Пример #1
        private void startReceive()
            QuerysDb querysDb = new QuerysDb();
            var      emails   = querysDb.SelectEmails();

            for (int key = 0; key < emails.Rows.Count; key++)
                if (!backList.Contains(emails.Rows[key][1].ToString()))
                    if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(emails.Rows[key][1].ToString()))
                        mail_grid.Rows.Add(false, emails.Rows[key][3].ToString(), emails.Rows[key][4].ToString(), emails.Rows[key][5].ToString(), emails.Rows[key][6].ToString());

            Thread thread = new Thread(() => {
                    var client = new Pop3Client();
                    client.Connect("pop.mail.yahoo.com", 995, true);
                    client.Authenticate(Toemail, Topass);
                    var count = client.GetMessageCount();
                    OpenPop.Mime.Message message = client.GetMessage(count);
                    // var mailbody = ASCIIEncoding.ASCII.GetString(message.RawMessage);

                    StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();

                    OpenPop.Mime.MessagePart plainText = message.FindFirstPlainTextVersion();
                    if (plainText != null)
                        CreateDb.ExecuteSqlCommand($"INSERT INTO box_mail (dateId, mail_from, subject, body, tipo) VALUES('{message.Headers.Date.Trim()}','{message.Headers.From}','{message.Headers.Subject.Trim()}','{plainText.GetBodyAsText()}', 'text')");
                        // Might include a part holding html instead
                        OpenPop.Mime.MessagePart html = message.FindFirstHtmlVersion();
                        if (html != null)
                            CreateDb.ExecuteSqlCommand($"INSERT INTO box_mail (dateId, mail_from, subject, body, tipo) VALUES('{message.Headers.Date.Trim()}','{message.Headers.From}','{message.Headers.Subject.Trim()}','{html.GetBodyAsText()}', 'html')");
                catch (Exception ex)
                    // corpo_email.AppendText(ex.Message + "\r\n");
                IsBackground = true

Пример #2
        //Used to click verification links in hotmail
        //Params: email         - The email to search in
        //        password      - Email password
        //        linkPattern   - Regex used to find the link we need to click
        public string verifyHotmail(string email, string password, string linkPattern, string subject)
            // The client disconnects from the server when being disposed
            string link = "";

            using (Pop3Client client = new Pop3Client())
                // Connect to the server
                client.Connect("pop3.live.com", 995, true);

                // Authenticate ourselves towards the server
                client.Authenticate(email, password);

                // Get the number of messages in the inbox
                int messageCount = client.GetMessageCount();

                // We want to check the headers of the message before we download
                // the full message
                OpenPop.Mime.Message message = null; //stores the message with the link in it
                for (int i = 1; i <= messageCount; ++i)
                    MessageHeader headers = client.GetMessageHeaders(i);
                    if (headers.Subject.ToString().Contains(subject))
                        message = client.GetMessage(i);
                //grab the link out of the email
                //fiverr: @"(https?):((//)|(\\\\))+fiverr\.com/+[\w\d:#@%/;$()~_?\+-=\\\.&]*"
                if (System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.IsMatch(message.FindFirstHtmlVersion().GetBodyAsText(), linkPattern, System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexOptions.IgnoreCase))
                    System.Text.RegularExpressions.Match match = System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Match(message.FindFirstHtmlVersion().GetBodyAsText(), linkPattern, System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
                    link = match.Value.ToString();
Пример #3
        protected void PrepararCorreo()
                using (CobranzasDataContext db = new CobranzasDataContext())
                    idOperador.Value = Request["idOperador"];//Sesion.idOperador.ToString();
                    int id   = Convert.ToInt32(Request["idCorreo"]);
                    int Tipo = Convert.ToInt32(Request["Tipo"]);
                    idCorreo.Value = id.ToString();
                    Entidades.Correos Correo = db.Correos.Single(x => x.idCorreo == id);
                        List <Entidades.Correos> CorreoAnterior;
                        List <Entidades.Correos> CorreoSiguiente;
                        if (Tipo == 1)
                            CorreoSiguiente = db.Correos.Where(x => x.idOperador == Correo.idOperador && x.FechaCreacion < Correo.FechaCreacion && x.TipoEspecial == null && !x.Correos_Personas.Any() && x.RutaEml != null).OrderByDescending(x => x.FechaCreacion).Take(1).ToList();
                            CorreoAnterior  = db.Correos.Where(x => x.idOperador == Correo.idOperador && x.FechaCreacion > Correo.FechaCreacion && x.TipoEspecial == null && !x.Correos_Personas.Any() && x.RutaEml != null).OrderBy(x => x.FechaCreacion).Take(1).ToList();
                        else if (Tipo == 2)
                            CorreoSiguiente = db.Correos.Where(x => x.idOperador == Correo.idOperador && x.FechaCreacion < Correo.FechaCreacion && x.Correos_Personas.Any() && x.RutaEml != null && !x.Leido).OrderByDescending(x => x.FechaCreacion).Take(1).ToList();
                            CorreoAnterior  = db.Correos.Where(x => x.idOperador == Correo.idOperador && x.FechaCreacion > Correo.FechaCreacion && x.Correos_Personas.Any() && x.RutaEml != null && !x.Leido).OrderBy(x => x.FechaCreacion).Take(1).ToList();
                            CorreoSiguiente = new List <Entidades.Correos>();
                            CorreoAnterior  = new List <Entidades.Correos>();

                        if (CorreoSiguiente.Count == 0)
                            lnkSiguiente.Visible = false;
                            lnkSiguiente.HRef = "ctrlCorreo.aspx?idCorreo=" + CorreoSiguiente.First().idCorreo + "&idOperador=" + idOperador.Value + "&Tipo=" + Tipo;
                        if (CorreoAnterior.Count == 0)
                            lnkAnterior.Visible = false;
                            lnkAnterior.HRef = "ctrlCorreo.aspx?idCorreo=" + CorreoAnterior.First().idCorreo + "&idOperador=" + idOperador.Value + "&Tipo=" + Tipo;
                    catch { }
                    Correo.Leido = true;
                    lblAsunto.Text                   = Correo.Asunto;
                    lblDestinatarios.Text            = Server.HtmlEncode(Correo.Destinatarios);
                    lblDestinatariosCopia.Text       = Server.HtmlEncode(Correo.DestinatariosCopia);
                    lblDestinatariosCopiaOculta.Text = Server.HtmlEncode(Correo.DestinatariosCopiaOculta);
                    lblFecha.Text = Correo.FechaCreacion.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm:ss tt");
                    String Mensaje = "";
                    //Boolean isHTML = true;
                    if (Correo.Mensaje != null)
                        Mensaje = Correo.Mensaje;
                    if (Correo.RutaEml != null)
                        List <String>            NoAdjuntos = new List <string>();
                        String                   Ruta       = db.Parametros.Single(x => x.Clave == "RutaCorreos").Valor;
                        OpenPop.Mime.Message     m          = OpenPop.Mime.Message.Load(new System.IO.FileInfo(Ruta + Correo.RutaEml + ".eml"));
                        OpenPop.Mime.MessagePart Parte      = m.FindFirstHtmlVersion();
                        if (Parte == null)
                            Parte = m.FindFirstPlainTextVersion();
                        Mensaje = Parte.GetBodyAsText();
                        //isHTML = !m.MessagePart.IsText;
                        if (Parte.ContentType.MediaType.ToLower() == "text/plain")
                            Mensaje = "<pre>" + Mensaje + "</pre>";
                            foreach (Match Match in Regex.Matches(Mensaje, "\"(cid:(\\S+))\""))
                                String ID = Match.Groups[2].Value;
                                    OpenPop.Mime.MessagePart Parte2 = BuscarParte(ID, m.MessagePart);
                                    String Ext = Parte2.FileName;
                                        Ext = Ext.Substring(Ext.LastIndexOf("."));
                                        Ext = "";
                                    String Ruta2 = Guardar(Parte2, id.ToString());
                                    //Parte2.Save(new FileInfo(MapPath(Ruta2)));
                                    Mensaje = Mensaje.Replace(Match.Groups[0].Value, "\"" + Ruta2 + "\"");
                                catch { }
                            foreach (OpenPop.Mime.MessagePart Adjunto in m.FindAllAttachments())
                                if (NoAdjuntos.Contains(Adjunto.ContentId))
                                String Ruta2 = Guardar(Adjunto, id.ToString());
                                lblAdjuntos.Text += String.Format(@"</span><a href=""{0}"" title=""{2}"" target=""_blank"" class=""AdjuntoSL"">{1}</a><span>", Ruta2, Adjunto.ContentDisposition.FileName ?? "Adjunto", Adjunto.ContentDescription);
                        catch { }
                    //lblAdjuntos.Text=@"</span><a href=""http://www.google.com"" target=""_blank"" class=""Adjunto"">aquí</a><span>";
                    lblRemitente.Text = Correo.Remitente;
                        String RutaCorreo = (@"/Temp/Correo" + id.ToString() + (true ? ".html" : ".txt"));
                        iframe.Attributes["src"] = RutaCorreo;
                        File.WriteAllText(MapPath(RutaCorreo), Mensaje, System.Text.Encoding.UTF8);
                    catch { }
            catch (Exception Ex)
Пример #4
        public static void FetchAllMessages(object sender, DoWorkEventArgs e)
            // Add messages from pop3 server to message database
                // Makes a new POP3 session
                // POP3 does not allow to check for new mails
                // * facepalm *
                popClient.Connect(currentUser.pop_hostname, currentUser.pop_port, currentUser.pop_ssl);
                popClient.Authenticate(currentUser.mailaddress, currentUser.password);
            catch (SystemException err)
                MessageBox.Show("Kunne ikke genoprette en forbindelse" + Environment.NewLine + err.Message);

            // gets messagecount
            int messageCount = popClient.GetMessageCount();

            // progress of process
            int progress = 0;

            // the progress value when it was sent to the progressbar
            int lastProgress = 0;

            for (int i = messageCount; i > 0; i--)
                OpenPop.Mime.Message msg = popClient.GetMessage(i);

                // We don't like the fact about messageId is optional,
                // so we make our own messageID by a md5 of
                //  - the sender's email
                //  - the tick value (ticks since 1. January year 1)
                //  - md5 of messageID (if it doesnt present then = md5 of "")
                //  - subject of the mail
                string id      = genMd5(string.Format("{0}_{1}_{2}_{3}", msg.Headers.From.MailAddress.Address, msg.Headers.DateSent.Ticks.ToString(), genMd5(msg.Headers.MessageId), msg.Headers.Subject));
                string from    = msg.Headers.From.MailAddress.Address;
                string subject = msg.Headers.Subject;
                string body    = "";

                // We prefer multipart if it's available
                if (msg.MessagePart.IsMultiPart)
                    body = msg.FindFirstHtmlVersion().GetBodyAsText();
                    body = msg.FindFirstPlainTextVersion().GetBodyAsText();

                // Date sent to SQLite DateTime format
                DateTime sent_o = msg.Headers.DateSent;
                string   sent   = string.Format("{0:d4}-{1:d2}-{2:d2} {3:d2}:{4:d2}:{5:d2}", sent_o.Year, sent_o.Month, sent_o.Day, sent_o.Hour, sent_o.Minute, sent_o.Second);

                // Insert it (or not, if it already exists) to the SQLite database
                SQLiteCommand crCMD = new SQLiteCommand("INSERT OR IGNORE INTO messagetable (id,sender,subject,body,date) VALUES (@_id,@_sender,@_subject,@_body,datetime(strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S',@_sent)))", msgSqlCon);

                crCMD.Parameters.AddWithValue("@_id", id);
                crCMD.Parameters.AddWithValue("@_sender", from);
                crCMD.Parameters.AddWithValue("@_subject", subject);
                crCMD.Parameters.AddWithValue("@_body", MerMail.Symmetric.EncryptString(currentUser.encryption_key, body));
                crCMD.Parameters.AddWithValue("@_sent", sent);


                // calculate the progress percentage
                progress = (i * 100) / (messageCount);
                if (progress > lastProgress + 10)
                    // if the progress is 10 percent higher than lastprogress,
                    // then report it to the progressBar, and set lastprogress
                    // to the progress percentage right now
                    (sender as BackgroundWorker).ReportProgress(progress);
                    lastProgress = progress;
Пример #5
        private void listBoxMails_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // Check if the value should be ignored, in this case if it is below zero.
            if (listBoxMails.SelectedIndex < 0)

            // Retrieve the selected mail from the database.
            mailMessage = mailDatabase.ReadMail(textBoxMail.Text, listBoxMails.Items.Count - listBoxMails.SelectedIndex);

            // Check if an html format is present.
            if (mailMessage.FindFirstHtmlVersion() != null)
                // Show the html format in the webbrowser.
                webBrowserView.DocumentText = mailMessage.FindFirstHtmlVersion().GetBodyAsText();
            // Check if an text format is present.
            else if (mailMessage.FindFirstPlainTextVersion() != null)
                // Show the text format in the webbrowser.
                webBrowserView.DocumentText = mailMessage.FindFirstPlainTextVersion().GetBodyAsText();
                // If nothing is found then output that something is wrong.
                webBrowserView.DocumentText = "Problems showing this mail, Contact Simon :-)";