private void AddNodeDataToList(TreeListNode node, IList <PSP_ForecastValues> list) { foreach (TreeListColumn col in treeList2.Columns) { if (col.FieldName.IndexOf("年") > 0) { object obj = node.GetValue(col.FieldName); if (obj != DBNull.Value) { PSP_ForecastValues v = new PSP_ForecastValues(); v.ForecastID = forecastReport.ID; v.TypeID = (int)node.GetValue("ID"); v.Caption = node.GetValue("Title").ToString() + "," + v.TypeID; v.Year = Convert.ToInt32(col.FieldName.Replace("年", "")); v.Value = (double)node.GetValue(col.FieldName); list.Add(v); } } } foreach (TreeListNode nd in node.Nodes) { AddNodeDataToList(nd, list); } }
//读取数据 private void LoadValues() { if (!formselect) { PSP_ForecastValues psp_Value = new PSP_ForecastValues(); psp_Value.ForecastID = forecastReport.ID; IList <PSP_ForecastValues> listValues = Common.Services.BaseService.GetList <PSP_ForecastValues>("SelectPSP_ForecastValuesByForecastID", psp_Value); foreach (PSP_ForecastValues value in listValues) { TreeListNode node = treeList2.FindNodeByFieldValue("ID", value.TypeID); if (node != null && value.Year >= forecastReport.StartYear && value.Year <= forecastReport.EndYear) { node.SetValue(value.Year + "年", value.Value); } } } else { string str = "Flag2=" + forecastReport.ID; IList <PSP_P_Values> listValues = Common.Services.BaseService.GetList <PSP_P_Values>("SelectPSP_P_ValuesByWhere", str); foreach (PSP_P_Values value in listValues) { TreeListNode node = treeList2.FindNodeByFieldValue("ID", value.TypeID); if (node != null && value.Year >= forecastReport.StartYear && value.Year <= forecastReport.EndYear) { node.SetValue(value.Year + "年", value.Value); } } } }
//把节点数据存放到对象中,插入进List private void AddNodeDataToList(TreeListNode node, IList <PSP_ForecastValues> list, bool allCol) { for (int i = 1; i < (allCol ? 16 : 13); i++) { object obj = node.GetValue(i.ToString() + "月"); double value = 0.0; if (obj != DBNull.Value) { value = (double)obj; } PSP_ForecastValues v = new PSP_ForecastValues(); v.ForecastID = forecastReport.ID; v.TypeID = (int)node.GetValue("TypeID"); v.Caption = node.GetValue("Title").ToString(); v.Year = i; v.Value = value; list.Add(v); } foreach (TreeListNode nd in node.Nodes) { AddNodeDataToList(nd, list, allCol); } }
//读取数据 private void LoadValues() { //PSP_P_Values PSP_P_Values = new PSP_P_Values(); //PSP_P_Values.ID = typeFlag2;//用ID字段存放Flag2的值 //IList<PSP_P_Values> listValues = Common.Services.BaseService.GetList<PSP_P_Values>("SelectPSP_P_ValuesListByFlag2", PSP_P_Values); string str = " TypeID in(80001,80002,80003,80004,80005,80006) and Flag2=" + typeFlag2; IList <PSP_P_Values> listValues = Common.Services.BaseService.GetList <PSP_P_Values>("SelectPSP_P_ValuesByWhere", str); foreach (PSP_P_Values value in listValues) { TreeListNode node = treeList1.FindNodeByFieldValue("ID", value.TypeID); if (node != null) { node.SetValue(value.Year + "年", value.Value); } } PSP_ForecastValues psp_Value = new PSP_ForecastValues(); psp_Value.ForecastID = typeFlag2; IList <PSP_ForecastValues> listValues1 = Common.Services.BaseService.GetList <PSP_ForecastValues>("SelectPSP_ForecastValuesByForecastID", psp_Value); foreach (PSP_ForecastValues value in listValues1) { try { TreeListNode node = treeList1.FindNodeByFieldValue("ID", value.TypeID); if (node != null && value.Year >= forecastReport.StartYear && value.Year <= forecastReport.EndYear) { node.SetValue(value.Year + "年", value.Value); } } catch { } } }
//读取数据 private void LoadValues() { PSP_ForecastReports pf = Services.BaseService.GetOneByKey <PSP_ForecastReports>(typeFlag2); PSP_ForecastValues psp_Value = new PSP_ForecastValues(); psp_Value.ForecastID = typeFlag2; IList <PSP_ForecastValues> listValues = Common.Services.BaseService.GetList <PSP_ForecastValues>("SelectPSP_ForecastValuesByForecastID", psp_Value); foreach (PSP_ForecastValues value in listValues) { TreeListNode node = treeList1.FindNodeByFieldValue("ID", value.TypeID); if (node != null && value.Year >= pf.StartYear && value.Year <= pf.EndYear) { node.SetValue(value.Year + "年", value.Value); } } ////////PSP_ForecastReports pf = Services.BaseService.GetOneByKey<PSP_ForecastReports>(typeFlag2); ////////string str = " TypeID not in(80001,80002,80003,80004,80005,80006) and Flag2=" + typeFlag2; ////////IList<PSP_P_Values> listValues = Common.Services.BaseService.GetList<PSP_P_Values>("SelectPSP_P_ValuesByWhere", str); ////////foreach (PSP_P_Values value in listValues) ////////{ //////// TreeListNode node = treeList1.FindNodeByFieldValue("ID", value.TypeID); //////// if (node != null) //////// { //////// if (value.Year <= pf.EndYear) //////// { //////// value.Value = Math.Round(value.Value); //////// node.SetValue(value.Year + "年", value.Value); //////// } //////// } ////////} }
//读取数据 private void LoadValues() { PSP_ForecastValues psp_Value = new PSP_ForecastValues(); psp_Value.ForecastID = forecastReport.ID; IList <PSP_ForecastValues> listValues = Common.Services.BaseService.GetList <PSP_ForecastValues>("SelectPSP_ForecastValuesByForecastID", psp_Value); if (listValues.Count == 0) { BurdenMonth bm1 = new BurdenMonth(); bm1.BurdenYear = forecastReport.StartYear; BurdenMonth bm = (BurdenMonth)Common.Services.BaseService.GetObject("SelectBurdenMonthByBurdenYear", bm1); if (bm != null) { //TreeListNode node = treeList1.FindNodeByFieldValue("TypeID", value.TypeID); //if (node != null) //{ // node.SetValue(value.Year + "月", value.Value); //} treeList1.MoveFirst(); TreeListNode node = treeList1.FocusedNode; node.SetValue("1月", bm.Month1); node.SetValue("2月", bm.Month2); node.SetValue("3月", bm.Month3); node.SetValue("4月", bm.Month4); node.SetValue("5月", bm.Month5); node.SetValue("6月", bm.Month6); node.SetValue("7月", bm.Month7); node.SetValue("8月", bm.Month8); node.SetValue("9月", bm.Month9); node.SetValue("10月", bm.Month10); node.SetValue("11月", bm.Month11); node.SetValue("12月", bm.Month12); double bmsum = bm.Month1 + bm.Month2 + bm.Month3 + bm.Month4 + bm.Month5 + bm.Month6; bmsum += bm.Month7 + bm.Month8 + bm.Month9 + bm.Month10 + bm.Month11 + bm.Month12; double bmmax = Math.Max(bm.Month1, bm.Month2); bmmax = Math.Max(bmmax, bm.Month3); bmmax = Math.Max(bmmax, bm.Month4); bmmax = Math.Max(bmmax, bm.Month5); bmmax = Math.Max(bmmax, bm.Month6); bmmax = Math.Max(bmmax, bm.Month7); bmmax = Math.Max(bmmax, bm.Month8); bmmax = Math.Max(bmmax, bm.Month9); bmmax = Math.Max(bmmax, bm.Month10); bmmax = Math.Max(bmmax, bm.Month11); bmmax = Math.Max(bmmax, bm.Month12); node.SetValue("13月", bmsum); node.SetValue("14月", bmmax); node.SetValue("15月", bmsum / (bmmax * 12)); } } else { foreach (PSP_ForecastValues value in listValues) { TreeListNode node = treeList1.FindNodeByFieldValue("TypeID", value.TypeID); if (node != null) { node.SetValue(value.Year + "月", value.Value); } } } }