Пример #1
        public ClientUserEntity[] GetValidUserByStatus0(OrdersCheckingEntity entity, out Dictionary <ClientUserEntity, string> Messages)
            Messages = new Dictionary <ClientUserEntity, string> {
            List <ClientUserEntity> list = new List <ClientUserEntity> {
            string sql = string.Format(@"select distinct d.*,'您好,有订单需要审核' Message
                                         from OrdersChecking a 
                                             inner join Orders b on a.OrdersID=b.OrdersID
                                             inner join Store e on b.storeid=e.storeid
                                             cross apply fnGetSuperiorIDByUserID(b.CreateBy) c
                                             inner join ClientUser d on c.ClientUserID=d.ClientUserID and d.IsDelete=0 and a.ClientPositionID=d.ClientPositionID
                                         where a.CheckingID={0}", entity.CheckingID);

            //string sql = string.Format("select * from clientuser where clientpositionid={0}", entity.ClientPositionID);

            using (var rd = this.SQLHelper.ExecuteReader(sql))
                while (rd.Read())
                    ClientUserEntity m;
                    this.Load(rd, out m);
                    Messages[m] = rd["Message"].ToString();
Пример #2
        public ClientUserEntity[] GetValidUserByStatus1(OrdersCheckingEntity entity, out Dictionary <ClientUserEntity, string> Messages)
            Messages = new Dictionary <ClientUserEntity, string> {
            List <ClientUserEntity> list = new List <ClientUserEntity> {
            string sql = string.Format(@"select distinct c.*,'您好,订单审核'+(case when a.status=6 then '通过' else '不通过' end) Message
                                            from Orders a,OrdersChecking b,ClientUser c,Store d
                                            where a.IsDelete=0 and b.SendStatus=1 and b.IsDelete=0 
                                            and a.OrdersID=b.OrdersID and a.[Status] in (-2,6)
                                            and a.ClientUserID=c.ClientUserID and a.StoreID=d.StoreID
                                            and b.CheckingID={0}", entity.CheckingID);

            using (var rd = this.SQLHelper.ExecuteReader(sql))
                while (rd.Read())
                    ClientUserEntity m;
                    this.Load(rd, out m);
                    Messages[m] = rd["Message"].ToString();
Пример #3
        public ClientUserEntity[] GetValidUser(OrdersCheckingEntity entity)
            List <ClientUserEntity> list = new List <ClientUserEntity> {
//            string sql = string.Format(@"select d.*
//from OrdersChecking a
//    inner join Orders b on a.OrdersID=b.OrdersID
//    cross apply fnGetSuperiorIDByUserID(b.CreateBy) c
//    inner join ClientUser d on c.ClientUserID=d.ClientUserID and d.IsDelete=0 and a.ClientPositionID=d.ClientPositionID
//where a.CheckingID={0}", entity.CheckingID);

            string sql = string.Format("select * from clientuser where clientpositionid={0}", entity.ClientPositionID);

            using (var rd = this.SQLHelper.ExecuteReader(sql))
                while (rd.Read())
                    ClientUserEntity m;
                    this.Load(rd, out m);