/// <summary> /// Decodes the deflated stream. /// </summary> /// <returns> /// false if more input is needed, or if finished. /// </returns> /// <exception cref="SharpZipBaseException"> /// if deflated stream is invalid. /// </exception> private bool Decode() { switch (mode) { case DECODE_HEADER: return(DecodeHeader()); case DECODE_DICT: return(DecodeDict()); case DECODE_CHKSUM: return(DecodeChksum()); case DECODE_BLOCKS: if (isLastBlock) { if (noHeader) { mode = FINISHED; return(false); } else { input.SkipToByteBoundary(); neededBits = 32; mode = DECODE_CHKSUM; return(true); } } int type = input.PeekBits(3); if (type < 0) { return(false); } input.DropBits(3); isLastBlock |= (type & 1) != 0; switch (type >> 1) { case DeflaterConstants.STORED_BLOCK: input.SkipToByteBoundary(); mode = DECODE_STORED_LEN1; break; case DeflaterConstants.STATIC_TREES: litlenTree = InflaterHuffmanTree.defLitLenTree; distTree = InflaterHuffmanTree.defDistTree; mode = DECODE_HUFFMAN; break; case DeflaterConstants.DYN_TREES: dynHeader = new InflaterDynHeader(input); mode = DECODE_DYN_HEADER; break; default: throw new SharpZipBaseException("Unknown block type " + type); } return(true); case DECODE_STORED_LEN1: { if ((uncomprLen = input.PeekBits(16)) < 0) { return(false); } input.DropBits(16); mode = DECODE_STORED_LEN2; } goto case DECODE_STORED_LEN2; // fall through case DECODE_STORED_LEN2: { int nlen = input.PeekBits(16); if (nlen < 0) { return(false); } input.DropBits(16); if (nlen != (uncomprLen ^ 0xffff)) { throw new SharpZipBaseException("broken uncompressed block"); } mode = DECODE_STORED; } goto case DECODE_STORED; // fall through case DECODE_STORED: { int more = outputWindow.CopyStored(input, uncomprLen); uncomprLen -= more; if (uncomprLen == 0) { mode = DECODE_BLOCKS; return(true); } return(!input.IsNeedingInput); } case DECODE_DYN_HEADER: if (!dynHeader.AttemptRead()) { return(false); } litlenTree = dynHeader.LiteralLengthTree; distTree = dynHeader.DistanceTree; mode = DECODE_HUFFMAN; goto case DECODE_HUFFMAN; // fall through case DECODE_HUFFMAN: case DECODE_HUFFMAN_LENBITS: case DECODE_HUFFMAN_DIST: case DECODE_HUFFMAN_DISTBITS: return(DecodeHuffman()); case FINISHED: return(false); default: throw new SharpZipBaseException("Inflater.Decode unknown mode"); } }
private bool Decode() { switch (mode) { case 0: return(DecodeHeader()); case 1: return(DecodeDict()); case 11: return(DecodeChksum()); case 2: { if (isLastBlock) { if (noHeader) { mode = 12; return(false); } input.SkipToByteBoundary(); neededBits = 32; mode = 11; return(true); } int num = input.PeekBits(3); if (num < 0) { return(false); } input.DropBits(3); if (((uint)num & (true ? 1u : 0u)) != 0) { isLastBlock = true; } switch (num >> 1) { case 0: input.SkipToByteBoundary(); mode = 3; break; case 1: litlenTree = InflaterHuffmanTree.defLitLenTree; distTree = InflaterHuffmanTree.defDistTree; mode = 7; break; case 2: dynHeader = new InflaterDynHeader(); mode = 6; break; default: throw new SharpZipBaseException(string.Concat((object)"Unknown block type ", (object)num)); } return(true); } case 3: if ((uncomprLen = input.PeekBits(16)) < 0) { return(false); } input.DropBits(16); mode = 4; goto case 4; case 4: { int num3 = input.PeekBits(16); if (num3 < 0) { return(false); } input.DropBits(16); if (num3 != (uncomprLen ^ 0xFFFF)) { throw new SharpZipBaseException("broken uncompressed block"); } mode = 5; goto case 5; } case 5: { int num2 = outputWindow.CopyStored(input, uncomprLen); uncomprLen -= num2; if (uncomprLen == 0) { mode = 2; return(true); } return(!input.IsNeedingInput); } case 6: if (!dynHeader.Decode(input)) { return(false); } litlenTree = dynHeader.BuildLitLenTree(); distTree = dynHeader.BuildDistTree(); mode = 7; goto case 7; case 7: case 8: case 9: case 10: return(DecodeHuffman()); case 12: return(false); default: throw new SharpZipBaseException("Inflater.Decode unknown mode"); } }
/// <summary> /// Decodes the deflated stream. /// </summary> /// <returns> /// false if more input is needed, or if finished. /// </returns> /// <exception cref="SharpZipBaseException"> /// if deflated stream is invalid. /// </exception> private bool Decode() { switch (mode) { case DECODE_HEADER: return(DecodeHeader()); case DECODE_DICT: return(DecodeDict()); case DECODE_CHKSUM: return(DecodeChksum()); case DECODE_BLOCKS: if (isLastBlock) { if (noHeader) { mode = FINISHED; return(false); } else { input.SkipToByteBoundary(); neededBits = 32; mode = DECODE_CHKSUM; return(true); } } int blockType; if (!ReadHeader(ref isLastBlock, out blockType)) { return(false); } switch (blockType) { case STORED_BLOCK: input.SkipToByteBoundary(); mode = DECODE_STORED_LEN1; break; case STATIC_TREES: litlenTree = InflaterHuffmanTree.defLitLenTree; distTree = InflaterHuffmanTree.defDistTree; mode = DECODE_HUFFMAN; break; case DYN_TREES: dynHeader = new InflaterDynHeader(); mode = DECODE_DYN_HEADER; break; default: throw new SharpZipBaseException("Unknown block type " + blockType); } return(true); case DECODE_STORED_LEN1: if (!DecodeStoredLength()) { return(false); } mode = DECODE_STORED; goto case DECODE_STORED; // fall through case DECODE_STORED: { int more = outputWindow.CopyStored(input, uncomprLen); uncomprLen -= more; if (uncomprLen == 0) { mode = DECODE_BLOCKS; return(true); } return(!input.IsNeedingInput); } case DECODE_DYN_HEADER: if (!dynHeader.Decode(input)) { return(false); } litlenTree = dynHeader.BuildLitLenTree(); distTree = dynHeader.BuildDistTree(); mode = DECODE_HUFFMAN; goto case DECODE_HUFFMAN; // fall through case DECODE_HUFFMAN: case DECODE_HUFFMAN_LENBITS: case DECODE_HUFFMAN_DIST: case DECODE_HUFFMAN_DISTBITS: return(DecodeHuffman()); case FINISHED: return(false); default: throw new SharpZipBaseException("Inflater.Decode unknown mode"); } }
private bool Decode() { int num2; int num3; switch (mode) { case 0: return(DecodeHeader()); case 1: return(DecodeDict()); case 2: if (!isLastBlock) { int num = input.PeekBits(3); if (num < 0) { return(false); } input.DropBits(3); if ((num & 1) != 0) { isLastBlock = true; } switch ((num >> 1)) { case 0: input.SkipToByteBoundary(); mode = 3; goto Label_0134; case 1: litlenTree = InflaterHuffmanTree.DefLitLenTree; distTree = InflaterHuffmanTree.DefDistTree; mode = 7; goto Label_0134; case 2: dynHeader = new InflaterDynHeader(); mode = 6; goto Label_0134; } throw new SharpZipBaseException("Unknown block type " + num); } if (!noHeader) { input.SkipToByteBoundary(); neededBits = 0x20; mode = DECODE_CHKSUM; return(true); } mode = FINISHED; return(false); case 3: uncomprLen = input.PeekBits(0x10); if (uncomprLen >= 0) { input.DropBits(0x10); mode = 4; goto Label_0167; } return(false); case 4: goto Label_0167; case 5: goto Label_01A9; case 6: if (dynHeader.Decode(input)) { litlenTree = dynHeader.BuildLitLenTree(); distTree = dynHeader.BuildDistTree(); mode = 7; goto Label_022D; } return(false); case 7: case 8: case 9: case 10: goto Label_022D; case DECODE_CHKSUM: return(DecodeChksum()); case FINISHED: return(false); default: throw new SharpZipBaseException("Inflater.Decode unknown mode"); } Label_0134: return(true); Label_0167: num2 = input.PeekBits(0x10); if (num2 < 0) { return(false); } input.DropBits(0x10); if (num2 != (uncomprLen ^ 0xffff)) { throw new SharpZipBaseException("broken uncompressed block"); } mode = 5; Label_01A9: num3 = outputWindow.CopyStored(input, uncomprLen); uncomprLen -= num3; if (uncomprLen == 0) { mode = 2; return(true); } return(!input.IsNeedingInput); Label_022D: return(DecodeHuffman()); }
/// <summary> /// Decodes the deflated stream. /// </summary> /// <returns> /// false if more input is needed, or if State.Done. /// </returns> /// <exception cref="InvalidDataException"> /// if deflated stream is invalid. /// </exception> bool Decode() { switch (mode) { case State.Header: return(DecodeHeader()); case State.Dictionary: return(DecodeDict()); case State.Checksum: return(DecodeChksum()); case State.Blocks: if (isLastBlock) { if (noHeader) { mode = State.Done; return(false); } else { input.SkipToByteBoundary(); neededBits = 32; mode = State.Checksum; return(true); } } var type = input.PeekBits(3); if (type < 0) { return(false); } input.DropBits(3); isLastBlock |= (type & 1) != 0; switch (type >> 1) { case DeflaterConstants.StoredBlock: input.SkipToByteBoundary(); mode = State.StoredLen1; break; case DeflaterConstants.StaticTree: litlenTree = InflaterHuffmanTree.DefLitLenTree; distTree = InflaterHuffmanTree.DefDistTree; mode = State.Huffman; break; case DeflaterConstants.DynamicTree: dynHeader = new InflaterDynHeader(); mode = State.DynamicHeader; break; default: throw new NotSupportedException("Unknown block type " + type); } return(true); case State.StoredLen1: { if ((uncomprLen = input.PeekBits(16)) < 0) { return(false); } input.DropBits(16); mode = State.StoredLen2; } goto case State.StoredLen2; // fall through case State.StoredLen2: { var nlen = input.PeekBits(16); if (nlen < 0) { return(false); } input.DropBits(16); if (nlen != (uncomprLen ^ 0xffff)) { throw new InvalidDataException("broken uncompressed block"); } mode = State.Stored; goto case State.Stored; // fall through } case State.Stored: { var more = outputWindow.CopyStored(input, uncomprLen); uncomprLen -= more; if (uncomprLen == 0) { mode = State.Blocks; return(true); } return(!input.IsNeedingInput); } case State.DynamicHeader: if (!dynHeader.Decode(input)) { return(false); } litlenTree = dynHeader.BuildLitLenTree(); distTree = dynHeader.BuildDistTree(); mode = State.Huffman; goto case State.Huffman; // fall through case State.Huffman: case State.HuffmanLenBits: case State.HuffmanDist: case State.HuffmanDistBits: return(DecodeHuffman()); case State.Done: return(false); default: throw new InvalidDataException("Inflater.Decode unknown mode"); } }