Пример #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Link all Parameters to the animator
        /// </summary>
        public virtual void LinkingAnimator()
            if (!Death)
                Anim.SetFloat(hash_Vertical, vertical);
                Anim.SetFloat(hash_Horizontal, horizontal);
                Anim.SetBool(hash_Stand, stand);
                Anim.SetBool(hash_Shift, Shift);
                Anim.SetBool(hash_Jump, jump);
                Anim.SetBool(hash_Attack1, attack1);
                Anim.SetBool(hash_Damaged, damaged);
                Anim.SetBool(hash_Action, action);
                Anim.SetInteger(hash_IDAction, ActionID);
                Anim.SetInteger(hash_IDInt, IDInt);                //The problem is that is always zero if you change it externally;

                //Optional Animator Parameters
                if (hasSlope)
                    Anim.SetFloat(hash_Slope, Slope);
                if (hasStun)
                    Anim.SetBool(hash_Stunned, stun);
                if (hasAttack2)
                    Anim.SetBool(hash_Attack2, attack2);
                if (hasUpDown)
                    Anim.SetFloat(hash_UpDown, movementAxis.y);
                if (hasStateTime)
                    Anim.SetFloat(hash_StateTime, StateTime);
                if (hasDodge)
                    Anim.SetBool(hash_Dodge, dodge);
                if (hasFly && canFly)
                    Anim.SetBool(hash_Fly, Fly);
                if (hasSwim && canSwim)
                    Anim.SetBool(hash_Swim, swim);
                if (hasUnderwater && CanGoUnderWater)
                    Anim.SetBool(hash_Underwater, underwater);

            Anim.SetBool(hash_Fall, fall); //Update  fall either if is death or not

            OnSyncAnimator.Invoke();       //Ready to Sync all the parameters with external scripts ... (Riding System)
Пример #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Link all Parameters to the animator
        /// </summary>
        public virtual void LinkingAnimator()
            if (!Death)
                Anim.SetFloat(Hash.Vertical, speed);
                Anim.SetFloat(Hash.Horizontal, direction);
                Anim.SetFloat(Hash.Slope, slope);
                Anim.SetBool(Hash.Shift, shift);
                Anim.SetBool(Hash.Stand, stand);
                Anim.SetBool(Hash._Jump, jump);

                Anim.SetBool(Hash.Attack1, attack1);

                Anim.SetBool(Hash.Damaged, damaged);

                Anim.SetBool(Hash.Stunned, stun);
                Anim.SetBool(Hash.Action, action);

                Anim.SetInteger(Hash.IDAction, actionID);
                Anim.SetInteger(Hash.IDInt, IDInt);                //The problem is that is always zero if you change it externally;

                //Optional Animator Parameters
                if (hasAttack2)
                    Anim.SetBool(Hash.Attack2, attack2);
                if (hasUpDown)
                    Anim.SetFloat(Hash.UpDown, movementAxis.y);
                if (hasDodge)
                    Anim.SetBool(Hash.Dodge, dodge);
                if (hasFly && canFly)
                    Anim.SetBool(Hash.Fly, Fly);
                if (hasSwim && canSwim)
                    Anim.SetBool(Hash.Swim, swim);
                if (hasUnderwater && CanGoUnderWater)
                    Anim.SetBool(Hash.Underwater, underwater);
            Anim.SetBool(Hash.Fall, fall); //Calculate fall either if is death or not

            OnSyncAnimator.Invoke();       //Ready to Sync all the parameters with external scripts ... (Ridign System)