public void StartActionMultithreadCommentByKeyword(ref PinInterestUser objPinUser, List <string> UserCount_CommentByKeyword) { try { try { lstThreadsCommentByKeyword.Add(Thread.CurrentThread); lstThreadsCommentByKeyword.Distinct().ToList(); Thread.CurrentThread.IsBackground = true; } catch (Exception ex) { }; int counter = 0; string[] arrayItem = new string[100]; foreach (string newItem in UserCount_CommentByKeyword) { try { arrayItem = Regex.Split(newItem, "::"); if (arrayItem.Length == 3 && arrayItem[0] == objPinUser.Niches) { if (arrayItem.Length == 3) { string[] Keywordarrray = Regex.Split(arrayItem[1], ","); foreach (string KeywordsItem in Keywordarrray) { lock (this) { try { Keyword = KeywordsItem + "::" + arrayItem[2].ToString(); lstCommnet.Add(Keyword); List <string> LstPins = new List <string>(); LstPins = KeywordPins_New(KeywordsItem, MaxCommentByKeyword, ref objPinUser); //PinterestComments Comments = new PinterestComments(); keyword = Utils.Utils.getBetween(KeywordsItem, "", "::"); GlobusLogHelper.log.Info(" => [ Finding Pins On Keyword : " + KeywordsItem + " For " + objPinUser.Username + " ]"); GlobusLogHelper.log.Info(" => [ " + LstPins.Count + " Pins On Keyword :" + KeywordsItem + " For " + objPinUser.Username + " ]"); List <string> lstofPin = new List <string>(); lstofPin = LstPins.Distinct().ToList(); string[] lstCommnet_strlist = Regex.Split(newItem, "::");//lstCommnet.ToArray(); foreach (string pin in lstofPin) { try { clsSettingDB Db = new clsSettingDB(); string user = PinterestPins.getUserNameFromPinId(pin, ref objPinUser); if (counter >= MaxCommentByKeyword) { break; } else { #region Commented //comment = lstCommnet[RandomNumberGenerator.GenerateRandom(0, lstCommnet.Count)]; //if (comment.Contains("::")) //{ // comment = Regex.Split(comment, "::")[1]; //} //else if (comment.Contains(":")) //{ // if (comment.Contains("http:")) // { // comment = comment.Split(':')[comment.Split(':').Count() - 1]; // comment = "http:" + comment.Split(':')[comment.Split(':').Count() - 1]; // } // else // { // comment = comment.Split(':')[comment.Split(':').Count() - 1]; // } //} #endregion #region try { DataSet DS = QM.selectCommentedPinDetails(objPinUser.Username, pin); DataTable Dt = DS.Tables[0]; string dateTime = Dt.Rows[Dt.Rows.Count - 1].ItemArray[3].ToString(); DateTime previousDateTime = Convert.ToDateTime(dateTime); DateTime currentDate = DateTime.Today; TimeSpan dt_Difference = currentDate.Subtract(previousDateTime); double dt_Difference1 = dt_Difference.Days; if (dt_Difference1 < 30) { continue; } } catch (Exception Ex) { //CommentAddToLogger("Error ==> " + Ex.StackTrace); } #endregion Thread.Sleep(1 * 1000); bool IsCommented = objCommentManagers.Comment_new(ref objPinUser, pin, lstCommnet_strlist[2]); if (IsCommented) { #region AccountReport string module = "CommentByKeyword"; string status = "Commented"; Qm.insertAccRePort(objPinUser.Username, module, "" + pin, "", "", lstCommnet_strlist[2], KeywordsItem, "", status, "", "", DateTime.Now); objCommentByKeywordDelegate(); #endregion counter++; GlobusLogHelper.log.Info(" => [ Commneted on Pin : " + pin + " From " + objPinUser.Username + " ]"); clsSettingDB Databse = new clsSettingDB(); Databse.insertMessageDate(objPinUser.Username, user.Replace("/", ""), pin, KeywordsItem, comment); try { QueryManager.insertCommentedPinDetails(objPinUser.Username, pin, DateTime.Now.ToString()); } catch { }; try { string CSV_Header = "Date" + "," + "UserName" + "," + "Comment" + "," + "Keyword" + "," + "Niche" + "," + "PinUrl"; string CSV_Data = System.DateTime.Now.ToString() + "," + objPinUser.Username + "," + comment + "," + KeywordsItem + "," + objPinUser.Niches + "," + "" + pin; string path = PDGlobals.FolderCreation(PDGlobals.Pindominator_Folder_Path, "Comment"); PDGlobals.ExportDataCSVFile(CSV_Header, CSV_Data, path + "\\CommentBykeyword.csv"); } catch (Exception ex) { } } else { GlobusLogHelper.log.Info(" => [ Not Commneted on Pin : " + pin + " From " + objPinUser.Username + " ]"); } //if (rdbDivideGivenByUserCommentByKeyword == true) //{ // CountGivenByUserCommentByKeyword--; // if (CountGivenByUserCommentByKeyword < 0) // { // break; // } //} int delay = RandomNumberGenerator.GenerateRandom(minDelayCommentByKeyword, maxDelayCommentByKeyword); GlobusLogHelper.log.Info(" => [ Delay For " + delay + " Seconds ]"); Thread.Sleep(delay * 1000); } } catch (Exception ex) { GlobusLogHelper.log.Error(" Error : 3.4" + ex.StackTrace); } } } catch (Exception ex) { GlobusLogHelper.log.Error(" Error : 3.4" + ex.StackTrace); } } } } } } catch (Exception ex) { GlobusLogHelper.log.Error(" Error : 3.4" + ex.StackTrace); } #region Comment // } //string[] lstCommnet_strlist = lstCommnet.ToArray(); //if (objPinUser.Niches == arrayItem[0]) //{ // foreach (string FindKeyword in lstCommnet_strlist) // { // try // { // List<string> LstPins = KeywordPins_New(FindKeyword, MaxCommentByKeyword, ref objPinUser); // //PinterestComments Comments = new PinterestComments(); // keyword = Utils.Utils.getBetween(FindKeyword, "", "::"); // GlobusLogHelper.log.Info(" => [ Finding Pins On Keyword : " + FindKeyword + " For " + objPinUser.Username + " ]"); // GlobusLogHelper.log.Info(" => [ " + LstPins.Count + " Pins On Keyword :" + FindKeyword + " For " + objPinUser.Username + " ]"); // List<string> lstofPin = LstPins; // foreach (string pin in lstofPin) // { // clsSettingDB Db = new clsSettingDB(); // string user = PinterestPins.getUserNameFromPinId(pin, ref objPinUser); // if (counter >= MaxCommentByKeyword) // { // GlobusLogHelper.log.Info(" => [ PROCESS COMPLETED " + " For " + objPinUser.Username + " ]"); // GlobusLogHelper.log.Info("---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"); // break; // } // else // { // comment = lstCommnet[RandomNumberGenerator.GenerateRandom(0, lstCommnet.Count)]; // if (comment.Contains("::")) // { // comment = Regex.Split(comment, "::")[1]; // } // else if (comment.Contains(":")) // { // if (comment.Contains("http:")) // { // comment = comment.Split(':')[comment.Split(':').Count() - 1]; // comment = "http:" + comment.Split(':')[comment.Split(':').Count() - 1]; // } // else // { // comment = comment.Split(':')[comment.Split(':').Count() - 1]; // } // } // #region // try // { // DataSet DS = QM.selectCommentedPinDetails(objPinUser.Username, pin); // DataTable Dt = DS.Tables[0]; // string dateTime = Dt.Rows[Dt.Rows.Count - 1].ItemArray[3].ToString(); // DateTime previousDateTime = Convert.ToDateTime(dateTime); // DateTime currentDate = DateTime.Today; // TimeSpan dt_Difference = currentDate.Subtract(previousDateTime); // double dt_Difference1 = dt_Difference.Days; // if (dt_Difference1 < 30) // { // continue; // } // } // catch (Exception Ex) // { // //CommentAddToLogger("Error ==> " + Ex.StackTrace); // } // #endregion // bool IsCommented = objCommentManagers.Comment_new(ref objPinUser, pin, comment); // if (IsCommented) // { // #region AccountReport // string module = "CommentByKeyword"; // string status = "Commented"; // Qm.insertAccRePort(objPinUser.Username, module, pin, "", "", comment, keyword, "", status, "", "", DateTime.Now); // objCommentByKeywordDelegate(); // #endregion // GlobusLogHelper.log.Info(" => [ Commneted on Pin : " + pin + " From " + objPinUser.Username + " ]"); // clsSettingDB Databse = new clsSettingDB(); // Databse.insertMessageDate(objPinUser.Username, user.Replace("/", ""), pin, keyword, comment); // try // { // QueryManager.insertCommentedPinDetails(objPinUser.Username, pin, DateTime.Now.ToString()); // } // catch { }; // counter++; // try // { // string CSV_Header = "Date" + "," + "UserName" + "," + "Comment" + "," + "Keyword" + "," + "Niche" + "," + "PinUrl"; // string CSV_Data = System.DateTime.Now.ToString() + "," + objPinUser.Username + "," + comment + "," + keyword + "," + objPinUser.Niches + "," + "" + pin; // string path = PDGlobals.FolderCreation(PDGlobals.Pindominator_Folder_Path, "Comment"); // PDGlobals.ExportDataCSVFile(CSV_Header, CSV_Data, path + "\\CommentBykeyword.csv"); // } // catch (Exception ex) // { // } // } // else // { // GlobusLogHelper.log.Info(" => [ Not Commneted on Pin : " + pin + " From " + objPinUser.Username + " ]"); // } // //if (rdbDivideGivenByUserCommentByKeyword == true) // //{ // // CountGivenByUserCommentByKeyword--; // // if (CountGivenByUserCommentByKeyword < 0) // // { // // break; // // } // //} // int delay = RandomNumberGenerator.GenerateRandom(minDelayCommentByKeyword, maxDelayCommentByKeyword); // GlobusLogHelper.log.Info(" => [ Delay For " + delay + " Seconds ]"); // Thread.Sleep(delay * 1000); // } // } // } // catch (Exception ex) // { // GlobusLogHelper.log.Error(" Error :" + ex.StackTrace); // } // } ////} #endregion } GlobusLogHelper.log.Info(" => [ PROCESS COMPLETED " + " For " + objPinUser.Username + " ]"); GlobusLogHelper.log.Info("---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"); } catch (Exception ex) { GlobusLogHelper.log.Error(" Error :" + ex.StackTrace); } finally { try { if (countThreadControllerCommentByKeyword > Nothread_CommentByKeyword) { lock (CommentByKeywordObjThread) { Monitor.Pulse(CommentByKeywordObjThread); } CommentByKeyworddata_count--; } } catch (Exception ex) { GlobusLogHelper.log.Error(" Error : " + ex.StackTrace); } countThreadControllerCommentByKeyword--; } }
public void ThreadRepinMethod(Pins pin, PinInterestUser objPinUser) { try { try { lstThreadsAddPinWithNewBoard.Add(Thread.CurrentThread); lstThreadsAddPinWithNewBoard.Distinct().ToList(); Thread.CurrentThread.IsBackground = true; } catch (Exception ex) { }; Board = Regex.Split(pin.Board, ":")[0]; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Board)) { //Board = pin.Board; BoardNumber = objAddNewPinManager.GetBoardId(Board, ref objPinUser); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(BoardNumber)) { GlobusLogHelper.log.Info(" => [ " + Board + " Not Found. Creating Board ]"); BoardNumber = CreateBoard_new(Board, "Other", ref objPinUser); BoardNumber = objAddNewPinManager.GetBoardId(Board, ref objPinUser); } } else { if (objPinUser.Boards.Count <= 0) { objAddNewPinManager.GetBoards(ref objPinUser); } if (objPinUser.Boards.Count > 0) { Random Boardrnd = new Random(); int BoardNum = 0; try { BoardNum = Boardrnd.Next(0, objPinUser.Boards.Count - 1); BoardNumber = objPinUser.Boards[BoardNum]; } catch (Exception ex) { //GlobusFileHelper.AppendStringToTextfileNewLine("Error --> StartNewPinCreationMultiThreaded() 1--> " + ex.Message, ApplicationData.ErrorLogFile); } } } ImageUrl = pin.ImageUrl; Desc = pin.Description; string Data = objAddNewPinManager.NewPin(BoardNumber, Desc, ImageUrl, ref objPinUser); if (Data.Equals("true")) { #region AccountReport string module = "AddPinWithNewBoard"; string status = "Added"; objqm.insertAccRePort(objPinUser.Username, module, "", Board, "", Desc, "", ImageUrl, status, "", "", DateTime.Now); objAddPinWithBoardDelegate(); #endregion //GlobusLogHelper.log.Info(" => [ Pin Added To " + Board + " From " + objPinUser.Username + " ]"); try { string CSV_Header = "Date" + "," + "UserName" + "," + "Board" + "," + "Description" + "," + "ImageUrl"; string CSV_Data = System.DateTime.Now.ToString() + "," + objPinUser.Username + "," + Board.Replace(",", " ").Replace("'", "") + "," + Desc.Replace(",", " ").Replace("'", "") + "," + ImageUrl.Replace(",", " ").Replace("'", ""); PDGlobals.ExportDataCSVFile(CSV_Header, CSV_Data, Pinpath + "\\NewPin.csv"); } catch (Exception ex) { } } else { GlobusLogHelper.log.Info(" => [ Pin Not Added To " + Board + " From " + objPinUser.Username + " ]"); } } catch (Exception ex) { //GlobusFileHelper.AppendStringToTextfileNewLine("Error --> StartNewPinCreationMultiThreaded() 2 --> " + ex.Message, ApplicationData.ErrorLogFile); } finally { try { if (countThreadControllerAddPinWithNewBoard > Nothread_AddPinWithNewBoard) { lock (AddPinWithNewBoardObjThread) { Monitor.Pulse(AddPinWithNewBoardObjThread); } AddPinWithNewBoarddata_count--; } } catch (Exception ex) { GlobusLogHelper.log.Error(" Error : " + ex.StackTrace); } countThreadControllerAddPinWithNewBoard--; GlobusLogHelper.log.Info(" => [ PROCESS COMPLETED " + " For " + objPinUser.Username + " ]"); GlobusLogHelper.log.Info("---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"); } }
public void ExportAccReportScraper() { try { if (dgvScraper_AccountsReport.Items.Count == 1) { GlobusLogHelper.log.Info("=> [ Data Is Not Found In Account Report ]"); ModernDialog.ShowMessage("Data Is Not Found In Account Report", "Data Is Not Found", MessageBoxButton.OK); return; } else if (dgvScraper_AccountsReport.Items.Count > 1) { try { string CSV_Header = string.Join(",", "ModuleName", "UserName", "Status", "Date&Time"); string CSV_Content = ""; var result = ModernDialog.ShowMessage("Are you want to Export Report Data ", " Export Report Data ", MessageBoxButton.YesNo); if (result == MessageBoxResult.Yes) { try { string FilePath = string.Empty; FilePath = Utils.Utils.UploadFolderData(PDGlobals.Pindominator_Folder_Path); FilePath = FilePath + "\\Scraper.csv"; GlobusLogHelper.log.Info("Export Data File Path :" + FilePath); GlobusLogHelper.log.Debug("Export Data File Path :" + FilePath); string ExportDataLocation = FilePath; PDGlobals.Pindominator_Folder_Path = FilePath; DataSet ds = QM.SelectAddReportScrapeUser("Scraper"); foreach (DataRow item in ds.Tables[0].Rows) { try { string ModuleName = item.ItemArray[2].ToString(); string UserName = item.ItemArray[5].ToString(); string Status = item.ItemArray[9].ToString(); string DateAndTime = item.ItemArray[12].ToString(); CSV_Content = string.Join(",", ModuleName.Replace("'", ""), UserName.Replace("'", ""), Status.Replace("'", ""), DateAndTime.Replace("'", "")); PDGlobals.ExportDataCSVFile(CSV_Header, CSV_Content, ExportDataLocation); } catch (Exception ex) { GlobusLogHelper.log.Error(" Error :" + ex.StackTrace); } } } catch (Exception ex) { GlobusLogHelper.log.Error("Error : " + ex.StackTrace); } } } catch (Exception Ex) { GlobusLogHelper.log.Error(" Error :" + Ex.StackTrace); } } } catch (Exception ex) { GlobusLogHelper.log.Error(" Error :" + ex.StackTrace); } }
public void EditPins(ref PinInterestUser objPinUser) { try { List <string> lstOfBoardURLs = GetAllBoardNames_new1(objPinUser.ScreenName, ref objPinUser); foreach (var itemBoardUrl in ClGlobul.lstBoardUrls) { string url = "" + itemBoardUrl; lstBoardUrlsPin.Add(url); } List <string> lstPinsfromBoards = new List <string>(); foreach (var itemBoardUrl in lstBoardUrlsPin) { string pageSource = objPinUser.globusHttpHelper.getHtmlfromUrl(new Uri(itemBoardUrl), "", "", objPinUser.UserAgent); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(pageSource) && pageSource.Contains("/pin/")) { string data = Utils.Utils.getBetween(pageSource, "/pin/", "class=").Replace("\\", "").Replace("\"", "").Replace("/", ""); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(data) && !lstPinsfromBoards.Contains(data)) { lstPinsfromBoards.Add(data); } } } int count = 0; GlobusLogHelper.log.Info("[ " + DateTime.Now + " ] => [ Extarcting User Pins For Edit ]"); List <string> lstAllPins = GetAllPinsNewCode(ref objPinUser); Random Pinrnd = new Random(); List <string> lstPins = new List <string>(); try { lstPins = lstAllPins.OrderBy(X => Pinrnd.Next()).ToList(); } catch { }; lstPins.Reverse(); GlobusLogHelper.log.Info("[ " + DateTime.Now + " ] => [ " + lstPins.Count + " Pins From " + objPinUser.Username + " ]"); foreach (string Pin in lstPins) { clsSettingDB DB = new clsSettingDB(); DataTable dt = DB.SelectPinDesc(Pin, objPinUser.Username); if (dt.Rows.Count <= 0) { string pageSource = objPinUser.globusHttpHelper.getHtmlfromUrl(new Uri("" + Pin + "/edit/"), "", "", objPinUser.UserAgent); string PinDesc = string.Empty; string csrfmiddlewaretoken = string.Empty; string link = string.Empty; string board = string.Empty; try { int startindex = pageSource.IndexOf("description_html"); string start = pageSource.Substring(startindex).Replace("description_html", ""); int endIndex = start.IndexOf(","); //string end = start.Substring(0, endIndex).Replace("\"", "").Replace(":", "").Replace("","+"); string end = Utils.Utils.getBetween(start, "\": \"", "</a>"); PinDesc = end; } catch (Exception ex) { } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(PinDesc)) { GlobusLogHelper.log.Info("[ " + DateTime.Now + " ] => [ No Desc In Pin :" + Pin + " ]"); } else { PinCommnet = CommentList[RandomNumberGenerator.GenerateRandom(0, CommentList.Count)]; PinDesc = PinCommnet; try { int startindex = pageSource.IndexOf("\"board_id\":"); string start = pageSource.Substring(startindex).Replace("\"board_id\":", "").Replace("boardRepSubtitle", ""); int endIndex = start.IndexOf(","); string end = start.Substring(0, endIndex); board = end.Replace("\"", "").Replace(">", ""); board = board.Trim(); } catch (Exception ex) { } try { int startindex = pageSource.IndexOf("link\": \"http:"); string start = pageSource.Substring(startindex).Replace("link\":", ""); int endIndex = start.IndexOf(","); string end = start.Substring(0, endIndex).Replace("value=", "").Replace("\"", ""); string Link = Utils.Utils.getBetween(start, "Link=", ""); link = end.Trim().Replace(":", "%3A").Replace("/", "%2F").Replace("?", "%3F").Replace("=", "%3D"); } catch (Exception ex) { } Thread.Sleep(1 * 1000); try { string postdata = "board_id=" + board + "&description=" + PinDesc + "&link=" + link + "&id=" + Pin; #region PostData string pinUrl = "" + Pin + "/"; string BoardId = string.Empty; string getPinPageSource = objPinUser.globusHttpHelper.getHtmlfromUrl(new Uri(pinUrl), "", "", ""); if (getPinPageSource.Contains("\"price_currency\"")) { link = Utils.Utils.getBetween(getPinPageSource, "serving_link\":", ", \"is_promoted").Replace("\"", "").Trim(); link = link.Replace(":", "%3A").Replace("/", "%2F").Replace("?", "%3F").Replace("=", "%3D").Replace("&", "%26"); } if (getPinPageSource.Contains("board")) //("board_id") { // BoardId = Utils.Utils.getBetween(getPinPageSource, "board\", \"id\":", ",").Replace("\"", "").Trim(); BoardId = Utils.Utils.getBetween(getPinPageSource, "board\", \"id\":", "\",").Replace("\"", "").Trim();//"board", "id": } #endregion string postPageSOurce = string.Empty; string Checking = objPinUser.globusHttpHelper.getHtmlfromUrl(new Uri("")); if (Checking.Contains("profileName")) { } else { ObjAccountManager.LoginPinterestAccount(ref objPinUser); } string redirectDomain = GlobusHttpHelper.valueURl.Split('.')[0]; string newHomePageUrl = redirectDomain + "." + ""; postdata = "source_url=%2Fpin%2F" + Pin + "%2F&data=%7B%22options%22%3A%7B%22board_id%22%3A%22" + BoardId + "%22%2C%22description%22%3A%22" + PinDesc + "%22%2C%22link%22%3A%22" + link + "%22%2C%22place%22%3A0%2C%22id%22%3A%22" + Pin + "%22%7D%2C%22context%22%3A%7B%7D%7D&module_path=App%3ECloseup%3EPinActionBar%3EShowModalButton(module%3DPinEdit)%23App%3EModalManager%3EModal(state_isVisible%3Dtrue%2C+showCloseModal%3Dtrue%2C+state_mouseDownInModal%3Dfalse%2C+state_showModalMask%3Dtrue%2C+state_showContainer%3Dfalse%2C+state_showPositionElement%3Dtrue)"; string postUrl = redirectDomain + ""; try { postPageSOurce = objPinUser.globusHttpHelper.postFormDataProxywithCSRFToken(new Uri(postUrl), postdata, newHomePageUrl, "", 0, "", ""); } catch { Thread.Sleep(1 * 1000); postPageSOurce = objPinUser.globusHttpHelper.postFormDataProxywithCSRFToken(new Uri(postUrl), postdata, newHomePageUrl, "", 0, "", ""); //"Go0h31yGfnvXLZCw0B06nbmbxnqLj5Wj"); } if (postPageSOurce.Contains(PinDesc)) //PinDesc { try { GlobusFileHelper.AppendStringToTextfileNewLine(Pin + ": Desc -> " + PinDesc, PDGlobals.path_PinDescription); DB.InsertPinDesc(Pin, PinDesc, objPinUser.Username); #region AccountReport // string module = "EditPinDiscription"; // string status = "Edited"; // objQm.insertAccRePort(objPinUser.Username, module, "" + Pin, "", "", PinDesc, "", "", status, "", "", DateTime.Now); // objEditPinDescriptionDelegate(); #endregion GlobusLogHelper.log.Info("[ " + DateTime.Now + " ] => [ " + Pin + " >>> " + PinDesc + " for " + objPinUser.Username + " ]"); try { string CSV_Header = "Date" + "," + "UserName" + "," + "Pin Description" + "," + "Pin"; string CSV_Data = System.DateTime.Now.ToString() + "," + objPinUser.Username + "," + PinDesc.Replace(",", "") + "," + Pin; string path = PDGlobals.FolderCreation(PDGlobals.Pindominator_Folder_Path, "EditPin"); PDGlobals.ExportDataCSVFile(CSV_Header, CSV_Data, path + "\\EditPinDescription.csv"); } catch (Exception ex) { } } catch (Exception ex) { } } else { GlobusFileHelper.AppendStringToTextfileNewLine(Pin + ": Not Edited Description", PDGlobals.path_PinDescription); GlobusLogHelper.log.Info("[ " + DateTime.Now + " ] => [ Description Not Edited " + Pin + ">>>>" + objPinUser.Username + " ]"); } } catch (Exception ex) { }; } int Delay = RandomNumberGenerator.GenerateRandom(minDelayEditPinDisc, maxDelayEditPinDisc); GlobusLogHelper.log.Info("[ " + DateTime.Now + " ] => [ Delay For " + Delay + " ]"); Thread.Sleep(Delay * 1000); } else { GlobusLogHelper.log.Info("[ " + DateTime.Now + " ] => [ Already Edited " + Pin + " From " + objPinUser.Username + " ]"); } if (NoOfPagesEditPinDisc == count) { break; } } } catch (Exception ex) { GlobusLogHelper.log.Error(" Error :" + ex.StackTrace); } }
public void StartActionMultithreadLike(ref PinInterestUser objPinUser, List <string> UserLikecount) { try { try { lstThreadsLike.Add(Thread.CurrentThread); lstThreadsLike.Distinct().ToList(); Thread.CurrentThread.IsBackground = true; } catch (Exception ex) { GlobusLogHelper.log.Error("Error : " + ex.StackTrace); } int LikeCount = 0; if (rbListLikePinUrls == true) { ClGlobul.lstPins = UserLikecount; if (MaxLike == ClGlobul.lstPins.Count) { ClGlobul.lstPins.Add("1"); } } else { if (rdbDivideByUser == true) { GlobusLogHelper.log.Info("[ " + DateTime.Now + " ] => [ Using Random Url to Like ]"); int countLoadEmails = PDGlobals.loadedAccountsDictionary.Count(); lstAllPins = GetPins(ref objPinUser, MaxLike); Random Pinrnd = new Random(); ClGlobul.lstPins = lstAllPins.OrderBy(X => Pinrnd.Next()).ToList(); } else { GlobusLogHelper.log.Info("[ " + DateTime.Now + " ] => [ Using Random Url to Like ]"); int countLoadEmails = PDGlobals.loadedAccountsDictionary.Count(); lstAllPins = GetPins(ref objPinUser, MaxLike); Random Pinrnd = new Random(); ClGlobul.lstPins = lstAllPins.OrderBy(X => Pinrnd.Next()).ToList(); } } #region foreach foreach (string Pin in ClGlobul.lstPins) { if (MaxLike > LikeCount) { try { DataSet dt = DataBaseHandler.SelectQuery("SELECT * FROM LikeUsingUrl Where LikeUrl = '" + Pin + "' and UserName = '******' ", "LikeUsingUrl"); int count_NO_RoWs = dt.Tables[0].Rows.Count; if (count_NO_RoWs == 0) { bool IsLiked = Like_New(ref objPinUser, Pin); if (IsLiked) { #region AccountReport string module = "Like"; string status = "Liked"; Qm.insertAccRePort(objPinUser.Username, module, "" + Pin, "", "", "", "", "", status, "", "", DateTime.Now); objLikeDelegate(); #endregion GlobusLogHelper.log.Info("[ " + DateTime.Now + " ] => [ Liked : " + Pin + " From " + objPinUser.Username + " ]"); try { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Pin) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(objPinUser.Username)) { string query = "INSERT INTO LikeUsingUrl (LikeUrl,UserName) VALUES ('" + Pin + "' ,'" + objPinUser.Username + "') "; DataBaseHandler.InsertQuery(query, "LikeUsingUrl"); } try { string CSV_Header = "Username" + "," + "Pin" + "," + "" + "Date"; string CSV_Data = objPinUser.Username + "," + "" + Pin + "/" + "," + System.DateTime.Now.ToString(); string path = PDGlobals.FolderCreation(PDGlobals.Pindominator_Folder_Path, "Like"); PDGlobals.ExportDataCSVFile(CSV_Header, CSV_Data, path + "\\NormalLike.csv"); } catch (Exception ex) { } } catch (Exception ex) { GlobusLogHelper.log.Error("Error : " + ex.StackTrace); } } else { GlobusLogHelper.log.Info("[ " + DateTime.Now + " ] => [ Not Liked : " + Pin + " From " + objPinUser.Username + " ]"); } int Delay = RandomNumberGenerator.GenerateRandom(minDelayLike, maxDelayLike); GlobusLogHelper.log.Info("[ " + DateTime.Now + " ] => [ Delay For " + Delay + " Seconds ]"); Thread.Sleep(Delay * 1000); } else { GlobusLogHelper.log.Info("[ " + DateTime.Now + " ] => [ Already Liked : " + Pin + " From " + objPinUser.Username + " ]"); int Delay = RandomNumberGenerator.GenerateRandom(minDelayLike, maxDelayLike); GlobusLogHelper.log.Info("[ " + DateTime.Now + " ] => [ Delay For " + Delay + " Seconds ]"); Thread.Sleep(Delay * 1000); } } catch (Exception ex) { GlobusLogHelper.log.Error("Error : " + ex.StackTrace); } LikeCount++; } else { break; } } #endregion if (MaxLike <= LikeCount) { GlobusLogHelper.log.Info("[ " + DateTime.Now + " ] [ PROCESS COMPLETED " + " For " + objPinUser.Username + " ]"); GlobusLogHelper.log.Info("--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"); } } catch (Exception ex) { GlobusLogHelper.log.Error("Error : " + ex.StackTrace); } }
public void BoardMethod(string BoardName, string BoardUrl, ref PinInterestUser objPinInUser) { try { try { lstThreadsBoards.Add(Thread.CurrentThread); lstThreadsBoards.Distinct().ToList(); Thread.CurrentThread.IsBackground = true; } catch (Exception ex) { }; lock (this) { string BoardId = string.Empty; AddNewPinManager objaddnewPin = new AddNewPinManager(); RePinManager objRepin = new RePinManager(); try { boardinput.Add(Thread.CurrentThread); boardinput.Distinct(); Thread.CurrentThread.IsBackground = true; } catch (Exception ex) { }; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(BoardName)) { try { List <string> baordnames = GetAllBoardNames_new(ref objPinInUser); BoardName = baordnames[RandomNumberGenerator.GenerateRandom(0, baordnames.Count - 1)]; BoardId = objaddnewPin.GetBoardId(BoardName, ref objPinInUser); } catch (Exception ex) { }; } else { //testing GlobusHttpHelper objHttp = new GlobusHttpHelper(); try { BoardId = objaddnewPin.GetBoardId_Board(BoardName, ref objPinInUser); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.Write(ex.Message); } } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(BoardId)) { BoardId = objaddnewPin.GetBoardId(BoardName, ref objPinInUser); } int counter = 0; int RepinCounter = 0; if (!BoardId.Contains("failure")) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(BoardId)) { if (PDGlobals.ValidateNumber(BoardId)) { GlobusLogHelper.log.Info("[ " + DateTime.Now + " ] => [ Adding Pins From Board :" + BoardUrl + " ]"); clsSettingDB db = new clsSettingDB(); List <string> lstPins = new List <string>(); lstPins = GetBoardPinsNew(BoardId, BoardUrl, 10, ref objPinInUser); lstPins.Distinct(); List <string> lstOfRepin = new List <string>(); lstOfRepin.AddRange(lstPins); string[] lstPinNo = null; lstPinNo = lstPins.ToArray(); //getting lstPins length int lenOFlstPins = lstOfRepin.Count; foreach (string Pins in lstPinNo) { if (MaxRePinCount > RepinCounter) { string Message = string.Empty; if (ClGlobul.lstBoardRepinMessage.Count > 0) { if (counter < ClGlobul.lstBoardRepinMessage.Count) { Message = ClGlobul.lstBoardRepinMessage[counter]; } else { counter = 0; Message = ClGlobul.lstBoardRepinMessage[counter]; } } bool IsReppined = false; if (!Pins.Contains("n")) { try { int index = lstOfRepin.Where(x => x == Pins).Select(x => lstOfRepin.IndexOf(x)).Single <int>(); string NoOfPages = Convert.ToString(index / lenOFlstPins); IsReppined = objRepin.RepinwithMessage(Pins, Message, BoardId, NoOfPages, ref objPinInUser); } catch { } if (IsReppined) { //GlobusLogHelper.log.Info("[ => [ Repin Id : " + Pins + " ]"); #region AccountReport string module = "Boards"; string status = "Repined"; Qm.insertAccRePort(objPinInUser.Username, module, "" + Pins, BoardName, "", "", "", "", status, "", "", DateTime.Now); objBoardDelegate(); #endregion GlobusLogHelper.log.Info("[ " + DateTime.Now + " ] => [ Repin Pin : " + Pins + " to Account : " + objPinInUser.Username + " In " + BoardName + " ]"); try { string CSV_Header = "Date" + "," + "UserName" + "," + "Message" + "," + "Pin" + "Board Id"; string CSV_Data = System.DateTime.Now.ToString() + "," + objPinInUser.Username + "," + Message + "," + "" + Pins + "," + BoardId; PDGlobals.ExportDataCSVFile(CSV_Header, CSV_Data, Boardpath + "\\Board.csv"); RepinCounter++; } catch (Exception ex) { Console.Write(ex.Message); } //kept here int delay = RandomNumberGenerator.GenerateRandom(minDelayBoards, maxDelayBoards); GlobusLogHelper.log.Info("[ " + DateTime.Now + " ] => [ Delay for " + delay + " Seconds ]"); Thread.Sleep(delay * 1000); } else { } counter++; } } else { GlobusLogHelper.log.Info("[ " + DateTime.Now + " ] => [ PROCESS COMPLETED " + " For " + objPinInUser.Username + " In " + BoardName + "]"); GlobusLogHelper.log.Info("-----------------------------------------------------------------------------"); break; } } } } } else { GlobusLogHelper.log.Info("[ " + DateTime.Now + " ] => [ You already have a board with that name. " + objPinInUser.Username + " ]"); } } } catch (Exception ex) { GlobusLogHelper.log.Error(" Error :" + ex.StackTrace); } }
public void StartActionMultithreadLikeByKeyword(ref PinInterestUser objPinUser) { try { try { lstThreadsLikeByKeyword.Add(Thread.CurrentThread); lstThreadsLikeByKeyword.Distinct().ToList(); Thread.CurrentThread.IsBackground = true; } catch (Exception ex) { }; int counter = 0; string[] arrayItem = new string[100]; foreach (string newItem in ClGlobul.lstLikeByKeyword) { try { arrayItem = Regex.Split(newItem, "::"); if (arrayItem.Length == 2 && arrayItem[0] == objPinUser.Niches) { if (arrayItem.Length == 2) { string[] Keywordarrray = Regex.Split(arrayItem[1], ","); foreach (string KeywordsItem in Keywordarrray) { lock (this) { try { lstLike.Add(KeywordsItem); List <string> LstPins = new List <string>(); LstPins = KeywordPins_New(KeywordsItem, MaxLikeByKeyword, ref objPinUser); LstPins = LstPins.Distinct().ToList(); GlobusLogHelper.log.Info("[ " + DateTime.Now + " ] => [ Finding Pins On Keyword : " + KeywordsItem + " For " + objPinUser.Username + " ]"); GlobusLogHelper.log.Info("[ " + DateTime.Now + " ] => [ " + LstPins.Count + " Pins On Keyword :" + KeywordsItem + " For " + objPinUser.Username + " ]"); string[] lstofPinLike = null; lstofPinLike = LstPins.ToArray(); #region foreach foreach (string Pin in lstofPinLike) { if (MaxLikeByKeyword > counter) { try { DataSet dt = DataBaseHandler.SelectQuery("SELECT * FROM LikeUsingUrl Where LikeUrl = '" + Pin + "' and UserName = '******' ", "LikeUsingUrl"); int count_NO_RoWs = dt.Tables[0].Rows.Count; if (count_NO_RoWs == 0) { bool IsLiked = objLikeManagers.Like_New(ref objPinUser, Pin); if (IsLiked) { #region AccountReport string module = "LikeByKeyword"; string status = "Liked"; QM.insertAccRePort(objPinUser.Username, module, "" + Pin, "", "", "", KeywordsItem, "", status, "", "", DateTime.Now); objLikeByKeywordDelegate(); #endregion counter++; GlobusLogHelper.log.Info("[ " + DateTime.Now + " ] => [ Liked : " + Pin + " From " + objPinUser.Username + " ]"); try { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Pin) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(objPinUser.Username)) { string query = "INSERT INTO LikeUsingUrl (LikeUrl,UserName) VALUES ('" + Pin + "' ,'" + objPinUser.Username + "') "; DataBaseHandler.InsertQuery(query, "LikeUsingUrl"); } try { string CSV_Header = "Username" + "," + "Pin" + "," + "" + "Date"; string CSV_Data = objPinUser.Username + "," + "" + Pin + "/" + "," + System.DateTime.Now.ToString(); string path = PDGlobals.FolderCreation(PDGlobals.Pindominator_Folder_Path, "Like"); PDGlobals.ExportDataCSVFile(CSV_Header, CSV_Data, path + "\\LikeByKeyword.csv"); } catch (Exception ex) { } } catch (Exception ex) { GlobusLogHelper.log.Error("Error : " + ex.StackTrace); } } else { GlobusLogHelper.log.Info("[ " + DateTime.Now + " ] => [ Not Liked : " + Pin + " From " + objPinUser.Username + " ]"); } int Delay = RandomNumberGenerator.GenerateRandom(minDelayLikeByKeyword, maxDelayLikeByKeyword); GlobusLogHelper.log.Info("[ " + DateTime.Now + " ] => [ Delay For " + Delay + " Seconds ]"); Thread.Sleep(Delay * 1000); } else { GlobusLogHelper.log.Info("[ " + DateTime.Now + " ] => [ Already Liked : " + Pin + " From " + objPinUser.Username + " ]"); int Delay = RandomNumberGenerator.GenerateRandom(minDelayLikeByKeyword, maxDelayLikeByKeyword); GlobusLogHelper.log.Info("[ " + DateTime.Now + " ] => [ Delay For " + Delay + " Seconds ]"); Thread.Sleep(Delay * 1000); } } catch (Exception ex) { GlobusLogHelper.log.Error("Error : " + ex.StackTrace); } } else { break; } } #endregion if (MaxLikeByKeyword == counter) { GlobusLogHelper.log.Info("[ " + DateTime.Now + " ] => [ PROCESS COMPLETED " + " For " + objPinUser.Username + " ]"); GlobusLogHelper.log.Info("-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------"); } } catch (Exception ex) { GlobusLogHelper.log.Error(" Error : 3.4" + ex.StackTrace); } } } } } } catch (Exception ex) { GlobusLogHelper.log.Error(" Error : 3.4" + ex.StackTrace); } } GlobusLogHelper.log.Info("[ " + DateTime.Now + " ] => [ PROCESS COMPLETED " + " For " + objPinUser.Username + " ]"); GlobusLogHelper.log.Info("---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"); } catch (Exception ex) { GlobusLogHelper.log.Error(" Error :" + ex.StackTrace); } finally { try { if (countThreadControllerLikeByKeyword > Nothread_LikeByKeyword) { lock (LikeByKeywordObjThread) { Monitor.Pulse(LikeByKeywordObjThread); } LikeByKeyworddata_count--; } } catch (Exception ex) { GlobusLogHelper.log.Error(" Error : " + ex.StackTrace); } countThreadControllerLikeByKeyword--; } }
public void StartActionMultithreadFollowByKeyword(ref PinInterestUser objPinUser) { try { try { lstThreadsFollowByKeyword.Add(Thread.CurrentThread); lstThreadsFollowByKeyword.Distinct().ToList(); Thread.CurrentThread.IsBackground = true; } catch (Exception ex) { }; DataTable FollowedCount = QM.SelectFollowsToday(objPinUser.Username); int TotalFollow = NoOfUserFollowByKeyword; //int CountLeft = NoOfUserFollowByKeyword - FollowedCount.Rows.Count; int FollowData = 0; if (TotalFollow > 0) { int Time = AccPerDayUserFollowByKeyword; int delay = (Time * 60 * 60) / TotalFollow; foreach (string comment in ClGlobul.lstkeyword) { string[] arraykey = Regex.Split(comment, "::"); if (arraykey.Length == 2) { if (arraykey[0] == objPinUser.Niches) { string[] keywordArray = Regex.Split(arraykey[1], ","); bool OverFollow = false; foreach (string PinSearch in keywordArray) { try { Pins = getUserKeywordSearch_New(PinSearch, NoOfUserFollowByKeyword, ref objPinUser); foreach (string FollowUser in Pins) { try { DataTable dt = QM.SelectFollowsToday(objPinUser.Username); DataTable dt1 = QM.SelectFollowsCheck(objPinUser.Username, FollowUser); if (FollowData >= TotalFollow) { GlobusLogHelper.log.Info(" => [ Followed " + dt.Rows.Count + " Users ]"); OverFollow = true; TotalFollow = TotalFollow + NoOfUserFollowByKeyword; break; } if (dt1.Rows.Count == 0) { string User = FollowPeople_New(ref objPinUser, FollowUser, PinSearch); if (User == "Followed") { string CSV_Header = "UserName" + "," + "Follow User" + "," + "Date"; string CSV_Data = objPinUser.Username + "," + FollowUser + "," + System.DateTime.Now.ToString(); string path = PDGlobals.FolderCreation(PDGlobals.Pindominator_Folder_Path, "Follow"); PDGlobals.ExportDataCSVFile(CSV_Header, CSV_Data, path + "\\FollowByKeyword.csv"); QM.insertFollowDate(objPinUser.Username, FollowUser, PinSearch); OverFollow = false; FollowData++; GlobusLogHelper.log.Info(" => [ Successfully Followed " + FollowUser + ">>>" + objPinUser.Username + " ]"); } else if (User == "exceeded the maximum rate") { GlobusLogHelper.log.Info(" => [ Rate Limit Exceeded ]"); } else if (User == "NotFollowed") { GlobusLogHelper.log.Info(" => [ Follow Process Failed User " + FollowUser + ">>>" + objPinUser.Username + " ]"); } else if (User == "Unfollow") { GlobusLogHelper.log.Info(" => [ Already Followed " + FollowUser + " from " + objPinUser.Username + "]"); } int RandomDelayAdd = RandomNumberGenerator.GenerateRandom(minDelayFollowByKeyword, maxDelayFollowByKeyword); GlobusLogHelper.log.Info(" => [ Delay For " + RandomDelayAdd + " Seconds ]"); int totaldelay = (RandomDelayAdd * 1000); Thread.Sleep(totaldelay); } else { GlobusLogHelper.log.Info(" => [ Already Followed " + FollowUser + " from " + objPinUser.Username + "]"); } if (OverFollow) { break; } } catch (Exception ex) { GlobusLogHelper.log.Error(" Error :" + ex.StackTrace); } } } catch (Exception ex) { } } } } } GlobusLogHelper.log.Info(" => [ PROCESS COMPLETED " + " For " + objPinUser.Username + " ]"); GlobusLogHelper.log.Info("----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"); } } catch (Exception ex) { GlobusLogHelper.log.Error(" Error :" + ex.StackTrace); } }
public void UserFollowes(ref PinInterestUser objPinUser, List <string> myList) { try { List <string> Followerlist = new List <string>(); if (rbFollowFollowers == true) { objPinUser.lstUserFollowers = myList; Followerlist = myList; } if (rbFollowUser == true) { Followerlist = myList; Followerlist = Followerlist.Distinct().ToList(); } try { int CountToday = 0; int CountByUser = 0; foreach (var itemlist in Followerlist) { string FollowUrl = itemlist.ToString(); try { bool followedAlready = false; if (followedAlready) { GlobusLogHelper.log.Info("[ " + DateTime.Now + " ] => [ User " + FollowUrl + " already followed ]"); } else { string IsFollowed = FollowPeople_New(FollowUrl, ref objPinUser); if (IsFollowed == "Followed") { #region AccountReport string module = "FollowByUsername"; string status = "Followed"; QM.insertAccRePort(objPinUser.Username, module, "", "", FollowUrl, "", "", "", status, "", "", DateTime.Now); objFollowByUsernameDelegate(); #endregion GlobusLogHelper.log.Info("[ " + DateTime.Now + " ] => [ Followed " + FollowUrl + " From " + objPinUser.Username + " ]"); FollowCount++; CountToday++; clsSettingDB Db = new clsSettingDB(); Db.insertFollowDate(objPinUser.Username, FollowUrl, ""); try { string CSV_Header = "UserName" + "," + "Follow Url" + "," + "Date"; string CSV_Data = objPinUser.Username + "," + "" + FollowUrl + "," + System.DateTime.Now.ToString(); string path = PDGlobals.FolderCreation(PDGlobals.Pindominator_Folder_Path, "Follow"); PDGlobals.ExportDataCSVFile(CSV_Header, CSV_Data, path + "\\FollowUserFollowers.csv"); } catch (Exception ex) { } } else if (IsFollowed == " ") { GlobusLogHelper.log.Info("[ " + DateTime.Now + " ] => [ Already Followed " + FollowUrl + " From " + objPinUser.Username + " ]"); } else { GlobusLogHelper.log.Info("[ " + DateTime.Now + " ] => [ Could Not Follow " + FollowUrl + " From " + objPinUser.Username + " ]"); Thread.Sleep(1000); continue; } } if (MaxFollowCount == CountToday) { break; } int Delay = RandomNumberGenerator.GenerateRandom(minDelayFollowByUsername, maxDelayFollowByUsername); GlobusLogHelper.log.Info("[ " + DateTime.Now + " ] => [ Delay For " + Delay + " Seconds ]"); Thread.Sleep(Delay * 1000); } catch (Exception ex) { GlobusLogHelper.log.Error(" Error :" + ex.StackTrace); } } } catch (Exception ex) { GlobusLogHelper.log.Error(" Error :" + ex.StackTrace); } } catch (Exception ex) { GlobusLogHelper.log.Error(" Error :" + ex.StackTrace); } }
private void btnExpoxtActiveAcc_AccountChecker_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { try { if (objAccountChecker.lstOfActiveAccount.Count > 0) { try { string CSV_Header = string.Join(",", "UserName", "Password", "Niche", "ProxyAddress", "ProxyPort", "ProxyUsername", "ProxyPassword", "Date&Time"); string CSV_Content = ""; var result = ModernDialog.ShowMessage("Are you want to Export Report Data ", " Export Report Data ", MessageBoxButton.YesNo); if (result == MessageBoxResult.Yes) { try { string FilePath = string.Empty; FilePath = Utils.Utils.UploadFolderData(PDGlobals.Pindominator_Folder_Path); FilePath = FilePath + "\\ActiveAccount.csv"; GlobusLogHelper.log.Info("Export Data File Path :" + FilePath); GlobusLogHelper.log.Debug("Export Data File Path :" + FilePath); string ExportDataLocation = FilePath; PDGlobals.Pindominator_Folder_Path = FilePath; foreach (string item in objAccountChecker.lstOfActiveAccount) { try { string[] item_Data = Regex.Split(item, ":"); string UserName = item_Data[0].ToString(); string Password = item_Data[1].ToString(); string Niche = item_Data[2].ToString(); string ProxyAddress = item_Data[3].ToString(); string ProxyPort = item_Data[4].ToString(); string ProxyUsername = item_Data[5].ToString(); string ProxyPassword = item_Data[6].ToString(); string DateAndTime = DateTime.Now.ToString(); CSV_Content = string.Join(",", UserName.Replace("'", ""), Password.Replace("'", ""), Niche.Replace("'", ""), ProxyAddress.Replace("'", ""), ProxyPort.Replace("'", ""), ProxyUsername.Replace("'", ""), ProxyPassword.Replace("'", ""), DateAndTime.Replace("'", "")); PDGlobals.ExportDataCSVFile(CSV_Header, CSV_Content, ExportDataLocation); } catch (Exception ex) { GlobusLogHelper.log.Error(" Error :" + ex.StackTrace); } } } catch (Exception ex) { GlobusLogHelper.log.Error("Error : " + ex.StackTrace); } } } catch (Exception ex) { GlobusLogHelper.log.Error(" Error :" + ex.StackTrace); } } } catch (Exception ex) { GlobusLogHelper.log.Error(" Error :" + ex.StackTrace); } }