static void Main(string[] args) { ///Wrong ///Employee but out put "i am do nothing", this is not corrected, must be "i am coding". ///ProjectManager is not able to substitute for Employee. Employee employee = new ProjectManager(); Outputer outputer = new Outputer(employee); outputer.Print(); ///Right ///Employee output "i am coding", this is corrected. Right.Employee rightEmployee = new Right.Employee(); Right.Outputer rightOutputer = new Right.Outputer(rightEmployee); rightOutputer.Print(); Console.Read(); }
static void Main(string[] args) { Random rng = new Random(); IFigure[] arr = new IFigure[100]; for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) { if (rng.Next(0, 2) % 2 == 1) { arr[i] = new Circle(rng.NextDouble() * rng.Next(1, 50)); } else { arr[i] = new Square(rng.NextDouble() * rng.Next(1, 50)); } } Console.WriteLine($"Area not less than {34.5}"); Outputer.Print(arr, 34.5); Console.WriteLine($"Area not less than {1}"); Outputer.Print(arr, 1); }