Пример #1
        // Serialize a key and OutstandingTransactionsValue value to an encoded string
        // The forceWrite parameter indicates whether to serialize to a string anyway even if there are no NACK RMs in the
        // OutstandingTransactionsValue. This is needed sometimes (such as in recovery) to indicate a transaction has
        // committed/aborted successfully and there are no remaining NACK RMs.
        private string SerializeToString(string key, OutstandingTransactionsValue value, bool forceWrite = false)
            // Only serialize if forceWrite is specified or if the list of NACK RMs is not empty
            if (forceWrite || (value != null && value.nackRMList.Count > 0))
                // Write the key to the string
                System.Text.StringBuilder sb = new System.Text.StringBuilder(key);

                if (value != null && value.nackRMList != null)
                    // Write the transaction type to the string
                    sb.Append("," + ((value.transactionType == OutstandingTransactionsValue.TransactionType.Commit) ? "0" : "1"));

                    // Write the list of NACK RMs to the string
                    foreach (string item in value.nackRMList)
                        sb.Append("," + item);
Пример #2
        // Serialize the key and CommittedTransactionValue value from an encoded string
        private bool SerializeFromString(string s, out string key, out OutstandingTransactionsValue value)
            key   = null;
            value = null;

            string[] tokens = s.Split(','); // Split the string into tokens using a delimiter

            if (tokens.Length == 0)
            key   = tokens[0]; // The key is always the first token
            value = new OutstandingTransactionsValue();
            // The transaction type is the 2nd token (if it exists)
            if (tokens.Length >= 2)
                value.transactionType = (int.Parse(tokens[1]) == 0) ? OutstandingTransactionsValue.TransactionType.Commit : OutstandingTransactionsValue.TransactionType.Abort;
            // The rest of the tokens (if they exist) is the list of RMs that have not acknowledge the commit/abort
            value.nackRMList = tokens.Skip(2).ToList <string>();
Пример #3
        // Write a outstanding transaction entry to the file immediately
        public void UpdateAndFlush(string transactionId, OutstandingTransactionsValue value)
            // If the list of NACK RMs is empty, the transaction has committed/aborted successfully
            // so remove it from the list of outstanding transactions
            if (value == null || value.nackRMList == null || value.nackRMList.Count == 0)
            // Otherwise, add/update the outstanding transaction list.
                transactionList[transactionId] = value;

            // Append transaction information to file. If this is an existing transaction, it may
            // cause the file to have multiple occurrences of the same transaction ID. We will take
            // care of this in ReadFromFile() to make sure the last entry wins, this will avoid the need
            // to rewrite the whole file every time an existing transaction is updated.
            using (System.IO.StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(GetFilename(), true))
                sw.WriteLine(SerializeToString(transactionId, value, true));