Пример #1
        protected override void AddCellsToPlayerShroud(Actor self, Player p, PPos[] uv)
            if (!info.ValidStances.HasStance(p.Stances[self.Owner]))

            p.Shroud.AddSource(this, Shroud.SourceType.Shroud, uv);
Пример #2
 public Smoke(World world, PPos pos, string trail)
     this.pos = pos;
     anim = new Animation(trail);
         () => world.AddFrameEndTask(w => w.Remove(this)));
Пример #3
        public Missile(MissileInfo info, ProjectileArgs args)
            Info = info;
            Args = args;

            SubPxPosition = Args.src.ToPSubPos();
            Altitude = Args.srcAltitude;
            Facing = Args.facing;

            if (info.Inaccuracy > 0)
                offset = (PVecInt)(info.Inaccuracy * args.firedBy.World.SharedRandom.Gauss2D(2)).ToInt2();

            if (Info.Image != null)
                anim = new Animation(Info.Image, () => Facing);

            if (Info.ContrailLength > 0)
                Trail = new ContrailHistory(Info.ContrailLength,
                    Info.ContrailUsePlayerColor ? ContrailHistory.ChooseColor(args.firedBy) : Info.ContrailColor,
            TargetLocation = args.target.CenterLocation;
Пример #4
        public Leap(Actor self, Target target)
            this.target = target;
            initialLocation = (PPos) self.Trait<Mobile>().PxPosition;

            self.Trait<RenderInfantry>().Attacking(self, target);
            Sound.Play("dogg5p.aud", self.CenterLocation);
Пример #5
        public IEnumerable<Actor> ActorsInBox(PPos a, PPos b)
            var r = Rectangle.FromLTRB(a.X, a.Y, b.X, b.Y);

            return ActorsInBins(a.X / scale, b.X / scale, a.Y / scale, b.Y / scale)
                .Where(u => u.IsInWorld && u.ExtendedBounds.Value.IntersectsWith(r));
Пример #6
 public Explosion(World world, PPos pixelPos, string style, bool isWater, int altitude)
     this.pos = pixelPos;
     this.altitude = altitude;
     anim = new Animation("explosion");
         () => world.AddFrameEndTask(w => w.Remove(this)));
        public void ApplyOrders(World world, PPos xy, MouseInput mi)
            if (world.OrderGenerator == null) return;

            var orders = world.OrderGenerator.Order(world, xy.ToCPos(), mi).ToArray();
            orders.Do(o => world.IssueOrder(o));

Пример #8
 public HarvesterDockSequence(Actor self, Actor proc)
     this.proc = proc;
     state = State.Turn;
     harv = self.Trait<Harvester>();
     ru = self.Trait<RenderUnit>();
     startDock = self.Trait<IHasLocation>().PxPosition;
     endDock = proc.Trait<IHasLocation>().PxPosition + new PVecInt(-15,8);
Пример #9
 public CashTick(string value, int lifetime, int velocity, PPos pos, Color color)
     this.color = color;
     this.velocity = velocity;
     this.pos = pos;
     s = value;
     font = Game.Renderer.Fonts["TinyBold"];
     offset = 0.5f*font.Measure(s).ToFloat2();
     remaining = lifetime;
Пример #10
        public Parachute(Actor cargo, PPos location, int altitude)
            this.location = location;
            this.altitude = altitude;
            this.cargo = cargo;

            var pai = cargo.Info.Traits.GetOrDefault<ParachuteAttachmentInfo>();
            paraAnim = new Animation(pai != null ? pai.ParachuteSprite : "parach");
            paraAnim.PlayThen("open", () => paraAnim.PlayRepeating("idle"));

            if (pai != null) offset = pai.Offset;

            cargo.Trait<ITeleportable>().SetPxPosition(cargo, location);
Пример #11
        public IEnumerable<Renderable> GenerateRenderables(WorldRenderer wr)
            var bright = SequenceProvider.GetSequence(Info.Image, "bright");
            var dim = SequenceProvider.GetSequence(Info.Image, "dim");

            var src = new PPos(Args.src.X, Args.src.Y - Args.srcAltitude);
            var dest = new PPos(Args.dest.X, Args.dest.Y - Args.destAltitude);
            for (var n = 0; n < Info.DimZaps; n++)
                foreach (var z in DrawZapWandering(wr, src, dest, dim))
                    yield return z;
            for (var n = 0; n < Info.BrightZaps; n++)
                foreach (var z in DrawZapWandering(wr, src, dest, bright))
                    yield return z;
Пример #12
        public FrozenActor(Actor self, PPos[] footprint, Shroud shroud)
            actor = self;
            this.shroud = shroud;

            // Consider all cells inside the map area (ignoring the current map bounds)
            Footprint = footprint
                .Where(m => shroud.Contains(m))

            CenterPosition = self.CenterPosition;
            Bounds = self.Bounds;

Пример #13
        public NukeLaunch(Player firedBy, Actor silo, string weapon, PVecInt spawnOffset, CPos targetLocation)
            this.firedBy = firedBy;
            this.targetLocation = targetLocation;
            this.weapon = weapon;
            anim = new Animation(weapon);

            if (silo == null)
                altitude = firedBy.World.Map.Bounds.Height*Game.CellSize;
                pos = silo.CenterLocation + spawnOffset;
Пример #14
		public FrozenActor(Actor self, PPos[] footprint, Shroud shroud, bool startsRevealed)
			actor = self;
			this.shroud = shroud;
			NeedRenderables = startsRevealed;
			removeFrozenActors = self.TraitsImplementing<IRemoveFrozenActor>().ToArray();

			// Consider all cells inside the map area (ignoring the current map bounds)
			Footprint = footprint
				.Where(m => shroud.Contains(m))

			CenterPosition = self.CenterPosition;
			Bounds = self.Bounds;
			TargetTypes = self.TraitsImplementing<ITargetable>().Where(Exts.IsTraitEnabled).SelectMany(t => t.TargetTypes).ToHashSet();

Пример #15
        public void Tick(Actor self)
            if (--ticks <= 0)
                var move = self.Trait<IMove>();
                if (move.Altitude > 0 && self.GetDamageState() >= DamageState.Heavy)
                    var facing = self.Trait<IFacing>();
                    var altitude = new PVecInt(0, move.Altitude);
                    position = (self.CenterLocation - (PVecInt)Combat.GetTurretPosition(self, facing, smokeTurret).ToInt2());

                    if (self.World.RenderedShroud.IsVisible(position.ToCPos()))
                            w => w.Add(new Smoke(w, position - altitude, "smokey")));

                ticks = interval;
Пример #16
        public IEnumerable<Renderable> Render(WorldRenderer wr)
            if (explosion != null)
                yield return new Renderable(explosion.Image, args.dest.ToFloat2() - .5f * explosion.Image.size,
                                            wr.Palette("effect"), (int)args.dest.Y);

            if (ticks >= info.BeamDuration)
                yield break;

            var rc = Color.FromArgb((info.BeamDuration - ticks)*255/info.BeamDuration, color);

            var src = new PPos(args.src.X, args.src.Y - args.srcAltitude);
            var dest = new PPos(args.dest.X, args.dest.Y - args.destAltitude);
            var wlr = Game.Renderer.WorldLineRenderer;
            wlr.LineWidth = info.BeamRadius * 2;
            wlr.DrawLine(src.ToFloat2(), dest.ToFloat2(), rc, rc);
            wlr.LineWidth = 1f;
Пример #17
        public static void DoExplosion(Actor attacker, string weapontype, PPos pos, int altitude)
            var args = new ProjectileArgs
                src = pos,
                dest = pos,
                srcAltitude = altitude,
                destAltitude = altitude,
                firedBy = attacker,
                target = Target.FromPos(pos),
                weapon = Rules.Weapons[ weapontype.ToLowerInvariant() ],
                facing = 0

            if (args.weapon.Report != null)
                Sound.Play(args.weapon.Report + ".aud", pos);

Пример #18
		public void AddProjectedVisibility(Actor a, PPos[] visible)
			if (!a.Owner.IsAlliedWith(self.Owner))

			foreach (var puv in visible)
				// Force cells outside the visible bounds invisible
				if (!map.Contains(puv))

				var uv = (MPos)puv;
				explored[uv] = true;

			if (visibility.ContainsKey(a))
				throw new InvalidOperationException("Attempting to add duplicate actor visibility");

			visibility[a] = visible;
Пример #19
        public Parachute(Player owner, PPos location, int altitude, Actor cargo)
            this.location = location;
            this.altitude = altitude;
            this.cargo = cargo;

            var rs = cargo.Trait<RenderSimple>();
            var image = rs.anim.Name;
            palette = rs.Palette(owner);

            anim = new Animation(image);
            if (anim.HasSequence("idle"))
                anim.PlayFetchIndex("idle", () => 0);
                anim.PlayFetchIndex("stand", () => 0);

            var pai = cargo.Info.Traits.GetOrDefault<ParachuteAttachmentInfo>();

            paraAnim = new Animation(pai != null ? pai.ParachuteSprite : "parach");
            paraAnim.PlayThen("open", () => paraAnim.PlayRepeating("idle"));

            if (pai != null) offset = pai.Offset;
Пример #20
 public static IEnumerable <Actor> FindAliveCombatantActorsInBox(this World world, PPos a, PPos b)
     return(world.FindUnits(a, b).Where(u => u.IsInWorld && u != world.WorldActor && !u.IsDead() && !u.Owner.NonCombatant));
 IEnumerable<Actor> SelectActorsInBox(World world, PPos a, PPos b, Func<Actor, bool> cond)
     return world.FindUnits(a, b)
         .Where(x => x.HasTrait<Selectable>() && x.Trait<Selectable>().Info.Selectable && !world.FogObscures(x) && cond(x))
         .GroupBy(x => x.GetSelectionPriority())
         .OrderByDescending(g => g.Key)
         .Select(g => g.AsEnumerable())
Пример #22
        void Initialize(string mapFile)
            mapSize = new Size(stream.ReadUInt16(), stream.ReadUInt16());

            tileSet = rules.TileSets["ARRAKIS"];

            map = new Map(tileSet, mapSize.Width + 2 * MapCordonWidth, mapSize.Height + 2 * MapCordonWidth)
                Title = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(mapFile),
                Author = "Westwood Studios"

            var tl = new PPos(MapCordonWidth, MapCordonWidth);
            var br = new PPos(MapCordonWidth + mapSize.Width - 1, MapCordonWidth + mapSize.Height - 1);
            map.SetBounds(tl, br);

            // Get all templates from the tileset YAML file that have at least one frame and an Image property corresponding to the requested tileset
            // Each frame is a tile from the Dune 2000 tileset files, with the Frame ID being the index of the tile in the original file
            tileSetsFromYaml = tileSet.Templates.Where(t => t.Value.Frames != null
                && t.Value.Images[0].ToLower() == tilesetName.ToLower()).Select(ts => ts.Value).ToList();
Пример #23
 public static Fly ToPx( PPos px )
     return new Fly( px );
Пример #24
 public CashTick(int value, int lifetime, int velocity, PPos pos, Color color)
     : this(FormatCashAmount(value), lifetime, velocity, pos, color)
Пример #25
 public static Fly ToPx(PPos px)
     return(new Fly(px));
Пример #26
 public static bool AreaSecuredWithUnits(World world, Player player, PPos location, int range)
     var units = world.FindAliveCombatantActorsInCircle(location, range).Where(a => a.HasTrait<IMove>());
     return units.Any() && units.All(a => a.Owner == player);
Пример #27
 public HeliFly(PPos dest)
     Dest = dest;
Пример #28
        enum IniMapFormat { RedAlert = 3 }         // otherwise, cnc (2 variants exist, we don't care to differentiate)

        public void ConvertIniMap(string iniFile)
            using (var stream = Game.ModData.ModFiles.Open(iniFile))
                var file            = new IniFile(stream);
                var basic           = file.GetSection("Basic");
                var mapSection      = file.GetSection("Map");
                var legacyMapFormat = (IniMapFormat)Exts.ParseIntegerInvariant(basic.GetValue("NewINIFormat", "0"));
                var offsetX         = Exts.ParseIntegerInvariant(mapSection.GetValue("X", "0"));
                var offsetY         = Exts.ParseIntegerInvariant(mapSection.GetValue("Y", "0"));
                var width           = Exts.ParseIntegerInvariant(mapSection.GetValue("Width", "0"));
                var height          = Exts.ParseIntegerInvariant(mapSection.GetValue("Height", "0"));
                mapSize = (legacyMapFormat == IniMapFormat.RedAlert) ? 128 : 64;

                var tileset = Truncate(mapSection.GetValue("Theater", "TEMPERAT"), 8);
                map = new Map(rules.TileSets[tileset], mapSize, mapSize)
                    Title  = basic.GetValue("Name", Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(iniFile)),
                    Author = "Westwood Studios"

                var tl = new PPos(offsetX, offsetY);
                var br = new PPos(offsetX + width - 1, offsetY + height - 1);
                map.SetBounds(tl, br);

                if (legacyMapFormat == IniMapFormat.RedAlert)
                    // CnC
                    using (var s = Game.ModData.ModFiles.Open(iniFile.Substring(0, iniFile.Length - 4) + ".bin"))

                LoadVideos(file, "BASIC");
                LoadActors(file, "STRUCTURES");
                LoadActors(file, "UNITS");
                LoadActors(file, "INFANTRY");
                LoadActors(file, "SHIPS");
                LoadSmudges(file, "SMUDGE");

                var wps = file.GetSection("Waypoints")
                          .Where(kv => Exts.ParseIntegerInvariant(kv.Value) > 0)
                          .Select(kv => Pair.New(Exts.ParseIntegerInvariant(kv.Key),
                                                 LocationFromMapOffset(Exts.ParseIntegerInvariant(kv.Value), mapSize)));

                // Add waypoint actors
                foreach (var kv in wps)
                    if (kv.First <= 7)
                        var ar = new ActorReference("mpspawn")
                            new LocationInit((CPos)kv.Second),
                            new OwnerInit("Neutral")

                        map.ActorDefinitions.Add(new MiniYamlNode("Actor" + actorCount++, ar.Save()));
                        var ar = new ActorReference("waypoint")
                            new LocationInit((CPos)kv.Second),
                            new OwnerInit("Neutral")

                        map.ActorDefinitions.Add(new MiniYamlNode("waypoint" + kv.First, ar.Save()));

                // Create default player definitions only if there are no players to import
                mapPlayers = new MapPlayers(map.Rules, (players.Count == 0) ? map.SpawnPoints.Value.Length : 0);
                foreach (var p in players)
                    LoadPlayer(file, p, legacyMapFormat == IniMapFormat.RedAlert);
                map.PlayerDefinitions = mapPlayers.ToMiniYaml();
Пример #29
        public NewMapLogic(Action onExit, Action <string> onSelect, Widget widget, World world, ModData modData)
            panel = widget;

            panel.Get <ButtonWidget>("CANCEL_BUTTON").OnClick = () => { Ui.CloseWindow(); onExit(); };

            var tilesetDropDown = panel.Get <DropDownButtonWidget>("TILESET");
            var tilesets        = modData.DefaultTileSets.Select(t => t.Key).ToList();
            Func <string, ScrollItemWidget, ScrollItemWidget> setupItem = (option, template) =>
                var item = ScrollItemWidget.Setup(template,
                                                  () => tilesetDropDown.Text == option,
                                                  () => { tilesetDropDown.Text = option; });
                item.Get <LabelWidget>("LABEL").GetText = () => option;

            tilesetDropDown.Text    = tilesets.First();
            tilesetDropDown.OnClick = () =>
                                      tilesetDropDown.ShowDropDown("LABEL_DROPDOWN_TEMPLATE", 210, tilesets, setupItem);

            var widthTextField  = panel.Get <TextFieldWidget>("WIDTH");
            var heightTextField = panel.Get <TextFieldWidget>("HEIGHT");

            panel.Get <ButtonWidget>("CREATE_BUTTON").OnClick = () =>
                int.TryParse(widthTextField.Text, out var width);
                int.TryParse(heightTextField.Text, out var height);

                // Require at least a 2x2 playable area so that the
                // ground is visible through the edge shroud
                width  = Math.Max(2, width);
                height = Math.Max(2, height);

                var maxTerrainHeight = world.Map.Grid.MaximumTerrainHeight;
                var tileset          = modData.DefaultTileSets[tilesetDropDown.Text];
                var map = new Map(Game.ModData, tileset, width + 2, height + maxTerrainHeight + 2);

                var tl = new PPos(1, 1 + maxTerrainHeight);
                var br = new PPos(width, height + maxTerrainHeight);
                map.SetBounds(tl, br);

                map.PlayerDefinitions = new MapPlayers(map.Rules, 0).ToMiniYaml();

                Action <string> afterSave = uid =>
                    // HACK: Work around a synced-code change check.
                    // It's not clear why this is needed here, but not in the other places that load maps.
                    Game.RunAfterTick(() =>
                        ConnectionLogic.Connect(Game.CreateLocalServer(uid), "",
                                                () => Game.LoadEditor(uid),
                                                () => { Game.CloseServer(); onExit(); });


                Ui.OpenWindow("SAVE_MAP_PANEL", new WidgetArgs()
                    { "onSave", afterSave },
                    { "onExit", () => { Ui.CloseWindow(); onExit(); } },
                    { "map", map },
                    { "playerDefinitions", map.PlayerDefinitions },
                    { "actorDefinitions", map.ActorDefinitions }
Пример #30
 public static IEnumerable <Actor> FindAliveNonCombatantActorsInCircle(this World world, PPos location, int range)
     return(world.FindUnitsInCircle(location, Game.CellSize * range)
            .Where(a => a.IsInWorld && a != world.WorldActor && !a.IsDead() && a.Owner.NonCombatant));
Пример #31
 public bool Contains(PPos uv)
     // Check that uv is inside the map area. There is nothing special
     // about explored here: any of the CellLayers would have been suitable.
Пример #32
        public static bool IsInRange(PPos attackOrigin, float range, PPos targetLocation)
            var rsq = range * range * Game.CellSize * Game.CellSize;

            return((attackOrigin - targetLocation).LengthSquared <= rsq);
        public NewMapWithTileSelectionLogic(Action onExit, Action <string> onSelect, Widget widget, World world, ModData modData)
            panel = widget;

            panel.Get <ButtonWidget>("CANCEL_BUTTON").OnClick = () => { Ui.CloseWindow(); onExit(); };

            var tileDropDown = panel.Get <DropDownButtonWidget>("TILE");

            var tileset = modData.DefaultTerrainInfo.First().Value;

            var terrainInfo = world.Map.Rules.TerrainInfo as ITemplatedTerrainInfo;

            var clearTiles = terrainInfo.Templates.Where(t => ((CustomTerrainTemplateInfo)t.Value).ClearTile)
                             .Select(t => (Type: t.Value.Id,
                                           Description: terrainInfo.TerrainTypes[terrainInfo.GetTerrainInfo(new TerrainTile(t.Key, 0)).TerrainType].Type));

            Func <string, ScrollItemWidget, ScrollItemWidget> setupItem = (option, template) =>
                var item = ScrollItemWidget.Setup(template,
                                                  () => tileDropDown.Text == option,
                                                  () => { tileDropDown.Text = option; });
                item.Get <LabelWidget>("LABEL").GetText = () => option;

            tileDropDown.Text = clearTiles.First().Description;
            var options = clearTiles.Select(t => t.Description);

            tileDropDown.OnClick = () =>
                                   tileDropDown.ShowDropDown("LABEL_DROPDOWN_TEMPLATE", 210, options, setupItem);

            var widthTextField  = panel.Get <TextFieldWidget>("WIDTH");
            var heightTextField = panel.Get <TextFieldWidget>("HEIGHT");

            panel.Get <ButtonWidget>("CREATE_BUTTON").OnClick = () =>
                int.TryParse(widthTextField.Text, out int width);
                int.TryParse(heightTextField.Text, out int height);

                // Require at least a 2x2 playable area so that the
                // ground is visible through the edge shroud
                width  = Math.Max(2, width);
                height = Math.Max(2, height);

                var maxTerrainHeight = world.Map.Grid.MaximumTerrainHeight;
                var map = new Map(Game.ModData, tileset, width + 2, height + maxTerrainHeight + 2);

                var tl = new PPos(1, 1 + maxTerrainHeight);
                var br = new PPos(width, height + maxTerrainHeight);
                map.SetBounds(tl, br);

                var type = clearTiles.First(c => c.Description == tileDropDown.Text).Type;
                for (var j = map.Bounds.Top; j < map.Bounds.Bottom; j++)
                    for (var i = map.Bounds.Left; i < map.Bounds.Right; i++)
                        var template = terrainInfo.Templates[type];
                        map.Tiles[new MPos(i, j)] = new TerrainTile(type, 0);

                map.PlayerDefinitions = new MapPlayers(map.Rules, 0).ToMiniYaml();
                if (map.Rules.TerrainInfo is ITerrainInfoNotifyMapCreated notifyMapCreated)

                Action <string> afterSave = uid =>
                    // HACK: Work around a synced-code change check.
                    // It's not clear why this is needed here, but not in the other places that load maps.
                    Game.RunAfterTick(() =>
                        ConnectionLogic.Connect(Game.CreateLocalServer(uid), "",
                                                () => Game.LoadEditor(uid),
                                                () => { Game.CloseServer(); onExit(); });


                Ui.OpenWindow("SAVE_MAP_PANEL", new WidgetArgs()
                    { "onSave", afterSave },
                    { "onExit", () => { Ui.CloseWindow(); onExit(); } },
                    { "map", map },
                    { "playerDefinitions", map.PlayerDefinitions },
                    { "actorDefinitions", map.ActorDefinitions }
Пример #34
 public static IEnumerable<Actor> ClosestPlayerUnits(World world, Player player, PPos location, int range)
     return world.FindAliveCombatantActorsInCircle(location, range)
         .Where(a => a.Owner == player && a.HasTrait<IMove>())
         .OrderBy(a => (location - a.CenterLocation).LengthSquared);
Пример #35
        public NewMapLogic(Action onExit, Action <string> onSelect, Widget widget, World world, ModData modData)
            panel = widget;

            panel.Get <ButtonWidget>("CANCEL_BUTTON").OnClick = () => { Ui.CloseWindow(); onExit(); };

            var tilesetDropDown = panel.Get <DropDownButtonWidget>("TILESET");
            var tilesets        = modData.DefaultTerrainInfo.Keys;
            Func <string, ScrollItemWidget, ScrollItemWidget> setupItem = (option, template) =>
                var item = ScrollItemWidget.Setup(template,
                                                  () => tilesetDropDown.Text == option,
                                                  () => { tilesetDropDown.Text = option; });
                item.Get <LabelWidget>("LABEL").GetText = () => option;

            tilesetDropDown.Text    = tilesets.First();
            tilesetDropDown.OnClick = () =>
                                      tilesetDropDown.ShowDropDown("LABEL_DROPDOWN_TEMPLATE", 210, tilesets, setupItem);

            var widthTextField  = panel.Get <TextFieldWidget>("WIDTH");
            var heightTextField = panel.Get <TextFieldWidget>("HEIGHT");

            panel.Get <ButtonWidget>("CREATE_BUTTON").OnClick = () =>
                int.TryParse(widthTextField.Text, out var width);
                int.TryParse(heightTextField.Text, out var height);

                // Require at least a 2x2 playable area so that the
                // ground is visible through the edge shroud
                width  = Math.Max(2, width);
                height = Math.Max(2, height);

                var maxTerrainHeight = world.Map.Grid.MaximumTerrainHeight;
                var tileset          = modData.DefaultTerrainInfo[tilesetDropDown.Text];
                var map = new Map(Game.ModData, tileset, width + 2, height + maxTerrainHeight + 2);

                var tl = new PPos(1, 1 + maxTerrainHeight);
                var br = new PPos(width, height + maxTerrainHeight);
                map.SetBounds(tl, br);

                map.PlayerDefinitions = new MapPlayers(map.Rules, 0).ToMiniYaml();

                if (map.Rules.TerrainInfo is ITerrainInfoNotifyMapCreated notifyMapCreated)

                Action <string> afterSave = uid =>


                Ui.OpenWindow("SAVE_MAP_PANEL", new WidgetArgs()
                    { "onSave", afterSave },
                    { "onExit", () => { Ui.CloseWindow(); onExit(); } },
                    { "map", map },
                    { "playerDefinitions", map.PlayerDefinitions },
                    { "actorDefinitions", map.ActorDefinitions }
Пример #36
 public static IEnumerable<Actor> FindAliveNonCombatantActorsInCircle(this World world, PPos location, int range)
     return world.FindUnitsInCircle(location, Game.CellSize * range)
         .Where(u => u.IsInWorld && u != world.WorldActor && !u.IsDead() && u.Owner.NonCombatant);
Пример #37
        void Calculate(Actor self)
            if (dest == null || Reservable.IsReserved(dest))
                dest = ChooseAirfield(self, true);

            if (dest == null)

            var plane = self.Trait <Plane>();
            var res   = dest.TraitOrDefault <Reservable>();

            if (res != null)
                plane.reservation = res.Reserve(dest, self, plane);

            var landPos  = dest.CenterLocation;
            var aircraft = self.Trait <Aircraft>();

            var speed = .2f * aircraft.MovementSpeed;

            /* if the aircraft is on the ground, it will take off to the cruise altitude first before approaching */
            var altitude = aircraft.Altitude;

            if (altitude == 0)
                altitude = self.Info.Traits.Get <PlaneInfo>().CruiseAltitude;

            var approachStart = landPos.ToInt2() - new float2(altitude * speed, 0);
            var turnRadius    = (128f / self.Info.Traits.Get <AircraftInfo>().ROT) * speed / (float)Math.PI;

            /* work out the center points */
            var fwd            = -float2.FromAngle(aircraft.Facing / 128f * (float)Math.PI);
            var side           = new float2(-fwd.Y, fwd.X);             /* rotate */
            var sideTowardBase = new[] { side, -side }
            .OrderBy(a => float2.Dot(a, self.CenterLocation.ToInt2() - approachStart))

            var c1 = self.CenterLocation.ToInt2() + turnRadius * sideTowardBase;
            var c2 = approachStart + new float2(0, turnRadius * Math.Sign(self.CenterLocation.Y - approachStart.Y));                    // above or below start point

            /* work out tangent points */
            var d = c2 - c1;
            var e = (turnRadius / d.Length) * d;
            var f = new float2(-e.Y, e.X);                      /* rotate */

            /* TODO: support internal tangents, too! */

            if (f.X > 0)
                f = -f;

            w1 = (PPos)(c1 + f).ToInt2();
            w2 = (PPos)(c2 + f).ToInt2();
            w3 = (PPos)(approachStart).ToInt2();
            plane.RTBPathHash = (PVecInt)w1 + (PVecInt)w2 + (PVecInt)w3;

            isCalculated = true;
Пример #38
        public override bool HandleMouseInput(MouseInput mi)
            var xy = Game.viewport.ViewToWorldPx(mi);

            if (mi.Button == MouseButton.Left && mi.Event == MouseInputEvent.Down)
                if (!TakeFocus(mi))

                dragStart = dragEnd = xy;
                ApplyOrders(world, xy, mi);

            if (mi.Button == MouseButton.Left && mi.Event == MouseInputEvent.Move)
                dragEnd = xy;

            if (mi.Button == MouseButton.Left && mi.Event == MouseInputEvent.Up)
                if (world.OrderGenerator is UnitOrderGenerator)
                    if (mi.MultiTapCount == 2)
                        var unit = SelectActorsInBox(world, xy, xy, _ => true).FirstOrDefault();

                        var visibleWorld = Game.viewport.ViewBounds(world);
                        var topLeft      = Game.viewport.ViewToWorldPx(new int2(visibleWorld.Left, visibleWorld.Top));
                        var bottomRight  = Game.viewport.ViewToWorldPx(new int2(visibleWorld.Right, visibleWorld.Bottom));
                        var newSelection = SelectActorsInBox(world, topLeft, bottomRight,
                                                             a => unit != null && a.Info.Name == unit.Info.Name && a.Owner == unit.Owner);

                        world.Selection.Combine(world, newSelection, true, false);
                        var newSelection = SelectActorsInBox(world, dragStart, xy, _ => true);
                        world.Selection.Combine(world, newSelection, mi.Modifiers.HasModifier(Modifiers.Shift), dragStart == xy);

                dragStart = dragEnd = xy;

            if (mi.Button == MouseButton.None && mi.Event == MouseInputEvent.Move)
                dragStart = dragEnd = xy;

            if (mi.Button == MouseButton.Right && mi.Event == MouseInputEvent.Down)
                if (SelectionBox == null)                       /* don't issue orders while selecting */
                    ApplyOrders(world, xy, mi);

Пример #39
        Edges GetEdges(PPos puv, Func <PPos, bool> isVisible)
            if (!isVisible(puv))

            var cell = ((MPos)puv).ToCPos(map);

            // If a side is shrouded then we also count the corners.
            var edge = Edges.None;

            if (!isVisible((PPos)(cell + new CVec(0, -1)).ToMPos(map)))
                edge |= Edges.Top;
            if (!isVisible((PPos)(cell + new CVec(1, 0)).ToMPos(map)))
                edge |= Edges.Right;
            if (!isVisible((PPos)(cell + new CVec(0, 1)).ToMPos(map)))
                edge |= Edges.Bottom;
            if (!isVisible((PPos)(cell + new CVec(-1, 0)).ToMPos(map)))
                edge |= Edges.Left;

            if (!info.ShroudOnMapBorders)
                var mpos = cell.ToMPos(map);
                if (edge == Edges.Top && mpos.V <= 1)
                    edge = Edges.None;
                if (edge == Edges.Left && mpos.U <= 1)
                    edge = Edges.None;
                if (edge == Edges.Bottom && mpos.V >= map.Tiles.Size.Height - 2)
                    edge = Edges.None;
                if (edge == Edges.Right && mpos.U >= map.Tiles.Size.Width - 2)
                    edge = Edges.None;

                if (edge == Edges.TopLeft && mpos.V <= 1 && mpos.U <= 1)
                    edge = Edges.None;
                if (edge == Edges.TopRight && mpos.V <= 1 && mpos.U >= map.Tiles.Size.Width - 2)
                    edge = Edges.None;
                if (edge == Edges.BottomLeft && mpos.V >= map.Tiles.Size.Height - 2 && mpos.U <= 1)
                    edge = Edges.None;
                if (edge == Edges.BottomRight && mpos.V >= map.Tiles.Size.Height - 2 && mpos.U >= map.Tiles.Size.Width - 2)
                    edge = Edges.None;

Пример #40
 public MoveSecondHalf(Move move, PPos from, PPos to, int fromFacing, int toFacing, int startingFraction)
     : base(move, from, to, fromFacing, toFacing, startingFraction)
Пример #41
 Fly(PPos px)
     Pos = px;
Пример #42
 public void SetWallPointerType(PPos ppos)
     wallPointerType = ppos;
Пример #43
 Fly(PPos px)
     Pos = px;
Пример #44
 public void LocatePathPointer(PPos pathPosition, Vector2 direction)
     gameObject.transform.localPosition = direction;
Пример #45
 public void SetPxPosition(Actor self, PPos px)
     SetPosition(self, px.ToCPos());
Пример #46
 public static IEnumerable <Actor> ClosestPlayerBuildings(World world, Player player, PPos location, int range)
     return(world.FindAliveCombatantActorsInCircle(location, range)
            .Where(a => a.Owner == player && a.HasTrait <Building>() && !a.HasTrait <Wall>())
            .OrderBy(a => (location - a.CenterLocation).LengthSquared));
        public override bool HandleMouseInput(MouseInput mi)
            var xy = Game.viewport.ViewToWorldPx(mi);

            var UseClassicMouseStyle = Game.Settings.Game.UseClassicMouseStyle;

            var HasBox = (SelectionBox != null) ? true : false;
            var MultiClick = (mi.MultiTapCount >= 2) ? true : false;

            if (mi.Button == MouseButton.Left && mi.Event == MouseInputEvent.Down)
                if (!TakeFocus(mi))
                    return false;

                dragStart = dragEnd = xy;

                //place buildings
                if (!UseClassicMouseStyle || (UseClassicMouseStyle && !world.Selection.Actors.Any()) )
                    ApplyOrders(world, xy, mi);

            if (mi.Button == MouseButton.Left && mi.Event == MouseInputEvent.Move)
                dragEnd = xy;

            if (mi.Button == MouseButton.Left && mi.Event == MouseInputEvent.Up)
                if (UseClassicMouseStyle && Focused)
                    //order units around
                    if (!HasBox && world.Selection.Actors.Any() && !MultiClick)
                        ApplyOrders(world, xy, mi);
                        return true;

                if (world.OrderGenerator is UnitOrderGenerator)
                    if (MultiClick)
                        var unit = SelectActorsInBox(world, xy, xy, _ => true).FirstOrDefault();

                        var visibleWorld = Game.viewport.ViewBounds(world);
                        var topLeft = Game.viewport.ViewToWorldPx(new int2(visibleWorld.Left, visibleWorld.Top));
                        var bottomRight = Game.viewport.ViewToWorldPx(new int2(visibleWorld.Right, visibleWorld.Bottom));
                        var newSelection2= SelectActorsInBox(world, topLeft, bottomRight,
                                                              a => unit != null && a.Info.Name == unit.Info.Name && a.Owner == unit.Owner);

                        world.Selection.Combine(world, newSelection2, true, false);
                        var newSelection = SelectActorsInBox(world, dragStart, xy, _ => true);
                        world.Selection.Combine(world, newSelection, mi.Modifiers.HasModifier(Modifiers.Shift), dragStart == xy);

                dragStart = dragEnd = xy;

            if (mi.Button == MouseButton.None && mi.Event == MouseInputEvent.Move)
                dragStart = dragEnd = xy;

            if (mi.Button == MouseButton.Right && mi.Event == MouseInputEvent.Down)
                if (UseClassicMouseStyle)

                if (!HasBox)	// don't issue orders while selecting
                    ApplyOrders(world, xy, mi);

            return true;
Пример #48
 public static Actor ClosestPlayerBuilding(World world, Player player, PPos location, int range)
     return(ClosestPlayerBuildings(world, player, location, range).FirstOrDefault());
        public override bool HandleMouseInput(MouseInput mi)
            var xy = Game.viewport.ViewToWorldPx(mi);

            var UseClassicMouseStyle = Game.Settings.Game.UseClassicMouseStyle;

            var HasBox     = (SelectionBox != null) ? true : false;
            var MultiClick = (mi.MultiTapCount >= 2) ? true : false;

            if (mi.Button == MouseButton.Left && mi.Event == MouseInputEvent.Down)
                if (!TakeFocus(mi))

                dragStart = dragEnd = xy;

                //place buildings
                if (!UseClassicMouseStyle || (UseClassicMouseStyle && !world.Selection.Actors.Any()))
                    ApplyOrders(world, xy, mi);

            if (mi.Button == MouseButton.Left && mi.Event == MouseInputEvent.Move)
                dragEnd = xy;

            if (mi.Button == MouseButton.Left && mi.Event == MouseInputEvent.Up)
                if (UseClassicMouseStyle && Focused)
                    //order units around
                    if (!HasBox && world.Selection.Actors.Any() && !MultiClick)
                        ApplyOrders(world, xy, mi);

                if (world.OrderGenerator is UnitOrderGenerator)
                    if (MultiClick)
                        var unit = SelectActorsInBox(world, xy, xy, _ => true).FirstOrDefault();

                        var visibleWorld  = Game.viewport.ViewBounds(world);
                        var topLeft       = Game.viewport.ViewToWorldPx(new int2(visibleWorld.Left, visibleWorld.Top));
                        var bottomRight   = Game.viewport.ViewToWorldPx(new int2(visibleWorld.Right, visibleWorld.Bottom));
                        var newSelection2 = SelectActorsInBox(world, topLeft, bottomRight,
                                                              a => unit != null && a.Info.Name == unit.Info.Name && a.Owner == unit.Owner);

                        world.Selection.Combine(world, newSelection2, true, false);
                        var newSelection = SelectActorsInBox(world, dragStart, xy, _ => true);
                        world.Selection.Combine(world, newSelection, mi.Modifiers.HasModifier(Modifiers.Shift), dragStart == xy);

                dragStart = dragEnd = xy;

            if (mi.Button == MouseButton.None && mi.Event == MouseInputEvent.Move)
                dragStart = dragEnd = xy;

            if (mi.Button == MouseButton.Right && mi.Event == MouseInputEvent.Down)
                if (UseClassicMouseStyle)

                if (!HasBox)                    // don't issue orders while selecting
                    ApplyOrders(world, xy, mi);

Пример #50
        public static bool AreaSecuredWithUnits(World world, Player player, PPos location, int range)
            var units = world.FindAliveCombatantActorsInCircle(location, range).Where(a => a.HasTrait <IMove>());

            return(units.Any() && units.All(a => a.Owner == player));
Пример #51
		enum IniMapFormat { RedAlert = 3 } // otherwise, cnc (2 variants exist, we don't care to differentiate)

		public void ConvertIniMap(string iniFile)
			using (var stream = GlobalFileSystem.Open(iniFile))
				var file = new IniFile(stream);
				var basic = file.GetSection("Basic");
				var mapSection = file.GetSection("Map");
				var legacyMapFormat = (IniMapFormat)Exts.ParseIntegerInvariant(basic.GetValue("NewINIFormat", "0"));
				var offsetX = Exts.ParseIntegerInvariant(mapSection.GetValue("X", "0"));
				var offsetY = Exts.ParseIntegerInvariant(mapSection.GetValue("Y", "0"));
				var width = Exts.ParseIntegerInvariant(mapSection.GetValue("Width", "0"));
				var height = Exts.ParseIntegerInvariant(mapSection.GetValue("Height", "0"));
				mapSize = (legacyMapFormat == IniMapFormat.RedAlert) ? 128 : 64;

				var tileset = Truncate(mapSection.GetValue("Theater", "TEMPERAT"), 8);
				map = new Map(rules.TileSets[tileset], mapSize, mapSize)
					Title = basic.GetValue("Name", Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(iniFile)),
					Author = "Westwood Studios"

				var tl = new PPos(offsetX, offsetY);
				var br = new PPos(offsetX + width - 1, offsetY + height - 1);
				map.SetBounds(tl, br);

				if (legacyMapFormat == IniMapFormat.RedAlert)
					// CnC
					using (var s = GlobalFileSystem.Open(iniFile.Substring(0, iniFile.Length - 4) + ".bin"))

				LoadVideos(file, "BASIC");
				LoadActors(file, "STRUCTURES");
				LoadActors(file, "UNITS");
				LoadActors(file, "INFANTRY");
				LoadActors(file, "SHIPS");
				LoadSmudges(file, "SMUDGE");

				var wps = file.GetSection("Waypoints")
						.Where(kv => Exts.ParseIntegerInvariant(kv.Value) > 0)
						.Select(kv => Pair.New(Exts.ParseIntegerInvariant(kv.Key),
							LocationFromMapOffset(Exts.ParseIntegerInvariant(kv.Value), mapSize)));

				// Add waypoint actors
				foreach (var kv in wps)
					if (kv.First <= 7)
						var ar = new ActorReference("mpspawn")
							new LocationInit((CPos)kv.Second),
							new OwnerInit("Neutral")

						map.ActorDefinitions.Add(new MiniYamlNode("Actor" + actorCount++, ar.Save()));
						var ar = new ActorReference("waypoint")
							new LocationInit((CPos)kv.Second),
							new OwnerInit("Neutral")

						map.ActorDefinitions.Add(new MiniYamlNode("waypoint" + kv.First, ar.Save()));

				// Create default player definitions only if there are no players to import
				mapPlayers = new MapPlayers(map.Rules, (players.Count == 0) ? map.SpawnPoints.Value.Length : 0);
				foreach (var p in players)
					LoadPlayer(file, p, legacyMapFormat == IniMapFormat.RedAlert);
				map.PlayerDefinitions = mapPlayers.ToMiniYaml();
Пример #52
 public void AdjustPxPosition(Actor self, PPos px)               /* visual hack only */
     PxPosition = px;
Пример #53
 public static Actor ClosestPlayerUnit(World world, Player player, PPos location, int range)
     return ClosestPlayerUnits(world, player, location, range).FirstOrDefault();
Пример #54
 public void SetPxPosition(Actor self, PPos px)
     SubPxPosition = px.ToPSubPos();
Пример #55
 public static IEnumerable<Actor> FindAliveCombatantActorsInBox(this World world, PPos a, PPos b)
     return world.FindUnits(a, b).Where(u => u.IsInWorld && u != world.WorldActor && !u.IsDead() && !u.Owner.NonCombatant);
Пример #56
 public void AdjustPxPosition(Actor self, PPos px)
     SetPxPosition(self, px);
Пример #57
 public static Target FromPos(PPos p)
     return(new Target {
         pos = p, valid = true
Пример #58
 void StartDescent(World world)
     pos = OpenRA.Traits.Util.CenterOfCell(targetLocation);
     goingUp = false;