Пример #1
        public override void Seed(IDbContext context)
            var organisation = new OrganisationSettings();

            organisation.Names.Add(new LocalisedName {
                Language = CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.Name, Name = "Apira LTD"
            organisation.Urls.Add(new LocalisedName {
                Language = CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.Name, Name = "https://apira.co.uk/"
            var contact = new PersonContact
                ContactType = Kernel.Federation.MetaData.Configuration.Organisation.ContactType.Technical,
                Forename    = new LocalisedName {
                    Name = "John", Language = CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.Name
                Surname = new LocalisedName {
                    Name = "Murphy", Language = CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.Name

            contact.Emails.Add(new LocalisedName {
                Language = CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.Name, Name = "*****@*****.**"
            contact.Phones.Add(new Phone {
                Type = PhoneType.Working, Number = "020 xxx"
            Seeder._cache.Add(Seeder.Organisation, organisation);
            context.Add <OrganisationSettings>(organisation);
        public override void Seed(IDbContext context)
            var organisation = new OrganisationSettings();

            organisation.Names.Add(new LocalisedName {
                Language = CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.Name, Name = "Company name."
            organisation.Urls.Add(new LocalisedName {
                Language = CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.Name, Name = "https://company.co.uk/"
            var contact = new PersonContact
                ContactType = Kernel.Federation.MetaData.Configuration.Organisation.ContactType.Technical,
                Forename    = new LocalisedName {
                    Name = "John", Language = CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.Name
                Surname = new LocalisedName {
                    Name = "Doe", Language = CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.Name

            contact.Emails.Add(new LocalisedName {
                Language = CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.Name, Name = "*****@*****.**"
            contact.Phones.Add(new Phone {
                Type = PhoneType.Working, Number = "020 123 456"
            Seeder._cache.Add(Seeder.Organisation, organisation);
            context.Add <OrganisationSettings>(organisation);
Пример #3
        private List <string> ListMatchingUserName(string startsWith)
            // To avoid lots of SQL calls here, we try to make use of caching as best we can

            // 1. Have we got a cached Dictionary to check yet?
            Dictionary <string, List <string> > dictionary = Cache[Globals.CacheKeys.UserNameDictionaryCacheEntry] as Dictionary <string, List <string> >;

            if (null == dictionary) // Create one
                dictionary = new Dictionary <string, List <string> >();

            // 2. Do we have an entry in the dictionary already or do we have to fetch and store?
            List <string> resultList = null;

            if (dictionary.ContainsKey(startsWith))
                resultList = dictionary[startsWith];
                int?orgId = null;
                OrganisationSettings settings = new OrganisationSettings();
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(settings.OrganisationId))
                    orgId = Convert.ToInt32(settings.OrganisationId);

                resultList = ApartmentMethods.ListUserName(Membership.ApplicationName, orgId, startsWith);
                dictionary.Add(startsWith, resultList);
                Cache[Globals.CacheKeys.UserNameDictionaryCacheEntry] = dictionary;

Пример #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Based on passed param, either use the authorisation code in UI to init a new org or
        /// check for a stored org cookie which would have originally been set up the same way.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="useNewAuthCode">When true, auth code control is used to init a new org.</param>
        private void InitOrganisation(bool useNewAuthCode)
            // NOTE: Removed as it caused any security redirect to log off the user and they couldn't use Back button :-(
            //// Clear any current login so that there are no cross-org logins possible.
            //Cache[Globals.CacheKeys.ODS] = DateTime.Now.ToString();

            OrganisationSettings settings = useNewAuthCode
                ? OrganisationSettings.Validate(_authorisationCode.Text)
                : new OrganisationSettings();

            bool organisationIsValid = (null != settings && settings.IsValid);


            // Clear the auth code textbox once the value has been validated or not found.
            _authorisationCode.Text     = string.Empty;
            _organisationName.Text      = organisationIsValid ? settings.OrganisationName : string.Empty;
            _organisationUnique.IsValid = organisationIsValid;

            //Clear the dictionary
            if (useNewAuthCode)
                Dictionary <string, List <string> > dictionary = new Dictionary <string, List <string> >();
                Cache[Globals.CacheKeys.UserNameDictionaryCacheEntry] = dictionary;

            this.MainForm.DefaultButton = organisationIsValid ? _loginButton.UniqueID : _updateButton.UniqueID;

            Control focusControl = organisationIsValid ? _userNameCombo as Control : _authorisationCode;

        private static OrganisationConfiguration BuidOrganisationConfiguration(OrganisationSettings organisationSettings)
            var orgConfiguration = new OrganisationConfiguration
                OrganisationContacts = new ContactConfiguration()

            if (organisationSettings != null)
                organisationSettings.Names.Aggregate(orgConfiguration.Names, (t, next) =>
                    t.Add(new LocalizedConfigurationEntry
                        Name        = next.Name,
                        DisplayName = String.IsNullOrEmpty(next.DisplayName) ? next.Name : next.DisplayName,
                        Language    = new CultureInfo(next.Language)

                organisationSettings.Urls.Aggregate(orgConfiguration.Urls, (t, next) =>
                    t.Add(new LocalizedUrlEntry {
                        Url = new Uri(next.Name), Language = new CultureInfo(next.Language)
                organisationSettings.Contacts.Aggregate(orgConfiguration.OrganisationContacts.PersonContact, (t, next) =>
                    var contact = new Kernel.Federation.MetaData.Configuration.Organisation.ContactPerson
                        ContactType = next.ContactType,
                        ForeName    = next.Forename.Name,
                        SurName     = next.Surname.Name,
                    next.Emails.Aggregate(contact.Emails, (t1, next1) =>

                    next.Phones.Aggregate(contact.PhoneNumbers, (t2, next2) =>

Пример #6
        public UserLogin GetUserLogin()
            MembershipUser loginUser = Membership.GetUser();
            UserLogin      settings  = new UserLogin();

            if (loginUser != null)
                settings.UserName   = loginUser.UserName;
                settings.UserUserId = Utilities.ToGuid(loginUser.ProviderUserKey);
                //settings.UserSiteId = SiteMethods.GetSiteIdForEmployee(settings.UserUserId);
                //settings.UserLicenseKeys = General.ListLicenseKeyByUserId(settings.UserUserId);

                OrganisationSettings orgSetting = new OrganisationSettings();
                settings.UserOrganisationId = Convert.ToInt32(orgSetting.OrganisationId);

                settings.UserOrganisation = ApartmentMethods.GetOrganisation(settings.UserOrganisationId);
                //settings.UserSite = settings.UserSiteId.HasValue ? SiteMethods.GetSite(settings.UserSiteId.Value) : null;

                //settings.ActiveModules = Role.ListActiveModules();
                settings.AspUser = GetAspUser(settings.UserUserId);
                //settings.UserEmployeeId = EmployeeMethods.GetEmployeeId(settings.UserUserId);

                settings.RoleComponentPermissions = ApartmentMethods.ListRoleComponentPermissionByUser(settings.UserUserId);
                if (!settings.AspUser.OrganisationId.HasValue)
                    settings.UserRoleAuths = ApartmentMethods.ListUserRoleAuth(null, settings.UserUserId, null);
                    settings.UserRoleAuths = ApartmentMethods.ListUserRoleAuth(settings.UserOrganisationId, settings.UserUserId, null);

                if (settings.UserSite == null && settings.UserRoleAuths != null && settings.UserRoleAuths.Count > 0 &&
                    settings.UserRoleAuths.Count(i => i.SiteId.HasValue) > 0)
                    settings.UserSiteId = settings.UserRoleAuths.FirstOrDefault(i => i.SiteId.HasValue).SiteId.Value;
                    List <Site> sites = ApartmentMethods.ListSite(null, settings.UserSiteId.Value, true, false);
                    if (sites.Count > 0)
                        settings.UserSite = sites[0];
Пример #7
        // If we're using the combo, put combo value into the original username textbox so normal processing can occur
        private void Login1_LoggingIn(object sender, LoginCancelEventArgs e)
            Login1.UserName = _userNameCombo.AllowCustomText && _userNameCombo.Value == string.Empty ? _userNameCombo.Text : _userNameCombo.Value;
            MembershipUser userInfo = Membership.GetUser(Login1.UserName);

            if (userInfo != null)
                OrganisationSettings settings    = new OrganisationSettings();
                List <AspUser>       aspUserList = ApartmentMethods.ListAspUser(null, (Guid)userInfo.ProviderUserKey, null);
                if (aspUserList == null || aspUserList.Count == 0 ||
                    (aspUserList[0].OrganisationId.HasValue && aspUserList[0].OrganisationId != Convert.ToInt32(settings.OrganisationId)))
                    this.ExtraErrorInformation.Text = Properties.Resources.UserLoginWrongOrg;
                    e.Cancel = true;
            Response.Cookies["ActiveModule"].Value = string.Empty;
Пример #8
        private void ImportCsvs(ImportCsvsRequest request, LogController controller, ImportCsvsResponse response)
            var organisationSettings = new OrganisationSettings(XrmService);

            controller.LogLiteral("Preparing Import");
            var csvFiles = request.FolderOrFiles == ImportCsvsRequest.CsvImportOption.Folder
                ? FileUtility.GetFiles(request.Folder.FolderPath).Where(f => f.EndsWith(".csv"))
                : request.CsvsToImport.Select(c => c.Csv.FileName).ToArray();

            var entities      = new List <Entity>();
            var countToImport = csvFiles.Count();
            var countImported = 0;

            //this part maps the csvs into entity clr objects
            //then will just call the shared import method
            foreach (var csvFile in csvFiles)
                    //try think if better way
                    controller.UpdateProgress(countImported++, countToImport, string.Format("Reading {0}", csvFile));
                    var getTypeResponse = GetTargetType(XrmService, csvFile);
                    var type            = getTypeResponse.LogicalName;
                    var primaryField    = XrmService.GetPrimaryNameField(type);
                    var fileInfo        = new FileInfo(csvFile);
                    CsvUtility.ConstructTextSchema(fileInfo.Directory.FullName, Path.GetFileName(csvFile));
                    var rows      = CsvUtility.SelectAllRows(csvFile);
                    var rowNumber = 0;
                    foreach (var row in rows)
                            var entity     = new Entity(type);
                            var keyColumns =
                                .Where(c => c.StartsWith("key|"));

                            if (keyColumns.Any())
                                var fieldValues = new Dictionary <string, object>();
                                foreach (var key in keyColumns)
                                    var fieldName   = MapColumnToFieldSchemaName(XrmService, type, key);
                                    var columnValue = row.GetFieldAsString(key);
                                    if (columnValue != null)
                                        columnValue = columnValue.Trim();

                                    fieldValues.Add(fieldName, columnValue);
                                var matchingEntity = GetMatchingEntities(type, fieldValues);
                                if (matchingEntity.Count() > 1)
                                    throw new Exception(string.Format("Specified Match By Name But More Than One {0} Record Matched To The Keys Of {1}", type, string.Join(",", fieldValues.Select(kv => kv.Key + "=" + kv.Value))));
                                if (matchingEntity.Count() == 1)
                                    entity.Id = matchingEntity.First().Id;
                            else if (request.MatchByName && !getTypeResponse.IsRelationship)
                                var primaryFieldColumns =
                                    .Where(c => MapColumnToFieldSchemaName(XrmService, type, c) == primaryField).ToArray();
                                var primaryFieldColumn = primaryFieldColumns.Any() ? primaryFieldColumns.First() : null;
                                if (request.MatchByName && primaryFieldColumn.IsNullOrWhiteSpace())
                                    throw new NullReferenceException(string.Format("Match By Name Was Specified But No Column In The CSV Matched To The Primary Field {0} ({1})", XrmService.GetFieldLabel(primaryField, type), primaryField));

                                var columnValue = row.GetFieldAsString(primaryFieldColumn);
                                if (columnValue != null)
                                    columnValue = columnValue.Trim();
                                var matchingEntity = GetMatchingEntities(type, primaryField, columnValue);
                                if (matchingEntity.Count() > 1)
                                    throw new Exception(string.Format("Specified Match By Name But More Than One {0} Record Matched To Name Of {1}", type, columnValue));
                                if (matchingEntity.Count() == 1)
                                    entity.Id = matchingEntity.First().Id;
                            foreach (var column in row.GetColumnNames())
                                var field = MapColumnToFieldSchemaName(XrmService, type, column);
                                if (true)//(getTypeResponse.IsRelationship || XrmService.IsWritable(field, type))
                                    var stringValue = row.GetFieldAsString(column);
                                    if (stringValue != null)
                                        stringValue = stringValue.Trim();
                                    if (getTypeResponse.IsRelationship)
                                        //bit of hack
                                        //for csv relationships just set to a string and map it later
                                        //as the referenced record may not be created yet
                                        entity.SetField(field, stringValue);
                                    else if (XrmService.IsLookup(field, type))
                                        //for lookups am going to set to a empty guid and allow the import part to replace with a correct guid
                                        if (!stringValue.IsNullOrWhiteSpace())
                                                            new EntityReference(XrmService.GetLookupTargetEntity(field, type),
                                                Name = stringValue
                                        entity.SetField(field, XrmService.ParseField(field, type, stringValue, request.DateFormat == DateFormat.American));
                            if (XrmService.FieldExists("transactioncurrencyid", type) &&
                                entity.SetLookupField("transactioncurrencyid", organisationSettings.BaseCurrencyId,
                        catch (Exception ex)
                            response.AddResponseItem(new ImportCsvsResponseItem(string.Format("Error Parsing Row {0} To Entity", rowNumber), csvFile, ex));
                catch (Exception ex)
                    response.AddResponseItem(new ImportCsvsResponseItem("Not Imported", csvFile, ex));
            var imports = DoImport(entities, controller, request.MaskEmails);

            foreach (var item in imports)
                response.AddResponseItem(new ImportCsvsResponseItem(item));