public void Chop(Mobile from) { if (from.InRange(this.GetWorldLocation(), 1)) { if (from == m_sower) { from.Direction = from.GetDirectionTo(this); double lumberValue = from.Skills[SkillName.Lumberjacking].Value / 100; if ((lumberValue > .5) && (Utility.RandomDouble() <= lumberValue)) { Onion fruit = new Onion(Utility.Random(m_yield + 2)); from.AddToBackpack(fruit); } this.Delete(); from.SendMessage("You chop the plant up"); } else { from.SendMessage("You do not own this plant !!!"); } } else { from.SendLocalizedMessage(500446); } }
public override Item GetCropObject() { var onion = new Onion(); onion.ItemID = Utility.Random(3181, 2); return onion; }
public override Item GetCropObject() { Onion onion = new Onion(); onion.ItemID = Utility.Random(3181, 2); return(onion); }
public void NumberOfLayers() { var numberOfLayers = new Onion(new Onion(new Onion(new Onion()))).NumberOfInnerLayers; var didItWork = false; if (numberOfLayers == 3) { didItWork = true; } Assert.AreEqual(true, didItWork); //assert if result is as expected }
// Start is called before the first frame update void Start() { sentences = new Queue <string>(); images = new Queue <Sprite>(); names = new Queue <string>(); //audios = new Queue<AudioSource>(); o = FindObjectOfType <Onion>(); dog = FindObjectOfType <DogBehavior>(); player = FindObjectOfType <Playermovement>(); }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { rand = new System.Random(); indexIcon = rand.Next(0, 12); noEffect = new Effect("No Disease", 0, false); purifyEffect = new Effect("Cure", 1, false); malaria = new Effect("Malaria", -1, false); bilharzia = new Effect("Bilharzia", -2, false); effectExp1 = "lose 1 HP every turn"; effectExp2 = "Cure all disease and +1 HP"; effectExp3 = "lose 2 HP every turn"; effectsActive = new ArrayList(); foods = new ArrayList(); birdseed = new BirdSeed("Bird Seed", 1, noEffect, 0); oat = new Oat("Oat", 1, malaria, 1); Lettuce lettuce = new Lettuce("Lettuce", 3, bilharzia, 2); // lose speed -> speed/2 Rice rice = new Rice("Rice", 1, purifyEffect, 3); RottenGrape rottenGrape = new RottenGrape("Rotten Grape", -2, malaria, 4); PollutedCrackedCorn pollutedCrackedCorn = new PollutedCrackedCorn("Polluted Cracked Corn", -2, malaria, 5); Avocado avocado = new Avocado("Avocado", -2, malaria, 6); Onion onion = new Onion("Onion", -2, purifyEffect, 7); Nuts nuts = new Nuts("Nuts", -2, purifyEffect, 8); Chocolate chocolate = new Chocolate("Chocolate", -2, purifyEffect, 9); Popcorn popcorn = new Popcorn("Popcorn", -2, bilharzia, 10); Bread bread = new Bread("Bread", -2, malaria, 11); for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { foods.Add(birdseed); foods.Add(oat); foods.Add(lettuce); foods.Add(rice); foods.Add(rottenGrape); foods.Add(pollutedCrackedCorn); foods.Add(avocado); foods.Add(onion); foods.Add(nuts); foods.Add(chocolate); foods.Add(popcorn); foods.Add(bread); } }
public void DecoratorTest() { IOrderable pizza = new Margerita(); IOrderable ham = new Ham(pizza); IOrderable kebab = new Kebab(ham); IOrderable onion = new Onion(kebab); var expectedPizza = $"Margerita{Environment.NewLine} with ham{Environment.NewLine} with kebab{Environment.NewLine} with onion"; var expectedPrice = 125; var actualPizza = onion.GetName(); var actualPrice = onion.GetPrice(); Assert.AreEqual(expectedPizza, actualPizza); Assert.IsTrue(expectedPrice == actualPrice); }
private static void DecoratorDosa() { IDosa plainDosa = new PlainDosa(); //Console.WriteLine("Description : {0} - Price {1}", plainDosa.GetDescription(), plainDosa.GetPrice()); Ghee ghee = new Ghee(plainDosa); Onion onion = new Onion(ghee); Console.WriteLine("Description : {0} - Total Price : Rs. {1}", onion.GetDescription(), onion.GetPrice()); Powder powder = new Powder(onion); Console.WriteLine("Description : {0} - Total Price : Rs. {1}", powder.GetDescription(), powder.GetPrice()); }
public override bool LootItem(Mobile from) { if (Utility.RandomDouble() <= .05) { OnionSeed item = new OnionSeed(); from.AddToBackpack(item); from.SendMessage("You manage to gather 1 onion seed."); } Onion c = new Onion(); c.ItemID = 3182; from.AddToBackpack(c); from.SendMessage("You manage to gather 1 onion."); return(true); }
private void InitContents(FruitType type) { Food item = null; byte count = (byte)Utility.RandomMinMax(10, 30); for (byte i = 0; i < count; i++) { switch (type) { default: case FruitType.Apples: item = new Apple(); break; case FruitType.Bananas: item = new Banana(); break; case FruitType.Bread: item = new BreadLoaf(); break; case FruitType.Gourds: item = new Gourd(); break; case FruitType.Grapes: item = new Grapes(); break; case FruitType.Lemons: item = new Lemon(); break; case FruitType.Tomatoes: item = new Tomato(); break; case FruitType.Vegetables1: case FruitType.Vegetables2: case FruitType.Vegetables3: { switch (Utility.Random(4)) { case 0: item = new Carrot(); break; case 1: item = new Onion(); break; case 2: item = new Pumpkin(); break; case 3: item = new Gourd(); break; } break; } } if (item != null) { DropItem(item); } } }
// GET: Decoration public ActionResult Index() { Pancake pancake = new DesertPanCake(); pancake = new CherryCream(pancake); var cost2 = pancake.Cost(); LunchPanCake pancake2 = new LunchPanCake(); pancake2 = new Onion(pancake2); var cost3 = pancake2.Cost(); return(View()); }
public List <object> Products() { List <object> products = new List <object>(); Beet Beet = new Beet(); Carrot Carrot = new Carrot(); Meat Meat = new Meat(); Onion Onion = new Onion(); Potato Potato = new Potato(); Rise Rise = new Rise(); Beet.Name = "Свёкла"; Carrot.Name = "Морковь"; Meat.Name = "Мясо"; Onion.Name = "Лук"; Potato.Name = "Картошка"; Rise.Name = "Рис"; products.AddRange(new object[] { Beet, Carrot, Meat, Onion, Potato, Rise }); return(products); }
public override void OnDoubleClick(Mobile from) { if (m_sower == null || m_sower.Deleted) { m_sower = from; } if (from.Mounted && !CropHelper.CanWorkMounted) { from.SendMessage(AgriTxt.CannotWorkMounted); return; } if (DateTime.Now > lastpicked.AddSeconds(3)) // 3 seconds between picking { lastpicked = DateTime.Now; int lumberValue = (int)from.Skills[SkillName.Lumberjacking].Value / 5; if (lumberValue == 0) { from.SendMessage(AgriTxt.DunnoHowTo); return; } if (from.InRange(this.GetWorldLocation(), 2)) { if (m_yield < 1) { from.SendMessage(AgriTxt.NoCrop); if (PlayerCanDestroy && !(m_sower.AccessLevel > AccessLevel.Counselor)) { UpRootGump g = new UpRootGump(from, this); from.SendGump(g); } } else //check skill and sower { from.Direction = from.GetDirectionTo(this); from.Animate(from.Mounted ? 29:32, 5, 1, true, false, 0); if (from == m_sower) { lumberValue *= 2; m_lastvisit = DateTime.Now; } if (lumberValue > m_yield) { lumberValue = m_yield + 1; } int pick = Utility.Random(lumberValue); if (pick == 0) { from.SendMessage(AgriTxt.ZeroPicked); return; } m_yield -= pick; from.SendMessage(AgriTxt.YouPick + " {0} gousse{1} d'oignon!", pick, (pick == 1 ? "" : "s")); //PublicOverheadMessage( MessageType.Regular, 0x3BD, false, string.Format( "{0}", m_yield )); ((Item)this).ItemID = pickedGraphic; Onion crop = new Onion(pick); from.AddToBackpack(crop); if (SowerPickTime != TimeSpan.Zero && m_lastvisit + SowerPickTime < DateTime.Now && !(m_sower.AccessLevel > AccessLevel.Counselor)) { this.UpRoot(from); return; } if (!regrowTimer.Running) { regrowTimer.Start(); } } } else { from.SendMessage(AgriTxt.TooFar); } } }
public override void OnDoubleClick(Mobile from) { if (m_sower == null || m_sower.Deleted) { m_sower = from; } if (from.Mounted && !CropHelper.CanWorkMounted) { from.SendMessage("You cannot harvest a crop while mounted."); return; } if (DateTime.Now > lastpicked.AddSeconds(3)) // 3 seconds between picking { lastpicked = DateTime.Now; int cookValue = (int)from.Skills[SkillName.Cooking].Value / 20; if (cookValue == 0) { from.SendMessage("You have no idea how to harvest this crop."); return; } if (from.InRange(this.GetWorldLocation(), 1)) { if (m_yield < 1) { from.SendMessage("There is nothing here to harvest."); if (PlayerCanDestroy && !(m_sower.AccessLevel > AccessLevel.Counselor)) { UpRootGump g = new UpRootGump(from, this); from.SendGump(g); } } else //check skill and sower { from.Direction = from.GetDirectionTo(this); from.Animate(from.Mounted ? 29:32, 5, 1, true, false, 0); if (from == m_sower) { cookValue *= 2; m_lastvisit = DateTime.Now; } if (cookValue > m_yield) { cookValue = m_yield + 1; } int pick = Utility.Random(cookValue); if (pick == 0) { from.SendMessage("You do not manage to harvest any crops."); return; } m_yield -= pick; from.SendMessage("You harvest {0} crop{1}!", pick, (pick == 1 ? "" : "s")); //PublicOverheadMessage( MessageType.Regular, 0x3BD, false, string.Format( "{0}", m_yield )); ((Item)this).ItemID = pickedGraphic; Onion crop = new Onion(pick); from.AddToBackpack(crop); if (SowerPickTime != TimeSpan.Zero && m_lastvisit + SowerPickTime < DateTime.Now && !(m_sower.AccessLevel > AccessLevel.Counselor)) { this.UpRoot(from); return; } if (!regrowTimer.Running) { regrowTimer.Start(); } } } else { from.SendMessage("You are too far away to harvest anything."); } } }
static void Main() { ICookBorshch cookBorshch = new Borshch(); ICookPilaf cookPilaf = new Pilaf(); ICookRagout cookRagout = new Ragout(); IReadyBorshch readyBorshch = new Chef(); IReadyPilaf readyPilaf = new Chef(); IReadyRagout readyRagout = new Chef(); Chef Kolya = new Chef { Age = 40, Name = "Колян" }; Chef Vitya = new Chef { Age = 35, Name = "Витёк" }; Chef Vasya = new Chef { Age = 25, Name = "Васька" }; Borshch borshch = new Borshch(); Pilaf pilaf = new Pilaf(); Ragout ragout = new Ragout(); Cutting cut = new Cutting(); Beet beet = new Beet(); Carrot carrot = new Carrot(); Meat meat = new Meat(); Onion onion = new Onion(); Potato potato = new Potato(); Rise rise = new Rise(); List <object> friedBorshch = cookBorshch.FryBorshch(); List <object> boiledBorshch = cookBorshch.BoilBorshch(); List <object> friedPilaf = cookPilaf.FryPilaf(); List <object> boiledPilaf = cookPilaf.BoilPilaf(); List <object> friedRagout = cookRagout.FryRagout(); List <object> boiledRagout = cookRagout.BoilRagout(); List <List <object> > readyBorshchDish = readyBorshch.FinishedDishBorshch(friedBorshch, boiledBorshch); List <List <object> > readyPilafDish = readyPilaf.FinishedDishPilaf(friedPilaf, boiledPilaf); List <List <object> > readyRagoutDish = readyRagout.FinishedDishRagout(friedRagout, boiledRagout); cut.Products(); Console.WriteLine($"Сегодняшние повара:" + $"\n\n{Kolya.Name} ({Kolya.Age} лет), {Vasya.Name} ({Vasya.Age} лет) и {Vitya.Name} ({Vitya.Age} лет)" + $"\n\nОни приготовили сегодня:" + $"\n{borshch.Dish}, {pilaf.Dish}, {ragout.Dish}" + $"\n\nРецепт такой:" + $"\n\n{beet.Name} - {beet.Weight} кг" + $"\n{carrot.Name} - {carrot.Weight} кг" + $"\n{meat.Name} - {meat.Weight} (тип {meat.Type}) кг" + $"\n{onion.Name} - {onion.Weight}" + $"\n{potato.Name} - {potato.Weight}" + $"\n{rise.Name} - {rise.Weight} (тип {rise.Type}) кг" + $"\n{cut.Pepper}" + $"\n{cut.Salt}" + $"\n{cut.Spices}"); Console.WriteLine("\n\nГотовили блюда следующим образом:"); foreach (var mainList in readyBorshchDish) { foreach (var item in mainList) { Console.WriteLine(""); Console.WriteLine($"{item}"); } } }
public void AddToppings(IOrderable pizza, string type) { switch (type) { case "1": IOrderable artichoke = new Artichoke(pizza); AddToppingsMenu(artichoke); return; case "2": IOrderable cilantro = new Cilantro(pizza); AddToppingsMenu(cilantro); return; case "3": IOrderable ham = new Ham(pizza); AddToppingsMenu(ham); return; case "4": IOrderable kebab = new Kebab(pizza); AddToppingsMenu(kebab); return; case "5": IOrderable kebabsauce = new Kebabsauce(pizza); AddToppingsMenu(kebabsauce); return; case "6": IOrderable mushroom = new Mushroom(pizza); AddToppingsMenu(mushroom); return; case "7": IOrderable mussels = new Mussels(pizza); AddToppingsMenu(mussels); return; case "8": IOrderable onion = new Onion(pizza); AddToppingsMenu(onion); return; case "9": IOrderable pineapple = new Pinapple(pizza); AddToppingsMenu(pineapple); return; case "10": IOrderable shrimp = new Shrimp(pizza); AddToppingsMenu(shrimp); return; case "y": currentOrder.ItemsOrdered.Add(pizza); PlaceOrderMenu(); return; default: Console.WriteLine("Please write the number of the topping you want."); AddToppingsMenu(pizza); return; } }
public ActionResult AddMorePizza(string size, string name, bool?bacon, bool?bbq, bool?cheese, bool?mushroom, bool?onion, bool?pepperoni, bool?pepper, bool?pineapple, bool?sausage, bool?shrimp, int amt) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(size)) { double totalCost; Pizza aPizza = null; //Switch statement for the size of the pizza switch (size) { case "Small": aPizza = new Small(); break; case "Medium": aPizza = new Medium(); break; case "Large": aPizza = new Large(); break; } //If the topping was selected then it is added to the pizza if (bacon == true) { aPizza = new Bacon(aPizza); } if (bbq == true) { aPizza = new BBQ(aPizza); } if (cheese == true) { aPizza = new ExCheese(aPizza); } if (mushroom == true) { aPizza = new Mushroom(aPizza); } if (onion == true) { aPizza = new Onion(aPizza); } if (pepperoni == true) { aPizza = new Pepperoni(aPizza); } if (pepper == true) { aPizza = new Peppers(aPizza); } if (pineapple == true) { aPizza = new Pineapple(aPizza); } if (sausage == true) { aPizza = new Sausage(aPizza); } if (shrimp == true) { aPizza = new Shrimp(aPizza); } //Created a variable to contain and manipulate the cost totalCost = aPizza.GetCost(); if (Session["cart"] == null) { List <CartItem> cart = new List <CartItem> { new CartItem { ID = 1, Pizza = aPizza, Quant = amt, ViewModel = (InfoViewModel)Session["info"] } }; Session["cart"] = cart; Session["Total"] = cart.Sum(item => item.Pizza.GetCost() * item.Quant); } else { List <CartItem> cart = (List <CartItem>)Session["cart"]; int index = IsExist(aPizza); if (index != -1) { cart[index].Quant++; } else { int currentID = cart.Count(); cart.Add(new CartItem { ID = currentID, Pizza = aPizza, Quant = amt, ViewModel = (InfoViewModel)Session["info"] }); } Session["cart"] = cart; Session["Total"] = cart.Sum(item => item.Pizza.GetCost() * item.Quant); } return(RedirectToAction("DisplayCart")); } else { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(size)) { TempData["Amt"] = "The amount must be a number"; TempData["Size"] = "A size must be selected"; } return(View("AddMorePizzaForm")); } }
void Dt_Traversor_selectionChanged(Onion.Controls.DtTraversor d, EventArgs e) { ShowProgress(d.CurrentRowIndex); }
public void openXCVehicleData(Onion onion) { }
public override void OnDoubleClick(Mobile from) { if (m_sower == null || m_sower.Deleted) { m_sower = from; } if (from != m_sower) { from.SendMessage("You do not own this plant !!!"); return; } if (from.Mounted && !CropHelper.CanWorkMounted) { from.SendMessage("You cannot harvest a crop while mounted."); return; } if (DateTime.UtcNow > lastpicked.AddSeconds(3)) { lastpicked = DateTime.UtcNow; int cookValue = (int)from.Skills[SkillName.Cooking].Value / 20; if (cookValue == 0) { from.SendMessage("You have no idea how to harvest this crop."); return; } if (from.InRange(this.GetWorldLocation(), 1)) { if (m_yield < 1) { from.SendMessage("There is nothing here to harvest."); } else { from.Direction = from.GetDirectionTo(this); from.Animate(from.Mounted ? 29:32, 5, 1, true, false, 0); m_lastvisit = DateTime.UtcNow; if (cookValue > m_yield) { cookValue = m_yield + 1; } int pick = Utility.RandomMinMax(cookValue - 4, cookValue); if (pick < 0) { pick = 0; } if (pick == 0) { from.SendMessage("You do not manage to harvest any crops."); return; } m_yield -= pick; from.SendMessage("You harvest {0} crop{1}!", pick, (pick == 1 ? "" : "s")); if (m_yield < 1) { ((Item)this).ItemID = pickedGraphic; } Onion crop = new Onion(pick); from.AddToBackpack(crop); if (!regrowTimer.Running) { regrowTimer.Start(); } } } else { from.SendMessage("You are too far away to harvest anything."); } } }
public ActionResult CreatePizza(string size, string name, bool?bacon, bool?bbq, bool?cheese, bool?mushroom, bool?onion, bool?pepperoni, bool?pepper, bool?pineapple, bool?sausage, bool?shrimp, int amt, bool?deliver, InfoViewModel infoView) { bool isNum = IsNumber(amt); if (ModelState.IsValid && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(size) && isNum) { double totalCost; Pizza aPizza = null; //Switch statement for the size of the pizza switch (size) { case "Small": aPizza = new Small(); break; case "Medium": aPizza = new Medium(); break; case "Large": aPizza = new Large(); break; } //If the topping was selected then it is added to the pizza if (bacon == true) { aPizza = new Bacon(aPizza); } if (bbq == true) { aPizza = new BBQ(aPizza); } if (cheese == true) { aPizza = new ExCheese(aPizza); } if (mushroom == true) { aPizza = new Mushroom(aPizza); } if (onion == true) { aPizza = new Onion(aPizza); } if (pepperoni == true) { aPizza = new Pepperoni(aPizza); } if (pepper == true) { aPizza = new Peppers(aPizza); } if (pineapple == true) { aPizza = new Pineapple(aPizza); } if (sausage == true) { aPizza = new Sausage(aPizza); } if (shrimp == true) { aPizza = new Shrimp(aPizza); } //Created a variable to contain and manipulate the cost totalCost = aPizza.GetCost(); infoView.Delivery = deliver; if (Session["cart"] == null) { List <CartItem> cart = new List <CartItem> { new CartItem { ID = 1, Pizza = aPizza, Quant = amt, ViewModel = infoView } }; Session["info"] = infoView; Session["cart"] = cart; Session["Total"] = cart.Sum(item => item.Pizza.GetCost() * item.Quant); } else { List <CartItem> cart = (List <CartItem>)Session["cart"]; int index = IsExist(aPizza); if (index != -1) { cart[index].Quant++; } else { int currentID = cart.Count(); cart.Add(new CartItem { ID = currentID, Pizza = aPizza, Quant = amt, ViewModel = infoView }); } Session["info"] = infoView; Session["cart"] = cart; Session["Total"] = cart.Sum(item => item.Pizza.GetCost() * item.Quant); } //Method sends order to database //aConnection.InsertPizzaOrder(aPizza, totalCost, name, amt, deliver, addy, city, zip, time); //Adds everything to a ViewBag to send to confirmation page //ViewBag.APizza = aPizza; //ViewBag.Total = totalCost; //ViewBag.Name = name; //ViewBag.Amt = amt; //ViewBag.Deliver = deliver; //ViewBag.Addy = addy; //ViewBag.City = city; //ViewBag.Zip = zip; //ViewBag.Time = time; return(RedirectToAction("DisplayCart")); } else { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(size)) { TempData["Amt"] = "The amount must be a number"; TempData["Size"] = "A size must be selected"; } return(View("CreatePizzaForm", infoView)); } }
private void InitContents( FruitType type ) { Food item = null; byte count = (byte)Utility.RandomMinMax( 10, 30 ); for( byte i = 0; i < count; i++ ) { switch( type ) { default: case FruitType.Apples: item = new Apple(); break; case FruitType.Bananas: item = new Banana(); break; case FruitType.Bread: item = new BreadLoaf(); break; case FruitType.Gourds: item = new Gourd(); break; case FruitType.Grapes: item = new Grapes(); break; case FruitType.Lemons: item = new Lemon(); break; case FruitType.Tomatoes: item = new Tomato(); break; case FruitType.Vegetables1: case FruitType.Vegetables2: case FruitType.Vegetables3: { switch( Utility.Random( 4 ) ) { case 0: item = new Carrot(); break; case 1: item = new Onion(); break; case 2: item = new Pumpkin(); break; case 3: item = new Gourd(); break; } break; } } if( item != null ) DropItem( item ); } }
public Object supplyHardwareHandle(Onion onion) { return(new ComPort_Win()); }