Пример #1
        private static QVoid ExecuteConditionalStatementInternal(QuantumProcessorDispatcher Simulator,
                                                                 long statement,
                                                                 ICallable onEqualOp,
                                                                 ICallable onNonEqualOp,
                                                                 OperationFunctor type,
                                                                 IQArray <Qubit>?ctrls)
            bool run;

            run = Simulator.QuantumProcessor.RunThenClause(statement);
            while (run)
                RunClause(onEqualOp, type, ctrls);
                run = Simulator.QuantumProcessor.RepeatThenClause(statement);

            run = Simulator.QuantumProcessor.RunElseClause(statement);
            while (run)
                RunClause(onNonEqualOp, type, ctrls);
                run = Simulator.QuantumProcessor.RepeatElseClause(statement);


Пример #2
 public SourceLocationAttribute(string sourceFile, OperationFunctor kind, int startLine, int endLine)
     this.SourceFile         = sourceFile;
     this.SpecializationKind = kind;
     this.StartLine          = startLine;
     this.EndLine            = endLine;
Пример #3
 public void OnOperationStart(HashedString name, OperationFunctor variant, object[] qubitsTraceData)
     AddToCallStack(name, variant);
     operationCallStack.Peek().InputWidth             = qubitsTraceData.Length;
     operationCallStack.Peek().QubitsAllocatedAtStart = allocatedQubits;
     operationCallStack.Peek().MaxAllocated           = allocatedQubits;
Пример #4
 private void TestOneProxy <I, O>(string name, string fullName, OperationFunctor variant, string signature, Operation <I, O> .DebuggerProxy proxy)
     Assert.Equal(name, proxy.Name);
     Assert.Equal(fullName, proxy.FullName);
     Assert.Equal(variant, proxy.Variant);
     Assert.Equal(signature, proxy.Signature);
 /// <summary>
 /// Returns a statistic of a given metric for a top level operation.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="metric">
 /// The name of the metric requested for the top level
 /// operation specified by <typeparamref name="T"/>.
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="statistic">
 /// The name of a statistic of the specified metric for the specified top level operation.
 /// </param>
 /// <typeparam name="T">
 /// The C# type corresponding to the Q# operation for which the metric is requested.
 /// </typeparam>
 /// <param name="functor">
 /// The functor specialization of the operation for which the metric is requested.
 /// If not specified, this defaults to the "body" variant.
 /// </param>
 /// <remarks>
 /// For a more detailed discussion of metrics, statistics, call graph edges and
 /// operation specializations, see the Remarks section of the <see cref="QCTraceSimulator"/> class
 /// documentation.
 /// </remarks>
 public double GetMetricStatistic <T>(
     string metric,
     string statistic,
     OperationFunctor functor = OperationFunctor.Body)
     return(GetMetricStatistic(GetOperationName <T>(), metric, statistic, functor: functor));
Пример #6
        private void TestOneProxy(string name, string fullName, OperationFunctor variant, string signature, GenericCallable op)
            var proxy = new GenericCallable.DebuggerProxy(op);

            Assert.Equal(name, proxy.Name);
            Assert.Equal(fullName, proxy.FullName);
            Assert.Equal(variant, proxy.Variant);
 /// <summary>
 /// Returns a statistic of a given metric associated with an edge of the call graph.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="metric">
 /// The name of the metric requested for the specified call graph edge.
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="statistic">
 /// The name of the statistic of the metric requested for a given call graph edge.
 /// </param>
 /// <typeparam name="TOperation">
 /// The C# type corresponding to the Q# operation for which the metric is requested.
 /// </typeparam>
 /// <typeparam name="TCaller">
 /// The C# type corresponding to the caller of the Q# operation for which the metric is requested.
 /// </typeparam>
 /// <param name="functor">
 /// The functor specialization of the operation for which the metric is requested.
 /// If not specified, this defaults to the "body" specialization.
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="callerFunctor">
 /// The functor specialization of the caller of the operation
 /// for which the metric is requested.
 /// If not specified, this defaults to the "body" specialization.
 /// </param>
 /// <remarks>
 /// For a more detailed discussion of metrics, statistics, call graph edges and
 /// operation specializations, see the Remarks section of the <see cref="QCTraceSimulator"/> class
 /// documentation.
 /// </remarks>
 public double GetMetricStatistic <TOperation, TCaller>(
     string metric,
     string statistic,
     OperationFunctor functor       = OperationFunctor.Body,
     OperationFunctor callerFunctor = OperationFunctor.Body)
     return(GetMetricStatistic(GetOperationName <TOperation>(), metric, statistic, GetOperationName <TCaller>(), functor: functor, callerFunctor: callerFunctor));
Пример #8
 private void AddToCallStack(HashedString operationName, OperationFunctor variant)
         new OperationCallRecord()
         OperationName          = operationName,
         QubitsAllocatedAtStart = allocatedQubits,
         Variant = variant
Пример #9
 public CallGraphEdge(
     HashedString operationName,
     HashedString operationCallerName,
     OperationFunctor functorSpecialization,
     OperationFunctor callerFunctorSpecialization)
     OperationName               = operationName;
     OperationCallerName         = operationCallerName;
     FunctorSpecialization       = functorSpecialization;
     CallerFunctorSpecialization = callerFunctorSpecialization;
     hashCode = InternalHashCode();
Пример #10
        public void OnOperationStart(HashedString name, OperationFunctor functorSpecialization, object[] qubitsTraceData)
            Debug.Assert(qubitsTraceData != null);
            OperationCallRecord opRec = new OperationCallRecord();

            opRec.FunctorSpecialization = functorSpecialization;
            opRec.OperationName         = name;
            opRec.InputQubitMetrics     = Utils.UnboxAs <QubitTimeMetrics>(qubitsTraceData);
            opRec.MaxOperationStartTime = QubitsMetricsUtils.MaxQubitAvailableTime(opRec.InputQubitMetrics);
            opRec.MinOperationStartTime = QubitsMetricsUtils.MinQubitAvailableTime(opRec.InputQubitMetrics);
Пример #11
        protected double GetMetricStatistic(
            string operationName,
            string metric,
            string statistic,
            string callerName              = CallGraphEdge.CallGraphRoot,
            OperationFunctor functor       = OperationFunctor.Body,
            OperationFunctor callerFunctor = OperationFunctor.Body)
            ICallGraphStatistics st = metricNameToListener[metric];

            return(st.Results.GetStatistic(new CallGraphEdge((HashedString)operationName, (HashedString)callerName, functor, callerFunctor), metric, statistic));
Пример #12
        private static void RunClause(ICallable op, OperationFunctor type, IQArray <Qubit>?ctrls)
            switch (type)
            case OperationFunctor.Body: op.Apply(QVoid.Instance); break;

            case OperationFunctor.Adjoint: ((IAdjointable)(op)).Adjoint.Apply(QVoid.Instance); break;

            case OperationFunctor.Controlled: ((IControllable)(op)).Controlled.Apply((ctrls, QVoid.Instance)); break;

            case OperationFunctor.ControlledAdjoint: ((IUnitary)(op)).Controlled.Adjoint.Apply((ctrls, QVoid.Instance)); break;
Пример #13
        public int GetNumberOfCalls(OperationFunctor functor, T tag)
            var key = Key(functor, tag);

            if (_log.ContainsKey(key))
Пример #14
        /// <summary>
        /// If a controlled functor is being used with no controls, this will change it
        /// to the appropriate non-controlled functor. Otherwise, the given functor is returned.
        /// </summary>
        private static OperationFunctor AdjustForNoControls(OperationFunctor type, IQArray <Qubit>?ctrls)
            if (ctrls == null || ctrls.Count == 0)
                type = type switch
                    OperationFunctor.Controlled => OperationFunctor.Body,
                    OperationFunctor.ControlledAdjoint => OperationFunctor.Adjoint,
                    _ => type,

Пример #15
        public QVoid Record(OperationFunctor functor, T tag)
            var key = Key(functor, tag);

            if (_log.ContainsKey(key))
                _log[key] = _log[key] + 1;
                _log[key] = 1;

Пример #16
        protected double GetMetric(
            string operationName,
            string metric,
            string callerName              = CallGraphEdge.CallGraphRoot,
            OperationFunctor functor       = OperationFunctor.Body,
            OperationFunctor callerFunctor = OperationFunctor.Body)
            double min = GetMetricStatistic(operationName, metric, MinMaxStatistic.Statistics.Min, callerName, functor, callerFunctor);
            double max = GetMetricStatistic(operationName, metric, MinMaxStatistic.Statistics.Max, callerName, functor, callerFunctor);

            if (min != max)
                throw new Exception($"Given metric value is a distribution. {nameof(GetMetricStatistic)} to get the distribution parameters");
Пример #17
        private static QVoid ExecuteConditionalStatement(QuantumProcessorDispatcher Simulator,
                                                         Result measurementResult,
                                                         Result resultValue,
                                                         ICallable onEqualOp,
                                                         ICallable onNonEqualOp,
                                                         OperationFunctor type,
                                                         IQArray <Qubit>?ctrls)
            long statement = Simulator.QuantumProcessor.StartConditionalStatement(measurementResult, resultValue);

 public string FullOperationName(string operation, OperationFunctor functor = OperationFunctor.Body)
     return(operation + ":" + functorNames[functor]);
Пример #19
 /// <summary>
 /// This is a wrapper for an if-statement that will run either onZero if the
 /// given measurement result is Zero, or onOne otherwise.
 /// </summary>
 private static QVoid ExecuteConditionalStatement(Result measurementResult, ICallable onZero, ICallable onOne, OperationFunctor type, IQArray <Qubit>?ctrls)
     if (measurementResult == Result.Zero)
         RunClause(onZero, type, ctrls);
         RunClause(onOne, type, ctrls);
Пример #20
 private void TestOneOp <I, O>(string name, string fullName, OperationFunctor variant, string signature, Operation <I, O> op)
     TestOneProxy(name, fullName, variant, signature, new Operation <I, O> .DebuggerProxy(op));
Пример #21
        private void TestOneOp <I, O>(string name, string fullName, OperationFunctor variant, string signature, ControlledOperation <I, O> op)
            var proxy = new ControlledOperation <I, O> .DebuggerProxy(op);

            TestOneProxy(name, fullName, variant, signature, proxy);
Пример #22
 public int GetNumberOfCalls(string name, OperationFunctor variant, object data) => _log.Where(r => r.callable.FullName == name && r.callable.Variant == variant && EqualData(data, r.data.Value)).Count();
Пример #23
 public int GetNumberOfCalls(string name, OperationFunctor variant) => _log.Where(r => r.callable.FullName == name && r.callable.Variant == variant).Count();
Пример #24
 /// <summary>
 /// This is a wrapper for an if-statement that will run either onEqualOp if the
 /// given measurement result are pairwise-equal to the given comparison results,
 /// or onNonEqualOp otherwise. Pairwise-equality between the qubit arrays is
 /// determined by the AreEqual static method.
 /// </summary>
 private static QVoid ExecuteConditionalStatement(IQArray <Result> measurementResults, IQArray <Result> comparisonResults, ICallable onEqualOp, ICallable onNonEqualOp, OperationFunctor type, IQArray <Qubit>?ctrls)
     if (AreEqual(measurementResults, comparisonResults))
         RunClause(onEqualOp, type, ctrls);
         RunClause(onNonEqualOp, type, ctrls);
Пример #25
 public CallGraphEdge(HashedString operationName, OperationFunctor operationVariant)
     : this(operationName, CallGraphRootHashed, operationVariant, OperationFunctor.Body)
Пример #26
 public string Key(OperationFunctor functor, T tag) => $"{functor}:{tag}";