/// <summary>
    /// Calculate selenographic (lunar) coordinates (sub-Solar)
    /// </summary>
    /// <returns>sub-solar longitude, sub-solar colongitude, and sub-solar latitude</returns>
    public (double subSolarLongitude, double subSolarColongitude, double subSolarLatitude) SelenographicCoordinates2(double gwdateDay, int gwdateMonth, int gwdateYear)
        var julianDateDays           = PAMacros.CivilDateToJulianDate(gwdateDay, gwdateMonth, gwdateYear);
        var tCenturies               = (julianDateDays - 2451545) / 36525;
        var longAscNodeDeg           = 125.044522 - 1934.136261 * tCenturies;
        var f1                       = 93.27191 + 483202.0175 * tCenturies;
        var f2                       = f1 - 360 * (f1 / 360).Floor();
        var sunGeocentricLongDeg     = PAMacros.SunLong(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, gwdateDay, gwdateMonth, gwdateYear);
        var moonEquHorParallaxArcMin = PAMacros.MoonHP(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, gwdateDay, gwdateMonth, gwdateYear) * 60;
        var sunEarthDistAU           = PAMacros.SunDist(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, gwdateDay, gwdateMonth, gwdateYear);
        var geocentricMoonLatRad     = (PAMacros.MoonLat(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, gwdateDay, gwdateMonth, gwdateYear)).ToRadians();
        var geocentricMoonLongDeg    = PAMacros.MoonLong(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, gwdateDay, gwdateMonth, gwdateYear);
        var adjustedMoonLongDeg      = sunGeocentricLongDeg + 180 + (26.4 * (geocentricMoonLatRad).Cosine() * ((sunGeocentricLongDeg - geocentricMoonLongDeg).ToRadians()).Sine() / (moonEquHorParallaxArcMin * sunEarthDistAU));
        var adjustedMoonLatRad       = 0.14666 * geocentricMoonLatRad / (moonEquHorParallaxArcMin * sunEarthDistAU);
        var inclinationRad           = (PAMacros.DegreesMinutesSecondsToDecimalDegrees(1, 32, 32.7)).ToRadians();
        var nodeLongRad              = (longAscNodeDeg - adjustedMoonLongDeg).ToRadians();
        var sinBs                    = -(inclinationRad).Cosine() * (adjustedMoonLatRad).Sine() + (inclinationRad).Sine() * (adjustedMoonLatRad).Cosine() * (nodeLongRad).Sine();
        var subSolarLatDeg           = PAMacros.Degrees((sinBs).ASine());
        var aRad                     = (-(adjustedMoonLatRad).Sine() * (inclinationRad).Sine() - (adjustedMoonLatRad).Cosine() * (inclinationRad).Cosine() * (nodeLongRad).Sine()).AngleTangent2((adjustedMoonLatRad).Cosine() * (nodeLongRad).Cosine());
        var aDeg                     = PAMacros.Degrees(aRad);
        var subSolarLongDeg1         = aDeg - f2;
        var subSolarLongDeg2         = subSolarLongDeg1 - 360 * (subSolarLongDeg1 / 360).Floor();
        var subSolarLongDeg3         = (subSolarLongDeg2 > 180) ? subSolarLongDeg2 - 360 : subSolarLongDeg2;
        var subSolarColongDeg        = 90 - subSolarLongDeg3;

        var subSolarLongitude   = Math.Round(subSolarLongDeg3, 2);
        var subSolarColongitude = Math.Round(subSolarColongDeg, 2);
        var subSolarLatitude    = Math.Round(subSolarLatDeg, 2);

        return(subSolarLongitude, subSolarColongitude, subSolarLatitude);
Пример #2
    /// <summary>
    /// Calculate Moon's distance, angular diameter, and horizontal parallax.
    /// </summary>
    /// <returns>
    /// <para>earth_moon_dist -- Earth-Moon distance (km)</para>
    /// <para>ang_diameter_deg -- Angular diameter (degrees part)</para>
    /// <para>ang_diameter_min -- Angular diameter (minutes part)</para>
    /// <para>hor_parallax_deg -- Horizontal parallax (degrees part)</para>
    /// <para>hor_parallax_min -- Horizontal parallax (minutes part)</para>
    /// <para>hor_parallax_sec -- Horizontal parallax (seconds part)</para>
    /// </returns>
    public (double earthMoonDist, double angDiameterDeg, double angDiameterMin, double horParallaxDeg, double horParallaxMin, double horParallaxSec) MoonDistAngDiamHorParallax(double lctHour, double lctMin, double lctSec, bool isDaylightSaving, int zoneCorrectionHours, double localDateDay, int localDateMonth, int localDateYear)
        var daylightSaving = (isDaylightSaving) ? 1 : 0;

        var moonDistance           = PAMacros.MoonDist(lctHour, lctMin, lctSec, daylightSaving, zoneCorrectionHours, localDateDay, localDateMonth, localDateYear);
        var moonAngularDiameter    = PAMacros.MoonSize(lctHour, lctMin, lctSec, daylightSaving, zoneCorrectionHours, localDateDay, localDateMonth, localDateYear);
        var moonHorizontalParallax = PAMacros.MoonHP(lctHour, lctMin, lctSec, daylightSaving, zoneCorrectionHours, localDateDay, localDateMonth, localDateYear);

        var earthMoonDist  = Math.Round(moonDistance, 0);
        var angDiameterDeg = PAMacros.DecimalDegreesDegrees(moonAngularDiameter + 0.008333);
        var angDiameterMin = PAMacros.DecimalDegreesMinutes(moonAngularDiameter + 0.008333);
        var horParallaxDeg = PAMacros.DecimalDegreesDegrees(moonHorizontalParallax);
        var horParallaxMin = PAMacros.DecimalDegreesMinutes(moonHorizontalParallax);
        var horParallaxSec = PAMacros.DecimalDegreesSeconds(moonHorizontalParallax);

        return(earthMoonDist, angDiameterDeg, angDiameterMin, horParallaxDeg, horParallaxMin, horParallaxSec);