public DataSet GetProductSequenceByDefault(int pintProductionLineID) { PRO_DCOptionMasterDS dsMaster = new PRO_DCOptionMasterDS(); DataSet dstData = dsMaster.GetProductSequenceByDefault(pintProductionLineID); DataSet dstNew = dstData.Clone(); dstNew.Tables[0].Columns.Add(new DataColumn("ProductProductionOrderID", typeof(int))); dstNew.Tables[0].Columns["ProductProductionOrderID"].AutoIncrement = true; dstNew.Tables[0].Columns["ProductProductionOrderID"].AutoIncrementSeed = 1; dstNew.Tables[0].Columns["ProductProductionOrderID"].AutoIncrementStep = 1; int intSequence = 1; foreach (DataRow drowData in dstData.Tables[0].Rows) { DataRow drowNew = dstNew.Tables[0].NewRow(); foreach (DataColumn dcolData in dstData.Tables[0].Columns) { drowNew[dcolData.ColumnName] = drowData[dcolData.ColumnName]; } drowNew["Seq"] = intSequence; dstNew.Tables[0].Rows.Add(drowNew); intSequence++; } return(dstData); }
/// <summary> /// Insert a new record into database /// </summary> public int AddDCOption(object pobjMaster, DataSet pdtsDetail) { try { PRO_DCOptionMasterDS dsMaster = new PRO_DCOptionMasterDS(); int intMasterId = dsMaster.AddAndReturnID(pobjMaster); //reset master id of voObject ((PRO_DCOptionMasterVO)pobjMaster).DCOptionMasterID = intMasterId; // if(pdtsDetail != null) // { // foreach(DataRow row in pdtsDetail.Tables[0].Rows) // { // if(row.RowState == DataRowState.Deleted) continue; // row[PRO_DCOptionMasterTable.DCOPTIONMASTERID_FLD] = intMasterId; // } // // PRO_DCOptionDetailDS dsDetail = new PRO_DCOptionDetailDS(); // // //Check dataset to call UpdateDataSet method // dsDetail.UpdateDataSet(pdtsDetail); // } return(intMasterId); } catch (PCSDBException ex) { throw ex; } catch (Exception ex) { throw new Exception(ex.Message, ex); } }
/// <summary> /// Update outside processing /// </summary> /// <param name="pobjMaster"></param> /// <param name="pdtsDetail"></param> public void UpdateDCOption(object pobjMaster, DataSet pdtsDetail) { // try // { PRO_DCOptionMasterDS dsMaster = new PRO_DCOptionMasterDS(); dsMaster.Update(pobjMaster); // //check and update master id for new added rows // if(pdtsDetail != null) // { // foreach (DataRow row in pdtsDetail.Tables[0].Rows) // { // if(row.RowState == DataRowState.Deleted) continue; // row[PRO_DCOptionDetailTable.DCOPTIONMASTERID_FLD] = ((PRO_DCOptionMasterVO)pobjMaster).DCOptionMasterID; // } // } // PRO_DCOptionDetailDS dsDetail = new PRO_DCOptionDetailDS(); // //Check dataset to call UpdateDataSet method // dsDetail.UpdateDataSet(pdtsDetail); // } // catch (PCSDBException ex) // { // throw ex; // } // catch (Exception ex) // { // throw new Exception(ex.Message, ex); // } }
/// <summary> /// Delete record by condition /// </summary> public void DeleteDCOption(int pintMasterID) { try { //First, delete data on detail table PRO_DCOptionDetailDS dsDetail = new PRO_DCOptionDetailDS(); PRO_DCOptionMasterDS dsMaster = new PRO_DCOptionMasterDS(); DataSet dtsDetail = dsDetail.GetDetailByMaster(pintMasterID); foreach (DataRow drow in dtsDetail.Tables[0].Rows) { drow.Delete(); } dsDetail.UpdateDataSet(dtsDetail); //Second, select all DCPResult dsMaster.DeleteRelatedInforOfDCOption(pintMasterID); //Then delete data on master table dsMaster.Delete(pintMasterID); } catch (PCSDBException ex) { throw ex; } catch (Exception ex) { throw new Exception(ex.Message, ex); } }
/// <summary> /// CheckUniqueVersion /// </summary> /// <param name="pdtmPlanningPeriod"></param> /// <param name="pintVersion"></param> /// <returns></returns> /// <author>Trada</author> /// <date>Friday, Mar 17 2006</date> public bool CheckUniqueVersion(DateTime pdtmPlanningPeriod, int pintVersion) { PRO_DCOptionMasterDS dsPRO_DCOptionMaster = new PRO_DCOptionMasterDS(); if (dsPRO_DCOptionMaster.CheckUniqueVersion(pdtmPlanningPeriod, pintVersion) != 0) { return(true); } else { return(false); } }
public object GetCyclerMasterObject(int pintMasterID) { PRO_DCOptionMasterDS dsOption = new PRO_DCOptionMasterDS(); DataRow drowData = dsOption.GetDCOptionMaster(pintMasterID); PRO_DCOptionMasterVO voOption = new PRO_DCOptionMasterVO(); try { voOption.DCOptionMasterID = Convert.ToInt32(drowData[PRO_DCOptionMasterTable.DCOPTIONMASTERID_FLD]); } catch {} try { voOption.AsOfDate = Convert.ToDateTime(drowData[PRO_DCOptionMasterTable.ASOFDATE_FLD]); } catch {} try { voOption.UseCacheAsBegin = Convert.ToBoolean(drowData[PRO_DCOptionMasterTable.USECACHE_ASBEGIN_FLD]); } catch {} voOption.CCNID = Convert.ToInt32(drowData[PRO_DCOptionMasterTable.CCNID_FLD]); try { voOption.LastUpdate = Convert.ToDateTime(drowData[PRO_DCOptionMasterTable.LASTUPDATE_FLD]); } catch {} try { voOption.PlanHorizon = Convert.ToInt32(drowData[PRO_DCOptionMasterTable.PLANHORIZON_FLD]); } catch {} try { voOption.PlanningPeriod = Convert.ToDateTime(drowData[PRO_DCOptionMasterTable.PLANNINGPERIOD_FLD]); } catch {} try { voOption.Version = Convert.ToInt32(drowData[PRO_DCOptionMasterTable.VERSION_FLD]); } catch {} return(voOption); }
public void UpdateProductSequence(DataSet pdstData) { PRO_DCOptionMasterDS dsMaster = new PRO_DCOptionMasterDS(); dsMaster.UpdateProductSequence(pdstData); }
public DataSet GetProductSequence(int pintProductionLineID) { PRO_DCOptionMasterDS dsMaster = new PRO_DCOptionMasterDS(); return(dsMaster.GetProductSequence(pintProductionLineID)); }
/// <summary> /// Get begin data of cycle /// </summary> /// <param name="pintCycleId"></param> /// <returns></returns> public DataTable GetBeginData(int pintCycleId) { PRO_DCOptionMasterDS dsDCOptionMaster = new PRO_DCOptionMasterDS(); return(dsDCOptionMaster.GetBeginData(pintCycleId)); }