public static int RealMain(string[] args) { var exeName = Path.GetFileName(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location); var showHelp = false; var p = new OptionSet { "Copyright (c) .NET Foundation and Contributors ( & and Silicon Studio Corp. ( All Rights Reserved", "Stride Router Server - Version: " + String.Format( "{0}.{1}.{2}", typeof(Program).Assembly.GetName().Version.Major, typeof(Program).Assembly.GetName().Version.Minor, typeof(Program).Assembly.GetName().Version.Build) + string.Empty, string.Format("Usage: {0} command [options]*", exeName), string.Empty, "=== Commands ===", string.Empty, " locate-devenv <MSBuildPath>: returns devenv path", " pack-assets <csprojFile> <intermediatePackagePath>: copy and adjust assets for nupkg packaging", string.Empty, "=== Options ===", string.Empty, { "h|help", "Show this message and exit", v => showHelp = v != null }, }; try { var commandArgs = p.Parse(args); if (showHelp) { p.WriteOptionDescriptions(Console.Out); return(0); } // Make sure path exists if (commandArgs.Count == 0) { throw new OptionException("You need to specify a command", ""); } switch (commandArgs[0]) { case "locate-devenv": { if (commandArgs.Count != 2) { throw new OptionException("Need one extra argument", ""); } var devenvPath = LocateDevenv.FindDevenv(commandArgs[1]); if (devenvPath == null) { Console.WriteLine("Could not locate devenv"); return(1); } Console.WriteLine(devenvPath); break; } case "pack-assets": { if (commandArgs.Count != 3) { throw new OptionException("Need two extra arguments", ""); } var csprojFile = commandArgs[1]; var intermediatePackagePath = commandArgs[2]; var generatedItems = new List <(string SourcePath, string PackagePath)>(); var logger = new LoggerResult(); if (!PackAssetsHelper.Run(logger, csprojFile, intermediatePackagePath, generatedItems)) { foreach (var message in logger.Messages) { Console.WriteLine(message); } return(1); } foreach (var generatedItem in generatedItems) { Console.WriteLine($"{generatedItem.SourcePath}|{generatedItem.PackagePath}"); } break; } } } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine("{0}: {1}", exeName, e); if (e is OptionException) { p.WriteOptionDescriptions(Console.Out); } return(1); } return(0); }
public int Run(string[] args) { // This is used by ExecServer to retrieve the logs directly without using the console redirect (which is not working well // in a multi-domain scenario) var redirectLogToAppDomainAction = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.GetData("AppDomainLogToAction") as Action <string, ConsoleColor>; clock = Stopwatch.StartNew(); // TODO this is hardcoded. Check how to make this dynamic instead. RuntimeHelpers.RunModuleConstructor(typeof(IProceduralModel).Module.ModuleHandle); RuntimeHelpers.RunModuleConstructor(typeof(MaterialKeys).Module.ModuleHandle); RuntimeHelpers.RunModuleConstructor(typeof(SpriteFontAsset).Module.ModuleHandle); RuntimeHelpers.RunModuleConstructor(typeof(ModelAsset).Module.ModuleHandle); RuntimeHelpers.RunModuleConstructor(typeof(SpriteStudioAnimationAsset).Module.ModuleHandle); RuntimeHelpers.RunModuleConstructor(typeof(ParticleSystem).Module.ModuleHandle); //var project = new Package(); //project.Save("test.sdpkg"); //Thread.Sleep(10000); //var spriteFontAsset = StaticFontAsset.New(); //Content.Save("test.sdfnt", spriteFontAsset); //project.Refresh(); //args = new string[] { "test.sdpkg", "-o:app_data", "-b:tmp", "-t:1" }; var exeName = Path.GetFileName(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location); var showHelp = false; var packMode = false; var buildEngineLogger = GlobalLogger.GetLogger("BuildEngine"); var options = new PackageBuilderOptions(new ForwardingLoggerResult(buildEngineLogger)); var p = new OptionSet { "Copyright (c) Stride contributors ( and Silicon Studio Corp. ( All Rights Reserved", "Stride Build Tool - Version: " + String.Format( "{0}.{1}.{2}", typeof(Program).Assembly.GetName().Version.Major, typeof(Program).Assembly.GetName().Version.Minor, typeof(Program).Assembly.GetName().Version.Build) + string.Empty, string.Format("Usage: {0} inputPackageFile [options]* -b buildPath", exeName), string.Empty, "=== Options ===", string.Empty, { "h|help", "Show this message and exit", v => showHelp = v != null }, { "v|verbose", "Show more verbose progress logs", v => options.Verbose = v != null }, { "d|debug", "Show debug logs (imply verbose)", v => options.Debug = v != null }, { "log", "Enable file logging", v => options.EnableFileLogging = v != null }, { "disable-auto-compile", "Disable auto-compile of projects", v => options.DisableAutoCompileProjects = v != null }, { "project-configuration=", "Project configuration", v => options.ProjectConfiguration = v }, { "platform=", "Platform name", v => options.Platform = (PlatformType)Enum.Parse(typeof(PlatformType), v) }, { "solution-file=", "Solution File Name", v => options.SolutionFile = v }, { "package-id=", "Package Id from the solution file", v => options.PackageId = Guid.Parse(v) }, { "package-file=", "Input Package File Name", v => options.PackageFile = v }, { "o|output-path=", "Output path", v => options.OutputDirectory = v }, { "b|build-path=", "Build path", v => options.BuildDirectory = v }, { "log-file=", "Log build in a custom file.", v => { options.EnableFileLogging = v != null; options.CustomLogFileName = v; } }, { "log-pipe=", "Log pipe.", v => { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(v)) { options.LogPipeNames.Add(v); } } }, { "monitor-pipe=", "Monitor pipe.", v => { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(v)) { options.MonitorPipeNames.Add(v); } } }, { "slave=", "Slave pipe", v => options.SlavePipe = v }, // Benlitz: I don't think this should be documented { "server=", "This Compiler is launched as a server", v => { } }, { "pack", "Special mode to copy assets and resources in a folder for NuGet packaging", v => packMode = true }, { "t|threads=", "Number of threads to create. Default value is the number of hardware threads available.", v => options.ThreadCount = int.Parse(v) }, { "test=", "Run a test session.", v => options.TestName = v }, { "property:", "Properties. Format is name1=value1;name2=value2", v => { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(v)) { foreach (var nameValue in v.Split(new [] { ';' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)) { var equalIndex = nameValue.IndexOf('='); if (equalIndex == -1) { throw new OptionException("Expect name1=value1;name2=value2 format.", "property"); } options.Properties.Add(nameValue.Substring(0, equalIndex), nameValue.Substring(equalIndex + 1)); } } } }, { "compile-property:", "Compile properties. Format is name1=value1;name2=value2", v => { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(v)) { if (options.ExtraCompileProperties == null) { options.ExtraCompileProperties = new Dictionary <string, string>(); } foreach (var nameValue in v.Split(new [] { ';' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)) { var equalIndex = nameValue.IndexOf('='); if (equalIndex == -1) { throw new OptionException("Expect name1=value1;name2=value2 format.", "property"); } options.ExtraCompileProperties.Add(nameValue.Substring(0, equalIndex), nameValue.Substring(equalIndex + 1)); } } } }, { "reattach-debugger=", "Reattach to a Visual Studio debugger", v => { int debuggerProcessId; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(v) && int.TryParse(v, out debuggerProcessId)) { if (!Debugger.IsAttached) { using (var debugger = VisualStudioDebugger.GetByProcess(debuggerProcessId)) { debugger?.Attach(); } } } } }, }; TextWriterLogListener fileLogListener = null; BuildResultCode exitCode; RemoteLogForwarder assetLogger = null; try { var unexpectedArgs = p.Parse(args); // Set remote logger assetLogger = new RemoteLogForwarder(options.Logger, options.LogPipeNames); GlobalLogger.GlobalMessageLogged += assetLogger; // Activate proper log level buildEngineLogger.ActivateLog(options.LoggerType); // Output logs to the console with colored messages if (options.SlavePipe == null && !options.LogPipeNames.Any()) { if (redirectLogToAppDomainAction != null) { globalLoggerOnGlobalMessageLogged = new LogListenerRedirectToAction(redirectLogToAppDomainAction); } else { globalLoggerOnGlobalMessageLogged = new ConsoleLogListener { LogMode = ConsoleLogMode.Always }; } globalLoggerOnGlobalMessageLogged.TextFormatter = FormatLog; GlobalLogger.GlobalMessageLogged += globalLoggerOnGlobalMessageLogged; } if (unexpectedArgs.Any()) { throw new OptionException("Unexpected arguments [{0}]".ToFormat(string.Join(", ", unexpectedArgs)), "args"); } try { options.ValidateOptions(); } catch (ArgumentException ex) { throw new OptionException(ex.Message, ex.ParamName); } if (showHelp) { p.WriteOptionDescriptions(Console.Out); return((int)BuildResultCode.Successful); } else if (packMode) { PackageSessionPublicHelper.FindAndSetMSBuildVersion(); var csprojFile = options.PackageFile; var intermediatePackagePath = options.BuildDirectory; var generatedItems = new List <(string SourcePath, string PackagePath)>(); var logger = new LoggerResult(); if (!PackAssetsHelper.Run(logger, csprojFile, intermediatePackagePath, generatedItems)) { foreach (var message in logger.Messages) { Console.WriteLine(message); } return((int)BuildResultCode.BuildError); } foreach (var generatedItem in generatedItems) { Console.WriteLine($"{generatedItem.SourcePath}|{generatedItem.PackagePath}"); } return((int)BuildResultCode.Successful); } // Also write logs from master process into a file if (options.SlavePipe == null) { if (options.EnableFileLogging) { string logFileName = options.CustomLogFileName; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(logFileName)) { string inputName = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(options.PackageFile); logFileName = "Logs/Build-" + inputName + "-" + DateTime.Now.ToString("yy-MM-dd-HH-mm") + ".txt"; } string dirName = Path.GetDirectoryName(logFileName); if (dirName != null) { Directory.CreateDirectory(dirName); } fileLogListener = new TextWriterLogListener(new FileStream(logFileName, FileMode.Create)) { TextFormatter = FormatLog }; GlobalLogger.GlobalMessageLogged += fileLogListener; } options.Logger.Info("BuildEngine arguments: " + string.Join(" ", args)); options.Logger.Info("Starting builder."); } else { IsSlave = true; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(options.TestName)) { var test = new TestSession(); test.RunTest(options.TestName, options.Logger); exitCode = BuildResultCode.Successful; } else { builder = new PackageBuilder(options); if (!IsSlave && redirectLogToAppDomainAction == null) { Console.CancelKeyPress += OnConsoleOnCancelKeyPress; } exitCode = builder.Build(); } } catch (OptionException e) { options.Logger.Error($"Command option '{e.OptionName}': {e.Message}"); exitCode = BuildResultCode.CommandLineError; } catch (Exception e) { options.Logger.Error($"Unhandled exception", e); exitCode = BuildResultCode.BuildError; } finally { // Flush and close remote logger if (assetLogger != null) { GlobalLogger.GlobalMessageLogged -= assetLogger; assetLogger.Dispose(); } if (fileLogListener != null) { GlobalLogger.GlobalMessageLogged -= fileLogListener; fileLogListener.LogWriter.Close(); } // Output logs to the console with colored messages if (globalLoggerOnGlobalMessageLogged != null) { GlobalLogger.GlobalMessageLogged -= globalLoggerOnGlobalMessageLogged; } if (builder != null && !IsSlave && redirectLogToAppDomainAction == null) { Console.CancelKeyPress -= OnConsoleOnCancelKeyPress; } // Reset cache hold by YamlSerializer YamlSerializer.Default.ResetCache(); } return((int)exitCode); }