public async Task <IActionResult> MakeOrder()
            //Gets Current User
            var user = await _userManager.GetUserAsync(User);

            var userID = user.Id;
            //Gets all Books in Cart
            var booksInCart = _cartService.GetCartBooks(userID);

            //Creates a new Order
            var newOrder = new OrderInputModel()
                UserID = userID,
                Books  = booksInCart,

            //Checks if user has current order to see if we will be adding order or updating order.
            bool userHasCurrentOrder = _orderService.UserHasCurrentOrder(userID);

            //If User does not have a current order.
            if (!userHasCurrentOrder)
                //Adds new Order
                var orderID = _orderService.GetCurrentOrderID(userID);
                //Adds new Order Book Connections for all books in cart.
                for (int i = 0; i < booksInCart.Count; i++)
                    _obcService.AddConnection((int)orderID, booksInCart[i].ID, booksInCart[i].Amount);
                //Updates order with the new Cart.
                var orderID = _orderService.GetCurrentOrderID(userID);
                _orderService.UpdateOrder(newOrder, (int)orderID);
                //Updates order book connections with new amounts or new books.
                for (int i = 0; i < booksInCart.Count; i++)
                    _obcService.UpdateConnection((int)orderID, booksInCart[i].ID, booksInCart[i].Amount);

            //Lastly returns User to The Check out window for order.
            return(RedirectToAction("CheckOut", "Order"));