/// <summary> /// Update is called every frame, if the MonoBehaviour is enabled. /// </summary> protected virtual void Update() { // Check if we should cast a spell if (_ActionAlias.Length > 0 && _InputSource != null && _DefaultSpellIndex > 0 && _DefaultSpellIndex < _Spells.Count) { if (_InputSource.IsJustPressed(_ActionAlias)) { bool lCast = false; // Activate the spell through the motion MotionController lMotionController = gameObject.GetComponent <MotionController>(); if (lMotionController != null) { PMP_BasicSpellCastings lCastMotion = lMotionController.GetMotion <PMP_BasicSpellCastings>(); if (lCastMotion != null) { lCast = true; lMotionController.ActivateMotion(lCastMotion, _DefaultSpellIndex); } } // If we couldn't activate the motion, activate the spell directly if (!lCast) { InstantiateSpell(_DefaultSpellIndex); } } } // Update each active spell for (int i = 0; i < _ActiveSpells.Count; i++) { _ActiveSpells[i].Update(); } // Release the completed spells for (int i = _ActiveSpells.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--) { Spell lSpell = _ActiveSpells[i]; if (lSpell.State == EnumSpellState.COMPLETED) { lSpell.Release(); _ActiveSpells.RemoveAt(i); } } }
void SpellCast() { GameObject go = Fsm.GetOwnerDefaultTarget(gameObject); if (go == null) { return; } mMotionController = go.GetComponent <MotionController>(); mSpellInventory = go.GetComponent <SpellInventory>(); if (mMotionController != null && mSpellInventory != null) { PMP_BasicSpellCastings lCastMotion = mMotionController.GetMotion <PMP_BasicSpellCastings>(); if (!lCastMotion.IsActive && (!lCastMotion.RequiresStance || mMotionController.ActorController.State.Stance == EnumControllerStance.SPELL_CASTING)) { mMotionController.ActivateMotion(lCastMotion, spellIndex.Value); } Debug.Log("Cast Spell " + GetSpellName()); } }
/// <summary> /// Draws the inspector for the pack /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public static bool OnPackInspector(MotionController rMotionController) { EditorHelper.DrawSmallTitle(GroupName()); EditorHelper.DrawLink("Mixamo Pro Magic Pack Animations", "http://www.ootii.com/Unity/MotionPacks/SpellCasting/SpellCastingUsersGuide.pdf"); GUILayout.Space(5f); EditorGUILayout.LabelField("See included documentation:", EditorHelper.SmallBoldLabel); EditorGUILayout.LabelField("1. Download and import animations.", EditorHelper.SmallLabel); EditorGUILayout.LabelField("2. Unzip and replace animation meta files.", EditorHelper.SmallLabel); EditorGUILayout.LabelField("3. Select options and create motions.", EditorHelper.SmallLabel); EditorHelper.DrawLine(); EditorHelper.BoolField("Create Mecanim States", "Determines if we create/override the existing sub-state machine", sCreateSubStateMachines); sCreateSubStateMachines = EditorHelper.FieldBoolValue; EditorHelper.BoolField("Create Input Aliases", "Determines if we create input aliases", sCreateInputAliases); sCreateInputAliases = EditorHelper.FieldBoolValue; EditorHelper.BoolField("Create Inventory", "Determines if we create/override the existing inventory", sCreateInventory); sCreateInventory = EditorHelper.FieldBoolValue; EditorHelper.BoolField("Create Attributes", "Determines if we create/override the existing attributes", sCreateAttributes); sCreateAttributes = EditorHelper.FieldBoolValue; EditorHelper.BoolField("Create Spell Inventory", "Create the spell inventory for the caster", sCreateSpellInventory); sCreateSpellInventory = EditorHelper.FieldBoolValue; EditorHelper.BoolField("Create Combatant", "Determines if we create/override the existing core", sCreateCore); sCreateCore = EditorHelper.FieldBoolValue; EditorHelper.BoolField("Create Motions", "Determines if we create the archery motions", sCreateMotions); sCreateMotions = EditorHelper.FieldBoolValue; GUILayout.Space(5f); if (GUILayout.Button(new GUIContent("Setup Pack", "Create and setup the motion pack."), EditorStyles.miniButton)) { if (sCreateInventory) { BasicInventory lInventory = rMotionController.gameObject.GetComponent <BasicInventory>(); if (lInventory == null) { lInventory = rMotionController.gameObject.AddComponent <BasicInventory>(); } BasicInventoryItem lItem = lInventory.GetInventoryItem("Spell_01"); if (lItem != null) { lInventory.Items.Remove(lItem); } lInventory.Items.Add(new BasicInventoryItem()); lInventory.Items[lInventory.Items.Count - 1].ID = "Spell_01"; lInventory.Items[lInventory.Items.Count - 1].EquipMotion = "PMP_EquipSpell"; lInventory.Items[lInventory.Items.Count - 1].StoreMotion = "PMP_StoreSpell"; BasicInventorySlot lSlot = lInventory.GetInventorySlot("RIGHT_HAND"); if (lSlot == null) { lInventory.Slots.Add(new BasicInventorySlot()); lInventory.Slots[lInventory.Slots.Count - 1].ID = "RIGHT_HAND"; lInventory.Slots[lInventory.Slots.Count - 1].ItemID = ""; } if (lInventory.GetInventorySlot("LEFT_HAND") == null) { lInventory.Slots.Add(new BasicInventorySlot()); lInventory.Slots[lInventory.Slots.Count - 1].ID = "LEFT_HAND"; lInventory.Slots[lInventory.Slots.Count - 1].ItemID = ""; } lSlot = lInventory.GetInventorySlot("LEFT_LOWER_ARM"); if (lSlot == null) { lInventory.Slots.Add(new BasicInventorySlot()); lInventory.Slots[lInventory.Slots.Count - 1].ID = "LEFT_LOWER_ARM"; lInventory.Slots[lInventory.Slots.Count - 1].ItemID = ""; } if (lInventory.GetInventorySlot("READY_PROJECTILE") == null) { lInventory.Slots.Add(new BasicInventorySlot()); lInventory.Slots[lInventory.Slots.Count - 1].ID = "READY_PROJECTILE"; lInventory.Slots[lInventory.Slots.Count - 1].ItemID = ""; } BasicInventorySet lWeaponSet = lInventory.GetWeaponSet("Spell Casting"); if (lWeaponSet != null) { lInventory.WeaponSets.Remove(lWeaponSet); } lWeaponSet = new BasicInventorySet(); lWeaponSet.ID = "Spell Casting"; BasicInventorySetItem lWeaponSetItem = new BasicInventorySetItem(); lWeaponSetItem.ItemID = ""; lWeaponSetItem.SlotID = "LEFT_HAND"; lWeaponSetItem.Instantiate = true; lWeaponSet.Items.Add(lWeaponSetItem); lWeaponSetItem = new BasicInventorySetItem(); lWeaponSetItem.ItemID = ""; lWeaponSetItem.SlotID = "READY_PROJECTILE"; lWeaponSetItem.Instantiate = false; lWeaponSet.Items.Add(lWeaponSetItem); lWeaponSetItem = new BasicInventorySetItem(); lWeaponSetItem.ItemID = "Spell_01"; lWeaponSetItem.SlotID = "RIGHT_HAND"; lWeaponSetItem.Instantiate = false; lWeaponSet.Items.Add(lWeaponSetItem); lWeaponSetItem = new BasicInventorySetItem(); lWeaponSetItem.ItemID = ""; lWeaponSetItem.SlotID = "LEFT_LOWER_ARM"; lWeaponSetItem.Instantiate = false; lWeaponSet.Items.Add(lWeaponSetItem); if (lInventory.WeaponSets.Count == 0) { BasicInventorySet lFirstWeaponSet = new BasicInventorySet(); lFirstWeaponSet.ID = "Sword and Shield"; lInventory.WeaponSets.Add(lFirstWeaponSet); } if (lInventory.WeaponSets.Count == 1) { BasicInventorySet lSecondWeaponSet = new BasicInventorySet(); lSecondWeaponSet.ID = "Longbow"; lInventory.WeaponSets.Add(lSecondWeaponSet); } lInventory.WeaponSets.Insert(2, lWeaponSet); } if (sCreateAttributes) { BasicAttributes lAttributes = rMotionController.gameObject.GetComponent <BasicAttributes>(); if (lAttributes == null) { lAttributes = rMotionController.gameObject.AddComponent <BasicAttributes>(); } BasicAttribute lAttribute = lAttributes.GetAttribute("Health"); if (lAttribute != null) { lAttributes.Items.Remove(lAttribute); } lAttributes.Items.Add(new BasicAttribute()); lAttributes.Items[lAttributes.Items.Count - 1].ID = "Health"; lAttributes.Items[lAttributes.Items.Count - 1].SetValue <float>(100f); } if (sCreateSpellInventory) { SpellInventory lAttributes = rMotionController.gameObject.GetComponent <SpellInventory>(); if (lAttributes == null) { lAttributes = rMotionController.gameObject.AddComponent <SpellInventory>(); } } if (sCreateCore) { Combatant lCombatant = rMotionController.gameObject.GetComponent <Combatant>(); if (lCombatant == null) { lCombatant = rMotionController.gameObject.AddComponent <Combatant>(); } if (rMotionController._ActorController == null || !rMotionController._ActorController.UseTransformPosition) { lCombatant.IsLockingEnabled = true; lCombatant.TargetLockedIcon = AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath <Texture>("Assets/ootii/Framework_v1/Content/Textures/UI/TargetIcon_2.png"); } ActorCore lCore = rMotionController.gameObject.GetComponent <ActorCore>(); if (lCore == null) { lCore = rMotionController.gameObject.AddComponent <ActorCore>(); } lCore.IsAlive = true; } if (sCreateInputAliases) { // Sheathe if (!InputManagerHelper.IsDefined("Spell Casting Equip")) { InputManagerEntry lEntry = new InputManagerEntry(); lEntry.Name = "Spell Casting Equip"; lEntry.PositiveButton = "3"; // "3" key lEntry.Gravity = 1000; lEntry.Dead = 0.001f; lEntry.Sensitivity = 1000; lEntry.Type = InputManagerEntryType.KEY_MOUSE_BUTTON; lEntry.Axis = 0; lEntry.JoyNum = 0; InputManagerHelper.AddEntry(lEntry, true); lEntry = new InputManagerEntry(); lEntry.Name = "Spell Casting Equip"; lEntry.Gravity = 1000; lEntry.Dead = 0.001f; lEntry.Sensitivity = 1000; lEntry.JoyNum = 0; #if UNITY_EDITOR_OSX || UNITY_STANDALONE_OSX lEntry.PositiveButton = "joystick button 8"; lEntry.Type = InputManagerEntryType.KEY_MOUSE_BUTTON; // D-pad Y lEntry.Axis = 0; #else lEntry.PositiveButton = ""; lEntry.Type = InputManagerEntryType.JOYSTICK_AXIS; // D-pad Y lEntry.Axis = 7; #endif InputManagerHelper.AddEntry(lEntry, true); } // Fire if (!InputManagerHelper.IsDefined("Spell Casting Cast")) { InputManagerEntry lEntry = new InputManagerEntry(); lEntry.Name = "Spell Casting Cast"; lEntry.PositiveButton = "left ctrl"; lEntry.AltPositiveButton = "mouse 0"; // Left mouse button lEntry.Gravity = 1000; lEntry.Dead = 0.001f; lEntry.Sensitivity = 1000; lEntry.Type = InputManagerEntryType.KEY_MOUSE_BUTTON; lEntry.Axis = 0; lEntry.JoyNum = 0; InputManagerHelper.AddEntry(lEntry, true); lEntry = new InputManagerEntry(); lEntry.Name = "Spell Casting Cast"; #if UNITY_EDITOR_OSX || UNITY_STANDALONE_OSX lEntry.PositiveButton = "joystick button 16"; // Green A #else lEntry.PositiveButton = "joystick button 0"; // Green A #endif lEntry.Gravity = 1000; lEntry.Dead = 0.001f; lEntry.Sensitivity = 1000; lEntry.Type = InputManagerEntryType.KEY_MOUSE_BUTTON; lEntry.Axis = 0; lEntry.JoyNum = 0; InputManagerHelper.AddEntry(lEntry, true); } // Continue if (!InputManagerHelper.IsDefined("Spell Casting Continue")) { InputManagerEntry lEntry = new InputManagerEntry(); lEntry.Name = "Spell Casting Continue"; lEntry.PositiveButton = "left ctrl"; lEntry.AltPositiveButton = "mouse 0"; // Left mouse button lEntry.Gravity = 1000; lEntry.Dead = 0.001f; lEntry.Sensitivity = 1000; lEntry.Type = InputManagerEntryType.KEY_MOUSE_BUTTON; lEntry.Axis = 0; lEntry.JoyNum = 0; InputManagerHelper.AddEntry(lEntry, true); lEntry = new InputManagerEntry(); lEntry.Name = "Spell Casting Continue"; #if UNITY_EDITOR_OSX || UNITY_STANDALONE_OSX lEntry.PositiveButton = "joystick button 16"; // Green A #else lEntry.PositiveButton = "joystick button 0"; // Green A #endif lEntry.Gravity = 1000; lEntry.Dead = 0.001f; lEntry.Sensitivity = 1000; lEntry.Type = InputManagerEntryType.KEY_MOUSE_BUTTON; lEntry.Axis = 0; lEntry.JoyNum = 0; InputManagerHelper.AddEntry(lEntry, true); } // Cancel if (!InputManagerHelper.IsDefined("Spell Casting Cancel")) { InputManagerEntry lEntry = new InputManagerEntry(); lEntry.Name = "Spell Casting Cancel"; lEntry.PositiveButton = "escape"; lEntry.Gravity = 1000; lEntry.Dead = 0.001f; lEntry.Sensitivity = 1000; lEntry.Type = InputManagerEntryType.KEY_MOUSE_BUTTON; lEntry.Axis = 0; lEntry.JoyNum = 0; InputManagerHelper.AddEntry(lEntry, true); lEntry = new InputManagerEntry(); lEntry.Name = "Spell Casting Cancel"; #if UNITY_EDITOR_OSX || UNITY_STANDALONE_OSX lEntry.PositiveButton = "joystick button 19"; // Yellow Y #else lEntry.PositiveButton = "joystick button 3"; // Yellow Y #endif lEntry.Gravity = 1000; lEntry.Dead = 0.001f; lEntry.Sensitivity = 1000; lEntry.Type = InputManagerEntryType.KEY_MOUSE_BUTTON; lEntry.Axis = 0; lEntry.JoyNum = 0; InputManagerHelper.AddEntry(lEntry, true); } // Move Up if (!InputManagerHelper.IsDefined("Move Up")) { InputManagerEntry lEntry = new InputManagerEntry(); lEntry.Name = "Move Up"; lEntry.PositiveButton = "e"; lEntry.Gravity = 1000; lEntry.Dead = 0.001f; lEntry.Sensitivity = 1000; lEntry.Type = InputManagerEntryType.KEY_MOUSE_BUTTON; lEntry.Axis = 0; lEntry.JoyNum = 0; InputManagerHelper.AddEntry(lEntry, true); } // Move down if (!InputManagerHelper.IsDefined("Move Down")) { InputManagerEntry lEntry = new InputManagerEntry(); lEntry.Name = "Move Down"; lEntry.PositiveButton = "q"; lEntry.Gravity = 1000; lEntry.Dead = 0.001f; lEntry.Sensitivity = 1000; lEntry.Type = InputManagerEntryType.KEY_MOUSE_BUTTON; lEntry.Axis = 0; lEntry.JoyNum = 0; InputManagerHelper.AddEntry(lEntry, true); } } if (sCreateMotions || sCreateSubStateMachines) { IBaseCameraRig lCameraRig = rMotionController.CameraRig; if (lCameraRig == null) { lCameraRig = rMotionController.ExtractCameraRig(rMotionController.CameraTransform); } if (rMotionController.MotionLayers.Count == 0) { MotionControllerLayer lMotionLayer = new MotionControllerLayer(); rMotionController.MotionLayers.Add(lMotionLayer); } PMP_Idle lIdle = rMotionController.GetMotion <PMP_Idle>(); if (lIdle == null) { lIdle = rMotionController.CreateMotion <PMP_Idle>(0); } PMP_EquipSpell lEquip = rMotionController.GetMotion <PMP_EquipSpell>(0); if (lEquip == null) { lEquip = rMotionController.CreateMotion <PMP_EquipSpell>(0); } PMP_StoreSpell lStore = rMotionController.GetMotion <PMP_StoreSpell>(0); if (lStore == null) { lStore = rMotionController.CreateMotion <PMP_StoreSpell>(0); } PMP_WalkRunPivot lPivot = rMotionController.GetMotion <PMP_WalkRunPivot>(0); if (lPivot == null) { lPivot = rMotionController.CreateMotion <PMP_WalkRunPivot>(0); } PMP_WalkRunStrafe lStrafe = rMotionController.GetMotion <PMP_WalkRunStrafe>(0); if (lStrafe == null) { lStrafe = rMotionController.CreateMotion <PMP_WalkRunStrafe>(0); } PMP_BasicSpellCastings lCast = rMotionController.GetMotion <PMP_BasicSpellCastings>(0); if (lCast == null) { lCast = rMotionController.CreateMotion <PMP_BasicSpellCastings>(0); } Cower lCower = rMotionController.GetMotion <Cower>(0); if (lCower == null) { lCower = rMotionController.CreateMotion <Cower>(0); } Death lDeath = rMotionController.GetMotion <Death>(0); if (lDeath == null) { lDeath = rMotionController.CreateMotion <Death>(0); } Damaged lDamaged = rMotionController.GetMotion <Damaged>(0); if (lDamaged == null) { lDamaged = rMotionController.CreateMotion <Damaged>(0); } Frozen lFrozen = rMotionController.GetMotion <Frozen>(0); if (lFrozen == null) { lFrozen = rMotionController.CreateMotion <Frozen>(0); } KnockedDown lKnockedDown = rMotionController.GetMotion <KnockedDown>(0); if (lKnockedDown == null) { lKnockedDown = rMotionController.CreateMotion <KnockedDown>(0); } Levitate lLevitate = rMotionController.GetMotion <Levitate>(0); if (lLevitate == null) { lLevitate = rMotionController.CreateMotion <Levitate>(0); } PushedBack lPushedBack = rMotionController.GetMotion <PushedBack>(0); if (lPushedBack == null) { lPushedBack = rMotionController.CreateMotion <PushedBack>(0); } Sleep lSleep = rMotionController.GetMotion <Sleep>(0); if (lSleep == null) { lSleep = rMotionController.CreateMotion <Sleep>(0); } Stunned lStunned = rMotionController.GetMotion <Stunned>(0); if (lStunned == null) { lStunned = rMotionController.CreateMotion <Stunned>(0); } if (sCreateSubStateMachines) { Animator lAnimator = rMotionController.Animator; if (lAnimator == null) { lAnimator = rMotionController.gameObject.GetComponent <Animator>(); } if (lAnimator != null) { UnityEditor.Animations.AnimatorController lAnimatorController = lAnimator.runtimeAnimatorController as UnityEditor.Animations.AnimatorController; lIdle.CreateStateMachine(lAnimatorController); lEquip.CreateStateMachine(lAnimatorController); lPivot.CreateStateMachine(lAnimatorController); lStrafe.CreateStateMachine(lAnimatorController); lCast.CreateStateMachine(lAnimatorController); lDeath.CreateStateMachine(lAnimatorController); lLevitate.CreateStateMachine(lAnimatorController); } } } EditorUtility.DisplayDialog("Motion Pack: " + GroupName(), "Motion pack imported.", "ok"); return(true); } return(false); }