public Sprite(TextureLoader TextureLoader, string filename, Point pos, float d, Point spritesize, OriginType som) { DrawnPosition = pos; CurrentFrame = 0; SpriteRect = new Rectangle(CurrentFrame * SpriteSize.X, 0, SpriteSize.X, SpriteSize.Y); SpriteSize = spritesize; rotation = MathHelper.Pi * 0.0f; Depth = d; Interval = 190; if (filename != null) { Load(filename, TextureLoader); } originMode = som; ReachedEnd = false; GraphicsDir = filename; if (GraphicsDir != null) { for (int i = GraphicsDir.Length - 2; i > 0; i--) { var s = GraphicsDir.Substring(i, 2); if (s.Contains("\\")) { GraphicsDir = GraphicsDir.Substring(0, i); break; } } } if (SpriteSize == Point.Zero && SpriteSheet != null) { SpriteSize = new Point(SpriteSheet.Width, SpriteSheet.Height); } DrawnBounds = new Rectangle(DrawnPosition.X, DrawnPosition.Y, SpriteSize.X, SpriteSize.Y); }
public Gladiator(byte years, OriginType origin) { Years = years; this.origin = origin; IsFreed = false; this.isAlive = true; }
public Instrument(XmlNode instrument) { = XmlConvert.ToGuid(instrument.Attributes["ID"].Value); this.originCode = instrument.Attributes["OriginCode"].Value; this.code = instrument.Attributes["Code"].Value; this.numeratorUnit = XmlConvert.ToInt32(instrument.Attributes["NumeratorUnit"].Value); this.denominator = XmlConvert.ToInt32(instrument.Attributes["Denominator"].Value); this.isSinglePrice = XmlConvert.ToBoolean(instrument.Attributes["IsSinglePrice"].Value); this.originType = (OriginType)XmlConvert.ToByte(instrument.Attributes["OriginType"].Value); this.alertVariation = XmlConvert.ToInt32(instrument.Attributes["AlertVariation"].Value); this.normalWaitTime = XmlConvert.ToInt32(instrument.Attributes["NormalWaitTime"].Value); this.alertWaitTime = XmlConvert.ToInt32(instrument.Attributes["AlertWaitTime"].Value); this.isActive = XmlConvert.ToBoolean(instrument.Attributes["IsActive"].Value); this.originInactiveTime = XmlConvert.ToInt32(instrument.Attributes["OriginInactiveTime"].Value); this.isPriceEnabled = XmlConvert.ToBoolean(instrument.Attributes["IsPriceEnabled"].Value); this.isAutoEnablePrice = XmlConvert.ToBoolean(instrument.Attributes["IsAutoEnablePrice"].Value); if (instrument.Attributes["ExternalExchangeCode"] != null) { this.exchangeSystem = (ExchangeSystem)Enum.Parse(typeof(ExchangeSystem), instrument.Attributes["ExternalExchangeCode"].Value); } this.lastPriceEnabledTime = this.isPriceEnabled ? DateTime.Now : DateTime.MinValue; this.originQReceived = null; this.originQProcessed = null; this.quotePolicyDetails = new ArrayList(); this.isTrading = false; this.scheduleID = null; this.lastOrigin = null; }
private void MouseUp(Window32Msg.MouseOrigin origin, MouseButton arg1, MousePoint arg2) { MouseInputData data = new MouseInputData(); data.Get((int)arg1).Up = true; OriginType type = OriginType.U3D_2D_MOUSE; switch (origin) { case Window32Msg.MouseOrigin.PRO_MOUSE: type = PROIs3DShow ? OriginType.PRO_3D_MOUSE : OriginType.PRO_2D_MOUSE; break; case Window32Msg.MouseOrigin.PRO_TOUCH: type = PROIs3DShow ? OriginType.PRO_3D_TOUCH : OriginType.PRO_2D_TOUCH; break; case Window32Msg.MouseOrigin.U3D_MOUSE: type = U3dIs3DShow ? OriginType.U3D_3D_MOUSE : OriginType.U3D_2D_MOUSE; break; case Window32Msg.MouseOrigin.U3D_TOUCH: type = U3dIs3DShow ? OriginType.U3D_3D_TOUCH : OriginType.U3D_2D_TOUCH; break; } if (m_LogLevel <= Common.LogLevel.DEBUG) { Common.AppLog.AddFormat(Common.LogLevel.DEBUG, "GCInput.MouseUp", $"Button={arg1.ToString()} OriginType={type.ToString()} point={arg2.X} {arg2.Y}"); } m_msgList.Add(new MsgData(type, data, new API.SPoint(arg2.X, arg2.Y))); }
private void ZDK_NET_OnVideoStopped(Call call, OriginType origin) { if (OnZoiperEvent != null) { OnZoiperEvent("OnVideoStopped"); } }
public bool UpdateFromText(string inputtext) { bool retval = true; try { if (inputtext.Length >= 3) { Direction = (inputtext[1] == '-' ? -1.0F : 1.0F); if (char.IsLetter(inputtext[2])) { Origin = OriginType.Edge; Value = 0.0F; } else { Origin = (inputtext[0] == 'E' ? OriginType.Edge : OriginType.Midpoint); Value = Convert.ToDouble(inputtext.Substring(2)); } } else { retval = false; } } catch (Exception /*ex*/) { retval = false; } return(retval); }
/// <summary> /// Create a storyboard element by dynamic images. /// </summary> /// <param name="type">Set element type.</param> /// <param name="layer">Set element layer.</param> /// <param name="origin">Set element origin.</param> /// <param name="imagePath">Set image path.</param> /// <param name="defaultX">Set default x-coordinate of location.</param> /// <param name="defaultY">Set default x-coordinate of location.</param> /// <param name="frameCount">Set frame count.</param> /// <param name="frameDelay">Set frame rate (frame delay).</param> /// <param name="loopType">Set loop type.</param> public AnimatedElement(ElementType type, LayerType layer, OriginType origin, string imagePath, float defaultX, float defaultY, int frameCount, float frameDelay, LoopType loopType) : base(type, layer, origin, imagePath, defaultX, defaultY) { FrameCount = frameCount; FrameDelay = frameDelay; LoopType = loopType; }
public IdentityDocument(Guid id, OriginType originType, Guid accountId, long lockVersion = 0) { Id = id; OriginType = originType; AccountId = accountId; LockVersion = lockVersion; }
public Sprite(Texture2D tex, OriginType type = OriginType.BottomLeft, Color?tint = null, float depth = 0f) { Texture = tex; Color = tint ?? Color.White; SetOrigin(type); Depth = depth; }
public Auditory MapLineHToAuditory(OriginType originType, DocType doctype, LineH lineH) { try { /* fec_doc, nro_doc, tip_doc, est_doc, fec_aud, usr_aud, est_aud, des_fil, est_fil, ORI_DOC */ return(new Auditory() { fec_doc = lineH.invoice_date, nro_doc = IFSKeys.SERIE(doctype) + lineH.invoice_no, tip_doc = lineH.invoice_type, est_doc = 1, fec_aud = System.DateTime.Now, usr_aud = System.Environment.MachineName, est_aud = "", des_fil = "", est_fil = "1", ori_doc = originType.ToString() }); } catch (Exception ex) { this._ILogService.Error(ex.Message); } return(null); }
public static string GetTypeName(OriginType type) { switch (type) { case OriginType.Source: return(StringResources.DisplayFilterControl_Copied_from_source); case OriginType.AutoPropagated: return(StringResources.DisplayFilterControl_Auto_propagated); case OriginType.Exact: return(StringResources.DisplayFilterControl_Exact_matches); case OriginType.Fuzzy: return(StringResources.DisplayFilterControl_Fuzzy_matches); case OriginType.PM: return(StringResources.DisplayFilterControl_Perfect_matches); case OriginType.CM: return(StringResources.DisplayFilterControl_Context_matches); case OriginType.AT: return(StringResources.DisplayFilterControl_Automated_translations); default: return(type.ToString()); } }
public Texture2D(string name, MG_Texture2D inner, OriginType originType) : base(name) { this.inner = inner; switch (originType) { case OriginType.TopRight: this.Origin = new Point(this.Width, 0); break; case OriginType.BottomLeft: this.Origin = new Point(0, this.Height); break; case OriginType.BottomRight: this.Origin = new Point(this.Width, this.Height); break; case OriginType.Center: this.Origin = new Point(this.Width / 2, this.Height / 2); break; default: this.Origin = Point.Zero; break; } }
private Origin <double> ParseOrigin(OriginType elementOrigin) { switch (elementOrigin) { case OriginType.TopLeft: return(Origins.TopLeft); case OriginType.TopCentre: return(Origins.TopCenter); case OriginType.TopRight: return(Origins.TopRight); case OriginType.CentreLeft: return(Origins.CenterLeft); case OriginType.Centre: return(Origins.Center); case OriginType.CentreRight: return(Origins.CenterRight); case OriginType.BottomLeft: return(Origins.BottomLeft); case OriginType.BottomCentre: return(Origins.BottomCenter); case OriginType.BottomRight: return(Origins.BottomRight); default: throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(elementOrigin), elementOrigin, null); } }
public View(Size size) { Size = new Size() { W = size.W, H = size.H }; OriginType = OriginType.ManualOrigin; }
public View(int w, int h) { Size = new Size() { W = w, H = h }; OriginType = OriginType.ManualOrigin; }
public View() { Size = new Size() { W = 0, H = 0 }; OriginType = OriginType.ManualOrigin; }
public static Texture2D LoadTexture2D(string assetPath, OriginType originType = OriginType.Center) { if (!texture2Ds.ContainsKey(assetPath)) { texture2Ds.Add(assetPath, new Texture2D(assetPath, Load <MG_Texture2D>(assetPath), originType)); } return(texture2Ds[assetPath]); }
/// <summary> /// Create a storyboard element by a static image. /// </summary> /// <param name="type">Set element type.</param> /// <param name="layer">Set element layer.</param> /// <param name="origin">Set element origin.</param> /// <param name="imagePath">Set image path.</param> /// <param name="defaultX">Set default x-coordinate of location.</param> /// <param name="defaultY">Set default x-coordinate of location.</param> public Element(ElementType type, LayerType layer, OriginType origin, string imagePath, float defaultX, float defaultY) { Type = type; Layer = layer; Origin = origin; ImagePath = imagePath; DefaultX = defaultX; DefaultY = defaultY; _isLooping = false; }
/// <summary> /// Creates a new client with the given origin type /// </summary> private Client(OriginType origin, string host, IPAddress clientIP, IPAddress proxyIP, string userAgent, bool https) { Origin = origin; Host = host; ClientIP = clientIP?.ToString(); ProxyIP = proxyIP?.ToString(); UserAgent = userAgent; HTTPS = https; ResourceAuthMappings = new ConcurrentDictionary <IResource, byte>(); ResourceClientDataMappings = new ConcurrentDictionary <IResource, IDictionary <string, object> >(); }
/// <summary> /// Creates a new client with the given origin type /// </summary> public Client(OriginType origin, string host, IPAddress clientIp, IPAddress proxyIp, string userAgent, bool https, Cookies cookies) { Origin = origin; Host = host; ClientIp = clientIp?.ToString(); ProxyIp = proxyIp?.ToString(); UserAgent = userAgent; Https = https; ResourceAuthMappings = new ConcurrentDictionary <IResource, byte>(); ResourceClientDataMappings = new ConcurrentDictionary <IResource, IDictionary <string, object> >(); Cookies = cookies; }
internal Sprite(Texture2D texture, Vector2 position, OriginType originType, Color color, float depth, object tag) { this.Texture = texture; this.Position = position; this.Color = color; this.Depth = depth; this.Tag = tag; this.OriginType = originType; this.Scale = new Vector2(1,1); this.Rotation = 0; this.Alpha = 1; }
public void TestTranslatePreproc() { OriginType ot1 = OriginType.CenterOfGravity; OriginType ot2 = OriginType.Maximum; OriginType ot3 = OriginType.Minimum; OriginType ot4 = OriginType.Predefined; TranslatePreproc tp1 = new TranslatePreproc(ot1); TranslatePreproc tp2 = new TranslatePreproc(ot2); TranslatePreproc tp3 = new TranslatePreproc(ot3); TranslatePreproc tp4 = new TranslatePreproc(ot4); Assert.AreEqual(tp1.GoalOrigin, ot1); Assert.AreEqual(tp2.GoalOrigin, ot2); Assert.AreEqual(tp3.GoalOrigin, ot3); Assert.AreEqual(tp4.GoalOrigin, ot4); }
public Ingredient( string name, OriginType origin, UnitMeasurmentType mType = UnitMeasurmentType.Weight_Units, bool isEssential = false, string desc = "", string picUrl = "", ApprovalStatus stat = ApprovalStatus.Awaiting) { Name = name; Origin = origin; MeasureType = mType; IsEssential = isEssential; Description = desc; PicUrl = picUrl; Status = stat; }
public OperationResult writeIFSRegistersByOriginType(OriginType originType, DocType docType, List <IFSRegister> registers) { try { OperationResult result = null; switch (originType) { case OriginType.N4: switch (docType) { case DocType.Factura: result = _IIFSRepository.writeIFSRegisterForFacturaN4(registers); foreach (IIFSRepository repository in this._RepositoriesToSync) { repository.syncRepository(result); } break; case DocType.Boleta: result = _IIFSRepository.writeIFSRegisterForBoletaN4(registers); foreach (IIFSRepository repository in this._RepositoriesToSync) { repository.syncRepository(result); } break; case DocType.NotaDeCreditoBoleta: case DocType.NotaDeCreditoFactura: result = _IIFSRepository.writeIFSRegisterForNotaCreditoN4(registers); foreach (IIFSRepository repository in this._RepositoriesToSync) { repository.syncRepository(result); } break; } break; } return(result); } catch (Exception ex) { this._ILogService.Error(ex.Message); } return(null); }
internal PackageInfo(string packageId, string displayName = "", string category = "", string description = "", string resolvedPath = "", string tag = "", PackageStatus status = PackageStatus.Unavailable, IEnumerable <Error> errors = null, VersionsInfo versions = null) { this.m_OriginType = OriginType.Unknown; this.m_PackageId = packageId; this.m_DisplayName = displayName; this.m_Category = category; this.m_Description = description; this.m_ResolvedPath = resolvedPath; this.m_Status = status; this.m_Errors = (errors ?? new Error[0]).ToArray <Error>(); this.m_Versions = (versions ?? new VersionsInfo(null, null, null)); string[] array = packageId.Split(new char[] { '@' }); this.m_Name = array[0]; this.m_Version = array[1]; }
void Update() { // updating variable here, as opposed to doing it in Start(), otherwise we won't see runtime updates of forceSphereRadius sphRadius = graphControl.NodePhysXForceSphereRadius; sphRadiusSqr = sphRadius * sphRadius; if (_isCentroid) { return; } // if this is a datapoint (not gene or centroid) if (OriginType.Equals(DataTypes.FILE_DATA) || OriginType.Equals(DataTypes.ADDED_DATA) && OriginType != DataTypes.GENE) { HandleDataPointOperations(); // if links are active and need to be added/checked (new datapoints added or initial check) if (_nodeHandler.PPLinksActive && _nodeHandler.PPLinksUpdate) { UpdateDataDataAssociations(); _nodeHandler.DataPointReportLinksUpdated(); } // if linksactive is turned off, destroy any links to this point that may exist if (!_nodeHandler.PPLinksActive && LinksToAssociations.Count > 0) { Debug.Log("Destroying links"); DestroyAssociationLinks(); } if (_nodeHandler.PGLinksActive && _nodeHandler.PGLinksUpdate) { UpdateDataGeneAssociations(); _nodeHandler.DataPointReportGeneLinksUpdated(); } if (!_nodeHandler.PGLinksActive && LinksToGenes.Count > 0) { DestroyGeneLinks(); } } }
public static string GetTypeName(OriginType type) { switch (type) { case OriginType.Source: return(StringResources.DisplayFilterControl_Copied_from_source); case OriginType.AutoPropagated: return(StringResources.DisplayFilterControl_Auto_propagated); case OriginType.Exact: return(StringResources.DisplayFilterControl_Exact_matches); case OriginType.Fuzzy: return(StringResources.DisplayFilterControl_Fuzzy_matches); case OriginType.PM: return(StringResources.DisplayFilterControl_Perfect_matches); case OriginType.CM: return(StringResources.DisplayFilterControl_Context_matches); case OriginType.AT: return(StringResources.DisplayFilterControl_Automated_translations); case OriginType.FuzzyMatchRepair: return(StringResources.DisplayFilterControl_Fuzzy_Match_Repair); case OriginType.EditedFuzzy: return(StringResources.DisplayFilterControl_Edited_Fuzzy); case OriginType.UneditedFuzzy: return(StringResources.DisplayFilterControl_Unedited_Fuzzy); case OriginType.NMT: return(StringResources.DisplayFilterControl_Neural_Machine_Translation); default: return(type.ToString()); } }
public void SetOrigin(OriginType type) { switch (type) { case OriginType.BottomLeft: { Origin = new Vector2(0, Texture.Height); break; } case OriginType.BottomRight: { Origin = new Vector2(Texture.Width, Texture.Height); break; } case OriginType.TopRight: { Origin = new Vector2(Texture.Width, 0); break; } case OriginType.Center: { Origin = new Vector2((float)Texture.Width / 2, (float)Texture.Height / 2); break; } case OriginType.CenterPixel: { Origin = new Vector2(Texture.Width / 2, Texture.Height / 2); break; } default: { Origin = Vector2.Zero; break; } } }
public Instrument(DataRow instrumentRow) { = (Guid)instrumentRow["ID"]; this.code = (string)instrumentRow["Code"]; this.originCode = (string)instrumentRow["OriginCode"]; this.numeratorUnit = (int)instrumentRow["NumeratorUnit"]; this.denominator = (int)instrumentRow["Denominator"]; this.isSinglePrice = (bool)instrumentRow["IsSinglePrice"]; this.originType = (OriginType)(byte)instrumentRow["OriginType"]; this.alertVariation = (int)instrumentRow["AlertVariation"]; this.normalWaitTime = (int)instrumentRow["NormalWaitTime"]; this.alertWaitTime = (int)instrumentRow["AlertWaitTime"]; this.isActive = (bool)instrumentRow["IsActive"]; this.originInactiveTime = (int)instrumentRow["OriginInactiveTime"]; this.isPriceEnabled = (bool)instrumentRow["IsPriceEnabled"]; this.isAutoEnablePrice = (bool)instrumentRow["IsAutoEnablePrice"]; if (instrumentRow["ExternalExchangeCode"] != DBNull.Value) { this.exchangeSystem = (ExchangeSystem)Enum.Parse(typeof(ExchangeSystem), (string)(instrumentRow["ExternalExchangeCode"]), true); } else { this.exchangeSystem = ExchangeSystem.Local; } this.lastPriceEnabledTime = this.isPriceEnabled ? DateTime.Now : DateTime.MinValue; this.originQReceived = null; this.originQProcessed = null; this.quotePolicyDetails = new ArrayList(); this.isTrading = false; this.scheduleID = null; this.lastOrigin = null; }
public bool Update(XmlNode instrument) { bool priceMustRebuild = false; foreach (XmlAttribute attribute in instrument.Attributes) { switch (attribute.Name) { case "OriginCode": this.originCode = attribute.Value; break; case "Code": this.code = attribute.Value; break; case "NumeratorUnit": this.numeratorUnit = XmlConvert.ToInt32(attribute.Value); priceMustRebuild = true; break; case "Denominator": this.denominator = XmlConvert.ToInt32(attribute.Value); priceMustRebuild = true; break; case "IsSinglePrice": this.isSinglePrice = XmlConvert.ToBoolean(attribute.Value); break; case "OriginType": this.originType = (OriginType)XmlConvert.ToInt32(attribute.Value); break; case "AlertVariation": this.alertVariation = XmlConvert.ToInt32(attribute.Value); break; case "NormalWaitTime": this.ClearScheduleIDIfNeed(attribute.Value); this.normalWaitTime = XmlConvert.ToInt32(attribute.Value); break; case "AlertWaitTime": this.alertWaitTime = XmlConvert.ToInt32(attribute.Value); break; case "IsActive": this.isActive = XmlConvert.ToBoolean(attribute.Value); break; case "OriginInactiveTime": this.originInactiveTime = XmlConvert.ToInt32(attribute.Value); break; case "IsPriceEnabled": this.isPriceEnabled = XmlConvert.ToBoolean(attribute.Value); if (this.isPriceEnabled) { this.lastPriceEnabledTime = DateTime.Now; } else { this.lastPriceEnabledTime = DateTime.MinValue; } break; case "IsAutoEnablePrice": this.isAutoEnablePrice = XmlConvert.ToBoolean(attribute.Value); break; } } if (priceMustRebuild) { if (this.lastOrigin != null) this.lastOrigin = Price.CreateInstance((double)this.lastOrigin, this.numeratorUnit, this.denominator); this.RebuildQuotation(); } return true; }
/// <summary> /// sets the origin. Origin is normally not accessible since it can be deduced from the Packet type. /// However, this allows setting the origin for reverse-engineering the protocol AND for future-compatibility: /// if a new packet is built into a later version of Artemis, this library might not need updated to continue to support it. /// </summary> /// <param name="origin">The origin.</param> public void OverrideSetOrigin(OriginType origin) { Origin = origin; }
public Sprite(Texture2D tex, Rectangle region, OriginType type = OriginType.TopLeft, Color?tint = null, float depth = 0f) : this(tex, type, tint) { Region = region; Depth = depth; }
public UIInstructor(Vector2 headPosition, float[] headWidth, float[] headHeight, Vector2 scale, OriginType originType, List <AnimationFrame>[] frames, TimeSpan updateTime, ElementReference[] head, ElementReference[] body, Vector2[] speeds, bool isStan = false) { this.scale = scale; this.frames = frames; this.speeds = speeds; this.headWidths = headWidth; this.headHeights = headHeight; if (isStan) { offSet = 10; xOffSet = 0; } else { offSet = 12; xOffSet = 0; } for (int i = 0; i < frames.Length; i++) { Head[i] = new Sprite(headPosition, (int)headWidth[i], (int)headHeight[i], scale, Rectangle.Empty, originType) { Element = head[i] }; var currHead = Head[i]; Body[i] = new AnimationSprite(new Vector2(currHead.Position.X + xOffSet, currHead.Position.Y + currHead.ScaledHeight / 2 + frames[i][0].SourceRectangle.Height * scale.Y / 2 - offSet), scale, updateTime, frames[i], originType) { Element = body[i] }; } runner.Start(); }
public void ParseJson(JSONNode json) { // Set the start type if (json["origin"] != null) { switch (json["origin"].Value) { case "starting_location": origin = OriginType.START_LOCATION; break; } } // Get the world scale if (json["scale"] != null) { scale = json["scale"].AsFloat; } // Get the world scale if (json["remote"] != null) { var remoteJSON = json["remote"]; // Create the remote if it did not already exist if (remote == null) { remote = new Remote(); } // Set remote variables if (remoteJSON["address"] != null) { remote.address = remoteJSON["address"].Value; } if (remoteJSON["max_bit_rate"] != null) { remote.maxBitRate = remoteJSON["max_bit_rate"].AsInt; } } // Set the button gestures if (json["button_gestures"] != null) { foreach (var gestureJSON in json["button_gestures"].Children) { // Get existing gesture ButtonGesture gesture = new ButtonGesture(); // TODO: dont repeat gestures buttonGestures.Add(gesture); // Set the type switch (gestureJSON["type"].Value) { case "tap": gesture.type = ButtonGesture.Type.TAP; break; case "double_tap": gesture.type = ButtonGesture.Type.DOUBLE_TAP; break; case "hold": gesture.type = ButtonGesture.Type.HOLD; break; } gesture.mappings = GetMappings(gestureJSON["mapping"]); } } // Set the axes gestures if (json["axes_gestures"] != null) { foreach (var gestureJSON in json["axes_gestures"].Children) { // Get existing gesture AxesGesture gesture = new AxesGesture(); // TODO: dont repeat gestures axesGestures.Add(gesture); // Set the type switch (gestureJSON["type"].Value) { case "manipulation": gesture.type = AxesGesture.Type.MANIPULATION; break; case "navigation": gesture.type = AxesGesture.Type.NAVIGATION; break; } gesture.mappingsX = GetMappings(gestureJSON["mapping_x"]); gesture.mappingsY = GetMappings(gestureJSON["mapping_y"]); gesture.mappingsZ = GetMappings(gestureJSON["mapping_z"]); } } }