public void SplitByTopLevelBookmarks() { if (this.CheckOutput()) { PDFHelper.DisplayTrialPopupIfNecessary(); try { PDDocumentCatalog documentCatalog = this.pdfDocument.PDFBoxDocument.getDocumentCatalog(); PDDocumentOutline documentOutline = documentCatalog.getDocumentOutline(); if (documentOutline != null) { PDOutlineItem firstChild = documentOutline.getFirstChild(); PDPageTree pages = documentCatalog.getPages(); List <int> nums = new List <int>(); while (firstChild != null) { PDPage pDPage = firstChild.findDestinationPage(this.pdfDocument.PDFBoxDocument); nums.Add(pages.indexOf(pDPage)); firstChild = firstChild.getNextSibling(); } nums.Add(pages.getCount()); for (int i = 0; i < nums.Count - 1; i++) { int item = nums[i]; int num = nums[i + 1]; PDDocument pDDocument = new PDDocument(); for (int j = item; j < num; j++) { pDDocument.addPage(this.pdfDocument.PDFBoxDocument.getPage(j)); } pDDocument = PDFHelper.AddTrialStampIfNecessary(pDDocument); string str = string.Format("{0} [{1}].pdf", this.OutputFileName, i);, str)); pDDocument.close(); } } else { Console.WriteLine("This document does not contain any bookmarks."); } } catch (Exception exception1) { Exception exception = exception1; throw new PDFToolkitException(exception.Message, exception.InnerException); } } }
public string GetText(PDDocument pdfDocument, bool format) { string text; double num; string str = ""; if (format) { try { PDFHelper.DisplayTrialPopupIfNecessary(); PDFTextStripperByArea pDFTextStripperByArea = new PDFTextStripperByArea(); if (PDFHelper.AddStamp) { str = string.Concat(str, "You are using a trial license of PDF Toolkit, as a result only the first three pages would be extracted."); pDFTextStripperByArea.setEndPage(3); } pDFTextStripperByArea.setSortByPosition(true); java.util.List arrayList = new java.util.ArrayList(); PDPageTree pages = pdfDocument.getPages(); arrayList.size(); foreach (PDPage page in pages) { if ((!PDFHelper.AddStamp ? true : pages.indexOf(page) <= 2)) { PDRectangle cropBox = page.getCropBox(); int rotation = page.getRotation(); if (cropBox == null) { cropBox = page.getMediaBox(); } int num1 = 0; int num2 = 0; if (rotation % 180 != 0) { num = Math.Round((double)cropBox.getWidth()); num1 = int.Parse(num.ToString()) - 50; num = Math.Round((double)cropBox.getHeight()); num2 = int.Parse(num.ToString()) - 50; } else { num = Math.Round((double)cropBox.getHeight()); num1 = int.Parse(num.ToString()) - 50; num = Math.Round((double)cropBox.getWidth()); num2 = int.Parse(num.ToString()) - 50; } pDFTextStripperByArea.addRegion("class1", new java.awt.Rectangle(0, 0, num2, num1)); pDFTextStripperByArea.extractRegions(page); str = string.Concat(str, pDFTextStripperByArea.getTextForRegion("class1")); } else { break; } } } catch (Exception exception1) { Exception exception = exception1; throw new PDFToolkitException(exception.Message, exception.InnerException); } text = str; } else { text = this.GetText(pdfDocument); } return(text); }