// Sets up the layout for use by WaterfallCollectionViewController
        private void SetupLayout()

            collectionViewDelegate = new WaterfallDelegate(cellHeights);

            collectionViewLayout = new PBCollectionViewWaterfallLayout()
                ColumnCount  = 2,
                ItemWidth    = 129,
                Delegate     = collectionViewDelegate,
                SectionInset = new UIEdgeInsets(9, 9, 9, 9)
 // Important: The only method that the delegate *has* to override. Just return the value the cell's height, which you have usually calculated
 // beforehand.
 public override float HeightForItem(UICollectionView collectionView, PBCollectionViewWaterfallLayout collectionViewLayout, NSIndexPath indexPath)
     return(cellHeights [indexPath.Row]);