Пример #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Installs the package locally and pushes the package onto the destination server
        /// Uses OptimizedPackage much like the 'nuget push' command to prevent issues caused by
        /// holding onto package as a stream in memory
        /// </summary>
        private void MirrorPackage(DataServicePackageWithCreated package, PackageServer destinationServer, IPackageManager tempPackageManager, LocalPackageRepository tempLocalRepo,
                                   string apiKey, int timeOut)
            // Download the package locally into a temp folder. This prevents storing the package in memory
            // which becomes an issue with large packages. Push command uses OptimizedZipPackage and we will too
            string localPackagePath          = String.Empty;
            OptimizedZipPackage localPackage = null;

                Log.AddingPackageLocally(package.ToString(), package.Created.Value.DateTime.ToString());
                tempPackageManager.InstallPackage(package.Id, package.SemanticVersion, ignoreDependencies: true, allowPrereleaseVersions: true);
            catch (Exception ex)
                throw new SourceException(ex);

                // Push the local package onto destination Repository
                var localInstallPath = tempLocalRepo.PathResolver.GetInstallPath(package);
                localPackagePath = Path.Combine(localInstallPath, tempLocalRepo.PathResolver.GetPackageFileName(package));
                localPackage     = new OptimizedZipPackage(localPackagePath);
                destinationServer.PushPackage(apiKey, localPackage, new FileInfo(localPackagePath).Length, timeOut, disableBuffering: false);
            catch (Exception ex)
                throw new DestinationException(ex);
Пример #2
        public override void ExecuteCommand()
            //First argument should be the package ID
            string packageId = Arguments[0];
            //Second argument should be the package Version
            string packageVersion = Arguments[1];

            //If the user passed a source use it for the gallery location
            string source  = SourceProvider.ResolveAndValidateSource(Source) ?? NuGetConstants.DefaultGalleryServerUrl;
            var    gallery = new PackageServer(source, CommandLineConstants.UserAgent);

            //If the user did not pass an API Key look in the config file
            string apiKey = GetApiKey(source);

            string sourceDisplayName = CommandLineUtility.GetSourceDisplayName(source);

            if (NoPrompt || Console.Confirm(String.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, NuGetResources.DeleteCommandConfirm, packageId, packageVersion, sourceDisplayName)))
                Console.WriteLine(NuGetResources.DeleteCommandDeletingPackage, packageId, packageVersion, sourceDisplayName);
                gallery.DeletePackage(apiKey, packageId, packageVersion);
                Console.WriteLine(NuGetResources.DeleteCommandDeletedPackage, packageId, packageVersion);
Пример #3
        private void PushPackage(string packagePath, string source, string apiKey, TimeSpan timeout)
            var packageServer = new PackageServer(source, CommandLineConstants.UserAgent);

            packageServer.SendingRequest += (sender, e) =>
                if (Console.Verbosity == NuGet.Verbosity.Detailed)
                    Console.WriteLine(ConsoleColor.Green, "{0} {1}", e.Request.Method, e.Request.RequestUri);

            IEnumerable <string> packagesToPush = GetPackagesToPush(packagePath);

            if (!packagesToPush.Any())
                Console.WriteError(String.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, NuGetResources.UnableToFindFile, packagePath));

            foreach (string packageToPush in packagesToPush)
                PushPackageCore(source, apiKey, packageServer, packageToPush, timeout);
Пример #4
        void WritePackage(PackageBuilder builder, ManifestMetadata metadata)
            //Create the Nuget package
            if (!Directory.Exists(NugetRepository))

            var package = NugetRepository + metadata.Id + NugetSeparator + metadata.Version + ".nupkg";

            using (FileStream stream = File.Open(package, FileMode.OpenOrCreate, FileAccess.ReadWrite, FileShare.Read))
            Trace.TraceInformation("Package {0} created locally", package);

            var localRepo    = PackageRepositoryFactory.Default.CreateRepository(new DirectoryInfo("./nuget-repository").FullName);
            var nuGetPackage = PackageHelper.ResolvePackage(localRepo, metadata.Id, new SemanticVersion(metadata.Version));
            var packageFile  = new FileInfo(package);
            var size         = packageFile.Length;
            var ps           = new PackageServer(_repository, "None");

            ps.PushPackage(_credential, nuGetPackage, size, 50000, false);

            Trace.TraceInformation("Package {0} uploaded to {1}", package, _repository);
Пример #5
        public override void ExecuteCommand()
            //First argument should be the package ID
            string packageId = Arguments[0];
            //Second argument should be the package Version
            string packageVersion = Arguments[1];

            //If the user passed a source use it for the gallery location
            string source = SourceProvider.ResolveAndValidateSource(Source) ?? NuGetConstants.DefaultGalleryServerUrl;
            var gallery = new PackageServer(source, CommandLineConstants.UserAgent);

            //If the user did not pass an API Key look in the config file
            string apiKey = GetApiKey(source);

            string sourceDisplayName = CommandLineUtility.GetSourceDisplayName(source);

            if (NoPrompt || Console.Confirm(String.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, NuGetResources.DeleteCommandConfirm, packageId, packageVersion, sourceDisplayName)))
                Console.WriteLine(NuGetResources.DeleteCommandDeletingPackage, packageId, packageVersion, sourceDisplayName);
                gallery.DeletePackage(apiKey, packageId, packageVersion);
                Console.WriteLine(NuGetResources.DeleteCommandDeletedPackage, packageId, packageVersion);

        public void Push(string url, string key, Stream stream)
            var server  = new PackageServer(url, "SymbolSource");
            var length  = stream.Length;
            var package = new ZipPackage(stream);

            server.PushPackage(key, package, length, 5000, false);
        public void GetEndPointUrlDoesNotAppendServicePathIfOnlyHostNameIsSpecified(string baseUrl, string path, string expectedEndpoint)
            // Act
            var value = PackageServer.GetServiceEndpointUrl(new Uri(baseUrl), path);

            // Assert
            Assert.Equal(expectedEndpoint, value.OriginalString);
Пример #8
        public void PublishPackage(string file, string apiKey)
            var packageServer = new PackageServer("https://nuget.org/", "ripple");
            var package       = new OptimizedZipPackage(file);

            RippleLog.Info("Publishing " + file + " with " + apiKey);

            packageServer.PushPackage(apiKey, package, (int)60.Minutes().TotalMilliseconds);
Пример #9
        protected virtual void Push(ZipPackage package, long packageSize,
                                    string apiUrl, string apiKey,
                                    int timeoutInMilliseconds,
                                    bool disableBuffering)
            var ps = new PackageServer(apiUrl, "MetaPack Packaging API");

            ps.PushPackage(apiKey, package, packageSize, timeoutInMilliseconds, disableBuffering);
Пример #10
        public void PublishPackage(string pathToNupkg, string apiKey)
            var fi        = new FileInfo(pathToNupkg);
            var localRepo = PackageRepositoryFactory.Default.CreateRepository(fi.Directory.FullName);
            var package   = localRepo.FindPackagesById(fi.Name.Replace(fi.Extension, string.Empty)).First();
            var size      = fi.Length;
            var ps        = new PackageServer(PublishDestination.ToString(), "userAgent");

            ps.PushPackage(apiKey, package, size, 1800, false);
Пример #11
        public void PrepareSamplePackage()
            package = LoadSamplePackage("Package", "1.0.0");

            using (var stream = package.GetStream())
                packageSize = stream.Length;

            server = new PackageServer(ServerUrl + "api/packages", "");
Пример #12
        public void PrepareSamplePackage()
            package = LoadSamplePackage("Package", "1.0.0");
            using (var stream = package.GetStream())
                packageSize = stream.Length;

            server = new PackageServer(ServerUrl + "api/packages", "");
Пример #13
        private void PushPackageCore(string source, string apiKey, PackageServer packageServer, string packageToPush, TimeSpan timeout)
            // Push the package to the server
            var package = new ZipPackage(packageToPush);

            string sourceName = CommandLineUtility.GetSourceDisplayName(source);

            Console.WriteLine(NuGetResources.PushCommandPushingPackage, package.GetFullName(), sourceName);

            packageServer.PushPackage(apiKey, package.GetStream, Convert.ToInt32(timeout.TotalMilliseconds));
Пример #14
        public static void push_package(ChocolateyConfiguration config, string nupkgFilePath)
            var timeout = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(Math.Abs(config.CommandExecutionTimeoutSeconds));

            if (timeout.Seconds <= 0)
                timeout = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(300); // Default to 5 hours if there is a zero (infinite) timeout
            const bool disableBuffering = false;

            var packageServer = new PackageServer(config.Sources, ApplicationParameters.UserAgent);

            packageServer.SendingRequest += (sender, e) => { if (config.Verbose)
                                                                 "chocolatey".Log().Info(ChocolateyLoggers.Verbose, "{0} {1}".format_with(e.Request.Method, e.Request.RequestUri));

            var package = new OptimizedZipPackage(nupkgFilePath);

                    new FileInfo(nupkgFilePath).Length,
            catch (InvalidOperationException ex)
                var message = ex.Message;
                if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(message))
                    if (config.Sources == ApplicationParameters.ChocolateyCommunityFeedPushSource && message.Contains("already exists and cannot be modified"))
                        throw new ApplicationException("An error has occurred. This package version already exists on the repository and cannot be modified.{0}Package versions that are approved, rejected, or exempted cannot be modified.{0}See https://docs.chocolatey.org/en-us/community-repository/moderation/ for more information".format_with(Environment.NewLine), ex);

                    if (message.Contains("(406)") || message.Contains("(409)"))
                        // Let this fall through so the actual error message is shown when the exception is re-thrown
                        "chocolatey".Log().Error("An error has occurred. It's possible the package version already exists on the repository or a nuspec element is invalid. See error below...");


            "chocolatey".Log().Info(ChocolateyLoggers.Important, () => "{0} was pushed successfully to {1}".format_with(package.GetFullName(), config.Sources));
Пример #15
        // POST /api/sign
        public async Task <HttpResponseMessage> Post([FromBody] WebHookEvent payload)
            if (payload.Payload.PackageIdentifier.EndsWith(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Signature:PackageIdSuffix"]))
                return(new HttpResponseMessage(HttpStatusCode.OK)
                    ReasonPhrase = "Package is already signed. "

            string tempPath = Path.GetTempFileName();

                // Download the package
                var httpClient    = new HttpClient();
                var packageStream = await httpClient.GetStreamAsync(payload.Payload.PackageDownloadUrl);

                using (var stream = new FileStream(tempPath, FileMode.OpenOrCreate, FileAccess.Write))

                // Sign the package
                PackageSigner signer = new PackageSigner();
                if (signer.SignPackage(tempPath, tempPath,
                                       System.Web.Hosting.HostingEnvironment.MapPath("~/" + ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Signature:KeyFile"]),
                                       payload.Payload.PackageIdentifier + ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Signature:PackageIdSuffix"]))
                    var server = new PackageServer(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Signature:NuGetFeedUrl"], "Signature/1.0");
                    server.PushPackage(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Signature:NuGetFeedApiKey"], new OptimizedZipPackage(tempPath), new FileInfo(tempPath).Length, 60 * 1000, true);

                    return(new HttpResponseMessage(HttpStatusCode.Created)
                        ReasonPhrase = "Package has been signed."

            return(new HttpResponseMessage(HttpStatusCode.OK)
                ReasonPhrase = "Package is already signed."
Пример #16
        private void PushPackageCore(string source, string apiKey, PackageServer packageServer, string packageToPush, TimeSpan timeout)
            // Push the package to the server
            var package = new OptimizedZipPackage(packageToPush);

            string sourceName = CommandLineUtility.GetSourceDisplayName(source);

            Console.WriteLine(LocalizedResourceManager.GetString("PushCommandPushingPackage"), package.GetFullName(), sourceName);

                new FileInfo(packageToPush).Length,
Пример #17
        /// <summary>Publishes to the NuGet main repository.</summary>
        public static void PublishToNuget(string packagePath, string nugetApiKey)
            TraceSource.TraceEvent(TraceEventType.Verbose, "Pushing \"{0}\" to NuGet repository", packagePath);
            PackageServer packageServer = new PackageServer("https://nuget.org/", "Google.Apis");

                packageServer.PushPackage(nugetApiKey, new ZipPackage(packagePath), NuGetPushTimeoutMills);
                TraceSource.TraceEvent(TraceEventType.Information, "\"{0}\" was pushed successfully", packagePath);
            catch (Exception ex)
                TraceSource.TraceEvent(TraceEventType.Error, "Can't publish \"{0}\" to NuGet repository. " +
                                       "Exception is: {1}", packagePath, ex.Message);
Пример #18
        public void Push(string serverUrl, string apiKey = null, double timeout = 600.0)
            if (_packages.Count == 0)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("No input files");

            var server = new PackageServer(serverUrl, UserAgent);
            var ms     = (int)(timeout * 1000.0);

            foreach (var upk in _packages)
                using (Log.StartAnimation("Uploading " + upk, ConsoleColor.Blue))
                    server.PushPackage(apiKey, upk.ZipPackage, upk.ZipPackageSize, ms, false);
Пример #19
        private void PushPackage(string packagePath, string source, string apiKey, TimeSpan timeout)
            var packageServer = new PackageServer(source, CommandLineConstants.UserAgent);
            IEnumerable <string> packagesToPush = GetPackagesToPush(packagePath);

            if (!packagesToPush.Any())
                Console.WriteError(String.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, NuGetResources.UnableToFindFile, packagePath));

            foreach (string packageToPush in packagesToPush)
                PushPackageCore(source, apiKey, packageServer, packageToPush, timeout);
Пример #20
        public static void delete_package(MyNugetPackage packageToDelete, ChocolateyConfiguration config)
            var timeout = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(Math.Abs(config.CommandExecutionTimeoutSeconds));

            if (timeout.Seconds <= 0)
                int timeoutMinutes = 10;
                "chocolatey".Log().Debug(ChocolateyLoggers.Verbose, "Updating timeout to: {0} minutes because configured timeout value is invalid: {1}".format_with(timeoutMinutes, config.CommandExecutionTimeoutSeconds));
                timeout = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(timeoutMinutes); // Default to 10 minutes hours if there is a zero (infinite) timeout

            var packageServer = new PackageServer(config.Sources, ApplicationParameters.UserAgent);

            packageServer.SendingRequest += (sender, e) => { if (config.Verbose)
                                                                 "chocolatey".Log().Info(ChocolateyLoggers.Verbose, "{0} {1}".format_with(e.Request.Method, e.Request.RequestUri));

            string packageId       = packageToDelete.Id;
            string packageVersion  = packageToDelete.Version.ToString();
            string packageFullName = "{0}-{1}".format_with(packageId, packageVersion);

            catch (InvalidOperationException ex)
                var message = ex.Message;
                if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(message))
                    if (message.Contains("(404)"))
                        // Let this fall through so the actual error message is shown when the exception is re-thrown
                        "chocolatey".Log().Error("An error has occurred. It's very much possible that the package version doesn't exist on the repository. See error below...");


            "chocolatey".Log().Info(ChocolateyLoggers.Important, () => "{0} was successfully deleted from source: {1}".format_with(packageFullName, config.Sources));
        public PackageServerRepository(IPackageRepository sourceRepository, PackageServer destination, string apiKey, TimeSpan timeout, ILogger logger)
            if (sourceRepository == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("sourceRepository");
            if (destination == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("destination");

            _source      = sourceRepository;
            _destination = destination;
            _apiKey      = apiKey;
            _timeout     = timeout;
            _logger      = logger ?? NullLogger.Instance;
 public PackageServerRepository(IPackageRepository sourceRepository, PackageServer destination, string apiKey, TimeSpan timeout, ILogger logger)
     if (sourceRepository == null)
         throw new ArgumentNullException("sourceRepository");
     if (destination == null)
         throw new ArgumentNullException("destination");
     _source = sourceRepository;
     _destination = destination;
     _apiKey = apiKey;
     _timeout = timeout;
     _logger = logger ?? NullLogger.Instance;
Пример #23
        public override void ExecuteCommand()
            if (NoPrompt)
                NonInteractive = true;

            //First argument should be the package ID
            string packageId = Arguments[0];
            //Second argument should be the package Version
            string packageVersion = Arguments[1];

            //If the user passed a source use it for the gallery location
            string source  = SourceProvider.ResolveAndValidateSource(Source) ?? NuGetConstants.DefaultGalleryServerUrl;
            var    gallery = new PackageServer(source, CommandLineConstants.UserAgent);

            gallery.SendingRequest += (sender, e) =>
                if (Console.Verbosity == NuGet.Verbosity.Detailed)
                    Console.WriteLine(ConsoleColor.Green, "{0} {1}", e.Request.Method, e.Request.RequestUri);

            //If the user did not pass an API Key look in the config file
            string apiKey            = GetApiKey(source);
            string sourceDisplayName = CommandLineUtility.GetSourceDisplayName(source);

            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(apiKey))
                Console.WriteWarning(NuGetResources.NoApiKeyFound, sourceDisplayName);

            if (NonInteractive || Console.Confirm(String.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, NuGetResources.DeleteCommandConfirm, packageId, packageVersion, sourceDisplayName)))
                Console.WriteLine(NuGetResources.DeleteCommandDeletingPackage, packageId, packageVersion, sourceDisplayName);
                gallery.DeletePackage(apiKey, packageId, packageVersion);
                Console.WriteLine(NuGetResources.DeleteCommandDeletedPackage, packageId, packageVersion);
Пример #24
        public static void push_package(ChocolateyConfiguration config, string nupkgFilePath)
            var timeout = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(Math.Abs(config.PushCommand.TimeoutInSeconds));

            if (timeout.Seconds <= 0)
                timeout = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(5); // Default to 5 minutes
            const bool disableBuffering = false;

            var packageServer = new PackageServer(config.Sources, ApplicationParameters.UserAgent);

            packageServer.SendingRequest += (sender, e) => { if (config.Verbose)
                                                                 "chocolatey".Log().Info(ChocolateyLoggers.Verbose, "{0} {1}".format_with(e.Request.Method, e.Request.RequestUri));

            var package = new OptimizedZipPackage(nupkgFilePath);

                    new FileInfo(nupkgFilePath).Length,
            catch (InvalidOperationException ex)
                var message = ex.Message;
                if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(message) && message.Contains("(500) Internal Server Error"))
                    throw new ApplicationException("There was an internal server error, which might mean the package already exists on a Simple OData Server.", ex);


            "chocolatey".Log().Info(ChocolateyLoggers.Important, () => "{0} was pushed successfully to {1}".format_with(package.GetFullName(), config.Sources));
Пример #25
        public override void ExecuteCommand()
            if (NoPrompt)
                NonInteractive = true;

            //First argument should be the package ID
            string packageId = Arguments[0];
            //Second argument should be the package Version
            string packageVersion = Arguments[1];

            //If the user passed a source use it for the gallery location
            string source = SourceProvider.ResolveAndValidateSource(Source) ?? NuGetConstants.DefaultGalleryServerUrl;
            var gallery = new PackageServer(source, CommandLineConstants.UserAgent);
            gallery.SendingRequest += (sender, e) =>
                if (Console.Verbosity == NuGet.Verbosity.Detailed)
                    Console.WriteLine(ConsoleColor.Green, "{0} {1}", e.Request.Method, e.Request.RequestUri);

            //If the user did not pass an API Key look in the config file
            string apiKey = GetApiKey(source);
            string sourceDisplayName = CommandLineUtility.GetSourceDisplayName(source);
            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(apiKey))
                Console.WriteWarning(NuGetResources.NoApiKeyFound, sourceDisplayName);

            if (NonInteractive || Console.Confirm(String.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, NuGetResources.DeleteCommandConfirm, packageId, packageVersion, sourceDisplayName)))
                Console.WriteLine(NuGetResources.DeleteCommandDeletingPackage, packageId, packageVersion, sourceDisplayName);
                gallery.DeletePackage(apiKey, packageId, packageVersion);
                Console.WriteLine(NuGetResources.DeleteCommandDeletedPackage, packageId, packageVersion);
Пример #26
        public static void push_package(ChocolateyConfiguration config, string nupkgFilePath)
            var timeout = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(Math.Abs(config.CommandExecutionTimeoutSeconds));

            if (timeout.Seconds <= 0)
                timeout = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(300); // Default to 5 hours if there is a zero (infinite) timeout
            const bool disableBuffering = false;

            var packageServer = new PackageServer(config.Sources, ApplicationParameters.UserAgent);

            packageServer.SendingRequest += (sender, e) => { if (config.Verbose)
                                                                 "chocolatey".Log().Info(ChocolateyLoggers.Verbose, "{0} {1}".format_with(e.Request.Method, e.Request.RequestUri));

            var package = new OptimizedZipPackage(nupkgFilePath);

                    new FileInfo(nupkgFilePath).Length,
            catch (InvalidOperationException ex)
                var message = ex.Message;
                if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(message) && (message.Contains("(406)") || message.Contains("(409)")))
                    throw new ApplicationException("An error has occurred. It's possible the package version already exists on the repository.", ex);


            "chocolatey".Log().Info(ChocolateyLoggers.Important, () => "{0} was pushed successfully to {1}".format_with(package.GetFullName(), config.Sources));
Пример #27
        protected internal override IPackagePushLocation GetPushLocation()
            if (ServerPath == null)
                ServerPath = new Uri("https://nuget.org");
            PackageServer server = new PackageServer(ServerPath.ToString(), "NAnt.NuGet");
            string        apiKey = ApiKey;

            if (apiKey == null && ApiKeyFile != null)
                if (!ApiKeyFile.Exists)
                    throw new BuildException(String.Format("Api key-file '{0}' does not exist.", ApiKeyFile.FullName));
                apiKey = File.ReadAllText(ApiKeyFile.FullName);

            return(new ServerPushLocation(apiKey, server));
Пример #28
        private void PushPackage(string packagePath, string source, string apiKey, TimeSpan timeout)
            var packageServer = new PackageServer(source, CommandLineConstants.UserAgent);

            packageServer.SendingRequest += (sender, e) =>
                if (Console.Verbosity == NuGet.Verbosity.Detailed)
                    Console.WriteLine(ConsoleColor.Green, "{0} {1}", e.Request.Method, e.Request.RequestUri);

            IEnumerable <string> packagesToPush = GetPackagesToPush(packagePath);

            EnsurePackageFileExists(packagePath, packagesToPush);

            foreach (string packageToPush in packagesToPush)
                PushPackageCore(source, apiKey, packageServer, packageToPush, timeout);
Пример #29
		public void Publish(string packagePath, string apiKey)
			var logPath = _pathService.GetRelative(packagePath);
				$"Pushing \"{logPath}\" to NuGet repository");
			var packageServer = new PackageServer(_sourceUrl, _userAgent);
				var package = new ZipPackage(packagePath);
				using (var stream = package.GetStream())
					packageServer.PushPackage(apiKey, package, stream.Length, _publishTimeout, true);
						$"\"{logPath}\" was pushed successfully");
			catch (Exception ex)
				Trace.TraceError("*Exception: {0}, StackTrace", ex.Message, ex.StackTrace);
Пример #30
        public async Task PublishNugetPackage(PublishOptions options)
                await Task.Run(() =>
                    IPackage localPackage = GetLocalPackage(options);

                    FileInfo packageFileInfo = new FileInfo(options.PackagePath);

                    PackageServer packageServer = new PackageServer("https://www.nuget.org/api/v2/package",

                    packageServer.PushPackage(options.ApiKey, localPackage,
                                              packageFileInfo.Length, 180000, false);
            catch (Exception ex)
                throw new Exception("Could not publish package. " + ex.Message);
Пример #31
        private void PushPackage(string packagePath, string source, string apiKey)
            var packageServer = new PackageServer(source, "NuGet Command Line");

            // Push the package to the server
            var package = new ZipPackage(packagePath);

            bool complete = false;

            //HACK no pretty source name, as they have made the call to  CommandLineUtility.GetSourceDisplayName(source) internal
            Console.WriteLine("Pushing {0} to {1}", package.GetFullName(), source);

            try {
                using (Stream stream = package.GetStream()) {
                    packageServer.PushPackage(apiKey, stream, 60000);
            catch {
                if (!complete)

            // Publish the package on the server

            var cmd = new PublishCommand();

            cmd.Console = Console;
            cmd.Source  = source;
            cmd.Arguments.AddRange(new List <string> {
Пример #32
        private void PushPackage(string packagePath, string source, string apiKey)
            var packageServer = new PackageServer(source, "NuGet Command Line");

            // Push the package to the server
            var package = new ZipPackage(packagePath);

            //HACK no pretty source name, as they have made the call to  CommandLineUtility.GetSourceDisplayName(source) internal
            Console.WriteLine("Pushing {0} to {1}", package.GetFullName(), source);

                using (package.GetStream())
                    var fileSize = new FileInfo(packagePath).Length;
                    packageServer.PushPackage(apiKey, package, fileSize, 60000, false);
Пример #33
        public IPublishReportItem PublishPackage(string serverUrl, string file, string apiKey)
            var packageServer = new PackageServer(serverUrl, "ripple");
            var package       = new OptimizedZipPackage(file);

            RippleLog.Info("Publishing " + file + " with " + apiKey);

                var info = new FileInfo(file);
                packageServer.PushPackage(apiKey, package, info.Length, (int)60.Minutes().TotalMilliseconds);
                return(new PublishSuccessful(package));
            catch (Exception ex)
                // TODO -- Hate this
                if (ex.Message.Contains("exists"))
                    return(new VersionAlreadyExists(package));

                return(new PublishFailure(package, ex));
Пример #34
        protected async internal override Task Execute()
            // Validate mandatory parameters
            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(SourceV2Feed))
                throw new ArgumentException("SourceV2Feed cannot be null or empty");

            // If the SourceV2Feed is not a URI, the following line will throw URIFormatException
            var sourceV2FeedUri = new Uri(SourceV2Feed);

            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(DestinationUri))
                throw new ArgumentException("DestinationUri cannot be null or empty");

            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(ApiKey))
                throw new ArgumentException("ApiKey cannot be null or empty");

            // Packages are in Legacy account. PackageDatabase is the InitialCatalog in the legacy account
            var account = Config.Storage.Legacy;
            var cstr    = Config.Sql.Legacy;

            if (cstr == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("Legacy sql cannot be null");

            // Arrange or set defaults for parameters that are not provided
            UserAgent = String.Format("{0}v2FeedMirrorer", sourceV2FeedUri.DnsSafeHost);
            var timeOutPerPush = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(PushTimeOutInMinutes);

            MirrorStorage = MirrorStorage ?? Config.Storage.Legacy;

            if (MirrorStorage == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("MirrorStorage", "Mirror storage is not provided or present in the config");

            MirrorBlobContainerName = String.IsNullOrEmpty(MirrorBlobContainerName) ? DefaultMirrorBlobContainerName : MirrorBlobContainerName;
            MirrorBlobContainer     = MirrorStorage.CreateCloudBlobClient().GetContainerReference(MirrorBlobContainerName);
            MirrorBlobName          = String.IsNullOrEmpty(MirrorBlobName) ? DefaultMirrorBlobName : MirrorBlobName;

            var sourceUri      = new Uri(sourceV2FeedUri, "/api/v2/");
            var serviceContext = new DataServices.DataServiceContext(sourceUri)
                MergeOption             = DataServices.MergeOption.OverwriteChanges,
                IgnoreMissingProperties = true,

            var mirrorJson = await GetJObject(MirrorBlobContainer, MirrorBlobName);

            if (!IsMirrorJsonValid(mirrorJson))
                throw new InvalidOperationException("mirrorJson is not valid. Either packageIndex array is not present. Or, the elements are not sorted by SourceCreatedDate");

            Exception caughtException = null;

            if (ExecuteDeletes)
                    await NuGetV2RepositoryMirrorPackageDeletor.DeleteAndSetListedPackages(sourceUri, mirrorJson, account, cstr);
                catch (Exception ex)
                    caughtException = ex;
                await SetJObject(MirrorBlobContainer, MirrorBlobName, mirrorJson);

                if (caughtException != null)
                    throw caughtException;

            var oldLastCreated = mirrorJson.Value <DateTime>(LastCreatedKey);
            var lastCreated    = oldLastCreated;

            Log.PreparingToMirror(MirrorBlobName, lastCreated.ToString(DateTimeFormatSpecifier), lastCreated.Kind.ToString(), sourceUri.AbsoluteUri, DestinationUri);

            int retries   = 0;
            int count     = 0;
            int skipIndex = 0;

            //  POSSIBLE ACTIONS when an error is encountered
            //  A) Always Skip to next package
            //  B) Retry 'MaxRetries' times and skip to next package
            //  C) Retry 'MaxRetries' times and fail
            //	KNOWN ERRORS
            //	1) '409 Conflict' from Destination- Package already exists in destination
            //		i)  Action: (A). Always Skip to next package
            //      ii) Before skipping, Update lastMirroredPackage.Created locally, i.e inside the while loop
            //	2) '403 Forbidden' from Source. For reasons unknown, certain listed packages are not available for download. Source returns "Access Denied"
            //      i)  Action: (B). Retry 'MaxRetries' times and Skip to next package
            //      ii) Log every retry. Before skipping, Update lastMirroredPackage.Created locally, i.e inside the while loop
            //  3) '404 Not Found' from Source. Package is available on the feed but not available for download already
            //      i)  Action: (C). Retry 'MaxRetries' times and Fail
            //      ii) Log every retry. Update lastMirroredPackage.Created in blob storage
            //	4) Unknown Error
            //      i)  Action: (C). Retry 'MaxRetries' times and Fail
            //      ii) Log every retry. Update lastMirroredPackage.Created in blob storage
            // Test Cases
            // 1) Add a new package to the source. COVERED
            //	  Result: The new package should be present on the destination
            // 2) Add a package as unlisted to the source. COVERED
            //	  Result: The new package should be present on the destination as unlisted
            // 3) Delete a package version from the source. COVERED
            //	  Result: The package should be deleted from the destination
            // 4) Delete a package version from the source which is the last version with the package Id. NOT COVERED
            //	  Result: The package should be deleted from the destination. And, PackageRegistration should be deleted too as appropriate
            // 5) Delete a package version from the source. And, add a new package with same Id and version as the deleted one. COVERED
            //	  Result: Old package with Id and version must be deleted from the destination. And, the new package with the same Id and Version must be added
            // 6) Mark a listed package as unlisted. COVERED
            //	  Result: The package should be unlisted in the destination too
            // 7) Mark an unlisted package as listed. COVERED
            //	  Result: The package should be listed in the destination too
                    if ((Invocation.NextVisibleAt - DateTimeOffset.UtcNow) < TimeSpan.FromMinutes(120))
                        // Based on default configuration on the repository, there are at most 40 packages returned by a single query (which will get downloaded and pushed)
                        // With a conservative estimate of 3 minutes per package, expecting a minimum of
                        // 120 minutes to run 1 iteration of this do-while loop
                        await Extend(TimeSpan.FromMinutes(120));

                    // In each query, at most, 40 packages may be returned. So, continue performing the queries
                    // in this do-while, so long as there are results returned

                    // Query for packages created since oldLastCreated
                    PackageServer destinationServer = new PackageServer(DestinationUri, UserAgent);

                    var lastMirroredPackage = QueryAndMirrorBatch(serviceContext, destinationServer, oldLastCreated, ApiKey, timeOutPerPush.Milliseconds, mirrorJson, ref retries, ref count, ref skipIndex, cstr, account);
                    if (lastMirroredPackage != null)
                        if (!lastMirroredPackage.Created.HasValue)
                            throw new InvalidOperationException("Last mirrored package : " + lastMirroredPackage.ToString() + "has a null Created Time.. WRONG!!!");

                        // Note that the Created DateTime is always stored in UTC, but the DateTimeKind of the value obtained is Unspecified
                        // So, store it as UTC
                        lastCreated = new DateTime(lastMirroredPackage.Created.Value.DateTime.Ticks, DateTimeKind.Utc);
                    else if (retries == 0 || retries > MaxRetries)
                } while (true);
            catch (Exception ex)
                // Catch the exception here so that new lastCreated is always stored
                // We can throw this exception at the end
                caughtException = ex;

            if (!oldLastCreated.Equals(lastCreated))
                mirrorJson[LastCreatedKey] = lastCreated.ToString(DateTimeFormatSpecifier);
                await SetJObject(MirrorBlobContainer, MirrorBlobName, mirrorJson);

                Log.NewLastCreatedAtEndOfInvocation(MirrorBlobName, lastCreated.ToString(DateTimeFormatSpecifier), lastCreated.Kind.ToString());

            if (caughtException != null)
                throw caughtException;
Пример #35
        private void PushPackage(string packagePath, string source, string apiKey)
            var packageServer = new PackageServer(source, CommandLineConstants.UserAgent);

            // Push the package to the server
            var package = new ZipPackage(packagePath);

            string sourceName = CommandLineUtility.GetSourceDisplayName(source);
            Console.WriteLine(NuGetResources.PushCommandPushingPackage, package.GetFullName(), sourceName);

            using (Stream stream = package.GetStream())
                packageServer.PushPackage(apiKey, stream);

            if (CreateOnly)
Пример #36
        private void PushPackage(string packagePath, string source, string apiKey, TimeSpan timeout)
            var packageServer = new PackageServer(source, CommandLineConstants.UserAgent);
            packageServer.SendingRequest += (sender, e) =>
                if (Console.Verbosity == NuGet.Verbosity.Detailed)
                    Console.WriteLine(ConsoleColor.Green, "{0} {1}", e.Request.Method, e.Request.RequestUri);
            IEnumerable<string> packagesToPush = GetPackagesToPush(packagePath);

            if (!packagesToPush.Any())
                Console.WriteError(String.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, NuGetResources.UnableToFindFile, packagePath));

            foreach (string packageToPush in packagesToPush)
                PushPackageCore(source, apiKey, packageServer, packageToPush, timeout);
Пример #37
        private void PushPackageCore(string source, string apiKey, PackageServer packageServer, string packageToPush, TimeSpan timeout)
            // Push the package to the server
            var package = new OptimizedZipPackage(packageToPush);

            string sourceName = CommandLineUtility.GetSourceDisplayName(source);
            Console.WriteLine(LocalizedResourceManager.GetString("PushCommandPushingPackage"), package.GetFullName(), sourceName);

                new FileInfo(packageToPush).Length,
Пример #38
        private void PushPackage(string packagePath, string source, string apiKey) {
            var packageServer = new PackageServer(source, "NuGet Command Line");

            // Push the package to the server
            var package = new ZipPackage(packagePath);

            bool complete = false;

            //HACK no pretty source name, as they have made the call to  CommandLineUtility.GetSourceDisplayName(source) internal
            Console.WriteLine("Pushing {0} to {1}", package.GetFullName(), source);

            try {
                using (Stream stream = package.GetStream()) {
                    packageServer.PushPackage(apiKey, stream, 60000);
            catch {
                if (!complete) {

            // Publish the package on the server

            var cmd = new PublishCommand();
            cmd.Console = Console;
            cmd.Source = source;
            cmd.Arguments.AddRange(new List<string> {
Пример #39
        private void PushPackage(string packagePath, string source, string apiKey, TimeSpan timeout)
            var packageServer = new PackageServer(source, CommandLineConstants.UserAgent);
            IEnumerable<string> packagesToPush = GetPackagesToPush(packagePath);

            if (!packagesToPush.Any())
                Console.WriteError(String.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, NuGetResources.UnableToFindFile, packagePath));

            foreach (string packageToPush in packagesToPush)
                PushPackageCore(source, apiKey, packageServer, packageToPush, timeout);
Пример #40
        private void PushPackageCore(string source, string apiKey, PackageServer packageServer, string packageToPush, TimeSpan timeout)
            // Push the package to the server
            var package = new ZipPackage(packageToPush);

            string sourceName = CommandLineUtility.GetSourceDisplayName(source);
            Console.WriteLine(NuGetResources.PushCommandPushingPackage, package.GetFullName(), sourceName);

            using (Stream stream = package.GetStream())
                packageServer.PushPackage(apiKey, stream, Convert.ToInt32(timeout.TotalMilliseconds));

            if (CreateOnly)
Пример #41
        private void PushPackageCore(string source, string apiKey, PackageServer packageServer, string packageToPush, TimeSpan timeout)
            // Push the package to the server
            var package = new OptimizedZipPackage(packageToPush);

            string sourceName = CommandLineUtility.GetSourceDisplayName(source);
            Console.WriteLine(NuGetResources.PushCommandPushingPackage, package.GetFullName(), sourceName);

            packageServer.PushPackage(apiKey, package, Convert.ToInt32(timeout.TotalMilliseconds));
Пример #42
        private void PushPackage(string packagePath, string source, string apiKey, TimeSpan timeout)
            var packageServer = new PackageServer(source, CommandLineConstants.UserAgent);
            packageServer.SendingRequest += (sender, e) =>
                if (Console.Verbosity == NuGet.Verbosity.Detailed)
                    Console.WriteLine(ConsoleColor.Green, "{0} {1}", e.Request.Method, e.Request.RequestUri);
            IEnumerable<string> packagesToPush = GetPackagesToPush(packagePath);

            EnsurePackageFileExists(packagePath, packagesToPush);

            foreach (string packageToPush in packagesToPush)
                PushPackageCore(source, apiKey, packageServer, packageToPush, timeout);
Пример #43
        /// <summary>
        /// Queries for packages created after 'lastCreated'. At most, 40 packages may be returned
        /// Mirror that batch of packages to the destination server
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>Returns lastMirroredPackage or null</returns>
        private DataServicePackageWithCreated QueryAndMirrorBatch(DataServices.DataServiceContext serviceContext, PackageServer destinationServer, DateTime lastCreated,
                                                                  string apiKey, int timeOut, JObject mirrorJson, ref int retries, ref int count, ref int skipIndex, SqlConnectionStringBuilder cstr, CloudStorageAccount account)
            var newPackages = GetNewPackagesToMirror(serviceContext, lastCreated);

            // Push packages
            var tempFolderPath = GetTempFolderPath(serviceContext.BaseUri.DnsSafeHost);


            var tempLocalRepo      = new LocalPackageRepository(tempFolderPath);
            var tempPackageManager = new PackageManager(new DataServicePackageRepository(serviceContext.BaseUri), tempFolderPath);

            DataServicePackageWithCreated currentPackage      = null;
            DataServicePackageWithCreated lastMirroredPackage = null;

                    // The following code deletes the temp folder if one exists and creates a new one
                    var newPackagesList = newPackages.Skip(skipIndex).ToList();

                    if (newPackagesList.Count == 0)

                    foreach (DataServicePackageWithCreated package in newPackagesList)
                            currentPackage = package;
                            MirrorPackage(package, destinationServer, tempPackageManager, tempLocalRepo, apiKey, timeOut);
                            var jObject = AddNewPackage(mirrorJson, package);
                            if (!package.IsListed)
                                // The new package being pushed is not listed. Mark it as unlisted
                                NuGetV2RepositoryMirrorPackageDeletor.SetListed(cstr, jObject, package.Id, package.SemanticVersion.ToString(), false).Wait();
                        catch (SourceException ex)
                            ThrowSourceExceptionIfNeeded(ex, ref retries, package);
                        catch (DestinationException ex)
                            ThrowDestinationExceptionIfNeeded(ex, package, mirrorJson, cstr, account).Wait();
                        lastMirroredPackage = package;
                        retries             = 0;
                } while (true);
            catch (Exception ex)
                Log.ServerUnreachable(retries, ex.Message);
                if (currentPackage != null)

            // Delete the packages stored locally
            Directory.Delete(tempFolderPath, recursive: true);

Пример #44
        private void PushPackage(string packagePath, string source, string apiKey) {
            var packageServer = new PackageServer(source, "NuGet Command Line");

            // Push the package to the server
            var package = new ZipPackage(packagePath);

            //HACK no pretty source name, as they have made the call to  CommandLineUtility.GetSourceDisplayName(source) internal
            Console.WriteLine("Pushing {0} to {1}", package.GetFullName(), source);

                using (package.GetStream())
                    packageServer.PushPackage(apiKey, package, 60000);