Пример #1
 public OpenShift(CUIController controller, CancellationToken ct) : base("OpenShift", new SnipsNLUEngine(Path.Combine("Engines", "openshift")), controller, ct)
     Intents.Add("list", List);
     Intents.Add("page", Page);
     MenuHandlers["OPENSHIFT_OBJECTS"]              = GetOpenShiftMenuSelection;
     MenuIndexes["OPENSHIFT_OBJECTS"]               = 5;
     ItemsDescriptionHandlers["OPENSHIFT_PODS"]     = DescribePods;
     ItemsDescriptionHandlers["OPENSHIFT_PROJECTS"] = DescribeProjects;
     ItemsDescriptionHandlers["OPENSHIFT_BUILDS"]   = DescribeBuilds;
     ApiUrl   = Config("CUI_VISH_OPENSHIFT_URL");
     ApiToken = Config("CUI_VISH_OPENSHIFT_TOKEN");
     if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ApiToken) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(ApiUrl))
         var handler = new HttpClientHandler {
         Client      = new OpenShiftAPIwithKubernetes(new Uri(ApiUrl), new TokenCredentials(ApiToken), handler);
         Initialized = true;
     else if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(ApiUrl))
         SayErrorLine("I could not determine your OpenShift API URL. Please ensure the value exists in your config.json configuration file or as the environment variable {0}.", "CUI_VISH_OPENSHIFT_URL");
     else if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(ApiToken))
         SayErrorLine("I could not determine your OpenShift service API token. Please ensure the value exists in your config.json configuration file or as the environment variable {0}.", "CUI_VISH_OPENSHIFT_TOKENs");
        internal DeployToOpenShiftModel()
            ServicePointManager.ServerCertificateValidationCallback = (object sender, X509Certificate certificate, X509Chain chain, SslPolicyErrors sslPolicyErrors) =>

            Masters = OpenShiftMastersModel.Instance.Masters;

            SelectedMaster = new ReactiveProperty <OpenShiftMasterModel>(Masters.FirstOrDefault());

            Projects = SelectedMaster
                       .Where(m => !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(m.MasterUrl.Value) && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(m.Token.Value))
                       .Select(m =>
                //TODO あとでasync
                var client   = new OpenShiftAPIwithKubernetes(new Uri(m.MasterUrl.Value), new TokenCredentials(m.Token.Value));
                var projects = client.ListProject();
                return(projects.Items.Select(p => p.Metadata.Name).ToList());
                       .SelectMany(x => x)
                       // .SelectMany(t => t.Result)

            SelectedProject = new ReactiveProperty <string>();

            Name = new ReactivePropertySlim <string>("vssdk-test");

            string branch         = "";
            string gitUrl         = "https://github.com/redhat-developer/s2i-dotnetcore-ex.git";
            string startupProject = "app";

                var project = DTE.SelectedItems.Item(1).Project;
                startupProject = project.Name;
                var git = new GitAnalysis(project.FullName);
                if (git.IsDiscoveredGitRepository)
                    branch = git.BranchName;
                    gitUrl = git.RemoteURL;
            catch (Exception ex)

            MemoryLimit = new ReactivePropertySlim <string>("512Mi");
            GitSource   = new ReactivePropertySlim <string>(gitUrl);
            GitRef      = new ReactivePropertySlim <string>(branch);

            Host           = new ReactivePropertySlim <string>("vssdk-test.");
            StartupProject = new ReactivePropertySlim <string>(startupProject);
Пример #3
        static void Main(string[] args)
            var handler = new HttpClientHandler
                ServerCertificateCustomValidationCallback = HttpClientHandler.DangerousAcceptAnyServerCertificateValidator
            var client = new OpenShiftAPIwithKubernetes(new Uri("https://ose3-single-vm.westus2.cloudapp.azure.com:8443"), new TokenCredentials("<token>"), handler);
            var pods   = client.ListCoreV1NamespacedPodAsync("fukuokanetconf").GetAwaiter().GetResult();

            foreach (var pod in pods.Items)
                Console.WriteLine(pod.Metadata.Name + "=" + pod.Status.Phase);
        internal async Task LoadProjectAsync()
                var client   = new OpenShiftAPIwithKubernetes(new Uri(MasterUrl.Value), new TokenCredentials(Token.Value));
                var projects = await client.ListProjectAsync();

                                             .Select(prj =>
                    var p        = new ProjectModel();
                    p.Name.Value = prj.Metadata.Name;

                async Task LoadApps(ProjectModel prj)
                    var dcList = await client.ListNamespacedDeploymentConfigAsync(prj.Name.Value);

                    prj.Apps.AddRangeOnScheduler(dcList?.Items.Select(dc =>
                        var app        = new AppModel();
                        app.Name.Value = dc.Metadata.Name;
            catch (Exception ex)
        private async Task DeployAsync()
                var master = SelectedMaster.Value;
                //var url = "https://ose3-single-vm.westus2.cloudapp.azure.com:8443";
                var url = master.MasterUrl.Value;
                client = new OpenShiftAPIwithKubernetes(new Uri(url), new TokenCredentials(master.Token.Value));

                IsDeploying.Value = true;
                Message.Value     = "";

                var @namespace   = SelectedProject.Value;
                var name         = Name.Value;
                var host         = Host.Value;
                var memoeryLimit = MemoryLimit.Value;
                var gitSource    = GitSource.Value;
                var gitRef       = GitRef.Value;
                var startup      = StartupProject.Value;

                var newRoute = await client.CreateNamespacedRouteAsync(new Comgithubopenshiftapiroutev1Route
                    Metadata = new Iok8sapimachinerypkgapismetav1ObjectMeta
                        Name   = name,
                        Labels = new Dictionary <string, string>
                            { "app", name }
                    Spec = new Comgithubopenshiftapiroutev1RouteSpec
                        Host = host,
                        To   = new Comgithubopenshiftapiroutev1RouteTargetReference
                            Kind   = "Service",
                            Name   = name,
                            Weight = 100
                    Status = new Comgithubopenshiftapiroutev1RouteStatus(new Comgithubopenshiftapiroutev1RouteIngress[0])
                }, @namespace);

                Message.Value += "Created Route.\r\n";

                var newService = await client.CreateCoreV1NamespacedServiceAsync(new Iok8sapicorev1Service
                    Metadata = new Iok8sapimachinerypkgapismetav1ObjectMeta
                        Name   = name,
                        Labels = new Dictionary <string, string>
                            { "app", name }
                    Spec = new Iok8sapicorev1ServiceSpec
                        Ports = new[]
                            new Iok8sapicorev1ServicePort
                                Name       = "web",
                                Port       = 8080,
                                TargetPort = 8080
                        Selector = new Dictionary <string, string>
                            { "name", name }
                    Status = new Iok8sapicorev1ServiceStatus()
                }, @namespace);

                Message.Value += "Created Service.\r\n";

                var newImageStream = await client.CreateNamespacedImageStreamAsync(new Comgithubopenshiftapiimagev1ImageStream
                    Metadata = new Iok8sapimachinerypkgapismetav1ObjectMeta
                        Name   = name,
                        Labels = new Dictionary <string, string>
                            { "app", name }
                    Spec   = new Comgithubopenshiftapiimagev1ImageStreamSpec(),
                    Status = new Comgithubopenshiftapiimagev1ImageStreamStatus("")
                }, @namespace);

                Message.Value += "Created ImageStream.\r\n";

                var newBuildConfig = await client.CreateNamespacedBuildConfigAsync(new Comgithubopenshiftapibuildv1BuildConfig
                    Metadata = new Iok8sapimachinerypkgapismetav1ObjectMeta
                        Name   = name,
                        Labels = new Dictionary <string, string>
                            { "app", name }
                    Spec = new Comgithubopenshiftapibuildv1BuildConfigSpec
                        NodeSelector = new Dictionary <string, string>(),
                        Source       = new Comgithubopenshiftapibuildv1BuildSource
                            Type = "Git",
                            Git  = new Comgithubopenshiftapibuildv1GitBuildSource
                                Uri         = gitSource,
                                RefProperty = gitRef
                            ContextDir = ""
                        Strategy = new Comgithubopenshiftapibuildv1BuildStrategy
                            Type           = "Source",
                            SourceStrategy = new Comgithubopenshiftapibuildv1SourceBuildStrategy
                                FromProperty = new Iok8sapicorev1ObjectReference
                                    Kind = "ImageStreamTag",
                                    NamespaceProperty = "openshift",
                                    Name = "dotnet:2.0",
                                Env = new[]
                                    new Iok8sapicorev1EnvVar
                                        Name  = "DOTNET_STARTUP_PROJECT",
                                        Value = startup
                                    new Iok8sapicorev1EnvVar
                                        Name  = "DOTNET_ASSEMBLY_NAME",
                                        Value = ""
                                    new Iok8sapicorev1EnvVar
                                        Name  = "DOTNET_NPM_TOOLS",
                                        Value = "bower gulp"
                                    new Iok8sapicorev1EnvVar
                                        Name  = "DOTNET_TEST_PROJECTS",
                                        Value = ""
                                    new Iok8sapicorev1EnvVar
                                        Name  = "DOTNET_CONFIGURATION",
                                        Value = "Release"
                                    new Iok8sapicorev1EnvVar
                                        Name  = "DOTNET_PUBLISH",
                                        Value = ""
                                    new Iok8sapicorev1EnvVar
                                        Name  = "DOTNET_RESTORE_SOURCES",
                                        Value = ""
                        Output = new Comgithubopenshiftapibuildv1BuildOutput
                            To = new Iok8sapicorev1ObjectReference
                                Kind = "ImageStreamTag",
                                Name = $"{name}:latest"
                        Triggers = new[]
                            new Comgithubopenshiftapibuildv1BuildTriggerPolicy
                                Type = "ImageChange"
                            new Comgithubopenshiftapibuildv1BuildTriggerPolicy
                                Type = "ConfigChange"
                    Status = new Comgithubopenshiftapibuildv1BuildConfigStatus()
                }, @namespace);

                Message.Value += "Created BuildConfig.\r\n";

                var newDeploymentConfig = await client.CreateNamespacedDeploymentConfigAsync(new Comgithubopenshiftapiappsv1DeploymentConfig
                    Metadata = new Iok8sapimachinerypkgapismetav1ObjectMeta
                        Name   = name,
                        Labels = new Dictionary <string, string>
                            { "app", name }
                    Spec = new Comgithubopenshiftapiappsv1DeploymentConfigSpec
                        Strategy = new Comgithubopenshiftapiappsv1DeploymentStrategy
                            Type = "Rolling"
                        Triggers = new[]
                            new Comgithubopenshiftapiappsv1DeploymentTriggerPolicy
                                Type = "ImageChange",
                                ImageChangeParams = new Comgithubopenshiftapiappsv1DeploymentTriggerImageChangeParams
                                    Automatic      = true,
                                    ContainerNames = new [] { "dotnet-app" },
                                    FromProperty   = new Iok8sapicorev1ObjectReference
                                        Kind = "ImageStreamTag",
                                        Name = $"{name}:latest"
                            new Comgithubopenshiftapiappsv1DeploymentTriggerPolicy
                                Type = "ConfigChange"
                        Replicas = 1,
                        Selector = new Dictionary <string, string>
                            { "name", name }
                        Template = new Iok8sapicorev1PodTemplateSpec
                            Metadata = new Iok8sapimachinerypkgapismetav1ObjectMeta
                                Name   = name,
                                Labels = new Dictionary <string, string>
                                    { "name", name }
                            Spec = new Iok8sapicorev1PodSpec
                                Containers = new[]
                                    new Iok8sapicorev1Container
                                        Name  = "dotnet-app",
                                        Image = " ",
                                        Ports = new []
                                            new Iok8sapicorev1ContainerPort
                                                ContainerPort = 8080
                                        LivenessProbe = new Iok8sapicorev1Probe
                                            HttpGet = new Iok8sapicorev1HTTPGetAction
                                                Path   = "/",
                                                Port   = 8080,
                                                Scheme = "HTTP"
                                            InitialDelaySeconds = 40,
                                            TimeoutSeconds      = 15
                                        ReadinessProbe = new Iok8sapicorev1Probe
                                            HttpGet = new Iok8sapicorev1HTTPGetAction
                                                Path   = "/",
                                                Port   = 8080,
                                                Scheme = "HTTP"
                                            InitialDelaySeconds = 10,
                                            TimeoutSeconds      = 30
                                        Resources = new Iok8sapicorev1ResourceRequirements
                                            Limits = new Dictionary <string, string>
                                                { "memory", memoeryLimit }
                                        Env = new Iok8sapicorev1EnvVar[] { }
                    Status = new Comgithubopenshiftapiappsv1DeploymentConfigStatus()
                }, @namespace);

                Message.Value += "Created DeploymentConfig.\r\n";
                Message.Value += "Depoyment succeeded.";
            catch (Exception e)
                Message.Value += $"Deploy failed by {e}";
                IsDeploying.Value = false;