public void Exec(object sender, EventArgs e)
            string sourceItem = string.Empty;
            string targetItem = string.Empty;

                OleDynamicCommand invokedCommand = (OleDynamicCommand)sender;
                sourceItem = tfsVersionControl.SCESelectedItems[0];
                targetItem = invokedCommand.Text;

                logger.Log(string.Format("Compare to branch: {0} {1}", sourceItem, targetItem), LogLevel.Verbose);
                if (tfsVersionControl.SelectedItemsAllFolders)
                    tfsVersionControl.CompareFolders(sourceItem, targetItem);
                    tfsVersionControl.CompareFiles(sourceItem, targetItem);
            catch (Exception ex)
                logger.Log(string.Format("Error Compare to branch: {0} {1}\n {2}",
                                         sourceItem, targetItem, ex.ToString()), LogLevel.Error);
        public void QueryStatus(object sender, EventArgs e)
                OleDynamicCommand matchedCommand = (OleDynamicCommand)sender;
                if (branches.Count == 0)
                    matchedCommand.Enabled = false;
                    matchedCommand.Visible = false;
                    matchedCommand.Enabled = true;
                    matchedCommand.Visible = true;

                // Find out whether the command ID is 0, which is the ID of the root item.
                // If it is the root item, it matches the constructed DynamicItemMenuCommand,
                // and IsValidDynamicItem won't be called.
                bool isRootItem = (matchedCommand.MatchedCommandId == 0);

                int index = (isRootItem ? 0 : (matchedCommand.MatchedCommandId - (int)PkgCmdIDList.cmdIdDynamicCompareToBranchCommand));

                matchedCommand.Text = branches[index];

                // Clear the ID because we are done with this item.
                matchedCommand.MatchedCommandId = 0;
            catch (Exception ex)
                logger.Log(string.Format("Error QueryStatus CompareToBranchCommand\n {0}", ex.ToString()), LogLevel.Error);
        public CompareToBranchCommand(IMenuCommandService menuCommandService, ILogger _logger, ITFSVersionControl _tfs)
            branches          = new List <string>();
            logger            = _logger;
            tfsVersionControl = _tfs;
            CommandID compareToBranchId = new CommandID(GuidList.guidTFSProductivityPackCmdSet, PkgCmdIDList.cmdIdDynamicCompareToBranchCommand);

            compareToBranchOleCommand = new OleDynamicCommand(compareToBranchId, IsValidDynamicItem, Exec, QueryStatus);