.ToString()

            var ul = new TagBuilder("ul")
                InnerHtml = listItemLinksString
            foreach (var c in options.UlElementClasses ?? Enumerable.Empty<string>())

            var outerDiv = new TagBuilder("div");
            foreach (var c in options.ContainerDivClasses ?? Enumerable.Empty<string>())
            outerDiv.InnerHtml = ul.ToString();

            return new MvcHtmlString(outerDiv.ToString());
Пример #37
        private static TagBuilder ItemSliceAndTotalText(IPagedList list, PagedListRenderOptions options)
            var text = new TagBuilder("a");
            text.SetInnerText(string.Format(options.ItemSliceAndTotalFormat, list.FirstItemOnPage, list.LastItemOnPage, list.TotalItemCount));

            return WrapInListItem(text, options, "PagedList-pageCountAndLocation", "disabled");
Пример #38
		/// <summary>
		/// Displays a configurable paging control for instances of PagedList.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="html">This method is meant to hook off HtmlHelper as an extension method.</param>
		/// <param name="list">The PagedList to use as the data source.</param>
		/// <param name="formId">Id of the firm, which is used to submit data.</param>
		/// <param name="routeValues">Additional parameters to pass to server.</param>
		/// <param name="actionUrl">Url for the form where it should submit.</param>
		/// <param name="validation">Should or not form validate data in form.</param>
		/// <returns></returns>
		public static MvcHtmlString DVSPagedListPager(this System.Web.Mvc.HtmlHelper html, IPagedList list,
			string formId, Func<int, RouteValueDictionary> routeValues, string actionUrl, ValidationType validation = ValidationType.None)
			if (list == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("list");
			if (routeValues == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("routeValues");
			if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(actionUrl)) throw new ArgumentNullException("actionUrl");
			if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(formId)) throw new ArgumentNullException("formId");

			var options = new PagedListRenderOptions
				LinkToPreviousPageFormat = "<",
				LinkToNextPageFormat = ">",
				DisplayLinkToFirstPage = true,
				LinkToFirstPageFormat = "1",
				DisplayLinkToLastPage = true,
				LinkToLastPageFormat = list.PageCount.ToString(),
				EllipsesFormat = "..",
				MaximumPageNumbersToDisplay = 5,
				ContainerDivClasses = new string[] { "PagedList-pager" }
			var jsHelper = new JavaScriptHelper();
			Func<int, string> pageAction = page => jsHelper.GetSubmitScript(formId, routeValues(page), actionUrl, validation);

			return DVSPagedListPager(html, list, pageAction, options);
Пример #39
        private static TagBuilder Previous(IPagedList list, Func<int, string> generatePageUrl, PagedListRenderOptions options)
            var targetPageNumber = list.PageNumber - 1;
            var previous = new TagBuilder("a")
                InnerHtml = string.Format(options.LinkToPreviousPageFormat, targetPageNumber)

            if (!list.HasPreviousPage)
                return WrapInListItem(previous, options, "PagedList-skipToPrevious", "disabled");

            previous.Attributes["href"] = generatePageUrl(targetPageNumber);
            return WrapInListItem(previous, options, "PagedList-skipToPrevious");
Пример #40
        private static TagBuilder Next(IPagedList list, Func<int, string> generatePageUrl, PagedListRenderOptions options)
            var targetPageNumber = list.PageNumber + 1;
            var next = new TagBuilder("a")
                InnerHtml = string.Format(options.LinkToNextPageFormat, targetPageNumber)

            if (!list.HasNextPage)
                return WrapInListItem(next, options, "PagedList-skipToNext", "disabled");

            next.Attributes["href"] = generatePageUrl(targetPageNumber);
            return WrapInListItem(next, options, "PagedList-skipToNext");
Пример #41
        private static TagBuilder Ellipses(PagedListRenderOptions options)
            var a = new TagBuilder("a")
                InnerHtml = options.EllipsesFormat

            return WrapInListItem(a, options, "PagedList-ellipses", "disabled");