Пример #1
        // creates a random, fractal heightfield
        public void SetFractal(byte[] grid, int gridIndex, int bytesPerElement, PHY_ScalarType type, int step)
            Debug.Assert(grid != null);
            Debug.Assert(bytesPerElement > 0);
            Debug.Assert(step > 0);
            Debug.Assert(step < s_gridSize);

            int newStep = step / 2;

            //	std::cerr << "Computing grid with step = " << step << ": before\n";
            //	dumpGrid(grid, bytesPerElement, type, step + 1);

            // special case: starting (must set four corners)
            if (s_gridSize - 1 == step)
                // pick a non-zero (possibly negative) base elevation for testing
                float baseValue = RandomHeight(step / 2);

                ConvertFromFloat(grid, gridIndex, baseValue, type);
                ConvertFromFloat(grid, gridIndex + step * bytesPerElement, baseValue, type);
                ConvertFromFloat(grid, gridIndex + step * s_gridSize * bytesPerElement, baseValue, type);
                ConvertFromFloat(grid, gridIndex + (step * s_gridSize + step) * bytesPerElement, baseValue, type);

            // determine elevation of each corner
            float c00 = ConvertToFloat(grid, gridIndex, type);
            float c01 = ConvertToFloat(grid, gridIndex + step * bytesPerElement, type);
            float c10 = ConvertToFloat(grid, gridIndex + (step * s_gridSize) * bytesPerElement, type);
            float c11 = ConvertToFloat(grid, gridIndex + (step * s_gridSize + step) * bytesPerElement, type);

            // set top middle
            UpdateHeight(grid, gridIndex + newStep * bytesPerElement, 0.5f * (c00 + c01) + RandomHeight(step), type);

            // set left middle
            UpdateHeight(grid, gridIndex + (newStep * s_gridSize) * bytesPerElement, 0.5f * (c00 + c10) + RandomHeight(step), type);

            // set right middle
            UpdateHeight(grid, gridIndex + (newStep * s_gridSize + step) * bytesPerElement, 0.5f * (c01 + c11) + RandomHeight(step), type);

            // set bottom middle
            UpdateHeight(grid, gridIndex + (step * s_gridSize + newStep) * bytesPerElement, 0.5f * (c10 + c11) + RandomHeight(step), type);

            // set middle
            UpdateHeight(grid, gridIndex + (newStep * s_gridSize + newStep) * bytesPerElement, 0.25f * (c00 + c01 + c10 + c11) + RandomHeight(step), type);

            //	std::cerr << "Computing grid with step = " << step << ": after\n";
            //	dumpGrid(grid, bytesPerElement, type, step + 1);

            // terminate?
            if (newStep < 2)

            // recurse
            SetFractal(grid, gridIndex, bytesPerElement, type, newStep);
            SetFractal(grid, gridIndex + newStep * bytesPerElement, bytesPerElement, type, newStep);
            SetFractal(grid, gridIndex + (newStep * s_gridSize) * bytesPerElement, bytesPerElement, type, newStep);
            SetFractal(grid, gridIndex + ((newStep * s_gridSize) + newStep) * bytesPerElement, bytesPerElement, type, newStep);
Пример #2
        public static void ConvertFromFloat(byte[] p, int pindex, float value, PHY_ScalarType type)
            Debug.Assert(p != null, "null");

            switch (type)
            case PHY_ScalarType.PHY_FLOAT:
                byte[] temp = BitConverter.GetBytes(value);
                Array.Copy(temp, 0, p, pindex, temp.Length);

            case PHY_ScalarType.PHY_UCHAR:
                p[pindex] = (byte)(value / s_gridHeightScale);

            case PHY_ScalarType.PHY_SHORT:
                short  temp  = (short)(value / s_gridHeightScale);
                byte[] temp2 = BitConverter.GetBytes(temp);
                Array.Copy(temp2, 0, p, pindex, temp2.Length);

                Debug.Assert(false, "bad type");
Пример #3
        public float ConvertToFloat(byte[] p, int pindex, PHY_ScalarType type)
            Debug.Assert(p != null);

            switch (type)
            case PHY_ScalarType.PHY_FLOAT:
                return(BitConverter.ToSingle(p, pindex));

            case PHY_ScalarType.PHY_UCHAR:
                return(p[pindex] * s_gridHeightScale);

            case PHY_ScalarType.PHY_SHORT:
                short temp = BitConverter.ToInt16(p, pindex);
                return((temp) * s_gridHeightScale);

                Debug.Assert(false, "bad type");

Пример #4
        // TODO: it would probably cleaner to have a struct per data type, so
        //  you could lookup byte sizes, conversion functions, etc.
        public int GetByteSize(PHY_ScalarType type)
            int size = 0;

            switch (type)
            case PHY_ScalarType.PHY_FLOAT:
                size = 4;

            case PHY_ScalarType.PHY_UCHAR:
                size = 1;

            case PHY_ScalarType.PHY_SHORT:
                size = 2;

                Debug.Assert(false, "Bad heightfield data type");

Пример #5
 public void UpdateHeight(byte[] p, int index, float new_val, PHY_ScalarType type)
     float old_val = ConvertToFloat(p, index, type);
     //if (old_val != 0.0f)
         ConvertFromFloat(p, index, new_val, type);
Пример #6
        /// preferred constructor

         * This constructor supports a range of heightfield
         * data types, and allows for a non-zero minimum height value.
         * heightScale is needed for any integer-based heightfield data types.
        public HeightfieldTerrainShape(int heightStickWidth, int heightStickLength,
                                       byte[] heightfieldData, float heightScale,
                                       float minHeight, float maxHeight,
                                       int upAxis, PHY_ScalarType heightDataType,
                                       bool flipQuadEdges)
            Initialize(heightStickWidth, heightStickLength, heightfieldData, heightScale, minHeight, maxHeight, upAxis, heightDataType, flipQuadEdges);
Пример #7
 public void addIndexedMesh(btIndexedMesh mesh, PHY_ScalarType indexType)
     BulletPINVOKE.btTriangleIndexVertexArray_addIndexedMesh__SWIG_0(swigCPtr, btIndexedMesh.getCPtr(mesh), (int)indexType);
     if (BulletPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Pending)
         throw BulletPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Retrieve();
Пример #8
        public void SetRadial(byte[] grid, int bytesPerElement, PHY_ScalarType type, float phase)
            Debug.Assert(grid != null);
            Debug.Assert(bytesPerElement > 0);

            // min/max
            float period    = 0.5f / s_gridSpacing;
            float floor     = 0.0f;
            float min_r     = (float)(3.0f * Math.Sqrt(s_gridSpacing));
            float magnitude = (float)(50.0f * Math.Sqrt(s_gridSpacing));

            // pick a base_phase such that phase = 0 results in max height
            //   (this way, if you create a heightfield with phase = 0,
            //    you can rely on the min/max heights that result)
            float base_phase = (0.5f * MathUtil.SIMD_PI) - (period * min_r);

            phase += base_phase;

            // center of grid
            float cx = 0.5f * s_gridSize * s_gridSpacing;
            float cy = cx;              // assume square grid

            byte[] p      = grid;
            int    pindex = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < s_gridSize; ++i)
                float x = i * s_gridSpacing;
                for (int j = 0; j < s_gridSize; ++j)
                    float y = j * s_gridSpacing;

                    float dx = x - cx;
                    float dy = y - cy;

                    float r = (float)Math.Sqrt((dx * dx) + (dy * dy));

                    float z = period;
                    if (r < min_r)
                        r = min_r;
                    z = (float)((1.0f / r) * Math.Sin(period * r + phase));
                    if (z > period)
                        z = period;
                    else if (z < -period)
                        z = -period;
                    z = floor + magnitude * z;

                    ConvertFromFloat(p, pindex, z, type);
                    pindex += bytesPerElement;
Пример #9
        public PHY_ScalarType NextType(PHY_ScalarType type)
            switch (type)
            case PHY_ScalarType.PHY_FLOAT:

            case PHY_ScalarType.PHY_SHORT:

            case PHY_ScalarType.PHY_UCHAR:
Пример #10
        /// legacy constructor

         * The legacy constructor assumes the heightfield has a minimum height
         * of zero.  Only unsigned char or floats are supported.  For legacy
         * compatibility reasons, heightScale is calculated as maxHeight / 65535
         * (and is only used when useFloatData = false).
        public HeightfieldTerrainShape(int heightStickWidth, int heightStickLength, byte[] heightfieldData, float maxHeight, int upAxis, bool useFloatData, bool flipQuadEdges)
            // legacy constructor: support only float or unsigned char,
            //  and min height is zero
            PHY_ScalarType hdt       = (useFloatData) ? PHY_ScalarType.PHY_FLOAT : PHY_ScalarType.PHY_UCHAR;
            float          minHeight = 0.0f;

            // previously, height = uchar * maxHeight / 65535.
            // So to preserve legacy behavior, heightScale = maxHeight / 65535
            float heightScale = maxHeight / 65535;

            Initialize(heightStickWidth, heightStickLength, heightfieldData,
                       heightScale, minHeight, maxHeight, upAxis, hdt,
Пример #11
 public void DumpGrid(byte[] grid, int bytesPerElement, PHY_ScalarType type, int max)
     //std::cerr << "Grid:\n";
     for (int j = 0; j < max; ++j)
         for (int i = 0; i < max; ++i)
             long  offset = j * s_gridSize + i;
             float z      = ConvertToFloat(grid, (int)(offset * bytesPerElement), type);
             //sprintf(buffer, "%6.2f", z);
             //std::cerr << "  " << buffer;
         //std::cerr << "\n";
Пример #12
        public override void GetLockedVertexIndexBase(out Object vertexbase, out int numverts, out PHY_ScalarType type, out int vertexStride, out Object indexbase, out int indexstride, out int numfaces, out PHY_ScalarType indicestype, int subpart)
        	Debug.Assert(subpart< GetNumSubParts() );
	        IndexedMesh mesh = m_indexedMeshes[subpart];

	        numverts = mesh.m_numVertices;
	        vertexbase = mesh.m_vertexBase;
	        type = PHY_ScalarType.PHY_FLOAT;
	        vertexStride = mesh.m_vertexStride;

	        numfaces = mesh.m_numTriangles;

	        indexbase = mesh.m_triangleIndexBase;
	        indexstride = mesh.m_triangleIndexStride;
	        indicestype = mesh.m_indexType;
Пример #13
        public float GetGridHeight(byte[] grid, int i, int j, PHY_ScalarType type)
            Debug.Assert(grid != null);
            Debug.Assert(i >= 0 && i < s_gridSize);
            Debug.Assert(j >= 0 && j < s_gridSize);

            int bpe = GetByteSize(type);

            Debug.Assert(bpe > 0, "bad bytes per element");

            int idx    = (j * s_gridSize) + i;
            int offset = ((int)bpe) * idx;

            //byte_t* p = grid + offset;

            return(ConvertToFloat(grid, offset, type));
Пример #14
        public String GetDataTypeName(PHY_ScalarType type)
            switch (type)
            case PHY_ScalarType.PHY_UCHAR:

            case PHY_ScalarType.PHY_SHORT:

            case PHY_ScalarType.PHY_FLOAT:

                Debug.Assert(false, "bad heightfield data type");

        public String GetDataTypeName(PHY_ScalarType type)
	        switch (type) 
                case PHY_ScalarType.PHY_UCHAR:
		            return "UnsignedChar";

                case PHY_ScalarType.PHY_SHORT:
		            return "Short";

                case PHY_ScalarType.PHY_FLOAT:
		            return "Float";

		        Debug.Assert(false,"bad heightfield data type");

	        return null;
 public abstract void GetLockedReadOnlyVertexIndexBase(out Object vertexbase, out int numverts, out PHY_ScalarType type, out int stride, out Object indexbase, out int indexstride, out int numfaces, out PHY_ScalarType indicestype, int subpart);
 public PHY_ScalarType NextType(PHY_ScalarType type)
     switch (type)
         case PHY_ScalarType.PHY_FLOAT:
             return PHY_ScalarType.PHY_SHORT;
         case PHY_ScalarType.PHY_SHORT:
             return PHY_ScalarType.PHY_UCHAR;
         case PHY_ScalarType.PHY_UCHAR:
             return PHY_ScalarType.PHY_FLOAT;
     return PHY_ScalarType.PHY_FLOAT;
        public byte[] GetRawHeightfieldData(eTerrainModel model,PHY_ScalarType type,ref float minHeight,ref float maxHeight)
        //	std::cerr << "\nRegenerating terrain\n";
        //	std::cerr << "  model = " << model << "\n";
        //	std::cerr << "  type = " << type << "\n";

	        long nElements = ((long) s_gridSize) * s_gridSize;
        //	std::cerr << "  nElements = " << nElements << "\n";

	        int bytesPerElement = GetByteSize(type);
        //	std::cerr << "  bytesPerElement = " << bytesPerElement << "\n";
	        Debug.Assert(bytesPerElement > 0,"bad bytes per element");

	        long nBytes = nElements * bytesPerElement;
        //	std::cerr << "  nBytes = " << nBytes << "\n";
	        byte[] raw = new byte[nBytes];
	        Debug.Assert(raw != null ,"out of memory");

	        // reseed randomization every 30 seconds
        //	srand(time(NULL) / 30);

	        // populate based on model
	        switch (model) 
	        case eTerrainModel.eRadial:
		        SetRadial(raw, bytesPerElement, type);

            case eTerrainModel.eFractal:
		        for (int i = 0; i < nBytes; i++)
			        raw[i] = 0;
		        SetFractal(raw,0, bytesPerElement, type, s_gridSize - 1);

		        Debug.Assert(false,"bad model type");

	        if (false) 
		        // inside if(0) so it keeps compiling but isn't
		        // 	exercised and doesn't cause warnings
        //		std::cerr << "final grid:\n";
		        DumpGrid(raw,bytesPerElement, type, s_gridSize - 1);

	        // find min/max
	        for (int i = 0; i < s_gridSize; ++i) 
		        for (int j = 0; j < s_gridSize; ++j) 
			        float z = GetGridHeight(raw, i, j, type);
        //			std::cerr << "i=" << i << ", j=" << j << ": z=" << z << "\n";

			        // update min/max
			        if (i == 0 && j == 0) 
				        minHeight = z;
				        maxHeight = z;
				        if (z < minHeight) 
					        minHeight = z;
				        if (z > maxHeight) 
					        maxHeight = z;

	        if (maxHeight < -minHeight) 
		        maxHeight = -minHeight;
	        if (minHeight > -maxHeight) 
		        minHeight = -maxHeight;

        //	std::cerr << "  minHeight = " << minHeight << "\n";
        //	std::cerr << "  maxHeight = " << maxHeight << "\n";

	        return raw;
 public void UpdateHeight(byte[] p,int index,float new_val,PHY_ScalarType type)
     float old_val = ConvertToFloat(p,index, type);
     //if (old_val != 0.0f)
         ConvertFromFloat(p, index,new_val, type);
 // creates a radially-varying heightfield
 public void SetRadial(byte[] grid,int bytesPerElement,PHY_ScalarType type)
        public float GetGridHeight(byte[] grid,int i,int j,PHY_ScalarType type)
            Debug.Assert(grid != null);
            Debug.Assert(i >= 0 && i < s_gridSize);
            Debug.Assert(j >= 0 && j < s_gridSize);

            int bpe = GetByteSize(type);
            Debug.Assert(bpe > 0,"bad bytes per element");

            int idx = (j * s_gridSize) + i;
            int offset = ((int)bpe) * idx;

            //byte_t* p = grid + offset;

            return ConvertToFloat(grid,offset, type);
Пример #22
        /// public initialization

         * Handles the work of constructors so that public constructors can be
         * backwards-compatible without a lot of copy/paste.
        public void Initialize(int heightStickWidth, int heightStickLength,
                               Object heightfieldData, float heightScale,
                               float minHeight, float maxHeight, int upAxis,
                               PHY_ScalarType hdt, bool flipQuadEdges)
            // validation
            Debug.Assert(heightStickWidth > 1, "bad width");
            Debug.Assert(heightStickLength > 1, "bad length");
            Debug.Assert(heightfieldData != null, "null heightfield data");
            // Debug.Assert(heightScale) -- do we care?  Trust caller here
            Debug.Assert(minHeight <= maxHeight, "bad min/max height");
            Debug.Assert(upAxis >= 0 && upAxis < 3,
                         "bad upAxis--should be in range [0,2]");
            Debug.Assert(hdt != PHY_ScalarType.PHY_UCHAR || hdt != PHY_ScalarType.PHY_FLOAT || hdt != PHY_ScalarType.PHY_SHORT,
                         "Bad height data type enum");

            // initialize member variables
            m_shapeType         = BroadphaseNativeTypes.TERRAIN_SHAPE_PROXYTYPE;
            m_heightStickWidth  = heightStickWidth;
            m_heightStickLength = heightStickLength;
            m_minHeight         = minHeight;
            m_maxHeight         = maxHeight;
            m_width             = (heightStickWidth - 1);
            m_length            = (heightStickLength - 1);
            m_heightScale       = heightScale;
            // copy the data in
            m_heightFieldDataByte  = heightfieldData as byte[];
            m_heightFieldDataFloat = heightfieldData as float[];
            m_heightDataType       = hdt;

            m_flipQuadEdges         = flipQuadEdges;
            m_useDiamondSubdivision = false;
            m_upAxis       = upAxis;
            m_localScaling = new IndexedVector3(1f);

            // determine min/max axis-aligned bounding box (aabb) values
            switch (m_upAxis)
            case 0:
                m_localAabbMin = new IndexedVector3(m_minHeight, 0, 0);
                m_localAabbMax = new IndexedVector3(m_maxHeight, m_width, m_length);

            case 1:
                m_localAabbMin = new IndexedVector3(0, m_minHeight, 0);
                m_localAabbMax = new IndexedVector3(m_width, m_maxHeight, m_length);

            case 2:
                m_localAabbMin = new IndexedVector3(0, 0, m_minHeight);
                m_localAabbMax = new IndexedVector3(m_width, m_length, m_maxHeight);

                //need to get valid m_upAxis
                Debug.Assert(false, "Bad m_upAxis");

            // remember origin (defined as exact middle of aabb)
            m_localOrigin = 0.5f * (m_localAabbMin + m_localAabbMax);
Пример #23
 // creates a radially-varying heightfield
 public void SetRadial(byte[] grid, int bytesPerElement, PHY_ScalarType type)
     SetRadial(grid, bytesPerElement, type, 0.0f);
Пример #24
 public abstract void getLockedReadOnlyVertexIndexBase(out Object vertexbase, out int numverts, out PHY_ScalarType type, out int stride, out Object indexbase, out int indexstride, out int numfaces, out PHY_ScalarType indicestype, int subpart);
        public virtual void     InternalProcessAllTriangles(IInternalTriangleIndexCallback callback, ref IndexedVector3 aabbMin, ref IndexedVector3 aabbMax)
            int            numtotalphysicsverts = 0;
            int            part, graphicssubparts = GetNumSubParts();
            Object         vertexbase  = null;
            Object         indexbase   = null;
            int            indexstride = 3;
            PHY_ScalarType type = PHY_ScalarType.PHY_FLOAT;
            PHY_ScalarType gfxindextype = PHY_ScalarType.PHY_INTEGER;
            int            stride = 0, numverts = 0, numtriangles = 0;

            IndexedVector3[] triangle = new IndexedVector3[3];

            IndexedVector3 meshScaling = GetScaling();

            ///if the number of parts is big, the performance might drop due to the innerloop switch on indextype
            for (part = 0; part < graphicssubparts; part++)
                GetLockedReadOnlyVertexIndexBase(out vertexbase, out numverts, out type, out stride, out indexbase, out indexstride, out numtriangles, out gfxindextype, part);
                numtotalphysicsverts += numtriangles * 3;     //upper bound

                switch (gfxindextype)
                case PHY_ScalarType.PHY_INTEGER:
                    int[] indexList = ((ObjectArray <int>)indexbase).GetRawArray();

                    if (vertexbase is ObjectArray <IndexedVector3> )
                        IndexedVector3[] vertexList = (vertexbase as ObjectArray <IndexedVector3>).GetRawArray();
                        //string filename = "c:/tmp/xna-bvh-mesh-iv3.txt";
                        //FileStream filestream = File.Open(filename, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write, FileShare.Read);
                        //using (StreamWriter writer = new StreamWriter(filestream))
                        //writer.WriteLine("XNA IV3");
                        for (int gfxindex = 0; gfxindex < numtriangles; gfxindex++)
                            int triIndex = (gfxindex * indexstride);

                            //writer.WriteLine(String.Format("indices[{0}][{1}][{2}]", indexList[triIndex], indexList[triIndex + 1], indexList[triIndex + 2]));

                            int index1 = indexList[triIndex];
                            int index2 = indexList[triIndex + 1];
                            int index3 = indexList[triIndex + 2];

                            triangle[0] = vertexList[index1] * meshScaling;
                            //writer.WriteLine(String.Format("GB1[{0:0.00000000}][{1:0.00000000}][{2:0.00000000}]", triangle[0].X,triangle[0].Y,triangle[0].Z));

                            triangle[1] = vertexList[index2] * meshScaling;
                            //writer.WriteLine(String.Format("GB1[{0:0.00000000}][{1:0.00000000}][{2:0.00000000}]", triangle[1].X, triangle[1].Y, triangle[1].Z));

                            triangle[2] = vertexList[index3] * meshScaling;
                            //writer.WriteLine(String.Format("GB1[{0:0.00000000}][{1:0.00000000}][{2:0.00000000}]", triangle[2].X, triangle[2].Y, triangle[2].Z));

                            //writer.WriteLine(String.Format("index[{0}] triangle[0].X =[{1:0.00000000}] triangle[0].Y =[{2:0.00000000}] triangle[0].Z =[{3:0.00000000}]", gfxindex, triangle[0].X, triangle[0].Y, triangle[0].Z));
                            //writer.WriteLine(String.Format("index[{0}] triangle[1].X =[{1:0.00000000}] triangle[1].Y =[{2:0.00000000}] triangle[1].Z =[{3:0.00000000}]", gfxindex, triangle[1].X, triangle[1].Y, triangle[1].Z));
                            //writer.WriteLine(String.Format("index[{0}] triangle[2].X =[{1:0.00000000}] triangle[2].Y =[{2:0.00000000}] triangle[2].Z =[{3:0.00000000}]", gfxindex, triangle[2].X, triangle[2].Y, triangle[2].Z));

                            //if(BulletGlobals.g_streamWriter != null && BulletGlobals.debugStridingMesh && !callback.graphics())
                            //    MathUtil.PrintVector3(BulletGlobals.g_streamWriter,"SMI:T0",triangle[0]);
                            //    MathUtil.PrintVector3(BulletGlobals.g_streamWriter, "SMI:T1", triangle[1]);
                            //    MathUtil.PrintVector3(BulletGlobals.g_streamWriter, "SMI:T2", triangle[2]);

                            callback.InternalProcessTriangleIndex(triangle, part, gfxindex);
                        //    writer.Flush();

                    else if (vertexbase is ObjectArray <Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Vector3> )
                        Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Vector3[] vertexList = (vertexbase as ObjectArray <Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Vector3>).GetRawArray();
                        for (int gfxindex = 0; gfxindex < numtriangles; gfxindex++)
                            int triIndex = (gfxindex * indexstride);

                            int index1 = indexList[triIndex];
                            int index2 = indexList[triIndex + 1];
                            int index3 = indexList[triIndex + 2];

                            triangle[0] = new IndexedVector3(vertexList[index1]) * meshScaling;
                            triangle[1] = new IndexedVector3(vertexList[index2]) * meshScaling;
                            triangle[2] = new IndexedVector3(vertexList[index3]) * meshScaling;

                            //if (BulletGlobals.g_streamWriter != null && BulletGlobals.debugStridingMesh && !callback.graphics())
                            //    MathUtil.PrintVector3(BulletGlobals.g_streamWriter, "SMI:T0", triangle[0]);
                            //    MathUtil.PrintVector3(BulletGlobals.g_streamWriter, "SMI:T1", triangle[1]);
                            //    MathUtil.PrintVector3(BulletGlobals.g_streamWriter, "SMI:T2", triangle[2]);

                            callback.InternalProcessTriangleIndex(triangle, part, gfxindex);

                    else if (vertexbase is ObjectArray <float> )
                        //string filename = "c:/tmp/xna-bvh-mesh-float.txt";
                        //FileStream filestream = File.Open(filename, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write, FileShare.Read);
                        //using (StreamWriter writer = new StreamWriter(filestream))
                        //writer.WriteLine("XNA FLOAT");
                        float[] vertexList = (vertexbase as ObjectArray <float>).GetRawArray();
                        for (int gfxindex = 0; gfxindex < numtriangles; gfxindex++)
                            int triIndex = (gfxindex * indexstride);
                            //writer.WriteLine(String.Format("indices[{0}][{1}][{2}]", indexList[triIndex], indexList[triIndex + 1], indexList[triIndex + 2]));

                            // ugly!!
                            int index1 = indexList[triIndex];

                            //writer.WriteLine(String.Format("GB1[{0:0.00000000}][{1:0.00000000}][{2:0.00000000}]", vertexList[index1 * stride], vertexList[(index1 * stride) + 1], vertexList[(index1 * stride) + 2]));
                            triangle[0] = new IndexedVector3(vertexList[index1 * stride], vertexList[(index1 * stride) + 1], vertexList[(index1 * stride) + 2]) * meshScaling;
                            index1      = indexList[triIndex + 1];
                            //writer.WriteLine(String.Format("GB1[{0:0.00000000}][{1:0.00000000}][{2:0.00000000}]", vertexList[index1 * stride], vertexList[(index1 * stride) + 1], vertexList[(index1 * stride) + 2]));
                            triangle[1] = new IndexedVector3(vertexList[index1 * stride], vertexList[(index1 * stride) + 1], vertexList[(index1 * stride) + 2]) * meshScaling;
                            index1      = indexList[triIndex + 2];
                            //writer.WriteLine(String.Format("GB1[{0:0.00000000}][{1:0.00000000}][{2:0.00000000}]", vertexList[index1 * stride], vertexList[(index1 * stride) + 1], vertexList[(index1 * stride) + 2]));
                            triangle[2] = new IndexedVector3(vertexList[index1 * stride], vertexList[(index1 * stride) + 1], vertexList[(index1 * stride) + 2]) * meshScaling;

                            //writer.WriteLine(String.Format("index[{0}] triangle[0].X =[{1:0.00000000}] triangle[0].Y =[{2:0.00000000}] triangle[0].Z =[{3:0.00000000}]", gfxindex, triangle[0].X, triangle[0].Y, triangle[0].Z));
                            //writer.WriteLine(String.Format("index[{0}] triangle[1].X =[{1:0.00000000}] triangle[1].Y =[{2:0.00000000}] triangle[1].Z =[{3:0.00000000}]", gfxindex, triangle[1].X, triangle[1].Y, triangle[1].Z));
                            //writer.WriteLine(String.Format("index[{0}] triangle[2].X =[{1:0.00000000}] triangle[2].Y =[{2:0.00000000}] triangle[2].Z =[{3:0.00000000}]", gfxindex, triangle[2].X, triangle[2].Y, triangle[2].Z));

                            callback.InternalProcessTriangleIndex(triangle, part, gfxindex);
                        Debug.Assert(false);     // unsupported type ....

                    Debug.Assert(gfxindextype == PHY_ScalarType.PHY_INTEGER);

        // TODO: it would probably cleaner to have a struct per data type, so
        // 	you could lookup byte sizes, conversion functions, etc.
        public int GetByteSize(PHY_ScalarType type)
            int size = 0;

            switch (type) {
            case PHY_ScalarType.PHY_FLOAT:
                size = 4;

            case PHY_ScalarType.PHY_UCHAR:
                size = 1;

            case PHY_ScalarType.PHY_SHORT:
                size = 2;

                Debug.Assert(false,"Bad heightfield data type");

            return size;
Пример #27

        public static void GenerateInternalEdgeInfo(BvhTriangleMeshShape trimeshShape, TriangleInfoMap triangleInfoMap)
            //the user pointer shouldn't already be used for other purposes, we intend to store connectivity info there!
            if (trimeshShape.GetTriangleInfoMap() != null)


            StridingMeshInterface meshInterface = trimeshShape.GetMeshInterface();
            IndexedVector3        meshScaling   = meshInterface.GetScaling();

            for (int partId = 0; partId < meshInterface.GetNumSubParts(); partId++)
                object         vertexbase  = null;
                int            numverts    = 0;
                PHY_ScalarType type        = PHY_ScalarType.PHY_INTEGER;
                int            stride      = 0;
                object         indexbase   = null;
                int            indexstride = 0;
                int            numfaces    = 0;
                PHY_ScalarType indicestype = PHY_ScalarType.PHY_INTEGER;
                //PHY_ScalarType indexType=0;

                IndexedVector3[] triangleVerts = new IndexedVector3[3];
                meshInterface.GetLockedReadOnlyVertexIndexBase(out vertexbase, out numverts, out type, out stride, out indexbase, out indexstride, out numfaces, out indicestype, partId);
                IndexedVector3 aabbMin, aabbMax;

                switch (indicestype)
                case PHY_ScalarType.PHY_INTEGER:
                    int[] indexList = ((ObjectArray <int>)indexbase).GetRawArray();

                    if (vertexbase is ObjectArray <IndexedVector3> )
                        IndexedVector3[] vertexList = (vertexbase as ObjectArray <IndexedVector3>).GetRawArray();
                        int indexCounter            = 0;
                        for (int triangleIndex = 0; triangleIndex < numfaces; triangleIndex++)
                            int index1 = indexList[triangleIndex];
                            int index2 = indexList[triangleIndex + 1];
                            int index3 = indexList[triangleIndex + 2];

                            triangleVerts[0] = new IndexedVector3(vertexList[index1]) * meshScaling;
                            triangleVerts[1] = new IndexedVector3(vertexList[index2]) * meshScaling;
                            triangleVerts[2] = new IndexedVector3(vertexList[index3]) * meshScaling;
                            ProcessResult(triangleVerts, out aabbMin, out aabbMax, trimeshShape, partId, triangleIndex, triangleInfoMap);
#if XNA
                    else if (vertexbase is ObjectArray <Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Vector3> )
                        Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Vector3[] vertexList = (vertexbase as ObjectArray <Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Vector3>).GetRawArray();
                        int indexCounter = 0;
                        for (int triangleIndex = 0; triangleIndex < numfaces; triangleIndex++)
                            int index1 = indexList[triangleIndex];
                            int index2 = indexList[triangleIndex + 1];
                            int index3 = indexList[triangleIndex + 2];

                            triangleVerts[0] = new IndexedVector3(vertexList[index1]) * meshScaling;
                            triangleVerts[1] = new IndexedVector3(vertexList[index2]) * meshScaling;
                            triangleVerts[2] = new IndexedVector3(vertexList[index3]) * meshScaling;
                            ProcessResult(triangleVerts, out aabbMin, out aabbMax, trimeshShape, partId, triangleIndex, triangleInfoMap);
                    else if (vertexbase is ObjectArray <float> )
                        float[] vertexList = (vertexbase as ObjectArray <float>).GetRawArray();
                        for (int triangleIndex = 0; triangleIndex < numfaces; triangleIndex++)
                            triangleVerts[0] = new IndexedVector3(vertexList[indexList[triangleIndex]], vertexList[indexList[triangleIndex] + 1], vertexList[indexList[triangleIndex] + 2]) * meshScaling;
                            triangleVerts[1] = new IndexedVector3(vertexList[indexList[triangleIndex + 1]], vertexList[indexList[triangleIndex + 1] + 1], vertexList[indexList[triangleIndex + 1] + 2]) * meshScaling;
                            triangleVerts[2] = new IndexedVector3(vertexList[indexList[triangleIndex + 2]], vertexList[indexList[triangleIndex + 2] + 1], vertexList[indexList[triangleIndex + 2] + 2]) * meshScaling;
                            ProcessResult(triangleVerts, out aabbMin, out aabbMax, trimeshShape, partId, triangleIndex, triangleInfoMap);

                    Debug.Assert(indicestype == PHY_ScalarType.PHY_INTEGER);
        public float ConvertToFloat(byte[] p,int pindex,PHY_ScalarType type)
            Debug.Assert(p != null);

            switch (type) 
            case PHY_ScalarType.PHY_FLOAT:
                    return BitConverter.ToSingle(p,pindex);

            case PHY_ScalarType.PHY_UCHAR:
                    return p[pindex] * s_gridHeightScale;

            case PHY_ScalarType.PHY_SHORT:
                    short temp = BitConverter.ToInt16(p, pindex);
                    return ((temp) * s_gridHeightScale);

                Debug.Assert(false,"bad type");

            return 0;
Пример #29
        public void UpdateBvhNodes(StridingMeshInterface meshInterface, int firstNode, int endNode, int index)


            int curNodeSubPart = -1;

            //get access info to trianglemesh data
            Object         vertexBaseObject = null;
            int            numverts         = 0;
            PHY_ScalarType type             = PHY_ScalarType.PHY_INTEGER;
            int            stride           = 0;
            Object         indexBaseObject  = null;
            int            indexstride      = 0;
            int            numfaces         = 0;
            PHY_ScalarType indicestype      = PHY_ScalarType.PHY_INTEGER;

            IndexedVector3[] triangleVerts = new IndexedVector3[3];
            IndexedVector3   aabbMin, aabbMax;
            IndexedVector3   meshScaling = meshInterface.GetScaling();

            for (int i = endNode - 1; i >= firstNode; i--)
                QuantizedBvhNode curNode = m_quantizedContiguousNodes[i];
                if (curNode.IsLeafNode())
                    //recalc aabb from triangle data
                    int nodeSubPart       = curNode.GetPartId();
                    int nodeTriangleIndex = curNode.GetTriangleIndex();
                    if (nodeSubPart != curNodeSubPart)
                        if (curNodeSubPart >= 0)
                        meshInterface.GetLockedReadOnlyVertexIndexBase(out vertexBaseObject, out numverts, out type, out stride, out indexBaseObject, out indexstride, out numfaces, out indicestype, nodeSubPart);

                        curNodeSubPart = nodeSubPart;
                        Debug.Assert(indicestype == PHY_ScalarType.PHY_INTEGER);
                    int gfxBaseIndex = nodeTriangleIndex * indexstride;
                    //unsigned int* gfxbase = (unsigned int*)(indexbase+nodeTriangleIndex*indexstride);
                    int[] indexBase = (indexBaseObject as ObjectArray <int>).GetRawArray();

                    if (vertexBaseObject is IList <IndexedVector3> )
                        IndexedVector3[] vertexBase = (vertexBaseObject as ObjectArray <IndexedVector3>).GetRawArray();
                        for (int j = 2; j >= 0; j--)
                            int graphicsIndex = indexBase[gfxBaseIndex + j];
                            if (type == PHY_ScalarType.PHY_FLOAT)
                                triangleVerts[j] = vertexBase[graphicsIndex] * meshScaling;
                                Debug.Assert(false, "Unsupported Type");
                    else if (vertexBaseObject is ObjectArray <float> )
                        float[] vertexBase = (vertexBaseObject as ObjectArray <float>).GetRawArray();
                        for (int j = 2; j >= 0; j--)
                            //int graphicsindex = indicestype==PHY_ScalarType.PHY_SHORT?((unsigned short*)gfxbase)[j]:gfxbase[j];
                            int graphicsIndex = indexBase[gfxBaseIndex + j];
                            if (type == PHY_ScalarType.PHY_FLOAT)
                                int graphicsBaseIndex = (graphicsIndex * stride);
                                //IList<float> graphicsbase = (float*)(vertexbase+graphicsindex*stride);
                                triangleVerts[j] = new IndexedVector3(
                                    vertexBase[graphicsBaseIndex] * meshScaling.X,
                                    vertexBase[graphicsBaseIndex + 1] * meshScaling.Y,
                                    vertexBase[graphicsBaseIndex + 2] * meshScaling.Z);
                                Debug.Assert(false, "Unsupported Type");
                        Debug.Assert(false, "Unsupported Type");

                    aabbMin = MathUtil.MAX_VECTOR;
                    aabbMax = MathUtil.MIN_VECTOR;
                    MathUtil.VectorMin(ref triangleVerts[0], ref aabbMin);
                    MathUtil.VectorMax(ref triangleVerts[0], ref aabbMax);
                    MathUtil.VectorMin(ref triangleVerts[1], ref aabbMin);
                    MathUtil.VectorMax(ref triangleVerts[1], ref aabbMax);
                    MathUtil.VectorMin(ref triangleVerts[2], ref aabbMin);
                    MathUtil.VectorMax(ref triangleVerts[2], ref aabbMax);

                    Quantize(out curNode.m_quantizedAabbMin, ref aabbMin, false);
                    Quantize(out curNode.m_quantizedAabbMax, ref aabbMax, true);
                    //combine aabb from both children

                    QuantizedBvhNode leftChildNode = m_quantizedContiguousNodes[i + 1];

                    QuantizedBvhNode rightChildNode = leftChildNode.IsLeafNode() ? m_quantizedContiguousNodes[i + 2] :
                                                      m_quantizedContiguousNodes[i + 1 + leftChildNode.GetEscapeIndex()];

                        curNode.m_quantizedAabbMin = leftChildNode.m_quantizedAabbMin;
                        curNode.m_quantizedAabbMin.Min(ref rightChildNode.m_quantizedAabbMin);

                        curNode.m_quantizedAabbMax = leftChildNode.m_quantizedAabbMax;
                        curNode.m_quantizedAabbMax.Max(ref rightChildNode.m_quantizedAabbMax);

            if (curNodeSubPart >= 0)
        public static void ConvertFromFloat(byte[] p,int pindex, float value, PHY_ScalarType type)
            Debug.Assert(p != null ,"null");

            switch (type) 
            case PHY_ScalarType.PHY_FLOAT:
                    byte[] temp = BitConverter.GetBytes(value);

            case PHY_ScalarType.PHY_UCHAR:
                    p[pindex] = (byte) (value / s_gridHeightScale);

            case PHY_ScalarType.PHY_SHORT:
                    short temp = (short) (value / s_gridHeightScale);
                    byte[] temp2 = BitConverter.GetBytes(temp);
                    Array.Copy(temp2, 0, p, pindex, temp2.Length);

                Debug.Assert(false,"bad type");
Пример #31
 public void AddIndexedMesh(IndexedMesh mesh, PHY_ScalarType indexType)
     m_indexedMeshes[m_indexedMeshes.Count - 1].m_indexType = indexType;
        public void SetRadial(byte[] grid,int bytesPerElement,PHY_ScalarType type,float phase)
	        Debug.Assert(grid != null);
	        Debug.Assert(bytesPerElement > 0);

	        // min/max
	        float period = 0.5f / s_gridSpacing;
	        float floor = 0.0f;
	        float min_r = (float)(3.0f * Math.Sqrt(s_gridSpacing));
	        float magnitude = (float)(50.0f * Math.Sqrt(s_gridSpacing));

	        // pick a base_phase such that phase = 0 results in max height
	        //   (this way, if you create a heightfield with phase = 0,
	        //    you can rely on the min/max heights that result)
	        float base_phase = (0.5f * MathUtil.SIMD_PI) - (period * min_r);
	        phase += base_phase;

	        // center of grid
	        float cx = 0.5f * s_gridSize * s_gridSpacing;
	        float cy = cx;		// assume square grid
	        byte[] p = grid;
            int pindex = 0;
	        for (int i = 0; i < s_gridSize; ++i) 
		        float x = i * s_gridSpacing;
		        for (int j = 0; j < s_gridSize; ++j) 
			        float y = j * s_gridSpacing;

			        float dx = x - cx;
			        float dy = y - cy;

			        float r = (float)Math.Sqrt((dx * dx) + (dy * dy));

			        float z = period;
			        if (r < min_r) 
				        r = min_r;
			        z = (float)((1.0f / r) * Math.Sin(period * r + phase));
			        if (z > period) 
				        z = period;
			        } else if (z < -period) 
				        z = -period;
			        z = floor + magnitude * z;

			        ConvertFromFloat(p,pindex, z, type);
			        pindex += bytesPerElement;
Пример #33
        public override void GetLockedVertexIndexBase(out Object vertexbase, out int numverts, out PHY_ScalarType type, out int vertexStride, out Object indexbase, out int indexstride, out int numfaces, out PHY_ScalarType indicestype, int subpart)
            Debug.Assert(subpart < GetNumSubParts());
            IndexedMesh mesh = m_indexedMeshes[subpart];

            numverts     = mesh.m_numVertices;
            vertexbase   = mesh.m_vertexBase;
            type         = mesh.m_vertexType;
            vertexStride = mesh.m_vertexStride;

            numfaces = mesh.m_numTriangles;

            indexbase   = mesh.m_triangleIndexBase;
            indexstride = mesh.m_triangleIndexStride;
            indicestype = mesh.m_indexType;
        // creates a random, fractal heightfield
        public void SetFractal(byte[] grid,int gridIndex,int bytesPerElement,PHY_ScalarType type,int step)
	        Debug.Assert(grid != null);
	        Debug.Assert(bytesPerElement > 0);
	        Debug.Assert(step > 0);
	        Debug.Assert(step < s_gridSize);

	        int newStep = step / 2;
        //	std::cerr << "Computing grid with step = " << step << ": before\n";
        //	dumpGrid(grid, bytesPerElement, type, step + 1);

	        // special case: starting (must set four corners)
	        if (s_gridSize - 1 == step) {
		        // pick a non-zero (possibly negative) base elevation for testing
		        float baseValue = RandomHeight(step / 2);

                ConvertFromFloat(grid ,gridIndex, baseValue, type);
                ConvertFromFloat(grid ,gridIndex + step * bytesPerElement, baseValue, type);
                ConvertFromFloat(grid ,gridIndex + step * s_gridSize * bytesPerElement, baseValue, type);
                ConvertFromFloat(grid ,gridIndex + (step * s_gridSize + step) * bytesPerElement, baseValue, type);

	        // determine elevation of each corner
	        float c00 = ConvertToFloat(grid,gridIndex, type);
            float c01 = ConvertToFloat(grid, gridIndex + step * bytesPerElement, type);
            float c10 = ConvertToFloat(grid, gridIndex + (step * s_gridSize) * bytesPerElement, type);
            float c11 = ConvertToFloat(grid, gridIndex + (step * s_gridSize + step) * bytesPerElement, type);

	        // set top middle
            UpdateHeight(grid, gridIndex + newStep * bytesPerElement, 0.5f * (c00 + c01) + RandomHeight(step), type);

	        // set left middle
            UpdateHeight(grid, gridIndex + (newStep * s_gridSize) * bytesPerElement, 0.5f * (c00 + c10) + RandomHeight(step), type);

	        // set right middle
            UpdateHeight(grid, gridIndex + (newStep * s_gridSize + step) * bytesPerElement, 0.5f * (c01 + c11) + RandomHeight(step), type);

	        // set bottom middle
            UpdateHeight(grid, gridIndex + (step * s_gridSize + newStep) * bytesPerElement, 0.5f * (c10 + c11) + RandomHeight(step), type);

	        // set middle
            UpdateHeight(grid, gridIndex + (newStep * s_gridSize + newStep) * bytesPerElement, 0.25f * (c00 + c01 + c10 + c11) + RandomHeight(step), type);

        //	std::cerr << "Computing grid with step = " << step << ": after\n";
        //	dumpGrid(grid, bytesPerElement, type, step + 1);

	        // terminate?
	        if (newStep < 2) 

	        // recurse
	        SetFractal(grid,gridIndex, bytesPerElement, type, newStep);
            SetFractal(grid, gridIndex + newStep * bytesPerElement, bytesPerElement, type, newStep);
            SetFractal(grid, gridIndex + (newStep * s_gridSize) * bytesPerElement, bytesPerElement, type, newStep);
            SetFractal(grid, gridIndex + ((newStep * s_gridSize) + newStep) * bytesPerElement, bytesPerElement, type, newStep);
Пример #35
        /// protected initialization
          Handles the work of constructors so that public constructors can be
          backwards-compatible without a lot of copy/paste.
        protected void Initialize(int heightStickWidth, int heightStickLength,
                        byte[] heightfieldData, float heightScale,
                        float minHeight, float maxHeight, int upAxis,
                        PHY_ScalarType hdt, bool flipQuadEdges)
            // validation
            Debug.Assert(heightStickWidth > 1, "bad width");
            Debug.Assert(heightStickLength > 1, "bad length");
            Debug.Assert(heightfieldData != null, "null heightfield data");
            // Debug.Assert(heightScale) -- do we care?  Trust caller here
            Debug.Assert(minHeight <= maxHeight, "bad min/max height");
            Debug.Assert(upAxis >= 0 && upAxis < 3,
                "bad upAxis--should be in range [0,2]");
            Debug.Assert(hdt != PHY_ScalarType.PHY_UCHAR || hdt != PHY_ScalarType.PHY_FLOAT || hdt != PHY_ScalarType.PHY_SHORT,
                "Bad height data type enum");

            // initialize member variables
            m_shapeType = BroadphaseNativeTypes.TERRAIN_SHAPE_PROXYTYPE;
            m_heightStickWidth = heightStickWidth;
            m_heightStickLength = heightStickLength;
            m_minHeight = minHeight;
            m_maxHeight = maxHeight;
            m_width = (heightStickWidth - 1);
            m_length = (heightStickLength - 1);
            m_heightScale = heightScale;
            m_heightFieldData = heightfieldData;
            m_heightDataType = hdt;
            m_flipQuadEdges = flipQuadEdges;
            m_useDiamondSubdivision = false;
            m_upAxis = upAxis;
            m_localScaling = new Vector3(1f, 1f, 1f);

            // determine min/max axis-aligned bounding box (aabb) values
            switch (m_upAxis)
                case 0:
                        m_localAabbMin = new Vector3(m_minHeight, 0, 0);
                        m_localAabbMax = new Vector3(m_maxHeight, m_width, m_length);
                case 1:
                        m_localAabbMin = new Vector3(0, m_minHeight, 0);
                        m_localAabbMax = new Vector3(m_width, m_maxHeight, m_length);
                case 2:
                        m_localAabbMin = new Vector3(0, 0, m_minHeight);
                        m_localAabbMax = new Vector3(m_width, m_length, m_maxHeight);
                        //need to get valid m_upAxis
                        Debug.Assert(false, "Bad m_upAxis");

            // remember origin (defined as exact middle of aabb)
            m_localOrigin = 0.5f * (m_localAabbMin + m_localAabbMax);

        public void DumpGrid(byte[] grid,int bytesPerElement,PHY_ScalarType type,int max)
	        //std::cerr << "Grid:\n";
	        for (int j = 0; j < max; ++j) 
		        for (int i = 0; i < max; ++i) 
			        long offset = j * s_gridSize + i;
			        float z = ConvertToFloat(grid, (int)(offset * bytesPerElement), type);
                    //sprintf(buffer, "%6.2f", z);
			        //std::cerr << "  " << buffer;
		        //std::cerr << "\n";
Пример #37
 /// preferred constructor
   This constructor supports a range of heightfield
   data types, and allows for a non-zero minimum height value.
   heightScale is needed for any integer-based heightfield data types.
 public HeightfieldTerrainShape(int heightStickWidth, int heightStickLength,
                           byte[] heightfieldData, float heightScale,
                           float minHeight, float maxHeight,
                           int upAxis, PHY_ScalarType heightDataType,
                           bool flipQuadEdges)
     Initialize(heightStickWidth, heightStickLength, heightfieldData, heightScale, minHeight, maxHeight, upAxis, heightDataType, flipQuadEdges);
Пример #38
	    public void	AddIndexedMesh(IndexedMesh mesh, PHY_ScalarType indexType)
		    m_indexedMeshes[m_indexedMeshes.Count-1].m_indexType = indexType;
Пример #39
        public byte[] GetRawHeightfieldData(eTerrainModel model, PHY_ScalarType type, ref float minHeight, ref float maxHeight)
            //	std::cerr << "\nRegenerating terrain\n";
            //	std::cerr << "  model = " << model << "\n";
            //	std::cerr << "  type = " << type << "\n";

            long nElements = ((long)s_gridSize) * s_gridSize;
            //	std::cerr << "  nElements = " << nElements << "\n";

            int bytesPerElement = GetByteSize(type);

            //	std::cerr << "  bytesPerElement = " << bytesPerElement << "\n";
            Debug.Assert(bytesPerElement > 0, "bad bytes per element");

            long nBytes = nElements * bytesPerElement;

            //	std::cerr << "  nBytes = " << nBytes << "\n";
            byte[] raw = new byte[nBytes];
            Debug.Assert(raw != null, "out of memory");

            // reseed randomization every 30 seconds
            //	srand(time(NULL) / 30);

            // populate based on model
            switch (model)
            case eTerrainModel.eRadial:
                SetRadial(raw, bytesPerElement, type);

            case eTerrainModel.eFractal:
                for (int i = 0; i < nBytes; i++)
                    raw[i] = 0;
                SetFractal(raw, 0, bytesPerElement, type, s_gridSize - 1);

                Debug.Assert(false, "bad model type");

            if (false)
                // inside if(0) so it keeps compiling but isn't
                //  exercised and doesn't cause warnings
                //		std::cerr << "final grid:\n";
                DumpGrid(raw, bytesPerElement, type, s_gridSize - 1);

            // find min/max
            for (int i = 0; i < s_gridSize; ++i)
                for (int j = 0; j < s_gridSize; ++j)
                    float z = GetGridHeight(raw, i, j, type);
                    //			std::cerr << "i=" << i << ", j=" << j << ": z=" << z << "\n";

                    // update min/max
                    if (i == 0 && j == 0)
                        minHeight = z;
                        maxHeight = z;
                        if (z < minHeight)
                            minHeight = z;
                        if (z > maxHeight)
                            maxHeight = z;

            if (maxHeight < -minHeight)
                maxHeight = -minHeight;
            if (minHeight > -maxHeight)
                minHeight = -maxHeight;

            //	std::cerr << "  minHeight = " << minHeight << "\n";
            //	std::cerr << "  maxHeight = " << maxHeight << "\n";
