Пример #1
        public virtual void POOrderRS_CuryID_FieldSelecting(PXCache sender, PXFieldSelectingEventArgs e)
            POOrderRS row = (POOrderRS)e.Row;
            APInvoice doc = Base.Document.Current;

            if (row != null && doc != null)
                if (row.CuryID != doc.CuryID)
                    string       fieldName = typeof(POOrderRS.curyID).Name;
                    PXErrorLevel msgLevel  = PXErrorLevel.RowWarning;
                    e.ReturnState = PXFieldState.CreateInstance(e.ReturnState, typeof(String), false, null, null, null, null, null, fieldName,
                                                                null, null, AP.Messages.APDocumentCurrencyDiffersFromSourceDocument, msgLevel, null, null, null, PXUIVisibility.Undefined, null, null, null);
                    e.IsAltered = true;
        private static void AddPOOrderToBill(PXGraph graph, APInvoiceEntry invoiceEntry, EntityValueField orderType, EntityValueField orderNbr)
            var state = invoiceEntry.Transactions.Cache.GetStateExt <APTran.pOOrderType>(new APTran {
            }) as PXStringState;

            if (state != null && state.AllowedLabels.Contains(orderType.Value))
                orderType.Value = state.ValueLabelDic.Single(p => p.Value == orderType.Value).Key;

            if (orderType.Value == POOrderType.RegularSubcontract)
                var       constructionExt = graph.GetExtension <CN.Subcontracts.AP.GraphExtensions.ApInvoiceEntryAddSubcontractsExtension>();
                POOrderRS line            = (POOrderRS)(constructionExt.Subcontracts.Select().Where(x => (((POOrderRS)x).OrderType == orderType.Value && ((POOrderRS)x).OrderNbr == orderNbr.Value)).FirstOrDefault());
                if (line == null)
                    throw new PXException($"Subcontract {orderNbr.Value} was not found.");

                line.Selected = true;
                var       orderExtension = graph.GetExtension <PO.GraphExtensions.APInvoiceSmartPanel.AddPOOrderExtension>();
                POOrderRS line           = (POOrderRS)(orderExtension.poorderslist.Select().Where(x => (((POOrderRS)x).OrderType == orderType.Value && ((POOrderRS)x).OrderNbr == orderNbr.Value)).FirstOrDefault());

                if (line == null)
                    throw new PXException($"Purchase Order {orderType.Value} {orderNbr.Value} was not found.");

                line.Selected = true;
Пример #3
        public virtual IEnumerable pOOrderslist()
            APInvoice doc          = Base.Document.Current;
            bool      isInvoice    = (doc.DocType == APDocType.Invoice),
                      isPrepayment = (doc.DocType == APDocType.Prepayment);

            if (doc?.VendorID == null ||
                doc.VendorLocationID == null ||
                !isInvoice && !isPrepayment)
                yield break;

            var usedOrderLines = new Dictionary <APTran, int>(new POOrderComparer());

            foreach (APTran aPTran in Base.Transactions.Select().RowCast <APTran>().AsEnumerable()
                     .Where(t => !string.IsNullOrEmpty(t.PONbr) && (isPrepayment || t.POAccrualType == POAccrualType.Order)))
                usedOrderLines.TryGetValue(aPTran, out int count);
                usedOrderLines[aPTran] = count + 1;

            PXSelectBase <POOrderRS> cmd = new PXSelectJoinGroupBy <
                InnerJoin <POLine, On <POLine.orderType, Equal <POOrderRS.orderType>,
                                       And <POLine.orderNbr, Equal <POOrderRS.orderNbr> > > >,
                Where <POOrderRS.orderType, NotIn3 <POOrderType.blanket, POOrderType.standardBlanket>,
                       And <POOrderRS.curyID, Equal <Current <APInvoice.curyID> >,
                            And <POLine.cancelled, NotEqual <True>,
                                 And <POLine.closed, NotEqual <True>,
                                      And <POOrderRS.status, In3 <POOrderStatus.open, POOrderStatus.completed> > > > > >,
                <GroupBy <POOrderRS.orderType,
                          GroupBy <POOrderRS.orderNbr,
                                   GroupBy <POOrderRS.orderDate,
                                            GroupBy <POOrderRS.curyID,
                                                     GroupBy <POOrderRS.curyOrderTotal,
                                                              GroupBy <POOrderRS.hold,
                                                                       GroupBy <POOrderRS.cancelled,
                                                                                Sum <POLine.orderQty,
                                                                                     Sum <POLine.curyExtCost,
                                                                                          Sum <POLine.extCost,
                                                                                               Count <POLine.lineNbr> > > > > > > > > > > > >(Base);

            if (isInvoice)
                cmd.WhereAnd <Where <POLine.pOAccrualType, Equal <POAccrualType.order> > >();
            else if (isPrepayment)
                cmd.WhereAnd <Where <POOrderRS.taxZoneID, Equal <Current <APInvoice.taxZoneID> >, Or <POOrderRS.taxZoneID, IsNull, And <Current <APInvoice.taxZoneID>, IsNull> > > >();

            if (Base.APSetup.Current.RequireSingleProjectPerDocument == true)
                cmd.WhereAnd <Where <POOrderRS.projectID, Equal <Current <APInvoice.projectID> > > >();

            if (PXAccess.FeatureInstalled <FeaturesSet.vendorRelations>())
                cmd.WhereAnd <Where <POOrderRS.vendorID, Equal <Current <APInvoice.suppliedByVendorID> >,
                                     And <POOrderRS.vendorLocationID, Equal <Current <APInvoice.suppliedByVendorLocationID> >,
                                          And <POOrderRS.payToVendorID, Equal <Current <APInvoice.vendorID> > > > > >();
                cmd.WhereAnd <Where <POOrderRS.vendorID, Equal <Current <APInvoice.vendorID> >,
                                     And <POOrderRS.vendorLocationID, Equal <Current <APInvoice.vendorLocationID> > > > >();

            foreach (PXResult <POOrderRS, POLine> result in cmd.View.SelectMultiBound(new object[] { doc }))
                POOrderRS order  = result;
                APTran    aPTran = new APTran
                    PONbr       = order.OrderNbr,
                    POOrderType = order.OrderType
                usedOrderLines.TryGetValue(aPTran, out int count);
                if (count < result.RowCount)
                    yield return(order);