Пример #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Attempts to load a game in a specified path, returning a <see cref="PackageGroup"/> object with the
        /// packages in the path and an <see cref="SerializedTree"/> with a fully qualified node tree of the
        /// package group.
        /// If no packages are found, then this method will return null in both fields.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="gameAlias">The alias of the game at the path.</param>
        /// <param name="gamePath">The path to load as a game.</param>
        /// <param name="ct">A cancellation token.</param>
        /// <param name="progress">An <see cref="IProgress{GameLoadingProgress}"/> object for progress reporting.</param>
        /// <returns>A tuple with a package group and a node tree for the requested game.</returns>
        public async Task <(PackageGroup?packageGroup, SerializedTree?nodeTree)> LoadGameAsync
            string gameAlias,
            string gamePath,
            CancellationToken ct,
            IProgress <GameLoadingProgress>?progress = null
            progress?.Report(new GameLoadingProgress
                CompletionPercentage = 0.0f,
                State = GameLoadingState.SettingUp,
                Alias = gameAlias

            var packagePaths = Directory.EnumerateFiles
                               .Where(p => p.EndsWith(".mpq", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
                               .OrderBy(p => p)

            if (packagePaths.Count == 0)
                return(null, null);

            var packageSetHash      = GeneratePathSetHash(packagePaths);
            var packageTreeFilename = $".{packageSetHash}.tree";
            var packageTreeFilePath = Path.Combine(gamePath, packageTreeFilename);

            var            packageGroup = new PackageGroup(packageSetHash);
            SerializedTree?nodeTree     = null;

            var generateTree = true;

            if (File.Exists(packageTreeFilePath))
                progress?.Report(new GameLoadingProgress
                    CompletionPercentage = 0,
                    State = GameLoadingState.LoadingNodeTree,
                    Alias = gameAlias

                    // Load tree
                    nodeTree     = new SerializedTree(File.OpenRead(packageTreeFilePath));
                    generateTree = false;
                catch (FileNotFoundException)
                    Log.Error("No file for the node tree found at the given location.");
                catch (NotSupportedException)
                    Log.Info("Unsupported node tree version present. Deleting and regenerating.");

            if (generateTree)
                // Internal counters for progress reporting
                double completedSteps = 0;
                double totalSteps     = packagePaths.Count * 2;

                // Load packages
                var packages = new List <(string packageName, IPackage package)>();
                foreach (var packagePath in packagePaths)

                    progress?.Report(new GameLoadingProgress
                        CompletionPercentage = completedSteps / totalSteps,
                        State = GameLoadingState.LoadingPackages,
                        Alias = gameAlias

                        var package = await PackageInteractionHandler.LoadAsync(packagePath);

                        packages.Add((Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(packagePath), package));
                    catch (FileLoadException fex)
                        Log.Warn($"Failed to load archive {Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(packagePath)}: {fex.Message}");


                // Load dictionary if neccesary
                if (_dictionary == null)
                    progress?.Report(new GameLoadingProgress
                        CompletionPercentage = completedSteps / totalSteps,
                        State = GameLoadingState.LoadingDictionary,
                        Alias = gameAlias

                    _dictionary = await LoadDictionaryAsync(ct);

                // Generate node tree
                var builder = new TreeBuilder();
                foreach (var packageInfo in packages)

                    progress?.Report(new GameLoadingProgress
                        CompletionPercentage = completedSteps / totalSteps,
                        State = GameLoadingState.BuildingNodeTree,
                        Alias = gameAlias

                    var steps = completedSteps;
                    var createNodesProgress = new Progress <PackageNodesCreationProgress>
                        p =>
                            new GameLoadingProgress
                            CompletionPercentage = steps / totalSteps,
                            State                 = GameLoadingState.BuildingNodeTree,
                            Alias                 = gameAlias,
                            CurrentPackage        = packageInfo.packageName,
                            NodesCreationProgress = p

                    await Task.Run(() => builder.AddPackage(packageInfo.packageName, packageInfo.package, createNodesProgress, ct), ct);



                // Build node tree
                var tree = builder.GetTree();

                var optimizeTreeProgress = new Progress <TreeOptimizationProgress>
                    p =>
                        new GameLoadingProgress
                        CompletionPercentage = completedSteps / totalSteps,
                        State = GameLoadingState.BuildingNodeTree,
                        Alias = gameAlias,
                        OptimizationProgress = p

                var optimizer = new TreeOptimizer(_dictionary);

                var treeClosureCopy = tree;
                tree = await Task.Run(() => optimizer.OptimizeTree(treeClosureCopy, optimizeTreeProgress, ct), ct);

                using (var fs = File.OpenWrite(packageTreeFilePath))
                    using (var serializer = new TreeSerializer(fs))
                        await serializer.SerializeAsync(tree, ct);

                nodeTree = new SerializedTree(File.OpenRead(packageTreeFilePath));
                progress?.Report(new GameLoadingProgress
                    CompletionPercentage = 1,
                    State = GameLoadingState.LoadingPackages,
                    Alias = gameAlias

                // Load packages
                packageGroup = await PackageGroup.LoadAsync(gameAlias, packageSetHash, gamePath, ct, progress);

            progress?.Report(new GameLoadingProgress
                CompletionPercentage = 1,
                State = GameLoadingState.Loading,
                Alias = gameAlias

            return(packageGroup, nodeTree);
Пример #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Attempts to load a game in a specified path, returning a <see cref="PackageGroup"/> object with the
        /// packages in the path and an <see cref="OptimizedNodeTree"/> with a fully qualified node tree of the
        /// package group.
        /// If no packages are found, then this method will return null in both fields.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="gameAlias">The alias of the game at the path.</param>
        /// <param name="gamePath">The path to load as a game.</param>
        /// <param name="ct">A cancellation token.</param>
        /// <param name="progress">An <see cref="IProgress{GameLoadingProgress}"/> object for progress reporting.</param>
        /// <returns>A tuple with a package group and a node tree for the requested game.</returns>
        public async Task <(PackageGroup packageGroup, OptimizedNodeTree nodeTree)> LoadGameAsync(
            string gameAlias,
            string gamePath,
            CancellationToken ct,
            IProgress <GameLoadingProgress> progress = null)
            progress?.Report(new GameLoadingProgress
                CompletionPercentage = 0.0f,
                State = GameLoadingState.SettingUp,
                Alias = gameAlias

            List <string> packagePaths = Directory.EnumerateFiles
                                         .Where(p => p.EndsWith(".mpq", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
                                         .OrderBy(p => p)

            if (packagePaths.Count == 0)
                return(null, null);

            string packageSetHash      = GeneratePathSetHash(packagePaths);
            string packageTreeFilename = $".{packageSetHash}.tree";
            string packageTreeFilePath = Path.Combine(gamePath, packageTreeFilename);

            PackageGroup      packageGroup = new PackageGroup(packageSetHash);
            OptimizedNodeTree nodeTree     = null;

            bool generateTree = true;

            if (File.Exists(packageTreeFilePath))
                progress?.Report(new GameLoadingProgress
                    CompletionPercentage = 0,
                    State = GameLoadingState.LoadingNodeTree,
                    Alias = gameAlias

                    // Load tree
                    nodeTree     = new OptimizedNodeTree(packageTreeFilePath);
                    generateTree = false;
                catch (NodeTreeNotFoundException)
                    Log.Error("No file for the node tree found at the given location.");
                catch (UnsupportedNodeTreeVersionException)
                    Log.Info("Unsupported node tree version present. Deleting and regenerating.");

            if (generateTree)
                // Internal counters for progress reporting
                double completedSteps = 0;
                double totalSteps     = packagePaths.Count * 2;

                // Load packages
                List <(string packageName, IPackage package)> packages = new List <(string packageName, IPackage package)>();
                foreach (string packagePath in packagePaths)

                    progress?.Report(new GameLoadingProgress
                        CompletionPercentage = completedSteps / totalSteps,
                        State = GameLoadingState.LoadingPackages,
                        Alias = gameAlias

                        PackageInteractionHandler package = await PackageInteractionHandler.LoadAsync(packagePath);

                        packages.Add((Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(packagePath), package));
                    catch (FileLoadException fex)
                        Log.Warn($"Failed to load archive {Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(packagePath)}: {fex.Message}");


                // Load dictionary if neccesary
                if (this.Dictionary == null)
                    progress?.Report(new GameLoadingProgress
                        CompletionPercentage = completedSteps / totalSteps,
                        State = GameLoadingState.LoadingDictionary,
                        Alias = gameAlias

                    this.Dictionary = await LoadDictionaryAsync(ct);

                // Generate node tree
                MultiPackageNodeTreeBuilder multiBuilder = new MultiPackageNodeTreeBuilder(this.Dictionary);
                foreach (var packageInfo in packages)

                    progress?.Report(new GameLoadingProgress
                        CompletionPercentage = completedSteps / totalSteps,
                        State = GameLoadingState.BuildingNodeTree,
                        Alias = gameAlias

                    await multiBuilder.ConsumePackageAsync(packageInfo.packageName, packageInfo.package, ct);



                // Build node tree

                // Save it to disk
                File.WriteAllBytes(packageTreeFilePath, multiBuilder.CreateTree());

                nodeTree = new OptimizedNodeTree(packageTreeFilePath);
                progress?.Report(new GameLoadingProgress
                    CompletionPercentage = 1,
                    State = GameLoadingState.LoadingPackages,
                    Alias = gameAlias

                // Load packages
                packageGroup = await PackageGroup.LoadAsync(gameAlias, packageSetHash, gamePath, ct, progress);

            progress?.Report(new GameLoadingProgress
                CompletionPercentage = 1,
                State = GameLoadingState.Loading,
                Alias = gameAlias

            return(packageGroup, nodeTree);