Пример #1
        public override void RetrieveBiblePassage(string bibleAddress, OnBibleResult onResult)
            // I normally hate returning from places other than the bottom, but to prevent
            // wrapping the ENTIRE function, we will.
            if (RetrievingVerse == true)

            RetrievingVerse = true;
            RestRequest request = new RestRequest(Method.GET);

            // We expect the Bible URL to be written in the format "bible://[Translation]/[Book]/[Chapter]".
            string translation, book, chapter;

            FriendlyBibleUrlToParts(bibleAddress, out translation, out book, out chapter);

            // now based on the translation, get the correct book abbreviations that the API expects
            GetBookAbbreviation(translation, book, delegate(string bookAbbrev)
                if (bookAbbrev != null)
                    // Build the URI for the Bible Searches API request.
                    string BibleSearchesAddress = String.Format(BiblesOrg_Chapter_URL, translation, bookAbbrev, chapter);

                    HttpRequest webRequest = new HttpRequest( );
                    webRequest.ExecuteAsync <RestResponse>(BibleSearchesAddress, request, SecuredValues.Bible_Searches_API_Key, string.Empty, delegate(System.Net.HttpStatusCode statusCode, string statusDescription, RestResponse response)
                        string htmlStream = null;
                        if (Util.StatusInSuccessRange(statusCode) == true)
                            string text, copyright;
                            if (TryParseChapter(response.Content, out text, out copyright))
                                string titleHTML = "<h2>" + book + " " + chapter + " (" + translation + ")" + "</h2><br/>";

                                string styleHeader = "<head>" +
                                                     "<style type=\"text/css\">" +
                                                     "html {-webkit-text-size-adjust:none}" +
                                                     "body {" +
                                                     "font-family: Arial;" +
                                                     "color: white;" +
                                                     "background-color: #1C1C1C;" +
                                                     "}" +
                                                     "</style>" +

                                string copyrightHtml = "<small>" + copyright + "</small>";

                                // adds the CSS header to the HTML string
                                htmlStream = "<html>"
                                             + styleHeader
                                             + "<body>"
                                             + titleHTML
                                             + text
                                             + copyright
                                             + "</body></html>";

                                // get rid of <a href> tags in the copyright because the WebView
                                // is not set up aesthetically to show any other pages but this HTML response
                                htmlStream = Regex.Replace(htmlStream, "<a href=.*?>", String.Empty);
                                htmlStream = Regex.Replace(htmlStream, "</a>", String.Empty);

                        // return the htmlStream we built
                        RetrievingVerse = false;
                // Book Abbreviation Request failed
                    RetrievingVerse = false;
Пример #2
        public override void RetrieveBiblePassage(string bibleAddress, OnBibleResult onResult)
            string htmlStream = string.Empty;

            // first, convert what the user typed in into fragments
            string bookStr, chapterStr;

            if (FriendlyBibleUrlToParts(bibleAddress, out bookStr, out chapterStr))
                Book book = new Book( );

#if __IOS__
                using (StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(Foundation.NSBundle.MainBundle.BundlePath + "/" + "bible_niv_xml.xml"))
#elif __ANDROID__
                using (StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(Rock.Mobile.PlatformSpecific.Android.Core.Context.Assets.Open("bible_niv_xml.xml")))
#elif __WIN__ //NOTE: Not supported or needed on Windows platform
                using (StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(""))
                    using (XmlTextReader reader = new XmlTextReader(sr))
                        while (reader.Read( ))
                            switch (reader.NodeType)
                            case XmlNodeType.Element:
                                if (reader.Name == "b")
                                    string bookName = reader.GetAttribute("n");

                                    // if this is the book we want, parse it.
                                    if (bookName.ToLower( ) == bookStr.ToLower( ))
                                        List <Chapter> chapterList = ParseBook(reader);

                                        book.Name     = bookName;
                                        book.Chapters = chapterList;


                        if (book.IsValid( ))
                            // get the chapter they want
                            int    chapterNum = int.Parse(chapterStr);
                            string textBody   = book.GetHTML(chapterNum);

                            // cool, build html
                            string titleHTML = "<h2>" + book.Name + " " + chapterStr + " (" + "NIV" + ")" + "</h2>";

                            string styleHeader = "<head>" +
                                                 "<style type=\"text/css\">" +
                                                 "html {-webkit-text-size-adjust:none}" +
                                                 "body {" +
                                                 "font-family: Arial;" +
                                                 "color: white;" +
                                                 "background-color: #1C1C1C;" +
                                                 "}" +
                                                 "</style>" +

                            string copyrightHtml = "<p style=\"text-align: center\"><small>" + CopyrightText + "</small></p>";

                            // adds the CSS header to the HTML string
                            htmlStream = "<html>"
                                         + styleHeader
                                         + "<body>"
                                         + titleHTML
                                         + textBody
                                         + copyrightHtml
                                         + "</body></html>";

Пример #3
 public abstract void RetrieveBiblePassage(string bibleAddress, OnBibleResult onResult);