private void importFile(string fullFileName) { try { string fileName = Path.GetFileName(fullFileName); LoggerService.WriteLog(string.Format("Importando arquivo: {0}", fileName),; using (StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(fullFileName)) { string line = null; FileContent fileContent = new FileContent(); while ((line = sr.ReadLine()) != null) { processLine(fileContent, line); } sr.Close(); OutputFileContent outputFileContent = summarizeFile(fileContent); saveReport(outputFileContent, fileName); LoggerService.WriteLog(string.Format("Arquivo {0} processado", fileName),; string processedFile = Path.Combine(_fileImporterConfiguration.processedFilesDir, fileName); moveAndReplaceFile(fullFileName, processedFile); } } catch (Exception ex) { LoggerService.WriteLog("Erro procesando arquivo.", LoggerService.LogType.error, ex); } }
/// <summary> /// Gera dados do relatório /// * Quantidade de clientes no arquivo de entrada /// * Quantidade de vendedor no arquivo de entrada /// * ID da venda mais cara /// * O pior vendedor /// </summary> private OutputFileContent summarizeFile(FileContent fileContent) { OutputFileContent outputFileContent = new OutputFileContent(); outputFileContent.CustomerCount = fileContent.Customers.Count; outputFileContent.SellerCount = fileContent.Sellers.Count; //Pode haver mais de uma venda com o mesmo valor decimal bestSale = 0; if (fileContent.Sales.Count > 0) { bestSale = fileContent.Sales.Max(o => o.SalesTotalValue); } List <Sales> totalBySaller = (from s in fileContent.Sales group s by new { s.SalesmanName } into grp select new Sales { SalesmanName = grp.Key.SalesmanName, SalesTotalValue = grp.Sum(o => o.SalesTotalValue) }).ToList(); decimal worstSale = 0; if (totalBySaller.Count > 0) { worstSale = totalBySaller.Min(o => o.SalesTotalValue); } outputFileContent.ExpensiveSaleId = fileContent.Sales.Where(o => o.SalesTotalValue == bestSale).Select(o => o.SaleId).ToArray(); outputFileContent.WorstSaller = totalBySaller.Where(o => o.SalesTotalValue == worstSale).Select(o => o.SalesmanName).ToArray(); return(outputFileContent); }
/// <summary> /// Analyze file content /// </summary> /// <param name="file"></param> private static OutputFileContent AnalyzeFile(FileInfo file) { FileContent content = ParseToFileContent(file); OutputFileContent outputFileContent = new OutputFileContent(content); return(outputFileContent); }
private string AssertDuplicates(List <FileInfo> filesInfolder, OutputFileContent file) { var fullPath = $"{_configuration["OutputPath"]}{file.FileName}"; return(filesInfolder.Any(f => f.Name == file.FileName) ? fullPath.Replace(file.FileExtension , $" - {filesInfolder.Count(f => f.Name == file.FileName) + 1}{file.FileExtension}") : fullPath); }
private string ReplaceAllPlaceHolders(string template, OutputFileContent file) { return(template .Replace(_configuration["FileNamePlaceHolder"], file.FileName) .Replace(_configuration["SalesmenQuantityPlaceHolder"], file.SalesmenQuantity.ToString()) .Replace(_configuration["CustomersQuantityPlaceHolder"], file.CustomersQuantity.ToString()) .Replace(_configuration["MostExpensiveSalePlaceHolder"], file.MostExpensiveSale.ToString()) .Replace(_configuration["WorstSalesmanPlaceHolder"], file.WorstSalesman) .Replace(_configuration["GeneratedAtPlaceHolder"], file.GenerationDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"))); }
public void Execute() { try { //init object IRepository _InputRepository = new InputRepository(); if (_InputRepository.HasFiles()) { OutputRepository _outputRepository = new OutputRepository(); //Get files from path FileInfo[] files = _InputRepository.GetAll(); //Extract information by each one Parallel.ForEach(files, item => { OutputFileContent outputFileContent = null; try { //try parse files outputFileContent = AnalyzeFile(item); } catch (Exception ex) { //Move to rejected folder if has error to parse _InputRepository.RejectFile(item); _logger.Error(ex, $"The file {item.Name} cannot be converted and has been moved to the rejected folder."); //move to next interaction return; } //log the processed information _logger.Information($"Processed file {item.FullName} output: {Serializer.Serialize(outputFileContent)}"); //Save file in output diretory _outputRepository.AddFile(outputFileContent); //create backup _InputRepository.BackupFile(item.FullName); //delete from input folder _InputRepository.DeleteFile(item.FullName); }); } } catch (IOException ex) { _logger.Error(ex, "An I/O error is ocurred"); } catch (Exception ex) { _logger.Error(ex, "An error is ocurred"); } }
public void AddFile(OutputFileContent content) { string FileName = content.Identifier.ToString() + ".txt"; // Create a new file using (StreamWriter sw = File.CreateText(Path.Combine(PathUtil.GetOutputPathMonitor(), FileName))) { sw.WriteLine("Sales report."); sw.WriteLine("Customer quantity: {0}", content.CustomerQuantity); sw.WriteLine("Sellers quantity: {0}", content.SellerQuantity); sw.WriteLine("Most expensive sale Id: {0}", content.IdMostExpansiveSale); sw.WriteLine("Worst seller: {0}", content.WorstSeller); } }
private void saveReport(OutputFileContent outputFileContent, string fileName) { try { string outputFileName = fileName.ToLower().Replace(_fileImporterConfiguration.extentionFile.ToLower(), _fileImporterConfiguration.processedExtentionFile.ToLower()); string outputString = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(outputFileContent); LoggerService.WriteLog(string.Format("Criando relatório {0}", outputFileName),; using (StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(Path.Combine(_fileImporterConfiguration.outputDir, outputFileName))) { sw.WriteLine(outputString); sw.Close(); } } catch (Exception ex) { LoggerService.WriteLog("Não foi possível mover arquivo", LoggerService.LogType.error, ex); } }
public void TestSumarizeReport() { LoggerService.disableLogger = true; FileContent fileContent = new FileContent(); fileContent.Sales.Add(new Sales { SaleId = 1, SalesmanName = "Pedro", SalesTotalValue = 100 }); fileContent.Sales.Add(new Sales { SaleId = 2, SalesmanName = "Carlos", SalesTotalValue = 200 }); fileContent.Sales.Add(new Sales { SaleId = 3, SalesmanName = "Pedro", SalesTotalValue = 200 }); fileContent.Sellers.Add(new Seller { CPF = "111111111", Name = "Pedro", Salary = 2500.55m }); fileContent.Sellers.Add(new Seller { CPF = "222222222", Name = "Carlos", Salary = 2800.55m }); fileContent.Customers.Add(new Customer { CNPJ = "99999999999999", BusinessArea = "TI", Name = "XXX LTDA" }); fileContent.Customers.Add(new Customer { CNPJ = "88888888888888", BusinessArea = "Agro", Name = "YYY LTDA" }); FileImporterService fileImporterService = new FileImporterService(configureFileImporterParameters()); PrivateObject obj = new PrivateObject(fileImporterService); OutputFileContent summarizeFile = (OutputFileContent)obj.Invoke("summarizeFile", fileContent); Assert.IsTrue( summarizeFile.CustomerCount == 2 && summarizeFile.SellerCount == 2 && Enumerable.SequenceEqual(summarizeFile.ExpensiveSaleId, new int[] { 2, 3 }) && Enumerable.SequenceEqual(summarizeFile.WorstSaller, new string[] { "Carlos" }) ); }
public void GenerateFIle(OutputFileContentDto outputDto) { _logger.LogInformation($"{outputDto.FileName} output is been generated."); var outputContent = new OutputFileContent { FileName = outputDto.FileName, FileExtension = outputDto.FileExtension, SalesmenQuantity = outputDto.SalesmenQuantity, CustomersQuantity = outputDto.CustomersQuantity, MostExpensiveSale = outputDto.MostExpensiveSale, WorstSalesman = outputDto.WorstSalesman, GenerationDate = outputDto.GenerationDate }; var folderFiles = GetFilesInfolder(); var fileFullName = AssertDuplicates(folderFiles, outputContent); var template = File.ReadAllText(_configuration["TemplateFullPath"]); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(template)) { _logger.LogCritical("Template file cannot be found"); return; } var replacedTemplate = ReplaceAllPlaceHolders(template, outputContent); _logger.LogInformation("Template replaced, writing output file"); File.WriteAllText(fileFullName, replacedTemplate); _logger.LogInformation("Saving processed file into the database for service trace history"); _context.OutputFilesContent.Add(outputContent); _context.SaveChanges(); }