internal static void BloomEnd() { if (!(ConfigManager.sBloomSoftening || ExtraPass)) { return; } renderTarget.Unbind(); #if !DEBUG try { #endif // If we rendered everything to a frame buffer object, then we first need to blit it to the backbuffer. if (OsuGlControl.CanUseFBO) { OsuGlControl.SetBlend(BlendingFactorSrc.One, BlendingFactorDest.Zero); renderTarget.Texture.Draw(Vector2.Zero, Vector2.Zero, Color.White, new Vector2(1, -1), 0, null); } OsuGlControl.SetBlend(BlendingFactorSrc.SrcAlpha, BlendingFactorDest.OneMinusSrcAlpha); bloomShader.Begin(); if (ConfigManager.sBloomSoftening) { bloomShader.Properties[@"mag"] = 0.004f; bloomShader.Properties[@"alpha"] = 0.15f; bloomShader.Properties[@"hirange"] = false; bloomShader.Properties[@"redtint"] = 0f; renderTarget.Texture.Draw(Vector2.Zero, Vector2.Zero, Color.White, new Vector2(1, -1), 0, null); } if (ExtraPass) { bloomShader.Properties[@"mag"] = Magnitude; bloomShader.Properties[@"alpha"] = Alpha; bloomShader.Properties[@"hirange"] = HiRange; bloomShader.Properties[@"redtint"] = RedTint; if (Additive) { OsuGlControl.SetBlend(BlendingFactorSrc.SrcAlpha, BlendingFactorDest.One); } renderTarget.Texture.Draw(Vector2.Zero, Vector2.Zero, Color.White, new Vector2(1, -1), 0, null); if (Additive) { OsuGlControl.SetBlend(BlendingFactorSrc.SrcAlpha, BlendingFactorDest.OneMinusSrcAlpha); } } bloomShader.End(); #if !DEBUG } catch { //Todo: } #endif }
public QuadVertexBuffer(int amountQuads, BufferUsageHint usage) : base(amountQuads * 4, usage) { int amountIndices = amountQuads * 6; if (amountIndices > QuadIndexData.MaxAmountIndices) { ushort[] indices = new ushort[amountIndices]; for (ushort i = 0, j = 0; j < amountIndices; i += 4, j += 6) { indices[j] = i; indices[j + 1] = (ushort)(i + 1); indices[j + 2] = (ushort)(i + 3); indices[j + 3] = (ushort)(i + 2); indices[j + 4] = (ushort)(i + 3); indices[j + 5] = (ushort)(i + 1); } OsuGlControl.BindBuffer(BufferTarget.ElementArrayBuffer, QuadIndexData.EboId); GL.BufferData(BufferTarget.ElementArrayBuffer, (IntPtr)(amountIndices * sizeof(ushort)), indices, BufferUsageHint.StaticDraw); QuadIndexData.MaxAmountIndices = amountIndices; } }
private void startBatch(bool allowRecycle = false) { if (hasBegun && !allowRecycle) { return; } endBatch(); int amountQuads = OsuMathHelper.Clamp(SpriteList.Count, 1, 100); if (SpriteBatch == null || SpriteBatch.Size < amountQuads) { for (int i = 0; i < SpriteBatches.Length; i++) { SpriteBatches[i] = new QuadBatch <TexturedVertex2d>(amountQuads * 2, 500); } } if (currentBlend == SpriteBlendMode.Additive) { OsuGlControl.SetBlend(BlendingFactorSrc.SrcAlpha, BlendingFactorDest.One); } else { OsuGlControl.SetBlend(BlendingFactorSrc.SrcAlpha, BlendingFactorDest.OneMinusSrcAlpha); } hasBegun = true; Current = this; NativeText.ScaleModifier = Scale; }
public override void Bind(bool forRendering) { base.Bind(forRendering); if (forRendering) { OsuGlControl.BindBuffer(BufferTarget.ElementArrayBuffer, LinearIndexData.EboId); } }
public virtual void Bind(bool forRendering) { Debug.Assert(!isDisposed); if (OsuGlControl.BindBuffer(BufferTarget.ArrayBuffer, vboId)) { bindAttributes(); } }
public override bool Draw() { if (!base.Draw()) { return(false); } Progress = (float)Math.Min(1.0, Progress); float scaledOuterRingRadius = Radius * Scale * GameBase.WindowManager.RatioInverse; float scaledGlowWidth = GlowWidth * Scale * GameBase.WindowManager.RatioInverse; float scaledInnerRingRadius = (float)Math.Min(scaledOuterRingRadius, Math.Max(0.0, (Radius - LineWidth) * Scale * GameBase.WindowManager.RatioInverse)); Vector2 scaledPosition = Position * GameBase.WindowManager.Ratio; vertexBuffer.Vertices[0].Position = scaledPosition + new Vector2(-scaledOuterRingRadius - scaledGlowWidth, -scaledOuterRingRadius - scaledGlowWidth); vertexBuffer.Vertices[1].Position = scaledPosition + new Vector2(-scaledOuterRingRadius - scaledGlowWidth, scaledOuterRingRadius + scaledGlowWidth); vertexBuffer.Vertices[2].Position = scaledPosition + new Vector2(scaledOuterRingRadius + scaledGlowWidth, scaledOuterRingRadius + scaledGlowWidth); vertexBuffer.Vertices[3].Position = scaledPosition + new Vector2(scaledOuterRingRadius + scaledGlowWidth, -scaledOuterRingRadius - scaledGlowWidth); vertexBuffer.Update(); circularProgressBarShader.Properties[@"m_CenterPos"] = new OpenTK.Vector2(scaledPosition.X, scaledPosition.Y); circularProgressBarShader.Properties[@"m_OuterRadius"] = scaledOuterRingRadius; circularProgressBarShader.Properties[@"m_InnerRadius"] = scaledInnerRingRadius; circularProgressBarShader.Properties[@"m_OuterGlowRadius"] = scaledOuterRingRadius + scaledGlowWidth; circularProgressBarShader.Properties[@"m_InnerGlowRadius"] = scaledInnerRingRadius - scaledGlowWidth; circularProgressBarShader.Properties[@"m_Alpha"] = Alpha; circularProgressBarShader.Properties[@"m_GlowColour"] = _glowColour; circularProgressBarShader.Properties[@"m_RingBackgroundColour"] = _ringBackgroundColour; circularProgressBarShader.Properties[@"m_RingForegroundColour"] = _ringForegroundColour; circularProgressBarShader.Properties[@"m_Progress"] = Progress; OsuGlControl.SetBlend(BlendingFactorSrc.One, BlendingFactorDest.One); circularProgressBarShader.Begin(); vertexBuffer.Draw(); circularProgressBarShader.End(); return(true); }
public LinearVertexBuffer(int amountVertices, BeginMode type, BufferUsageHint usage) : base(amountVertices, usage) { this.type = type; if (amountVertices > LinearIndexData.MaxAmountIndices) { ushort[] indices = new ushort[amountVertices]; for (ushort i = 0; i < amountVertices; i++) { indices[i] = i; } OsuGlControl.BindBuffer(BufferTarget.ElementArrayBuffer, LinearIndexData.EboId); GL.BufferData(BufferTarget.ElementArrayBuffer, (IntPtr)(amountVertices * sizeof(ushort)), indices, BufferUsageHint.StaticDraw); LinearIndexData.MaxAmountIndices = amountVertices; } }
public void Draw() { if (ConfigManager.dDisableSpriteDraw) { return; } pTexture trail = SkinManager.t_cursortrail; if (amountVisibleRanges == 0 || trail == null || trail.IsDisposed) { return; } if (trail.TextureGl.Bind()) { cursorTrailShader.Properties[@"g_FadeClock"] = fadeClock; cursorTrailShader.Begin(); OsuGlControl.SetBlend(BlendingFactorSrc.SrcAlpha, BlendingFactorDest.One); for (int i = 0; i < amountNewRanges; i += 2) { for (int j = newIndexRanges[i]; j < newIndexRanges[i + 1]; ++j) { needsUpload[j] = false; } vertexBuffer.UpdateRange(newIndexRanges[i] * 4, newIndexRanges[i + 1] * 4); } for (int i = 0; i < amountVisibleRanges; i += 2) { vertexBuffer.DrawRange(visibleIndexRanges[i] * 4, visibleIndexRanges[i + 1] * 4); } cursorTrailShader.End(); } }
public void Resize(int amountVertices) { Debug.Assert(!isDisposed); T[] oldVertices = Vertices; Vertices = new T[amountVertices]; if (oldVertices != null) { for (int i = 0; i < oldVertices.Length && i < Vertices.Length; ++i) { Vertices[i] = oldVertices[i]; } } if (OsuGlControl.BindBuffer(BufferTarget.ArrayBuffer, vboId)) { bindAttributes(); } GL.BufferData(BufferTarget.ArrayBuffer, (IntPtr)(Vertices.Length * stride), IntPtr.Zero, usage); }
/// <summary> /// Core drawing method in OpenGL /// </summary> /// <param name="lineList">List of lines to use</param> /// <param name="globalRadius">Width of the slider</param> /// <param name="texture">Texture used for the track</param> /// <param name="prev">The last line which was rendered in the previous iteration, or null if this is the first iteration.</param> private void DrawOGL(List <Line> lineList, float globalRadius, TextureGl texture, Line prev, int lineCount) { GL.Disable(EnableCap.CullFace); GL.Disable(EnableCap.Blend); GL.Enable(EnableCap.DepthTest); GL.DepthMask(true); GL.DepthFunc(DepthFunction.Lequal); GL.Clear(ClearBufferMask.DepthBufferBit); OsuGlControl.TextureShader3D.Begin(); OsuGlControl.BindTexture(texture.TextureId); GL.TexParameter(TextureTarget.Texture2D, TextureParameterName.TextureMinFilter, (int)All.Linear); GL.TexParameter(TextureTarget.Texture2D, TextureParameterName.TextureMagFilter, (int)All.Linear); if (lineCount == -1) { lineCount = lineList.Count; } for (int x = 1; x < lineCount; x++) { DrawLineOGL(prev, lineList[x - 1], lineList[x], globalRadius); prev = lineList[x - 1]; } DrawLineOGL(prev, lineList[lineCount - 1], null, globalRadius); quadBatch.Draw(); halfCircleBatch.Draw(); OsuGlControl.TextureShader3D.End(); GL.Disable(EnableCap.DepthTest); GL.DepthMask(false); GL.Enable(EnableCap.Blend); }
/// <summary> /// Draws this instance. /// </summary> internal bool Draw() { lock (SpriteLock) { if (FirstDraw) { HandleFirstDraw(); } int spriteListCount = SpriteList.Count; PixelsDrawn = 0; //Setup view rectangle if (viewRectangleCustom) { ViewRectangleScaled = new RectangleF( (float)Math.Floor((WidescreenAutoOffset ? GameBase.WindowManager.NonWidescreenOffsetX : 0) + ViewRectangle.X * GameBase.WindowManager.Ratio), (float)Math.Floor(ViewRectangle.Y * GameBase.WindowManager.Ratio), (float)Math.Ceiling(ViewRectangle.Width * GameBase.WindowManager.Ratio), (float)Math.Ceiling(ViewRectangle.Height * GameBase.WindowManager.Ratio)); } else if (WidescreenAutoOffset) { ViewRectangleScaled = new RectangleF( GameBase.WindowManager.NonWidescreenOffsetX + ViewRectangle43.X * GameBase.WindowManager.Ratio, ViewRectangle43.Y * GameBase.WindowManager.Ratio, ViewRectangle43.Width * GameBase.WindowManager.Ratio, ViewRectangle43.Height * GameBase.WindowManager.Ratio); } else { ViewRectangleScaled = new RectangleF(ViewRectangleCurrent.X * GameBase.WindowManager.Ratio, ViewRectangleCurrent.Y * GameBase.WindowManager.Ratio, ViewRectangleCurrent.Width * GameBase.WindowManager.Ratio, ViewRectangleCurrent.Height * GameBase.WindowManager.Ratio); } ClipRectangle = new Rectangle((int)ViewRectangleScaled.X, (int)ViewRectangleScaled.Y, (int)Math.Ceiling(ViewRectangleScaled.Width), (int)Math.Ceiling(ViewRectangleScaled.Height)); if (spriteListCount == 0 && !ForwardPlayOptimisations) { return(false); } if (Alpha < 0.01f || Bypass) { for (int m = 0; m < spriteListCount; m++) { SpriteList[m].IsVisible = false; } return(false); } LastFrameRendered = GameBase.TotalFramesRendered; if (BlacknessTarget >= 0) { if (BlacknessTarget > Blackness) { Blackness = Math.Min(BlacknessTarget, Blackness + 0.018f * (float)GameBase.FrameRatio); } else if (BlacknessTarget < Blackness) { Blackness = Math.Max(BlacknessTarget, Blackness - 0.018f * (float)GameBase.FrameRatio); } } int gameTime = GameBase.Time; int audioTime = AudioEngine.Time; if (ForwardPlayOptimisations) { while (forwardPlayQueue.Count > 0) { pDrawable i = forwardPlayQueue.Peek(); if (i.Transformations.Count > 0 && i.Transformations[0].Time1 > (i.Clock == Clocks.Game ? gameTime : audioTime)) { break; } if (i.Transformations.Count == 0) { forwardPlayQueue.Dequeue().Dispose(); continue; } Add(forwardPlayQueue.Dequeue()); spriteListCount++; } if (AudioEngine.SeekedBackwards) { //if we are seeking backwards, re-add any previousyl removed items. while (forwardPlayPast.Count > 0) { pDrawable i = forwardPlayPast.Peek(); if (i.Transformations.Count > 0) { int lastTransform = i.Transformations[i.Transformations.Count - 1].Time2; if (lastTransform < audioTime) { if (audioTime - lastTransform > 5000) { break; //allowance for out-of-order additions to this queue. } } } i = forwardPlayPast.Pop(); //if (i.Clock != Clocks.AudioOnce) { Add(i); spriteListCount++; } } } } startBatch(); #if !DEBUG try { #endif bool firstDraw = true; //Keep track of the OGL rectangle Rectangle currentClipRectangle = Masking ? ClipRectangle : OsuGlControl.ViewportZeroBased; //In most cases we won't be clipping more than at a spritemanager level //so we can save on rectangle copies/ogl calls by resetting the initial scissor rectangle here OsuGlControl.ResetScissor(new System.Drawing.Rectangle(OsuGlControl.Viewport.Left + currentClipRectangle.Left, OsuGlControl.Viewport.Top + GameBase.WindowManager.Height - currentClipRectangle.Bottom, currentClipRectangle.Width, currentClipRectangle.Height)); if (SpriteBatch != null) { SpriteBatch.ResetCounters(); } for (int m = 0; m < spriteListCount; m++) { pDrawable s = SpriteList[m]; if (s.Bypass) { continue; } #if DEBUG TotalSprites++; #endif switch (s.Update()) { case UpdateResult.Discard: SpriteList.RemoveAt(m--); spriteListCount--; if (ForwardPlayOptimisations && s.Clock != Clocks.Game && AllowRewind) { forwardPlayPast.Push(s); } else { s.Dispose(); } break; case UpdateResult.NotVisible: break; case UpdateResult.Visible: #if DEBUG TotalSpritesVisible++; #endif if (!s.UsesSpriteBatch) { endBatch(); } if (currentClipRectangle != s.ClipRectangleScaled) { SpriteBatch.Draw(); currentClipRectangle = s.ClipRectangleScaled; OsuGlControl.ResetScissor(new System.Drawing.Rectangle(OsuGlControl.Viewport.Left + currentClipRectangle.Left, OsuGlControl.Viewport.Top + GameBase.WindowManager.Height - currentClipRectangle.Bottom, currentClipRectangle.Width, currentClipRectangle.Height)); } s.Draw(); firstDraw = false; break; } } if (hasBegun) { //there's an occasional case where blending mode is transferred outside of SpriteBatches (DirectX only). //this is a safety call to reset to alpha blending. SetBlending(false); } endBatch(true); OsuGlControl.ResetScissor(); #if !DEBUG exceptionCount = 0; } catch (Exception e) { /* TODO: Figure out why dialog popups are causing XNA exceptions * See */ try { endBatch(true); } catch { } if (!(e is InvalidOperationException) || ++exceptionCount > 1) { throw; } } #endif } return(true); }