Пример #1
        /// <summary>
        /// The program entry point.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="args">The command line arguments.</param>
        /// <returns>The tracking <see cref="Task"/>.</returns>
        public static async Task Main(string[] args)

                // Intercept and handle KubeOps [generator] commands executed by the
                // KubeOps MSBUILD tasks.

                if (await OperatorHelper.HandleGeneratorCommand <Startup>(args))

                // Start the operator service.

                Service = new Service(KubeService.NeonClusterOperator);

                Environment.Exit(await Service.RunAsync());
            catch (Exception e)
                // We really shouldn't see exceptions here but let's log something
                // just in case.  Note that logging may not be initialized yet so
                // we'll just output a string.

Пример #2
         * Pushes the current operator token to the stack and pops Evaluatables from the stack
        private void FoundOperator(string token, List <string> result)
            var op = Evaluatables[token];

            if (Hold.Count != 0)
                while (Hold.Count != 0)
                    var topOfStack = Hold.Peek();
                    if (!Evaluatables.OperatorExists(topOfStack))
                    var operatorTop = Evaluatables[topOfStack];
                    if ((OperatorHelper.CheckAssociativity(op, Associativity.L) && op.Precedence <= operatorTop.Precedence) ||
                        OperatorHelper.CheckAssociativity(op, Associativity.R) && op.Precedence < operatorTop.Precedence)
Пример #3
        public AphidObject NotEqualTest(AphidObject x, AphidObject y)
            AphidObject result = OperatorHelper.NotEqual(x, y);

            // TODO: add assertions to method OperatorHelperTest.NotEqualTest(AphidObject, AphidObject)
Пример #4
        public OperatorHelper ConstructorTest(AphidInterpreter interpreter)
            OperatorHelper target = new OperatorHelper(interpreter);

            // TODO: add assertions to method OperatorHelperTest.ConstructorTest(AphidInterpreter)
Пример #5
 public void ShouldManageBinaryOrOperator()
     Assert.True(OperatorHelper.EvaluateBinary("||", true, true));
     Assert.True(OperatorHelper.EvaluateBinary("||", true, false));
     Assert.True(OperatorHelper.EvaluateBinary("||", false, true));
     Assert.False(OperatorHelper.EvaluateBinary("||", false, false));
Пример #6
        public bool EqualsCoreTest(AphidObject x, AphidObject y)
            bool result = OperatorHelper.EqualsCore(x, y);

            // TODO: add assertions to method OperatorHelperTest.EqualsCoreTest(AphidObject, AphidObject)
Пример #7
        public AphidObject DivideTest(
            [PexAssumeUnderTest] OperatorHelper target,
            AphidObject x,
            AphidObject y
            AphidObject result = target.Divide(x, y);

            // TODO: add assertions to method OperatorHelperTest.DivideTest(OperatorHelper, AphidObject, AphidObject)
Пример #8
        public AphidObject BinaryShiftRightTest(
            [PexAssumeUnderTest] OperatorHelper target,
            AphidObject x,
            AphidObject y
            AphidObject result = target.BinaryShiftRight(x, y);

            // TODO: add assertions to method OperatorHelperTest.BinaryShiftRightTest(OperatorHelper, AphidObject, AphidObject)
Пример #9
        public bool EqualsTest01(
            AphidInterpreter instance,
            object left,
            object right
            bool result = OperatorHelper.Equals(instance, left, right);

            // TODO: add assertions to method OperatorHelperTest.EqualsTest01(AphidInterpreter, Object, Object)
Пример #10
        void OnCalculate(System.Object sender, System.EventArgs e)
            if (currentState == 2)
                var result = OperatorHelper.Calculate(fisrtNumber, secondNumber, myOperator);

                this.resultText.Text = result.ToString();
                fisrtNumber          = result;
                currentState         = -1;
Пример #11
 public FilterRequestValidator()
     RuleFor(x => x.Field).NotEmpty();
     RuleFor(x => x).Must(x => OperatorHelper.OnlyOneTrue(
                              x.ValueGuid != null,
                              x.ValueDateTimeFrom != null || x.ValueDateTimeTo != null,
                              x.ValueNumberFrom != null || x.ValueNumberTo != null,
                              x.ValueBool != null,
                              x.ValueList != null
Пример #12
        public static void DeleteTableWithConditions(this SurlyDatabase database, string tableName, string line)
            var tableResponse = database.GetTable(tableName);

            if (tableResponse.Table == null)

            string[] conditions = null;
                conditions = new Regex("where (.+);", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase)
                             .Split(' ');
            catch (Exception)
                WriteLine("Invalid syntax, please see help.", Red);

            if (conditions == null)
            var success = false;

            tableResponse.Table.Tuples.ToList().ForEach(tableRow =>
                var match = OperatorHelper.Chain(tableRow, true, conditions, 0);

                if (match)
                    success = true;

            if (success)
                WriteLine("\n\tSuccess", Green);
                WriteLine("No rows affected.");
Пример #13
        /// <summary>
        /// Generate the employee query based on the query fields
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="employeeRequest"></param>
        /// <returns>string</returns>
        public string CreateEmployeeQuery(QueryBuilderRequest employeeRequest)
            //Parameters that used to read the data
            string        query = string.Empty, tableJoin = string.Empty, selectQuery = string.Empty, whereQuery = string.Empty, currentUserId = string.Empty;
            List <string> fieldList = new List <string>();

                if (employeeRequest.ColumnList.Length == 0)
                    throw new ArgumentException("ColumnList");
                if (employeeRequest.Fields.Count == 0)
                    throw new ArgumentException("Fields");

                //Select statement for the query
                selectQuery = "SELECT  DISTINCT";

                //getting column List
                query = string.Join("", (from column in columnList
                                         where employeeRequest.ColumnList.Any(x => x == column.Key)
                                         select column.Value));
                query = query.TrimStart(',');
                query = selectQuery + query;

                //Append the user query with select statement
                query += " FROM dbo.[UserDetails_RB] u  JOIN dbo.UserCompany uc on uc.UserId=u.User_Id AND  uc.IsEnabled = 1 AND uc.Status = 1 AND uc.IsVisible = 1 AND uc.IsDefault=1";

                //get table joins
                fieldList = employeeRequest.ColumnList.ToList();
                fieldList.AddRange(employeeRequest.Fields.Select(x => x.Name.ToUpper()).ToArray());
                tableJoin = string.Join("", from joins in tableJoins
                                        where fieldList.Any(x => joins.Value.Any(y => y == x))
                                        select joins.Key);
                query += tableJoin;

                //Handles the smart parameter for the userName
                currentUserId = employeeRequest.Fields.Where(x => x.Name.ToUpper() == Constants.CURRENT_USER).Select(x => x.Value).FirstOrDefault();

                if (employeeRequest.Fields.Where(x => x.Name == Constants.USERNAME).ToList().Count > 0 && employeeRequest.Fields.Where(x => x.Name == Constants.CURRENT_USER).ToList().Count > 0)
                    EmployeeModel userDetails = employeeRequest.Fields.Where(x => x.Name == Constants.CURRENT_USER).FirstOrDefault();

                    employeeRequest.Fields.Select(x => x.Name == Constants.USERNAME && UsernameSmartParameters.Contains(x.Value) ? x.Name = x.Value : x.Name).ToList();

                    employeeRequest.Fields.Select(x => (UsernameSmartParameters.Contains(x.Name) && x.Operator == "!=") ? x.Name = "NOT_" + x.Name : x.Name).ToList();
                //handles the Supervisor Id depends upon the Request
                if (employeeRequest.Fields.Where(x => x.Name == Constants.SUPERVISOR_ID).ToList().Count > 0)
                    employeeRequest.Fields.Select(x => x.Name == Constants.SUPERVISOR_ID ? x.Name = Constants.SUPERVISOR_ID_HANDLER : x.Name).ToList();

                //Remove student details from the List
                if (employeeRequest.Fields.Where(x => x.Name == Constants.STUDENT_DETAILS).ToList().Count > 0)
                    EmployeeModel userDetails = employeeRequest.Fields.Where(x => x.Name == Constants.STUDENT_DETAILS).FirstOrDefault();

                //getting where conditions
                whereQuery = string.Join("", from employee in employeeRequest.Fields
                                         select(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(employee.Bitwise) ? (" " + employee.Bitwise + " ") : string.Empty) + (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(employeeFields.Where(x => x.Key == employee.Name.ToUpper()).Select(x => x.Value).FirstOrDefault()) ? (employeeFields.Where(x => x.Key == employee.Name.ToUpper()).Select(x => x.Value).FirstOrDefault() +
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        OperatorHelper.CheckOperator(employee.Operator, employee.Value.Trim(), employee.Name) + CheckValues(employee.Value, employee.Operator)) : string.Empty));

                //Append the company query
                whereQuery = (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(whereQuery)) ? (" WHERE uc.CompanyId=" + employeeRequest.CompanyId + " AND uc.status=1 AND (" + whereQuery) : string.Empty;

                whereQuery = whereQuery.Replace("@currentuserId", currentUserId);
                //Create the final query that helps to retrieve the data
                query += whereQuery + " )";
            catch (Exception createEmployeeQueryException)
Пример #14
        /// <inheritdoc/>
        public async Task <ResourceControllerResult> ReconcileAsync(V1NeonNodeTask resource)
            // Ignore all events when the controller hasn't been started.

            if (resourceManager == null)

            var name = resource.Name();

            log.LogInfo($"RECONCILED: {name}");

            // We have a new node task targeting the host node:
            //      1. Ensure that it's valid, delete if bad
            //      2. Add a status property as necessary
            //      3. Remove the task if it's been retained long enough
            //      4. Execute the task if it's pending

            var nodeTask = resource;

            // Verify that task is valid.

            catch (Exception e)
                log.LogWarn($"Invalid NodeTask: [{name}]", e);
                log.LogWarn($"Deleting invalid NodeTask: [{name}]");
                await k8s.DeleteClusterCustomObjectAsync(nodeTask);


            // For new tasks, update the status to PENDING and also add the
            // node's owner reference to the object.

            if (nodeTask.Status.Phase == V1NeonNodeTask.Phase.New)
                var patch = OperatorHelper.CreatePatch <V1NeonNodeTask>();

                patch.Replace(path => path.Status, new V1NeonNodeTask.TaskStatus());
                patch.Replace(path => path.Status.Phase, V1NeonNodeTask.Phase.Pending);

                nodeTask = await k8s.PatchClusterCustomObjectStatusAsync <V1NeonNodeTask>(OperatorHelper.ToV1Patch <V1NeonNodeTask>(patch), nodeTask.Name());

                var nodeOwnerReference = await Node.GetOwnerReferenceAsync(k8s);

                if (nodeOwnerReference != null)
                    if (nodeTask.Metadata.OwnerReferences == null)
                        nodeTask.Metadata.OwnerReferences = new List <V1OwnerReference>();

                    nodeTask.Metadata.OwnerReferences.Add(await Node.GetOwnerReferenceAsync(k8s));

                nodeTask = await k8s.ReplaceClusterCustomObjectAsync <V1NeonNodeTask>(nodeTask, nodeTask.Name());

            if (nodeTask.Status.FinishTimestamp.HasValue)
                var retentionTime = DateTime.UtcNow - nodeTask.Status.FinishTimestamp;

                if (retentionTime >= TimeSpan.FromSeconds(nodeTask.Spec.RetentionSeconds))
                    log.LogInfo($"NodeTask [{name}] retained for [{retentionTime}] (deleting now).");
                    await k8s.DeleteClusterCustomObjectAsync(nodeTask);


            // Execute the task if it's pending and it hasn't missed the scheduling window.

            if (nodeTask.Status.Phase == V1NeonNodeTask.Phase.Pending)
                var utcNow = DateTime.UtcNow;

                // Abort if we missed the end the scheduled window.

                if (nodeTask.Spec.StartBeforeTimestamp.HasValue && nodeTask.Spec.StartBeforeTimestamp < utcNow)
                    log.LogWarn($"Detected tardy [nodetask={nodeTask.Name()}]: task execution didn't start before [{nodeTask.Spec.StartBeforeTimestamp}].");

                    // Update the node task status to: TARDY

                    var patch = OperatorHelper.CreatePatch <V1NeonNodeTask>();

                    patch.Replace(path => path.Status.Phase, V1NeonNodeTask.Phase.Tardy);
                    patch.Replace(path => path.Status.FinishTimestamp, utcNow);
                    patch.Replace(path => path.Status.ExitCode, -1);

                    await k8s.PatchClusterCustomObjectStatusAsync <V1NeonNodeTask>(OperatorHelper.ToV1Patch <V1NeonNodeTask>(patch), nodeTask.Name());


                // Don't start before a scheduled time.

                // $todo(jefflill):
                // We should requeue the event for the remaining time here, instead of letting
                // the IDLE handler execute the delayed task.

                if (nodeTask.Status.Phase == V1NeonNodeTask.Phase.Pending)
                    if (nodeTask.Spec.StartAfterTimestamp.HasValue && nodeTask.Spec.StartAfterTimestamp.Value <= utcNow)
                        await ExecuteTaskAsync(nodeTask);


                await ExecuteTaskAsync(nodeTask);

Пример #15
 public void ShouldManageTheNotUnaryOperator()
     Assert.True(OperatorHelper.EvaluateUnary("!", false));
     Assert.False(OperatorHelper.EvaluateUnary("!", true));
Пример #16
 public void ShouldRejectNotImplementedBinaryOperator()
     Assert.Throws <NotImplementedException>(() => OperatorHelper.EvaluateBinary("+", false, true));
Пример #17
        public static void Select(this SurlyDatabase database, string query)
            _resultSet = new LinkedList <LinkedList <SurlyAttribute> >();
            string tableName, conditions, projectionName = null;
            var    printProjection = false;

                    projectionName = new Regex("(\\w+) = select", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase)
                catch (Exception)
                    printProjection = true;

                tableName = new Regex("select (\\w+) where", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase)

                conditions = new Regex("where (.+);", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase)
            catch (Exception)
                WriteLine("Invalid SELECT syntax, please see help", Red);

            var tableResponse = database.GetTable(tableName);

            if (tableResponse.Table == null)
                WriteLine($"{tableName.ToUpper()} not found.", Red);

            if (!printProjection &&
                SurlyProjections.GetInstance().Projections.Any(x => x.ProjectionName.ToUpper() == projectionName?.ToUpper()))
                WriteLine($"\n\t{projectionName?.ToUpper()} already exists, please choose a different name", Red);

            var conditionSteps = conditions.Split(' ').ToList();

            tableResponse.Table.Tuples.ToList().ForEach(tableRow =>
                var valid = OperatorHelper.Chain(tableRow, true, conditionSteps.ToArray(), 0);

                if (valid)
                    var trimmedRow = new LinkedList <SurlyAttribute>(tableRow);

                    var rowId = trimmedRow.SingleOrDefault(x => x.Name == "Id");


            if (_resultSet.Count == 0)
                WriteLine("\n\tQuery yielded no results.", Yellow);

            var schema = new LinkedList <SurlyAttributeSchema>(tableResponse.Table.Schema);
            var id     = schema.SingleOrDefault(x => x.Name == "Id");


            if (printProjection)
                var response = new SurlyTableResponse
                    Table = new SurlyTable
                        Schema = schema,
                        Name   = "Results",
                        Tuples = _resultSet
                    //HideIndexes = true

                database.PrintTables(new List <SurlyTableResponse> {


            SurlyProjections.GetInstance().Projections.AddLast(new SurlyProjection
                AttributeNames = schema,
                HideIndex      = true,
                ProjectionName = projectionName,
                TableName      = tableResponse.Table.Name,
                Tuples         = _resultSet

            WriteLine($"\n\t{projectionName.ToUpper()} build successful.", Green);
Пример #18
        /// <summary>
        /// <para>
        /// Handles the cleanup of tasks targeting the current cluster node:
        /// </para>
        /// <list type="bullet">
        /// <item>
        /// Tasks whose <see cref="V1NeonNodeTask.TaskStatus.AgentId"/> doesn't match
        /// the ID for the current agent will be marked as <see cref="V1NeonNodeTask.Phase.Orphaned"/>
        /// and the finish time will be set to now.  This sets the task up for eventual
        /// deletion.
        /// </item>
        /// <item>
        /// Tasks with a finish time that is older than <see cref="V1NeonNodeTask.TaskSpec.RetentionTime"/>
        /// will be removed.
        /// </item>
        /// <item>
        /// Scheduled tasks that missed their scheduling window will be marked as TARDY and
        /// will be retained for a while before being deleted.
        /// </item>
        /// </list>
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>The tracking <see cref="Task"/>.</returns>
        private async Task CleanupTasksAsync()
            var utcNow    = DateTime.UtcNow;
            var nodeTasks = (await k8s.ListClusterCustomObjectAsync <V1NeonNodeTask>()).Items
                            .Where(tasks => NodeTaskFilter(tasks))

            foreach (var nodeTask in nodeTasks)
                var taskName = nodeTask.Name();

                // Remove invalid tasks.

                catch (Exception e)
                    log.LogWarn($"Invalid NodeTask: [{taskName}]", e);
                    log.LogWarn($"Deleting invalid NodeTask: [{taskName}]");
                    await k8s.DeleteClusterCustomObjectAsync(nodeTask);


                if (nodeTask.Status.Phase == V1NeonNodeTask.Phase.Running)
                    // Detect and kill orphaned tasks.

                    if (nodeTask.Status.AgentId != Node.AgentId)
                        log.LogWarn($"Detected orphaned [nodetask={taskName}]: task [agentID={nodeTask.Status.AgentId}] does not match operator [agentID={Node.AgentId}]");

                        // Update the node task status to: ORPHANED

                        var patch = OperatorHelper.CreatePatch <V1NeonNodeTask>();

                        patch.Replace(path => path.Status.Phase, V1NeonNodeTask.Phase.Orphaned);
                        patch.Replace(path => path.Status.FinishTimestamp, utcNow);
                        patch.Replace(path => path.Status.ExitCode, -1);

                        await k8s.PatchClusterCustomObjectStatusAsync <V1NeonNodeTask>(OperatorHelper.ToV1Patch <V1NeonNodeTask>(patch), nodeTask.Name());

                        await KillTaskAsync(nodeTask);


                    // Kill tasks that have been running for too long.

                    if (nodeTask.Status.Phase == V1NeonNodeTask.Phase.Running &&
                        utcNow - nodeTask.Status.StartTimestamp >= TimeSpan.FromSeconds(nodeTask.Spec.TimeoutSeconds))
                        log.LogWarn($"Execution timeout [nodetask={taskName}]: execution time exceeds [{nodeTask.Spec.TimeoutSeconds}].");
                        await KillTaskAsync(nodeTask);

                        // Update the node task status to: TIMEOUT

                        var patch = OperatorHelper.CreatePatch <V1NeonNodeTask>();

                        patch.Replace(path => path.Status.Phase, V1NeonNodeTask.Phase.Timeout);
                        patch.Replace(path => path.Status.FinishTimestamp, utcNow);
                        patch.Replace(path => path.Status.RuntimeSeconds, (int)Math.Ceiling((utcNow - nodeTask.Status.StartTimestamp.Value).TotalSeconds));
                        patch.Replace(path => path.Status.ExitCode, -1);

                        await k8s.PatchClusterCustomObjectStatusAsync <V1NeonNodeTask>(OperatorHelper.ToV1Patch <V1NeonNodeTask>(patch), nodeTask.Name());


                    // Detect that missed their scheduling window and mark them as tardy

                    if (nodeTask.Status.Phase == V1NeonNodeTask.Phase.Pending &&
                        nodeTask.Spec.StartBeforeTimestamp.HasValue && nodeTask.Spec.StartBeforeTimestamp <= utcNow)
                        log.LogWarn($"Detected tardy [nodetask={taskName}]: task execution didn't start before [{nodeTask.Spec.StartBeforeTimestamp}].");

                        // Update the node task status to: TARDY

                        var patch = OperatorHelper.CreatePatch <V1NeonNodeTask>();

                        patch.Replace(path => path.Status.Phase, V1NeonNodeTask.Phase.Tardy);
                        patch.Replace(path => path.Status.FinishTimestamp, utcNow);
                        patch.Replace(path => path.Status.ExitCode, -1);

                        await k8s.PatchClusterCustomObjectStatusAsync <V1NeonNodeTask>(OperatorHelper.ToV1Patch <V1NeonNodeTask>(patch), nodeTask.Name());


            // Remove tasks that have been retained long enough.

            foreach (var nodeTask in nodeTasks
                     .Where(task => task.Status.Phase != V1NeonNodeTask.Phase.New && task.Status.Phase != V1NeonNodeTask.Phase.Running)
                     .Where(task => (utcNow - task.Status.FinishTimestamp) >= TimeSpan.FromSeconds(task.Spec.RetentionSeconds)))
                log.LogWarn($"[nodetask={nodeTask.Name()}]: has been retained for [{nodeTask.Spec.RetentionSeconds}] (deleting now).");
                await k8s.DeleteClusterCustomObjectAsync(nodeTask);

            // Remove any script folders whose node task no longer exists.

            if (NeonHelper.IsLinux)
                var nodeTaskExecuteIds = new HashSet <string>();

                foreach (var nodeTask in nodeTasks.Where(task => !string.IsNullOrEmpty(task.Status.RunId)))

                foreach (var scriptFolderPath in Directory.GetDirectories(hostNeonTasksFolder, "*", SearchOption.TopDirectoryOnly))
                    var scriptFolderName = LinuxPath.GetFileName(scriptFolderPath);

                    if (!nodeTaskExecuteIds.Contains(scriptFolderName))
                        log.LogWarn($"Removing node task host script folder: {scriptFolderName}");
Пример #19
        /// <summary>
        ///  Create SQL Query for the workbook based on the request
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="queryBuilderRequest"></param>
        /// <returns>string</returns>
        public string CreateWorkbookQuery(QueryBuilderRequest queryBuilderRequest)
            string        query = string.Empty, tableJoin = string.Empty, selectQuery = string.Empty, whereQuery = string.Empty, companyQuery = string.Empty, supervisorId = string.Empty, currentUserId = string.Empty;
            List <string> fieldList = new List <string>();

                //Select statement for the Query
                selectQuery = "SELECT  DISTINCT ";

                //getting column List
                query = string.Join("", (from column in workbookColumnList
                                         where queryBuilderRequest.ColumnList.Any(x => x == column.Key)
                                         select column.Value));
                query = query.TrimStart(',');
                query = selectQuery + query;

                //Append the workbook tables with select statement
                query += "  FROM dbo.Workbook wb FULL OUTER JOIN dbo.UserWorkBook uwb ON uwb.workbookId=wb.Id  FULL OUTER JOIN  dbo.UserCompany uc ON uc.UserId=uwb.UserId AND  uc.IsEnabled = 1 AND uc.Status = 1 AND uc.IsVisible = 1";

                currentUserId = queryBuilderRequest.Fields.Where(x => x.Name.ToUpper() == Constants.CURRENT_USER).Select(x => x.Value).FirstOrDefault();
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(currentUserId))
                    currentUserId = "0";
                //get table joins
                fieldList = queryBuilderRequest.ColumnList.ToList();

                fieldList.AddRange(queryBuilderRequest.Fields.Select(x => x.Name.ToUpper()).ToArray());

                tableJoin = string.Join("", from joins in tableJoins
                                        where fieldList.Any(x => joins.Value.Any(y => y == x))
                                        select joins.Key);

                query += tableJoin;

                //Read the supervisorId based on the request
                supervisorId = Convert.ToString(queryBuilderRequest.Fields.Where(x => x.Name.ToUpper() == Constants.SUPERVISOR_ID).Select(x => x.Value).FirstOrDefault());

                //handles the Supervisor Id depends upon the Request
                if (queryBuilderRequest.ColumnList.Contains(Constants.TOTAL_EMPLOYEES) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(supervisorId))
                    queryBuilderRequest.Fields.Select(x => x.Name == Constants.SUPERVISOR_ID ? x.Name = Constants.SUPERVISOR_SUB : x.Name).ToList();
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(supervisorId))
                        queryBuilderRequest.Fields.Select(x => x.Name == Constants.SUPERVISOR_ID && x.Operator == "!=" ? x.Name = Constants.NOT_SUPERVISORID : x.Name).ToList();

                //handles the Supervisor Id depends upon the Request
                if (queryBuilderRequest.Fields.Where(x => x.Name == Constants.SUPERVISOR_ID).ToList().Count > 0 && queryBuilderRequest.Fields.Where(x => x.Name == Constants.USERID).ToList().Count > 0)
                    EmployeeModel userDetails = queryBuilderRequest.Fields.Where(x => x.Name == Constants.USERID).FirstOrDefault();
                    queryBuilderRequest.Fields.Select(x => x.Name == Constants.SUPERVISOR_ID ? x.Name = Constants.SUPERVISOR_USER : x.Name).ToList();

                if (queryBuilderRequest.Fields.Where(x => x.Name == Constants.CURRENT_USER).ToList().Count > 0)
                    EmployeeModel userDetails = queryBuilderRequest.Fields.Where(x => x.Name == Constants.CURRENT_USER).FirstOrDefault();

                //Remove student details from the List
                if (queryBuilderRequest.Fields.Where(x => x.Name == Constants.STUDENT_DETAILS).ToList().Count > 0)
                    EmployeeModel userDetails = queryBuilderRequest.Fields.Where(x => x.Name == Constants.STUDENT_DETAILS).FirstOrDefault();

                //getting where conditions
                whereQuery = string.Join("", from employee in queryBuilderRequest.Fields
                                         select(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(employee.Bitwise) ? (" " + employee.Bitwise + " ") : string.Empty) + (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(workbookFields.Where(x => x.Key == employee.Name.ToUpper()).Select(x => x.Value).FirstOrDefault()) ? (workbookFields.Where(x => x.Key == employee.Name.ToUpper()).Select(x => x.Value).FirstOrDefault() + OperatorHelper.CheckOperator(employee.Operator, employee.Value.Trim(), employee.Name)) : string.Empty));

                //Add the where condition for the company
                companyQuery = (" WHERE  uc.status=1 AND  uc.CompanyId=" + queryBuilderRequest.CompanyId);

                if (queryBuilderRequest.ColumnList.Contains(Constants.WORKBOOK_NAME))
                    whereQuery += "AND uwb.isEnabled=1";

                //Create the final query
                query += (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(whereQuery)) ? (companyQuery + " and (" + whereQuery) + ")" : string.Empty;
                query  = query.Replace("@currentuserId", currentUserId);
            catch (Exception createWorkbookQueryException)
Пример #20
 public AltQueryComposer(AltQueryOptions options)
     _comparisonOperators = OperatorHelper.GenerateComparisonOperatorDictionary(options.ComparisonOperatorOptions);
     _logicalOperators    = OperatorHelper.GenerateLogicalOperatorDictionary(options.LogicalOperatorOptions);
     _notSymbol           = OperatorHelper.GetNotSymbol(_logicalOperators);
Пример #21
        /// <summary>
        /// Initiates execution of a node task in the background when the task is still pending.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="nodeTask">The node task to be executed.</param>
        /// <param name="resources">The existing tasks.</param>
        /// <returns>The tracking <see cref="Task"/>.</returns>
        private async Task ExecuteTaskAsync(V1NeonNodeTask nodeTask)
            Covenant.Requires <ArgumentNullException>(nodeTask != null, nameof(nodeTask));

            var taskName = nodeTask.Name();

            if (nodeTask.Status.Phase != V1NeonNodeTask.Phase.Pending)

            // Start and execute the command.  The trick here is that we need the
            // ID of the process launched before we can update the status.

            int?processId = null;

            // Generate the execution UUID and determine where the script will be located.

            var executionId = Guid.NewGuid().ToString("d");
            var taskFolder  = LinuxPath.Combine(hostNeonTasksFolder, executionId);
            var scriptPath  = LinuxPath.Combine(taskFolder, "task.sh");

            // Prepend the script to be deployed with code that sets the special
            // environment variables.

            var deployedScript =
# neon-node-task: Initialze special script variables

export NODE_ROOT={Node.HostMount}
export SCRIPT_DIR={taskFolder}



            if (NeonHelper.IsLinux)
                File.WriteAllText(scriptPath, NeonHelper.ToLinuxLineEndings(deployedScript));

            // Start the command process.

            var task = (Task <ExecuteResponse>)null;

            if (!NeonHelper.IsLinux)
                processId = 1234;

                task = Task.Run <ExecuteResponse>(
                    async() =>
                    await Task.Delay(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1));

                    return(new ExecuteResponse(0));
                    // This callback will be executed once the [Node.ExecuteCaptureAsync()]
                    // call has the process details.  We'll save the details, update the node task
                    // status and persist the status changes to the API server.

                    var processCallback =
                        (Process newProcess) =>
                        processId = newProcess.Id;

                        log.LogInfo($"Starting [nodetask={taskName}]: [command={Node.GetBashCommandLine(scriptPath)}] [processID={processId}]");

                    task = Node.BashExecuteCaptureAsync(
                        path:            scriptPath,
                        timeout:         TimeSpan.FromSeconds(nodeTask.Spec.TimeoutSeconds),
                        processCallback: processCallback);
                catch (Exception e)
                    // We shouldn't ever see an error here because [/bin/bash] should always
                    // exist, but we'll log something just in case.


                    var failedPatch = OperatorHelper.CreatePatch <V1NeonNodeTask>();

                    failedPatch.Replace(path => path.Status.Phase, V1NeonNodeTask.Phase.Failed);
                    failedPatch.Replace(path => path.Status.FinishTimestamp, DateTime.UtcNow);
                    failedPatch.Replace(path => path.Status.ExitCode, -1);
                    failedPatch.Replace(path => path.Status.Error, $"EXECUTE FAILED: {e.Message}");

                    await k8s.PatchClusterCustomObjectStatusAsync <V1NeonNodeTask>(OperatorHelper.ToV1Patch <V1NeonNodeTask>(failedPatch), nodeTask.Name());


            // We need to wait for the [Node.BashExecuteCaptureAsync()] call above to
            // report the process for the executed script.

                NeonHelper.WaitFor(() => processId != null, timeout: TimeSpan.FromSeconds(15), pollInterval: TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(150));
            catch (TimeoutException e)
                // It's possible but unlikely that the update above failed for some reason.
                // We'll log this and then hope for the best.


            // Update the node task status to: RUNNING

            var patch = OperatorHelper.CreatePatch <V1NeonNodeTask>();

            patch.Replace(path => path.Status.Phase, V1NeonNodeTask.Phase.Running);
            patch.Replace(path => path.Status.StartTimestamp, DateTime.UtcNow);
            patch.Replace(path => path.Status.AgentId, Node.AgentId);
            patch.Replace(path => path.Status.ProcessId, processId);
            patch.Replace(path => path.Status.CommandLine, Node.GetBashCommandLine(scriptPath).Trim());
            patch.Replace(path => path.Status.RunId, executionId);

            nodeTask = await k8s.PatchClusterCustomObjectStatusAsync <V1NeonNodeTask>(OperatorHelper.ToV1Patch <V1NeonNodeTask>(patch), nodeTask.Name());

            // Wait for the command to complete and then update the node task status.

                var result  = (ExecuteResponse)null;
                var timeout = false;

                    result = await task;
                    log.LogInfo($"Finished [nodetask={taskName}]: [command={nodeTask.Status.CommandLine}] [exitcode={result.ExitCode}]");
                catch (TimeoutException)
                    timeout = true;

                    log.LogWarn($"Timeout [nodetask={taskName}]");

                var utcNow = DateTime.UtcNow;

                if (nodeTask.Status.Phase == V1NeonNodeTask.Phase.Running)
                    patch = OperatorHelper.CreatePatch <V1NeonNodeTask>();

                    patch.Replace(path => path.Status.FinishTimestamp, utcNow);

                    if (timeout)
                        patch.Replace(path => path.Status.Phase, V1NeonNodeTask.Phase.Timeout);
                        patch.Replace(path => path.Status.RuntimeSeconds, (int)Math.Ceiling((utcNow - nodeTask.Status.StartTimestamp.Value).TotalSeconds));
                        patch.Replace(path => path.Status.ExitCode, -1);
                        patch.Replace(path => path.Status.Phase, result.ExitCode == 0 ? V1NeonNodeTask.Phase.Success : V1NeonNodeTask.Phase.Failed);
                        patch.Replace(path => path.Status.RuntimeSeconds, (int)Math.Ceiling((utcNow - nodeTask.Status.StartTimestamp.Value).TotalSeconds));
                        patch.Replace(path => path.Status.ExitCode, result.ExitCode);

                        if (nodeTask.Spec.CaptureOutput)
                            patch.Replace(path => path.Status.Output, result.OutputText);
                            patch.Replace(path => path.Status.Error, result.ErrorText);

                    nodeTask = await k8s.PatchClusterCustomObjectStatusAsync <V1NeonNodeTask>(OperatorHelper.ToV1Patch <V1NeonNodeTask>(patch), nodeTask.Name());
            catch (Exception e)