Пример #1
        public static double[] getlistofcolumnnameis0to17columnsvaluesfrom_GeneralInfo()
            double[] li = new double[18];
            for (int i = 0; i < 18; i++)
                li[i] = 0;
            PEIEntities7 Ganesh = new PEIEntities7();

            GeneralInfo empQuery = Ganesh.GeneralInfoes.FirstOrDefault();

            if (1 < 2)
                li[0]  = empQuery.C0 ?? 0;
                li[1]  = empQuery.C1 ?? 0;
                li[2]  = empQuery.C2 ?? 0;
                li[3]  = empQuery.C3 ?? 0;
                li[4]  = empQuery.C4 ?? 0;
                li[5]  = empQuery.C5 ?? 0;
                li[6]  = empQuery.C6 ?? 0;
                li[7]  = empQuery.C7 ?? 0;
                li[8]  = empQuery.C8 ?? 0;
                li[9]  = empQuery.C9 ?? 0;
                li[10] = empQuery.C10 ?? 0;
                li[11] = empQuery.C11 ?? 0;
                li[12] = empQuery.C12 ?? 0;
                li[13] = empQuery.C13 ?? 0;
                li[14] = empQuery.C14 ?? 0;
                li[15] = empQuery.C15 ?? 0;
                li[16] = empQuery.C16 ?? 0;
                li[17] = empQuery.C17 ?? 0;
Пример #2
        public static double[,] getdefaultdataon_rio_gdp(string regionname)
            double[,] loc = new double[519, 2];
            for (int i = 0; i < 519; i++)
                loc[i, 0] = 0; loc[i, 1] = 0;
            PEIEntities7 Ganesh = new PEIEntities7();
            List <generic_DefaultData> empList = null;

            if (regionname != null)
                var empQuery = from emp in Ganesh.spAlabama_DefaultData(regionname + "_DefaultData").ToList()//Ganesh.Alabama_DefaultData
                               select new generic_DefaultData {
                    RIO = emp.RIO, Inc = emp.Inc, GDP = emp.GDP
                empList = empQuery.ToList();
                int i = 0;
                foreach (var e in empList)
                    loc[i, 0] = e.RIO ?? default(double);
                    loc[i, 1] = e.GDP ?? default(double);

Пример #3
        public static List <generic_AMatrix> getregioanlamtrix(string region_name)
            PEIEntities7           Ganesh  = new PEIEntities7();
            List <generic_AMatrix> empList = null;

            if (region_name.Substring(region_name.Length - 4) != "Rest")
                var empQuery = from emp in Ganesh.spAlabama_AMatrix(region_name + "_AMatrix ").ToList()//Ganesh.Alabama_AMatrix
                               select new generic_AMatrix {
                    ID = emp.ID, VALUE = emp.VALUE
                empList = empQuery.ToList();
            if (region_name.Substring(region_name.Length - 4) == "Rest")//instead of name check last 4 letters rest
                if (region_name == "AlabamaRest")
                    region_name = "Z_" + region_name;                              //special cas for labama
                //region  abalama rest table a bitterent name given
                var empQuery = from emp in Ganesh.spz_AlabamaRest_AMatrix(region_name + "_AMatrix ").ToList() //Ganesh.z_AlabamaRest_AMatrix   //z_AlabamaRest_AMatrix
                               select new generic_AMatrix {
                    ID = emp.ID, VALUE = emp.VALUE
                empList = empQuery.ToList();

Пример #4
        public static double[] geteconomicbaseasarray()
            double[] li = new double[44];
            for (int i = 0; i < 44; i++)
                li[i] = 0;
            PEIEntities7 Ganesh = new PEIEntities7();

            var xx = Ganesh.tblEconomicBases.FirstOrDefault();
            int j  = 0;

            li[0]  = xx.Employment1 ?? default(double);
            li[1]  = xx.Employment2 ?? default(double);
            li[2]  = xx.Employment3 ?? default(double);
            li[3]  = xx.Employment4 ?? default(double);
            li[4]  = xx.Employment5 ?? default(double);
            li[5]  = xx.Employment6 ?? default(double);
            li[6]  = xx.Employment7 ?? default(double);
            li[7]  = xx.Employment8 ?? default(double);
            li[8]  = xx.Employment9 ?? default(double);
            li[9]  = xx.Employment10 ?? default(double);
            li[10] = xx.Employment11 ?? default(double);
            li[11] = xx.Income1 ?? default(double);
            li[12] = xx.Income2 ?? default(double);
            li[13] = xx.Income3 ?? default(double);
            li[14] = xx.Income4 ?? default(double);
            li[15] = xx.Income5 ?? default(double);
            li[16] = xx.Income6 ?? default(double);
            li[17] = xx.Income7 ?? default(double);
            li[18] = xx.Income8 ?? default(double);
            li[19] = xx.Income9 ?? default(double);
            li[20] = xx.Income10 ?? default(double);
            li[21] = xx.Income11 ?? default(double);
            li[22] = xx.Gross1 ?? default(double);
            li[23] = xx.Gross2 ?? default(double);
            li[24] = xx.Gross3 ?? default(double);
            li[25] = xx.Gross4 ?? default(double);
            li[26] = xx.Gross5 ?? default(double);
            li[27] = xx.Gross6 ?? default(double);
            li[28] = xx.Gross7 ?? default(double);
            li[29] = xx.Gross8 ?? default(double);
            li[30] = xx.Gross9 ?? default(double);
            li[31] = xx.Gross10 ?? default(double);
            li[32] = xx.Gross11 ?? default(double);
            li[33] = xx.Output1 ?? default(double);
            li[34] = xx.Output2 ?? default(double);
            li[35] = xx.Output3 ?? default(double);
            li[36] = xx.Output4 ?? default(double);
            li[37] = xx.Output5 ?? default(double);
            li[38] = xx.Output6 ?? default(double);
            li[39] = xx.Output7 ?? default(double);
            li[40] = xx.Output8 ?? default(double);
            li[41] = xx.Output9 ?? default(double);
            li[42] = xx.Output10 ?? default(double);
            li[43] = xx.Output11 ?? default(double);

Пример #5
        public static List <tblGeneralIndustry> gettblgeneralindustrydatacopiedtolocal()
            PEIEntities7 Ganesh   = new PEIEntities7();
            var          empQuery = (from emp in Ganesh.tblGeneralIndustries
                                     select emp).ToList();

Пример #6
        public static GeneralInfo getfirstvaluogf_from_GeneralInfo()
            PEIEntities7 Ganesh   = new PEIEntities7();
            var          empQuery = (from emp in Ganesh.GeneralInfoes
                                     select emp).FirstOrDefault();

Пример #7
        public static List <JointVenture> getlistofidandvalue_JointVentures()
            PEIEntities7 Ganesh   = new PEIEntities7();
            var          empQuery = (from emp in Ganesh.JointVentures
                                     select emp).ToList();

Пример #8
        //foreach (var prop in bo.GetType().GetProperties())
        //    {
        //        Console.WriteLine("{0} = {1}", prop.Name, prop.GetValue(bo, null));
        //    }
        //        z_AlabamaRest_AMatrix

        public static double[,] PAGenerator(double[,] PA)
            PEIEntities7 db = new PEIEntities7();

            //var Query = from from A in

Пример #9
        public static List <OccupationDistribution> getallOccupationDistributionrecordsorderbyid()
            List <OccupationDistribution> empQuery = null;
            PEIEntities7 db = new PEIEntities7();

            empQuery = db.OccupationDistributions.ToList();//.OrderBy(p=>p.OccupationID)

Пример #10
        public static List <tblOccupation> getallOccupationecordsorderbyid()
            List <tblOccupation> empQuery = null;
            PEIEntities7         Ganesh   = new PEIEntities7();

            empQuery = Ganesh.tblOccupations.ToList();//.OrderBy(p => p.OccupationID)

Пример #11
        public static tblIndustry gettbinduustryobjectbySIC(int i)
            tblIndustry  empQuery = null;
            PEIEntities7 Ganesh   = new PEIEntities7();

            empQuery = Ganesh.tblIndustries.Where(o => o.SIC.Value.Equals(i)).FirstOrDefault();

Пример #12
        public static List <ZNewIoCode> getiocode_id_and_keyfound()
            PEIEntities7 Ganesh   = new PEIEntities7();
            var          empQuery = from emp in Ganesh.ZNewIoCodes
                                    orderby emp.ID
                                    select emp;
            List <ZNewIoCode> empList = empQuery.ToList();

Пример #13
        public static List <ZNewIoCode> getiocode_id_and_keyfound(int i)
            PEIEntities7 Ganesh   = new PEIEntities7();
            var          empQuery = from emp in Ganesh.ZNewIoCodes
                                    where emp.PC_KEY == i
                                    select emp;
            List <ZNewIoCode> empList = empQuery.ToList();

Пример #14
        public static double?getfirstvaluogfDollarsPerFTE_from_GeneralInfo()
            double?      x        = 0;
            PEIEntities7 Ganesh   = new PEIEntities7();
            var          empQuery = (from emp in Ganesh.GeneralInfoes
                                     select emp).FirstOrDefault();

            x = empQuery.DollarsPerFTE;
Пример #15
        public static List <pckeyvalue> getlistofdaytrip()
            PEIEntities7 db       = new PEIEntities7();
            var          empQuery = from emp in db.Day_Trips
                                    select new pckeyvalue()
                PC_KEY = emp.PC_KEY,
                VALUE  = emp.VALUE
            List <pckeyvalue> empList = empQuery.ToList();

Пример #16
        //foreach (var prop in bo.GetType().GetProperties())
        //    {
        //        Console.WriteLine("{0} = {1}", prop.Name, prop.GetValue(bo, null));
        //    }
        //        z_AlabamaRest_AMatrix
        public static List <pckeyvalue> getlistofnewstoresandrestaurants()
            PEIEntities7 Ganesh   = new PEIEntities7();
            var          empQuery = from emp in Ganesh.New_Stores_and_Restaurants
                                    select new pckeyvalue()
                PC_KEY = emp.PC_KEY,
                VALUE  = emp.VALUE
            List <pckeyvalue> empList = empQuery.ToList();

Пример #17
        public static List <pckeyvalue> getlistoffte()
            PEIEntities7 Ganesh   = new PEIEntities7();
            var          empQuery = from emp in Ganesh.FTEs
                                    select new pckeyvalue()
                PC_KEY = emp.PC_KEY,
                VALUE  = emp.VALUE
            List <pckeyvalue> empList = empQuery.ToList();

Пример #18
        public static List <pckeyvalue> getlistoflodging()
            PEIEntities7 db       = new PEIEntities7();
            var          empQuery = from emp in db.Lodgings

                                    select new pckeyvalue()
                PC_KEY = (int)emp.PC_KEY,
                VALUE  = emp.VALUE
            List <pckeyvalue> empList = empQuery.ToList();

Пример #19
        public static List <pckeyvalue> getlistfriendsandfamily()
            PEIEntities7 Ganesh   = new PEIEntities7();
            var          empQuery = from emp in Ganesh.Friends_and_Families

                                    select new pckeyvalue()
                PC_KEY = (int)emp.PC_KEY,
                VALUE  = emp.VALUE
            List <pckeyvalue> empList = empQuery.ToList();

Пример #20
        public static List <pckeyvalue> getlistofrehaboncondition(int whre)
            PEIEntities7 Ganesh   = new PEIEntities7();
            var          empQuery = from emp in Ganesh.Rehabs
                                    where emp.RH_KEY == whre
                                    select new pckeyvalue()
                PC_KEY = emp.PC_KEY,
                VALUE  = emp.VALUE
            List <pckeyvalue> empList = empQuery.ToList();

Пример #21
        public static double[] getpopulationcolumnasarrayfromAreatablesofallregions(string region_name)
            double[]     two    = new double[2];
            PEIEntities7 Ganesh = new PEIEntities7();

            // var v=Ganesh.spAlabama_Area("alabama");
            if (region_name != null)
                //two[1] = Ganesh.Alabama_Area.FirstOrDefault().Population ?? default(double);
                //two[0] = Ganesh.AlabamaRest_Area.FirstOrDefault().Population ?? default(double);
                two[1] = Ganesh.spAlabama_Area(region_name + "_Area").ToList().FirstOrDefault().Population ?? default(double);
                two[0] = Ganesh.spAlabamaRest_Area(region_name + "Rest_Area").ToList().FirstOrDefault().Population ?? default(double);
Пример #22
        public static List <LeontievInversegeneric> getalldatafor_LeontievInverse(String regionname)
            PEIEntities7 Ganesh = new PEIEntities7();
            List <LeontievInversegeneric> empList = null;

            if (regionname != null)
                var empQuery = from emp in Ganesh.spAlabama_LeontievInverse(regionname + "_LeontievInverse").ToList()//Ganesh.Alabama_LeontievInverse
                               select new LeontievInversegeneric {
                    ID = emp.ID, VALUE = emp.VALUE
                empList = empQuery.ToList();

Пример #23
        public static List <tempclass> getidandpfrompnationasfirstsecond()
            PEIEntities7     Ganesh  = new PEIEntities7();
            List <tempclass> empList = null;

            var empQuery = from emp in Ganesh.P_nation_
                           select new tempclass {
                first = emp.ID, second = emp.P

            empList = empQuery.ToList();

Пример #24
        public static List <regionclassp> getRIOandp_orderbyRIO_from_defaultdata()
            PEIEntities7        Ganesh  = new PEIEntities7();
            List <regionclassp> empList = null;

            empList = (from emp in Ganesh.DefaultDatas
                       orderby emp.RIO
                       select new regionclassp {
                p = emp.P

            // empList = empQuery.ToList();

Пример #25
        public static History getselectedrecord(int id)
            PEIEntities7 Ganesh   = new PEIEntities7();
            var          empQuery = from emp in Ganesh.Histories
                                    where emp.RecordiD == id
                                    select  new History();

            if (empQuery != null)
                //    List<historymodelview> empList = empQuery.ToList();
                //    return empList;
                return(new History());
                return(new History());
Пример #26
        public static List <regionclassp> getRIOandp_orderbyRIO_from_defaultdata(string regionname)
            PEIEntities7        Ganesh  = new PEIEntities7();
            List <regionclassp> empList = null;

            //var v = (from c in Ganesh.spAlabama_DefaultData(regionname + "_DefaultData").ToList()
            //        orderby c.RIO
            //        select new regionclassp { p = c.P }
            //        ).ToList();
            if (regionname != null)
                empList = (from emp in Ganesh.spAlabama_DefaultData(regionname + "_DefaultData").ToList()//Ganesh.Alabama_DefaultData
                           orderby emp.RIO
                           select new regionclassp {
                    p = emp.P
                // empList = empQuery.ToList();

Пример #27
        public static List <generic_DefaultData> getdefaultrecords()
            PEIEntities7 db = new PEIEntities7();
            List <generic_DefaultData> empList = null;

            var empQuery = from emp in db.DefaultDatas
                           select new generic_DefaultData
                RIO = emp.RIO,
                //RIO_KEY = emp.RIO_KEY,
                //above is commented modifeied when db column chaned to string asper new sheet
                //RIO_DESC = emp.RIO_DESC,
                REGION_ID       = emp.REGION_ID,
                Inc             = emp.Inc,
                Emp             = emp.Emp,
                GDP             = emp.GDP,
                Wages           = emp.Wages,
                P               = emp.P,
                FederalGen      = emp.FederalGen,
                FederalIns      = emp.FederalIns,
                State           = emp.State,
                Local           = emp.Local,
                Supply          = emp.Supply,
                Demand          = emp.Demand,
                IncomeTotal     = emp.IncomeTotal,
                EmploymentTotal = emp.EmploymentTotal,
                GDPTotal        = emp.GDPTotal,
                LocalTotal      = emp.LocalTotal,
                StateTotal      = emp.StateTotal,
                FederalGenTotal = emp.FederalGenTotal

            empList = empQuery.ToList();

Пример #28
        public static double[] getlistof1to17columnsvaluesin160row_Distribution()
            double[] li = new double[18];
            for (int i = 0; i < 18; i++)
                li[i] = 0;
            PEIEntities7 Ganesh   = new PEIEntities7();
            Distribution empQuery = (from v in Ganesh.Distributions
                                     where v.ID == 160
                                     select v).FirstOrDefault();

            // Ganesh.Distributions.Where(p => p.ID == 160);

            if (1 < 2)
                li[0]  = empQuery.C0 ?? 0;
                li[1]  = empQuery.C1 ?? 0;
                li[2]  = empQuery.C2 ?? 0;
                li[3]  = empQuery.C3 ?? 0;
                li[4]  = empQuery.C4 ?? 0;
                li[5]  = empQuery.C5 ?? 0;
                li[6]  = empQuery.C6 ?? 0;
                li[7]  = empQuery.C7 ?? 0;
                li[8]  = empQuery.C8 ?? 0;
                li[9]  = empQuery.C9 ?? 0;
                li[10] = empQuery.C10 ?? 0;
                li[11] = empQuery.C11 ?? 0;
                li[12] = empQuery.C12 ?? 0;
                li[13] = empQuery.C13 ?? 0;
                li[14] = empQuery.C14 ?? 0;
                li[15] = empQuery.C15 ?? 0;
                li[16] = empQuery.C16 ?? 0;
                li[17] = empQuery.C17 ?? 0;
Пример #29
        public static List <generic_DefaultData> getdefaultrecordsnoorder(String regionname)
            PEIEntities7 Ganesh = new PEIEntities7();
            List <generic_DefaultData> empList = null;

            if (regionname != null)
                var empQuery = from emp in Ganesh.spAlabama_DefaultData(regionname + "_DefaultData").ToList()//Ganesh.Alabama_DefaultData

                               select new generic_DefaultData
                    RIO             = emp.RIO,
                    RIO_KEY         = emp.RIO_KEY,
                    RIO_DESC        = emp.RIO_DESC,
                    REGION_ID       = emp.REGION_ID,
                    Inc             = emp.Inc,
                    Emp             = emp.Emp,
                    GDP             = emp.GDP,
                    Wages           = emp.Wages,
                    P               = emp.P,
                    FederalGen      = emp.FederalGen,
                    FederalIns      = emp.FederalIns,
                    State           = emp.State,
                    Local           = emp.Local,
                    Supply          = emp.Supply,
                    Demand          = emp.Demand,
                    IncomeTotal     = emp.IncomeTotal,
                    EmploymentTotal = emp.EmploymentTotal,
                    GDPTotal        = emp.GDPTotal,
                    LocalTotal      = emp.LocalTotal,
                    StateTotal      = emp.StateTotal,
                    FederalGenTotal = emp.FederalGenTotal
                empList = empQuery.ToList();
Пример #30
        public static List <generic_DefaultData> getdefaultrecords()
            PEIEntities7 Ganesh = new PEIEntities7();
            List <generic_DefaultData> empList = null;

            var empQuery = from emp in Ganesh.DefaultDatas
                           select new generic_DefaultData
                RIO     = emp.RIO,
                RIO_KEY = emp.RIO_KEY,
                //RIO_DESC = emp.RIO_DESC,
                REGION_ID       = emp.REGION_ID,
                Inc             = emp.Inc,
                Emp             = emp.Emp,
                GDP             = emp.GDP,
                Wages           = emp.Wages,
                P               = emp.P,
                FederalGen      = emp.FederalGen,
                FederalIns      = emp.FederalIns,
                State           = emp.State,
                Local           = emp.Local,
                Supply          = emp.Supply,
                Demand          = emp.Demand,
                IncomeTotal     = emp.IncomeTotal,
                EmploymentTotal = emp.EmploymentTotal,
                GDPTotal        = emp.GDPTotal,
                LocalTotal      = emp.LocalTotal,
                StateTotal      = emp.StateTotal,
                FederalGenTotal = emp.FederalGenTotal

            empList = empQuery.ToList();
