Пример #1
        unsafe private void OnProcessSampleEvent(int mediaTypeID, uint dwSampleFlags, long llSampleTime, long llSampleDuration, uint dwSampleSize, ref byte[] sampleBuffer)
                if (mediaTypeID == 0)
                    if (_vpxEncoder == null)
                        logger.Warn("Video sample cannot be processed as the VPX encoder has not yet received the frame size.");
                        byte[] vpxEncodedBuffer = null;

                            fixed(byte *p = sampleBuffer)
                                int encodeResult = _vpxEncoder.Encode(p, (int)dwSampleSize, 1, ref vpxEncodedBuffer);

                                if (encodeResult != 0)
                                    logger.Warn("VPX encode of video sample failed.");

                        OnMediaSampleReady?.Invoke(MediaSampleTypeEnum.VP8, _vp8Timestamp, vpxEncodedBuffer);

                        //Console.WriteLine($"Video SeqNum {videoSeqNum}, timestamp {videoTimestamp}, buffer length {vpxEncodedBuffer.Length}, frame count {sampleProps.FrameCount}.");

                        _vp8Timestamp += VP8_TIMESTAMP_SPACING;
                    uint sampleDuration = (uint)(sampleBuffer.Length / 2);

                    byte[] mulawSample = new byte[sampleDuration];
                    int    sampleIndex = 0;

                    // ToDo: Find a way to wire up the Media foundation WAVE_FORMAT_MULAW codec so the encoding below is not necessary.
                    for (int index = 0; index < sampleBuffer.Length; index += 2)
                        var ulawByte = MuLawEncoder.LinearToMuLawSample(BitConverter.ToInt16(sampleBuffer, index));
                        mulawSample[sampleIndex++] = ulawByte;

                    OnMediaSampleReady?.Invoke(MediaSampleTypeEnum.Mulaw, _mulawTimestamp, mulawSample);

                    //Console.WriteLine($"Audio SeqNum {audioSeqNum}, timestamp {audioTimestamp}, buffer length {mulawSample.Length}.");

                    _mulawTimestamp += sampleDuration;
            catch (Exception excp)
                logger.Warn("Exception MfSampleGrabber_OnProcessSampleEvent. " + excp.Message);
Пример #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Starts the Media Foundation sampling.
        /// </summary>
        unsafe private static void StartMedia()
                logger.LogDebug("Starting media sampling thread.");

                _isSampling = true;

                while (true)
                    if (OnMediaSampleReady == null)
                        logger.LogDebug("No active clients, media sampling paused.");
                        byte[] sampleBuffer = null;
                        var    sample       = _mediaSource.GetSample(ref sampleBuffer);

                        if (sample != null && sample.HasVideoSample)
                            if (_vpxEncoder == null ||
                                (_vpxEncoder.GetWidth() != sample.Width || _vpxEncoder.GetHeight() != sample.Height || _vpxEncoder.GetStride() != sample.Stride))
                                OnVideoResolutionChanged((uint)sample.Width, (uint)sample.Height, (uint)sample.Stride);

                            byte[] vpxEncodedBuffer = null;

                                fixed(byte *p = sampleBuffer)
                                    int encodeResult = _vpxEncoder.Encode(p, sampleBuffer.Length, 1, ref vpxEncodedBuffer);

                                    if (encodeResult != 0)
                                        logger.LogWarning("VPX encode of video sample failed.");

                            OnMediaSampleReady?.Invoke(SDPMediaTypesEnum.video, _vp8Timestamp, vpxEncodedBuffer);

                            //Console.WriteLine($"Video SeqNum {videoSeqNum}, timestamp {videoTimestamp}, buffer length {vpxEncodedBuffer.Length}, frame count {sampleProps.FrameCount}.");

                            _vp8Timestamp += VP8_TIMESTAMP_SPACING;
                        else if (sample != null && sample.HasAudioSample)
                            uint sampleDuration = (uint)(sampleBuffer.Length / 2);

                            byte[] mulawSample = new byte[sampleDuration];
                            int    sampleIndex = 0;

                            for (int index = 0; index < sampleBuffer.Length; index += 2)
                                var ulawByte = MuLawEncoder.LinearToMuLawSample(BitConverter.ToInt16(sampleBuffer, index));
                                mulawSample[sampleIndex++] = ulawByte;

                            OnMediaSampleReady?.Invoke(SDPMediaTypesEnum.audio, _mulawTimestamp, mulawSample);

                            //Console.WriteLine($"Audio SeqNum {audioSeqNum}, timestamp {audioTimestamp}, buffer length {mulawSample.Length}.");

                            _mulawTimestamp += sampleDuration;
            catch (Exception excp)
                logger.LogWarning("Exception OnProcessSampleEvent. " + excp.Message);
                logger.LogDebug("Media sampling thread stopped.");

                _isSampling = false;
Пример #3
        static void Main(string[] args)
            Console.WriteLine("SIPSorcery SIP to WebRTC example.");
            Console.WriteLine("Press ctrl-c to exit.");

            // Plumbing code to facilitate a graceful exit.
            CancellationTokenSource exitCts = new CancellationTokenSource(); // Cancellation token to stop the SIP transport and RTP stream.


            // Start web socket.
            Console.WriteLine("Starting web socket server...");
            _webSocketServer = new WebSocketServer(IPAddress.Any, WEBSOCKET_PORT, true);
            _webSocketServer.SslConfiguration.ServerCertificate          = new X509Certificate2(WEBSOCKET_CERTIFICATE_PATH);
            _webSocketServer.SslConfiguration.CheckCertificateRevocation = false;
            //_webSocketServer.Log.Level = WebSocketSharp.LogLevel.Debug;
            _webSocketServer.AddWebSocketService <SDPExchange>("/", (sdpExchanger) =>
                sdpExchanger.WebSocketOpened   += SendSDPOffer;
                sdpExchanger.SDPAnswerReceived += SDPAnswerReceived;

            Console.WriteLine($"Waiting for browser web socket connection to {_webSocketServer.Address}:{_webSocketServer.Port}...");

            // Set up a default SIP transport.
            var sipTransport = new SIPTransport();

            sipTransport.AddSIPChannel(new SIPUDPChannel(new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Any, SIP_LISTEN_PORT)));


            RTPMediaSession RtpMediaSession = null;

            // Create a SIP user agent to receive a call from a remote SIP client.
            // Wire up event handlers for the different stages of the call.
            var userAgent = new SIPUserAgent(sipTransport, null);

            // We're only answering SIP calls, not placing them.
            userAgent.OnCallHungup += () =>
                Log.LogInformation($"Call hungup by remote party.");
            userAgent.ServerCallCancelled += (uas) => Log.LogInformation("Incoming call cancelled by caller.");

            sipTransport.SIPTransportRequestReceived += async(localEndPoint, remoteEndPoint, sipRequest) =>
                if (sipRequest.Header.From != null &&
                    sipRequest.Header.From.FromTag != null &&
                    sipRequest.Header.To != null &&
                    sipRequest.Header.To.ToTag != null)
                    // This is an in-dialog request that will be handled directly by a user agent instance.
                else if (sipRequest.Method == SIPMethodsEnum.INVITE)
                    if (userAgent?.IsCallActive == true)
                        Log.LogWarning($"Busy response returned for incoming call request from {remoteEndPoint}: {sipRequest.StatusLine}.");
                        // If we are already on a call return a busy response.
                        UASInviteTransaction uasTransaction = new UASInviteTransaction(sipTransport, sipRequest, null);
                        SIPResponse          busyResponse   = SIPResponse.GetResponse(sipRequest, SIPResponseStatusCodesEnum.BusyHere, null);
                        Log.LogInformation($"Incoming call request from {remoteEndPoint}: {sipRequest.StatusLine}.");
                        var incomingCall = userAgent.AcceptCall(sipRequest);

                        RtpMediaSession = new RTPMediaSession(SDPMediaTypesEnum.audio, new SDPMediaFormat(SDPMediaFormatsEnum.PCMU), AddressFamily.InterNetwork);
                        await userAgent.Answer(incomingCall, RtpMediaSession);

                        RtpMediaSession.OnRtpPacketReceived += (mediaType, rtpPacket) => OnMediaSampleReady?.Invoke(mediaType, rtpPacket.Header.Timestamp, rtpPacket.Payload);

                        Log.LogInformation($"Answered incoming call from {sipRequest.Header.From.FriendlyDescription()} at {remoteEndPoint}.");
                    Log.LogDebug($"SIP {sipRequest.Method} request received but no processing has been set up for it, rejecting.");
                    SIPResponse notAllowedResponse = SIPResponse.GetResponse(sipRequest, SIPResponseStatusCodesEnum.MethodNotAllowed, null);
                    await sipTransport.SendResponseAsync(notAllowedResponse);

            // Ctrl-c will gracefully exit the call at any point.
            Console.CancelKeyPress += delegate(object sender, ConsoleCancelEventArgs e)
                e.Cancel = true;

            // Wait for a signal saying the call failed, was cancelled with ctrl-c or completed.

            #region Cleanup.



            if (userAgent != null)
                if (userAgent.IsCallActive)
                    Log.LogInformation($"Hanging up call to {userAgent?.CallDescriptor?.To}.");

                // Give the BYE or CANCEL request time to be transmitted.
                Log.LogInformation("Waiting 1s for call to clean up...");


            if (sipTransport != null)
                Log.LogInformation("Shutting down SIP transport...");
