Пример #1
    void addItem(ChatItem item)
        Transform _item = getItem(mChatItems.Count);

        bool self = item.sender == GameMgr.getUserMgr().userid;

        Transform left    = _item.Find("left");
        Transform right   = _item.Find("right");
        Transform current = null;

        current = self ? right : left;

        Debug.Log("setIcon: " + item.sender);
        GameObject icon   = current.Find("icon").gameObject;
        IconLoader loader = icon.AddComponent <IconLoader>();


        int        type      = item.type;
        GameObject btn_voice = current.Find("btn_voice").gameObject;
        GameObject voice     = current.Find("voice").gameObject;
        GameObject text      = current.Find("text").gameObject;
        GameObject len       = current.Find("len").gameObject;
        GameObject emoji     = current.Find("emoji").gameObject;

        item.vobj = voice;

        text.SetActive(type == 0 || type == 3);
        btn_voice.SetActive(type != 2);
        len.SetActive(type == 1);
        emoji.SetActive(type == 2);

        if (type == 1)
            PUtils.onClick(current.Find("btn_voice"), () => {

            len.GetComponent <UILabel> ().text = (item.voice.time / 1000) + "''";
        else if (type == 0)
            text.GetComponent <UILabel> ().text = item.text;
        else if (type == 2)
            emoji.GetComponent <UISprite> ().spriteName = "face_" + (item.emoji + 1);
        else if (type == 3)
            QuickChat qc = getQuickChat(item.qcid);
            text.GetComponent <UILabel> ().text = qc != null ? qc.text : "";

        static void Main(string[] args)
            string SAMPLE_DIR = PPath.Join(PUtils.GetEnv("PAPILLON_INSTALL_DIR"), "Data", "Samples");

            // Enrollment
            // Enrollment is the process of turning detected faces of a subject into a unique key.  In the biometrics world this is often
            // referred to as a biometric template.  In this SDK we prefer the use of the term 'description'.  Think of a description as a
            // description of an identity.  In this SDK descriptions are fairly generic containers which can be used to store
            // a lot of other information as well as the information about the face of the identity.
            // The enrollment engine wraps up the whole face-recognition processing chain into an easy to use interface.
            // From it you can easily generate 'descriptions' from images and videos.  However, all the functions provided
            // by the enrollment engine can also be done using the other classes available in this SDK as this enrollment
            // engine may not fit all use-cases.

            // The following code initialises an enrollment engine and sets it up with a set of sensible options
            PEnrollment enrollment = new PEnrollment();

            enrollment.AutoConfigureForFaceRecognition(); // this sets-up a sensible set of options for the face-rec enrollment

            // Now we can generate two different descriptions of Kieron using two images that were taken at different times.
            // For each image, the enrollment engine will locate the face in the input image and generate the description.
            // Note, if an image is supplied with more than face, then the enrollment function will generate an error, as it is
            // unsure which face to use for the enrollment.
            PGuid        kieronSubjectId      = PGuid.CreateUniqueId();
            PDescription descriptionOfKieron1 = new PDescription();

            enrollment.EnrollFromImage(PPath.Join(SAMPLE_DIR, "kieron01.jpg"), descriptionOfKieron1, "Kieron", kieronSubjectId);

            PDescription descriptionOfKieron2 = new PDescription();

            enrollment.EnrollFromImage(PPath.Join(SAMPLE_DIR, "kieron02.jpg"), descriptionOfKieron2, "Kieron", kieronSubjectId);

            // Generate two descriptions of Kjetil from images taken at different times
            PGuid        kjetilSubjectId      = PGuid.CreateUniqueId();
            PDescription descriptionOfKjetil1 = new PDescription();

            enrollment.EnrollFromImage(PPath.Join(SAMPLE_DIR, "kjetil01.jpg"), descriptionOfKjetil1, "Kjetil", kjetilSubjectId);

            PDescription descriptionOfKjetil2 = new PDescription();

            enrollment.EnrollFromImage(PPath.Join(SAMPLE_DIR, "kjetil02.jpg"), descriptionOfKjetil2, "Kjetil", kjetilSubjectId);

            // Face Verification on Images (also known as Authentication)
            // Verification (commonly referred to as Authentication) is the process of comparing two identities (using their
            // 'descriptions' and comparing the result against a threshold. If the probability of match is higher than the
            // threshold, then the identity is said to be Verified/Authenticated.
            // The value of the threshold can be set using some pre-defined security levels.  Alternatively, it can be set
            // manually by specifying the value yourself.  Care should be taken in setting the right value for your application.
            // Papillon has a verification engine which is a helper class to enable you to easily perform verification on descriptions, images
            // and videos.  All the functionalities of this class can also be done by using the other classes available in
            // the SDK.

            // The following code, initialises the verification engine, using the enrollment engine and sets the security level.
            PVerify verify = new PVerify(enrollment, EVerificationSecurityLevel.E_VERIFICATION_SECURITY_LEVEL_HIGH);

            // Next we can try to match a description of Kieron against another description of Kieron, we would expect this to authenticate
            // successfully with a high probability.
            DoMatch(descriptionOfKieron1, descriptionOfKieron2, verify);
            // However, if we match a description of Kieron against a description of Kjetil, we would NOT expect this to authenticate
            // successfully.  The probability of match will be low.
            DoMatch(descriptionOfKieron1, descriptionOfKjetil1, verify);
            // We can also match a description of Kjetil against another description of Kjetil.  Again, we would expect this to authenticate
            // successfully with a high probability.
            DoMatch(descriptionOfKjetil1, descriptionOfKjetil2, verify);

            // Face Verification on Video
            // Next lets perform enrollment from a video.  This is done by processing each frame of the video in turn.
            // Because videos can contain multiple faces of the same identity in frames, a collection of faces
            // can be used to generate the description.  The number of frames to process and the number of examples
            // to used to generate the description can be specified as parameters.
            // Note, only supply videos which are known to have a single identity present when performing enrollment.
            // If you have multiple faces in your video then you need to use the FaceLog2 analytic to generate descriptions
            // to use for enrollment.
            int maxFramesToProcess = -1; // Process all the frames (up until the maxExamples has been reached)
            int maxExamples        = 10; // Use the first 5 examples found in the video to generate the description.

            PDescription descriptionOfKieronFromVideo = new PDescription();

            enrollment.EnrollFromVideo(PPath.Join(SAMPLE_DIR, "kieron01.avi"),
                                       descriptionOfKieronFromVideo, maxFramesToProcess, maxExamples, "Kieron in Video", kieronSubjectId);
            PDescription descriptionOfKjetilFromVideo = new PDescription();

            enrollment.EnrollFromVideo(PPath.Join(SAMPLE_DIR, "kjetil01.avi"),
                                       descriptionOfKjetilFromVideo, maxFramesToProcess, maxExamples, "Kjetil in Video", kjetilSubjectId);

            // Should authenticate
            DoMatch(descriptionOfKieron2, descriptionOfKieronFromVideo, verify);
            // Should fail to authenticate
            DoMatch(descriptionOfKjetil1, descriptionOfKieronFromVideo, verify);
            // Should authenticate
            DoMatch(descriptionOfKjetil1, descriptionOfKjetilFromVideo, verify);
            // Should fail to authenticate
            DoMatch(descriptionOfKieron2, descriptionOfKjetilFromVideo, verify);

            // =============================
            // Merging Descriptions Together
            // In the above, 5 examples from the video have been used to build each description.
            // Each example used has been turned into a descriptor.
            // When enrolling from the image, only a single example face was used to generate the description.
            // The description will only contain 1 descriptor
            // We can see this by requesting the number of descriptors each description holds.
            Console.WriteLine("Number of descriptors in image description: " + descriptionOfKieron1.GetDescriptors().Size());
            Console.WriteLine("Number of descriptors in video description: " + descriptionOfKieronFromVideo.GetDescriptors().Size());

            // When a description is generated a thumbnail for each example (descriptor) is generated and stored in the description
            // We can get to these thumbnails and display them
            PImage thumbnail  = new PImage();
            PList  thumbnails = descriptionOfKieron1.GetThumbnails();

            thumbnails.Get(0, thumbnail);
            thumbnail.Display("Thumbnail Of Kieron", 5000); // display for 5 seconds

            // It is possible to merge descriptions of the same identity together, generating a more complete 'description' of someone
            if (descriptionOfKieron1.AddDescription(descriptionOfKieron2).Failed())
                Console.WriteLine("Failed to merge descriptions");
            // We would now expect there to be two descriptors in the description
            // Note, if you try to merge two descriptions with different IdentityId's together this will still work.
            // However, the id of base description will be used and the other discarded
            Console.WriteLine("Number of descriptors in description: " + descriptionOfKieron1.GetDescriptors().Size());

            // Now when we perform the comparison, the match score could change as there is more information
            // held in one of the descriptions.  You will notice the confidence has increased as we are more
            // certain the two identities are the same.
            DoMatch(descriptionOfKieron1, descriptionOfKieronFromVideo, verify);

            // We now also have two thumbnails associated with this description
            thumbnails = descriptionOfKieron1.GetThumbnails();
            Console.WriteLine("Number of thumbnails in description: " + thumbnails.Size());
            thumbnails.Get(0, thumbnail);
            thumbnail.Display("Thumbnail 1 Of Kieron", 5000); // display for 5 seconds
            thumbnails.Get(1, thumbnail);
            thumbnail.Display("Thumbnail 2 Of Kieron", 5000); // display for 5 seconds

            // ============================
            // Description Input and Output
            // It is easy to save any Papillon object to file, including descriptions
            if (PFileIO.WriteToFile("descriptionOfKieron1.bin", descriptionOfKieron1).Failed())
                Console.WriteLine("Failed to save description to file");
            if (PFileIO.WriteToFile("descriptionOfKieronFromVideo.bin", descriptionOfKieronFromVideo).Failed())
                Console.WriteLine("Failed to save description to file");

            // We can also easily match descriptions that are stored in file
            PMatchScore matchScore = new PMatchScore();

            if (verify.VerifyFromDescriptionFile("descriptionOfKieron1.bin", "descriptionOfKieronFromVideo.bin", matchScore).Failed())
                Console.WriteLine("Failed to match descriptions from file");
            Console.WriteLine("Match Score " + matchScore);

            // A common requirement is to save descriptions in a database such as MySQL, Postgresql, redis ....
            // This can easily be done using memory streams which allows a binary representation of a papillon
            // For example to get a binary blob of a description...
            PMemoryStream ms = new PMemoryStream();

            PByteArray byteArray = ms.GetByteArray();

            Console.WriteLine("Description size in bytes: " + byteArray.Size());
            // Also, you can also convert the object to a string which can be stored as a text row of a database table
            String str = byteArray.ToString();

            // To get from the string back to the byte-array back to your original object you perform the reverse operation
            PByteArray byteArray2 = new PByteArray();

            PByteArray.FromString(str, byteArray2);
            // and then back to the description
            PDescription  descriptionFromString = new PDescription();
            PMemoryStream ms2 = new PMemoryStream(byteArray2);


            // And we can do our comparison and should get the same match score as before
            // and get to the thumbnail
            DoMatch(descriptionFromString, descriptionOfKieronFromVideo, verify);
            thumbnails = descriptionFromString.GetThumbnails();
            thumbnails.Get(0, thumbnail);
            thumbnail.Display("Kieron Again", 5000);

            // Face Identification and Watchlists
            // Face identification is the process of ascertaining the identity by comparing it against a list of known identities.
            // This is done by comparing the 'unknown' description (often referred to as a probe) against a watchlist (sometimes referred
            // to as a gallery) of known descriptions and returning the top N matches, that pass the threshold value.
            // In Papillon we have a watchlist class that enables you to perform identification.
            PWatchlist watchlist = new PWatchlist();

            // You can add descriptions to the watchlist
            // The descriptions of Kieron
            // The descriptions of Kjetil

            // To get the size of the watchlist
            // Note, this returns the number of subjects, not the number of descriptions.
            Console.WriteLine("Watchlist Size: " + watchlist.Size());

            // To search a watch list you need to specify a comparer to use and threshold level to use
            PComparer comparer = new PComparer();

            PComparer.Create(comparer, 0.55);

            // Lets generate an unknown description
            PDescription unknownDescription = new PDescription();

            enrollment.EnrollFromImage(PPath.Join(SAMPLE_DIR, "kieron_20_years_ago.jpg"), unknownDescription);

            // And run a search against the watchlist
            PIdentifyResults identifyResults = new PIdentifyResults();

            watchlist.Search(unknownDescription, comparer, identifyResults, 1, 0.55f);

            // In this example, the identity is returned as Kieron, eventhough there is over a 20 year gap
            // between the times the photos were taken
            thumbnails = unknownDescription.GetThumbnails();
            thumbnails.Get(0, thumbnail);
            thumbnail.Display("Kieron 20 Years Ago", 5000);

            // We can of course load and save watchlists as well
            PFileIO.WriteToFileWatchlist("watchlist.bin", watchlist);

            // Face Identification in Video
            // There is another example which deals with the complicated task of performing face-identification in video.
            // This example is ExampleFaceLog2.cc
Пример #3
        static void Main(string[] args)
            string SAMPLE_DIR = PPath.Join(PUtils.GetEnv("PAPILLON_INSTALL_DIR"), "Data", "Samples");

            // 1. load an image from disk (can be JPEG, TIF, BMP or PNG) and display it on screen
            PImage image = new PImage();

            image.Load(PPath.Join(SAMPLE_DIR, "sample.jpg")).OrDie();
            image.DisplayScaled("Papillon SDK - Original");
            // 2. perform some basic manipulations
            PImage image2 = new PImage();

            image.Resize(image2, 2.0f, PImage.EInterpolation.E_INTERPOLATION_CUBIC);     // create a new image by resizing the image loaded before
            image2.ExtractSubImage(image2, 50, 50, 700, 500);                            // extract a sub-image
            image2.DrawRectangle(new PRectanglei(5, 5, 690, 490), PColour3i.Black(), 2); // draw a rectangle on top of the image
            image2.Convert(image2, PImage.EPixelFormat.E_GREY8U);                        // convert image to grayscale
            image2.Display("Papillon SDK - Some basic manipulations");                   // display the new image in another window
            PImage rotatedImage = new PImage();

            image.Rotate(rotatedImage, 0);
            rotatedImage.Display("Rotated", 1500);
            image.Rotate(rotatedImage, 90);
            rotatedImage.Display("Rotated", 1500);
            image.Rotate(rotatedImage, 270);
            rotatedImage.Display("Rotated", 1500);
            image.Rotate(rotatedImage, -90);
            rotatedImage.Display("Rotated", 1500);
            // 3. save image to JPG format with a quality set to 90%
            image.Save("img1.jpg", 90);                                                                         // quality is an optional parameter; set to 95 by default
            // 4. apply ENHANCE BRIGHTNESS image filter if the plugin is available)
            PImageFilter brightnessFilter = new PImageFilter();
            PProperties  param            = new PProperties();

            if (PImageFilter.Create("EnhanceBrightness", param, brightnessFilter).Ok())                          // create image filter from plugin
                brightnessFilter.Set("scale", new PDouble(1.5));
                brightnessFilter.Set("delta", new PDouble(20));

                PImage brightImage = new PImage();
                brightnessFilter.Apply(image, brightImage);
                brightImage.Display("Papillon SDK - Enhance brightness");

                // swap red and blue channels
                PImage brightImageSwapped = new PImage();
                brightImageSwapped.Display("Papillon SDK - Enhance brightness (rgb swapped)");

            // 5. apply LACE image filter (if the plugin is available)
            PImageFilter laceFilter           = new PImageFilter();
            PProperties  laceFilterParameters = new PProperties();

            laceFilterParameters.Set("strength", new PDouble(0.5));
            if (PImageFilter.Create("LACE", laceFilterParameters, laceFilter).Ok())                                             // create image filter from plugin
                PImage lacedImage = new PImage();
                laceFilter.Apply(image, lacedImage);
                lacedImage.Display("Papillon SDK - LACE (strength 0.5)");
            // 6. apply HISTOGRAM EQUALISATION image filter (if the plugin is available)
            PImageFilter histogramEqualisationFilter = new PImageFilter();

            if (PImageFilter.Create("HistogramEqualisation", new PProperties(), histogramEqualisationFilter).Ok())           // create image filter from plugin
                PImage histogramEqualisedImage = new PImage();
                histogramEqualisationFilter.Apply(image, histogramEqualisedImage);
                histogramEqualisedImage.Display("Papillon SDK - Histogram Equalised", 1000);
Пример #4
    void showMessages(List <ClubMsg> messages)
        messages.Sort((a, b) => {
            bool wait_a = a.type == "apply" && a.sign == "wait";
            bool wait_b = b.type == "apply" && b.sign == "wait";

            if (wait_a == wait_b)
                return(b.uptime - a.uptime);

            if (wait_a && !wait_b)

        for (int i = 0; i < messages.Count; i++)
            ClubMsg   msg  = messages[i];
            Transform item = getItem(i);

            setText(item, "name", msg.name);
            setText(item, "id", "" + msg.user_id);
            setText(item, "time", PUtils.formatTime(msg.uptime));
            setIcon(item, "bghead/icon", msg.logo);

            string type   = msg.type;
            string sign   = msg.sign;
            string status = "";

            Dictionary <string, string> msgs = new Dictionary <string, string> ();
            msgs["join"]  = "申请加入俱乐部";
            msgs["leave"] = "离开了俱乐部";
            msgs["apply"] = "申请加入俱乐部";

            setText(item, "message", msgs[type]);

            setActive(item, "btn_approve", type == "apply" && sign == "wait");
            setActive(item, "btn_reject", type == "apply" && sign == "wait");
            setActive(item, "approved", type == "apply" || type == "join");

            if (sign == "approved")
                status = "已通过";
            else if (sign == "rejected")
                status = "已拒绝";

            setText(item, "approved", status);
            setIcon(item, "bghead/icon", msg.logo);

            setBtnEvent(item, "btn_approve", () => {
                Sign(msg.id, "approved");

            setBtnEvent(item, "btn_reject", () => {
                Sign(msg.id, "rejected");

Пример #5
 internal static global::System.Runtime.InteropServices.HandleRef getCPtr(PUtils obj)
     return((obj == null) ? new global::System.Runtime.InteropServices.HandleRef(null, global::System.IntPtr.Zero) : obj.swigCPtr);
Пример #6
    void showRooms()
        int    cnt = mRooms.Count;
        NetMgr nm  = NetMgr.GetInstance();
        int    uid = GameMgr.getUserMgr().userid;

        for (int i = 0; i < mRooms.Count; i++)
            ClubRoomInfo room  = mRooms [i];
            Transform    item  = getItem(i);
            Transform    seats = item.Find("seats");
            bool         found = false;

            int readys   = 0;
            int nplayers = 0;

            bool idle = room.status == "idle";

            int j = 0;

            for (; j < room.players.Count && j < seats.childCount; j++)
                ClubRoomPlayer p        = room.players [j];
                Transform      s        = seats.GetChild(j);
                GameObject     name     = s.Find("name").gameObject;
                GameObject     ready    = s.Find("ready").gameObject;
                GameObject     id       = s.Find("id").gameObject;
                GameObject     icon     = s.Find("icon").gameObject;
                GameObject     btn_kick = s.Find("btn_kick").gameObject;

                bool empty = p.id == 0;


                setActive(s, "icon", !empty);
                setActive(s, "name", !empty);
                setActive(s, "id", !empty);
                setActive(s, "ready", !empty && p.ready);
                setActive(s, "btn_kick", !empty && idle);

                if (!empty && idle)
                    setBtnEvent(s, "btn_kick", () => {
                        onBtnKick(p.id, room.id, room.room_tag);

                if (empty)

                nplayers += 1;
                if (p.ready)
                    readys += 1;

                setText(s, "name", p.name);
                setText(s, "id", "" + p.id);
                setIcon(s, "icon", p.id);

                if (p.id == uid)
                    mRoomID = room.id;

            for (int k = j; k < seats.childCount; k++)
                Transform s = seats.GetChild(k);

            ClubRoomBaseInfo info = room.base_info;
            setText(item, "desc", info.huafen + "/" + info.huafen + (info.maima ? "带苍蝇" : "不带苍蝇") + info.maxGames + "局");
            setText(item, "progress", room.num_of_turns + " / " + info.maxGames);
            setText(item, "roomid", "ID:" + room.id);
            setText(item, "status", idle ? "开始" : "游戏中");

            Transform btn_play = item.Find("btn_play");
            btn_play.GetComponent <SpriteMgr> ().setIndex(idle ? 0 : 1);
            PUtils.onClick(btn_play, () => {
                if (room.status == "idle")
                    if (readys != info.numOfSeats)

                    nm.request_connector("start_room", "room_tag", room.room_tag, data => {
                        NormalReturn ret = JsonUtility.FromJson <NormalReturn> (data.ToString());
                        if (ret.errcode != 0)
                            Debug.Log("start room fail");

                    nm.request_connector("stop_room", "room_tag", room.room_tag, data => {
                        NormalReturn ret = JsonUtility.FromJson <NormalReturn> (data.ToString());
                        if (ret.errcode != 0)
                            Debug.Log("stop room fail");


            setActive(item, "btn_edit", idle && nplayers == 0);
            setBtnEvent(item, "btn_edit", () => {
                EditRoom er = getPage <EditRoom>("PEditRoom");

                er.UpdateEvents += refresh;

            setActive(item, "btn_destroy", idle && nplayers == 0);
            setBtnEvent(item, "btn_destroy", () => {
                GameAlert.Show("确定解散房间吗?", () => {
                    JsonObject ob  = new JsonObject();
                    ob["roomid"]   = room.id;
                    ob["room_tag"] = room.room_tag;
                    ob["club_id"]  = room.club_id;

                    nm.request_apis("destroy_club_room", ob, data => {
                        NormalReturn ret = JsonUtility.FromJson <NormalReturn> (data.ToString());
                        if (ret.errcode != 0)
                            Debug.Log("destroy club room fail");

                }, true);
