Пример #1
        private int RemoveBox()
            Otri otri  = new Otri();
            Otri otri1 = new Otri();
            Otri otri2 = new Otri();
            Otri otri3 = new Otri();
            Otri otri4 = new Otri();
            Otri otri5 = new Otri();
            bool poly  = !this.mesh.behavior.Poly;

            otri3.triangle = Mesh.dummytri;
            otri3.orient   = 0;
            otri3.Lprev(ref otri4);
            otri3.Lprev(ref otri1);
            otri3.Lnext(ref otri2);
            if (otri2.triangle == Mesh.dummytri)
            Mesh.dummytri.neighbors[0] = otri1;
            int num = -2;

            while (!otri3.Equal(otri4))
                otri3.Lprev(ref otri5);
                if (poly && otri5.triangle != Mesh.dummytri)
                    Vertex vertex = otri5.Org();
                    if (vertex.mark == 0)
                        vertex.mark = 1;
                otri3.Lnext(ref otri);
                otri.Sym(ref otri3);
                if (otri3.triangle != Mesh.dummytri)
                otri5.Copy(ref otri3);
Пример #2
        /// <summary>
        ///     Scout the first triangle on the path from one endpoint to another, and check
        ///     for completion (reaching the second endpoint), a collinear vertex, or the
        ///     intersection of two segments.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="searchtri"></param>
        /// <param name="endpoint2"></param>
        /// <param name="newmark"></param>
        /// <returns>
        ///     Returns true if the entire segment is successfully inserted, and false
        ///     if the job must be finished by ConstrainedEdge().
        /// </returns>
        /// <remarks>
        ///     If the first triangle on the path has the second endpoint as its
        ///     destination or apex, a subsegment is inserted and the job is done.
        ///     If the first triangle on the path has a destination or apex that lies on
        ///     the segment, a subsegment is inserted connecting the first endpoint to
        ///     the collinear vertex, and the search is continued from the collinear
        ///     vertex.
        ///     If the first triangle on the path has a subsegment opposite its origin,
        ///     then there is a segment that intersects the segment being inserted.
        ///     Their intersection vertex is inserted, splitting the subsegment.
        /// </remarks>
        private bool ScoutSegment(ref Otri searchtri, Vertex endpoint2, ushort newmark)
            Otri   crosstri = default(Otri);
            Osub   crosssubseg = default(Osub);
            Vertex leftvertex, rightvertex;
            FindDirectionResult collinear;

            collinear   = FindDirection(ref searchtri, endpoint2);
            rightvertex = searchtri.Dest();
            leftvertex  = searchtri.Apex();
            if (((leftvertex.X == endpoint2.X) && (leftvertex.Y == endpoint2.Y)) ||
                ((rightvertex.X == endpoint2.X) && (rightvertex.Y == endpoint2.Y)))
                // The segment is already an edge in the mesh.
                if ((leftvertex.X == endpoint2.X) && (leftvertex.Y == endpoint2.Y))
                // Insert a subsegment, if there isn't already one there.
                mesh.InsertSubseg(ref searchtri, newmark);
            if (collinear == FindDirectionResult.Leftcollinear)
                // We've collided with a vertex between the segment's endpoints.
                // Make the collinear vertex be the triangle's origin.
                mesh.InsertSubseg(ref searchtri, newmark);
                // Insert the remainder of the segment.
                return(ScoutSegment(ref searchtri, endpoint2, newmark));
            if (collinear == FindDirectionResult.Rightcollinear)
                // We've collided with a vertex between the segment's endpoints.
                mesh.InsertSubseg(ref searchtri, newmark);
                // Make the collinear vertex be the triangle's origin.
                // Insert the remainder of the segment.
                return(ScoutSegment(ref searchtri, endpoint2, newmark));
            searchtri.Lnext(ref crosstri);
            crosstri.Pivot(ref crosssubseg);
            // Check for a crossing segment.
            if (crosssubseg.seg.hash == Mesh.DUMMY)
            // Insert a vertex at the intersection.
            SegmentIntersection(ref crosstri, ref crosssubseg, endpoint2);
            crosstri.Copy(ref searchtri);
            mesh.InsertSubseg(ref searchtri, newmark);
            // Insert the remainder of the segment.
            return(ScoutSegment(ref searchtri, endpoint2, newmark));
Пример #3
        private int RemoveGhosts(ref Otri startghost)
            Otri otri  = new Otri();
            Otri otri1 = new Otri();
            Otri otri2 = new Otri();
            bool poly  = !this.mesh.behavior.Poly;

            startghost.Lprev(ref otri);
            Mesh.dummytri.neighbors[0] = otri;
            startghost.Copy(ref otri1);
            int num = 0;

                otri1.Lnext(ref otri2);
                if (poly && otri1.triangle != Mesh.dummytri)
                    Vertex vertex = otri1.Org();
                    if (vertex.mark == 0)
                        vertex.mark = 1;
                otri2.Sym(ref otri1);
            }while (!otri1.Equal(startghost));
Пример #4
        public void TestLprev()
            var triangles = CreateExampleMesh();

            Otri t = default;

            // The center triangle.
            t.tri    = triangles[1];
            t.orient = 0;

            Assert.AreEqual(3, t.Org().ID);

            Assert.AreEqual(4, t.Org().ID);

            Assert.AreEqual(1, t.Org().ID);
Пример #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Removes ghost triangles.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="startghost"></param>
        /// <returns>Number of vertices on the hull.</returns>
        int RemoveGhosts(ref Otri startghost)
            Otri   searchedge   = default(Otri);
            Otri   dissolveedge = default(Otri);
            Otri   deadtriangle = default(Otri);
            Vertex markorg;
            int    hullsize;

            bool noPoly = !mesh.behavior.Poly;

            var dummytri = mesh.dummytri;

            // Find an edge on the convex hull to start point location from.
            startghost.Lprev(ref searchedge);
            dummytri.neighbors[0] = searchedge;
            // Remove the bounding box and count the convex hull edges.
            startghost.Copy(ref dissolveedge);
            hullsize = 0;
                dissolveedge.Lnext(ref deadtriangle);

                // If no PSLG is involved, set the boundary markers of all the vertices
                // on the convex hull.  If a PSLG is used, this step is done later.
                if (noPoly)
                    // Watch out for the case where all the input vertices are collinear.
                    if (dissolveedge.tri.id != Mesh.DUMMY)
                        markorg = dissolveedge.Org();
                        if (markorg.label == 0)
                            markorg.label = 1;
                // Remove a bounding triangle from a convex hull triangle.
                // Find the next bounding triangle.
                deadtriangle.Sym(ref dissolveedge);

                // Delete the bounding triangle.
            } while (!dissolveedge.Equals(startghost));

Пример #6
        private void InvokePrimitive(string name)
            if (name == "sym")
            else if (name == "lnext")
            else if (name == "lprev")
            else if (name == "onext")
            else if (name == "oprev")
            else if (name == "dnext")
            else if (name == "dprev")
            else if (name == "rnext")
            else if (name == "rprev")

        /// <summary>
        /// Inserts a vertex at the circumcenter of a triangle. Deletes
        /// the newly inserted vertex if it encroaches upon a segment.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="badtri"></param>
        private void SplitTriangle(BadTriangle badtri)
            Otri               badotri = default(Otri);
            Vertex             borg, bdest, bapex;
            Point              newloc; // Location of the new vertex
            double             xi = 0, eta = 0;
            InsertVertexResult success;
            bool               errorflag;

            badotri = badtri.poortri;
            borg    = badotri.Org();
            bdest   = badotri.Dest();
            bapex   = badotri.Apex();

            // Make sure that this triangle is still the same triangle it was
            // when it was tested and determined to be of bad quality.
            // Subsequent transformations may have made it a different triangle.
            if (!Otri.IsDead(badotri.tri) && (borg == badtri.org) &&
                (bdest == badtri.dest) && (bapex == badtri.apex))
                errorflag = false;
                // Create a new vertex at the triangle's circumcenter.

                // Using the original (simpler) Steiner point location method
                // for mesh refinement.
                // TODO: NewLocation doesn't work for refinement. Why? Maybe
                // reset VertexType?
                if (behavior.fixedArea || behavior.VarArea)
                    newloc = predicates.FindCircumcenter(borg, bdest, bapex, ref xi, ref eta, behavior.offconstant);
                    newloc = newLocation.FindLocation(borg, bdest, bapex, ref xi, ref eta, true, badotri);

                // Check whether the new vertex lies on a triangle vertex.
                if (((newloc.x == borg.x) && (newloc.y == borg.y)) ||
                    ((newloc.x == bdest.x) && (newloc.y == bdest.y)) ||
                    ((newloc.x == bapex.x) && (newloc.y == bapex.y)))
                    if (Log.Verbose)
                        logger.Warning("New vertex falls on existing vertex.", "Quality.SplitTriangle()");
                        errorflag = true;
                    // The new vertex must be in the interior, and therefore is a
                    // free vertex with a marker of zero.
                    Vertex newvertex = new Vertex(newloc.x, newloc.y, 0
                                                  , mesh.nextras

                    newvertex.type = VertexType.FreeVertex;

                    // Ensure that the handle 'badotri' does not represent the longest
                    // edge of the triangle.  This ensures that the circumcenter must
                    // fall to the left of this edge, so point location will work.
                    // (If the angle org-apex-dest exceeds 90 degrees, then the
                    // circumcenter lies outside the org-dest edge, and eta is
                    // negative.  Roundoff error might prevent eta from being
                    // negative when it should be, so I test eta against xi.)
                    if (eta < xi)

                    // Assign triangle for attributes interpolation.
                    newvertex.tri.tri = newvertex_tri;

                    // Insert the circumcenter, searching from the edge of the triangle,
                    // and maintain the Delaunay property of the triangulation.
                    Osub tmp = default(Osub);
                    success = mesh.InsertVertex(newvertex, ref badotri, ref tmp, true, true);

                    if (success == InsertVertexResult.Successful)
                        newvertex.hash = mesh.hash_vtx++;
                        newvertex.id   = newvertex.hash;
                        if (mesh.nextras > 0)
                            Interpolation.InterpolateAttributes(newvertex, newvertex.tri.tri, mesh.nextras);
#if USE_Z
                        Interpolation.InterpolateZ(newvertex, newvertex.tri.tri);
                        mesh.vertices.Add(newvertex.hash, newvertex);

                        if (mesh.steinerleft > 0)
                    else if (success == InsertVertexResult.Encroaching)
                        // If the newly inserted vertex encroaches upon a subsegment,
                        // delete the new vertex.
                    else if (success == InsertVertexResult.Violating)
                        // Failed to insert the new vertex, but some subsegment was
                        // marked as being encroached.
                    {   // success == DUPLICATEVERTEX
                        // Couldn't insert the new vertex because a vertex is already there.
                        if (Log.Verbose)
                            logger.Warning("New vertex falls on existing vertex.", "Quality.SplitTriangle()");
                            errorflag = true;
                if (errorflag)
                    logger.Error("The new vertex is at the circumcenter of triangle: This probably "
                                 + "means that I am trying to refine triangles to a smaller size than can be "
                                 + "accommodated by the finite precision of floating point arithmetic.",

                    throw new Exception("The new vertex is at the circumcenter of triangle.");
Пример #8
        public int Triangulate(Mesh mesh)
            SweepLine.SweepEvent[] sweepEventArray;
            SweepLine.SweepEvent   sweepEvent;
            Vertex vertex;
            Vertex vertex1;
            Vertex vertex2;
            Vertex vertex3;

            this.mesh        = mesh;
            this.xminextreme = 10 * mesh.bounds.Xmin - 9 * mesh.bounds.Xmax;
            Otri otri  = new Otri();
            Otri otri1 = new Otri();
            Otri otri2 = new Otri();
            Otri otri3 = new Otri();
            Otri otri4 = new Otri();
            Otri otri5 = new Otri();
            Otri otri6 = new Otri();
            bool i     = false;

            this.splaynodes = new List <SweepLine.SplayNode>();
            SweepLine.SplayNode splayNode = null;
            this.CreateHeap(out sweepEventArray);
            int num = mesh.invertices;

            mesh.MakeTriangle(ref otri2);
            mesh.MakeTriangle(ref otri3);
            otri2.Bond(ref otri3);
            otri2.Bond(ref otri3);
            otri2.Bond(ref otri3);
            Vertex vertex4 = sweepEventArray[0].vertexEvent;

            this.HeapDelete(sweepEventArray, num, 0);
                if (num == 0)
                    SimpleLog.Instance.Error("Input vertices are all identical.", "SweepLine.SweepLineDelaunay()");
                    throw new Exception("Input vertices are all identical.");
                vertex = sweepEventArray[0].vertexEvent;
                this.HeapDelete(sweepEventArray, num, 0);
                if (vertex4.x != vertex.x || vertex4.y != vertex.y)
                if (Behavior.Verbose)
                    SimpleLog.Instance.Warning("A duplicate vertex appeared and was ignored.", "SweepLine.SweepLineDelaunay().1");
                vertex.type = VertexType.UndeadVertex;
                Mesh mesh1 = mesh;
                mesh1.undeads = mesh1.undeads + 1;
            }while (vertex4.x == vertex.x && vertex4.y == vertex.y);
            otri2.Lprev(ref otri);
            Vertex vertex5 = vertex;

            while (num > 0)
                SweepLine.SweepEvent sweepEvent1 = sweepEventArray[0];
                this.HeapDelete(sweepEventArray, num, 0);
                bool flag = true;
                if (sweepEvent1.xkey >= mesh.bounds.Xmin)
                    Vertex vertex6 = sweepEvent1.vertexEvent;
                    if (vertex6.x != vertex5.x || vertex6.y != vertex5.y)
                        vertex5   = vertex6;
                        splayNode = this.FrontLocate(splayNode, otri, vertex6, ref otri1, ref i);
                        otri.Copy(ref otri1);
                        for (i = false; !i && this.RightOfHyperbola(ref otri1, vertex6); i = otri1.Equal(otri))
                        this.Check4DeadEvent(ref otri1, sweepEventArray, ref num);
                        otri1.Copy(ref otri5);
                        otri1.Sym(ref otri4);
                        mesh.MakeTriangle(ref otri2);
                        mesh.MakeTriangle(ref otri3);
                        Vertex vertex7 = otri5.Dest();
                        otri2.Bond(ref otri3);
                        otri2.Bond(ref otri3);
                        otri2.Bond(ref otri4);
                        otri3.Bond(ref otri5);
                        if (!i && otri5.Equal(otri))
                            otri2.Copy(ref otri);
                        if (this.randomnation(SweepLine.SAMPLERATE) == 0)
                            splayNode = this.SplayInsert(splayNode, otri2, vertex6);
                        else if (this.randomnation(SweepLine.SAMPLERATE) == 0)
                            otri3.Lnext(ref otri6);
                            splayNode = this.SplayInsert(splayNode, otri6, vertex6);
                        if (Behavior.Verbose)
                            SimpleLog.Instance.Warning("A duplicate vertex appeared and was ignored.", "SweepLine.SweepLineDelaunay().2");
                        vertex6.type = VertexType.UndeadVertex;
                        Mesh mesh2 = mesh;
                        mesh2.undeads = mesh2.undeads + 1;
                        flag          = false;
                    Otri otri7 = sweepEvent1.otriEvent;
                    otri7.Oprev(ref otri4);
                    this.Check4DeadEvent(ref otri4, sweepEventArray, ref num);
                    otri7.Onext(ref otri5);
                    this.Check4DeadEvent(ref otri5, sweepEventArray, ref num);
                    if (otri4.Equal(otri))
                        otri7.Lprev(ref otri);
                    mesh.Flip(ref otri7);
                    otri7.Lprev(ref otri2);
                    otri7.Lnext(ref otri3);
                    otri2.Sym(ref otri4);
                    if (this.randomnation(SweepLine.SAMPLERATE) == 0)
                        vertex1   = otri7.Dest();
                        vertex2   = otri7.Apex();
                        vertex3   = otri7.Org();
                        splayNode = this.CircleTopInsert(splayNode, otri2, vertex1, vertex2, vertex3, sweepEvent1.ykey);
                if (!flag)
                vertex1 = otri4.Apex();
                vertex2 = otri2.Dest();
                vertex3 = otri2.Apex();
                double num1 = Primitives.CounterClockwise(vertex1, vertex2, vertex3);
                if (num1 > 0)
                    sweepEvent = new SweepLine.SweepEvent()
                        xkey      = this.xminextreme,
                        ykey      = this.CircleTop(vertex1, vertex2, vertex3, num1),
                        otriEvent = otri2
                    this.HeapInsert(sweepEventArray, num, sweepEvent);
                    otri2.SetOrg(new SweepLine.SweepEventVertex(sweepEvent));
                vertex1 = otri3.Apex();
                vertex2 = otri3.Org();
                vertex3 = otri5.Apex();
                double num2 = Primitives.CounterClockwise(vertex1, vertex2, vertex3);
                if (num2 <= 0)
                sweepEvent = new SweepLine.SweepEvent()
                    xkey      = this.xminextreme,
                    ykey      = this.CircleTop(vertex1, vertex2, vertex3, num2),
                    otriEvent = otri5
                this.HeapInsert(sweepEventArray, num, sweepEvent);
                otri5.SetOrg(new SweepLine.SweepEventVertex(sweepEvent));
            return(this.RemoveGhosts(ref otri));
Пример #9
        private void MergeHulls(ref Otri farleft, ref Otri innerleft, ref Otri innerright, ref Otri farright, int axis)
            Vertex vertex;
            Vertex vertex1;
            Vertex vertex2;
            Vertex vertex3;
            Vertex vertex4;
            Vertex i;
            bool   flag;
            bool   flag1;
            Otri   otri    = new Otri();
            Otri   otri1   = new Otri();
            Otri   otri2   = new Otri();
            Otri   otri3   = new Otri();
            Otri   otri4   = new Otri();
            Otri   otri5   = new Otri();
            Otri   otri6   = new Otri();
            Otri   otri7   = new Otri();
            Vertex vertex5 = innerleft.Dest();
            Vertex vertex6 = innerleft.Apex();
            Vertex vertex7 = innerright.Org();
            Vertex vertex8 = innerright.Apex();

            if (this.useDwyer && axis == 1)
                vertex  = farleft.Org();
                vertex2 = farleft.Apex();
                vertex1 = farright.Dest();
                vertex3 = farright.Apex();
                while (vertex2.y < vertex.y)
                    vertex  = vertex2;
                    vertex2 = farleft.Apex();
                innerleft.Sym(ref otri6);
                for (i = otri6.Apex(); i.y > vertex5.y; i = otri6.Apex())
                    otri6.Lnext(ref innerleft);
                    vertex6 = vertex5;
                    vertex5 = i;
                    innerleft.Sym(ref otri6);
                while (vertex8.y < vertex7.y)
                    vertex7 = vertex8;
                    vertex8 = innerright.Apex();
                farright.Sym(ref otri6);
                for (i = otri6.Apex(); i.y > vertex1.y; i = otri6.Apex())
                    otri6.Lnext(ref farright);
                    vertex3 = vertex1;
                    vertex1 = i;
                    farright.Sym(ref otri6);
                flag = false;
                if (Primitives.CounterClockwise(vertex5, vertex6, vertex7) > 0)
                    vertex5 = vertex6;
                    vertex6 = innerleft.Apex();
                    flag    = true;
                if (Primitives.CounterClockwise(vertex8, vertex7, vertex5) <= 0)
                vertex7 = vertex8;
                vertex8 = innerright.Apex();
                flag    = true;
            }while (flag);
            innerleft.Sym(ref otri);
            innerright.Sym(ref otri1);
            this.mesh.MakeTriangle(ref otri7);
            otri7.Bond(ref innerleft);
            otri7.Bond(ref innerright);
            vertex = farleft.Org();
            if (vertex5 == vertex)
                otri7.Lnext(ref farleft);
            vertex1 = farright.Dest();
            if (vertex7 == vertex1)
                otri7.Lprev(ref farright);
            Vertex vertex9  = vertex5;
            Vertex vertex10 = vertex7;
            Vertex vertex11 = otri.Apex();
            Vertex vertex12 = otri1.Apex();

            while (true)
                bool flag2 = Primitives.CounterClockwise(vertex11, vertex9, vertex10) <= 0;
                bool flag3 = Primitives.CounterClockwise(vertex12, vertex9, vertex10) <= 0;
                if (flag2 & flag3)
                if (!flag2)
                    otri.Lprev(ref otri2);
                    vertex4 = otri2.Apex();
                    if (vertex4 != null)
                        flag1 = Primitives.InCircle(vertex9, vertex10, vertex11, vertex4) > 0;
                        while (flag1)
                            otri2.Sym(ref otri4);
                            otri2.Sym(ref otri3);
                            otri2.Bond(ref otri4);
                            otri.Bond(ref otri3);
                            otri.Sym(ref otri5);
                            otri2.Bond(ref otri5);
                            vertex11 = vertex4;
                            otri3.Copy(ref otri2);
                            vertex4 = otri2.Apex();
                            flag1   = (vertex4 == null ? false : Primitives.InCircle(vertex9, vertex10, vertex11, vertex4) > 0);
                if (!flag3)
                    otri1.Lnext(ref otri2);
                    vertex4 = otri2.Apex();
                    if (vertex4 != null)
                        flag1 = Primitives.InCircle(vertex9, vertex10, vertex12, vertex4) > 0;
                        while (flag1)
                            otri2.Sym(ref otri4);
                            otri2.Sym(ref otri3);
                            otri2.Bond(ref otri4);
                            otri1.Bond(ref otri3);
                            otri1.Sym(ref otri5);
                            otri2.Bond(ref otri5);
                            vertex12 = vertex4;
                            otri3.Copy(ref otri2);
                            vertex4 = otri2.Apex();
                            flag1   = (vertex4 == null ? false : Primitives.InCircle(vertex9, vertex10, vertex12, vertex4) > 0);
                if (flag2 || !flag3 && Primitives.InCircle(vertex11, vertex9, vertex10, vertex12) > 0)
                    otri7.Bond(ref otri1);
                    otri1.Lprev(ref otri7);
                    vertex10 = vertex12;
                    otri7.Sym(ref otri1);
                    vertex12 = otri1.Apex();
                    otri7.Bond(ref otri);
                    otri.Lnext(ref otri7);
                    vertex9 = vertex11;
                    otri7.Sym(ref otri);
                    vertex11 = otri.Apex();
            this.mesh.MakeTriangle(ref otri2);
            otri2.Bond(ref otri7);
            otri2.Bond(ref otri1);
            otri2.Bond(ref otri);
            if (this.useDwyer && axis == 1)
                vertex  = farleft.Org();
                vertex2 = farleft.Apex();
                vertex1 = farright.Dest();
                vertex3 = farright.Apex();
                farleft.Sym(ref otri6);
                for (i = otri6.Apex(); i.x < vertex.x; i = otri6.Apex())
                    otri6.Lprev(ref farleft);
                    vertex2 = vertex;
                    vertex  = i;
                    farleft.Sym(ref otri6);
                while (vertex3.x > vertex1.x)
                    vertex1 = vertex3;
                    vertex3 = farright.Apex();
Пример #10
        /// <summary>
        /// Find a triangle or edge containing a given point.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="searchpoint">The point to locate.</param>
        /// <param name="searchtri">The triangle to start the search at.</param>
        /// <param name="stopatsubsegment"> If 'stopatsubsegment' is set, the search
        /// will stop if it tries to walk through a subsegment, and will return OUTSIDE.</param>
        /// <returns>Location information.</returns>
        /// <remarks>
        /// Begins its search from 'searchtri'. It is important that 'searchtri'
        /// be a handle with the property that 'searchpoint' is strictly to the left
        /// of the edge denoted by 'searchtri', or is collinear with that edge and
        /// does not intersect that edge. (In particular, 'searchpoint' should not
        /// be the origin or destination of that edge.)
        /// These conditions are imposed because preciselocate() is normally used in
        /// one of two situations:
        /// (1)  To try to find the location to insert a new point.  Normally, we
        ///      know an edge that the point is strictly to the left of. In the
        ///      incremental Delaunay algorithm, that edge is a bounding box edge.
        ///      In Ruppert's Delaunay refinement algorithm for quality meshing,
        ///      that edge is the shortest edge of the triangle whose circumcenter
        ///      is being inserted.
        /// (2)  To try to find an existing point.  In this case, any edge on the
        ///      convex hull is a good starting edge. You must screen out the
        ///      possibility that the vertex sought is an endpoint of the starting
        ///      edge before you call preciselocate().
        /// On completion, 'searchtri' is a triangle that contains 'searchpoint'.
        /// This implementation differs from that given by Guibas and Stolfi.  It
        /// walks from triangle to triangle, crossing an edge only if 'searchpoint'
        /// is on the other side of the line containing that edge. After entering
        /// a triangle, there are two edges by which one can leave that triangle.
        /// If both edges are valid ('searchpoint' is on the other side of both
        /// edges), one of the two is chosen by drawing a line perpendicular to
        /// the entry edge (whose endpoints are 'forg' and 'fdest') passing through
        /// 'fapex'. Depending on which side of this perpendicular 'searchpoint'
        /// falls on, an exit edge is chosen.
        /// This implementation is empirically faster than the Guibas and Stolfi
        /// point location routine (which I originally used), which tends to spiral
        /// in toward its target.
        /// Returns ONVERTEX if the point lies on an existing vertex. 'searchtri'
        /// is a handle whose origin is the existing vertex.
        /// Returns ONEDGE if the point lies on a mesh edge. 'searchtri' is a
        /// handle whose primary edge is the edge on which the point lies.
        /// Returns INTRIANGLE if the point lies strictly within a triangle.
        /// 'searchtri' is a handle on the triangle that contains the point.
        /// Returns OUTSIDE if the point lies outside the mesh. 'searchtri' is a
        /// handle whose primary edge the point is to the right of.  This might
        /// occur when the circumcenter of a triangle falls just slightly outside
        /// the mesh due to floating-point roundoff error. It also occurs when
        /// seeking a hole or region point that a foolish user has placed outside
        /// the mesh.
        /// WARNING:  This routine is designed for convex triangulations, and will
        /// not generally work after the holes and concavities have been carved.
        /// However, it can still be used to find the circumcenter of a triangle, as
        /// long as the search is begun from the triangle in question.</remarks>
        public LocateResult PreciseLocate(Point searchpoint, ref Otri searchtri,
                                          bool stopatsubsegment)
            Otri   backtracktri = default(Otri);
            Osub   checkedge = default(Osub);
            Vertex forg, fdest, fapex;
            double orgorient, destorient;
            bool   moveleft;

            // Where are we?
            forg  = searchtri.Org();
            fdest = searchtri.Dest();
            fapex = searchtri.Apex();
            while (true)
                // Check whether the apex is the point we seek.
                if ((fapex.x == searchpoint.X) && (fapex.y == searchpoint.Y))
                // Does the point lie on the other side of the line defined by the
                // triangle edge opposite the triangle's destination?
                destorient = Primitives.CounterClockwise(forg, fapex, searchpoint);
                // Does the point lie on the other side of the line defined by the
                // triangle edge opposite the triangle's origin?
                orgorient = Primitives.CounterClockwise(fapex, fdest, searchpoint);
                if (destorient > 0.0)
                    if (orgorient > 0.0)
                        // Move left if the inner product of (fapex - searchpoint) and
                        // (fdest - forg) is positive.  This is equivalent to drawing
                        // a line perpendicular to the line (forg, fdest) and passing
                        // through 'fapex', and determining which side of this line
                        // 'searchpoint' falls on.
                        moveleft = (fapex.x - searchpoint.X) * (fdest.x - forg.x) +
                                   (fapex.y - searchpoint.Y) * (fdest.y - forg.y) > 0.0;
                        moveleft = true;
                    if (orgorient > 0.0)
                        moveleft = false;
                        // The point we seek must be on the boundary of or inside this
                        // triangle.
                        if (destorient == 0.0)
                        if (orgorient == 0.0)

                // Move to another triangle. Leave a trace 'backtracktri' in case
                // floating-point roundoff or some such bogey causes us to walk
                // off a boundary of the triangulation.
                if (moveleft)
                    searchtri.Lprev(ref backtracktri);
                    fdest = fapex;
                    searchtri.Lnext(ref backtracktri);
                    forg = fapex;
                backtracktri.Sym(ref searchtri);

                if (mesh.checksegments && stopatsubsegment)
                    // Check for walking through a subsegment.
                    backtracktri.SegPivot(ref checkedge);
                    if (checkedge.seg != Mesh.dummysub)
                        // Go back to the last triangle.
                        backtracktri.Copy(ref searchtri);
                // Check for walking right out of the triangulation.
                if (searchtri.triangle == Mesh.dummytri)
                    // Go back to the last triangle.
                    backtracktri.Copy(ref searchtri);

                fapex = searchtri.Apex();
Пример #11
        /// <summary>
        /// Remove the "infinite" bounding triangle, setting boundary markers as appropriate.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>Returns the number of edges on the convex hull of the triangulation.</returns>
        /// <remarks>
        /// The triangular bounding box has three boundary triangles (one for each
        /// side of the bounding box), and a bunch of triangles fanning out from
        /// the three bounding box vertices (one triangle for each edge of the
        /// convex hull of the inner mesh).  This routine removes these triangles.
        /// </remarks>
        int RemoveBox()
            Otri   deadtriangle = default(Otri);
            Otri   searchedge = default(Otri);
            Otri   checkedge = default(Otri);
            Otri   nextedge = default(Otri), finaledge = default(Otri), dissolveedge = default(Otri);
            Vertex markorg;
            int    hullsize;

            bool noPoly = !mesh.behavior.Poly;

            // Find a boundary triangle.
            nextedge.triangle = Mesh.dummytri;
            nextedge.orient   = 0;
            // Mark a place to stop.
            nextedge.Lprev(ref finaledge);
            // Find a triangle (on the boundary of the vertex set) that isn't
            // a bounding box triangle.
            nextedge.Lprev(ref searchedge);
            // Check whether nextedge is another boundary triangle
            // adjacent to the first one.
            nextedge.Lnext(ref checkedge);
            if (checkedge.triangle == Mesh.dummytri)
                // Go on to the next triangle.  There are only three boundary
                // triangles, and this next triangle cannot be the third one,
                // so it's safe to stop here.

            // Find a new boundary edge to search from, as the current search
            // edge lies on a bounding box triangle and will be deleted.
            Mesh.dummytri.neighbors[0] = searchedge;
            hullsize = -2;
            while (!nextedge.Equal(finaledge))
                nextedge.Lprev(ref dissolveedge);
                // If not using a PSLG, the vertices should be marked now.
                // (If using a PSLG, markhull() will do the job.)
                if (noPoly)
                    // Be careful!  One must check for the case where all the input
                    // vertices are collinear, and thus all the triangles are part of
                    // the bounding box.  Otherwise, the setvertexmark() call below
                    // will cause a bad pointer reference.
                    if (dissolveedge.triangle != Mesh.dummytri)
                        markorg = dissolveedge.Org();
                        if (markorg.mark == 0)
                            markorg.mark = 1;

                // Disconnect the bounding box triangle from the mesh triangle.
                nextedge.Lnext(ref deadtriangle);
                deadtriangle.Sym(ref nextedge);
                // Get rid of the bounding box triangle.
                // Do we need to turn the corner?
                if (nextedge.triangle == Mesh.dummytri)
                    // Turn the corner.
                    dissolveedge.Copy(ref nextedge);


Пример #12
        public LocateResult PreciseLocate(Point searchpoint, ref Otri searchtri, bool stopatsubsegment)
            bool   flag;
            Otri   otri    = new Otri();
            Osub   osub    = new Osub();
            Vertex vertex  = searchtri.Org();
            Vertex vertex1 = searchtri.Dest();

            for (Vertex i = searchtri.Apex(); i.x != searchpoint.X || i.y != searchpoint.Y; i = searchtri.Apex())
                double num  = Primitives.CounterClockwise(vertex, i, searchpoint);
                double num1 = Primitives.CounterClockwise(i, vertex1, searchpoint);
                if (num <= 0)
                    if (num1 <= 0)
                        if (num == 0)
                        if (num1 != 0)
                    flag = false;
                    flag = (num1 <= 0 ? true : (i.x - searchpoint.X) * (vertex1.x - vertex.x) + (i.y - searchpoint.Y) * (vertex1.y - vertex.y) > 0);
                if (!flag)
                    searchtri.Lnext(ref otri);
                    vertex = i;
                    searchtri.Lprev(ref otri);
                    vertex1 = i;
                otri.Sym(ref searchtri);
                if (this.mesh.checksegments & stopatsubsegment)
                    otri.SegPivot(ref osub);
                    if (osub.seg != Mesh.dummysub)
                        otri.Copy(ref searchtri);
                if (searchtri.triangle == Mesh.dummytri)
                    otri.Copy(ref searchtri);
Пример #13
        /// <summary>
        /// Construct Voronoi region for given vertex.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="region"></param>
        private void ConstructCell(VoronoiRegion region)
            var vertex = region.Generator as Vertex;

            var vpoints = new List <Point>();

            Otri f      = default(Otri);
            Otri f_init = default(Otri);
            Otri f_next = default(Otri);
            Otri f_prev = default(Otri);

            Osub sub = default(Osub);

            // Call f_init a triangle incident to x
            vertex.tri.Copy(ref f_init);

            f_init.Copy(ref f);
            f_init.Onext(ref f_next);

            // Check if f_init lies on the boundary of the triangulation.
            if (f_next.tri.id == Mesh.DUMMY)
                f_init.Oprev(ref f_prev);

                if (f_prev.tri.id != Mesh.DUMMY)
                    f_init.Copy(ref f_next);
                    // Move one triangle clockwise
                    f_init.Copy(ref f);

            // Go counterclockwise until we reach the border or the initial triangle.
            while (f_next.tri.id != Mesh.DUMMY)
                // Add circumcenter of current triangle

                region.AddNeighbor(f.tri.id, regions[f.Apex().id]);

                if (f_next.Equals(f_init))
                    // Voronoi cell is complete (bounded case).

                f_next.Copy(ref f);

            // Voronoi cell is unbounded
            region.Bounded = false;

            Vertex torg, tdest, tapex;
            Point  intersection;
            int    sid, n = mesh.triangles.Count;

            // Find the boundary segment id (we use this id to number the endpoints of infinit rays).
            f.Lprev(ref f_next);
            f_next.Pivot(ref sub);
            sid = sub.seg.hash;

            // Last valid f lies at the boundary. Add the circumcenter.
            region.AddNeighbor(f.tri.id, regions[f.Apex().id]);

            // Check if the intersection with the bounding box has already been computed.
            if (!rayPoints.TryGetValue(sid, out intersection))
                torg         = f.Org();
                tapex        = f.Apex();
                intersection = IntersectionHelper.BoxRayIntersection(bounds, points[f.tri.id], torg.y - tapex.y, tapex.x - torg.x);

                // Set the correct id for the vertex
                intersection.id = n + rayIndex;

                points[n + rayIndex] = intersection;

                rayPoints.Add(sid, intersection);


            // Now walk from f_init clockwise till we reach the boundary.

            f_init.Copy(ref f);
            f.Oprev(ref f_prev);

            while (f_prev.tri.id != Mesh.DUMMY)
                region.AddNeighbor(f_prev.tri.id, regions[f_prev.Apex().id]);

                f_prev.Copy(ref f);

            // Find the boundary segment id.
            f.Pivot(ref sub);
            sid = sub.seg.hash;

            if (!rayPoints.TryGetValue(sid, out intersection))
                // Intersection has not been computed yet.
                torg  = f.Org();
                tdest = f.Dest();

                intersection = IntersectionHelper.BoxRayIntersection(bounds, points[f.tri.id], tdest.y - torg.y, torg.x - tdest.x);

                // Set the correct id for the vertex
                intersection.id = n + rayIndex;

                rayPoints.Add(sid, intersection);

                points[n + rayIndex] = intersection;

            region.AddNeighbor(intersection.id, regions[f.Dest().id]);

            // Add the new points to the region (in counter-clockwise order)
Пример #14
        /// <summary>
        /// Merge two adjacent Delaunay triangulations into a single Delaunay triangulation.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="farleft">Bounding triangles of the left triangulation.</param>
        /// <param name="innerleft">Bounding triangles of the left triangulation.</param>
        /// <param name="innerright">Bounding triangles of the right triangulation.</param>
        /// <param name="farright">Bounding triangles of the right triangulation.</param>
        /// <param name="axis"></param>
        /// <remarks>
        /// This is similar to the algorithm given by Guibas and Stolfi, but uses
        /// a triangle-based, rather than edge-based, data structure.
        /// The algorithm walks up the gap between the two triangulations, knitting
        /// them together.  As they are merged, some of their bounding triangles
        /// are converted into real triangles of the triangulation.  The procedure
        /// pulls each hull's bounding triangles apart, then knits them together
        /// like the teeth of two gears.  The Delaunay property determines, at each
        /// step, whether the next "tooth" is a bounding triangle of the left hull
        /// or the right.  When a bounding triangle becomes real, its apex is
        /// changed from NULL to a real vertex.
        /// Only two new triangles need to be allocated.  These become new bounding
        /// triangles at the top and bottom of the seam.  They are used to connect
        /// the remaining bounding triangles (those that have not been converted
        /// into real triangles) into a single fan.
        /// On entry, 'farleft' and 'innerleft' are bounding triangles of the left
        /// triangulation.  The origin of 'farleft' is the leftmost vertex, and
        /// the destination of 'innerleft' is the rightmost vertex of the
        /// triangulation.  Similarly, 'innerright' and 'farright' are bounding
        /// triangles of the right triangulation.  The origin of 'innerright' and
        /// destination of 'farright' are the leftmost and rightmost vertices.
        /// On completion, the origin of 'farleft' is the leftmost vertex of the
        /// merged triangulation, and the destination of 'farright' is the rightmost
        /// vertex.
        /// </remarks>
        void MergeHulls(ref Otri farleft, ref Otri innerleft, ref Otri innerright,
                        ref Otri farright, int axis)
            Otri   leftcand = default(Otri), rightcand = default(Otri);
            Otri   nextedge = default(Otri);
            Otri   sidecasing = default(Otri), topcasing = default(Otri), outercasing = default(Otri);
            Otri   checkedge = default(Otri);
            Otri   baseedge  = default(Otri);
            Vertex innerleftdest;
            Vertex innerrightorg;
            Vertex innerleftapex, innerrightapex;
            Vertex farleftpt, farrightpt;
            Vertex farleftapex, farrightapex;
            Vertex lowerleft, lowerright;
            Vertex upperleft, upperright;
            Vertex nextapex;
            Vertex checkvertex;
            bool   changemade;
            bool   badedge;
            bool   leftfinished, rightfinished;

            innerleftdest  = innerleft.Dest();
            innerleftapex  = innerleft.Apex();
            innerrightorg  = innerright.Org();
            innerrightapex = innerright.Apex();
            // Special treatment for horizontal cuts.
            if (useDwyer && (axis == 1))
                farleftpt    = farleft.Org();
                farleftapex  = farleft.Apex();
                farrightpt   = farright.Dest();
                farrightapex = farright.Apex();
                // The pointers to the extremal vertices are shifted to point to the
                // topmost and bottommost vertex of each hull, rather than the
                // leftmost and rightmost vertices.
                while (farleftapex.y < farleftpt.y)
                    farleftpt   = farleftapex;
                    farleftapex = farleft.Apex();
                innerleft.Sym(ref checkedge);
                checkvertex = checkedge.Apex();
                while (checkvertex.y > innerleftdest.y)
                    checkedge.Lnext(ref innerleft);
                    innerleftapex = innerleftdest;
                    innerleftdest = checkvertex;
                    innerleft.Sym(ref checkedge);
                    checkvertex = checkedge.Apex();
                while (innerrightapex.y < innerrightorg.y)
                    innerrightorg  = innerrightapex;
                    innerrightapex = innerright.Apex();
                farright.Sym(ref checkedge);
                checkvertex = checkedge.Apex();
                while (checkvertex.y > farrightpt.y)
                    checkedge.Lnext(ref farright);
                    farrightapex = farrightpt;
                    farrightpt   = checkvertex;
                    farright.Sym(ref checkedge);
                    checkvertex = checkedge.Apex();
            // Find a line tangent to and below both hulls.
                changemade = false;
                // Make innerleftdest the "bottommost" vertex of the left hull.
                if (Primitives.CounterClockwise(innerleftdest, innerleftapex, innerrightorg) > 0.0)
                    innerleftdest = innerleftapex;
                    innerleftapex = innerleft.Apex();
                    changemade    = true;
                // Make innerrightorg the "bottommost" vertex of the right hull.
                if (Primitives.CounterClockwise(innerrightapex, innerrightorg, innerleftdest) > 0.0)
                    innerrightorg  = innerrightapex;
                    innerrightapex = innerright.Apex();
                    changemade     = true;
            } while (changemade);

            // Find the two candidates to be the next "gear tooth."
            innerleft.Sym(ref leftcand);
            innerright.Sym(ref rightcand);
            // Create the bottom new bounding triangle.
            mesh.MakeTriangle(ref baseedge);
            // Connect it to the bounding boxes of the left and right triangulations.
            baseedge.Bond(ref innerleft);
            baseedge.Bond(ref innerright);
            // Apex is intentionally left NULL.

            // Fix the extreme triangles if necessary.
            farleftpt = farleft.Org();
            if (innerleftdest == farleftpt)
                baseedge.Lnext(ref farleft);
            farrightpt = farright.Dest();
            if (innerrightorg == farrightpt)
                baseedge.Lprev(ref farright);
            // The vertices of the current knitting edge.
            lowerleft  = innerleftdest;
            lowerright = innerrightorg;
            // The candidate vertices for knitting.
            upperleft  = leftcand.Apex();
            upperright = rightcand.Apex();
            // Walk up the gap between the two triangulations, knitting them together.
            while (true)
                // Have we reached the top? (This isn't quite the right question,
                // because even though the left triangulation might seem finished now,
                // moving up on the right triangulation might reveal a new vertex of
                // the left triangulation. And vice-versa.)
                leftfinished  = Primitives.CounterClockwise(upperleft, lowerleft, lowerright) <= 0.0;
                rightfinished = Primitives.CounterClockwise(upperright, lowerleft, lowerright) <= 0.0;
                if (leftfinished && rightfinished)
                    // Create the top new bounding triangle.
                    mesh.MakeTriangle(ref nextedge);
                    // Apex is intentionally left NULL.
                    // Connect it to the bounding boxes of the two triangulations.
                    nextedge.Bond(ref baseedge);
                    nextedge.Bond(ref rightcand);
                    nextedge.Bond(ref leftcand);

                    // Special treatment for horizontal cuts.
                    if (useDwyer && (axis == 1))
                        farleftpt    = farleft.Org();
                        farleftapex  = farleft.Apex();
                        farrightpt   = farright.Dest();
                        farrightapex = farright.Apex();
                        farleft.Sym(ref checkedge);
                        checkvertex = checkedge.Apex();
                        // The pointers to the extremal vertices are restored to the
                        // leftmost and rightmost vertices (rather than topmost and
                        // bottommost).
                        while (checkvertex.x < farleftpt.x)
                            checkedge.Lprev(ref farleft);
                            farleftapex = farleftpt;
                            farleftpt   = checkvertex;
                            farleft.Sym(ref checkedge);
                            checkvertex = checkedge.Apex();
                        while (farrightapex.x > farrightpt.x)
                            farrightpt   = farrightapex;
                            farrightapex = farright.Apex();
                // Consider eliminating edges from the left triangulation.
                if (!leftfinished)
                    // What vertex would be exposed if an edge were deleted?
                    leftcand.Lprev(ref nextedge);
                    nextapex = nextedge.Apex();
                    // If nextapex is NULL, then no vertex would be exposed; the
                    // triangulation would have been eaten right through.
                    if (nextapex != null)
                        // Check whether the edge is Delaunay.
                        badedge = Primitives.InCircle(lowerleft, lowerright, upperleft, nextapex) > 0.0;
                        while (badedge)
                            // Eliminate the edge with an edge flip.  As a result, the
                            // left triangulation will have one more boundary triangle.
                            nextedge.Sym(ref topcasing);
                            nextedge.Sym(ref sidecasing);
                            nextedge.Bond(ref topcasing);
                            leftcand.Bond(ref sidecasing);
                            leftcand.Sym(ref outercasing);
                            nextedge.Bond(ref outercasing);
                            // Correct the vertices to reflect the edge flip.
                            // Consider the newly exposed vertex.
                            upperleft = nextapex;
                            // What vertex would be exposed if another edge were deleted?
                            sidecasing.Copy(ref nextedge);
                            nextapex = nextedge.Apex();
                            if (nextapex != null)
                                // Check whether the edge is Delaunay.
                                badedge = Primitives.InCircle(lowerleft, lowerright, upperleft, nextapex) > 0.0;
                                // Avoid eating right through the triangulation.
                                badedge = false;
                // Consider eliminating edges from the right triangulation.
                if (!rightfinished)
                    // What vertex would be exposed if an edge were deleted?
                    rightcand.Lnext(ref nextedge);
                    nextapex = nextedge.Apex();
                    // If nextapex is NULL, then no vertex would be exposed; the
                    // triangulation would have been eaten right through.
                    if (nextapex != null)
                        // Check whether the edge is Delaunay.
                        badedge = Primitives.InCircle(lowerleft, lowerright, upperright, nextapex) > 0.0;
                        while (badedge)
                            // Eliminate the edge with an edge flip.  As a result, the
                            // right triangulation will have one more boundary triangle.
                            nextedge.Sym(ref topcasing);
                            nextedge.Sym(ref sidecasing);
                            nextedge.Bond(ref topcasing);
                            rightcand.Bond(ref sidecasing);
                            rightcand.Sym(ref outercasing);
                            nextedge.Bond(ref outercasing);
                            // Correct the vertices to reflect the edge flip.
                            // Consider the newly exposed vertex.
                            upperright = nextapex;
                            // What vertex would be exposed if another edge were deleted?
                            sidecasing.Copy(ref nextedge);
                            nextapex = nextedge.Apex();
                            if (nextapex != null)
                                // Check whether the edge is Delaunay.
                                badedge = Primitives.InCircle(lowerleft, lowerright, upperright, nextapex) > 0.0;
                                // Avoid eating right through the triangulation.
                                badedge = false;
                if (leftfinished || (!rightfinished &&
                                     (Primitives.InCircle(upperleft, lowerleft, lowerright, upperright) > 0.0)))
                    // Knit the triangulations, adding an edge from 'lowerleft'
                    // to 'upperright'.
                    baseedge.Bond(ref rightcand);
                    rightcand.Lprev(ref baseedge);
                    lowerright = upperright;
                    baseedge.Sym(ref rightcand);
                    upperright = rightcand.Apex();
                    // Knit the triangulations, adding an edge from 'upperleft'
                    // to 'lowerright'.
                    baseedge.Bond(ref leftcand);
                    leftcand.Lnext(ref baseedge);
                    lowerleft = upperleft;
                    baseedge.Sym(ref leftcand);
                    upperleft = leftcand.Apex();
Пример #15
        public void TestTriangle(ref Otri testtri)
            Vertex vertex;
            Vertex vertex1;
            double num;
            double num1;
            double num2;
            Otri   otri    = new Otri();
            Otri   otri1   = new Otri();
            Osub   osub    = new Osub();
            Vertex vertex2 = testtri.Org();
            Vertex vertex3 = testtri.Dest();
            Vertex vertex4 = testtri.Apex();
            double num3    = vertex2.x - vertex3.x;
            double num4    = vertex2.y - vertex3.y;
            double num5    = vertex3.x - vertex4.x;
            double num6    = vertex3.y - vertex4.y;
            double num7    = vertex4.x - vertex2.x;
            double num8    = vertex4.y - vertex2.y;
            double num9    = num3 * num3;
            double num10   = num4 * num4;
            double num11   = num5 * num5;
            double num12   = num6 * num6;
            double num13   = num8 * num8;
            double num14   = num9 + num10;
            double num15   = num11 + num12;
            double num16   = num7 * num7 + num13;

            if (num14 < num15 && num14 < num16)
                num     = num14;
                num1    = num5 * num7 + num6 * num8;
                num1    = num1 * num1 / (num15 * num16);
                vertex  = vertex2;
                vertex1 = vertex3;
                testtri.Copy(ref otri);
            else if (num15 >= num16)
                num     = num16;
                num1    = num3 * num5 + num4 * num6;
                num1    = num1 * num1 / (num14 * num15);
                vertex  = vertex4;
                vertex1 = vertex2;
                testtri.Lprev(ref otri);
                num     = num15;
                num1    = num3 * num7 + num4 * num8;
                num1    = num1 * num1 / (num14 * num16);
                vertex  = vertex3;
                vertex1 = vertex4;
                testtri.Lnext(ref otri);
            if (this.behavior.VarArea || this.behavior.fixedArea || this.behavior.Usertest)
                double num17 = 0.5 * (num3 * num6 - num4 * num5);
                if (this.behavior.fixedArea && num17 > this.behavior.MaxArea)
                    this.queue.Enqueue(ref testtri, num, vertex4, vertex2, vertex3);
                if (this.behavior.VarArea && num17 > testtri.triangle.area && testtri.triangle.area > 0)
                    this.queue.Enqueue(ref testtri, num, vertex4, vertex2, vertex3);
                if (this.behavior.Usertest && this.userTest != null && this.userTest(vertex2, vertex3, vertex4, num17))
                    this.queue.Enqueue(ref testtri, num, vertex4, vertex2, vertex3);
            if (num14 <= num15 || num14 <= num16)
                num2 = (num15 <= num16 ? (num14 + num15 - num16) / (2 * Math.Sqrt(num14 * num15)) : (num14 + num16 - num15) / (2 * Math.Sqrt(num14 * num16)));
                num2 = (num15 + num16 - num14) / (2 * Math.Sqrt(num15 * num16));
            if (num1 > this.behavior.goodAngle || num2 < this.behavior.maxGoodAngle && this.behavior.MaxAngle != 0)
                if (vertex.type == VertexType.SegmentVertex && vertex1.type == VertexType.SegmentVertex)
                    otri.SegPivot(ref osub);
                    if (osub.seg == Mesh.dummysub)
                        otri.Copy(ref otri1);
                            otri.SegPivot(ref osub);
                        }while (osub.seg == Mesh.dummysub);
                        Vertex vertex5 = osub.SegOrg();
                        Vertex vertex6 = osub.SegDest();
                            otri1.SegPivot(ref osub);
                        }while (osub.seg == Mesh.dummysub);
                        Vertex vertex7 = osub.SegOrg();
                        Vertex vertex8 = osub.SegDest();
                        Vertex vertex9 = null;
                        if (vertex6.x == vertex7.x && vertex6.y == vertex7.y)
                            vertex9 = vertex6;
                        else if (vertex5.x == vertex8.x && vertex5.y == vertex8.y)
                            vertex9 = vertex5;
                        if (vertex9 != null)
                            double num18 = (vertex.x - vertex9.x) * (vertex.x - vertex9.x) + (vertex.y - vertex9.y) * (vertex.y - vertex9.y);
                            double num19 = (vertex1.x - vertex9.x) * (vertex1.x - vertex9.x) + (vertex1.y - vertex9.y) * (vertex1.y - vertex9.y);
                            if (num18 < 1.001 * num19 && num18 > 0.999 * num19)
                this.queue.Enqueue(ref testtri, num, vertex4, vertex2, vertex3);
Пример #16
        /// <summary>
        /// Split all the encroached subsegments.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="triflaws">A flag that specifies whether one should take
        /// note of new bad triangles that result from inserting vertices to repair
        /// encroached subsegments.</param>
        /// <remarks>
        /// Each encroached subsegment is repaired by splitting it - inserting a
        /// vertex at or near its midpoint.  Newly inserted vertices may encroach
        /// upon other subsegments; these are also repaired.
        /// </remarks>
        private void SplitEncSegs(bool triflaws)
            Otri               enctri     = default(Otri);
            Otri               testtri    = default(Otri);
            Osub               testsh     = default(Osub);
            Osub               currentenc = default(Osub);
            BadSubseg          seg;
            Vertex             eorg, edest, eapex;
            Vertex             newvertex;
            InsertVertexResult success;
            float              segmentlength, nearestpoweroftwo;
            float              split;
            float              multiplier, divisor;
            bool               acuteorg, acuteorg2, acutedest, acutedest2;

            // Note that steinerleft == -1 if an unlimited number
            // of Steiner points is allowed.
            while (badsubsegs.Count > 0)
                if (mesh.steinerleft == 0)

                seg = badsubsegs.Dequeue();

                currentenc = seg.encsubseg;
                eorg       = currentenc.Org();
                edest      = currentenc.Dest();
                // Make sure that this segment is still the same segment it was
                // when it was determined to be encroached.  If the segment was
                // enqueued multiple times (because several newly inserted
                // vertices encroached it), it may have already been split.
                if (!Osub.IsDead(currentenc.seg) && (eorg == seg.subsegorg) && (edest == seg.subsegdest))
                    // To decide where to split a segment, we need to know if the
                    // segment shares an endpoint with an adjacent segment.
                    // The concern is that, if we simply split every encroached
                    // segment in its center, two adjacent segments with a small
                    // angle between them might lead to an infinite loop; each
                    // vertex added to split one segment will encroach upon the
                    // other segment, which must then be split with a vertex that
                    // will encroach upon the first segment, and so on forever.
                    // To avoid this, imagine a set of concentric circles, whose
                    // radii are powers of two, about each segment endpoint.
                    // These concentric circles determine where the segment is
                    // split. (If both endpoints are shared with adjacent
                    // segments, split the segment in the middle, and apply the
                    // concentric circles for later splittings.)

                    // Is the origin shared with another segment?
                    currentenc.TriPivot(ref enctri);
                    enctri.Lnext(ref testtri);
                    testtri.SegPivot(ref testsh);
                    acuteorg = testsh.seg != Mesh.dummysub;
                    // Is the destination shared with another segment?
                    testtri.SegPivot(ref testsh);
                    acutedest = testsh.seg != Mesh.dummysub;

                    // If we're using Chew's algorithm (rather than Ruppert's)
                    // to define encroachment, delete free vertices from the
                    // subsegment's diametral circle.
                    if (!behavior.ConformingDelaunay && !acuteorg && !acutedest)
                        eapex = enctri.Apex();
                        while ((eapex.type == VertexType.FreeVertex) &&
                               ((eorg.x - eapex.x) * (edest.x - eapex.x) +
                                (eorg.y - eapex.y) * (edest.y - eapex.y) < 0.0))
                            mesh.DeleteVertex(ref testtri);
                            currentenc.TriPivot(ref enctri);
                            eapex = enctri.Apex();
                            enctri.Lprev(ref testtri);

                    // Now, check the other side of the segment, if there's a triangle there.
                    enctri.Sym(ref testtri);
                    if (testtri.triangle != Mesh.dummytri)
                        // Is the destination shared with another segment?
                        testtri.SegPivot(ref testsh);
                        acutedest2 = testsh.seg != Mesh.dummysub;
                        acutedest  = acutedest || acutedest2;
                        // Is the origin shared with another segment?
                        testtri.SegPivot(ref testsh);
                        acuteorg2 = testsh.seg != Mesh.dummysub;
                        acuteorg  = acuteorg || acuteorg2;

                        // Delete free vertices from the subsegment's diametral circle.
                        if (!behavior.ConformingDelaunay && !acuteorg2 && !acutedest2)
                            eapex = testtri.Org();
                            while ((eapex.type == VertexType.FreeVertex) &&
                                   ((eorg.x - eapex.x) * (edest.x - eapex.x) +
                                    (eorg.y - eapex.y) * (edest.y - eapex.y) < 0.0))
                                mesh.DeleteVertex(ref testtri);
                                enctri.Sym(ref testtri);
                                eapex = testtri.Apex();

                    // Use the concentric circles if exactly one endpoint is shared
                    // with another adjacent segment.
                    if (acuteorg || acutedest)
                        segmentlength = UnityEngine.Mathf.Sqrt((edest.x - eorg.x) * (edest.x - eorg.x) +
                                                               (edest.y - eorg.y) * (edest.y - eorg.y));
                        // Find the power of two that most evenly splits the segment.
                        // The worst case is a 2:1 ratio between subsegment lengths.
                        nearestpoweroftwo = 1.0f;
                        while (segmentlength > 3.0f * nearestpoweroftwo)
                            nearestpoweroftwo *= 2.0f;
                        while (segmentlength < 1.5f * nearestpoweroftwo)
                            nearestpoweroftwo *= 0.5f;
                        // Where do we split the segment?
                        split = nearestpoweroftwo / segmentlength;
                        if (acutedest)
                            split = 1.0f - split;
                        // If we're not worried about adjacent segments, split
                        // this segment in the middle.
                        split = 0.5f;

                    // Create the new vertex (interpolate coordinates).
                    newvertex = new Vertex(
                        eorg.x + split * (edest.x - eorg.x),
                        eorg.y + split * (edest.y - eorg.y),

                    newvertex.type = VertexType.SegmentVertex;

                    newvertex.hash = mesh.hash_vtx++;
                    newvertex.id   = newvertex.hash;

                    mesh.vertices.Add(newvertex.hash, newvertex);

                    // Interpolate attributes.
                    for (int i = 0; i < mesh.nextras; i++)
                        newvertex.attributes[i] = eorg.attributes[i]
                                                  + split * (edest.attributes[i] - eorg.attributes[i]);

                    if (!Behavior.NoExact)
                        // Roundoff in the above calculation may yield a 'newvertex'
                        // that is not precisely collinear with 'eorg' and 'edest'.
                        // Improve collinearity by one step of iterative refinement.
                        multiplier = Primitives.CounterClockwise(eorg, edest, newvertex);
                        divisor    = ((eorg.x - edest.x) * (eorg.x - edest.x) +
                                      (eorg.y - edest.y) * (eorg.y - edest.y));
                        if ((multiplier != 0.0) && (divisor != 0.0))
                            multiplier = multiplier / divisor;
                            // Watch out for NANs.
                            if (!float.IsNaN(multiplier))
                                newvertex.x += multiplier * (edest.y - eorg.y);
                                newvertex.y += multiplier * (eorg.x - edest.x);

                    // Check whether the new vertex lies on an endpoint.
                    if (((newvertex.x == eorg.x) && (newvertex.y == eorg.y)) ||
                        ((newvertex.x == edest.x) && (newvertex.y == edest.y)))
                        logger.Error("Ran out of precision: I attempted to split a"
                                     + " segment to a smaller size than can be accommodated by"
                                     + " the finite precision of floating point arithmetic.",

                        throw new Exception("Ran out of precision");
                    // Insert the splitting vertex.  This should always succeed.
                    success = mesh.InsertVertex(newvertex, ref enctri, ref currentenc, true, triflaws);
                    if ((success != InsertVertexResult.Successful) && (success != InsertVertexResult.Encroaching))
                        logger.Error("Failure to split a segment.", "Quality.SplitEncSegs()");
                        throw new Exception("Failure to split a segment.");
                    if (mesh.steinerleft > 0)
                    // Check the two new subsegments to see if they're encroached.
                    CheckSeg4Encroach(ref currentenc);
                    CheckSeg4Encroach(ref currentenc);

                // Set subsegment's origin to NULL. This makes it possible to detect dead
                // badsubsegs when traversing the list of all badsubsegs.
                seg.subsegorg = null;
Пример #17
        private void SplitEncSegs(bool triflaws)
            Vertex vertex;
            double num;
            Otri   otri  = new Otri();
            Otri   otri1 = new Otri();
            Osub   osub  = new Osub();
            Osub   osub1 = new Osub();

            while (this.badsubsegs.Count > 0 && this.mesh.steinerleft != 0)
                BadSubseg badSubseg = this.badsubsegs.Dequeue();
                osub1 = badSubseg.encsubseg;
                Vertex vertex1 = osub1.Org();
                Vertex vertex2 = osub1.Dest();
                if (!Osub.IsDead(osub1.seg) && vertex1 == badSubseg.subsegorg && vertex2 == badSubseg.subsegdest)
                    osub1.TriPivot(ref otri);
                    otri.Lnext(ref otri1);
                    otri1.SegPivot(ref osub);
                    bool flag = osub.seg != Mesh.dummysub;
                    otri1.SegPivot(ref osub);
                    bool flag1 = osub.seg != Mesh.dummysub;
                    if (!this.behavior.ConformingDelaunay && !flag && !flag1)
                        vertex = otri.Apex();
                        while (vertex.type == VertexType.FreeVertex && (vertex1.x - vertex.x) * (vertex2.x - vertex.x) + (vertex1.y - vertex.y) * (vertex2.y - vertex.y) < 0)
                            this.mesh.DeleteVertex(ref otri1);
                            osub1.TriPivot(ref otri);
                            vertex = otri.Apex();
                            otri.Lprev(ref otri1);
                    otri.Sym(ref otri1);
                    if (otri1.triangle != Mesh.dummytri)
                        otri1.SegPivot(ref osub);
                        bool flag2 = osub.seg != Mesh.dummysub;
                        flag1 = flag1 | flag2;
                        otri1.SegPivot(ref osub);
                        bool flag3 = osub.seg != Mesh.dummysub;
                        flag = flag | flag3;
                        if (!this.behavior.ConformingDelaunay && !flag3 && !flag2)
                            vertex = otri1.Org();
                            while (vertex.type == VertexType.FreeVertex && (vertex1.x - vertex.x) * (vertex2.x - vertex.x) + (vertex1.y - vertex.y) * (vertex2.y - vertex.y) < 0)
                                this.mesh.DeleteVertex(ref otri1);
                                otri.Sym(ref otri1);
                                vertex = otri1.Apex();
                    if (!(flag | flag1))
                        num = 0.5;
                        double num1 = Math.Sqrt((vertex2.x - vertex1.x) * (vertex2.x - vertex1.x) + (vertex2.y - vertex1.y) * (vertex2.y - vertex1.y));
                        double num2 = 1;
                        while (num1 > 3 * num2)
                            num2 = num2 * 2;
                        while (num1 < 1.5 * num2)
                            num2 = num2 * 0.5;
                        num = num2 / num1;
                        if (flag1)
                            num = 1 - num;
                    Vertex vertex3 = new Vertex(vertex1.x + num * (vertex2.x - vertex1.x), vertex1.y + num * (vertex2.y - vertex1.y), osub1.Mark(), this.mesh.nextras)
                        type = VertexType.SegmentVertex
                    Mesh mesh    = this.mesh;
                    int  hashVtx = mesh.hash_vtx;
                    mesh.hash_vtx = hashVtx + 1;
                    vertex3.hash  = hashVtx;
                    vertex3.id    = vertex3.hash;
                    this.mesh.vertices.Add(vertex3.hash, vertex3);
                    for (int i = 0; i < this.mesh.nextras; i++)
                        vertex3.attributes[i] = vertex1.attributes[i] + num * (vertex2.attributes[i] - vertex1.attributes[i]);
                    if (!Behavior.NoExact)
                        double num3 = Primitives.CounterClockwise(vertex1, vertex2, vertex3);
                        double num4 = (vertex1.x - vertex2.x) * (vertex1.x - vertex2.x) + (vertex1.y - vertex2.y) * (vertex1.y - vertex2.y);
                        if (num3 != 0 && num4 != 0)
                            num3 = num3 / num4;
                            if (!double.IsNaN(num3))
                                Vertex vertex4 = vertex3;
                                vertex4.x = vertex4.x + num3 * (vertex2.y - vertex1.y);
                                Vertex vertex5 = vertex3;
                                vertex5.y = vertex5.y + num3 * (vertex1.x - vertex2.x);
                    if (vertex3.x == vertex1.x && vertex3.y == vertex1.y || vertex3.x == vertex2.x && vertex3.y == vertex2.y)
                        this.logger.Error("Ran out of precision: I attempted to split a segment to a smaller size than can be accommodated by the finite precision of floating point arithmetic.", "Quality.SplitEncSegs()");
                        throw new Exception("Ran out of precision");
                    InsertVertexResult insertVertexResult = this.mesh.InsertVertex(vertex3, ref otri, ref osub1, true, triflaws);
                    if (insertVertexResult != InsertVertexResult.Successful && insertVertexResult != InsertVertexResult.Encroaching)
                        this.logger.Error("Failure to split a segment.", "Quality.SplitEncSegs()");
                        throw new Exception("Failure to split a segment.");
                    if (this.mesh.steinerleft > 0)
                        Mesh mesh1 = this.mesh;
                        mesh1.steinerleft = mesh1.steinerleft - 1;
                    this.CheckSeg4Encroach(ref osub1);
                    this.CheckSeg4Encroach(ref osub1);
                badSubseg.subsegorg = null;
Пример #18
        /// <summary>
        /// Finds the adjacencies between triangles by forming a stack of triangles for
        /// each vertex. Each triangle is on three different stacks simultaneously.
        /// </summary>
        private static List <Otri>[] SetNeighbors(Mesh mesh, ITriangle[] triangles)
            Otri    tri          = default(Otri);
            Otri    triangleleft = default(Otri);
            Otri    checktri     = default(Otri);
            Otri    checkleft    = default(Otri);
            Otri    nexttri;
            TVertex tdest, tapex;
            TVertex checkdest, checkapex;

            int[] corner = new int[3];
            int   aroundvertex;
            int   i;

            // Allocate a temporary array that maps each vertex to some adjacent triangle.
            var vertexarray = new List <Otri> [mesh.vertices.Count];

            // Each vertex is initially unrepresented.
            for (i = 0; i < mesh.vertices.Count; i++)
                Otri tmp = default(Otri);
                tmp.tri        = mesh.dummytri;
                vertexarray[i] = new List <Otri>(3);

            i = 0;

            // Read the triangles from the .ele file, and link
            // together those that share an edge.
            foreach (var item in mesh.triangles)
                tri.tri = item;

                // Copy the triangle's three corners.
                for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++)
                    corner[j] = triangles[i].GetVertexID(j);

                    if ((corner[j] < 0) || (corner[j] >= mesh.invertices))
                        Log.Instance.Error("Triangle has an invalid vertex index.", "MeshReader.Reconstruct()");
                        throw new Exception("Triangle has an invalid vertex index.");

                // Read the triangle's attributes.
                tri.tri.label = triangles[i].Label;

                // TODO: VarArea
                if (mesh.behavior.VarArea)
                    tri.tri.area = triangles[i].Area;

                // Set the triangle's vertices.
                tri.orient = 0;

                // Try linking the triangle to others that share these vertices.
                for (tri.orient = 0; tri.orient < 3; tri.orient++)
                    // Take the number for the origin of triangleloop.
                    aroundvertex = corner[tri.orient];

                    int index = vertexarray[aroundvertex].Count - 1;

                    // Look for other triangles having this vertex.
                    nexttri = vertexarray[aroundvertex][index];

                    // Push the current triangle onto the stack.

                    checktri = nexttri;

                    if (checktri.tri.id != Mesh.DUMMY)
                        tdest = tri.Dest();
                        tapex = tri.Apex();

                        // Look for other triangles that share an edge.
                            checkdest = checktri.Dest();
                            checkapex = checktri.Apex();

                            if (tapex == checkdest)
                                // The two triangles share an edge; bond them together.
                                tri.Lprev(ref triangleleft);
                                triangleleft.Bond(ref checktri);
                            if (tdest == checkapex)
                                // The two triangles share an edge; bond them together.
                                checktri.Lprev(ref checkleft);
                                tri.Bond(ref checkleft);
                            // Find the next triangle in the stack.
                            nexttri = vertexarray[aroundvertex][index];

                            checktri = nexttri;
                        }while (checktri.tri.id != Mesh.DUMMY);


Пример #19
        /// <summary>
        ///     Inserts a vertex at the circumcenter of a triangle. Deletes
        ///     the newly inserted vertex if it encroaches upon a segment.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="badtri"></param>
        private void SplitTriangle(BadTriangle badtri)
            Otri               badotri = default(Otri);
            Vertex             borg, bdest, bapex;
            Point              newloc; // Location of the new vertex
            double             xi = 0, eta = 0;
            InsertVertexResult success;
            bool               errorflag;

            badotri = badtri.poortri;
            borg    = badotri.Org();
            bdest   = badotri.Dest();
            bapex   = badotri.Apex();

            // Make sure that this triangle is still the same triangle it was
            // when it was tested and determined to be of bad quality.
            // Subsequent transformations may have made it a different triangle.
            if (!Otri.IsDead(badotri.tri) && (borg == badtri.org) &&
                (bdest == badtri.dest) && (bapex == badtri.apex))
                errorflag = false;
                // Create a new vertex at the triangle's circumcenter.

                // Using the original (simpler) Steiner point location method
                // for mesh refinement.
                // TODO: NewLocation doesn't work for refinement. Why? Maybe
                // reset VertexType?
                newloc = RobustPredicates.FindCircumcenter(borg, bdest, bapex, ref xi, ref eta, behavior.offconstant);

                // Check whether the new vertex lies on a triangle vertex.
                if (((newloc.X == borg.X) && (newloc.Y == borg.Y)) ||
                    ((newloc.X == bdest.X) && (newloc.Y == bdest.Y)) ||
                    ((newloc.X == bapex.X) && (newloc.Y == bapex.Y)))
                    //errorflag = true;
                    // The new vertex must be in the interior, and therefore is a
                    // free vertex with a marker of zero.
                    Vertex newvertex = new Vertex(newloc.X, newloc.Y, 0);
                    newvertex.type = VertexType.FreeVertex;

                    // Ensure that the handle 'badotri' does not represent the longest
                    // edge of the triangle.  This ensures that the circumcenter must
                    // fall to the left of this edge, so point location will work.
                    // (If the angle org-apex-dest exceeds 90 degrees, then the
                    // circumcenter lies outside the org-dest edge, and eta is
                    // negative.  Roundoff error might prevent eta from being
                    // negative when it should be, so I test eta against xi.)
                    if (eta < xi)

                    // Insert the circumcenter, searching from the edge of the triangle,
                    // and maintain the Delaunay property of the triangulation.
                    Osub tmp = default(Osub);
                    success = mesh.InsertVertex(newvertex, ref badotri, ref tmp, true, true);

                    if (success == InsertVertexResult.Successful)
                        newvertex.Id = mesh.hash_vtx++;

                        mesh.vertices.Add(newvertex.Id, newvertex);

                        if (mesh.steinerleft > 0)
                    else if (success == InsertVertexResult.Encroaching)
                        // If the newly inserted vertex encroaches upon a subsegment,
                        // delete the new vertex.
                    else if (success == InsertVertexResult.Violating)
                        // Failed to insert the new vertex, but some subsegment was
                        // marked as being encroached.
                        //errorflag = true;
                if (errorflag)
                    throw new Exception("The new vertex is at the circumcenter of triangle.");
Пример #20
        public IMesh Triangulate(IList <Vertex> points, Configuration config)
            this.predicates = config.Predicates();

            this.mesh = new Mesh(config);

            // Nonexistent x value used as a flag to mark circle events in sweepline
            // Delaunay algorithm.
            xminextreme = 10 * mesh.bounds.Left - 9 * mesh.bounds.Right;

            SweepEvent[] eventheap;

            SweepEvent nextevent;
            SweepEvent newevent;
            SplayNode  splayroot;
            Otri       bottommost = default(Otri);
            Otri       searchtri  = default(Otri);
            Otri       fliptri;
            Otri       lefttri = default(Otri);
            Otri       righttri = default(Otri);
            Otri       farlefttri = default(Otri);
            Otri       farrighttri = default(Otri);
            Otri       inserttri = default(Otri);
            Vertex     firstvertex, secondvertex;
            Vertex     nextvertex, lastvertex;
            Vertex     connectvertex;
            Vertex     leftvertex, midvertex, rightvertex;
            double     lefttest, righttest;
            int        heapsize;
            bool       check4events, farrightflag = false;

            splaynodes = new List <SplayNode>();
            splayroot  = null;

            heapsize = points.Count;
            CreateHeap(out eventheap, heapsize);//, out events, out freeevents);

            mesh.MakeTriangle(ref lefttri);
            mesh.MakeTriangle(ref righttri);
            lefttri.Bond(ref righttri);
            lefttri.Bond(ref righttri);
            lefttri.Bond(ref righttri);
            firstvertex = eventheap[0].vertexEvent;

            HeapDelete(eventheap, heapsize, 0);
                if (heapsize == 0)
                    Log.Instance.Error("Input vertices are all identical.", "SweepLine.Triangulate()");
                    throw new Exception("Input vertices are all identical.");
                secondvertex = eventheap[0].vertexEvent;
                HeapDelete(eventheap, heapsize, 0);
                if ((firstvertex.x == secondvertex.x) &&
                    (firstvertex.y == secondvertex.y))
                    if (Log.Verbose)
                        Log.Instance.Warning("A duplicate vertex appeared and was ignored (ID " + secondvertex.id + ").",
                    secondvertex.type = VertexType.UndeadVertex;
            } while ((firstvertex.x == secondvertex.x) &&
                     (firstvertex.y == secondvertex.y));
            lefttri.Lprev(ref bottommost);
            lastvertex = secondvertex;

            while (heapsize > 0)
                nextevent = eventheap[0];
                HeapDelete(eventheap, heapsize, 0);
                check4events = true;
                if (nextevent.xkey < mesh.bounds.Left)
                    fliptri = nextevent.otriEvent;
                    fliptri.Oprev(ref farlefttri);
                    Check4DeadEvent(ref farlefttri, eventheap, ref heapsize);
                    fliptri.Onext(ref farrighttri);
                    Check4DeadEvent(ref farrighttri, eventheap, ref heapsize);

                    if (farlefttri.Equals(bottommost))
                        fliptri.Lprev(ref bottommost);
                    mesh.Flip(ref fliptri);
                    fliptri.Lprev(ref lefttri);
                    fliptri.Lnext(ref righttri);
                    lefttri.Sym(ref farlefttri);

                    if (randomnation(SAMPLERATE) == 0)
                        leftvertex  = fliptri.Dest();
                        midvertex   = fliptri.Apex();
                        rightvertex = fliptri.Org();
                        splayroot   = CircleTopInsert(splayroot, lefttri, leftvertex, midvertex, rightvertex, nextevent.ykey);
                    nextvertex = nextevent.vertexEvent;
                    if ((nextvertex.x == lastvertex.x) &&
                        (nextvertex.y == lastvertex.y))
                        if (Log.Verbose)
                            Log.Instance.Warning("A duplicate vertex appeared and was ignored (ID " + nextvertex.id + ").",
                        nextvertex.type = VertexType.UndeadVertex;
                        check4events = false;
                        lastvertex = nextvertex;

                        splayroot = FrontLocate(splayroot, bottommost, nextvertex, ref searchtri, ref farrightflag);

                        //bottommost.Copy(ref searchtri);
                        //farrightflag = false;
                        //while (!farrightflag && RightOfHyperbola(ref searchtri, nextvertex))
                        //    searchtri.OnextSelf();
                        //    farrightflag = searchtri.Equal(bottommost);

                        Check4DeadEvent(ref searchtri, eventheap, ref heapsize);

                        searchtri.Copy(ref farrighttri);
                        searchtri.Sym(ref farlefttri);
                        mesh.MakeTriangle(ref lefttri);
                        mesh.MakeTriangle(ref righttri);
                        connectvertex = farrighttri.Dest();
                        lefttri.Bond(ref righttri);
                        lefttri.Bond(ref righttri);
                        lefttri.Bond(ref farlefttri);
                        righttri.Bond(ref farrighttri);
                        if (!farrightflag && farrighttri.Equals(bottommost))
                            lefttri.Copy(ref bottommost);

                        if (randomnation(SAMPLERATE) == 0)
                            splayroot = SplayInsert(splayroot, lefttri, nextvertex);
                        else if (randomnation(SAMPLERATE) == 0)
                            righttri.Lnext(ref inserttri);
                            splayroot = SplayInsert(splayroot, inserttri, nextvertex);

                if (check4events)
                    leftvertex  = farlefttri.Apex();
                    midvertex   = lefttri.Dest();
                    rightvertex = lefttri.Apex();
                    lefttest    = predicates.CounterClockwise(leftvertex, midvertex, rightvertex);
                    if (lefttest > 0.0)
                        newevent = new SweepEvent();

                        newevent.xkey      = xminextreme;
                        newevent.ykey      = CircleTop(leftvertex, midvertex, rightvertex, lefttest);
                        newevent.otriEvent = lefttri;
                        HeapInsert(eventheap, heapsize, newevent);
                        lefttri.SetOrg(new SweepEventVertex(newevent));
                    leftvertex  = righttri.Apex();
                    midvertex   = righttri.Org();
                    rightvertex = farrighttri.Apex();
                    righttest   = predicates.CounterClockwise(leftvertex, midvertex, rightvertex);
                    if (righttest > 0.0)
                        newevent = new SweepEvent();

                        newevent.xkey      = xminextreme;
                        newevent.ykey      = CircleTop(leftvertex, midvertex, rightvertex, righttest);
                        newevent.otriEvent = farrighttri;
                        HeapInsert(eventheap, heapsize, newevent);
                        farrighttri.SetOrg(new SweepEventVertex(newevent));


            this.mesh.hullsize = RemoveGhosts(ref bottommost);

Пример #21
        public static int Reconstruct(Mesh mesh, InputGeometry input, ITriangle[] triangles)
            Otri item;
            int  num;
            int  num1   = 0;
            Otri region = new Otri();
            Otri otri   = new Otri();
            Otri l      = new Otri();
            Otri otri1  = new Otri();
            Otri otri2  = new Otri();
            Osub osub   = new Osub();

            int[] p0    = new int[3];
            int[] p1    = new int[2];
            int   i     = 0;
            int   num2  = (triangles == null ? 0 : (int)triangles.Length);
            int   count = input.segments.Count;

            mesh.inelements = num2;
            for (i = 0; i < mesh.inelements; i++)
                mesh.MakeTriangle(ref region);
            if (mesh.behavior.Poly)
                mesh.insegments = count;
                for (i = 0; i < mesh.insegments; i++)
                    mesh.MakeSegment(ref osub);
            List <Otri>[] otris = new List <Otri> [mesh.vertices.Count];
            for (i = 0; i < mesh.vertices.Count; i++)
                Otri otri3 = new Otri()
                    triangle = Mesh.dummytri
                otris[i] = new List <Otri>(3);
            i = 0;
            foreach (Triangle value in mesh.triangles.Values)
                region.triangle = value;
                p0[0]           = triangles[i].P0;
                p0[1]           = triangles[i].P1;
                p0[2]           = triangles[i].P2;
                for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++)
                    if (p0[j] < 0 || p0[j] >= mesh.invertices)
                        SimpleLog.Instance.Error("Triangle has an invalid vertex index.", "MeshReader.Reconstruct()");
                        throw new Exception("Triangle has an invalid vertex index.");
                region.triangle.region = triangles[i].Region;
                if (mesh.behavior.VarArea)
                    region.triangle.area = triangles[i].Area;
                region.orient = 0;
                region.orient = 0;
                while (region.orient < 3)
                    num = p0[region.orient];
                    int count1 = otris[num].Count - 1;
                    item = otris[num][count1];
                    l = item;
                    if (l.triangle != Mesh.dummytri)
                        Vertex vertex  = region.Dest();
                        Vertex vertex1 = region.Apex();
                            Vertex vertex2 = l.Dest();
                            Vertex vertex3 = l.Apex();
                            if (vertex1 == vertex2)
                                region.Lprev(ref otri);
                                otri.Bond(ref l);
                            if (vertex == vertex3)
                                l.Lprev(ref otri1);
                                region.Bond(ref otri1);
                            item = otris[num][count1];
                            l    = item;
                        }while (l.triangle != Mesh.dummytri);
                    region.orient = region.orient + 1;
            num1 = 0;
            if (mesh.behavior.Poly)
                int boundary = 0;
                i = 0;
                foreach (Segment segment in mesh.subsegs.Values)
                    osub.seg = segment;
                    p1[0]    = input.segments[i].P0;
                    p1[1]    = input.segments[i].P1;
                    boundary = input.segments[i].Boundary;
                    for (int k = 0; k < 2; k++)
                        if (p1[k] < 0 || p1[k] >= mesh.invertices)
                            SimpleLog.Instance.Error("Segment has an invalid vertex index.", "MeshReader.Reconstruct()");
                            throw new Exception("Segment has an invalid vertex index.");
                    osub.orient = 0;
                    Vertex item1 = mesh.vertices[p1[0]];
                    Vertex item2 = mesh.vertices[p1[1]];
                    osub.seg.boundary = boundary;
                    osub.orient       = 0;
                    while (osub.orient < 2)
                        num = p1[1 - osub.orient];
                        int  count2 = otris[num].Count - 1;
                        Otri item3  = otris[num][count2];
                        item = otris[num][count2];
                        l    = item;
                        Vertex vertex4 = osub.Org();
                        bool   flag    = true;
                        while (flag && l.triangle != Mesh.dummytri)
                            if (vertex4 == l.Dest())
                                l.SegBond(ref osub);
                                l.Sym(ref otri2);
                                if (otri2.triangle == Mesh.dummytri)
                                    mesh.InsertSubseg(ref l, 1);
                                flag = false;
                            item3 = otris[num][count2];
                            item  = otris[num][count2];
                            l     = item;
                        osub.orient = osub.orient + 1;
            for (i = 0; i < mesh.vertices.Count; i++)
                int count3 = otris[i].Count - 1;
                item = otris[i][count3];
                for (l = item; l.triangle != Mesh.dummytri; l = item)
                    item = otris[i][count3];
                    l.Sym(ref otri2);
                    if (otri2.triangle == Mesh.dummytri)
                        mesh.InsertSubseg(ref l, 1);
Пример #22
        /// <summary>
        /// Test a triangle for quality and size.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="testtri">Triangle to check.</param>
        /// <remarks>
        /// Tests a triangle to see if it satisfies the minimum angle condition and
        /// the maximum area condition.  Triangles that aren't up to spec are added
        /// to the bad triangle queue.
        /// </remarks>
        public void TestTriangle(ref Otri testtri)
            Otri   tri1 = default(Otri), tri2 = default(Otri);
            Osub   testsub = default(Osub);
            Vertex torg, tdest, tapex;
            Vertex base1, base2;
            Vertex org1, dest1, org2, dest2;
            Vertex joinvertex;
            float  dxod, dyod, dxda, dyda, dxao, dyao;
            float  dxod2, dyod2, dxda2, dyda2, dxao2, dyao2;
            float  apexlen, orglen, destlen, minedge;
            float  angle;
            float  area;
            float  dist1, dist2;

            float maxangle;

            torg  = testtri.Org();
            tdest = testtri.Dest();
            tapex = testtri.Apex();
            dxod  = torg.x - tdest.x;
            dyod  = torg.y - tdest.y;
            dxda  = tdest.x - tapex.x;
            dyda  = tdest.y - tapex.y;
            dxao  = tapex.x - torg.x;
            dyao  = tapex.y - torg.y;
            dxod2 = dxod * dxod;
            dyod2 = dyod * dyod;
            dxda2 = dxda * dxda;
            dyda2 = dyda * dyda;
            dxao2 = dxao * dxao;
            dyao2 = dyao * dyao;
            // Find the lengths of the triangle's three edges.
            apexlen = dxod2 + dyod2;
            orglen  = dxda2 + dyda2;
            destlen = dxao2 + dyao2;

            if ((apexlen < orglen) && (apexlen < destlen))
                // The edge opposite the apex is shortest.
                minedge = apexlen;
                // Find the square of the cosine of the angle at the apex.
                angle = dxda * dxao + dyda * dyao;
                angle = angle * angle / (orglen * destlen);
                base1 = torg;
                base2 = tdest;
                testtri.Copy(ref tri1);
            else if (orglen < destlen)
                // The edge opposite the origin is shortest.
                minedge = orglen;
                // Find the square of the cosine of the angle at the origin.
                angle = dxod * dxao + dyod * dyao;
                angle = angle * angle / (apexlen * destlen);
                base1 = tdest;
                base2 = tapex;
                testtri.Lnext(ref tri1);
                // The edge opposite the destination is shortest.
                minedge = destlen;
                // Find the square of the cosine of the angle at the destination.
                angle = dxod * dxda + dyod * dyda;
                angle = angle * angle / (apexlen * orglen);
                base1 = tapex;
                base2 = torg;
                testtri.Lprev(ref tri1);

            if (behavior.VarArea || behavior.fixedArea || behavior.Usertest)
                // Check whether the area is larger than permitted.
                area = 0.5f * (dxod * dyda - dyod * dxda);
                if (behavior.fixedArea && (area > behavior.MaxArea))
                    // Add this triangle to the list of bad triangles.
                    queue.Enqueue(ref testtri, minedge, tapex, torg, tdest);

                // Nonpositive area constraints are treated as unconstrained.
                if ((behavior.VarArea) && (area > testtri.triangle.area) && (testtri.triangle.area > 0.0))
                    // Add this triangle to the list of bad triangles.
                    queue.Enqueue(ref testtri, minedge, tapex, torg, tdest);

            // find the maximum edge and accordingly the pqr orientation
            if ((apexlen > orglen) && (apexlen > destlen))
                // The edge opposite the apex is longest.
                // maxedge = apexlen;
                // Find the cosine of the angle at the apex.
                maxangle = (orglen + destlen - apexlen) / (2 * UnityEngine.Mathf.Sqrt(orglen * destlen));
            else if (orglen > destlen)
                // The edge opposite the origin is longest.
                // maxedge = orglen;
                // Find the cosine of the angle at the origin.
                maxangle = (apexlen + destlen - orglen) / (2 * UnityEngine.Mathf.Sqrt(apexlen * destlen));
                // The edge opposite the destination is longest.
                // maxedge = destlen;
                // Find the cosine of the angle at the destination.
                maxangle = (apexlen + orglen - destlen) / (2 * UnityEngine.Mathf.Sqrt(apexlen * orglen));

            // Check whether the angle is smaller than permitted.
            if ((angle > behavior.goodAngle) || (maxangle < behavior.maxGoodAngle && behavior.MaxAngle != 0.0))
                // Use the rules of Miller, Pav, and Walkington to decide that certain
                // triangles should not be split, even if they have bad angles.
                // A skinny triangle is not split if its shortest edge subtends a
                // small input angle, and both endpoints of the edge lie on a
                // concentric circular shell.  For convenience, I make a small
                // adjustment to that rule:  I check if the endpoints of the edge
                // both lie in segment interiors, equidistant from the apex where
                // the two segments meet.
                // First, check if both points lie in segment interiors.
                if ((base1.type == VertexType.SegmentVertex) &&
                    (base2.type == VertexType.SegmentVertex))
                    // Check if both points lie in a common segment. If they do, the
                    // skinny triangle is enqueued to be split as usual.
                    tri1.SegPivot(ref testsub);
                    if (testsub.seg == Mesh.dummysub)
                        // No common segment.  Find a subsegment that contains 'torg'.
                        tri1.Copy(ref tri2);
                            tri1.SegPivot(ref testsub);
                        } while (testsub.seg == Mesh.dummysub);
                        // Find the endpoints of the containing segment.
                        org1  = testsub.SegOrg();
                        dest1 = testsub.SegDest();
                        // Find a subsegment that contains 'tdest'.
                            tri2.SegPivot(ref testsub);
                        } while (testsub.seg == Mesh.dummysub);
                        // Find the endpoints of the containing segment.
                        org2  = testsub.SegOrg();
                        dest2 = testsub.SegDest();
                        // Check if the two containing segments have an endpoint in common.
                        joinvertex = null;
                        if ((dest1.x == org2.x) && (dest1.y == org2.y))
                            joinvertex = dest1;
                        else if ((org1.x == dest2.x) && (org1.y == dest2.y))
                            joinvertex = org1;
                        if (joinvertex != null)
                            // Compute the distance from the common endpoint (of the two
                            // segments) to each of the endpoints of the shortest edge.
                            dist1 = ((base1.x - joinvertex.x) * (base1.x - joinvertex.x) +
                                     (base1.y - joinvertex.y) * (base1.y - joinvertex.y));
                            dist2 = ((base2.x - joinvertex.x) * (base2.x - joinvertex.x) +
                                     (base2.y - joinvertex.y) * (base2.y - joinvertex.y));
                            // If the two distances are equal, don't split the triangle.
                            if ((dist1 < 1.001 * dist2) && (dist1 > 0.999 * dist2))
                                // Return now to avoid enqueueing the bad triangle.

                // Add this triangle to the list of bad triangles.
                queue.Enqueue(ref testtri, minedge, tapex, torg, tdest);
Пример #23
        private void DivconqRecurse(int left, int right, int axis, ref Otri farleft, ref Otri farright)
            Otri otri  = new Otri();
            Otri otri1 = new Otri();
            Otri otri2 = new Otri();
            Otri otri3 = new Otri();
            Otri otri4 = new Otri();
            Otri otri5 = new Otri();
            int  num   = right - left + 1;

            if (num == 2)
                this.mesh.MakeTriangle(ref farleft);
                farleft.SetDest(this.sortarray[left + 1]);
                this.mesh.MakeTriangle(ref farright);
                farright.SetOrg(this.sortarray[left + 1]);
                farleft.Bond(ref farright);
                farleft.Bond(ref farright);
                farleft.Bond(ref farright);
                farright.Lprev(ref farleft);
            if (num != 3)
                int num1 = num >> 1;
                this.DivconqRecurse(left, left + num1 - 1, 1 - axis, ref farleft, ref otri4);
                this.DivconqRecurse(left + num1, right, 1 - axis, ref otri5, ref farright);
                this.MergeHulls(ref farleft, ref otri4, ref otri5, ref farright, axis);
            this.mesh.MakeTriangle(ref otri);
            this.mesh.MakeTriangle(ref otri1);
            this.mesh.MakeTriangle(ref otri2);
            this.mesh.MakeTriangle(ref otri3);
            double num2 = Primitives.CounterClockwise(this.sortarray[left], this.sortarray[left + 1], this.sortarray[left + 2]);

            if (num2 == 0)
                otri.SetDest(this.sortarray[left + 1]);
                otri1.SetOrg(this.sortarray[left + 1]);
                otri2.SetOrg(this.sortarray[left + 2]);
                otri2.SetDest(this.sortarray[left + 1]);
                otri3.SetOrg(this.sortarray[left + 1]);
                otri3.SetDest(this.sortarray[left + 2]);
                otri.Bond(ref otri1);
                otri2.Bond(ref otri3);
                otri.Bond(ref otri3);
                otri1.Bond(ref otri2);
                otri.Bond(ref otri1);
                otri2.Bond(ref otri3);
                otri1.Copy(ref farleft);
                otri2.Copy(ref farright);
            if (num2 <= 0)
                otri.SetDest(this.sortarray[left + 2]);
                otri1.SetOrg(this.sortarray[left + 2]);
                otri2.SetDest(this.sortarray[left + 2]);
                otri.SetApex(this.sortarray[left + 1]);
                otri2.SetOrg(this.sortarray[left + 1]);
                otri3.SetDest(this.sortarray[left + 1]);
                otri.SetDest(this.sortarray[left + 1]);
                otri1.SetOrg(this.sortarray[left + 1]);
                otri2.SetDest(this.sortarray[left + 1]);
                otri.SetApex(this.sortarray[left + 2]);
                otri2.SetOrg(this.sortarray[left + 2]);
                otri3.SetDest(this.sortarray[left + 2]);
            otri.Bond(ref otri1);
            otri.Bond(ref otri2);
            otri.Bond(ref otri3);
            otri1.Bond(ref otri2);
            otri1.Bond(ref otri3);
            otri2.Bond(ref otri3);
            otri1.Copy(ref farleft);
            if (num2 > 0)
                otri2.Copy(ref farright);
            farleft.Lnext(ref farright);
Пример #24
        /// <summary>
        /// Reconstruct a triangulation from its raw data representation.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="mesh"></param>
        /// <param name="input"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        /// <remarks>
        /// Reads an .ele file and reconstructs the original mesh.  If the -p switch
        /// is used, this procedure will also read a .poly file and reconstruct the
        /// subsegments of the original mesh.  If the -a switch is used, this
        /// procedure will also read an .area file and set a maximum area constraint
        /// on each triangle.
        /// Vertices that are not corners of triangles, such as nodes on edges of
        /// subparametric elements, are discarded.
        /// This routine finds the adjacencies between triangles (and subsegments)
        /// by forming one stack of triangles for each vertex. Each triangle is on
        /// three different stacks simultaneously. Each triangle's subsegment
        /// pointers are used to link the items in each stack. This memory-saving
        /// feature makes the code harder to read. The most important thing to keep
        /// in mind is that each triangle is removed from a stack precisely when
        /// the corresponding pointer is adjusted to refer to a subsegment rather
        /// than the next triangle of the stack.
        /// </remarks>
        public static int Reconstruct(Mesh mesh, InputGeometry input, ITriangle[] triangles)
            int hullsize = 0;

            Otri tri           = default(Otri);
            Otri triangleleft  = default(Otri);
            Otri checktri      = default(Otri);
            Otri checkleft     = default(Otri);
            Otri checkneighbor = default(Otri);
            Osub subseg        = default(Osub);

            List <Otri>[] vertexarray; // Triangle
            Otri          prevlink;    // Triangle
            Otri          nexttri;     // Triangle
            Vertex        tdest, tapex;
            Vertex        checkdest, checkapex;
            Vertex        shorg;
            Vertex        segmentorg, segmentdest;

            int[] corner = new int[3];
            int[] end    = new int[2];
            //bool segmentmarkers = false;
            int  boundmarker;
            int  aroundvertex;
            bool notfound;
            int  i = 0;

            int elements         = triangles == null ? 0 : triangles.Length;
            int numberofsegments = input.segments.Count;

            mesh.inelements = elements;

            // Create the triangles.
            for (i = 0; i < mesh.inelements; i++)
                mesh.MakeTriangle(ref tri);
                // Mark the triangle as living.
                //tri.triangle.neighbors[0].triangle = tri.triangle;

            if (mesh.behavior.Poly)
                mesh.insegments = numberofsegments;

                // Create the subsegments.
                for (i = 0; i < mesh.insegments; i++)
                    mesh.MakeSegment(ref subseg);
                    // Mark the subsegment as living.
                    //subseg.ss.subsegs[0].ss = subseg.ss;

            // Allocate a temporary array that maps each vertex to some adjacent
            // triangle. I took care to allocate all the permanent memory for
            // triangles and subsegments first.
            vertexarray = new List <Otri> [mesh.vertices.Count];
            // Each vertex is initially unrepresented.
            for (i = 0; i < mesh.vertices.Count; i++)
                Otri tmp = default(Otri);
                tmp.triangle   = Mesh.dummytri;
                vertexarray[i] = new List <Otri>(3);

            i = 0;

            // Read the triangles from the .ele file, and link
            // together those that share an edge.
            foreach (var item in mesh.triangles.Values)
                tri.triangle = item;

                corner[0] = triangles[i].P0;
                corner[1] = triangles[i].P1;
                corner[2] = triangles[i].P2;

                // Copy the triangle's three corners.
                for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++)
                    if ((corner[j] < 0) || (corner[j] >= mesh.invertices))
                        SimpleLog.Instance.Error("Triangle has an invalid vertex index.", "MeshReader.Reconstruct()");
                        throw new Exception("Triangle has an invalid vertex index.");

                // Read the triangle's attributes.
                tri.triangle.region = triangles[i].Region;

                // TODO: VarArea
                if (mesh.behavior.VarArea)
                    tri.triangle.area = triangles[i].Area;

                // Set the triangle's vertices.
                tri.orient = 0;

                // Try linking the triangle to others that share these vertices.
                for (tri.orient = 0; tri.orient < 3; tri.orient++)
                    // Take the number for the origin of triangleloop.
                    aroundvertex = corner[tri.orient];
                    int index = vertexarray[aroundvertex].Count - 1;
                    // Look for other triangles having this vertex.
                    nexttri = vertexarray[aroundvertex][index];
                    // Link the current triangle to the next one in the stack.
                    //tri.triangle.neighbors[tri.orient] = nexttri;
                    // Push the current triangle onto the stack.

                    checktri = nexttri;

                    if (checktri.triangle != Mesh.dummytri)
                        tdest = tri.Dest();
                        tapex = tri.Apex();

                        // Look for other triangles that share an edge.
                            checkdest = checktri.Dest();
                            checkapex = checktri.Apex();

                            if (tapex == checkdest)
                                // The two triangles share an edge; bond them together.
                                tri.Lprev(ref triangleleft);
                                triangleleft.Bond(ref checktri);
                            if (tdest == checkapex)
                                // The two triangles share an edge; bond them together.
                                checktri.Lprev(ref checkleft);
                                tri.Bond(ref checkleft);
                            // Find the next triangle in the stack.
                            nexttri = vertexarray[aroundvertex][index];

                            checktri = nexttri;
                        } while (checktri.triangle != Mesh.dummytri);


            // Prepare to count the boundary edges.
            hullsize = 0;
            if (mesh.behavior.Poly)
                // Read the segments from the .poly file, and link them
                // to their neighboring triangles.
                boundmarker = 0;
                i           = 0;
                foreach (var item in mesh.subsegs.Values)
                    subseg.seg = item;

                    end[0]      = input.segments[i].P0;
                    end[1]      = input.segments[i].P1;
                    boundmarker = input.segments[i].Boundary;

                    for (int j = 0; j < 2; j++)
                        if ((end[j] < 0) || (end[j] >= mesh.invertices))
                            SimpleLog.Instance.Error("Segment has an invalid vertex index.", "MeshReader.Reconstruct()");
                            throw new Exception("Segment has an invalid vertex index.");

                    // set the subsegment's vertices.
                    subseg.orient = 0;
                    segmentorg    = mesh.vertices[end[0]];
                    segmentdest   = mesh.vertices[end[1]];
                    subseg.seg.boundary = boundmarker;
                    // Try linking the subsegment to triangles that share these vertices.
                    for (subseg.orient = 0; subseg.orient < 2; subseg.orient++)
                        // Take the number for the destination of subsegloop.
                        aroundvertex = end[1 - subseg.orient];
                        int index = vertexarray[aroundvertex].Count - 1;
                        // Look for triangles having this vertex.
                        prevlink = vertexarray[aroundvertex][index];
                        nexttri  = vertexarray[aroundvertex][index];

                        checktri = nexttri;
                        shorg    = subseg.Org();
                        notfound = true;
                        // Look for triangles having this edge.  Note that I'm only
                        // comparing each triangle's destination with the subsegment;
                        // each triangle's apex is handled through a different vertex.
                        // Because each triangle appears on three vertices' lists, each
                        // occurrence of a triangle on a list can (and does) represent
                        // an edge.  In this way, most edges are represented twice, and
                        // every triangle-subsegment bond is represented once.
                        while (notfound && (checktri.triangle != Mesh.dummytri))
                            checkdest = checktri.Dest();

                            if (shorg == checkdest)
                                // We have a match. Remove this triangle from the list.
                                //prevlink = vertexarray[aroundvertex][index];
                                // Bond the subsegment to the triangle.
                                checktri.SegBond(ref subseg);
                                // Check if this is a boundary edge.
                                checktri.Sym(ref checkneighbor);
                                if (checkneighbor.triangle == Mesh.dummytri)
                                    // The next line doesn't insert a subsegment (because there's
                                    // already one there), but it sets the boundary markers of
                                    // the existing subsegment and its vertices.
                                    mesh.InsertSubseg(ref checktri, 1);
                                notfound = false;
                            // Find the next triangle in the stack.
                            prevlink = vertexarray[aroundvertex][index];
                            nexttri  = vertexarray[aroundvertex][index];

                            checktri = nexttri;


            // Mark the remaining edges as not being attached to any subsegment.
            // Also, count the (yet uncounted) boundary edges.
            for (i = 0; i < mesh.vertices.Count; i++)
                // Search the stack of triangles adjacent to a vertex.
                int index = vertexarray[i].Count - 1;
                nexttri  = vertexarray[i][index];
                checktri = nexttri;

                while (checktri.triangle != Mesh.dummytri)
                    // Find the next triangle in the stack before this
                    // information gets overwritten.
                    nexttri = vertexarray[i][index];
                    // No adjacent subsegment.  (This overwrites the stack info.)
                    checktri.Sym(ref checkneighbor);
                    if (checkneighbor.triangle == Mesh.dummytri)
                        mesh.InsertSubseg(ref checktri, 1);

                    checktri = nexttri;

Пример #25
        /// <summary>
        ///     Enforce the Delaunay condition at an edge, fanning out recursively from
        ///     an existing vertex. Pay special attention to stacking inverted triangles.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="fixuptri"></param>
        /// <param name="leftside">
        ///     Indicates whether or not fixuptri is to the left of
        ///     the segment being inserted. (Imagine that the segment is pointing up from
        ///     endpoint1 to endpoint2.)
        /// </param>
        /// <remarks>
        ///     This is a support routine for inserting segments into a constrained
        ///     Delaunay triangulation.
        ///     The origin of fixuptri is treated as if it has just been inserted, and
        ///     the local Delaunay condition needs to be enforced. It is only enforced
        ///     in one sector, however, that being the angular range defined by
        ///     fixuptri.
        ///     This routine also needs to make decisions regarding the "stacking" of
        ///     triangles. (Read the description of ConstrainedEdge() below before
        ///     reading on here, so you understand the algorithm.) If the position of
        ///     the new vertex (the origin of fixuptri) indicates that the vertex before
        ///     it on the polygon is a reflex vertex, then "stack" the triangle by
        ///     doing nothing.  (fixuptri is an inverted triangle, which is how stacked
        ///     triangles are identified.)
        ///     Otherwise, check whether the vertex before that was a reflex vertex.
        ///     If so, perform an edge flip, thereby eliminating an inverted triangle
        ///     (popping it off the stack). The edge flip may result in the creation
        ///     of a new inverted triangle, depending on whether or not the new vertex
        ///     is visible to the vertex three edges behind on the polygon.
        ///     If neither of the two vertices behind the new vertex are reflex
        ///     vertices, fixuptri and fartri, the triangle opposite it, are not
        ///     inverted; hence, ensure that the edge between them is locally Delaunay.
        /// </remarks>
        private void DelaunayFixup(ref Otri fixuptri, bool leftside)
            Otri   neartri = default(Otri);
            Otri   fartri = default(Otri);
            Osub   faredge = default(Osub);
            Vertex nearvertex, leftvertex, rightvertex, farvertex;

            fixuptri.Lnext(ref neartri);
            neartri.Sym(ref fartri);
            // Check if the edge opposite the origin of fixuptri can be flipped.
            if (fartri.tri.Id == Mesh.DUMMY)
            neartri.Pivot(ref faredge);
            if (faredge.seg.hash != Mesh.DUMMY)
            // Find all the relevant vertices.
            nearvertex  = neartri.Apex();
            leftvertex  = neartri.Org();
            rightvertex = neartri.Dest();
            farvertex   = fartri.Apex();
            // Check whether the previous polygon vertex is a reflex vertex.
            if (leftside)
                if (RobustPredicates.CounterClockwise(nearvertex, leftvertex, farvertex) <= 0.0)
                    // leftvertex is a reflex vertex too. Nothing can
                    // be done until a convex section is found.
                if (RobustPredicates.CounterClockwise(farvertex, rightvertex, nearvertex) <= 0.0)
                    // rightvertex is a reflex vertex too.  Nothing can
                    // be done until a convex section is found.
            if (RobustPredicates.CounterClockwise(rightvertex, leftvertex, farvertex) > 0.0)
                // fartri is not an inverted triangle, and farvertex is not a reflex
                // vertex.  As there are no reflex vertices, fixuptri isn't an
                // inverted triangle, either.  Hence, test the edge between the
                // triangles to ensure it is locally Delaunay.
                if (RobustPredicates.InCircle(leftvertex, farvertex, rightvertex, nearvertex) <= 0.0)
                // Not locally Delaunay; go on to an edge flip.
            // else fartri is inverted; remove it from the stack by flipping.
            mesh.Flip(ref neartri);
            fixuptri.Lprev(); // Restore the origin of fixuptri after the flip.
            // Recursively process the two triangles that result from the flip.
            DelaunayFixup(ref fixuptri, leftside);
            DelaunayFixup(ref fartri, leftside);
Пример #26
        /// <summary>
        /// Construct Voronoi region for given vertex.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="vertex"></param>
        /// <returns>The circumcenter indices which make up the cell.</returns>
        private void ConstructVoronoiRegion(Vertex vertex)
            VoronoiRegion region = new VoronoiRegion(vertex);


            List <Point> vpoints = new List <Point>();

            Otri f      = default(Otri);
            Otri f_init = default(Otri);
            Otri f_next = default(Otri);
            Otri f_prev = default(Otri);

            Osub sub = default(Osub);

            // Call f_init a triangle incident to x
            vertex.tri.Copy(ref f_init);

            f_init.Copy(ref f);
            f_init.Onext(ref f_next);

            // Check if f_init lies on the boundary of the triangulation.
            if (f_next.triangle == Mesh.dummytri)
                f_init.Oprev(ref f_prev);

                if (f_prev.triangle != Mesh.dummytri)
                    f_init.Copy(ref f_next);
                    // Move one triangle clockwise
                    f_init.Copy(ref f);

            // Go counterclockwise until we reach the border or the initial triangle.
            while (f_next.triangle != Mesh.dummytri)
                // Add circumcenter of current triangle

                if (f_next.Equal(f_init))
                    // Voronoi cell is complete (bounded case).

                f_next.Copy(ref f);

            // Voronoi cell is unbounded
            region.Bounded = false;

            Vertex torg, tdest, tapex, intersection;
            int    sid, n = mesh.triangles.Count;

            // Find the boundary segment id.
            f.Lprev(ref f_next);
            f_next.SegPivot(ref sub);
            sid = sub.seg.hash;

            // Last valid f lies at the boundary. Add the circumcenter.

            // Check if the intersection with the bounding box has already been computed.
            if (rayPoints.ContainsKey(sid))
                torg  = f.Org();
                tapex = f.Apex();
                BoxRayIntersection(points[f.triangle.id], torg.y - tapex.y, tapex.x - torg.x, out intersection);

                // Set the correct id for the vertex
                intersection.id = n + rayIndex;

                points[n + rayIndex] = intersection;


                rayPoints.Add(sid, intersection);

            // Now walk from f_init clockwise till we reach the boundary.

            f_init.Copy(ref f);
            f.Oprev(ref f_prev);

            while (f_prev.triangle != Mesh.dummytri)

                f_prev.Copy(ref f);

            // Find the boundary segment id.
            f.SegPivot(ref sub);
            sid = sub.seg.hash;

            if (rayPoints.ContainsKey(sid))
                // Intersection has not been computed yet.
                torg  = f.Org();
                tdest = f.Dest();

                BoxRayIntersection(points[f.triangle.id], tdest.y - torg.y, torg.x - tdest.x, out intersection);

                // Set the correct id for the vertex
                intersection.id = n + rayIndex;

                points[n + rayIndex] = intersection;


                rayPoints.Add(sid, intersection);

            // Add the new points to the region (in counter-clockwise order)
Пример #27
        /// <summary>
        ///     Force a segment into a constrained Delaunay triangulation by deleting the
        ///     triangles it intersects, and triangulating the polygons that form on each
        ///     side of it.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="starttri"></param>
        /// <param name="endpoint2"></param>
        /// <param name="newmark"></param>
        /// <remarks>
        ///     Generates a single subsegment connecting 'endpoint1' to 'endpoint2'.
        ///     The triangle 'starttri' has 'endpoint1' as its origin.  'newmark' is the
        ///     boundary marker of the segment.
        ///     To insert a segment, every triangle whose interior intersects the
        ///     segment is deleted. The union of these deleted triangles is a polygon
        ///     (which is not necessarily monotone, but is close enough), which is
        ///     divided into two polygons by the new segment. This routine's task is
        ///     to generate the Delaunay triangulation of these two polygons.
        ///     You might think of this routine's behavior as a two-step process.  The
        ///     first step is to walk from endpoint1 to endpoint2, flipping each edge
        ///     encountered.  This step creates a fan of edges connected to endpoint1,
        ///     including the desired edge to endpoint2. The second step enforces the
        ///     Delaunay condition on each side of the segment in an incremental manner:
        ///     proceeding along the polygon from endpoint1 to endpoint2 (this is done
        ///     independently on each side of the segment), each vertex is "enforced"
        ///     as if it had just been inserted, but affecting only the previous
        ///     vertices. The result is the same as if the vertices had been inserted
        ///     in the order they appear on the polygon, so the result is Delaunay.
        ///     In truth, ConstrainedEdge() interleaves these two steps. The procedure
        ///     walks from endpoint1 to endpoint2, and each time an edge is encountered
        ///     and flipped, the newly exposed vertex (at the far end of the flipped
        ///     edge) is "enforced" upon the previously flipped edges, usually affecting
        ///     only one side of the polygon (depending upon which side of the segment
        ///     the vertex falls on).
        ///     The algorithm is complicated by the need to handle polygons that are not
        ///     convex.  Although the polygon is not necessarily monotone, it can be
        ///     triangulated in a manner similar to the stack-based algorithms for
        ///     monotone polygons. For each reflex vertex (local concavity) of the
        ///     polygon, there will be an inverted triangle formed by one of the edge
        ///     flips. (An inverted triangle is one with negative area - that is, its
        ///     vertices are arranged in clockwise order - and is best thought of as a
        ///     wrinkle in the fabric of the mesh.)  Each inverted triangle can be
        ///     thought of as a reflex vertex pushed on the stack, waiting to be fixed
        ///     later.
        ///     A reflex vertex is popped from the stack when a vertex is inserted that
        ///     is visible to the reflex vertex. (However, if the vertex behind the
        ///     reflex vertex is not visible to the reflex vertex, a new inverted
        ///     triangle will take its place on the stack.) These details are handled
        ///     by the DelaunayFixup() routine above.
        /// </remarks>
        private void ConstrainedEdge(ref Otri starttri, Vertex endpoint2, ushort newmark)
            Otri   fixuptri = default(Otri), fixuptri2 = default(Otri);
            Osub   crosssubseg = default(Osub);
            Vertex endpoint1;
            Vertex farvertex;
            double area;
            bool   collision;
            bool   done;

            endpoint1 = starttri.Org();
            starttri.Lnext(ref fixuptri);
            mesh.Flip(ref fixuptri);
            // 'collision' indicates whether we have found a vertex directly
            // between endpoint1 and endpoint2.
            collision = false;
            done      = false;
                farvertex = fixuptri.Org();
                // 'farvertex' is the extreme point of the polygon we are "digging"
                //  to get from endpoint1 to endpoint2.
                if ((farvertex.X == endpoint2.X) && (farvertex.Y == endpoint2.Y))
                    fixuptri.Oprev(ref fixuptri2);
                    // Enforce the Delaunay condition around endpoint2.
                    DelaunayFixup(ref fixuptri, false);
                    DelaunayFixup(ref fixuptri2, true);
                    done = true;
                    // Check whether farvertex is to the left or right of the segment being
                    // inserted, to decide which edge of fixuptri to dig through next.
                    area = RobustPredicates.CounterClockwise(endpoint1, endpoint2, farvertex);
                    if (area == 0.0)
                        // We've collided with a vertex between endpoint1 and endpoint2.
                        collision = true;
                        fixuptri.Oprev(ref fixuptri2);
                        // Enforce the Delaunay condition around farvertex.
                        DelaunayFixup(ref fixuptri, false);
                        DelaunayFixup(ref fixuptri2, true);
                        done = true;
                        if (area > 0.0)
                            // farvertex is to the left of the segment.
                            fixuptri.Oprev(ref fixuptri2);
                            // Enforce the Delaunay condition around farvertex, on the
                            // left side of the segment only.
                            DelaunayFixup(ref fixuptri2, true);
                            // Flip the edge that crosses the segment. After the edge is
                            // flipped, one of its endpoints is the fan vertex, and the
                            // destination of fixuptri is the fan vertex.
                            // farvertex is to the right of the segment.
                            DelaunayFixup(ref fixuptri, false);
                            // Flip the edge that crosses the segment. After the edge is
                            // flipped, one of its endpoints is the fan vertex, and the
                            // destination of fixuptri is the fan vertex.
                        // Check for two intersecting segments.
                        fixuptri.Pivot(ref crosssubseg);
                        if (crosssubseg.seg.hash == Mesh.DUMMY)
                            mesh.Flip(ref fixuptri); // May create inverted triangle at left.
                            // We've collided with a segment between endpoint1 and endpoint2.
                            collision = true;
                            // Insert a vertex at the intersection.
                            SegmentIntersection(ref fixuptri, ref crosssubseg, endpoint2);
                            done = true;
            } while (!done);
            // Insert a subsegment to make the segment permanent.
            mesh.InsertSubseg(ref fixuptri, newmark);
            // If there was a collision with an interceding vertex, install another
            // segment connecting that vertex with endpoint2.
            if (collision)
                // Insert the remainder of the segment.
                if (!ScoutSegment(ref fixuptri, endpoint2, newmark))
                    ConstrainedEdge(ref fixuptri, endpoint2, newmark);
Пример #28
        /// <summary>
        /// Recursively form a Delaunay triangulation by the divide-and-conquer method.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="left"></param>
        /// <param name="right"></param>
        /// <param name="axis"></param>
        /// <param name="farleft"></param>
        /// <param name="farright"></param>
        /// <remarks>
        /// Recursively breaks down the problem into smaller pieces, which are
        /// knitted together by mergehulls(). The base cases (problems of two or
        /// three vertices) are handled specially here.
        /// On completion, 'farleft' and 'farright' are bounding triangles such that
        /// the origin of 'farleft' is the leftmost vertex (breaking ties by
        /// choosing the highest leftmost vertex), and the destination of
        /// 'farright' is the rightmost vertex (breaking ties by choosing the
        /// lowest rightmost vertex).
        /// </remarks>
        void DivconqRecurse(int left, int right, int axis,
                            ref Otri farleft, ref Otri farright)
            Otri   midtri = default(Otri);
            Otri   tri1 = default(Otri);
            Otri   tri2 = default(Otri);
            Otri   tri3 = default(Otri);
            Otri   innerleft = default(Otri), innerright = default(Otri);
            double area;
            int    vertices = right - left + 1;
            int    divider;

            if (vertices == 2)
                // The triangulation of two vertices is an edge.  An edge is
                // represented by two bounding triangles.
                mesh.MakeTriangle(ref farleft);
                farleft.SetDest(sortarray[left + 1]);
                // The apex is intentionally left NULL.
                mesh.MakeTriangle(ref farright);
                farright.SetOrg(sortarray[left + 1]);
                // The apex is intentionally left NULL.
                farleft.Bond(ref farright);
                farleft.Bond(ref farright);
                farleft.Bond(ref farright);

                // Ensure that the origin of 'farleft' is sortarray[0].
                farright.Lprev(ref farleft);
            else if (vertices == 3)
                // The triangulation of three vertices is either a triangle (with
                // three bounding triangles) or two edges (with four bounding
                // triangles).  In either case, four triangles are created.
                mesh.MakeTriangle(ref midtri);
                mesh.MakeTriangle(ref tri1);
                mesh.MakeTriangle(ref tri2);
                mesh.MakeTriangle(ref tri3);
                area = Primitives.CounterClockwise(sortarray[left], sortarray[left + 1], sortarray[left + 2]);
                if (area == 0.0)
                    // Three collinear vertices; the triangulation is two edges.
                    midtri.SetDest(sortarray[left + 1]);
                    tri1.SetOrg(sortarray[left + 1]);
                    tri2.SetOrg(sortarray[left + 2]);
                    tri2.SetDest(sortarray[left + 1]);
                    tri3.SetOrg(sortarray[left + 1]);
                    tri3.SetDest(sortarray[left + 2]);
                    // All apices are intentionally left NULL.
                    midtri.Bond(ref tri1);
                    tri2.Bond(ref tri3);
                    midtri.Bond(ref tri3);
                    tri1.Bond(ref tri2);
                    midtri.Bond(ref tri1);
                    tri2.Bond(ref tri3);
                    // Ensure that the origin of 'farleft' is sortarray[0].
                    tri1.Copy(ref farleft);
                    // Ensure that the destination of 'farright' is sortarray[2].
                    tri2.Copy(ref farright);
                    // The three vertices are not collinear; the triangulation is one
                    // triangle, namely 'midtri'.
                    // Apices of tri1, tri2, and tri3 are left NULL.
                    if (area > 0.0)
                        // The vertices are in counterclockwise order.
                        midtri.SetDest(sortarray[left + 1]);
                        tri1.SetOrg(sortarray[left + 1]);
                        tri2.SetDest(sortarray[left + 1]);
                        midtri.SetApex(sortarray[left + 2]);
                        tri2.SetOrg(sortarray[left + 2]);
                        tri3.SetDest(sortarray[left + 2]);
                        // The vertices are in clockwise order.
                        midtri.SetDest(sortarray[left + 2]);
                        tri1.SetOrg(sortarray[left + 2]);
                        tri2.SetDest(sortarray[left + 2]);
                        midtri.SetApex(sortarray[left + 1]);
                        tri2.SetOrg(sortarray[left + 1]);
                        tri3.SetDest(sortarray[left + 1]);
                    // The topology does not depend on how the vertices are ordered.
                    midtri.Bond(ref tri1);
                    midtri.Bond(ref tri2);
                    midtri.Bond(ref tri3);
                    tri1.Bond(ref tri2);
                    tri1.Bond(ref tri3);
                    tri2.Bond(ref tri3);
                    // Ensure that the origin of 'farleft' is sortarray[0].
                    tri1.Copy(ref farleft);
                    // Ensure that the destination of 'farright' is sortarray[2].
                    if (area > 0.0)
                        tri2.Copy(ref farright);
                        farleft.Lnext(ref farright);

                // Split the vertices in half.
                divider = vertices >> 1;
                // Recursively triangulate each half.
                DivconqRecurse(left, left + divider - 1, 1 - axis, ref farleft, ref innerleft);
                //DebugWriter.Session.Write(mesh, true);
                DivconqRecurse(left + divider, right, 1 - axis, ref innerright, ref farright);
                //DebugWriter.Session.Write(mesh, true);

                // Merge the two triangulations into one.
                MergeHulls(ref farleft, ref innerleft, ref innerright, ref farright, axis);
                //DebugWriter.Session.Write(mesh, true);
Пример #29
        private void ConstructVoronoiRegion(Vertex vertex)
            Vertex        vertex1;
            Vertex        vertex2;
            VoronoiRegion voronoiRegion = new VoronoiRegion(vertex);

            List <Point> points = new List <Point>();
            Otri         otri   = new Otri();
            Otri         otri1  = new Otri();
            Otri         otri2  = new Otri();
            Otri         otri3  = new Otri();
            Osub         osub   = new Osub();

            vertex.tri.Copy(ref otri1);
            otri1.Copy(ref otri);
            otri1.Onext(ref otri2);
            if (otri2.triangle == Mesh.dummytri)
                otri1.Oprev(ref otri3);
                if (otri3.triangle != Mesh.dummytri)
                    otri1.Copy(ref otri2);
                    otri1.Copy(ref otri);
            while (otri2.triangle != Mesh.dummytri)
                if (otri2.Equal(otri1))
                otri2.Copy(ref otri);
            voronoiRegion.Bounded = false;
            int count = this.mesh.triangles.Count;

            otri.Lprev(ref otri2);
            otri2.SegPivot(ref osub);
            int num = osub.seg.hash;

            if (!this.rayPoints.ContainsKey(num))
                vertex1 = otri.Org();
                Vertex vertex3 = otri.Apex();
                this.BoxRayIntersection(this.points[otri.triangle.id], vertex1.y - vertex3.y, vertex3.x - vertex1.x, out vertex2);
                vertex2.id = count + this.rayIndex;
                this.points[count + this.rayIndex] = vertex2;
                this.rayIndex = this.rayIndex + 1;
                this.rayPoints.Add(num, vertex2);
            otri1.Copy(ref otri);
            otri.Oprev(ref otri3);
            while (otri3.triangle != Mesh.dummytri)
                otri3.Copy(ref otri);
            otri.SegPivot(ref osub);
            num = osub.seg.hash;
            if (!this.rayPoints.ContainsKey(num))
                vertex1 = otri.Org();
                Vertex vertex4 = otri.Dest();
                this.BoxRayIntersection(this.points[otri.triangle.id], vertex4.y - vertex1.y, vertex1.x - vertex4.x, out vertex2);
                vertex2.id = count + this.rayIndex;
                this.points[count + this.rayIndex] = vertex2;
                this.rayIndex = this.rayIndex + 1;
                this.rayPoints.Add(num, vertex2);