public void Should_get_simple_variables()
            var p = new OptionSet();

            var name = p.AddVariable<string>("n", "");
            var age = p.AddVariable<int>("a", "");

            var myArgs = "-n FindThisString -a:23".Split(' ');

            Assert.AreEqual(23, age);
            Assert.AreEqual("FindThisString", name);

        public void Should_Get_Simple_Variables()
            var optionSet = new OptionSet();

            var name = optionSet.AddVariable<string>("n", "");
            var age = optionSet.AddVariable<int>("a", "");

            /* TODO: The splitskies are clever, but are also error prone. We're assuming
             * by this that the string is as it appears at the command line, when this is
             * not the case. This is as the text appears after the command line parser is
             * through presenting the args to the application. */
            var args = "-n FindThisString -a:23".Split(' ');

            Assert.AreEqual(23, age);
            Assert.AreEqual("FindThisString", name);
        public void Should_Get_Simple_Variables()
            var optionSet = new OptionSet();

            var name = optionSet.AddVariable <string>("n", "");
            var age  = optionSet.AddVariable <int>("a", "");

            /* TODO: The splitskies are clever, but are also error prone. We're assuming
             * by this that the string is as it appears at the command line, when this is
             * not the case. This is as the text appears after the command line parser is
             * through presenting the args to the application. */
            var args = "-n FindThisString -a:23".Split(' ');


            Assert.AreEqual(23, age);
            Assert.AreEqual("FindThisString", name);
        public void Should_Not_Throw_Exception_Multiset_Variable()
            var optionSet = new OptionSet();
            var n         = optionSet.AddVariable <string>("n", "");

            //TODO: Screaming for an NUnit-test-case-coverage.
            var args = "-n:Noah -n:Moses -n:David".Split(' ');

            catch (OptionException oex)
                Assert.Fail("Unexpected exception: {0}", oex);
        public void Should_throw_exception_of_setting_variable_twice()
            var exceptionHappened = false;

            var p = new OptionSet();
            var n = p.AddVariable<string>("n", "");

            var myArgs = "-n:Ryan -n:Jer".Split(' ');

            catch (OptionException ex)
                if (ex.OptionName == "n=")
                    exceptionHappened = true;

Пример #6
        static void Main(string[] args)
            var os       = new OptionSet();
            var dir      = os.AddVariable <string>("d|dir", "Directory to sniff, defaults to current");
            var csv      = os.AddVariable <string>("c|csv", "FileSpec of csv output");
            var deepInfo = os.AddSwitch("i|inf", "Deep scan of pages and images. If csv specified outputs additional page and image files.");
            var showHelp = os.AddSwitch("h|help", "Show Help");


            if (showHelp.Enabled)

            var directoryToScan = dir.Value ?? Directory.GetCurrentDirectory();

            if (!Directory.Exists(directoryToScan))
                Console.WriteLine($"Error - Can't find directory {directoryToScan}");

            string[] pdfFiles =
                Directory.GetFiles(directoryToScan, "*.pdf", SearchOption.AllDirectories);

            Console.WriteLine($"Found {pdfFiles.Length} PDF files");

            string csvFileDir  = null;
            string csvFileName = null;
            string csvFileExt  = null;

            string       fileCsvFilePath = null;
            FileStream   fileCsvFs       = null;
            StreamWriter filesr          = null;

            string       piCsvFilePath = null;
            FileStream   piCsvFs       = null;
            StreamWriter pisr          = null;

            string       imCsvFilePath = null;
            FileStream   imCsvFs       = null;
            StreamWriter imsr          = null;

            if (csv.Value != null)
                csvFileDir  = Path.GetDirectoryName(csv.Value);
                csvFileName = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(csv.Value);
                csvFileExt  = Path.GetExtension(csv.Value);

                fileCsvFilePath = csvFileDir + "\\" + csvFileName + csvFileExt;
                piCsvFilePath   = csvFileDir + "\\" + csvFileName + "_pageinf" + csvFileExt;
                imCsvFilePath   = csvFileDir + "\\" + csvFileName + "_imginf" + csvFileExt;

                fileCsvFs = new FileStream(fileCsvFilePath, FileMode.Create);
                filesr    = new StreamWriter(fileCsvFs);
                filesr.WriteLine("FilePath, FileName, PDFVersion, CreationDate, Creator, ModDate, Producer, PageCount, FileSize, ImageCount, TextCharacters, ImageBytes, ErrorMessageCount, Errors");

                if (deepInfo.Enabled)
                    piCsvFs = new FileStream(piCsvFilePath, FileMode.Create);
                    pisr    = new StreamWriter(piCsvFs);
                    pisr.WriteLine("FilePath, PageNum, TextCharacters, ImageCount, ImageBytes ");
                    imCsvFs = new FileStream(imCsvFilePath, FileMode.Create);
                    imsr    = new StreamWriter(imCsvFs);
                    imsr.WriteLine("FilePath, PageNum, ImageNum, ImageBytes, ImageFormat, ImageType, ImageInfo, ImageWidth, ImageHeight, ImageResolution");

            for (int i = 0; i < pdfFiles.Length; i++)
                if (i > 0 && i % 100 == 0)
                    Console.WriteLine($"Processed {i} Files");

                var fileSpec = pdfFiles[i];
                using (var fs = File.OpenRead(fileSpec))
                    var fileInfo = iTextPDFHelper.GetPDFMetaData(fs, fileSpec, deepInfo);
                    if (filesr != null)
                        var Errors = String.Join("|", fileInfo.ErrorMessages);
                        filesr.WriteLine($"\"{fileInfo.FilePath}\", {fileInfo.FileName.Replace(',',' ')}, {fileInfo.PDFVersion}, " +
                                         $"{fileInfo.CreationDate}, {fileInfo.Creator}, {fileInfo.ModDate}, {fileInfo.Producer}, " +
                                         $"{fileInfo.PageCount}, {fileInfo.FileSize}, {fileInfo.ImageCount}, " +
                                         $"{fileInfo.TextCharacters}, {fileInfo.ImageBytes}, {fileInfo.ErrorMessages.Count}, {Errors}");

                        if (pisr != null)
                            foreach (var page in fileInfo.Pages)
                                pisr.WriteLine($"\"{fileInfo.FilePath}\", {page.PageNum}, {page.TextCharacters}, " +
                                               $"{page.ImageCount}, {page.ImageBytes}");
                        if (imsr != null)
                            foreach (var page in fileInfo.Pages)
                                foreach (var img in page.Images)
                                    imsr.WriteLine($"\"{fileInfo.FilePath}\", {page.PageNum}, {img.ImageNum}, " +
                                                   $"{img.ImageBytes}, {img.ImageFormat}, {img.ImageType}, {img.ImageInfo}, " +
                                                   $"{img.ImageWidth}, {img.ImageHeight}, {img.ImageResolution}");
                        Console.WriteLine($"FilePath: {fileInfo.FilePath}");
                        Console.WriteLine($"FileName: {fileInfo.FileName}");
                        Console.WriteLine($"PDFVersion: {fileInfo.PDFVersion}");
                        Console.WriteLine($"CreationDate: {fileInfo.CreationDate}");
                        Console.WriteLine($"Creator: {fileInfo.Creator}");
                        Console.WriteLine($"ModDate: {fileInfo.ModDate}");
                        Console.WriteLine($"Producer: {fileInfo.Producer}");
                        Console.WriteLine($"PageCount: {fileInfo.PageCount}");
                        Console.WriteLine($"FileSize: {fileInfo.FileSize}");
                        Console.WriteLine($"ImageCount: {fileInfo.ImageCount}");
                        Console.WriteLine($"ImageBytes: {fileInfo.ImageBytes}");
                        Console.WriteLine($"TextCharacters: {fileInfo.TextCharacters}");
                        Console.WriteLine($"ErrorMessageCount: {fileInfo.ErrorMessages.Count}");
                        foreach (var msg in fileInfo.ErrorMessages)
                            Console.WriteLine("Error:" + msg);

            if (filesr != null)
            if (fileCsvFs != null)

            if (pisr != null)
            if (piCsvFs != null)

            if (imsr != null)
            if (imCsvFs != null)

            Console.WriteLine("Scan Completed");
Пример #7
        static void Main(string[] args)
            var opts         = new OptionSet();
            var friendlyName = opts.AddVariable <string>("friendlyname", "(required) friendly name of cert to generate");
            var operatorName = opts.AddVariable <string>("operator", "operator name");
            var siteId       = opts.AddVariable <string>("siteid", "Site Id");
            var seq          = opts.AddVariable <int>("seq", "Sequence no");
            var server       = opts.AddSwitch("server", "create server certificate");
            var delete       = opts.AddSwitch("delete", "delete cert/rules with given friendly name/acl");
            var filename     = opts.AddVariable <string>("filename", "file to save");
            var pwd          = opts.AddVariable <string>("password", "password to apply to saved cert");
            var help         = opts.AddSwitch("help", "Show help");

            var acl = opts.AddVariable <string>("urlacl", "urlAcl rule to add in form of hostname:port.  e.g. \"quantumApi:4433\"");

            if (help || string.IsNullOrEmpty(friendlyName.Value))

            CertificateHelper.FriendlyName = friendlyName.Value;
            var cert = CertificateHelper.GetClientCertificateByFriendlyName(friendlyName.Value);

            if (!delete)
                if (cert != null)
                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(filename.Value))
                        Console.WriteLine($"Certificate with friendly name {friendlyName.Value} already exists");
                    var urlOnly = acl.Value;
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(urlOnly) && (urlOnly.IndexOf(":") > 0))
                        urlOnly = urlOnly.Substring(0, urlOnly.IndexOf(":"));
                    if (
                        (server && !CertificateHelper.CreateAndStoreServerSelfSignedCertificate(friendlyName.Value, urlOnly)) ||
                        (!server && !CertificateHelper.CreateAndStoreSelfSignedCertificate(operatorName.Value, siteId.Value, seq.Value, server))
                        throw new System.Exception("could not create certficate!");
                    cert = CertificateHelper.GetClientCertificateByFriendlyName(friendlyName.Value);

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(acl.Value))
                //add sslcert
                //Generate App guid.
                var appGuid = Guid.NewGuid();
                System.Diagnostics.Process          process   = new System.Diagnostics.Process();
                System.Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo startInfo = new System.Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo();
                startInfo.WindowStyle = System.Diagnostics.ProcessWindowStyle.Hidden;
                startInfo.FileName    = "cmd.exe";
                if (!delete)
                    Console.WriteLine($"Attempting to add sslcert rule with app id {appGuid.ToString()}");
                    var cmdargs = $"/C netsh http add sslcert hostnameport={acl.Value} appid={{\"{appGuid.ToString()}\"}} certhash={cert.Thumbprint} certstorename=MY";
                    startInfo.Arguments = cmdargs;
                    Console.WriteLine($"Attempting to delete sslcert rule {acl.Value}");
                    startInfo.Arguments = $"/C netsh http delete sslcert hostnameport={acl.Value}";

                startInfo.RedirectStandardError  = true;
                startInfo.RedirectStandardOutput = true;
                startInfo.UseShellExecute        = false;
                process.StartInfo = startInfo;

                Console.WriteLine("Waiting for process....");
                string output = process.StandardOutput.ReadToEnd();
                string error  = process.StandardError.ReadToEnd();

                Console.WriteLine($"Process finished (exit code = {process.ExitCode})");

                // now we add a urlACL rule...
                process               = new System.Diagnostics.Process();
                startInfo             = new System.Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo();
                startInfo.WindowStyle = System.Diagnostics.ProcessWindowStyle.Hidden;
                startInfo.FileName    = "cmd.exe";
                if (!delete)
                    Console.WriteLine($"Attempting to add urlACL rule for https://{acl.Value}/");
                    var cmdargs = $"/C netsh http add urlacl url=https://{acl.Value}/ user=EVERYONE";
                    startInfo.Arguments = cmdargs;
                    Console.WriteLine($"Attempting to delete urlacl rule {acl.Value}");
                    startInfo.Arguments = $"/C netsh http delete urlacl url=https://{acl.Value}/";
                startInfo.RedirectStandardError  = true;
                startInfo.RedirectStandardOutput = true;
                startInfo.UseShellExecute        = false;
                process.StartInfo = startInfo;
                Console.WriteLine("Waiting for process....");
                output = process.StandardOutput.ReadToEnd();
                error  = process.StandardError.ReadToEnd();
                Console.WriteLine($"Process finished (exit code = {process.ExitCode})");

                //try to save cert for adding to clients as a 'trusted doohickey'
                if (!delete)
                    string fname;
                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(filename.Value))
                        fname = friendlyName.Value;
                        fname = filename.Value;

                    if (File.Exists($"{fname}.pfx"))
                    var    pwdGuid  = Guid.NewGuid().ToString().Replace("{", "").Replace("}", "").Replace("-", "").Substring(0, 8);
                    byte[] certData = cert.Export(X509ContentType.Pfx, pwdGuid);
                    File.WriteAllBytes($"{fname}.pfx", certData);

                    File.WriteAllText("pass.txt", pwdGuid);

                    Console.WriteLine($"saved file to {fname}.pfx - add this to Trusted providers on clients (password is {pwdGuid}), saved to pass.txt");
            else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(filename.Value) && !delete)
                //try to save cert...
                byte[] certData = cert.Export(X509ContentType.Pfx, pwd.Value);
                File.WriteAllBytes(filename.Value, certData);
                Console.WriteLine($"saved file to {filename.Value}");

            Console.WriteLine($"finished.  Cert thumbprint = {cert?.Thumbprint ?? "n/a"} saved to thumbprint.txt");
            if (cert != null)
                File.WriteAllText("thumbprint.txt", cert.Thumbprint);

            if (delete)
        private static CmdOptions ParseOptions(string[] args)
            var options    = new OptionSet();
            var lex        = options.AddSwitch("l|lex", "Run the lexer and output the tokens");
            var printTree  = options.AddSwitch("t|tree", "Print the parse tree");
            var validate   = options.AddSwitch("v|validate", "Run compilation and produce errors, but don't emit anything");
            var outputPath = options.AddVariable <string>("o|output", "Path to write output to");

            var filePatterns     = options.Parse(args);
            var workingDirectory = Directory.GetCurrentDirectory();
            var sourcePaths      = filePatterns.SelectMany(pattern => Directory.GetFiles(workingDirectory, pattern)).ToArray();

            #region Single Action
            if (lex && printTree)
                Console.WriteLine("Can't lex and print tree at same time");

            if (lex && validate)
                Console.WriteLine("Can't lex and validate at same time");

            if (printTree && validate)
                Console.WriteLine("Can't print tree and validate at same time");

            if (sourcePaths.Length == 0)
                Console.WriteLine("Must specify at least one source file");

            if (sourcePaths.Any(sourcePath => !HasAdamantExtension(sourcePath)))
                Console.WriteLine("All source files must have Adamant Extension (*.adam)");

            if (lex)
                return(new CmdOptions()
                    Action = CmdAction.Lex,
                    SourcePaths = sourcePaths,
                    OutputPath = outputPath.Value,

            if (printTree)
                return(new CmdOptions()
                    Action = CmdAction.PrintTree,
                    SourcePaths = sourcePaths,
                    OutputPath = outputPath.Value,

            if (validate)
                return(new CmdOptions()
                    Action = CmdAction.Validate,
                    SourcePaths = sourcePaths,
                    OutputPath = outputPath.Value,

            Console.WriteLine("Must specify an action.  One of -l -t -v");
        private static CmdOptions ParseOptions(string[] args)
            var options = new OptionSet();
            var lex = options.AddSwitch("l|lex", "Run the lexer and output the tokens");
            var printTree = options.AddSwitch("t|tree", "Print the parse tree");
            var validate = options.AddSwitch("v|validate", "Run compilation and produce errors, but don't emit anything");
            var outputPath = options.AddVariable<string>("o|output", "Path to write output to");

            var filePatterns = options.Parse(args);
            var workingDirectory = Directory.GetCurrentDirectory();
            var sourcePaths = filePatterns.SelectMany(pattern => Directory.GetFiles(workingDirectory, pattern)).ToArray();

            #region Single Action
            if(lex && printTree)
                Console.WriteLine("Can't lex and print tree at same time");
                return null;

            if(lex && validate)
                Console.WriteLine("Can't lex and validate at same time");
                return null;

            if(printTree && validate)
                Console.WriteLine("Can't print tree and validate at same time");
                return null;

            if(sourcePaths.Length == 0)
                Console.WriteLine("Must specify at least one source file");

            if(sourcePaths.Any(sourcePath => !HasAdamantExtension(sourcePath)))
                Console.WriteLine("All source files must have Adamant Extension (*.adam)");

                return new CmdOptions()
                    Action = CmdAction.Lex,
                    SourcePaths = sourcePaths,
                    OutputPath = outputPath.Value,

                return new CmdOptions()
                    Action = CmdAction.PrintTree,
                    SourcePaths = sourcePaths,
                    OutputPath = outputPath.Value,

                return new CmdOptions()
                    Action = CmdAction.Validate,
                    SourcePaths = sourcePaths,
                    OutputPath = outputPath.Value,

            Console.WriteLine("Must specify an action.  One of -l -t -v");
            return null;
		private static CmdOptions ParseOptions(string[] args)
			var options = new OptionSet();
			var tokenize = options.AddSwitch("tokenize", "Rather than compiling, run the lexer and output the tokens");
			var printTree = options.AddSwitch("tree", "Print the parse tree");
			var outputPath = options.AddVariable<string>("o|output", "Path to write output to");
			var files = options.Parse(args);

			if(files.Count > 1)
				Console.WriteLine("Can only specify one file");
				return null;

			var filePath = files.FirstOrDefault();

			if(tokenize && printTree)
				Console.WriteLine("Can't tokenize and print tree at same time");
				return null;

			if((tokenize || printTree) && IsAdamantCode(filePath))
				Console.WriteLine("When tokenizing or printing parse tree, must specify an adamant source file (*.adam)");
				return null;

				return new CmdOptions()
					FilePath = filePath,
					Action = CmdAction.PrintTree,
					OutputPath = outputPath.Value,

				return new CmdOptions()
					FilePath = filePath,
					Action = CmdAction.Tokenize,
					OutputPath = outputPath.Value,

			// Some form of compile
			if(Directory.Exists(filePath)) // directory path
				filePath = Path.Combine(filePath, ProjectFileName);

			if(Path.GetExtension(filePath) == ".vson")
				if(Path.GetFileName(filePath) != ProjectFileName)
					Console.WriteLine($"project file must be named {ProjectFileName}");
					return null;

				if(outputPath.Value != null)
					Console.WriteLine($"When compiling {ProjectFileName} file don't specify output path");
					return null;

				return new CmdOptions()
					FilePath = filePath,
					Action = CmdAction.Forge,
					Console.WriteLine("When compiling, must specify an adamant source file (*.adam)");
					return null;

				return new CmdOptions()
					FilePath = filePath,
					Action = CmdAction.Compile,
					OutputPath = outputPath.Value,
        public void Should_Not_Throw_Exception_Multiset_Variable()
            var optionSet = new OptionSet();
            var n = optionSet.AddVariable<string>("n", "");

            //TODO: Screaming for an NUnit-test-case-coverage.
            var args = "-n:Noah -n:Moses -n:David".Split(' ');

            catch (OptionException oex)
                Assert.Fail("Unexpected exception: {0}", oex);
Пример #12
        public bool Parse(string[] cmdArgs)
            bool argumentsOk        = true;
            var  os                 = new OptionSet();
            var  showHelp           = os.AddSwitch("h|?|help", "Shows the help");
            var  mode               = os.AddVariable <String>("m|mode", "Select the mode of the tool. \n 'index' to index directory \n 'search' to search within already indexed directory \n 'auto' to use CLI");
            var  idxPath            = os.AddVariable <String>("ip|indexPath", "Location where the index is or should be stored (mandatory)");
            var  srcPath            = os.AddVariable <String>("sp|sourcePath", "Location of files, which should be indexed (mandatory in case of 'mode=index')");
            var  fileExtensions     = os.AddVariable <String>("fe|fileExtensions", "Extensions of files to index (optional in case of 'mode=index', default is '.cs,.xml,.csproj')");
            var  searchedWord       = os.AddVariable <String>("sw|searchedWord", "word to look for into index (mandatory in case of 'mode=search')");
            var  numberOfHitsToShow = os.AddVariable <Int32>("hits|numerOfHits", "Amount of files with findings (optional, default is 1000)");
            var  hitsPerPage        = os.AddVariable <Int32>("hpp|hitsPerPage", "Amount of findings to show at once (optional, default = -1; -1 means all)");
            var  export             = os.AddSwitch("e|export", "Indicates wheater results should be exported to temp file (optional, default = false)");
            var  wildcardSearch     = os.AddSwitch("wc|wildcard", "Use wildcard search query, which is possible slower (optional, default = false)");

                for (int i = 0; i < cmdArgs.Length; i++)
                    cmdArgs[i] = cmdArgs[i].Trim();
            catch (OptionException)
                argumentsOk = false;

            if (showHelp)
            else if (argumentsOk)
                if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(mode))
                    argumentsOk = false;
                    if (mode == "index" || mode == "i")
                        argumentsOk = SetArgumentsForIndexing(os, idxPath, srcPath, fileExtensions);
                    else if (mode == "search" || mode == "s")
                        argumentsOk = SetArgumentsForSearching(os, idxPath, searchedWord, numberOfHitsToShow, hitsPerPage, export, wildcardSearch);
                    else if (mode == "auto" || mode == "a")
                        m_Arguments[ProgramMode] = mode;
                        argumentsOk = true;
                        argumentsOk = false;
