Пример #1
        private OpenCLKernel InitKernel(BigInteger elementMontgomery, BigInteger generatorMontgomery, out OpenCLBuffer <int> gpuCounterBuffer, out BigInteger?answer)
            // Make all inputs GPU ready, by converting them to uint arrays.
            // Note: each number (e.g. special points, the modulus etc.) will be represented with
            // wordsPerNumber uints (wordsPerNumber * 32 bits).
            uint[] gpuModulus = modulus.ToUintArray().PadWithDefaultForLength(wordsPerNumber); // TODO: Remove padding?

            uint[] gpuModulusPrime = modulusPrime.ToUintArray().PadWithDefaultForLength(wordsPerNumber);
            uint[] gpuElement      = elementMontgomery.ToUintArray().PadWithDefaultForLength(wordsPerNumber);
            uint[] gpuGenerator    = generatorMontgomery.ToUintArray().PadWithDefaultForLength(wordsPerNumber);

            // Input buffers.
            OpenCLBuffer <uint> gpuModulusBuffer   = new OpenCLBuffer <uint>(program, gpuModulus);
            OpenCLBuffer <uint> gpuGeneratorBuffer = new OpenCLBuffer <uint>(program, gpuGenerator);
            OpenCLBuffer <uint> gpuElementBuffer   = new OpenCLBuffer <uint>(program, gpuElement);

            // Buffers for local memory. There is room for an additional 2 numbers, which will be used to store
            // the generator and element in local memory.
            OpenCLBuffer <uint> gpuNumbersBuffer = new OpenCLBuffer <uint>(program, new uint[wordsPerNumber * (2 + 32)]);

            // Counter buffer.
            gpuCounterBuffer = new OpenCLBuffer <int>(program, new int[1]);

            // Buffers for saving numbers between kernel executions.
            uint[] startingPointsArray = startingPointGenerator.GetVerticalStartingPointsArray(NUM_GPU_THREADS, out answer);
            OpenCLBuffer <uint> gpuSavedNumbersBuffer      = new OpenCLBuffer <uint>(program, startingPointsArray);
            OpenCLBuffer <uint> gpuUsedStartingPointBuffer = new OpenCLBuffer <uint>(program, startingPointsArray);
            OpenCLBuffer <long> gpuIterationCounts         = new OpenCLBuffer <long>(program, new long[NUM_GPU_THREADS]);

            // Fill the gpuStartingPointBuffer.
            answer = startingPointGenerator.FillStartingPointsBuffer(4 * NUM_GPU_THREADS);

            OpenCLKernel kernel = new OpenCLKernel(program, "generate_chain");

            // Set the kernelarguments.
            kernel.SetArgument(0, gpuStartingPointsBuffer);
            kernel.SetArgument(1, gpuSavedNumbersBuffer);
            kernel.SetArgument(2, gpuUsedStartingPointBuffer);
            kernel.SetLocalArgument(3, gpuNumbersBuffer);
            kernel.SetArgument(4, gpuModulusBuffer);
            kernel.SetArgument <uint>(5, gpuModulusPrime[0]);
            kernel.SetArgument(6, gpuGeneratorBuffer);
            kernel.SetArgument(7, gpuElementBuffer);

            kernel.SetArgument(8, gpuSpecialPointsBuffer);

            kernel.SetArgument <int>(9, wordsPerNumber);
            kernel.SetArgument(10, gpuCounterBuffer);

            kernel.SetArgument(11, gpuIterationCounts);
            kernel.SetArgument <long>(12, 1 << (Program.K + 4)); // Maximum chain length is 16 * 2^k.
            kernel.SetArgument <int>(13, Program.K / 32);        // Value of k, in words.
            kernel.SetArgument <int>(14, Program.K % 32);        // Remaining value of k.

Пример #2
        public StartingPointGenerator(InputTuple input, int rAsPower, int wordsPerNumber, Pollard_Rho pRho, OpenCLProgram program, OpenCLBuffer <uint> startingPointsBuffer)
            this.modulus        = input.Modulus;
            this.generator      = input.Generator;
            this.order          = input.Order;
            this.element        = input.Element;
            this.rAsPower       = rAsPower;
            this.wordsPerNumber = wordsPerNumber;
            this.pRho           = pRho;

            this.kernel = new OpenCLKernel(program, "add_new_starting_points");
            this.newStartingPointsBuffer = new OpenCLBuffer <uint>(program, new uint[4 * DLPSolver.NUM_GPU_THREADS * wordsPerNumber]);

            this.startingPointPool = new uint[4 * DLPSolver.NUM_GPU_THREADS * wordsPerNumber];

            kernel.SetArgument(0, startingPointsBuffer);
            kernel.SetArgument(1, newStartingPointsBuffer);
        /// <summary>
        /// Enqueues a command to execute a single <see cref="OpenCLKernel"/>.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="kernel"> The <see cref="OpenCLKernel"/> to execute. </param>
        /// <param name="events"> A collection of events that need to complete before this particular command can be executed. If <paramref name="events"/> is not <c>null</c> or read-only a new <see cref="OpenCLEvent"/> identifying this command is created and attached to the end of the collection. </param>
        public void ExecuteTask(OpenCLKernel kernel, IReadOnlyList<OpenCLEventBase> events = null, IList<OpenCLEventBase> newEvents = null)
            int eventWaitListSize;
            CLEventHandle[] eventHandles = OpenCLTools.ExtractHandles(events, out eventWaitListSize);            
            CLEventHandle[] newEventHandle = (newEvents != null) ? new CLEventHandle[1] : null;
            OpenCLErrorCode error = CL10.EnqueueTask(Handle, kernel.Handle, eventWaitListSize, eventHandles, newEventHandle);

            if (newEvents != null)
                lock (newEvents)
                    newEvents.Add(new OpenCLEvent(newEventHandle[0], this));
Пример #4
 public static Error clSetKernelArg(OpenCLKernel kernel, Int32 arg_index, IntPtr arg_size, ref OpenCLMem arg_value)
     Console.WriteLine("Calling Error clSetKernelArg(OpenCLKernel kernel, Int32 arg_index, IntPtr arg_size, ref OpenCLMem arg_value)");
     return default(Error);
Пример #5
 public OpenCLTask(OpenCLKernel kernel, AutoResetEvent taskCompletedEvent)
     Kernel             = kernel;
     TaskCompletedEvent = taskCompletedEvent;
Пример #6
 public static Error clGetKernelWorkGroupInfo(OpenCLKernel kernel, OpenCLDevice device, KernelWorkGroupInfo param_name, IntPtr param_value_size, IntPtr param_value, IntPtr param_value_size_ret)
     Console.WriteLine("Calling Error clGetKernelWorkGroupInfo(OpenCLKernel kernel, OpenCLDevice device, KernelWorkGroupInfo param_name, IntPtr param_value_size, IntPtr param_value, IntPtr param_value_size_ret)");
     return default(Error);
Пример #7
 public static Error clRetainKernel(OpenCLKernel kernel)
     Console.WriteLine("Calling Error clRetainKernel(OpenCLKernel kernel)");
     return default(Error);
Пример #8
 public static extern Error clEnqueueTask(OpenCLCommandQueue command_queue, OpenCLKernel kernel, Int32 num_events_in_wait_list, [In] OpenCLEvent[] event_wait_list, OpenCLEvent e);
Пример #9
        public static Error clGetKernelInfo(OpenCLKernel kernel, KernelInfo param_name, IntPtr param_value_size, IntPtr param_value, out IntPtr param_value_size_ret)
            if (param_name == KernelInfo.NumArgs)
                Marshal.WriteIntPtr(param_value, new IntPtr(3));

                param_value_size_ret = new IntPtr(IntPtr.Size);
            else if (param_name == KernelInfo.FunctionName)
                String name = "VectorAdd";

                for (int i = 0; i < name.Length; i++)
                    Marshal.WriteByte(param_value, i, (byte)name[i]);

                param_value_size_ret = new IntPtr(name.Length);
                param_value_size_ret = default(IntPtr);

            Console.WriteLine("Calling Error clGetKernelInfo(OpenCLKernel kernel, KernelInfo param_name, IntPtr param_value_size, IntPtr param_value, out IntPtr param_value_size_ret)");
            return default(Error);
Пример #10
 public static Error clCreateKernelsInProgram(OpenCLProgram program, Int32 num_kernels, [Out] OpenCLKernel[] kernels, out Int32 num_kernels_ret)
     num_kernels_ret = 1;
     kernels = new OpenCLKernel[] { new OpenCLKernel() };
     Console.WriteLine("Calling Error clCreateKernelsInProgram(OpenCLProgram program, Int32 num_kernels, [Out] OpenCLKernel[] kernels, out Int32 num_kernels_ret)");
     return default(Error);
Пример #11
        /// <summary>
        /// Tries to solve the current instance of the DLP.
        /// </summary>
        public BigInteger?Solve()
            // Fill the startingPointPool with starting points.
            BigInteger?answer = startingPointGenerator.FillStartingPointPool(4 * NUM_GPU_THREADS);

            if (answer != null)

            modulusPrime = -Utility.ExtendedEuclidesGCD1(BigInteger.One << 32, modulus).Item2;
            if (modulusPrime < 0)
                modulusPrime += (BigInteger.One << 32);

            BigInteger generatorMontgomery = ToMontgomery(generator);
            BigInteger elementMontgomery   = ToMontgomery(element);

            // Initialize the kernel and buffers.
            OpenCLBuffer <int> countersBuffer;
            OpenCLKernel       kernel = InitKernel(elementMontgomery, generatorMontgomery, out countersBuffer, out answer);

            if (answer != null)

            // Let the GPU do its job.
            int counter = 0;

            while (true)
                Console.WriteLine($"Starting kernel {counter}.");
                kernel.Execute(new long[] { NUM_GPU_THREADS }, new long[] { 32 });
                Console.WriteLine($"Kernel {counter} finished.");

                Console.WriteLine($"Found special points: {countersBuffer[0]}.");

                // The number of used starting points has exceeded the threshold.
                if (countersBuffer[0] > NUM_GPU_THREADS)
                    Console.WriteLine("Generating new starting points.");

                    answer = startingPointGenerator.FillStartingPointsBuffer(countersBuffer[0]);
                    if (answer != null)

                    Console.WriteLine("Retrieving special points.");

                    answer = specialPointCollector.FindCollision();
                    if (answer != null)

                    // Reset the counter.
                    countersBuffer[0] = 0;
Пример #12
 public static extern Error clRetainKernel(OpenCLKernel kernel);
Пример #13
 public static extern Error clSetKernelArg(OpenCLKernel kernel, Int32 arg_index, IntPtr arg_size, ref OpenCLMem arg_value);
Пример #14
 public static extern Error clReleaseKernel(OpenCLKernel kernel);
Пример #15
 public static extern Error clGetKernelWorkGroupInfo(OpenCLKernel kernel, OpenCLDevice device, KernelWorkGroupInfo param_name, IntPtr param_value_size, IntPtr param_value, IntPtr param_value_size_ret);
Пример #16
 public static extern Error clGetKernelInfo(OpenCLKernel kernel, KernelInfo param_name, IntPtr param_value_size, IntPtr param_value, IntPtr param_value_size_ret);
        /// <summary>
        /// Enqueues a command to execute a range of <see cref="OpenCLKernel"/>s in parallel.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="kernel"> The <see cref="OpenCLKernel"/> to execute. </param>
        /// <param name="globalWorkOffset"> An array of values that describe the offset used to calculate the global ID of a work-item instead of having the global IDs always start at offset (0, 0,... 0). </param>
        /// <param name="globalWorkSize"> An array of values that describe the number of global work-items in dimensions that will execute the kernel function. The total number of global work-items is computed as global_work_size[0] *...* global_work_size[work_dim - 1]. </param>
        /// <param name="localWorkSize"> An array of values that describe the number of work-items that make up a work-group (also referred to as the size of the work-group) that will execute the <paramref name="kernel"/>. The total number of work-items in a work-group is computed as local_work_size[0] *... * local_work_size[work_dim - 1]. </param>
        /// <param name="events"> A collection of events that need to complete before this particular command can be executed. If <paramref name="events"/> is not <c>null</c> or read-only a new <see cref="OpenCLEvent"/> identifying this command is created and attached to the end of the collection. </param>
        public void Execute(OpenCLKernel kernel, long[] globalWorkOffset, long[] globalWorkSize, long[] localWorkSize, IReadOnlyList<OpenCLEventBase> events = null, IList<OpenCLEventBase> newEvents = null)
            int eventWaitListSize;
            CLEventHandle[] eventHandles = OpenCLTools.ExtractHandles(events, out eventWaitListSize);
            CLEventHandle[] newEventHandle = (newEvents != null) ? new CLEventHandle[1] : null;

            OpenCLErrorCode error = CL10.EnqueueNDRangeKernel(Handle, kernel.Handle, globalWorkSize.Length, OpenCLTools.ConvertArray(globalWorkOffset), OpenCLTools.ConvertArray(globalWorkSize), OpenCLTools.ConvertArray(localWorkSize), eventWaitListSize, eventHandles, newEventHandle);

            if (newEvents != null)
                lock (newEvents)
                    newEvents.Add(new OpenCLEvent(newEventHandle[0], this));
Пример #18
 public static Error clEnqueueTask(OpenCLCommandQueue command_queue, OpenCLKernel kernel, Int32 num_events_in_wait_list, [In] OpenCLEvent[] event_wait_list, OpenCLEvent e)
     Console.WriteLine("Calling Error clEnqueueTask(OpenCLCommandQueue command_queue, OpenCLKernel kernel, Int32 num_events_in_wait_list, [In] OpenCLEvent[] event_wait_list, OpenCLEvent e)");
     return default(Error);
Пример #19
 public static Error clEnqueueNDRangeKernel(OpenCLCommandQueue command_queue, OpenCLKernel kernel, Int32 work_dim, [In] IntPtr[] global_work_offset, [In] IntPtr[] global_work_size, [In] IntPtr[] local_work_size, Int32 num_events_in_wait_list, [In] OpenCLEvent[] event_wait_list, OpenCLEvent e)
     Console.WriteLine("Calling Error clEnqueueNDRangeKernel(OpenCLCommandQueue command_queue, OpenCLKernel kernel, Int32 work_dim, [In] IntPtr[] global_work_offset, [In] IntPtr[] global_work_size, [In] IntPtr[] local_work_size, Int32 num_events_in_wait_list, [In] OpenCLEvent[] event_wait_list, OpenCLEvent e)");
     return default(Error);
Пример #20
 public static extern Error clEnqueueNDRangeKernel(OpenCLCommandQueue command_queue, OpenCLKernel kernel, Int32 work_dim, [In] IntPtr[] global_work_offset, [In] IntPtr[] global_work_size, [In] IntPtr[] local_work_size, Int32 num_events_in_wait_list, [In] OpenCLEvent[] event_wait_list, OpenCLEvent e);