private ChannelHubBase CreateChannelHub(ChannelHubSettings channelHubSettings) { Type type; type = typeof(ChannelHub <>).MakeGenericType(new Type[] { OneDasUtilities.GetTypeFromOneDasDataType(channelHubSettings.DataType) }); return((ChannelHubBase)Activator.CreateInstance(type, channelHubSettings)); }
public unsafe override object GetValue() { int elementSize; byte * sourcePtr; DataPort dataPort; dataPort = this.AssociatedDataInput; if (this.AssociatedDataInput != null) { sourcePtr = (byte *)dataPort.DataPtr.ToPointer(); elementSize = OneDasUtilities.SizeOf(typeof(T)); byte *targetPtr = stackalloc byte[elementSize]; if (dataPort.DataType == OneDasDataType.BOOLEAN && dataPort.BitOffset > -1) // special handling for boolean { // from bit to byte bool value; value = (*sourcePtr & (1 << dataPort.BitOffset)) > 0; targetPtr[0] = *(byte *)&value; } else { switch (dataPort.Endianness) { case Endianness.LittleEndian: for (int i = 0; i < elementSize; i++) { targetPtr[i] = sourcePtr[i]; } break; case Endianness.BigEndian: for (int i = 0; i < elementSize; i++) { targetPtr[i] = sourcePtr[elementSize - i - 1]; } break; default: throw new ArgumentException(); } } return(new Span <T>(targetPtr, 1)[0]); } else { return(null); } }
public unsafe DataStorageBase(Type type, int elementCount) { this.ElementSize = OneDasUtilities.SizeOf(type); _byteCount = this.ElementSize * elementCount; this.DataBufferPtr = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(_byteCount); this.DataBuffer.Clear(); }
public void Validate() { Contract.Requires(this.ProductVersion != null); string errorMessage; if (!OneDasUtilities.CheckNamingConvention(this.Id, out errorMessage)) { throw new Exception($"The ID is invalid: { errorMessage }"); } }
public void Validate() { IEnumerable <Guid> guidSet; string errorDescription; // -> naming convention if (!OneDasUtilities.CheckNamingConvention(this.Description.PrimaryGroupName, out errorDescription)) { throw new Exception(ErrorMessage.OneDasProject_PrimaryGroupNameInvalid); } if (!OneDasUtilities.CheckNamingConvention(this.Description.SecondaryGroupName, out errorDescription)) { throw new Exception(ErrorMessage.OneDasProject_SecondaryGroupNameInvalid); } if (!OneDasUtilities.CheckNamingConvention(this.Description.CampaignName, out errorDescription)) { throw new Exception(ErrorMessage.OneDasProject_CampaignNameInvalid); } if (!this.ChannelHubSettingsSet.ToList().TrueForAll(x => OneDasUtilities.CheckNamingConvention(x.Name, out errorDescription))) { throw new Exception(ErrorMessage.OneDasProject_ChannelHubNameInvalid); } // -> ChannelHub guidSet = this.ChannelHubSettingsSet.Select(x => x.Guid).ToList(); if (guidSet.Count() > guidSet.Distinct().Count()) { throw new Exception(ErrorMessage.OneDasProject_ChannelHubNotUnqiue); } // -> data gateway settings if (this.DataGatewaySettingsSet.Select(x => x.Description.InstanceId).Count() > this.DataGatewaySettingsSet.Select(x => x.Description.InstanceId).Distinct().Count()) { throw new Exception(ErrorMessage.OneDasProject_DataGatewaySettingsIdNotUnique); } this.DataGatewaySettingsSet.ToList().ForEach(dataGatewaySettings => dataGatewaySettings.Validate()); // -> data writer settings if (this.DataWriterSettingsSet.Select(x => x.Description.InstanceId).Count() > this.DataWriterSettingsSet.Select(x => x.Description.InstanceId).Distinct().Count()) { throw new Exception(ErrorMessage.OneDasProject_DataWriterSettingsIdNotUnique); } this.DataWriterSettingsSet.ToList().ForEach(dataWriterSettings => dataWriterSettings.Validate()); }
protected virtual int SetDataPortBufferOffset(KeyValuePair <OneDasModule, List <DataPort> > moduleEntry, int bufferOffsetBase, DataDirection dataDirection) { int dataPortOffset; dataPortOffset = 0; moduleEntry.Value.ForEach(dataPort => { dataPort.DataPtr = new IntPtr(bufferOffsetBase + dataPortOffset); dataPortOffset += OneDasUtilities.SizeOf(dataPort.DataType); }); return(moduleEntry.Key.GetByteCount()); }
public DataGatewaySampleGateway(DataGatewaySampleSettings settings) : base(settings) { Random random; random = new Random(); _settings = settings; _numberGeneratorSet = this.DataPortSet.Where(dataPort => dataPort.DataDirection == DataDirection.Input).ToList().Select(dataPort => { Type type; type = typeof(DataGatewaySampleNumberGenerator <>).MakeGenericType(OneDasUtilities.GetTypeFromOneDasDataType(dataPort.DataType)); return((DataGatewaySampleNumberGeneratorBase)Activator.CreateInstance(type, dataPort, random)); }).ToList(); }
public SlaveVariable(SlavePdo parent, string name, ushort index, byte subIndex, DataDirection dataDirection, OneDasDataType dataType, byte bitLength = 0) : base(name, dataType, dataDirection, Endianness.LittleEndian) { Contract.Requires(parent != null); this.Parent = parent; this.Index = index; this.SubIndex = subIndex; if (bitLength == 0) { this.BitLength = OneDasUtilities.GetBitLength(dataType, false); } else { this.BitLength = bitLength; } }
public DataWriterContext(string systemName, string dataDirectoryPath, OneDasCampaignDescription campaignDescription, IList <CustomMetadataEntry> customMetadataEntrySet) { Contract.Requires(customMetadataEntrySet != null); customMetadataEntrySet.ToList().ForEach(customMetaDataEntry => { if (!OneDasUtilities.CheckNamingConvention(customMetaDataEntry.Key, out errorDescription)) { throw new ArgumentException($"Argument '{ nameof(customMetadataEntrySet) }', value '{ customMetaDataEntry.Key }': { errorDescription }"); } }); this.SystemName = systemName; this.DataDirectoryPath = dataDirectoryPath; this.CampaignDescription = campaignDescription; this.CustomMetadataEntrySet = customMetadataEntrySet; }
public void Validate() { string errorMessage; if (!OneDasUtilities.CheckNamingConvention(this.ExtensionId, out errorMessage)) { throw new Exception($"The extension ID is invalid: { errorMessage }"); } if (this.InstanceId < 0) { throw new Exception(ErrorMessage.ActionRequest_InstanceIdInvalid); } if (!OneDasUtilities.CheckNamingConvention(this.MethodName, out errorMessage)) { throw new Exception($"The method name is invalid: { errorMessage }"); } }
public void Validate() { string errorMessage; if (this.Version < 0) { throw new Exception(ErrorMessage.OneDasCampaignDescription_InvalidVersion); } if (!OneDasUtilities.CheckNamingConvention(this.PrimaryGroupName, out errorMessage)) { throw new Exception($"The PrimaryGroupName is invalid: { errorMessage }"); } if (!OneDasUtilities.CheckNamingConvention(this.SecondaryGroupName, out errorMessage)) { throw new Exception($"The SecondaryGroupName is invalid: { errorMessage }"); } if (!OneDasUtilities.CheckNamingConvention(this.CampaignName, out errorMessage)) { throw new Exception($"The CampaignName is invalid: { errorMessage }"); } }
public Task <DataAvailabilityStatistics> GetDataAvailabilityStatistics(string campaignName, DateTime dateTimeBegin, DateTime dateTimeEnd) { long fileId = -1; ulong lengthPerDay; ulong offset; ulong start; ulong stride; ulong block; ulong count; double totalDays; int[] data; int[] aggregatedData; DateTime epochStart; DateTime epochEnd; DataAvailabilityGranularity granularity; return(Task.Run(() => { this.CheckState(); // open file fileId =, H5F.ACC_RDONLY); // epoch & hyperslab epochStart = new DateTime(2000, 01, 01); epochEnd = new DateTime(2030, 01, 01); if (!(epochStart <= dateTimeBegin && dateTimeBegin <= dateTimeEnd && dateTimeEnd <= epochEnd)) { throw new Exception("requirement >> epochStart <= dateTimeBegin && dateTimeBegin <= dateTimeEnd && dateTimeBegin <= epochEnd << is not matched"); } lengthPerDay = OneDasUtilities.GetSamplesPerDayFromString("is_chunk_completed_set"); start = (ulong)(Math.Floor((dateTimeBegin - epochStart).TotalDays * lengthPerDay)); stride = 1; block = (ulong)(Math.Ceiling((dateTimeEnd - dateTimeBegin).TotalDays * lengthPerDay)); count = 1; // get data totalDays = (dateTimeEnd - dateTimeBegin).TotalDays; data = IOHelper.ReadDataset <byte>(fileId, $"{ campaignName }/is_chunk_completed_set", start, stride, block, count).Select(value => (int)value).ToArray(); if (totalDays <= 7) { granularity = DataAvailabilityGranularity.ChunkLevel; aggregatedData = data; } else if (totalDays <= 365) { granularity = DataAvailabilityGranularity.DayLevel; offset = (ulong)dateTimeBegin.TimeOfDay.TotalMinutes; aggregatedData = new int[(int)Math.Ceiling(totalDays)]; Parallel.For(0, (int)Math.Ceiling(totalDays), day => { ulong startIndex; // inclusive ulong endIndex; // exclusive startIndex = (ulong)day * lengthPerDay; endIndex = startIndex + lengthPerDay; if ((int)startIndex - (int)offset < 0) { startIndex = 0; } else { startIndex = startIndex - offset; } if (endIndex - offset >= (ulong)data.Length) { endIndex = (ulong)data.Length; } else { endIndex = endIndex - offset; } aggregatedData[day] = (int)((double)data.Skip((int)startIndex).Take((int)(endIndex - startIndex)).Sum() / (endIndex - startIndex) * 100); }); } else { int totalMonths; DateTime totalDateTimeBegin; totalMonths = (dateTimeEnd.Month - dateTimeBegin.Month) + 1 + 12 * (dateTimeEnd.Year - dateTimeBegin.Year); totalDateTimeBegin = new DateTime(dateTimeBegin.Year, dateTimeBegin.Month, 1); granularity = DataAvailabilityGranularity.MonthLevel; offset = (ulong)(dateTimeBegin - totalDateTimeBegin).TotalMinutes; aggregatedData = new int[totalMonths]; Parallel.For(0, totalMonths, month => { ulong startIndex; // inclusive ulong endIndex; // exclusive DateTime currentDateTimeBegin; DateTime currentDateTimeEnd; currentDateTimeBegin = totalDateTimeBegin.AddMonths(month); currentDateTimeEnd = currentDateTimeBegin.AddMonths(1); if ((currentDateTimeBegin - totalDateTimeBegin).TotalMinutes - offset < 0) { startIndex = 0; } else { startIndex = (ulong)(currentDateTimeBegin - totalDateTimeBegin).TotalMinutes - offset; } if ((currentDateTimeEnd - totalDateTimeBegin).TotalMinutes - offset >= data.Length) { endIndex = (ulong)data.Length; } else { endIndex = (ulong)(currentDateTimeEnd - totalDateTimeBegin).TotalMinutes - offset; } aggregatedData[month] = (int)((double)data.Skip((int)startIndex).Take((int)(endIndex - startIndex)).Sum() / (endIndex - startIndex) * 100); }); } // clean up H5F.close(fileId); return new DataAvailabilityStatistics(granularity, aggregatedData); })); }
public Task <string> GetData(DateTime dateTimeBegin, DateTime dateTimeEnd, string sampleRateDescription, FileFormat fileFormat, FileGranularity fileGranularity, Dictionary <string, Dictionary <string, List <string> > > campaignInfoSet) { long fileId = -1; long datasetId = -1; ulong start; ulong stride; ulong block; ulong count; ulong segmentLength; ulong segmentSize; ulong bytesPerRow; double sampleRate; DateTime epochStart; DateTime epochEnd; string zipFilePath; // task return(Task.Run(() => { this.CheckState(); if (!campaignInfoSet.Any()) { return string.Empty; } // zip file zipFilePath = Path.Combine(_options.SupportDirectoryPath, "EXPORT", $"OneDAS_{ dateTimeBegin.ToString("yyyy-MM-ddTHH-mm") }_{ sampleRateDescription }_{ Guid.NewGuid().ToString() }.zip"); // sampleRate sampleRate = sampleRateDescription.ToSampleRate(); // epoch & hyperslab epochStart = new DateTime(2000, 01, 01); epochEnd = new DateTime(2030, 01, 01); if (!(epochStart <= dateTimeBegin && dateTimeBegin <= dateTimeEnd && dateTimeEnd <= epochEnd)) { throw new Exception("requirement >> epochStart <= dateTimeBegin && dateTimeBegin <= dateTimeEnd && dateTimeBegin <= epochEnd << is not matched"); } start = (ulong)(Math.Floor((dateTimeBegin - epochStart).TotalSeconds * sampleRate)); stride = 1; block = (ulong)(Math.Ceiling((dateTimeEnd - dateTimeBegin).TotalSeconds * sampleRate)); count = 1; try { // open file fileId =, H5F.ACC_RDONLY); // byte count bytesPerRow = 0; foreach (var campaignInfo in campaignInfoSet) { foreach (var variableInfo in campaignInfo.Value) { foreach (string datasetInfo in variableInfo.Value) { try { datasetId =, $"{ campaignInfo.Key }/{ variableInfo.Key }/{ datasetInfo }"); bytesPerRow += (ulong)OneDasUtilities.SizeOf(TypeConversionHelper.GetTypeFromHdfTypeId(H5D.get_type(datasetId))); } finally { if (H5I.is_valid(datasetId) > 0) { H5D.close(datasetId); } } } } } this.GetClient().SendByteCount(bytesPerRow * block); segmentSize = (50 * 1024 * 1024) / bytesPerRow * bytesPerRow; segmentLength = segmentSize / bytesPerRow; // ensure that dataset length is multiple of 1 minute if ((segmentLength / sampleRate) % 60 != 0) { segmentLength = (ulong)((ulong)(segmentLength / sampleRate / 60) * 60 * sampleRate); } // start _stateManager.SetState(this.Context.ConnectionId, HdfExplorerState.Loading); using (ZipArchive zipArchive = ZipFile.Open(zipFilePath, ZipArchiveMode.Create)) { foreach (var campaignInfo in campaignInfoSet) { HdfDataLoader hdfDataLoader; hdfDataLoader = new HdfDataLoader(_stateManager.GetToken(this.Context.ConnectionId)); hdfDataLoader.ProgressUpdated += this.OnProgressUpdated; if (!hdfDataLoader.WriteZipFileCampaignEntry(zipArchive, fileGranularity, fileFormat, new ZipSettings(dateTimeBegin, campaignInfo, fileId, sampleRate, start, stride, block, count, segmentLength))) { return string.Empty; } } } } catch (Exception ex) { this.WriteLogEntry(ex.Message, true); throw; } finally { _stateManager.SetState(this.Context.ConnectionId, HdfExplorerState.Idle); if (H5I.is_valid(fileId) > 0) { H5F.close(fileId); } } this.WriteLogEntry($"{ this.Context.GetHttpContext().Connection.RemoteIpAddress } requested data: { dateTimeBegin.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") } to { dateTimeEnd.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") }", false); return $"download/{ Path.GetFileName(zipFilePath) }"; }, _stateManager.GetToken(this.Context.ConnectionId))); }
public bool WriteZipFileCampaignEntry(ZipArchive zipArchive, FileGranularity fileGranularity, FileFormat fileFormat, ZipSettings zipSettings) { IList <VariableDescription> variableDescriptionSet; IList <CustomMetadataEntry> customMetadataEntrySet; ZipArchiveEntry zipArchiveEntry; DataWriterExtensionLogicBase dataWriter; DataWriterExtensionSettingsBase settings; DataWriterContext dataWriterContext; string directoryPath; string[] campaignName_splitted; string[] filePathSet; int currentFile; int fileCount; // build variable descriptions variableDescriptionSet = new List <VariableDescription>(); zipSettings.CampaignInfo.Value.ToList().ForEach(variableInfo => { variableInfo.Value.ForEach(datasetName => { long groupId = -1; long typeId = -1; long datasetId = -1; string displayName; string groupName; string unit; ulong samplesPerDay; OneDasDataType oneDasDataType; hdf_transfer_function_t[] hdf_transfer_function_t_set; List <TransferFunction> transferFunctionSet; try { groupId =, $"{ zipSettings.CampaignInfo.Key }/{ variableInfo.Key }"); datasetId =, datasetName); typeId = H5D.get_type(datasetId); displayName = IOHelper.ReadAttribute <string>(groupId, "name_set").Last(); groupName = IOHelper.ReadAttribute <string>(groupId, "group_set").Last(); unit = IOHelper.ReadAttribute <string>(groupId, "unit_set").LastOrDefault(); hdf_transfer_function_t_set = IOHelper.ReadAttribute <hdf_transfer_function_t>(groupId, "transfer_function_set"); transferFunctionSet = hdf_transfer_function_t_set.Select(tf => new TransferFunction(DateTime.ParseExact(tf.date_time, "yyyy-MM-ddTHH-mm-ssZ", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture), tf.type, tf.option, tf.argument)).ToList(); oneDasDataType = OneDasUtilities.GetOneDasDataTypeFromType(TypeConversionHelper.GetTypeFromHdfTypeId(typeId)); samplesPerDay = OneDasUtilities.GetSamplesPerDayFromString(datasetName); variableDescriptionSet.Add(new VariableDescription(new Guid(variableInfo.Key), displayName, datasetName, groupName, oneDasDataType, samplesPerDay, unit, transferFunctionSet, typeof(ISimpleDataStorage))); } finally { if (H5I.is_valid(datasetId) > 0) { H5D.close(datasetId); } if (H5I.is_valid(groupId) > 0) { H5G.close(groupId); } if (H5I.is_valid(typeId) > 0) { H5T.close(typeId); } } }); }); dataWriter = null; // REMOVE ONE IMPLEMENTED PROPERLY switch (fileFormat) { case FileFormat.CSV: //settings = new CsvSettings() { FileGranularity = fileGranularity }; //dataWriter = new CsvWriter((CsvSettings)settings, new LoggerFactory()); break; case FileFormat.GAM: //settings = new GamSettings() { FileGranularity = fileGranularity }; //dataWriter = new GamWriter((GamSettings)settings, new LoggerFactory()); break; case FileFormat.MAT73: //settings = new Mat73Settings() { FileGranularity = fileGranularity }; //dataWriter = new Mat73Writer((Mat73Settings)settings, new LoggerFactory()); break; default: throw new NotImplementedException(); } // create temp directory directoryPath = Path.Combine(Path.GetTempPath(), "OneDas.Hdf.Explorer", Guid.NewGuid().ToString()); Directory.CreateDirectory(directoryPath); // create custom meta data customMetadataEntrySet = new List <CustomMetadataEntry>(); //customMetadataEntrySet.Add(new CustomMetadataEntry("system_name", "HDF Explorer", CustomMetadataEntryLevel.File)); // initialize data writer campaignName_splitted = zipSettings.CampaignInfo.Key.Split('/'); dataWriterContext = new DataWriterContext("HDF Explorer", directoryPath, new OneDasCampaignDescription(Guid.Empty, 0, campaignName_splitted[1], campaignName_splitted[2], campaignName_splitted[3]), customMetadataEntrySet); dataWriter.Configure(dataWriterContext, variableDescriptionSet); // create temp files try { if (!this.CreateFiles(dataWriter, zipSettings)) { this.CleanUp(directoryPath); return(false); } } finally { dataWriter.Dispose(); } // write zip archive entries filePathSet = Directory.GetFiles(directoryPath, "*", SearchOption.AllDirectories); currentFile = 0; fileCount = filePathSet.Count(); foreach (string filePath in filePathSet) { zipArchiveEntry = zipArchive.CreateEntry(Path.GetFileName(filePath), CompressionLevel.Optimal); this.OnProgressUpdated(new ProgressUpdatedEventArgs(currentFile / (double)fileCount * 100, $"Writing file { currentFile + 1 } / { fileCount } to ZIP archive ...")); using (FileStream fileStream = File.Open(filePath, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read)) { using (Stream zipArchiveEntryStream = zipArchiveEntry.Open()) { fileStream.CopyTo(zipArchiveEntryStream); } } currentFile++; } this.CleanUp(directoryPath); return(true); }
private bool IsAssociationAllowed(DataPort dataPort, ChannelHubSettings channelHub) { return(OneDasUtilities.GetBitLength(dataPort.DataType, true) == OneDasUtilities.GetBitLength(channelHub.DataType, true)); }