Пример #1
            private void AddItemsToCache(ImmutableHashSet <string> globsToIgnore, OrderedItemDataCollection items)
                if (_cache == null)
                    _cache = new Dictionary <ISet <string>, OrderedItemDataCollection>();

                _cache[globsToIgnore] = items;
Пример #2
            public bool TryGetFromCache(ISet <string> globsToIgnore, out OrderedItemDataCollection items)
                if (_cache != null)
                    return(_cache.TryGetValue(globsToIgnore, out items));

                items = null;
Пример #3
            private static OrderedItemDataCollection.Builder ComputeItems(LazyItemList lazyItemList, ImmutableHashSet <string> globsToIgnore)
                // Stack of operations up to the first one that's cached (exclusive)
                Stack <LazyItemList> itemListStack = new Stack <LazyItemList>();

                OrderedItemDataCollection.Builder items = null;

                // Keep a separate stack of lists of globs to ignore that only gets modified for Remove operations
                Stack <ImmutableHashSet <string> > globsToIgnoreStack = null;

                for (var currentList = lazyItemList; currentList != null; currentList = currentList._previous)
                    var globsToIgnoreFromFutureOperations = globsToIgnoreStack?.Peek() ?? globsToIgnore;

                    OrderedItemDataCollection itemsFromCache;
                    if (currentList._memoizedOperation.TryGetFromCache(globsToIgnoreFromFutureOperations, out itemsFromCache))
                        // the base items on top of which to apply the uncached operations are the items of the first operation that is cached
                        items = itemsFromCache.ToBuilder();

                    // If this is a remove operation, then add any globs that will be removed
                    //  to a list of globs to ignore in previous operations
                    if (currentList._memoizedOperation.Operation is RemoveOperation removeOperation)
                        globsToIgnoreStack ??= new Stack <ImmutableHashSet <string> >();

                        var globsToIgnoreForPreviousOperations = removeOperation.GetRemovedGlobs();
                        foreach (var globToRemove in globsToIgnoreFromFutureOperations)



                if (items == null)
                    items = OrderedItemDataCollection.CreateBuilder();

                ImmutableHashSet <string> currentGlobsToIgnore = globsToIgnoreStack == null ? globsToIgnore : globsToIgnoreStack.Peek();

                Dictionary <string, UpdateOperation> itemsWithNoWildcards = new Dictionary <string, UpdateOperation>(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
                bool addedToBatch = false;

                // Walk back down the stack of item lists applying operations
                while (itemListStack.Count > 0)
                    var currentList = itemListStack.Pop();

                    if (currentList._memoizedOperation.Operation is UpdateOperation op)
                        bool addToBatch = true;
                        int  i;
                        // The TextFragments are things like abc.def or x*y.*z.
                        for (i = 0; i < op.Spec.Fragments.Count; i++)
                            ItemSpecFragment frag = op.Spec.Fragments[i];
                            if (MSBuildConstants.CharactersForExpansion.Any(frag.TextFragment.Contains))
                                // Fragment contains wild cards, items, or properties. Cannot batch over it using a dictionary.
                                addToBatch = false;

                            string fullPath = FileUtilities.GetFullPath(frag.TextFragment, frag.ProjectDirectory);
                            if (itemsWithNoWildcards.ContainsKey(fullPath))
                                // Another update will already happen on this path. Make that happen before evaluating this one.
                                addToBatch = false;
                                itemsWithNoWildcards.Add(fullPath, op);
                        if (!addToBatch)
                            // We found a wildcard. Remove any fragments associated with the current operation and process them later.
                            for (int j = 0; j < i; j++)
                            addedToBatch = true;

                    if (addedToBatch)
                        addedToBatch = false;
                        ProcessNonWildCardItemUpdates(itemsWithNoWildcards, items);

                    // If this is a remove operation, then it could modify the globs to ignore, so pop the potentially
                    //  modified entry off the stack of globs to ignore
                    if (currentList._memoizedOperation.Operation is RemoveOperation)
                        currentGlobsToIgnore = globsToIgnoreStack.Count == 0 ? globsToIgnore : globsToIgnoreStack.Peek();

                    currentList._memoizedOperation.Apply(items, currentGlobsToIgnore);

                // We finished looping through the operations. Now process the final batch if necessary.
                ProcessNonWildCardItemUpdates(itemsWithNoWildcards, items);
