private DirectoryCopierFileCopyMode FireFileExistsEvent(string file1, string file2) { var eventArgs = new DirectoryCopierFileExistsEventArgs(file1, file2); OnFileExists?.Invoke(this, eventArgs); return(eventArgs.FileCopyMode); }
public async Task <InstallationResult> InstallRevision(Revision revision, string topDir, IProgress <int> progress, CancellationToken cancel = default(CancellationToken)) { /* Copy files and blahblah */ var directoryCopier = new DirectoryCopier(_fs, topDir, _dirParser.InstallationPath, true); directoryCopier.OnProgress += (s, e) => progress?.Report(e.Progress); directoryCopier.OnFileExists += (s, e) => OnFileExists?.Invoke(s, e); try { await directoryCopier.Execute(cancel); } catch (OperationCanceledException) { return(InstallationResult.Cancelled); } revision.ChangeTopDirectory(topDir, _dirParser.InstallationPath); revision.Metadata["Size"] = Convert.ToString(revision.CalculateSizeOnDisk(_fs)); revision.Metadata["InstallationTime"] = DateTime.Now.ToString(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture); Database.AddToDb(revision); Database.WriteDbDisk(); return(InstallationResult.Success); }
public async Task ExecuteInstallation(int id) { var zipTmp = _fs.GetTempPath(); var tempDir = _fs.GetTempPath(); IZipFile zip = null; var progress = new Progress <int>(i => SetProgress(_currentProgressState, i)); _revisionMgr.OnFileExists += (s, e) => OnFileExists?.Invoke(s, e); if (!_fs.DirectoryExists(tempDir)) { _fs.CreateDirectory(tempDir); } LogInstallation("Installing revision " + id + "\n"); _currentProgressState = ProgressState.Download; LogInstallation("Downloading file...\n"); Action cleanup = delegate { if (zip != null) { if (zip is MockZipFile) { _fs.DeleteDirectory(zipTmp); } else { _fs.DeleteFile(zipTmp); } } _fs.DeleteDirectory(tempDir); }; try { await _api.DownloadRevisionZip(id, zipTmp, progress); } catch (WebException e) { MessageBox.Show("Failed to download: " + e.Message); cleanup(); return; } _currentProgressState = ProgressState.Extraction; LogInstallation("Extracting zip file...\n"); zip = _fs.OpenZip(zipTmp); await zip.Extract(tempDir, progress); var parser = new TempRevisionParser(tempDir, _fs); var modDir = parser.FindModFolder(); if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(modDir)) { const string s = "This mod cannot be installed because it does not have the appropriate file-structure."; LogInstallation(s); MessageBox.Show(s); cleanup(); return; } _currentProgressState = ProgressState.Installation; LogInstallation("Installing files to SFM...\n"); var tmpRev = Revision.CreateTemporaryRevisionFromFolder(id, modDir, _fs); await _api.FetchMetadata(tmpRev); var result = await _revisionMgr.InstallRevision(tmpRev, modDir, progress, CancellationSource.Token); /* If we don't do this the directory deletion crashes because the handle created in zip.Extract is not released properly? */ GC.Collect(); GC.WaitForPendingFinalizers(); LogInstallation("Cleaning up...\n"); cleanup(); switch (result) { case InstallationResult.Success: LogInstallation("Installation cancelled by user\n"); break; case InstallationResult.Cancelled: LogInstallation("Installation successful\n"); break; default: throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(); } LogInstallation("Done!\n"); }