//Only allows components to be selected for the PMPage selection box
        private void SetComponentFilters()
            swSelectType_e[] filters = new swSelectType_e[1];
            filters[0] = swSelectType_e.swSelCOMPONENTS;
            object filterObj = null;

            filterObj = filters;
        // This removes the component only filters so that the export tool can select sketches,
        // sketch items etc while the PMPage is active and items are added to the selection box.
        // Because the PMPage closes before selections need to occur, this method is no longer used.
        private void SetGeneralFilters()
            swSelectType_e[] filters = new swSelectType_e[15];
            filters[0]  = swSelectType_e.swSelCOMPONENTS;
            filters[1]  = swSelectType_e.swSelEXTSKETCHPOINTS;
            filters[2]  = swSelectType_e.swSelEXTSKETCHSEGS;
            filters[3]  = swSelectType_e.swSelSKETCHES;
            filters[4]  = swSelectType_e.swSelSKETCHPOINTS;
            filters[5]  = swSelectType_e.swSelSKETCHSEGS;
            filters[6]  = swSelectType_e.swSelCOORDSYS;
            filters[7]  = swSelectType_e.swSelDATUMAXES;
            filters[8]  = swSelectType_e.swSelDATUMPOINTS;
            filters[9]  = swSelectType_e.swSelCONNECTIONPOINTS;
            filters[10] = swSelectType_e.swSelFRAMEPOINT;
            filters[11] = swSelectType_e.swSelMIDPOINTS;
            filters[12] = swSelectType_e.swSelROUTEPOINTS;
            filters[13] = swSelectType_e.swSelSKETCHPOINTFEAT;
            filters[14] = swSelectType_e.swSelVERTICES;

            object filterObj = null;

            filterObj = filters;