Пример #1
        private static void Main(string[] args)
            PIServer server = new PIServers().DefaultPIServer;


            List <PIPoint> points = PIPoint.FindPIPoints(server, "testSinusoid_*").ToList();

            if (points.Count == 0)
                server.CreatePIPoints(Enumerable.Range(1, 6000).Select(x => "testSinusoid_" + x),
                                      new Dictionary <String, Object>()
                    { "compressing", 0 }
                points = PIPoint.FindPIPoints(server, "testSinusoid_*").ToList();

            Console.WriteLine("Found {0} points", points.Count);

            TimeSpan chunkSize = new TimeSpan(5, 0, 0);

            for (DateTime start = new DateTime(2017, 1, 1); start < new DateTime(2018, 1, 1); start = start.Add(chunkSize))
                Console.WriteLine("Writing chunk starting at: " + start);
                List <AFValue> values = getSinusoidData(start, start.Add(chunkSize), new TimeSpan(0, 0, 15));

                Parallel.ForEach(points, point => {
                    point.UpdateValues(values, AFUpdateOption.Replace);

Пример #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Starts threads and timers to poll the PI server for data
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="state">Filter string which will get the desired points from PI</param>
        private void StartGettingData(object state)
                string tagFilter = state.ToString();

                m_points = new PIPointList(PIPoint.FindPIPoints(m_connection.Server, tagFilter, true));

                m_dataThread = new Thread(QueryData);
                m_dataThread.IsBackground = true;

                m_publishTimer          = new System.Timers.Timer();
                m_publishTimer.Interval = ProcessingInterval > 0 ? ProcessingInterval : 33;
                m_publishTimer.Elapsed += m_publishTimer_Tick;
            catch (ThreadAbortException)
            catch (Exception e)
Пример #3
        /// <summary>
        /// This method deletes the data stored in specified tags of the PI Data Archive
        /// To delete data, it is required to first read the values that you want to delete, and then
        /// Call the update values method with the AFUpdateOption.Remove option
        /// <remarks>
        /// </remarks>
        /// </summary>
        private void DeleteData()

                piConnectionMgr = new PiConnectionMgr(Server);
                PIServer server = piConnectionMgr.GetPiServer();

                var timer = Stopwatch.StartNew();

                // Gets the tags and creates a point list with the tags, to prepare for bulk read call
                var points    = PIPoint.FindPIPoints(server, TagList);
                var pointList = new PIPointList(points);
                Logger.InfoFormat("Initialized PI Points for deletion: {0}", string.Join(", ", points.Select(p => p.Name)));

                // converts strings to AFTime objects this will throw an error if invalid
                var startTime = new AFTime(StartTime);
                var endTime   = new AFTime(EndTime);

                if (startTime > endTime)
                    throw new PIDeleteUtilInvalidParameterException("Start Time must be smaller than End Time");

                // defines the data eraser task that will work in parallel as the data querying task
                dataEraser = new DataProcessor(EraseData);
                var eraseTask = Task.Run(() => dataEraser.Run());

                // splits iterates the period, over
                foreach (var period in Library.Helpers.EachNDay(startTime, endTime, Days))
                    Logger.InfoFormat("Getting tags information for period {0} to {1} ({2} Days chunk)", startTime, endTime,

                    // makes the first data call
                    var data = pointList.RecordedValues(period, AFBoundaryType.Inside, null, false,
                                                        new PIPagingConfiguration(PIPageType.TagCount, 100));

                    Logger.InfoFormat("Adding the data to the queue for deletion. ({0} to {1})", startTime, endTime);
                    // we push this data into the data processor queue so we can continue to query for the rest of the data.

                // // this will tell the data eraser that no more data will be added and allow it to complete

                eraseTask.Wait(); // waiting for the data processor to complete

                    "Deletion process completed in {0} seconds.  With {1} events deleted (assuming there was no errors).",
                    Math.Round(timer.Elapsed.TotalSeconds, 0), dataEraser.TotalEventProcessed);
            catch (Exception ex)
Пример #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Deletes the PI Points matching the name filter.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="nameFilter">Name filter to use when deleting PI Points.</param>
        /// <param name="output">The output logger used for writing messages.</param>
        public void DeletePIPoints(string nameFilter, ITestOutputHelper output)
            Contract.Requires(output != null);

            var pointList = new List <PIPoint>();

            pointList.AddRange(PIPoint.FindPIPoints(PIServer, nameFilter));

            if (pointList.Count <= 0)
                output.WriteLine($"Did not find any PI Points to delete with name filter [{nameFilter}].");
                output.WriteLine($"PI Points with name filter [{nameFilter}] found. Removing from [{PIServer.Name}].");

            // Process PI Points in pages
            int i = 0;

            foreach (IList <PIPoint> pointGroup in pointList.GroupBy(name => i++ / PointPageSize).Select(g => g.ToList()))
                AFErrors <string> errors = PIServer.DeletePIPoints(pointGroup.Select(pt => pt.Name));
                if (errors != null)
                    throw errors.Errors.First().Value;
Пример #5
        public void Run()
            PIServers piServers = new PIServers();
            PIServer  piServer  = piServers["<PISERVER>"];

            IList <PIPoint> points = PIPoint.FindPIPoints(piServer, new[] { "sample_floatpoint", "sample_digitalpoint" });

            PIPoint floatingPIPoint = points[0];
            PIPoint digitalPIPoint  = points[1];

            AFEnumerationSet digSet = piServer.StateSets["Modes"];

            IList <AFValue> valuesToWrite = new List <AFValue>();

            for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
                AFTime time = new AFTime(new DateTime(2015, 1, 1, i, 0, 0, DateTimeKind.Local));

                AFValue afValueFloat = new AFValue(i, time);
                // Associate the AFValue to a PI Point so we know where to write to.
                afValueFloat.PIPoint = floatingPIPoint;

                AFEnumerationValue digSetValue    = i % 2 == 0 ? digSet["Auto"] : digSet["Manual"];
                AFValue            afValueDigital = new AFValue(digSetValue, time);
                afValueDigital.PIPoint = digitalPIPoint;


            // Perform a bulk write. Use a single local call to PI Buffer Subsystem if possible.
            // Otherwise, make a single call to the PI Data Archive.
            // We use no compression just so we can check all the values are written.
            piServer.UpdateValues(valuesToWrite, AFUpdateOption.InsertNoCompression, AFBufferOption.BufferIfPossible);
Пример #6
        public IEnumerable <PIPoint> Search(string query)
            var queries = PIPointQuery.ParseQuery(_server, query);
            var points  = PIPoint.FindPIPoints(_server, queries);

        public void ConnectToPIDataArchive()
            IEnumerable <PIPoint> allPIPoints = PIPoint.FindPIPoints(piServer, "CityBikes*");

            allPIPointNames = allPIPoints.Select(p => p.Name).ToList();
        public void ArchiveQueryTest(string pointMask, string startTime, string endTime, double minValue, double maxValue)
            var now = AFTime.Now;
            var st  = new AFTime(startTime, now);
            var et  = new AFTime(endTime, now);

            Output.WriteLine($"Start to execute PI Data Archive queries on PI Points matching [{pointMask}] " +
                             $"between [{st}] and [{et}].");

            IList <IEnumerable <PIPointQuery> > queries = PIPointQuery.ParseQuery(Fixture.PIServer, pointMask);
            IEnumerable <PIPoint>          pointList    = PIPoint.FindPIPoints(Fixture.PIServer, queries).ToList();
            IDictionary <string, AFValues> events       = Fixture.ReadPIEvents(pointList, st, et);

            // Verify all event values are in the expected range
            foreach (var ptvaluespair in events)
                foreach (var val in ptvaluespair.Value.Where(val => val.IsGood))
                    var convertedValue = Convert.ToDouble(val.Value, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
                    Assert.True(convertedValue >= minValue && convertedValue <= maxValue,
                                $"[{ptvaluespair.Key}] has a value [{val.Value}] outside of expected data range of " +
                                $"[{minValue} ~ {maxValue}]");

            Output.WriteLine($"Found {events.Sum(kvp => kvp.Value.Count)} PI events.");
Пример #9
        private PIPoint GetPIPoint(PIServer server, Guid signalID, out string cachedTagName)
            PIPoint point = null;

            // See if cached mapping exists between guid and tag name - tag name lookups are faster than GetPoints query
            if (m_tagMap.TryGetValue(signalID, out cachedTagName))
                point = GetPIPoint(server, cachedTagName);

            if ((object)point == null)
                // Point was not previously cached, lookup tag using signal ID stored in extended description field
                IEnumerable <PIPoint> points = PIPoint.FindPIPoints(server, string.Format("EXDESC='{0}'", signalID), false, new[] { PICommonPointAttributes.ExtendedDescriptor });

                point = points.FirstOrDefault();

                if ((object)point != null)
                    cachedTagName = point.Name;

Пример #10
        private void MonitorPITags()
            DataPipeHandler archiveDataPipeHandler  = null;
            DataPipeHandler snapshotDataPipeHandler = null;

                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(PIServerName))
                    throw new PIServerNotFoundException();

                    PIServer piserver;
                    var      piConnectionManager = PiConnectionMgr.ConnectAndGetServer(PIServerName, out piserver);

                    // get the tag we want to monitor
                    var pointList = PIPoint.FindPIPoints(piserver, TagList).ToList();

                    // event pipe for archive modifications
                    var archive = AFDataPipeType.Archive;

                    archiveDataPipeHandler = new DataPipeHandler(new PIConsoleDataObserver(archive), archive);

                    // event pipe for snpshot modifications
                    var snapshot = AFDataPipeType.Snapshot;

                    snapshotDataPipeHandler = new DataPipeHandler(new PIConsoleDataObserver(snapshot), snapshot);

                    // archive data pipe is for demonstrative use
                    // you may only need the snapshot in your application, this depends on your use case


                    Logger.InfoFormat("Listening for data changes started. Checking every {0}s", Interval);
            catch (Exception ex)

                // here the method will wait until _terminateRequest.Set() before terminating

                // in case you don't know this is called null propagation
                // its equivalent to if x!=null x.Dispose()
        public void PIPointSearchTest()
            PIServer piServer = PIFixture.PIServer;
            int      numberOfPointsToCreate = 10;
            var      pointPrefix            = "PIPointSearchTest_Point";

                // Create PI Points
                Output.WriteLine($"Creating PI Points with prefix [{pointPrefix}].");
                var points = PIFixture.CreatePIPoints($"{pointPrefix}#", numberOfPointsToCreate);

                // Assign range of values to defined tags
                for (int i = 0; i < points.Count(); i++)
                    points.ElementAt(i).UpdateValue(new AFValue(Math.Pow(-1, i + 1), null), 0);

                    // Set the Step attribute of half of the PI Points to true and half to false
                    points.ElementAt(i).SetAttribute(PICommonPointAttributes.Step, Convert.ToBoolean(1 * ((i + 1) % 2)));

                // Search PI Points with queries
                var searchQuery = $"Name:'{pointPrefix}*' value:>0";
                Output.WriteLine($"Searching for PI Points with query [{searchQuery}].");
                var parsedQuery       = PIPointQuery.ParseQuery(piServer, searchQuery);
                var searchPointsCount = PIPoint.FindPIPoints(piServer, parsedQuery).Count();
                    () => PIPoint.FindPIPoints(piServer, parsedQuery).Count() == (numberOfPointsToCreate / 2),
                    $"The PI Points count do not match. Expected: {numberOfPointsToCreate / 2}, Actual: {searchPointsCount}.");

                searchQuery = $"Name:'{pointPrefix}*'";
                Output.WriteLine($"Searching for PI Points with query [{searchQuery}].");
                parsedQuery       = PIPointQuery.ParseQuery(piServer, searchQuery);
                searchPointsCount = PIPoint.FindPIPoints(piServer, parsedQuery).Count();
                    () => PIPoint.FindPIPoints(piServer, parsedQuery).Count() == numberOfPointsToCreate,
                    $"The PI Points count do not match. Expected: {numberOfPointsToCreate}, Actual: {searchPointsCount}.");

                searchQuery = $"Name:'{pointPrefix}*' step:=0";
                Output.WriteLine($"Searching for PI Points with query [{searchQuery}].");
                parsedQuery       = PIPointQuery.ParseQuery(piServer, searchQuery);
                searchPointsCount = PIPoint.FindPIPoints(piServer, parsedQuery).Count();
                    () => PIPoint.FindPIPoints(piServer, parsedQuery).Count() == (numberOfPointsToCreate / 2),
                    $"The PI Points count do not match. Expected: {numberOfPointsToCreate / 2}, Actual: {searchPointsCount}.");
                PIFixture.DeletePIPoints("PIPointSearchTest_Point*", Output);
        public void PointSearchTest(string query, int expectedCount)
            Output.WriteLine($"Search for PI Points using the query [{query}]. Expect to find {expectedCount} PI Points.");
            IList <IEnumerable <PIPointQuery> > queries = PIPointQuery.ParseQuery(Fixture.PIServer, query);
            IEnumerable <PIPoint> pointList             = PIPoint.FindPIPoints(Fixture.PIServer, queries).ToList();
            int actualCount = pointList.Count();

            Assert.True(actualCount == expectedCount,
                        $"Query [{query}] resulted in {actualCount} PI Points, expected {expectedCount}.");
Пример #13
        public PIPointsProvider(string query, PIServer server)
            var queries = PIPointQuery.ParseQuery(server, query);

            if (queries == null || queries.Count < 1)
                throw new Exception("The query passed was invalid, it would not find any PI Point");

            Points = PIPoint.FindPIPoints(server, queries);
 // Tag level
 public static void WriteTags(PIServer piServer, string outputFile)
     using (StreamWriter outputStreamWriter = new StreamWriter(outputFile))
         foreach (PIPoint tag in PIPoint.FindPIPoints(piServer, "*"))
             string path = tag.GetPath();
Пример #15
        public List <string> GetPIPoints()
            PIPointList   myPointList = new PIPointList(PIPoint.FindPIPoints(_pi, "*"));
            List <string> piPointList = new List <string> {

            foreach (PIPoint point in myPointList)
 public bool ValidateTagNames(string[] piPoints)
         IList <PIPoint> piPointList = PIPoint.FindPIPoints(piServer, piPoints);
         pointList = new PIPointList(piPointList);
Пример #17
        public static AFListResults <PIPoint, AFValue> ReadValuesFromPi(string[] tagnam)
            IList <PIPoint> points = PIPoint.FindPIPoints(piServer, tagnam);

            // Create an PIPointList object in order to make the bulk call later.
            PIPointList pointList = new PIPointList(points);

            if (pointList == null)

            return(pointList.CurrentValue()); // Requires AF SDK 2.7+
        public void SineWaveEventsTest()
            string query = $"name:{PIFixture.SineWavePointNameMask} AND PointSource:{PIFixture.TestPIPointSource}";

            Output.WriteLine($"Start to verify the SineWave wave pattern in PI Points matching [{query}] in the past one day.");
            IList <IEnumerable <PIPointQuery> > queries = PIPointQuery.ParseQuery(Fixture.PIServer, query);
            IEnumerable <PIPoint>          pointList    = PIPoint.FindPIPoints(Fixture.PIServer, queries).ToList();
            IDictionary <string, AFValues> sineEvents   = Fixture.ReadPIEvents(pointList, new AFTime("*-1d"), AFTime.Now);

            int totalCheckedEventCount = 0;

            foreach (KeyValuePair <string, AFValues> kvp in sineEvents)
                // Use Distinct() in case there are duplicate archived events
                var timedEvents = kvp.Value.Distinct().ToDictionary(val => val.Timestamp.LocalTime, val => val.ValueAsDouble());

                // Start for the oldest event and check events one by one
                foreach (KeyValuePair <DateTime, double> evt in timedEvents)
                    var timestampAfterAHalfWave = evt.Key.AddSeconds(PIFixture.SineWaveLengthInHours * 1800);
                    var timestampAfterOneWave   = evt.Key.AddSeconds(PIFixture.SineWaveLengthInHours * 3600);

                    if (timedEvents.ContainsKey(timestampAfterAHalfWave) && timedEvents.ContainsKey(timestampAfterOneWave))
                        // Based on the SineWave pattern, the current value should be equal to -1 * the value
                        // after a half wave and the value after a full wave.
                            Math.Abs(evt.Value - (-1 * timedEvents[timestampAfterAHalfWave])) < PIFixture.Epsilon,
                            $"Found events in [{kvp.Key}] at [{evt.Key}] and [{timestampAfterAHalfWave}] not matching the SineWave pattern.");
                            Math.Abs(evt.Value - timedEvents[timestampAfterOneWave]) < PIFixture.Epsilon,
                            $"Found events in [{kvp.Key}] at [{evt.Key}] and [{timestampAfterOneWave}] not matching the SineWave pattern.");

                        // If the data set does not contain a key of timestampAfterOneWave, it means we have reached the end of set.

            Output.WriteLine($"Successfully verified a total of {totalCheckedEventCount} SineWave values in {sineEvents.Count} PI Points.");
Пример #19
        private void btnTagsAnalyse_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            btnConnect_Click(null, null);

            PIServer srv = (new PIServers()).DefaultPIServer;
            var      pts = PIPoint.FindPIPoints(srv, "*");

            var tmRange = new AFTimeRange(new AFTime("-70d"), new AFTime("*")); // 31+31+8

            var writer = new StreamWriter("d:\\stats.csv");


            int i = 0;

            foreach (var pt in pts)
                i += 1;
                if (pt.PointType == PIPointType.Float16 || pt.PointType == PIPointType.Float32 || pt.PointType == PIPointType.Float64)
                    pt.LoadAttributes(PICommonPointAttributes.Zero, PICommonPointAttributes.Span);
                    float zero = (float)pt.GetAttribute(PICommonPointAttributes.Zero);
                    float span = (float)pt.GetAttribute(PICommonPointAttributes.Span);

                    var sums = pt.Summary(tmRange, AFSummaryTypes.Minimum | AFSummaryTypes.Maximum, AFCalculationBasis.EventWeighted, AFTimestampCalculation.MostRecentTime);

                    try {
                        double min = (double)sums[AFSummaryTypes.Minimum].Value;
                        double max = (double)sums[AFSummaryTypes.Maximum].Value;
                        if (min < zero || max > zero + span)
                            writer.WriteLine(pt.Name + ";" + zero + ";" + span + ";" + min + ";" + max);
                    } catch (Exception) {
                Text = i.ToString();

Пример #20
        public override void Run()
                PiConnectionHelper piConnectionHelper = new PiConnectionHelper(Server);

                PIServer pi = piConnectionHelper.GetPiServer();

                List <PIPoint> points = PIPoint.FindPIPoints(pi, NameFilter, SourceFilter).ToList();

                Logger.InfoFormat("{0} Tags Found", points.Count());
                Logger.Info(string.Join(",", points.Select(p => p.Name)));
            catch (Exception ex)
        public void PIPointsTest()
            PIServer piServer    = PIFixture.PIServer;
            int      count       = 10;
            var      pointPrefix = "PIPointsTest_Point";

                // Create PI Point and verify
                Output.WriteLine($"Creating PI Points with prefix [{pointPrefix}] with default attributes and verifying.");
                var points         = PIFixture.CreatePIPoints($"{pointPrefix}#", count);
                var returnedPoints = PIPoint.FindPIPoints(piServer, $"{pointPrefix}*");
                Assert.True(returnedPoints.Count() == count, $"Expected to find {count} PI Points on Data Archive [{piServer}], actually found {returnedPoints.Count()}.");

                var timestamp = new AFTime("*-10m");

                // Set Value of PI Points
                Output.WriteLine("Updating PI Points with new values.");
                for (int i = 0; i < returnedPoints.Count(); i++)
                    returnedPoints.ElementAt(i).UpdateValue(new AFValue(i, timestamp), AFUpdateOption.NoReplace);

                // Check for updated values
                Output.WriteLine("Checking PI Points were updated with new values.");
                for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
                    AssertEventually.Equals(returnedPoints.ElementAt(i).CurrentValue(), new AFValue(Convert.ToSingle(i), timestamp.ToPIPrecision()));

                // Delete PI Points and verify
                Output.WriteLine("Deleting PI Points that were created and verifying.");
                PIFixture.DeletePIPoints($"{pointPrefix}*", Output);
                returnedPoints = PIPoint.FindPIPoints(piServer, $"{pointPrefix}*");
                Assert.True(returnedPoints.Count() == 0,
                            $"Expected to find no PI Points with prefix [{pointPrefix}], but {returnedPoints.Count()} were found.");
                PIFixture.DeletePIPoints($"{pointPrefix}*", Output);
Пример #22
        public void Run()
            PIServers piServers = new PIServers();
            PIServer  piServer  = piServers["<PISERVER>"];

            // Use PICommonPointAttributes so we don't have to remember the strings for point attributes.
            PIPointQuery compressionFilter = new PIPointQuery {
                AttributeName  = PICommonPointAttributes.Compressing,
                AttributeValue = "1",
                Operator       = AFSearchOperator.Equal

            PIPointQuery nameFilter = new PIPointQuery
                AttributeName  = PICommonPointAttributes.PointSource,
                AttributeValue = "R",
                Operator       = AFSearchOperator.Equal

            IEnumerable <string> attributesToLoad = new[]

            IEnumerable <PIPoint> points = PIPoint.FindPIPoints(piServer, new[] { compressionFilter, nameFilter }, attributesToLoad);

            foreach (PIPoint pt in points)
                Console.WriteLine("Name: {0}", pt.GetAttribute(PICommonPointAttributes.Tag));
                Console.WriteLine("Compressing: {0}", pt.GetAttribute(PICommonPointAttributes.Compressing));
                Console.WriteLine("Descriptor: {0}", pt.GetAttribute(PICommonPointAttributes.Descriptor));
                Console.WriteLine("PointSource: {0}", pt.GetAttribute(PICommonPointAttributes.PointSource));
                Console.WriteLine("Span: {0}", pt.GetAttribute(PICommonPointAttributes.Span));
                Console.WriteLine("Zero: {0}", pt.GetAttribute(PICommonPointAttributes.Zero));
Пример #23
        public void GetPIData(string piDataArchiveName, string piPointName1, string piPointName2, string piPointName3, string startTime, string endTime, string interval)
            IEnumerable <string> piPointNames = new List <string> {
                piPointName1, piPointName2, piPointName3
            PIServer piServer = new PIServers()[piDataArchiveName];

            if (piServer == null)
            IList <PIPoint> points    = PIPoint.FindPIPoints(piServer, piPointNames);
            PIPointList     pointList = new PIPointList(points);
            AFTimeRange     timeRange = new AFTimeRange(new AFTime(startTime), new AFTime(endTime));
            AFTimeSpan      timeSpan;
            bool            result = AFTimeSpan.TryParse(interval, out timeSpan);

            if (result == false)
                AFTimeSpan.TryParse("1h", out timeSpan);
            IEnumerable <AFValues> valuesList = pointList.InterpolatedValues(timeRange, timeSpan, string.Empty, false, new PIPagingConfiguration(PIPageType.TagCount, 100));

            foreach (AFValues values in valuesList)
                if (values.PIPoint.Name == piPointName1)
                    values1 = values.Where(m => m.ValueTypeCode == TypeCode.Single || m.ValueTypeCode == TypeCode.Double).Select(m => m.ValueAsDouble()).ToArray();
                else if (values.PIPoint.Name == piPointName2)
                    values2 = values.Where(m => m.ValueTypeCode == TypeCode.Single || m.ValueTypeCode == TypeCode.Double).Select(m => m.ValueAsDouble()).ToArray();
                else if (values.PIPoint.Name == piPointName3)
                    values3 = values.Where(m => m.ValueTypeCode == TypeCode.Single || m.ValueTypeCode == TypeCode.Double).Select(m => m.ValueAsDouble()).ToArray();
Пример #24
        /// <summary>
        /// Accesses the PIServer to get the PIPoints that are available.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sys"> The current PISystem</param>
        /// <param name="serv"> The current PIServer</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public List <PIPoint> getPIPoints(PISystem sys, PIServer serv)
            mainForm.Status("Getting PIPoints...");
            currentSystem   = sys;
            currentPIServer = serv;
            List <PIPoint> list;

                List <string> query = new List <string>()
                list = (List <PIPoint>)PIPoint.FindPIPoints(serv, query, null);
                mainForm.Status("ERROR: Unable to attach to " + serv.Name);
Пример #25
        public override void Run()
                PiConnectionMgr piConnectionMgr = new PiConnectionMgr(Server);

                PIServer pi = piConnectionMgr.GetPiServer();

                PIPointList pointList = new PIPointList(PIPoint.FindPIPoints(pi, TagMask));

                AFListResults <PIPoint, AFValue> values = pointList.CurrentValue();

                foreach (AFValue val in values)
                    Logger.InfoFormat("The current value for PI Point {0} is : {1} - {2}", val.PIPoint, val.Timestamp, val.Value);
            catch (Exception ex)
Пример #26
        public void Run()
            PIServers piServers = new PIServers();
            PIServer  piServer  = piServers["<PISERVER>"];

            IList <PIPoint> points = PIPoint.FindPIPoints(piServer, new[] { "sinusoid", "sinusoidu", "cdt158", "cdm158" });

            // Create an PIPointList object in order to make the bulk call later.
            PIPointList pointList = new PIPointList(points);

            if (pointList == null)

            AFListResults <PIPoint, AFValue> values = pointList.CurrentValue(); // Requires AF SDK 2.7+

            foreach (AFValue val in values)
                Console.WriteLine("Point: {0}, Timestamp: {1}, Value: {2}", val.PIPoint, val.Timestamp, val.Value.ToString());
Пример #27
        /// <summary>
        /// Create any non-existing PI points based on a list of point definitions on a given PI Data Archive
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="targetPI"></param>
        /// <param name="pointDefinitions"></param>
        private static void CreatePIPoints(PIServer targetPI, IDictionary <string, IDictionary <string, object> > pointDefinitions)
            IEnumerable <string> pointNames = pointDefinitions.Keys;

            // See what points exist
            var resolvedPoints = new HashSet <string>(PIPoint.FindPIPoints(targetPI, pointNames)
                                                      .Select(pt => pt.Name));

            // Filter out existing points
            var pointsToCreate = pointDefinitions
                                 .Where(p => !resolvedPoints.Contains(p.Key))
                                 .ToDictionary(p => p.Key, p => p.Value);

            // Create any points with default PI point attributes
            IEnumerable <string> pointsWithDefaultAttributes = pointsToCreate
                                                               .Where(p => p.Value == null)
                                                               .Select(p => p.Key)
            var results = targetPI.CreatePIPoints(pointsWithDefaultAttributes);

            if (results.Errors.Count > 0)
                throw new AggregateException(results.Errors.Values);

            // Create other PI points
            foreach (var pt in pointsWithDefaultAttributes)
            results = targetPI.CreatePIPoints(pointsToCreate);
            if (results.Errors.Count > 0)
                throw new AggregateException(results.Errors.Values);
Пример #28
        public static void Run(PIServer piserver)
            //Constructs a new PIDataPipe to signup for events on a list of PIPoint objects
            PIDataPipe piDP_A = new PIDataPipe(AFDataPipeType.TimeSeries);

                //List of PIPoints
                var ptListNames = new List <string> {
                    "sinusoid", "CDT158", "CDT158Testt"
                var ptList = PIPoint.FindPIPoints(piserver, ptListNames.AsEnumerable());

                //Find Tags Available in the DataArchive
                foreach (var val in ptListNames)
                    if ((PIPoint.TryFindPIPoint(piserver, val, out PIPoint point) == false))
                        Console.WriteLine("Tag Has been DELETED: {0}", val.ToString());

                //Moved below line above try block
                //PIDataPipe piDP_A = new PIDataPipe(AFDataPipeType.TimeSeries);
                //Take Returns a specified number of contiguous elements from the start of a sequence.
                var errPIa      = piDP_A.AddSignups(ptList.Take(2).ToList());
                var observerpiA = new Pipe_Observer("observerpiA");
                // registering an Iobserver for ADDataPipeEvent with the PIDataPipe. All the AFDataPipeEvents received by the data pipe will
                // be sent to the IObserver.

                //using 3 minutes time to gracefully exiting and showing how dispose is working in finally block
                DateTime start = DateTime.Now;

                while (true && DateTime.Now.Subtract(start).Minutes < 3)
                    bool hasMorePiA;
                    //Get updates.... Trigger retrival of new events
                    var PIa = piDP_A.GetObserverEvents(100, out hasMorePiA);

                    // out hasMorePiA - Indicates whether there could be more events in the pipe. hasMorePiA is set to true whenever the number of result
                    // events reach maxEventCountPerServer for any one PI Data Archive within the pipe.

                    if (hasMorePiA == true)
                        Console.WriteLine("the number of result events reach maxEventCountPerServer for any one PI Data Archive within the pipe");
                    // while (hasMorePiA) ;

            catch (Exception ex)
                Logs Err = new Logs();
                Console.WriteLine("An Error has occured for details please check the Log File:'" + ex.Message + "'");

                //close – which will terminate the data pipes connection to the PI Servers associated with the monitored PI Point Object
                //Dispose - which will terminate the data pipes connection to the PI Servers associated with the monitored PI Point Object.
                //This method also releases the resources used by the PIDataPipe

Пример #29
 private static IList <PIPoint> GetPIPoints(PIServer dataArchive, IEnumerable <string> tagNames, IEnumerable <string> attributeNames = null)
     return(PIPoint.FindPIPoints(dataArchive, tagNames, attributeNames));
Пример #30
        static int Main(string[] args)
            var options = new Options();
            var errors  = new List <Error>();
            var result  = Parser.Default.ParseArguments <Options>(args);

            result.WithParsed(opts => options = opts).WithNotParsed(errs => errors = errs.ToList());
            if (errors.Any())
                foreach (var error in errors)

            NameValueCollection appSettings = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings;
            string accountId         = appSettings["accountId"];
            string namespaceId       = appSettings["namespaceId"];
            string clusterAddress    = appSettings["address"];
            string ingressServiceUrl = clusterAddress + @"/api/omf";

            // Use a client secret, retrieved from the OSIsoft Cloud Services portal for your account, to
            // create a SecurityHandler used to authenticate this app.
            string resource        = appSettings["resource"];
            string clientId        = appSettings["clientId"];
            string clientSecret    = appSettings["clientSecret"];
            var    securityHandler = new SdsSecurityHandler(resource, accountId, clientId, clientSecret);

            // Create a client to manage OSIsoft Cloud Services Ingress resources.
            using (var managementClient = new IngressManagementClient(clusterAddress, accountId, securityHandler))
                // Connect to a PI server and select PI points for which to move data to OCS.
                var piServerName = appSettings["PIDataArchive"];
                var piServer     = new PIServers()[piServerName];
                var points       = PIPoint.FindPIPoints(piServer, options.TagMask).ToList();
                if (!points.Any())
                    Console.WriteLine($"No PI points found matching the tagMask query!");

                // Create OCS data ingress objects.
                string publisherName    = appSettings["publisherName"];
                string topicName        = appSettings["topicName"];
                string subscriptionName = appSettings["subscriptionName"];
                Console.WriteLine("Setting up OSIsoft Cloud Services OMF ingress objects.");
                string publisherId    = managementClient.GetOrCreatePublisherAsync(publisherName).GetAwaiter().GetResult();
                string producerToken  = managementClient.GetOrCreateToken(publisherId).GetAwaiter().GetResult();
                string topicId        = managementClient.GetOrCreateTopic(topicName, publisherId).GetAwaiter().GetResult();
                string subscriptionId = managementClient.GetOrCreateSubscription(subscriptionName, topicId, namespaceId).GetAwaiter().GetResult();

                // Each PI point type will be written to an OSIsoft Cloud Services(OCS) SDSStream.
                // The structure of each stream is defined by an OCS SDSType. We create this SDSType
                // by posting an OSIsoft Message Format(OMF) type message to OCS.
                // PI point value types need to translate to OCS SDSTypes. We create a limited number
                // of SDSTypes in OCS and then map PI point value types to those SDSTypes.
                // A mapping between PI point value types and the Ids of the SDSType that represents
                // them in OCS is shown below.
                Dictionary <OmfTypeCode, string> typeIdsByOmfType = new Dictionary <OmfTypeCode, string>();
                typeIdsByOmfType.Add(OmfTypeCode.Number, "numberValueAndTimestamp");
                typeIdsByOmfType.Add(OmfTypeCode.Integer, "integerValueAndTimestamp");
                typeIdsByOmfType.Add(OmfTypeCode.String, "stringValueAndTimestamp");
                typeIdsByOmfType.Add(OmfTypeCode.Time, "timeValueAndTimestamp");
                typeIdsByOmfType.Add(OmfTypeCode.ByteArray, "byteArrayValueAndTimestamp");

                using (var client = new IngressClient(ingressServiceUrl, producerToken)
                    UseCompression = true
                    // Create and send OMF Type messages.
                    Console.WriteLine("Creating basic types in OCS to represent the format of PI points.");
                    List <OmfType> types = GetOmfTypes(typeIdsByOmfType);
                    var            omfTypeMessageContent = new OmfTypeMessageContent()
                        Types = types
                    client.SendMessageAsync(omfTypeMessageContent.ToByteArray(), MessageType.Type, MessageAction.Create).GetAwaiter().GetResult();

                    // Generate containers for each of the point with the correct OMF message type.
                    List <OmfContainer> containers = GetOmfContainers(points, typeIdsByOmfType);
                    if (options.WriteMode == Options.DataWriteMode.clearExistingData)
                        // Deleting the OMF container deletes the underlying SDSStream and its data.
                        Console.WriteLine("Deleting OMF containers corresponding to the selected PI points that existed before the sample was run.");
                        var omfContainerMessageContent = new OmfContainerMessageContent()
                            Containers = containers
                        client.SendMessageAsync(omfContainerMessageContent.ToByteArray(), MessageType.Container, MessageAction.Delete).GetAwaiter().GetResult();

                    Console.WriteLine("Creating corresponding containers for the PI points whose data will be written to OCS.");

                    // OSIsoft Cloud Services' OMF Ingress sets a size limit on the request accepted by its external endpoint. We may need to split, or chunk,
                    // containers into multiple OMF messages sent to the endpoint.
                    for (int chunkStartIndex = 0; chunkStartIndex < containers.Count; chunkStartIndex += MaxChunkSize)
                        int numberOfContainersToSendInThisChunk = Math.Min(containers.Count - chunkStartIndex, MaxChunkSize);
                        var containersToSendInThisChunk         = containers.GetRange(chunkStartIndex, numberOfContainersToSendInThisChunk).ToList();
                        var omfContainerMessageContent          = new OmfContainerMessageContent()
                            Containers = containersToSendInThisChunk
                        client.SendMessageAsync(omfContainerMessageContent.ToByteArray(), MessageType.Container, MessageAction.Create).GetAwaiter().GetResult();

                    // Write data from each PI point to a SDSStream.
                    foreach (PIPoint point in points)
                        Console.WriteLine($"Writing PI point data for point {point.Name} to OCS.");
                        string   containerId = GetContainerId(point);
                        AFValues values      = point.RecordedValues(new AFTimeRange(options.StartTime, options.EndTime), AFBoundaryType.Inside, null, true);

                        // OSIsoft Cloud Services' OMF Ingress sets a size limit on the request accepted by its external endpoint. We may need to split, or chunk,
                        // events into multiple OMF messages sent to the endpoint.
                        for (int chunkStartIndex = 0; chunkStartIndex < values.Count; chunkStartIndex += MaxChunkSize)
                            int numberOfEventsToReadForThisChunk = Math.Min(values.Count - chunkStartIndex, MaxChunkSize);

                            // If there are multiple events at a single timestamp for the PI point, the most recently added event will be written to OCS.
                            List <AFValue> distinctValuesInChunk = values.GetRange(chunkStartIndex, numberOfEventsToReadForThisChunk).GroupBy(value => value.Timestamp).Select(valuesAtTimestamp => valuesAtTimestamp.Last()).ToList();
                            List <PIData>  piDataEvents          = GetPIData(distinctValuesInChunk, ToOmfTypeCode(point.PointType));

                            OmfDataMessageContent omfDataMessageContent = new OmfDataMessageContent(containerId, piDataEvents);

                            Console.WriteLine($"Sending PI point data from index {distinctValuesInChunk.First().Timestamp} to index {distinctValuesInChunk.Last().Timestamp} to OCS ({distinctValuesInChunk.Count} values).");
                            client.SendMessageAsync(omfDataMessageContent.ToByteArray(), MessageType.Data, MessageAction.Create).GetAwaiter().GetResult();

                // Delete OCS data ingress objects.
                if (options.DeleteIngressObjects)
                    Console.WriteLine($"Deleting subscription with Id {subscriptionId}.");
                    Console.WriteLine($"Deleting topic with Id {topicId}.");
                    Console.WriteLine($"Deleting publisher with Id {publisherId}.");
