public void Execute(string[] args) { Options options = new Options(args); int threadsCount = options.ThreadsCount > 0 ? options.ThreadsCount : Environment.ProcessorCount; _loopsPerThread = options.MegaLoops * 1000000L; if (threadsCount == 1) { Burn(); } else { _loopsPerThread /= threadsCount; _gateEvent = new ManualResetEvent(false); Thread[] threads = new Thread[threadsCount]; for (int i = 0; i < threadsCount; i++) { var thread = new Thread(Burn); thread.IsBackground = true; thread.Start(); threads[i] = thread; } _gateEvent.Set(); foreach (var thread in threads) thread.Join(); } }
static void Main(string[] args) { bool showHelp = false; IEnumerable<string> assemblies = Enumerable.Empty<string>(); var optionSet = new Options() { { "h|help", "show this message and exit", x => showHelp = x != null}, { "a=|assemblies=", "comma-seperated list of the names of assemblies to test", x => assemblies = x.Split(',') } }; try { optionSet.Parse(args); if (showHelp) { ShowHelp(optionSet); return; } if (!assemblies.Any()) { throw new InvalidOperationException("No assemblies specified."); } } catch (InvalidOperationException exception) { Console.Write(string.Format("{0}: ", AppDomain.CurrentDomain.FriendlyName)); Console.WriteLine(exception.Message); Console.WriteLine("Try {0} --help for more information", AppDomain.CurrentDomain.FriendlyName); return; } assemblies.ForEach(x => new PrintFailuresOutputter().Output(x, SimpleRunner.RunAllInAssembly(x))); }
public void TestDayOfWeekModifierWithSundayStartOne() { Options options = new Options(); options.DayOfWeekStartIndexZero = false; Assert.AreEqual("Op 12:23 PM, op de tweede zondag van de maand", ExpressionDescriptor.GetDescription("23 12 * * 1#2", options)); }
/// <summary> /// Starts the nodelet. /// </summary> /// <param name="options">The nodelet command options.</param> public void Start(Options options) { using (var context = ZmqContext.Create()) using (var client = context.CreateSocket(SocketType.REQ)) { var endpoint = string.Format("tcp://{0}", options.SocketConnection); Console.WriteLine("Connecting to: {0}", endpoint); client.Connect(endpoint); var sw = new Stopwatch(); foreach(var i in Enumerable.Range(1, NumberOfMessages)) { Console.WriteLine("Message {0} of {1} sent", i, NumberOfMessages); var message = DateTime.UtcNow.Ticks.ToString(); sw.Restart(); client.Send(message, Encoding.Unicode); var reply = client.Receive(Encoding.Unicode); sw.Stop(); var messageIsMatch = message == reply ? 1 : 0; Console.WriteLine("{0}: Reply received in {1}ms", messageIsMatch, sw.ElapsedMilliseconds); } } }
public void TestNoInternal() { PolicyTemplate template = new PolicyTemplate(); template.Load(policyFile); Options options = new Options(pdfExternal); SortedList<int, IAction> internalActions = template[TemplatePolicy.PdfPolicy, ChannelType.SMTP, Routing.Internal]; SortedList<int, IAction> externalActions = template[TemplatePolicy.PdfPolicy, ChannelType.SMTP, Routing.External]; Assert.AreEqual(1, internalActions.Count); Assert.AreEqual(1, externalActions.Count); PdfPolicy pdfPolicy = new PdfPolicy(template, options); pdfPolicy.Apply(); string runtimePolicy = System.IO.Path.GetTempFileName(); string myPolicy = System.IO.Path.GetTempFileName(); template.Save(myPolicy, runtimePolicy); PolicyTemplate modifedTemplate = new PolicyTemplate(); modifedTemplate.Load(myPolicy); internalActions = modifedTemplate[TemplatePolicy.PdfPolicy, ChannelType.SMTP, Routing.Internal]; externalActions = modifedTemplate[TemplatePolicy.PdfPolicy, ChannelType.SMTP, Routing.External]; Assert.AreEqual(0, internalActions.Count); Assert.AreEqual(1, externalActions.Count); modifedTemplate.Close(); System.IO.File.Delete(runtimePolicy); System.IO.File.Delete(myPolicy); }
public InlineLexer(IDictionary<string, LinkObj> links, Options options) { _options = options ?? new Options(); this.links = links; _rules = new NormalInlineRules(); if (this.links == null) { throw new Exception("Tokens array requires a `links` property."); } if (_options.Gfm) { if (_options.Breaks) { _rules = new BreaksInlineRules(); } else { _rules = new GfmInlineRules(); } } else if (_options.Pedantic) { _rules = new PedanticInlineRules(); } }
internal frmOptions(Options options) { InitializeComponent(); this.Options = options; SetOptions(options); }
public Builder(Options options, AppLocations appLocations, IBuilderEvent builderEvent) : base(options, appLocations) { Counters = new List<string>(); traceListener = new BuilderEventListener(this); BuilderEvent = builderEvent; }
public void TestDayOfWeekModifierWithSundayStartOne() { Options options = new Options(); options.DayOfWeekStartIndexZero = false; Assert.AreEqual("At 12:23 PM, on the second Sunday of the month", ExpressionDescriptor.GetDescription("23 12 * * 1#2", options)); }
public void WriteClasses(List<string> classes, Options options) { WriteLine("[JsType(JsMode.Json)]"); Bracket((options.AccessInternal ? "internal" : "public") + " static class Classes"); if (options.MinimizeNames) WriteLine("#if DEBUG"); foreach (string c in classes) { string cc = Name.ToCamelCase(c); WriteLine("public const string " + cc + " = \"" + c + "\";"); } if (options.MinimizeNames) { WriteLine("#else"); foreach (string c in classes) { string cc = Name.ToCamelCase(c); string co = ob.ObfuscateClass(c); WriteLine("public const string " + cc + " = \"" + co + "\";"); } WriteLine("#endif"); } EndBracket(); }
private static ICompression LoadCompressor(string compressor, string file, Options options) { var tmp = DynamicLoader.CompressionLoader.GetModule(compressor, file, options.RawOptions); if (tmp == null) throw new Exception(string.Format("Unable to create {0} decompressor on file {1}", compressor, file)); return tmp; }
static int Main( string[] args ) { var options = new Options(); var parser = new CommandLine.Parser( with => with.HelpWriter = Console.Error ); if ( parser.ParseArgumentsStrict( args, options, () => Environment.Exit( -2 ) ) ) { if ( string.IsNullOrEmpty( options.PathToRockWeb ) ) { string removeString = "Dev Tools\\Applications"; string currentDirectory = System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location; int index = currentDirectory.IndexOf( removeString ); string rockDirectory = ( index < 0 ) ? currentDirectory : currentDirectory.Substring( 0, index ); options.PathToRockWeb = Path.Combine( rockDirectory, "RockWeb" ); } if ( !Directory.Exists( options.PathToRockWeb ) ) { Console.WriteLine( "Error: unable to find directory: " + options.PathToRockWeb ); return -1; } Run( options ); } return 0; }
private static void Main(string[] args) { var options = new Options(); if (CommandLine.Parser.Default.ParseArguments(args, options)) { if (options.CsvHeaders) { Console.WriteLine("Type,File name"); } foreach (string fileName in options.FileNames) { Console.WriteLine(new FileProperties(fileName).ToCsvLine()); } if (options.Interactive) { Console.WriteLine("Press any key to continue..."); Console.ReadKey(); } } else { options.GetUsage(); } }
public JsGlobal(ExecutionVisitor visitor, Options options) { this.Options = options; this.Visitor = visitor; this["null"] = JsNull.Instance; #region Global Classes this["Object"] = ObjectClass = new JsObjectConstructor(this); this["Function"] = FunctionClass = new JsFunctionConstructor(this); this["Array"] = ArrayClass = new JsArrayConstructor(this); this["Boolean"] = BooleanClass = new JsBooleanConstructor(this); this["Date"] = DateClass = new JsDateConstructor(this); this["Error"] = ErrorClass = new JsErrorConstructor(this, "Error"); this["EvalError"] = EvalErrorClass = new JsErrorConstructor(this, "EvalError"); this["RangeError"] = RangeErrorClass = new JsErrorConstructor(this, "RangeError"); this["ReferenceError"] = ReferenceErrorClass = new JsErrorConstructor(this, "ReferenceError"); this["SyntaxError"] = SyntaxErrorClass = new JsErrorConstructor(this, "SyntaxError"); this["TypeError"] = TypeErrorClass = new JsErrorConstructor(this, "TypeError"); this["URIError"] = URIErrorClass = new JsErrorConstructor(this, "URIError"); this["Number"] = NumberClass = new JsNumberConstructor(this); this["RegExp"] = RegExpClass = new JsRegExpConstructor(this); this["String"] = StringClass = new JsStringConstructor(this); this["Math"] = MathClass = new JsMathConstructor(this); this.Prototype = ObjectClass.Prototype; #endregion MathClass.Prototype = ObjectClass.Prototype; foreach (JsInstance c in this.GetValues()) { if (c is JsConstructor) { ((JsConstructor)c).InitPrototype(this); } } #region Global Properties this["NaN"] = NumberClass["NaN"]; // this["Infinity"] = NumberClass["POSITIVE_INFINITY"]; // // this["undefined"] = JsUndefined.Instance; // this[JsInstance.THIS] = this; #endregion #region Global Functions this["eval"] = new JsFunctionWrapper(Eval); // this["parseInt"] = new JsFunctionWrapper(ParseInt); // this["parseFloat"] = new JsFunctionWrapper(ParseFloat); // this["isNaN"] = new JsFunctionWrapper(IsNaN); this["isFinite"] = new JsFunctionWrapper(isFinite); this["decodeURI"] = new JsFunctionWrapper(DecodeURI); this["encodeURI"] = new JsFunctionWrapper(EncodeURI); this["decodeURIComponent"] = new JsFunctionWrapper(DecodeURIComponent); this["encodeURIComponent"] = new JsFunctionWrapper(EncodeURIComponent); #endregion }
protected ElementFinder(Driver driver, string locator, DriverScope scope, Options options) { Driver = driver; this.locator = locator; Scope = scope; this.options = options; }
private int Process(CommandType command) { var options = new Options { DatabaseUrl = DatabaseUrl.Text, BaseDirectory = BaseDirectory.Text, Command = command }; var directoryPath = !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(options.BaseDirectory) ? options.BaseDirectory : Environment.CurrentDirectory; var baseDirectory = new DirectoryInfo(directoryPath); if (!baseDirectory.Exists) { MessageBox.Show(@"Provided directory {0} does not exist.", options.BaseDirectory); return IncorrectOptionsReturnCode; } var password = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable(PasswordEnvVar); var url = new Lazy<Uri>(() => ParseDatabaseUrl(options)); try { ExecuteCommand(options.Command, baseDirectory, url, password); } catch (Exception e) { MessageBox.Show(e.ToString()); return UnknownErrorReturnCode; } return OkReturnCode; }
internal Visitor(Options options, IEnumerable<System.Data.Linq.SqlClient.SqlParameter> parentParameters, SqlFactory sqlFactory) { this.options = options; this.sql = sqlFactory; this.canJoin = true; this.isTopLevel = true; this.parentParameters = parentParameters; }
/// <summary> /// Basic run through, timer setup for read and data save from G4 /// </summary> /// <param name="options">Parsed command line parameters</param> private static void Run(Options options) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(options.Time)) { HeadingInfo.WriteMessage(string.Format("G4 will be polled every {0} milliseconds", options.Time)); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(options.OutputFile)) { HeadingInfo.WriteMessage(string.Format("Writing G4 data to: {0}", options.OutputFile)); } else { HeadingInfo.WriteMessage("G4 data could not be written."); Console.WriteLine("[...]"); } Timer myTimer = new Timer(); myTimer.Elapsed += new ElapsedEventHandler((sender, e) => ReadAndSaveEGV(sender, e, options)); myTimer.Interval = Int32.Parse(options.Time); myTimer.Start(); while (Console.Read() != 'q') { ; // do nothing... } }
private void TranslateEnumGroups(XmlSpecData spec, DotNetApiData api, Options options) { foreach (var specEnumGroup in spec.EnumGroups.Where(x => options.EnumGroupFilter(x.Name))) { var enumGroupData = new DotNetEnumGroupData() { Name = specEnumGroup.Name, }; foreach (var enumName in specEnumGroup.Enums.Distinct()) { var xmlEnumData = spec.Enums.SingleOrDefault(x => x.Name == enumName); if (xmlEnumData == null || !options.EnumFilter(xmlEnumData)) continue; var enumData = api.Enums.SingleOrDefault(x => x.OriginalName == enumName); if (enumData == null) continue; enumGroupData.Enums.Add(enumData); if (spec.Enums.Single(x => x.Name == enumName).Type == "bitmask") enumGroupData.IsFlags = true; } api.EnumGroups.Add(enumGroupData); } }
public Core(IRequestExecuter requestExecuter, ICoreRequestGenerator requestGenerator, Options options) { OAuth2 = new OAuth2(requestExecuter, requestGenerator.OAuth2, options); Accounts = new Accounts(requestExecuter, requestGenerator.Accounts); Metadata = new Metadata(requestExecuter, requestGenerator.Metadata, options); FileOperations = new FileOperations(requestExecuter, requestGenerator.FileOperations, options); }
public PoResourceReader(Stream stream, Options aOptions) { data = new Dictionary<string, PoItem>(); s = stream; options = aOptions; Load(); }
private string InflectEnumName(string input, Options options) { string[] parts = input.Substring(options.Prefix.Length + 1).Split('_'); string[] temp = new string[parts.Length]; for (int i = 0; i < parts.Length; i++) { if (parts[i].Length > 0) { int capitalizeLength = 1; if (parts[i].Length > 1 && char.IsDigit(parts[i][0])) capitalizeLength = 2; temp[i] = parts[i].Substring(0, capitalizeLength).ToUpper() + parts[i].Substring(capitalizeLength).ToLower(); } } string name = string.Join(string.Empty, temp); if (char.IsDigit(name[0])) name = "_" + name; return name; }
static void Main(string[] args) { var options = new Options(); var parser = new CommandLineParser(new CommandLineParserSettings(Console.Error)); try { if (!parser.ParseArguments(args, options)) { Console.Read(); Environment.Exit(0); } } catch (Exception ex) { errorPrompt("When parsing command line arguments an exception occurred:\n{0}", ex.Message); } if (options.writeMode) { writeDataMatrix(options); Console.Read(); Environment.Exit(0); } if (options.readMode) { readDataMatrix(options); Console.Read(); Environment.Exit(0); } }
/// <summary> /// Save user settings for grammar and spelling checking. /// </summary> /// <param name="addin">A reference to the <code>XWikiAddin</code>.</param> public static void Save(ref XWord2003AddIn addin) { wordOptions = addin.Application.Options; checkGrammarAsYouType = wordOptions.CheckGrammarAsYouType; checkGrammarWithSpelling = wordOptions.CheckGrammarWithSpelling; checkSpellingAsYouType = wordOptions.CheckSpellingAsYouType; }
public void TestDayOfWeekModifierWithSundayStartOne() { Options options = new Options(); options.DayOfWeekStartIndexZero = false; Assert.AreEqual("在 12:23 PM, 在 第二个星期日 每月", ExpressionDescriptor.GetDescription("23 12 * * 1#2", options)); }
static int Main(string[] args) { _options = new Options(); CommandLineParser parser = new CommandLineParser(_options); parser.Parse(); if (_options.Help) { Console.WriteLine(parser.UsageInfo.ToString(78, false)); return 0; } if (parser.HasErrors) { Console.WriteLine(parser.UsageInfo.ToString(78, true)); return -1; } if(_options.Test) Test(); if (_options.TestString != null) TestString(); else RunDec0de(); return 0; }
/// <summary> /// Инициализирует объект типа Script и преобрзует код сценария во внутреннее представление. /// </summary> /// <param name="code">Код скрипта на языке JavaScript.</param> /// <param name="parentContext">Родительский контекст для контекста выполнения сценария.</param> /// <param name="messageCallback">Делегат обратного вызова, используемый для вывода сообщений компилятора</param> public Script(string code, Context parentContext, CompilerMessageCallback messageCallback, Options options) { if (code == null) throw new ArgumentNullException(); Code = code; int i = 0; root = CodeBlock.Parse(new ParsingState(Tools.RemoveComments(code, 0), Code, messageCallback), ref i).Statement; if (i < code.Length) throw new System.ArgumentException("Invalid char"); CompilerMessageCallback icallback = messageCallback != null ? (level, cord, message) => { messageCallback(level, CodeCoordinates.FromTextPosition(code, cord.Column, cord.Length), message); } : null as CompilerMessageCallback; var stat = new FunctionStatistics(); Parser.Build(ref root, 0, new System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary<string, VariableDescriptor>(), _BuildState.None, icallback, stat, options); var body = root as CodeBlock; Context = new Context(parentContext ?? NiL.JS.Core.Context.globalContext, true, pseudoCaller); Context.thisBind = new GlobalObject(Context); Context.variables = (root as CodeBlock).variables; Context.strict = (root as CodeBlock).strict; for (i = body.localVariables.Length; i-- > 0; ) { var f = Context.DefineVariable(body.localVariables[i].name); body.localVariables[i].cacheRes = f; body.localVariables[i].cacheContext = Context; if (body.localVariables[i].Inititalizator != null) f.Assign(body.localVariables[i].Inititalizator.Evaluate(Context)); if (body.localVariables[i].isReadOnly) body.localVariables[i].cacheRes.attributes |= JSObjectAttributesInternal.ReadOnly; body.localVariables[i].captured |= stat.ContainsEval; } var bd = body as CodeNode; body.Optimize(ref bd, null, icallback, options, stat); }
static void Main(string[] args) { var options = new Options(); if (Parser.Default.ParseArguments(args, options)) { if (!options.ConsoleIn && options.InputFile == null || !options.ConsoleOut && options.OutputFile == null) { Console.WriteLine(options.GetUsage()); return; } // consume Options instance properties var inReader = options.ConsoleIn ? Console.In : new StreamReader(options.InputFile); using (var outWriter = options.ConsoleIn ? Console.Out : new StreamWriter(options.OutputFile) ) { var xml = inReader.ReadToEnd(); var doc = XDocument.Parse(xml); var md = doc.Root.ToMarkDown(); outWriter.Write(md); outWriter.Close(); } } else { // Display the default usage information Console.WriteLine(options.GetUsage()); } }
public void TestDayOfWeekModifierWithSundayStartOne() { Options options = new Options(); options.DayOfWeekStartIndexZero = false; Assert.AreEqual("Saat 12:23, ayın ikinci Pazar günü", ExpressionDescriptor.GetDescription("23 12 * * 1#2", options)); }
private ParsingInfo(Options options, char initiator, char terminator, Func<string, Quantifier, IElement> parseToken) { this.options = options; this.initiator = initiator; this.terminator = terminator; this.parseToken = parseToken; }
/// <summary> /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="MessagePackHubProtocol"/> class. /// </summary> public MessagePackHubProtocol() : this(Options.Create(new MessagePackHubProtocolOptions())) { }
protected override IEnumerable<SevenZipVolume> LoadVolumes(IEnumerable<Stream> streams, Options options) { foreach (Stream s in streams) { if (!s.CanRead || !s.CanSeek) { throw new ArgumentException("Stream is not readable and seekable"); } SevenZipVolume volume = new SevenZipVolume(s, options); yield return volume; } }
public async Task WhenPatialValidationEnabled_AndPropertyNotRequired_DoesNotThrowError() { _dicomCastConfig.Features.IgnoreSyncOfInvalidTagValue = true; _propertySynchronizer.When(synchronizer => synchronizer.Synchronize(Arg.Any <DicomDataset>(), Arg.Any <Patient>(), isNewPatient: false)).Do(synchronizer => { throw new InvalidDicomTagValueException("invalid tag", "invalid tag"); }); IEnumerable <IPatientPropertySynchronizer> patientPropertySynchronizers = new List <IPatientPropertySynchronizer>() { _propertySynchronizer, }; PatientSynchronizer patientSynchronizer = new PatientSynchronizer(patientPropertySynchronizers, Options.Create(_dicomCastConfig), _exceptionStore); FhirTransactionContext context = new FhirTransactionContext(ChangeFeedGenerator.Generate(metadata: DefaultDicomDataset)); var patient = new Patient(); await patientSynchronizer.SynchronizeAsync(context, patient, false, DefaultCancellationToken); }
static void SetScale(Game g, string v, ref float target, string optKey) { target = Utils.ParseDecimal(v); Options.Set(optKey, v); g.Gui.RefreshHud(); }
void SetFont(Game g, string v) { g.FontName = v; Options.Set(OptionsKey.FontName, v); HandleFontChange(); }
static void SetChatlines(Game g, string v) { g.ChatLines = Int32.Parse(v); Options.Set(OptionsKey.ChatLines, v); g.Gui.RefreshHud(); }
public void WhenApplicationMethodIsThroughFaaVacancy_ShouldOverwriteApplicationInstructionsAsNull() { var user = VacancyOrchestratorTestData.GetVacancyUser(); var vacancy = VacancyOrchestratorTestData.GetPart1CompleteVacancy(); _mockVacancyClient.Setup(x => x.GetVacancyAsync(vacancy.Id)) .ReturnsAsync(vacancy); _mockVacancyClient.Setup(x => x.Validate(vacancy, VacancyRuleSet.ApplicationMethod)) .Returns(new EntityValidationResult()); _mockVacancyClient.Setup(x => x.UpdateDraftVacancyAsync(It.IsAny <Vacancy>(), user)); var sut = new ApplicationProcessOrchestrator(_mockClient.Object, _mockVacancyClient.Object, Options.Create(new ExternalLinksConfiguration()), Mock.Of <ILogger <ApplicationProcessOrchestrator> >(), Mock.Of <IReviewSummaryService>()); var applicationProcessEditModel = new ApplicationProcessEditModel { EmployerAccountId = vacancy.EmployerAccountId, VacancyId = vacancy.Id, ApplicationMethod = ApplicationMethod.ThroughFindAnApprenticeship, ApplicationInstructions = "just do it" }; var result = sut.PostApplicationProcessEditModelAsync(applicationProcessEditModel, user); vacancy.ApplicationMethod.HasValue.Should().BeTrue(); vacancy.ApplicationMethod.Value.Should().Be(ApplicationMethod.ThroughFindAnApprenticeship); vacancy.ApplicationInstructions.Should().BeNull(); _mockVacancyClient.Verify(x => x.UpdateDraftVacancyAsync(vacancy, user), Times.Once); }
public Machine(Options options) { _options = options; _state = new Subject <IState>(); }
/// <summary> /// Takes a seekable Stream as a source /// </summary> /// <param name="stream"></param> /// <param name="options"></param> public static SevenZipArchive Open(Stream stream, Options options) { stream.CheckNotNull("stream"); return new SevenZipArchive(stream, options); }
internal SevenZipArchive(Stream stream, Options options) : base(ArchiveType.SevenZip, stream.AsEnumerable(), options) { }
public GZipVolume(FileInfo fileInfo, Options options) : base(fileInfo.OpenRead(), options) { }
public GZipVolume(Stream stream, Options options) : base(stream, options) { }
/// <summary> /// Takes multiple seekable Streams for a multi-part archive /// </summary> /// <param name="streams"></param> /// <param name="options"></param> internal RarArchive(IEnumerable <Stream> streams, Options options) : base(ArchiveType.Rar, streams, options) { }
protected override IEnumerable <RarVolume> LoadVolumes(IEnumerable <Stream> streams, Options options) { return(RarArchiveVolumeFactory.GetParts(streams, options)); }
/// <summary> /// Constructor with a FileInfo object to an existing file. /// </summary> /// <param name="fileInfo"></param> /// <param name="options"></param> internal RarArchive(FileInfo fileInfo, Options options) : base(ArchiveType.Rar, fileInfo, options) { }
protected override IEnumerable <RarVolume> LoadVolumes(FileInfo file, Options options) { return(RarArchiveVolumeFactory.GetParts(file, options)); }
/// <summary> /// Takes a seekable Stream as a source /// </summary> /// <param name="stream"></param> /// <param name="options"></param> public static RarArchive Open(Stream stream, Options options) { stream.CheckNotNull("stream"); return(Open(stream.AsEnumerable(), options)); }
/// <summary> /// Takes multiple seekable Streams for a multi-part archive /// </summary> /// <param name="streams"></param> /// <param name="options"></param> public static RarArchive Open(IEnumerable <Stream> streams, Options options) { streams.CheckNotNull("streams"); return(new RarArchive(streams, options)); }
/// <summary> /// Constructor expects a filepath to an existing file. /// </summary> /// <param name="filePath"></param> /// <param name="options"></param> public static RarArchive Open(string filePath, Options options) { filePath.CheckNotNullOrEmpty("filePath"); return(Open(new FileInfo(filePath), options)); }
/// <summary> /// Constructor with a FileInfo object to an existing file. /// </summary> /// <param name="fileInfo"></param> /// <param name="options"></param> public static RarArchive Open(FileInfo fileInfo, Options options) { fileInfo.CheckNotNull("fileInfo"); return(new RarArchive(fileInfo, options)); }
public override List <CONEquivalenceDetail> FindAll(CONEquivalenceDetail data, Options option) { return(base.FindAll(data, option)); }
private static IApplicationBuilder ConfigurePipeline(IApplicationBuilder app, Options options) { EnsureValidApiOptions(options); var embeddedResourcesAssembly = typeof(UIResource).Assembly; app.Map(options.ApiPath, appBuilder => { appBuilder .UseMiddleware <UIApiRequestLimitingMidleware>() .UseMiddleware <UIApiEndpointMiddleware>(); }); app.Map(options.WebhookPath, appBuilder => appBuilder.UseMiddleware <UIWebHooksApiMiddleware>()); app.Map($"{options.ApiPath}/{Keys.HEALTHCHECKSUI_SETTINGS_PATH}", appBuilder => appBuilder.UseMiddleware <UISettingsMiddleware>()); new UIResourcesMapper( new UIEmbeddedResourcesReader(embeddedResourcesAssembly)) .Map(app, options); return(app); }
internal NotificationHelper(Options options) { _options = options; }
public EventTestSynchronizer(Options options, TestComponentContainer testComponentContainer) : base(options, testComponentContainer) { }
// sync public static TransactionDetail Retrieve(RetrieveTransactionDetailRequest request, Options options) { String url = options.BaseUrl + "/v2/reporting/payment/details?paymentConversationId=" + request.PaymentConversationId; return(RestHttpClientV2.Create().Get <TransactionDetail>(url, GetHttpHeadersWithUrlParams(request, url, options))); }
/// <summary> /// Initialized a singleton; after calling this, use Analytics.Track() for each event. /// </summary> /// <param name="apiSecret">The apiSecret</param> /// <param name="userInfo">Information about the user that you have previous collected</param> /// <param name="propertiesThatGoWithEveryEvent">A set of key-value pairs to send with *every* event</param> /// <param name="allowTracking">If false, this will not do any communication with</param> /// <param name="retainPii">If false, userInfo will be stripped/hashed/adjusted to prevent communication of /// personally identifiable information to the analytics server.</param> public Analytics(string apiSecret, UserInfo userInfo, Dictionary <string, string> propertiesThatGoWithEveryEvent, bool allowTracking = true, bool retainPii = false) { if (_singleton != null) { throw new ApplicationException("You can only construct a single Analytics object."); } _singleton = this; _propertiesThatGoWithEveryEvent = propertiesThatGoWithEveryEvent; _userInfo = retainPii ? userInfo : userInfo.CreateSanitized(); AllowTracking = allowTracking; // UrlThatReturnsExternalIpAddress is a static and should really be set before this is called, so don't mess with it if the client has given us a different url to us if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(UrlThatReturnsExternalIpAddress)) { UrlThatReturnsGeolocationJson = ""; } if (!AllowTracking) { return; } //bring in settings from any previous version if (AnalyticsSettings.Default.NeedUpgrade) { //see AnalyticsSettings.Default.Upgrade(); AnalyticsSettings.Default.NeedUpgrade = false; AnalyticsSettings.Default.Save(); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(AnalyticsSettings.Default.IdForAnalytics)) { // Apparently a first-time install. Any chance we can migrate settings from another channel of this app? // We really want to use the same ID if possible to keep our statistics valid. try { AttemptToGetUserIdSettingsFromDifferentChannel(); } catch (Exception) { // Oh, well, we tried. } } Segment.Analytics.Initialize(apiSecret); Segment.Analytics.Client.Failed += Client_Failed; Segment.Analytics.Client.Succeeded += Client_Succeeded; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(AnalyticsSettings.Default.IdForAnalytics)) { AnalyticsSettings.Default.IdForAnalytics = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); AnalyticsSettings.Default.Save(); } var context = new Segment.Model.Context(); context.Add("language", _userInfo.UILanguageCode); _options = new Options(); _options.SetContext(context); UpdateSegmentIOInformationOnThisUser(); ReportIpAddressOfThisMachineAsync(); //this will take a while and may fail, so just do it when/if we can string versionNumberWithBuild = ""; try { versionNumberWithBuild = System.Reflection.Assembly.GetEntryAssembly().GetName().Version.ToString(); } catch (NullReferenceException) { try { // GetEntryAssembly is null for MAF plugins versionNumberWithBuild = System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetName().Version.ToString(); } catch (NullReferenceException) { // This probably can't happen, but if it does, just roll with it. } } string versionNumber = versionNumberWithBuild.Split('.').Take(2).Aggregate((a, b) => a + "." + b); SetApplicationProperty("Version", versionNumber); SetApplicationProperty("FullVersion", versionNumberWithBuild); SetApplicationProperty("UserName", GetUserNameForEvent()); SetApplicationProperty("Browser", GetOperatingSystemLabel()); SetApplicationProperty("64bit OS", Environment.Is64BitOperatingSystem.ToString()); SetApplicationProperty("64bit App", Environment.Is64BitProcess.ToString()); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(AnalyticsSettings.Default.LastVersionLaunched)) { //"Created" is a special property that understands and coverts to equivalents in various analytics services //So it's not as descriptive for us as "FirstLaunchOnSystem", but it will give the best experience on the analytics sites. TrackWithApplicationProperties("Created"); } else if (AnalyticsSettings.Default.LastVersionLaunched != versionNumberWithBuild) { TrackWithApplicationProperties("Upgrade", new Properties { { "OldVersion", AnalyticsSettings.Default.LastVersionLaunched }, }); } // We want to record the launch event independent of whether we also recorded a special first launch // But that is done after we retrieve (or fail to retrieve) our external ip address. // See AnalyticsSettings.Default.LastVersionLaunched = versionNumberWithBuild; AnalyticsSettings.Default.Save(); }
private void OnDisable() { m_fade.Begin(FADE_TYPE.FADE_OUT, 0.0f, null); m_options = null; }
/// <summary> /// Constructs a <see cref="OneVersusAllTrainer"/> trainer supplying a <see cref="Options"/>. /// </summary> /// <param name="env">The private <see cref="IHostEnvironment"/> for this estimator.</param> /// <param name="options">The legacy <see cref="Options"/></param> internal OneVersusAllTrainer(IHostEnvironment env, Options options) : base(env, options, LoadNameValue) { _options = options; }
public static IContainer Build(Options options, params object[] singletons) { var builder = new ContainerBuilder(); if (options.HasFlag(Options.ResolveDialogFromContainer)) { builder.RegisterModule(new DialogModule()); } else { builder.RegisterModule(new DialogModule_MakeRoot()); } // make a "singleton" MockConnectorFactory per unit test execution IConnectorClientFactory factory = null; builder .Register((c, p) => factory ?? (factory = new MockConnectorFactory(c.Resolve <IAddress>().BotId))) .As <IConnectorClientFactory>() .InstancePerLifetimeScope(); if (options.HasFlag(Options.Reflection)) { builder.RegisterModule(new ReflectionSurrogateModule()); } var r = builder .Register <Queue <IMessageActivity> >(c => new Queue <IMessageActivity>()) .AsSelf(); if (options.HasFlag(Options.ScopedQueue)) { r.InstancePerLifetimeScope(); } else { r.SingleInstance(); } builder .RegisterType <BotToUserQueue>() .AsSelf() .InstancePerLifetimeScope(); builder .Register(c => new MapToChannelData_BotToUser( c.Resolve <BotToUserQueue>(), new List <IMessageActivityMapper> { new KeyboardCardMapper() })) .As <IBotToUser>() .InstancePerLifetimeScope(); if (options.HasFlag(Options.LastWriteWinsCachingBotDataStore)) { builder.Register <CachingBotDataStore>(c => new CachingBotDataStore(c.Resolve <ConnectorStore>(), CachingBotDataStoreConsistencyPolicy.LastWriteWins)) .As <IBotDataStore <BotData> >() .AsSelf() .InstancePerLifetimeScope(); } foreach (var singleton in singletons) { builder .Register(c => singleton) .Keyed(FiberModule.Key_DoNotSerialize, singleton.GetType()); } return(builder.Build()); }
JsonResult IDriver.Init(string retTarget, string isModal, bool initReceivedFolder) { //if (HttpContext.Current.Session[RetTarget]!=null && !ReferenceEquals(HttpContext.Current.Session[RetTarget], "")) //{ // return ((IDriver)this).Open(HttpContext.Current.Session[RetTarget].ToString(),false); //} WebDavRoot lroot = !initReceivedFolder? this.roots.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Directory.DisplayName == Upload) : this.roots.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Directory.DisplayName == Recived); if (lroot == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(string.Format("Не найдена ожидаемая папка({0} или {1})", Upload, Recived)); } string mytarget = lroot.Directory.RelPath; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(retTarget)) { lroot = GetRoot(retTarget); mytarget = GetCorectTarget(retTarget); mytarget = DecodeTarget(mytarget); } List <DirInfo> filesFormWebFav = client.GetDirectories(mytarget, true); if (filesFormWebFav == null) { return(null); } List <DirInfo> directories = filesFormWebFav.FindAll(d => d.IsDirectory); DirInfo targetDirInfo = directories[0]; //var parent = getParent(targetDirInfo); targetDirInfo.HasSubDirectories = filesFormWebFav != null && directories != null && directories.Count > 1; Options options = new Options { Path = mytarget, ThumbnailsUrl = "Thumbnails/" }; var curDir = lroot.DTO; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(retTarget)) { DirInfo parentDirInfo = this.GetParent(targetDirInfo); curDir = DTOBase.Create(targetDirInfo, parentDirInfo, lroot); } //curDir = lroot.DTO; InitResponse answer = new InitResponse(curDir, options); if (filesFormWebFav != null) { filesFormWebFav.Remove(targetDirInfo); foreach (DirInfo dirInfo in filesFormWebFav) { dirInfo.HasSubDirectories = IsConstainsChild(dirInfo); answer.Files.Add(DTOBase.Create(dirInfo, targetDirInfo, lroot)); } } foreach (WebDavRoot item in this.roots) { answer.Files.Add(item.DTO); } List <DTOBase> filteredFiles = new List <DTOBase>(); foreach (DTOBase dtoBase in answer.Files) { string fileName = (dtoBase.Name); string ext = Path.GetExtension(fileName); if (isModal != "1") { //поиск по неподписан и не зашифрован if (ext != ".sig" && ext != ".enc") { filteredFiles.Add(dtoBase); } //filteredFiles.Add(dtoBase); } else { filteredFiles.Add(dtoBase); } } answer.Files.Clear(); answer.Files.AddRange(filteredFiles); //var answer1 = new InitResponse(answer.Files[0], options); //answer1.Files.AddRange(answer.Files); return(Json(answer)); }