protected virtual void Account_CuryID_FieldVerifying(PXCache cache, PXFieldVerifyingEventArgs e) { Account acct = cache.Locate(e.Row) as Account; string newCuryID = (string)e.NewValue; if (acct != null && string.IsNullOrEmpty(acct.CuryID) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(newCuryID)) { if (!PostedTransInOtherCuryExists(acct, newCuryID)) { return; } } if (acct != null && acct.CuryID != newCuryID) { if (newCuryID != null || acct.IsCashAccount == true) { bool hasHistory = GLUtility.IsAccountHistoryExist(this, acct.AccountID); if (hasHistory) { throw new PXSetPropertyException(Messages.CannotChangeAccountCurrencyTransactionsExist); } } } if (acct != null && acct.IsCashAccount == true && string.IsNullOrEmpty(newCuryID)) { throw new PXSetPropertyException(Messages.CannotClearCurrencyInCashAccount); } }
protected virtual void Account_CuryID_FieldVerifying(PXCache cache, PXFieldVerifyingEventArgs e) { Account acct = cache.Locate(e.Row) as Account; string newCuryID = (string)e.NewValue; if (acct != null && string.IsNullOrEmpty(acct.CuryID) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(newCuryID)) { if (PXSelect <CuryGLHistory, Where <CuryGLHistory.accountID, Equal <Current <Account.accountID> >, And <CuryGLHistory.curyID, NotEqual <Required <CuryGLHistory.curyID> >, And <CuryGLHistory.balanceType, NotEqual <> > > > > .SelectSingleBound(this, new object[] { acct }, newCuryID).Count == 0) { return; } } if (acct != null && acct.CuryID != newCuryID) { bool hasHistory = GLUtility.IsAccountHistoryExist(this, acct.AccountID); if (hasHistory) { throw new PXSetPropertyException(Messages.AccountExistsCurrencyID); } } if (acct != null && acct.IsCashAccount == true && string.IsNullOrEmpty(newCuryID)) { throw new PXSetPropertyException(Messages.CannotClearCurrencyInCashAccount); } }
public override void RowPersisting(PXCache sender, PXRowPersistingEventArgs e) { object key; if (IsTopLevel && (key = sender.GetValue(e.Row, FieldName)) != null) { PXCache cache = sender.Graph.Caches[typeof(CurrencyInfo)]; CurrencyInfo info = (CurrencyInfo)cache.Locate(new CurrencyInfo { CuryInfoID = Convert.ToInt64(key) }); PXEntryStatus status = PXEntryStatus.Notchanged; if (info != null && ((status = cache.GetStatus(info)) == PXEntryStatus.Inserted)) { cache.PersistInserted(info); } else if (status == PXEntryStatus.Updated) { cache.PersistUpdated(info); } else if (status == PXEntryStatus.Deleted) { cache.PersistDeleted(info); } } base.RowPersisting(sender, e); }
private GLTran LocateReverseTran(PXCache cache, GLTranForReclassification tranForReclass) { var reverseTran = new GLTran() { Module = State.EditingBatchModule, BatchNbr = State.EditingBatchNbr, LineNbr = tranForReclass.EditingPairReclassifyingLineNbr - 1 }; return((GLTran)cache.Locate(reverseTran)); }
public virtual void INLocation_RowInserting(PXCache sender, PXRowInsertingEventArgs e) { INLocation row = (INLocation)e.Row; if (row != null) { INLocation located = (INLocation)sender.Locate(row); if (located != null) { row.LocationID = located.LocationID; } } }
// specified attributes public virtual IEnumerable <PopupAttributes> GetFilledAttributes() { PXCache cache = Base.Caches[typeof(PopupAttributes)]; foreach (var field in GetPreparedAttributes()) { var item = (PopupAttributes)cache.Locate(field); if (item == null) { cache.Hold(field); } yield return(item ?? field); } }
public override object Insert(PXCache sender, object row) { object existing = sender.Locate(row); if (existing != null) { bool contains = false; if (!(contains = _persisted.Contains(existing)) && sender.GetStatus(existing) == PXEntryStatus.Inserted) { sender.Current = existing; return(existing); } sender.Remove(existing); if (contains) { object newrow = base.Insert(sender, row); sender.ResetPersisted(existing); List <object> chunk; if (!_chunks.TryGetValue(existing, out chunk)) { chunk = new List <object>(); } _chunks[newrow] = chunk; chunk.Add(existing); _chunks.Remove(existing); _persisted.Remove(existing); return(newrow); } else { return(base.Insert(sender, row)); } } return(base.Insert(sender, row)); }
private HashSet <T> GetItems(string range, Func <T, string> getValuePredicate, Action <T, string> prepareForLocatePredicate) { var items = new HashSet <T>(); string[] pairs = range.Split(RMReportConstants.RangeUnionChar); foreach (string pair in pairs) { string start, end; ParseRangeStartEndPair(pair, out start, out end); if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(start)) { if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(end) || end == start) { string itemCode = String.Empty; if (_wildcardMode == RMReportConstants.WildcardMode.Fixed) { itemCode = RMReportWildcard.EnsureWildcardForFixed(start, _wildcard); } else if (_wildcardMode == RMReportConstants.WildcardMode.Normal) { itemCode = RMReportWildcard.EnsureWildcard(start, _wildcard); } else { throw new ArgumentException(Messages.InvalidWildcardMode); } if (itemCode.Contains(RMReportConstants.DefaultWildcardChar)) { items.UnionWith(from T x in _cache.Cached where RMReportWildcard.IsLike(itemCode, getValuePredicate(x)) select x); } else { prepareForLocatePredicate(_instance, itemCode); if (_cache.IsKeysFilled(_instance)) { T x = (T)_cache.Locate(_instance); if (x != null) { items.Add(x); } } else // composite key { items.UnionWith(from T x in _cache.Cached where String.Equals(itemCode, getValuePredicate(x), StringComparison.Ordinal) select x); } } } else { if (_betweenMode == RMReportConstants.BetweenMode.ByChar) { items.UnionWith(from T x in _cache.Cached where RMReportWildcard.IsBetweenByChar(start, end, getValuePredicate(x)) select x); } else if (_betweenMode == RMReportConstants.BetweenMode.Fixed) { items.UnionWith(RMReportWildcard.GetBetweenForFixed <T>(start, end, _wildcard, _cache.Cached, getValuePredicate)); } else { throw new ArgumentException(Messages.InvalidBetweenMode); } } } else { items.UnionWith(_cache.Cached.Cast <T>()); } } return(items); }
private void AddNewInjection(PXCache target, string specificModule) { var graph = target.Graph; foreach (PX.SM.RelationGroup group in PXSelect <PX.SM.RelationGroup, Where <PX.SM.RelationGroup.specificModule, Equal <Required <Dimension.specificModule> >, And <PX.SM.RelationGroup.specificType, Equal <Required <PX.SM.RelationGroup.specificType> > > > > .Select(graph, specificModule, typeof(SegmentValue).FullName)) { string name = @group.GroupName; byte[] mask = @group.GroupMask; if (!target.Fields.Contains(name) && mask != null) { PXFieldSelecting fieldSelectingHandler = delegate(PXCache cache, PXFieldSelectingEventArgs a) { a.ReturnState = PXFieldState.CreateInstance(a.ReturnState, typeof(Boolean), null, null, null, null, null, null, name, null, null, null, PXErrorLevel.Undefined, null, null, null, PXUIVisibility.Dynamic, null, null, null); SegmentValue value = (SegmentValue)a.Row; if (value != null) { a.ReturnValue = false; if (value.GroupMask != null) { for (int i = 0; i < value.GroupMask.Length && i < mask.Length; i++) { if (mask[i] != 0x00 && (mask[i] & value.GroupMask[i]) == mask[i]) { a.ReturnValue = true; return; } } } } }; PXFieldUpdating fieldUpdatingHandler = delegate(PXCache cache, PXFieldUpdatingEventArgs a) { SegmentValue value = (SegmentValue)a.Row; if (value != null && a.NewValue != null) { bool included = false; if (a.NewValue is string) { bool.TryParse((string)a.NewValue, out included); } else { included = (bool)a.NewValue; } if (value.GroupMask == null) { value.GroupMask = new byte[mask.Length]; } else if (value.GroupMask.Length < mask.Length) { byte[] arr = value.GroupMask; Array.Resize <byte>(ref arr, mask.Length); value.GroupMask = arr; } for (int i = 0; i < mask.Length; i++) { if (mask[i] != 0x00) { if (included) { value.GroupMask[i] = (byte)(value.GroupMask[i] | mask[i]); } else { value.GroupMask[i] = (byte)(value.GroupMask[i] & ~mask[i]); } if (target.Locate(value) != null && target.GetStatus(value) == PXEntryStatus.Notchanged) { target.SetStatus(value, PXEntryStatus.Updated); } return; } } } }; _items.Add(new Box(name, fieldSelectingHandler, fieldUpdatingHandler)); target.Fields.Add(name); graph.FieldSelecting.AddHandler(typeof(SegmentValue), name, fieldSelectingHandler); graph.FieldUpdating.AddHandler(typeof(SegmentValue), name, fieldUpdatingHandler); } } }
public virtual void RowPersisting(PXCache sender, PXRowPersistingEventArgs e) { object key = sender.GetValue(e.Row, _FieldOrdinal); PXCache cache = sender.Graph.Caches[typeof(CATran)]; CATran info = null; if (key != null) { //do not read cached record in release processes if ((info = PXSelectReadonly <CATran, Where <CATran.tranID, Equal <Required <CATran.tranID> > > > .Select(sender.Graph, key)) != null) { CATran cached = (CATran)cache.Locate(info); if (cached != null) { if ((cached.OrigModule != null && info.OrigModule != null && cached.OrigModule != info.OrigModule) || (cached.OrigRefNbr != null && info.OrigRefNbr != null && cached.OrigRefNbr != info.OrigRefNbr) || (cached.OrigTranType != null && info.OrigTranType != null && cached.OrigTranType != info.OrigTranType)) { // TO Be removed after solving CATran issue (check JIRA item AC-57875 for details) throw new PXException(Messages.CouldNotInsertCATran); } if (cache.GetStatus(cached) == PXEntryStatus.Notchanged) { PXCache <CATran> .RestoreCopy(cached, info); } info = cached; } else { cache.SetStatus(info, PXEntryStatus.Notchanged); } } if ((long)key < 0L && info == null) { info = new CATran(); info.TranID = (long)key; info = (CATran)cache.Locate(info); } if (info == null) { key = null; sender.SetValue(e.Row, _FieldOrdinal, null); } } if ((e.Operation & PXDBOperation.Command) == PXDBOperation.Delete) { if (info != null) { cache.Delete(info); cache.PersistDeleted(info); } } else if (info == null) { if (!this.NeedPreventCashTransactionCreation(sender, e.Row)) { info = DefaultValues(sender, new CATran(), e.Row); if (info != null) { info = (CATran)cache.Insert(info); if (!(info.TranID < 0L)) { throw new PXException(Messages.CouldNotInsertCATran); } // TO Be removed after solving CATran issue (check JIRA item AC-57875 for details) sender.SetValue(e.Row, _FieldOrdinal, info.TranID); _KeyToAbort = info.TranID; cache.PersistInserted(info); long id = info.TranID ?? 0; if (id == 0 || id < 0) { throw new PXException(Messages.CATranNotSaved, sender.GetItemType().Name); } sender.SetValue(e.Row, _FieldOrdinal, id); info.TranID = id; cache.Normalize(); } } } else if (info.TranID < 0L) { info = DefaultValues(sender, PXCache <CATran> .CreateCopy(info), e.Row); if (info != null) { info = (CATran)cache.Update(info); sender.SetValue(e.Row, _FieldOrdinal, info.TranID); _KeyToAbort = info.TranID; cache.PersistInserted(info); long id = info.TranID ?? 0; if (id == 0 || id < 0) { throw new PXException(Messages.CATranNotSaved, sender.GetItemType().Name); } sender.SetValue(e.Row, _FieldOrdinal, id); info.TranID = id; cache.Normalize(); } } else { CATran copy = PXCache <CATran> .CreateCopy(info); copy = DefaultValues(sender, copy, e.Row); if (copy != null) { if ((copy.OrigModule != null && info.OrigModule != null && copy.OrigModule != info.OrigModule) || (copy.OrigRefNbr != null && info.OrigRefNbr != null && copy.OrigRefNbr != info.OrigRefNbr) || (copy.OrigTranType != null && info.OrigTranType != null && copy.OrigTranType != info.OrigTranType)) { // TO Be removed after solving CATran issue (check JIRA item AC-57875 for details) throw new PXException(Messages.CouldNotInsertCATran); } info = (CATran)cache.Update(copy); //to avoid another process updated DefaultValues will return null for Released docs, except for GLTran cache.PersistUpdated(info); } //JournalEntry is usually persisted prior to ReleaseGraph to obtain BatchNbr reference, read info should contain set Released flag else if (info.Released == false) { key = null; sender.SetValue(e.Row, _FieldOrdinal, null); cache.Delete(info); } } foreach (CATran toDelete in cache.Deleted) { cache.PersistDeleted(toDelete); } }
protected void MergeDuplicates(int targetID, List <TMain> duplicateEntities, List <FieldValue> values, bool IsContractBasedAPI) { TMain targetEntity = GetTargetEntity(targetID); object realTargetEntity = targetEntity; var graphType = new EntityHelper(Base).GetPrimaryGraphType(ref realTargetEntity, false); if (graphType == null) { return; } PXGraph targetGraph = PXGraph.CreateInstance(graphType); PXCache cache = targetGraph.Caches[typeof(TMain)]; var refNoteIdField = EntityHelper.GetNoteField(cache.GetItemType()); realTargetEntity = cache.CreateCopy(realTargetEntity); Contact targetContact = GetTargetContact(targetEntity); Address targetAddress = GetTargetAddress(targetEntity); Dictionary <Type, object> targets = new Dictionary <Type, object> { [typeof(TMain)] = realTargetEntity, [typeof(Contact)] = targetContact, [typeof(Address)] = targetAddress }; foreach (FieldValue fieldValue in values) { if (fieldValue.AttributeID == null) { Type type = Type.GetType(fieldValue.CacheName); PXFieldState state = (PXFieldState)targetGraph.Caches[type].GetStateExt(targets[type], fieldValue.Name); if (state == null || !Equals(state.Value, fieldValue.Value)) { targetGraph.Caches[type].SetValueExt(targets[type], fieldValue.Name, fieldValue.Value); targets[type] = targetGraph.Caches[type].CreateCopy(targetGraph.Caches[type].Update(targets[type])); } } else { PXCache attrCache = cache.Graph.Caches[typeof(CSAnswers)]; CSAnswers attr = new CSAnswers { AttributeID = fieldValue.AttributeID, RefNoteID = cache.GetValue(targetEntity, refNoteIdField) as Guid?, Value = fieldValue.Value, }; Dictionary <string, object> keys = new Dictionary <string, object>(); foreach (string key in attrCache.Keys.ToArray()) { keys[key] = attrCache.GetValue(attr, key); } if (attrCache.Locate(keys) == 0) { attrCache.Insert(attr); } else { var located = attrCache.Locate(attr) as CSAnswers; located.Value = attr.Value; attrCache.Update(located); } } } PXPrimaryGraphCollection primaryGraph = new PXPrimaryGraphCollection(targetGraph); using (PXTransactionScope scope = new PXTransactionScope()) { foreach (TMain duplicateEntity in duplicateEntities) { // only int, only single field if (cache.GetValue(duplicateEntity, cache.Keys[0]) as int? == targetID) { continue; } targetGraph.Caches[realTargetEntity.GetType()].Current = realTargetEntity; MergeEntities(targetGraph, realTargetEntity as TMain, duplicateEntity); targetGraph.Actions.PressSave(); PXGraph operGraph = primaryGraph[duplicateEntity]; RunActionWithAppliedAutomation(operGraph, duplicateEntity, nameof(CloseAsDuplicate)); operGraph.Actions.PressSave(); } scope.Complete(); } // should become validated if no possible duplicates Base.Views[Base.PrimaryView].Cache.Current = targetEntity; Base.Actions.PressCancel(); RunActionWithAppliedAutomation(Base, targetEntity, nameof(CheckForDuplicates)); if (!IsContractBasedAPI) { RunActionWithAppliedAutomation(targetGraph, realTargetEntity, "Cancel"); throw new PXRedirectRequiredException(targetGraph, ""); } }