Пример #1
        public RadComboBoxItemData[] GetPointsWithStateFilter(RadComboBoxContext context, bool includeDeleted)
            IDictionary <string, object> contextDictionary = (IDictionary <string, object>)context;
            string filter      = context.Text;
            int    _identityID = -1;

            //int _townID = ((int)contextDictionary["TownID"]);
            if (contextDictionary.Keys.FirstOrDefault(k => k == "IdentityID") != null)
                _identityID = ((int)contextDictionary["IdentityID"]);

            // The search text entered by the user ("e.Text") can be split into two regions delimited by a backslash.
            // Any text to the left of the first backslash (or when there is no backslash) should be used to filter the organisation name.
            // Any text to the right of a backslash should be used to filter the point description.
            char filterChar = '\\'; // Backslash character "\"

            string[] filterString = filter.Split(';')[0].Split(filterChar.ToString().ToCharArray());

            DataSet ds = null;

            Orchestrator.Facade.Point facPoint = new Orchestrator.Facade.Point();
            int noOfRowsToReturnPerRequest     = 20;
            int itemOffset = context.NumberOfItems;
            int endOffset  = itemOffset + noOfRowsToReturnPerRequest;

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(filter))
                // Do not filter the point type for the time being - just display 'Any'.
                ds = facPoint.GetAllWithAddress(ePointType.Any, "", "", noOfRowsToReturnPerRequest, includeDeleted);
            else if (filterString.Length == 1)
                // Do not filter the point type for the time being - just display 'Any'.
                // when only one strng is entered, surely the intention is to search on the point description not the organisationname
                ds = facPoint.GetAllWithAddress(ePointType.Any, "", filterString[0], noOfRowsToReturnPerRequest, includeDeleted);
            else if (filterString.Length > 1)
                // Do not filter the point type for the time being - just display 'Any'.
                ds = facPoint.GetAllWithAddress(ePointType.Any, filterString[1], filterString[0], noOfRowsToReturnPerRequest, includeDeleted);

            DataTable dt = ds.Tables[0];

            Telerik.Web.UI.RadComboBoxItemData rcItem = null;
            List <RadComboBoxItemData>         result = new List <RadComboBoxItemData>();

            foreach (DataRow row in dt.Rows)
                rcItem = new RadComboBoxItemData();
                PointComboItem comboItem = new PointComboItem(row);
                rcItem.Text  = comboItem.SingleLineText;
                rcItem.Value = row["IdentityId"].ToString() + "," + row["PointId"];


Пример #2

        private Orchestrator.WebUI.Services.PointGeofence GetGeofenceForWebService(int pointID)
            Orchestrator.Facade.IPoint facPoint          = new Orchestrator.Facade.Point();
            Orchestrator.WebUI.Services.PointGeofence pg = new PointGeofence();
            DataSet dsPointGeofence = facPoint.GetPointGeofenceInfo(pointID);

            if (dsPointGeofence.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
                DataRow dr = dsPointGeofence.Tables[0].Rows[0];
                pg.PointID     = Convert.ToInt32(dr["PointId"]);
                pg.Description = dr["Description"].ToString();
                pg.Latitude    = dr["Latitude"] == DBNull.Value ? 0 : Convert.ToDouble(dr["Latitude"]);
                pg.Longitude   = dr["Longitude"] == DBNull.Value ? 0 : Convert.ToDouble(dr["Longitude"]);
                pg.Radius      = dr["Radius"] == DBNull.Value ? new int?() : (int)dr["Radius"];

                pg.GeofencePoints = new List <LatLong>();

                SqlGeography geofence = (SqlGeography)dr["Geofence"];
                string       points   = string.Empty;
                for (int i = 0; i < geofence.STNumPoints(); i++)
                    SqlGeography point  = geofence.STPointN(i + 1);
                    LatLong      latLon = new LatLong()
                        Latitude = (double)point.Lat, Longitude = (double)point.Long

Пример #3
        public Orchestrator.WebUI.ws.MappingServices.Point GetPoint(int pointID)
            Orchestrator.Facade.IPoint  facPoint          = new Orchestrator.Facade.Point();
            Orchestrator.Entities.Point selectedPoint     = facPoint.GetPointForPointId(pointID);
            Orchestrator.WebUI.ws.MappingServices.Point p = new Orchestrator.WebUI.ws.MappingServices.Point();
            p.PointID     = selectedPoint.PointId;
            p.Description = selectedPoint.Description;
            p.Latitide    = (double)selectedPoint.Latitude;
            p.Longitude   = (double)selectedPoint.Longitude;

            p.GeofencePoints = new List <double[]>();

            string points = string.Empty;

            for (int i = 0; i < selectedPoint.Geofence.STNumPoints(); i++)
                SqlGeography point  = selectedPoint.Geofence.STPointN(i + 1);
                double[]     latLon = new double[2] {
                    (double)point.Lat, (double)point.Long

                //points = point.Lat.ToString() + ',' + point.Long.ToString() + '|';

Пример #4
        public Orchestrator.WebUI.Services.PointGeofence AddPointGeofence(Orchestrator.WebUI.Services.PointGeofence geofence, string user)
            Orchestrator.Facade.IPoint facPoint = new Orchestrator.Facade.Point();

            SqlGeography position = this.BuildGeography(new List <LatLong>()
                new LatLong()
                    Latitude = geofence.Latitude, Longitude = geofence.Longitude
            }, OpenGisGeographyType.Point);
            SqlGeography sqlGeofence = null;

                sqlGeofence = this.BuildGeography(geofence.GeofencePoints, OpenGisGeographyType.Polygon);
            catch (Exception ex)
                sqlGeofence = this.BuildGeography(geofence.GeofencePoints, OpenGisGeographyType.Polygon);

            facPoint.AddPointGeofence(geofence.PointID, Convert.ToDecimal(geofence.Latitude), Convert.ToDecimal(geofence.Longitude), position,
                                      sqlGeofence, geofence.Radius, user);

Пример #5
        void cboPoint_ItemsRequested(object o, Telerik.Web.UI.RadComboBoxItemsRequestedEventArgs e)

            int    identityId = 0;
            string searchText = "";

            if (e.Context["FilterString"] != null && e.Context["FilterString"].ToString() != "")
                string[] values = e.Context["FilterString"].ToString().Split(';');
                try { identityId = int.Parse(values[0]); }
                catch { }
                if (values.Length > 1 && values[1] != "false" && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(values[1]))
                    searchText = values[1];
                else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(e.Text))
                    searchText = e.Text;
                searchText = e.Context["FilterString"].ToString();

            Orchestrator.Facade.IPoint facPoint = new Orchestrator.Facade.Point();
            DataSet ds = facPoint.GetAllForOrganisation(identityId, ePointType.Any, 0, searchText);

            System.Diagnostics.Debug.Write(e.Value + " " + e.Text);

            int itemsPerRequest = 20;
            int itemOffset      = e.NumberOfItems;
            int endOffset       = itemOffset + itemsPerRequest;

            if (endOffset > ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count)
                endOffset = ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count;

            DataTable dt = ds.Tables[0];

            Telerik.Web.UI.RadComboBoxItem rcItem = null;
            for (int i = itemOffset; i < endOffset; i++)
                rcItem       = new Telerik.Web.UI.RadComboBoxItem();
                rcItem.Text  = dt.Rows[i]["Description"].ToString();
                rcItem.Value = dt.Rows[i]["PointId"].ToString();

            if (dt.Rows.Count > 0)
                e.Message = string.Format("Items <b>1</b>-<b>{0}</b> out of <b>{1}</b>", endOffset.ToString(), dt.Rows.Count.ToString());
Пример #6
        public string GetAddressForPoint(int pointID)
            string address = string.Empty;

            Orchestrator.Facade.Point facPoint = new Orchestrator.Facade.Point();
            Entities.Point            point    = facPoint.GetPointForPointId(pointID);
            address = point.Address.ToString();
            address = address.Replace("\n", "");
            address = address.Replace("\r", "<br>");
Пример #7
        public void cboPoint_SelectedIndexChanged(object o, Telerik.Web.UI.RadComboBoxSelectedIndexChangedEventArgs e)
            Orchestrator.Entities.Point selectedPoint = null;

            if (cboPoint.SelectedValue != String.Empty)
                Orchestrator.Facade.IPoint facPoint = new Orchestrator.Facade.Point();
                selectedPoint = facPoint.GetPointForPointId(this.PointID);

Пример #8
        protected void grdDepots_ItemDataBound(object sender, GridItemEventArgs e)
            //If the Grid Item is the EditForm and it is being shown
            if (e.Item.ItemType == GridItemType.EditFormItem && e.Item.IsInEditMode)
                //Get the Point and  Code controls from the EditForm
                Orchestrator.WebUI.Controls.Point ucPoint = (Orchestrator.WebUI.Controls.Point)e.Item.FindControl("ucPoint");
                TextBox     txtCode          = (TextBox)e.Item.FindControl("txtCode");
                TextBox     txtHubIdentifier = (TextBox)e.Item.FindControl("txtHubIdentifier");
                RadComboBox cboPrintOnLabel  = (RadComboBox)e.Item.FindControl("cboPrintOnLabel");

                //If the EditForm is being shown for a new Depot default the values
                if (e.Item.OwnerTableView.IsItemInserted)
                    //Set the default values for a new Depot
                    txtCode.Text                  = string.Empty;
                    txtHubIdentifier.Text         = string.Empty;
                    cboPrintOnLabel.SelectedIndex = 1;
                    int depotId = (int)e.Item.OwnerTableView.DataKeyValues[e.Item.ItemIndex]["DepotId"];

                    using (var uow = DIContainer.CreateUnitOfWork())
                        var depotRepo = DIContainer.CreateRepository <Repositories.IDepotRepository>(uow);
                        var depot     = depotRepo.Find(depotId);

                        Facade.Point   facPoint = new Orchestrator.Facade.Point();
                        Entities.Point point    = facPoint.GetPointForPointId(depot.PointID);
                        ucPoint.SelectedPoint = point;

                        txtCode.Text          = depot.Code;
                        txtHubIdentifier.Text = depot.HubIdentifier;

                        if (depot.PrintOnLabel == null || depot.PrintOnLabel == false)
                            cboPrintOnLabel.SelectedIndex = 1;
                            cboPrintOnLabel.SelectedIndex = 0;
    public void cboDefaultAttemptedDeliveryReturnPoint_ItemsRequested(object o, Telerik.Web.UI.RadComboBoxItemsRequestedEventArgs e)
        DataSet ds = null;

        Orchestrator.Facade.Point facPoint = new Orchestrator.Facade.Point();
        int noOfRowsToReturn = 20;

        // The search text entered by the user ("e.Text") can be split into two regions delimited by a backslash.
        // Any text to the left of the first backslash (or when there is no backslash) should be used to filter the organisation name.
        // Any text to the right of a backslash should be used to filter the point description.
        char filterChar = (char)92; // Backslash character "\"

        string[] filterString = e.Text.Split(filterChar.ToString().ToCharArray());

        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(e.Text))
            // Do not filter the point type for the time being - just display 'Any'.
            ds = facPoint.GetAllWithAddress(ePointType.Any, "", "", noOfRowsToReturn);
        else if (filterString.Length == 1)
            // Do not filter the point type for the time being - just display 'Any'.
            ds = facPoint.GetAllWithAddress(ePointType.Any, filterString[0], "", noOfRowsToReturn);
        else if (filterString.Length > 1)
            // Do not filter the point type for the time being - just display 'Any'.
            ds = facPoint.GetAllWithAddress(ePointType.Any, filterString[0], filterString[1], noOfRowsToReturn);

        DataTable dt = ds.Tables[0];

        Telerik.Web.UI.RadComboBoxItem rcItem = null;

        foreach (DataRow row in dt.Rows)
            rcItem = new Telerik.Web.UI.RadComboBoxItem();
            PointComboItem comboItem = new PointComboItem(row);

            rcItem.DataItem = comboItem;
            rcItem.Text     = comboItem.SingleLineText;
            rcItem.Value    = row["IdentityId"].ToString() + "," + row["PointId"];

Пример #10

        private Orchestrator.WebUI.Services.Point GetPointForWebService(int pointID)
            Orchestrator.Facade.IPoint        facPoint      = new Orchestrator.Facade.Point();
            Orchestrator.Entities.Point       selectedPoint = facPoint.GetPointForPointId(pointID);
            Orchestrator.WebUI.Services.Point p             = new Orchestrator.WebUI.Services.Point();

            p.PointID     = selectedPoint.PointId;
            p.Description = selectedPoint.Description;
            p.Latitide    = (double)selectedPoint.Latitude;
            p.Latitude    = (double)selectedPoint.Latitude; // added a correctly spelt version but left the old one to prevent having to change everything.

            p.Longitude          = (double)selectedPoint.Longitude;
            p.ClosestTownID      = selectedPoint.PostTown.TownId;
            p.ClosestTown        = selectedPoint.PostTown.TownName;
            p.IdentityID         = selectedPoint.IdentityId;
            p.OrganisationName   = selectedPoint.OrganisationName;
            p.PointNotes         = selectedPoint.PointNotes;
            p.PointCode          = selectedPoint.PointCode;
            p.PhoneNumber        = selectedPoint.PhoneNumber;
            p.AddressID          = selectedPoint.Address.AddressId;
            p.AddressLine1       = selectedPoint.Address.AddressLine1;
            p.AddressLine2       = selectedPoint.Address.AddressLine2;
            p.AddressLine3       = selectedPoint.Address.AddressLine3;
            p.PostTown           = selectedPoint.Address.PostTown;
            p.County             = selectedPoint.Address.County;
            p.PostCode           = selectedPoint.Address.PostCode;
            p.CountryID          = selectedPoint.Address.CountryId;
            p.CountryDescription = selectedPoint.Address.CountryDescription;

            p.GeofencePoints = new List <LatLong>();

            string points = string.Empty;

            for (int i = 0; i < selectedPoint.Geofence.STNumPoints(); i++)
                SqlGeography point  = selectedPoint.Geofence.STPointN(i + 1);
                LatLong      latLon = new LatLong()
                    Latitude = (double)point.Lat, Longitude = (double)point.Long

Пример #11
        public void RemoveIntegrationGrid_ItemCommand(object source, GridCommandEventArgs e)
            switch (e.CommandName.ToLower())
            case "remove":
                int pointID = Convert.ToInt32(Request.QueryString["pointId"]);
                    List <int> integrationPoints = new List <int>();
                    integrationPoints = GetIntegrationsForRemoval();

                    if (integrationPoints.Count > 0)
                        GridDataItem dataItem = this.RemoveIntegrationGrid.SelectedItems[0] as GridDataItem;
                        if (dataItem != null)
                            int integrationPointID = Convert.ToInt32(GetDataItemValue(dataItem, "IntegrationPointID"));
                            Orchestrator.Facade.IPoint facPoint = new Orchestrator.Facade.Point();
                            bool success = false;
                            success = facPoint.RemoveIntegrationFromPoint(integrationPointID);

                            if (success == true)
                                ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(GetType(), "Error", "alert('Unable to remove Integration, please try again');", true);
                        ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(GetType(), "Error", "alert('Please select the Row you would like to delete and the click the cross');", true);
                    ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(GetType(), "Error", "alert('Unable to remove Integration, please try again');", true);

Пример #12
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (!Page.IsPostBack)
                int orderId = Convert.ToInt32(Request.QueryString["OrderId"].ToString());
                int pointId = Convert.ToInt32(Request.QueryString["PointId"].ToString());

                string pointType = Request.QueryString["PType"].ToString();
                if (pointType.ToUpper() == "D")
                    pointType = "delivery";
                else if (pointType.ToUpper() == "C")
                    pointType = "collection";

                // Set the page title.
                this.Master.WizardTitle = string.Format("Approve {0} point for order {1}", pointType, orderId);;

                lblProposedPoint.Text      = string.Format("Please approve the proposed {0} point for order {1}", pointType, orderId);
                lblProposedPoint.Font.Bold = true;

                lblAlternativePoint.Text      = string.Format("... or choose an alternative {0} point for order {1}", pointType, orderId);
                lblAlternativePoint.Font.Bold = true;

                Facade.Point facPoint = new Orchestrator.Facade.Point();
                this.Point = facPoint.GetPointForPointId(pointId);

                string fullAddress = this.Point.Address.ToString();
                fullAddress = fullAddress.Replace("\n", "");
                fullAddress = fullAddress.Replace("\r", "<br>");

                lblFullAddress.Text = this.Point.OrganisationName + "<br />" + fullAddress;

                string jsInjection = @"
                try { resizeTo(630, 730); }
                catch (err) { }
                moveTo(30, 20);";

                this.ClientScript.RegisterClientScriptBlock(this.GetType(), "ApproveOnly", jsInjection, true);
Пример #13
        public Orchestrator.WebUI.Services.Point UpdatePoint(Orchestrator.WebUI.Services.Point p, string userId)
            Orchestrator.WebUI.Services.Point returnPoint   = null;
            Orchestrator.Facade.IPoint        facPoint      = new Orchestrator.Facade.Point();
            Orchestrator.Entities.Point       selectedPoint = facPoint.GetPointForPointId(p.PointID);
            selectedPoint.Description                = p.Description;
            selectedPoint.Latitude                   = (decimal)p.Latitide;
            selectedPoint.Longitude                  = (decimal)p.Longitude;
            selectedPoint.PostTown.TownId            = p.ClosestTownID;
            selectedPoint.PostTown.TownName          = p.ClosestTown;
            selectedPoint.PointNotes                 = p.PointNotes;
            selectedPoint.PointCode                  = p.PointCode;
            selectedPoint.PhoneNumber                = p.PhoneNumber;
            selectedPoint.Address.AddressLine1       = p.AddressLine1;
            selectedPoint.Address.AddressLine2       = p.AddressLine2;
            selectedPoint.Address.AddressLine3       = p.AddressLine3;
            selectedPoint.Address.PostTown           = p.PostTown;
            selectedPoint.Address.County             = p.County;
            selectedPoint.Address.PostCode           = p.PostCode;
            selectedPoint.Address.CountryId          = p.CountryID;
            selectedPoint.Address.CountryDescription = p.CountryDescription;

            Entities.FacadeResult facResult = facPoint.Update(selectedPoint, userId);

            if (facResult.Success)
                returnPoint = this.GetPointForWebService(selectedPoint.PointId);
                foreach (BusinessRuleInfringement i in facResult.Infringements)
                    p.ErrorMeesage += String.Format("{0} : {1}{2}", i.Key, i.Description, Environment.NewLine);

                returnPoint = p;

Пример #14
        protected void btnApprovePoint_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            int orderId = Convert.ToInt32(Request.QueryString["OrderId"].ToString());
            int pointId = Convert.ToInt32(Request.QueryString["PointId"].ToString());

            Facade.Point   facPoint = new Orchestrator.Facade.Point();
            Entities.Point point    = facPoint.GetPointForPointId(pointId);

            Facade.IOrganisation  facOrg = new Facade.Organisation();
            Entities.Organisation org    = facOrg.GetForName(point.OrganisationName);

            Entities.FacadeResult res = null;

            using (TransactionScope ts = new TransactionScope())
                if (org.IdentityStatus == eIdentityStatus.Unapproved)
                    // Set the identityStatus to approved
                    org.IdentityStatus = eIdentityStatus.Active;
                    facOrg.Update(org, this.Page.User.Identity.Name);

                point.PointStateId = ePointState.Approved;
                res = facPoint.Update(point, this.Page.User.Identity.Name);


            if (res.Success)
                this.Page.ClientScript.RegisterClientScriptBlock(this.GetType(), "ApprovePoint", "window.opener.__doPostBack('','Refresh');window.close();", true);
                idErrors.Infringements = res.Infringements;
                idErrors.Visible = true;
Пример #15

        public void btnAddTrunkPoint_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(this.txtMultiTrunkName.Text.Trim()))
                // if this is the first point being added the multi-trunk object will be null
                if (this.multiTrunk == null)
                    this.multiTrunk = new Orchestrator.Entities.MultiTrunk();
                    this.multiTrunk.MultiTrunkId = -1;

                this.multiTrunk.IsEnabled   = this.chkIsEnabled.Checked;
                this.multiTrunk.Description = this.txtMultiTrunkName.Text.Trim();

                if (this.multiTrunk.TrunkPoints == null)
                    this.multiTrunk.TrunkPoints = new List <Orchestrator.Entities.MultiTrunkPoint>();

                Entities.MultiTrunkPoint trunkPoint =
                    new Orchestrator.Entities.MultiTrunkPoint(-1, this.multiTrunk.MultiTrunkId, this.ucCollectionPoint.PointID,
                                                              Convert.ToInt32(this.txtDefaultDuration.Value), this.multiTrunk.TrunkPoints.Count);

                Facade.Point facPoint = new Orchestrator.Facade.Point();
                trunkPoint.Point = facPoint.GetPointForPointId(trunkPoint.PointId);



                this.txtDefaultDuration.Text = String.Empty;

                this.VS_MultiTrunk = this.multiTrunk;
Пример #16
        private void DisplayOrder(Orchestrator.Entities.Order order)
            Orchestrator.Facade.IOrganisation  facOrg     = new Orchestrator.Facade.Organisation();
            Orchestrator.Facade.IPoint         facPoint   = new Orchestrator.Facade.Point();
            Orchestrator.Facade.IReferenceData facRefData = new Orchestrator.Facade.ReferenceData();
            Orchestrator.Facade.IPOD           facPOD     = new Orchestrator.Facade.POD();

            Orchestrator.Facade.IOrder facOrd = new Orchestrator.Facade.Order();
            order.ClientInvoiceID = facOrd.ClientInvoiceID(OrderID);
            Orchestrator.Facade.Organisation facOrgD = new Orchestrator.Facade.Organisation();

            Orchestrator.Entities.Point collectionPoint    = facPoint.GetPointForPointId(order.CollectionPointID);
            Orchestrator.Entities.Point deliveryPoint      = facPoint.GetPointForPointId(order.DeliveryPointID);
            Orchestrator.Entities.POD   scannedPOD         = facPOD.GetForOrderID(order.OrderID);
            Orchestrator.Entities.Scan  scannedBookingForm = null;

            CurrentCulture = new CultureInfo(order.LCID);
            ExchangeRateID = order.ExchangeRateID;

            lblOrderHeading.Text = string.Format("Order {0}", order.OrderID);

            this.lblOrderStatus.Text = order.OrderStatus.ToString();

            if (((Entities.CustomPrincipal) this.Page.User).IsInRole(((int)eUserRole.SubConPortal).ToString()))
                this.btnPIL.Visible = false;
                this.btnCreateDeliveryNote.Visible  = false;
                this.btnCreateDeliveryNote2.Visible = false;
                this.btnPIL2.Visible = false;
                plcBooking.Visible   = false;

                plcPOD.Visible = false;

                // get cost for subby and display as rate. (The rate the subby is being paid)
                Facade.IJobSubContractor jobSubContractor = new Facade.Job();
                if (order != null && order.JobSubContractID > 0)
                    Entities.JobSubContractor js = jobSubContractor.GetSubContractorForJobSubContractId(order.JobSubContractID);
                    CultureInfo subbyCulture     = new CultureInfo(js.LCID);

                    if (Orchestrator.Globals.Configuration.MultiCurrency)
                        this.lblRate.Text = string.Format(rateTemplate, js.ForeignRate.ToString("C", subbyCulture), js.Rate.ToString("C"));
                        this.lblRate.Text = js.Rate.ToString("C", subbyCulture);

                this.tblSubbyRate.Visible = true;
                this.trRate.Visible       = false;
                this.trInvoiceId.Visible  = false;
                this.tblSubbyRate.Visible = false;
                //If the order has a scanned Booking Form get it so that
                //a link to it can be displayed
                if (order.BookingFormScannedFormId != null)
                    Orchestrator.Facade.Form facBF = new Orchestrator.Facade.Form();
                    scannedBookingForm = facBF.GetForScannedFormId(order.BookingFormScannedFormId.Value);

                //this.lblOrderID.Text = order.OrderID.ToString();
                this.lblOrderStatus.Text = order.OrderStatus.ToString().Replace("_", " ");

                if (scannedBookingForm != null)
                    hlBookingFormLink.Visible     = true;
                    hlBookingFormLink.NavigateUrl = scannedBookingForm.ScannedFormPDF.Trim();

                    aScanBookingForm.InnerHtml = "| Re-Scan";
                    aScanBookingForm.HRef      = @"javascript:ReDoBookingForm(" + scannedBookingForm.ScannedFormId + "," + order.OrderID.ToString() + ");";
                    hlBookingFormLink.Visible  = false;
                    aScanBookingForm.InnerHtml = "Scan";
                    aScanBookingForm.HRef      = @"javascript:NewBookingForm(" + order.OrderID.ToString() + ");";

                plcPOD.Visible = false;

                if (Orchestrator.Globals.Configuration.MultiCurrency)
                    this.lblRate.Text = string.Format(rateTemplate, order.ForeignRate.ToString("C", CurrentCulture), order.Rate.ToString("C"));
                    this.lblRate.Text = order.ForeignRate.ToString("C", CurrentCulture);

                trRate.Visible = !order.IsInGroup;

                if (order.ClientInvoiceID <= 0)
                    lblInvoiceNumber.Text = "None Assigned";
                    lblInvoiceNumber.Text = order.ClientInvoiceID.ToString();
                    string PDFLink = order.PDFLocation.ToString();
                    lblInvoiceNumber.NavigateUrl = Orchestrator.Globals.Configuration.WebServer + PDFLink;
            this.lblLoadNumber.Text      = order.CustomerOrderNumber;
            this.lblDeliveryOrderNo.Text = order.DeliveryOrderNumber;

            this.lblCollectionPoint.Text = collectionPoint.Address.ToString();
            this.lblDeliverTo.Text       = deliveryPoint.Address.ToString();

            this.lblCollectDateTime.Text  = (order.CollectionIsAnytime == true ? (order.CollectionDateTime.ToString("dd/MM/yy") + " AnyTime") : (order.CollectionDateTime.ToString("dd/MM/yy HH:mm")));
            this.lblDeliveryDateTime.Text = (order.DeliveryIsAnytime == true ? (order.DeliveryDateTime.ToString("dd/MM/yy") + " AnyTime") : (order.DeliveryDateTime.ToString("dd/MM/yy HH:mm"))) + order.DeliveryAnnotation;

            this.lblPallets.Text      = order.NoPallets.ToString() + " " + Orchestrator.Facade.PalletType.GetForPalletTypeId(order.PalletTypeID).Description;
            this.lblPalletSpaces.Text = order.PalletSpaces.ToString("0.##");
            this.lblGoodsType.Text    = Orchestrator.Facade.GoodsType.GetForGoodsTypeId(order.GoodsTypeID).Description;
            this.lblWeight.Text       = Convert.ToInt32(order.Weight).ToString() + " " + Orchestrator.Facade.WeightType.GetForWeightTypeId(order.WeightTypeID).ShortCode;

            this.repReferences.DataSource = order.OrderReferences;

            this.lblCartons.Text = order.Cases.ToString();

            if (order.Notes == null || order.Notes.Length == 0)
                this.lblNotes.Text = "&#160;";
                this.lblNotes.Text = order.Notes;

            if (order.CreateDateTime != DateTime.MinValue)
                lblCreated.Text = order.CreatedBy + " on " + order.CreateDateTime.ToString("dd/MM/yy HH:mm");
            lblOrderServiceLevel.Text = order.OrderServiceLevel;

            if (order.BusinessTypeID > 0)
                Orchestrator.Facade.IBusinessType  facBusinessType = new Orchestrator.Facade.BusinessType();
                Orchestrator.Entities.BusinessType businessType    = facBusinessType.GetForBusinessTypeID(order.BusinessTypeID);
                lblBusinessType.Text = businessType.Description;
                lblBusinessType.Text = "Not Set";

            plcCancellation.Visible = order.OrderStatus == eOrderStatus.Cancelled;
            if (order.OrderStatus == eOrderStatus.Cancelled)
                lblCancellationReason.Text = order.CancellationReason;
                lblCancelledBy.Text        = order.CancelledBy;
                lblCancelledAt.Text        = order.CancelledAt.ToString("dd/MM/yy HH:mm");
Пример #17
        void cboPoint_ItemsRequested(object o, Telerik.Web.UI.RadComboBoxItemsRequestedEventArgs e)

            // Set the identity id to use for the point filtering
            int identityId = 0;

            switch ((eInstructionType)m_instruction.InstructionTypeId)
            case eInstructionType.Load:
                identityId = m_job.IdentityId;

            case eInstructionType.Drop:
                identityId = m_instruction.ClientsCustomerIdentityID;

            int    townId     = 0;
            string searchText = "";

            if (e.Context["FilterString"] != null && e.Context["FilterString"].ToString() != "")
                string[] values = e.Context["FilterString"].ToString().Split(';');
                if (values.Length > 1)
                    identityId = int.Parse(values[0]);
                    townId     = int.Parse(values[1]);
                    if (values.Length > 1 && values[2] != "false")
                        searchText = values[2];
                    searchText = e.Context["FilterString"].ToString();
                searchText = e.Text;

            Orchestrator.Facade.IPoint facPoint = new Orchestrator.Facade.Point();
            DataSet ds = facPoint.GetAllForOrganisation(identityId, ePointType.Any, townId, searchText);

            int itemsPerRequest = 20;
            int itemOffset      = e.NumberOfItems;
            int endOffset       = itemOffset + itemsPerRequest;

            if (endOffset > ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count)
                endOffset = ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count;

            DataTable dt = ds.Tables[0];

            Telerik.Web.UI.RadComboBoxItem rcItem = null;
            for (int i = itemOffset; i < endOffset; i++)
                rcItem       = new Telerik.Web.UI.RadComboBoxItem();
                rcItem.Text  = dt.Rows[i]["Description"].ToString();
                rcItem.Value = dt.Rows[i]["PointId"].ToString();

            if (dt.Rows.Count > 0)
                e.Message = string.Format("Items <b>1</b>-<b>{0}</b> out of <b>{1}</b>", endOffset.ToString(), dt.Rows.Count.ToString());
Пример #18
    public void cboPoint_ItemsRequested(object o, RadComboBoxItemsRequestedEventArgs e)
        DataSet ds = null;

        Orchestrator.Facade.Point facPoint = new Orchestrator.Facade.Point();
        int noOfRowsToReturn = 20;

        // The search text entered by the user ("e.Text") can be split into two regions delimited by a backslash.
        // Any text to the left of the first backslash (or when there is no backslash) should be used to filter the organisation name.
        // Any text to the right of a backslash should be used to filter the point description.
        char filterChar = (char)92; // Backslash character "\"

        string[] filterString = e.Text.Split(filterChar.ToString().ToCharArray());

        bool isClient = false;

        Orchestrator.Entities.CustomPrincipal cp = Page.User as Orchestrator.Entities.CustomPrincipal;
        isClient = cp.IsInRole(((int)eUserRole.ClientUser).ToString());
        int clientIdentityId = 0;

        if (isClient)
            // Get the clients related organisation identityId.

            //Get the user's Identity row
            Orchestrator.Facade.IUser facUser = new Orchestrator.Facade.User();
            SqlDataReader             reader  = facUser.GetRelatedIdentity(((Orchestrator.Entities.CustomPrincipal)Page.User).UserName);

            //Is the User a Client User
            if ((eRelationshipType)reader["RelationshipTypeId"] == eRelationshipType.IsClient)
                clientIdentityId = (int)reader["RelatedIdentityId"];

            // If clientIdentityId = 0 then throw error?

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(e.Text))
                ds = facPoint.GetAllWithAddressForClientFiltered(clientIdentityId, ePointType.Any, "", noOfRowsToReturn);
                ds = facPoint.GetAllWithAddressForClientFiltered(clientIdentityId, ePointType.Any, e.Text, noOfRowsToReturn);
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(e.Text))
                // Do not filter the point type for the time being - just display 'Any'.
                ds = facPoint.GetAllWithAddress(ePointType.Any, "", "", noOfRowsToReturn);
            else if (filterString.Length == 1)
                // Do not filter the point type for the time being - just display 'Any'.
                ds = facPoint.GetAllWithAddress(ePointType.Any, filterString[0], "", noOfRowsToReturn);
            else if (filterString.Length > 1)
                // Do not filter the point type for the time being - just display 'Any'.
                ds = facPoint.GetAllWithAddress(ePointType.Any, filterString[0], filterString[1], noOfRowsToReturn);

        DataTable       dt     = ds.Tables[0];
        RadComboBoxItem rcItem = null;

        foreach (DataRow row in dt.Rows)
            rcItem = new RadComboBoxItem();
            PointComboItem comboItem = new PointComboItem(row);

            rcItem.DataItem = comboItem;
            rcItem.Text     = comboItem.SingleLineText;
            rcItem.Value    = row["IdentityId"].ToString() + "," + row["PointId"];

Пример #19
        protected void btnSubmitAlternative_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (ucPoint.PointID > 0)
                int orderId = Convert.ToInt32(Request.QueryString["OrderId"].ToString());
                int pointId = Convert.ToInt32(Request.QueryString["PointId"].ToString());

                string pointType = Request.QueryString["PType"].ToString();
                if (pointType.ToUpper() == "D")
                    pointType = "delivery";
                else if (pointType.ToUpper() == "C")
                    pointType = "collection";

                Facade.Point facPoint = new Orchestrator.Facade.Point();
                this.Point = facPoint.GetPointForPointId(pointId);

                this.Point.PointStateId = ePointState.Rejected;

                Facade.IOrder  facOrder = new Orchestrator.Facade.Order();
                Entities.Order order    = facOrder.GetForOrderID(orderId);

                switch (pointType)
                case "delivery":
                    order.DeliveryPointID = ucPoint.PointID;

                case "collection":
                    order.CollectionPointID = ucPoint.PointID;


                bool failTheTransaction = false;
                using (TransactionScope ts = new TransactionScope())
                    // Do not set the point to rejected when submitting an alternative, doing so
                    // may causse problems for other unapproved invoices that use the same point.

                    if (!failTheTransaction)
                        // Update the orders collection or delivery point to the alternative point.
                        bool orderUpdated = false;
                        orderUpdated = facOrder.Update(order, this.User.Identity.Name);

                        if (!orderUpdated)
                            failTheTransaction = true;

                    if (!failTheTransaction)
                        this.Page.ClientScript.RegisterClientScriptBlock(this.GetType(), "SubmitAlternativePoint", "window.opener.__doPostBack('','Refresh');window.close();", true);
                // User must first select an alternative point.
Пример #20
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (!IsPostBack)

                rfvPoint.Enabled = PointSelectionRequired;

                Orchestrator.Facade.IPoint  facPoint      = new Orchestrator.Facade.Point();
                Orchestrator.Entities.Point selectedPoint = facPoint.GetPointForPointId(this.PointID);

                if (this.Width.Value != 0)
                    this.cboPoint.Width       = this.Width;
                    this.cboClosestTown.Width = this.Width;

                //Reset the Depot
                this.Depot       = string.Empty;
                this.CountryCode = string.Empty;

                if (selectedPoint != null)
                    cboPoint.SelectedValue = selectedPoint.IdentityId.ToString() + "," + selectedPoint.PointId.ToString();

                    if (ShowFullAddress)
                        string fullAddress = selectedPoint.Address.ToString();
                        fullAddress            = fullAddress.Replace("\n", "");
                        fullAddress            = fullAddress.Replace("\r", "<br>");
                        lblFullAddress.Text    = fullAddress;
                        pnlFullAddress.Visible = true;

                    if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(selectedPoint.Address.PostCode))
                        //Change to only show the first depot for a postcode (as there should be only one anyway)
                        //Get the Depot Codes for this Point's PostCode
                        //string depots = string.Empty;

                        //foreach (string depotCode in
                        //    EF.Depot.GetForPostCode(selectedPoint.Address.PostCode).Select(d => d.Code))
                        //    depots += depotCode + ", ";
                        //if (depots.Length > 0)
                        //    depots = depots.Remove(depots.Length - 2);
                        //    lblDepot.Text = string.Format("Depot {0}", depots);
                        //    lblDepot.Text = "";

                        //We have a postcode so try to lookup a depot
                        var depot = EF.Depot.GetForPostCode(selectedPoint.Address.PostCode).FirstOrDefault();

                        if (depot != null)
                            this.Depot       = depot.Code;
                            this.CountryCode = depot.CountryCode ?? string.Empty;

                    if (this.IsDepotVisible)
                        lblDepot.Text = string.Format("Depot {0}", this.Depot);

                    this.lnkPointGeography.OnClientClick = "javascript:" + this.ClientID + "_UpdateGeography(" + selectedPoint.PointId + "); return false;";
                if (this.EditMode)
                this.divDuplicateAddress.Visible = false;
Пример #21
        private void PointEditMode()
            if (PointID > 0 || SelectedPoint != null)

                btnCreatePoint.Visible   = false;
                btnAlterPoint.Visible    = true;
                cboNewPointOwner.Enabled = false;
                lblError.Text            = String.Empty;
                lblError.Visible         = false;

                // Clear Previous Values
                txtAddressLine1.Text         = "";
                txtAddressLine2.Text         = "";
                txtAddressLine3.Text         = "";
                txtPostTown.Text             = "";
                txtPostCode.Text             = "";
                txtCounty.Text               = "";
                txtPointNotes.Text           = "";
                hidLat.Value                 = "";
                hidLon.Value                 = "";
                this.txtPointCode.Text       = String.Empty;
                this.hdnSetPointRadius.Value = String.Empty;

                // Get the point and populate the fields.
                Facade.Point   facPoint = new Orchestrator.Facade.Point();
                Entities.Point point    = null;
                if (SelectedPoint == null)
                    point = SelectedPoint;
                    point = facPoint.GetPointForPointId(this.PointID);


                using (var uow = DIContainer.CreateUnitOfWork())
                    var userRepo = DIContainer.CreateRepository <IUserRepository>(uow);
                    var user     = userRepo.FindByName(point.CreatorUserId);
                    if (user != null)
                        txtCreatedBy.Text = user.FullName;
                        txtCreatedBy.Text = point.CreatorUserId;

                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(point.LastUpdaterUserId))
                        user = userRepo.FindByName(point.LastUpdaterUserId);
                        if (user != null)
                            txtLastModifiedBy.Text = user.FullName;
                            txtLastModifiedBy.Text = point.LastUpdaterUserId;
                txtCreationDate.Text = point.CreationDate.ToLongDateString();
                if (point.LastUpdateDate != null)
                    txtLastModificationDate.Text = point.LastUpdateDate.Value.ToLongDateString();

                txtDescription.Text      = point.Description;
                txtAddressLine1.Text     = point.Address.AddressLine1;
                txtAddressLine2.Text     = point.Address.AddressLine2;
                txtAddressLine3.Text     = point.Address.AddressLine3;
                txtPostTown.Text         = point.PostTown.TownName;
                txtPostCode.Text         = point.Address.PostCode;
                txtCounty.Text           = point.Address.County;
                txtPointNotes.Text       = point.PointNotes;
                this.txtPointCode.Text   = point.PointCode;
                hidLat.Value             = point.Latitude.ToString();
                hidLon.Value             = point.Longitude.ToString();
                this.txtPhoneNumber.Text = point.PhoneNumber;

                cboCountry.Text          = point.Address.CountryDescription;
                cboCountry.SelectedValue = point.Address.CountryId.ToString();

                // Set closest town combo
                cboClosestTown.Text          = point.PostTown.TownName;
                cboClosestTown.SelectedValue = point.PostTown.TownId.ToString();

                // Set traffic area
                cboTrafficArea.Items.FindItemByValue(point.Address.TrafficArea.TrafficAreaId.ToString()).Selected = true;

                // Get/set the organisation
                cboNewPointOwner.Text = point.OrganisationName;

                pnlPoint.Visible             = false;
                pnlNewPoint.Visible          = true;
                this.rfvAddressLine1.Enabled = this.RequireAddressLine1;
                lblFullAddress.Text          = string.Empty;
                pnlFullAddress.Visible       = false;
                catch { }

                // this is becuase we do not want to show the cancel button from the add point page.
                if (Request.QueryString["allowclose"] != null && Convert.ToBoolean(Request.QueryString["allowclose"].ToString()) == false)
                    btnCancel.Visible = false;

                btnCreatePoint.Visible   = true;
                btnAlterPoint.Visible    = false;
                cboNewPointOwner.Enabled = true;
                lblError.Text            = String.Empty;
                lblError.Visible         = false;

                // Clear Previous Values
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(cboNewPointOwner.SelectedValue))
                    cboNewPointOwner.SelectedValue = "";
                    cboNewPointOwner.Text          = "";
                    // this s a new point for a client so do not allow the organisation to be changed.
                    cboNewPointOwner.Enabled = false;

                txtCreatedBy.Text            = ((CustomPrincipal)Page.User).Name;
                txtCreationDate.Text         = DateTime.Now.ToLongDateString();
                txtLastModifiedBy.Text       = string.Empty;
                txtLastModificationDate.Text = string.Empty;

                cboClosestTown.SelectedValue = "";
                cboClosestTown.Text          = "";

                txtAddressLine1.Text = "";
                txtAddressLine2.Text = "";
                txtAddressLine3.Text = "";
                txtPostTown.Text     = "";
                txtPostCode.Text     = "";
                txtCounty.Text       = "";
                hidLat.Value         = "";
                hidLon.Value         = "";

                txtPointNotes.Text           = "";
                txtDescription.Text          = " - ";
                this.txtPointCode.Text       = "";
                this.txtPhoneNumber.Text     = "";
                pnlPoint.Visible             = false;
                pnlNewPoint.Visible          = true;
                this.rfvAddressLine1.Enabled = this.RequireAddressLine1;
                lblFullAddress.Text          = string.Empty;
                pnlFullAddress.Visible       = false;

                cboCountry.SelectedIndex = 0;

            inpCreateNewPointSelected.Value = bool.TrueString;
Пример #22
        void btnAlterPoint_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)

            if (Page.IsValid)
                int ownerID = 0;

                #region Validate that the Point Name is Unique for this Organisation
                bool foundPointName = false;
                lblError.Visible = false;
                Orchestrator.Facade.IPoint facPoint = new Orchestrator.Facade.Point();
                Entities.Point             point    = facPoint.GetPointForPointId(PointID);

                ownerID = new Facade.Organisation().GetForName(cboNewPointOwner.Text).IdentityId;

                DataSet pointNames = facPoint.GetAllForOrganisation(ownerID, ePointType.Any, txtDescription.Text);
                foreach (DataRow row in pointNames.Tables[0].Rows)
                    if (((string)row["Description"]) == txtDescription.Text && point.PointId != (int)row["PointId"])
                        foundPointName = true;

                if (foundPointName)
                    lblError.Text          = "The Description must be unique for this organisation.";
                    lblError.ForeColor     = Color.Red;
                    lblError.Visible       = true;
                    pnlPoint.Visible       = false;
                    pnlNewPoint.Visible    = true;
                    pnlFullAddress.Visible = false;
                    Orchestrator.Facade.IPostTown  facPostTown = new Orchestrator.Facade.Point();
                    Orchestrator.Entities.PostTown town        = facPostTown.GetPostTownForTownId(int.Parse(cboClosestTown.SelectedValue));

                    // Set the point owner and description
                    point.OrganisationName = cboPoint.Text;
                    point.IdentityId       = ownerID;
                    point.Description      = txtDescription.Text;
                    point.PointCode        = this.txtPointCode.Text;

                    // Get the point type
                    switch (this.PointType)
                    case ePointType.Collect:
                        point.Collect = true;

                    case ePointType.Deliver:
                        point.Deliver = true;

                    case ePointType.Any:
                        point.Collect = true;
                        point.Deliver = true;

                    // set the address
                    Orchestrator.Entities.Address address = new Orchestrator.Entities.Address();
                    address.AddressLine1       = txtAddressLine1.Text;
                    address.AddressLine2       = txtAddressLine2.Text;
                    address.AddressLine3       = txtAddressLine3.Text;
                    address.AddressType        = eAddressType.Point;
                    address.County             = txtCounty.Text;
                    address.CountryDescription = this.cboCountry.Text;
                    address.CountryId          = Convert.ToInt32(this.cboCountry.SelectedValue);
                    address.IdentityId         = ownerID;
                    decimal latitude = 0;
                    if (decimal.TryParse(hidLat.Value, out latitude))
                        address.Latitude = latitude;
                    decimal longitude = 0;
                    if (decimal.TryParse(hidLon.Value, out longitude))
                        address.Longitude = longitude;
                    address.PostCode = txtPostCode.Text.ToUpper();
                    address.PostTown = txtPostTown.Text;
                    if (address.TrafficArea == null)
                        address.TrafficArea = new Orchestrator.Entities.TrafficArea();

                    Facade.IOrganisation facOrganisation            = new Facade.Organisation();
                    Orchestrator.Entities.Organisation organisation = facOrganisation.GetForIdentityId(point.IdentityId);

                    // set the radius if the address was changed by addressLookup
                    // if the org has a default, use it, if not, use the system default.
                    if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(this.hdnSetPointRadius.Value))
                        if (organisation.Defaults != null)
                            if (organisation.Defaults.Count > 0 && organisation.Defaults[0].DefaultGeofenceRadius.HasValue)
                                point.Radius = organisation.Defaults[0].DefaultGeofenceRadius;
                                point.Radius = Globals.Configuration.GPSDefaultGeofenceRadius;
                            point.Radius = Globals.Configuration.GPSDefaultGeofenceRadius;

                    // Get the Traffic Area for this Point
                    address.TrafficArea.TrafficAreaId = Convert.ToInt32(cboTrafficArea.SelectedValue);

                    point.Address   = address;
                    point.Longitude = address.Longitude;
                    point.Latitude  = address.Latitude;
                    point.PostTown  = town;

                    point.PointNotes = txtPointNotes.Text;

                    if (ClientUserOrganisationIdentityID > 0)
                        point.PointStateId = ePointState.Unapproved;
                        point.PointStateId = ePointState.Approved;

                    point.PhoneNumber = txtPhoneNumber.Text;

                    string userId = ((Orchestrator.Entities.CustomPrincipal)Page.User).UserName;

                    // Create the new point
                    Entities.FacadeResult result = facPoint.Update(point, userId);

                    if (result.Success)
                        // get the Point with all parts populated.
                        this.SelectedPoint     = point;
                        cboPoint.Text          = point.Description;
                        cboPoint.SelectedValue = point.IdentityId.ToString() + "," + point.PointId.ToString();

                        pnlNewPoint.Visible             = false;
                        pnlPoint.Visible                = true;
                        inpCreateNewPointSelected.Value = string.Empty;
                        for (int i = 0; i < result.Infringements.Count; i++)
                            lblError.Text += result.Infringements[i].Description + Environment.NewLine;

                        lblError.ForeColor     = Color.Red;
                        lblError.Visible       = true;
                        pnlPoint.Visible       = false;
                        pnlNewPoint.Visible    = true;
                        pnlFullAddress.Visible = false;