private async Task updateDevicesIfNeededAsync(OmemoXmlDevices devicesRemote) { if (devicesRemote is null) { devicesRemote = new OmemoXmlDevices(); } bool updateDeviceList = false; /** * Device id hasn't been set or we have an invalid one. Pick a random, unique one. * Versions of UWPX < v. had an invalid one. * OMEMO allows only device IDs between 1 and (2^31 - 1) * **/ if (CONNECTION.account.omemoDeviceId == 0 || CONNECTION.account.omemoDeviceId > 0x7FFFFFFF) { tmpDeviceId = CryptoUtils.GenerateUniqueDeviceId(devicesRemote.DEVICES.Select(d => d.ID).ToList()); devicesRemote.DEVICES.Add(new OmemoXmlDevice(tmpDeviceId, CONNECTION.account.omemoDeviceLabel)); updateDeviceList = true; } else { tmpDeviceId = CONNECTION.account.omemoDeviceId; OmemoXmlDevice remoteDevice = devicesRemote.DEVICES.Where(d => d.ID == tmpDeviceId).FirstOrDefault(); // Device does not exist: if (remoteDevice is null) { devicesRemote.DEVICES.Add(new OmemoXmlDevice(tmpDeviceId, CONNECTION.account.omemoDeviceLabel)); updateDeviceList = true; } // Device label changed: else if (!string.Equals(remoteDevice.label, CONNECTION.account.omemoDeviceLabel)) { remoteDevice.label = CONNECTION.account.omemoDeviceLabel; updateDeviceList = true; } } if (updateDeviceList) { await updateDeviceListAsync(devicesRemote); } else if (!CONNECTION.account.omemoBundleInfoAnnounced || updateDeviceList) { await announceBundleInfoAsync(); } else { setState(OmemoHelperState.ENABLED); } DEVICES = devicesRemote; // Store the new list in the DB: OMEMO_STORAGE.StoreDevices(DEVICES.toOmemoProtocolAddress(CONNECTION.account.getBareJid()), CONNECTION.account.getBareJid()); }
private async Task updateDevicesIfNeededAsync(OmemoXmlDevices devicesRemote) { if (devicesRemote is null) { devicesRemote = new OmemoXmlDevices(); } bool updateDeviceList = false; // Device id hasn't been set. Pick a random, unique one: if (CONNECTION.account.omemoDeviceId == 0) { tmpDeviceId = CryptoUtils.GenerateUniqueDeviceId(devicesRemote.DEVICES.Select(d => d.ID).ToList()); devicesRemote.DEVICES.Add(new OmemoXmlDevice(tmpDeviceId, CONNECTION.account.omemoDeviceLabel)); updateDeviceList = true; } else { tmpDeviceId = CONNECTION.account.omemoDeviceId; OmemoXmlDevice remoteDevice = devicesRemote.DEVICES.Where(d => d.ID == tmpDeviceId).FirstOrDefault(); // Device does not exist: if (remoteDevice is null) { devicesRemote.DEVICES.Add(new OmemoXmlDevice(tmpDeviceId, CONNECTION.account.omemoDeviceLabel)); updateDeviceList = true; } // Device label changed: else if (!string.Equals(remoteDevice.label, CONNECTION.account.omemoDeviceLabel)) { remoteDevice.label = CONNECTION.account.omemoDeviceLabel; updateDeviceList = true; } } if (updateDeviceList) { await updateDeviceListAsync(devicesRemote); } else if (!CONNECTION.account.omemoBundleInfoAnnounced || true) { await announceBundleInfoAsync(); } else { setState(OmemoHelperState.ENABLED); } DEVICES = devicesRemote; }
public void SaveDeviceLabel(string deviceLabel, Client client) { OmemoAccountInformationModel omemoInfo = client.dbAccount.omemoInfo; deviceLabel = deviceLabel.Trim(); string newLabel; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(deviceLabel) || string.Equals(deviceLabel, omemoInfo.deviceId.ToString())) { newLabel = null; } else { newLabel = deviceLabel; } // Prevent unnecessary updates in case for example the control loaded: if (string.Equals(newLabel, omemoInfo.deviceLabel)) { return; } MODEL.Saving = true; Task.Run(async() => { try { if (client.xmppClient.isConnected()) { MessageResponseHelperResult <IQMessage> result = await client.xmppClient.OMEMO_COMMAND_HELPER.requestDeviceListAsync(client.dbAccount.bareJid); if (result.STATE == MessageResponseHelperResultState.SUCCESS) { if (result.RESULT is OmemoDeviceListResultMessage deviceListResultMessage) { OmemoXmlDevice device = deviceListResultMessage.DEVICES.DEVICES.Where(d => d.ID == omemoInfo.deviceId).FirstOrDefault(); if (device is null) { device = new OmemoXmlDevice(omemoInfo.deviceId, deviceLabel); deviceListResultMessage.DEVICES.DEVICES.Add(device); } else if (string.Equals(device.label, deviceLabel)) { MODEL.ErrorSaving = false; MODEL.Saving = false; Logger.Info("No need to update devices. Label already the same."); return; } else { device.label = newLabel; result = await client.xmppClient.OMEMO_COMMAND_HELPER.setDeviceListAsync(deviceListResultMessage.DEVICES); if (result.STATE != MessageResponseHelperResultState.SUCCESS) { Logger.Error("Failed to set device list (" + result.STATE + ")."); } else if (result.RESULT is IQErrorMessage errorMessage) { Logger.Error("Failed to set device list (" + errorMessage.ERROR_OBJ.ToString() + ")."); } else { MODEL.ErrorSaving = false; omemoInfo.deviceLabel = newLabel; omemoInfo.Update(); MODEL.Saving = false; Logger.Info($"Device label for device {omemoInfo.deviceId} successfully updated to: '{newLabel}'."); return; } } } else { Logger.Error("Failed to request device list (" + result.RESULT.ToString() + ")."); } } else { Logger.Error("Failed to request device list (" + result.STATE.ToString() + ")."); } } else { Logger.Error("Failed to update device label. Client not connected"); } } catch (Exception e) { Logger.Error("Failed to update device label.", e); } MODEL.Saving = false; MODEL.ErrorSaving = true; }); }