private void GetInputParameters(PVSocketRequest request, out string password)
     if (request.InputRecordFieldValues.Count != 1)
         throw new Exception(string.Format("Invalid number of inputs supplied to {0}.", request.CommandName));
     password = request[0];
 private void GetInputParameters(PVSocketRequest request, out int pickListNumber)
     if (request.InputRecordFieldValues.Count != 1)
         throw new Exception(string.Format("Invalid number of inputs supplied to {0}.", request.CommandName));
     if (!int.TryParse(request[0], out pickListNumber))
         throw new Exception(string.Format("Pick list number {0} cannot be converted to an integer.", request[0]));
 private void GetInputParameters(
     PVSocketRequest request,
     out int pickListNumber,    //0
     out string sku,            //1
     out int quantityPicked,    //2
     out char pickedStatusCode) //3
     if (!int.TryParse(request[0], out pickListNumber))
         throw new Exception(string.Format("Pick list number {0} cannot be converted to an integer.", request[0]));
     sku = request[1];
     if (!int.TryParse(request[2], out quantityPicked))
         throw new Exception(string.Format("Pick list number {0} cannot be converted to an integer.", request[0]));
     if (!char.TryParse(request[3], out pickedStatusCode))
         throw new Exception(string.Format("Pick Status Code {0} cannot be converted to a character.", request[0]));